#carmel meyers
thejazzera · 8 months
Carmel Meyers
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 2 years
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"Your boss won't stay dead… but you will without this ;) If you want her name, you know what you owe me."
*Just as a disclaimer, a good deal of this profile will reference events from the novel Roman Holiday by E. C. Meyers. However, I do not own a copy of the book myself, so the information here is from second-hand sources, specifically the plot summary presented on the RWBY wiki. If anything I present here is inaccurate, please feel free to correct me, as there is always the risk of someone editing a Wiki page in order to dupe people into buying into fan-made trivia. With all of that out of the way, let's begin*
Neopolitan, born Trivia Vanille, was a human female hailing from Vale, approximately twenty-five years of age during the Atlas Crisis, two years after the Fall of Beacon.  The only child of the Vale city manager Jimmy and his wife Carmel, her muteness led to an incredibly tense relationship with her parents, ranging from neglectful to abusive.  Her only solace was in the form of her imaginary friend Neopolitan, whose influence led to increasingly prominent episodes of rebellious criminal behavior before she was forcibly enrolled in Lady Browning’s Preparatory Academy For Girls.  Conscripted as an agent by headmistress Beatrix Browning to subdue Roman Torchwick, she instead joined forces with the young criminal and aided in dismantling the academy, her parents, and Hei Xiong’s shared criminal enterprises.  Taking the name of her imaginary friend as her own, Neo served as Torchwick’s right-hand woman for 3-5 years, making names for themselves in the criminal underworld before being press-ganged into Cinder Fall’s operations.  Content with her place in life and her relationship with her employer, Neo’s world was thrown upside down during the Fall of Beacon, suffering a catastrophic defeat at the hands of the aspiring Huntress Ruby Rose, followed shortly by Torchwick’s death at the hands of a rogue Griffon.  Hardened and embittered further by this loss, she initially hunted down Cinder for revenge, but was convinced by the Fall Maiden to switch her ire to their shared enemy, Ruby.
Youthful yet hardened, Neo stood at a rather diminutive 4’10” but was primarily distinguished by her waist-length pink and brown hair, heterochromatic eyes, and muteness.  Possessing a petite physique, Neopolitan was nonetheless athletic and vital, proving her mettle on multiple occasions as a formidable physical combatant.  Her primary attributes were agility and dexterity, leveraged through precision attacks and nimble acrobatics.  Neo’s highly developed reflexes were her bread and butter, preforming subtle evasions to avoid attacks even at close quarters, avoiding everything from gunfire to blades to unarmed strikes, while intentionally aggravating her opponents.  She has definitively outpaced Yang Xiao Long, outmaneuvered Ruby Rose on multiple occasions, and was able to keep Cinder Fall in her crosshairs during their brawl in Miss Malachite’s tavern.  When confronted by multiple adversaries, Neo relied on more active gymnastics to spring around her environment, managing to outmaneuver the combined work of Team JNR and Oscar Pine in Atlas.  While her most impressive falls were only survived thanks to using Hush as a parachute, I won’t deny her talent at acrobatic recoveries to regain her footing.  The only time Neo’s agility failed her was during her confrontation with Maria Calavera at Amity Colosseum, and even this was only due to the elder woman’s precognitive Semblance.  Neo’s dexterity was best expressed through her dynamic and precise fighting technique, wielding her parasol as fluidly as a master duelist would wield a sword.  She has easily slipped in counters against even the most domineering adversaries, batting around Yang and Ruby without strain, was able to acquit herself well against Cinder’s dual blades, and has shown particular skill with snagging techniques, catching and manipulating Lie Ren and Maria Calavera’s weapons during their duels.
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However, while she possessed respectable levels of stamina and discipline, holding down several intense long-term battles while maintaining her composure under fire, Neo’s strength and endurance were middling.  She obviously understood how to respond to injury, her acrobatic recoveries demonstrating her ability to bounce back from disruptions, and her emphasis on psychological warfare proves that she’s aware enough to keep her own cool even against aggressive dervishes.  However, while Neo could certainly take a hit, she couldn’t take a beating.  Cinder was able to bully through her interference with raw hand to hand combat in Miss Malachite’s bar, and a single punch from Oscar Pine was enough to completely stun her, giving NJR time to take up positions.  Even Yang Xiao Long, an opponent that Neo dominated, was able to manhandle her and throw her off balance, prompting her to stop toying with her and simply end the fight.  Given her ability to stagger Ruby and Yang with unarmed combat, Neo could certainly hit with great force, but she really couldn’t jockey for dominance in a direct contest of strength.  Though she was only subdued at Amity by Penny Polendina’s energy blast, the series of strikes she took from Maria Calavera beforehand were still enough to seriously disrupt her momentum and frustrate her.  At the Evacuation Central Location, Neo held down the bulk of the battle without tiring, but a single strike from Weiss Schnee, armed with the Staff of Creation, was enough to stagger her, and she was rendered helpless when Ruby tackled her from behind.  While by no means weak or fragile, Neo cannot handle a slugging match, simply because she can’t hold her ground.
Neo’s approach to battle was best supplemented by light, practical clothing that left her unencumbered, as her fighting style relied heavily on her acrobatics and balletic poise. In Atlas, she wore fitted white pants and ankle boots, a pink and white halter top with an attached brown jacket, and elbow length brown and white gloves. This outfit was topped off with a gray scarf and Roman Torchwick’s signature bowler hat, final lasting reminders of her late Dum-Dum.
RANKING: Tier 3, Advanced Human Fitness
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Neopolitan is a high-level athlete who can easily outpace and outmaneuver just about anybody in the setting, to the point where the best most of her adversaries can hope for is to simply contend. However, her limitations also mean that that’s all she can do. All she’s bringing to a fight is agility and dexterity, with her strength and durability are average at best, making her a glass cannon physical combatant. To be fair, Neo is clearly aware of her shortcomings and has built her fighting style around avoiding the slugging matches she knows she can’t win.  Neopolitan’s success is ultimately determined by her ability to keep her foes at bay and off balance, avoiding her weak spots by preventing the opponent from bringing their full might to bear.
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Neopolitan wielded a parasol with a pair of concealed blades as her primary weapon, an instrument that she named “Hush”.  Gifted to her by Roman Torchwick, the umbrella appeared to be about three feet long with the blade in the tip retracted, growing another foot in length with the blade extended.  The hooked handle of Hush served as the hilt for the secondary foot-long misericord, housed in the hollowed-out shaft of the parasol. Despite its lacy appearance, the panels were extremely durable, capable of withstanding direct hits from Yang Xiao Long’s Ember Celica and Nora Valkyrie’s grenades and serving as an effective shield in close quarters combat.  Furthermore, Hush was strong enough to serve as an effective glider in case of emergency, this trait going so far as to save Neo’s life during the Fall of Beacon.  Elegant, cute, yet deadly, this weapon was as much a reflection of its owner as it was a killing tool.
While giving the outward appearance of a simple reform school for upper-class girls, Lady Browning’s Preparatory Academy For Girls was in truth a training ground for elite underworld spies and assassins for the Spider criminal cartel, their motto being to “be seen, not heard”.  Select students, of which both Neopolitan and her mother were counted, would be offered advanced training in martial arts, escape artistry, fencing, and espionage to aid in their missions, training under headmistress Beatrix Browning and the corrupt Huntress Manda Rin.  Though ultimately responsible for dismantling the program, Neo served as a testament to the institution’s teaching capabilities, standing as one of the most dangerous combatants of her day.  Prior to the fall of Beacon, Neopolitan had spent three years as Roman Torchwick’s primary aide and enforcer, making a name for herself as an escape artist, infiltrator, and assassin in the criminal underworld.  Though denied the meatgrinder of hard combat that her more respectable contemporaries possessed, she was still a highly talented and vicious fighter, having completely mastered the various functions of her weapon.  Befitting Rin’s training, her primary fighting style was a slippery and subversive mixture of classical fencing, cane fighting, and hand-to-hand combat, using every trick in her arsenal to disrupt and dissect her opponents.  With just her parasol, she favored swift batting strikes and probing stabs to whittle away at the opponent’s blind spots, either to wear them down or aggravate them into overextending. When defending, as she almost always was, she combined fencing style parries with solid two-handed blocking sequences, as well as suddenly opening up the umbrella to break her opponent’s momentum and even using the hook of the handle to trap and manipulate the opponent’s weapon.  While perfectly willing to use her concealed blades in live combat, notably shooting the tip out at Cinder Fall and Ruby Rose face during their duels, she typically reserved them as assassination tools to execute a helpless opponent, such as when she prepared to execute an unconscious Yang, or to keep them at relative gunpoint, using the blade to hold Ruby at bay on the air carrier.  Her unarmed skills she used far more heavily, regularly employing sudden heavy kicks to strike out at her opponent’s blind spots and joints.  Rather than overtax her lack of muscle mass by trying to punch above her level, she took the path of least resistance and hit where it was most effective.  This deceptive defensive fighting style was reinforced with the heavy integration of her Semblance, using her solid illusions to trick her target and leave them open to a retaliatory attack.
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I would describe the mindset of Neopolitan’s tactics and conduct as “Provoke and Erode”.  She was a showboating troll, perfectly happy to toy with and annoy her foes by canceling out their offensives.  As Neo’s light build left her poorly suited for slugging it out, she focused on evasion and retaliation, slipping in light counters to wear her opponent down while using silent psychological warfare to goad them into overcommitting.  In single combat, Neo would open defensively, baiting her opponent into making the first move and giving way before their assaults, often making them think they were gaining ground before abruptly turning around and catching them off guard.  despite her cheery demeanor, Neo was shockingly ruthless, perfectly willing to execute helpless opponents and taking backstabs whenever possible.  In this manner she casually subdued Yang Xiao Long on the Mountain Glenn train and fended off Ruby Rose’s heavy scythe offensive during the Fall of Beacon, taking advantage of the Patch sisters’ frustration to keep them fruitlessly wailing on her while she danced around their assault.  After Torchwick’s death at the Fall of Beacon, Neo blamed Cinder Fall, training and improving her style in preparation before tracking her down to Lil' Miss Malachite’s tavern in Haven.  Ambushing the Fall Maiden, Neo managed to fight evenly with Cinder, forcing her to unleash her magical powers to force a draw.  As a larger strategic operative, Neo was an expert spy and infiltrator, at her best by sneaking past enemy lines to silently undermine the defenses.  During the Fall of Beacon, she successfully snuck aboard the Atlas flagship and butchered the bridge before freeing Roman, and in Atlas, she infiltrated the academy dorms to steal the Relic of Knowledge from Oscar Pine.  When confronted by the combined efforts of Pine, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren, Neo managed to outmaneuver and subvert all of them to facilitate her retreat.  Later, after stealing the Lamp as a bargaining chip, Neo broke into the Atlas military compound to get Arthur Watts into position, massacring the support staff with Cinder before hiding among the evacuating civilians to attack Team RWBY.  The only reason Neo’s attempt to murder Ruby failed was because of Yang, who saw her coming and took the hit for her sister, falling into the void.  Neo’s success in battle was heavily tied to the logistics at play.  As most Huntsmen and Huntresses are offensive heavyweights, they were extremely vulnerable to Neo, as her slippery defensive fighting style enabled her to dance around their attacks, get inside their guard, and slip in devastating counters all while deliberately aggravating them.
However, while this made Neo a serious threat to just about anybody, it was also based on her own inability to handle a head-to-head engagement.  Because of Neo’s lack of offensive might, she relied on the path of least resistance to get the most bang for her buck, and her greatest challenges have been when the enemy fails to give her the openings she needs.  Raven Branwen’s mere appearance was enough to frighten Neo into a retreat, and Cinder Fall was able to disrupt Neo’s momentum by leaning on focus and intensity to bully through her interference.  In Atlas, Jaune Arc momentarily got the better of Neo by intercepting her assault on Oscar and activating the gravity Dust repulsor in his shield, sending her flying down the hall.  Though Neo recovered quickly from the latter, it demonstrates that she wouldn’t be able to make much headway against a more capable defensive fighter, while also ironically being vulnerable to the very counters she herself employed.  This was all brought to a head in her duel with Maria Calavera at Amity Colosseum.  When confronted by Neo, Maria was decades over the hill physically and was obviously out of practice as a fighter, yet her own defensive technique allowed her to fend off Neo’s assault without serious difficulty.  Furthermore, as Neo’s entire approach is to catch her enemies off guard, Maria’s precognitive Semblance allowed her to intercept Neo’s attacks before they were even executed, effectively making her Neo’s nightmare opponent.  Additionally, Neo’s pride and vindictiveness had a tendency to undercut her otherwise capable tactical prowess.  She sometimes went too far with her smug posturing to the point of outright gloating, while her narrow focus on her personal vendettas led to tunnel vision, giving many of her opponents the chance to fight back and blindside her in turn.  These weaknesses, along with her great strengths, came about in the battle at the Evacuation Central Location, during which she fought a vicious duel with Ruby Rose.  She successfully ambushed Ruby at several points, even disarming her of her weapon while taking advantage of her emotional distress, but Ruby successfully goaded Neo into rushing in and attacking her, leading to an overextension that gave Ruby the chance to use her Semblance to run up behind her and tackle her off the bridge.  Neo was betrayed by Cinder Fall immediately afterwards, kicked into the void with the rest of RWBY.  Even with all this, Neo obstinately continued her grudge, spending her fall into nothingness trying to pointlessly kill Ruby.
RANKING: Tier 3, Standard Mastery
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Neo is easily one of the most dangerous opponents active in the show right now, especially given how unorthodox her defense-oriented fighting style is.  She is patient, devious, and shockingly ruthless, perfectly willing to drag her opponents through a war of attrition to induce them into making a fatal oversight.  However, Neo’s technique is still fairly singular, and she is held back by certain practical limitations that limit her overall combative viability and can allow lesser fighters like Jaune and Maria to get the better of her.  Her tactics are brilliantly constructed and point to a highly developed game plan, but her narrow ego has led to her making costly oversights. Neo’s a subversive fighter, not an overwhelming one, and while this makes her tricky to engage, it also means she can and will crumble when put between a rock and a hard place.  That said, these weaknesses are tied to logistics rather than oversights, and Neo has specifically built her tactics to compensate for these shortcomings.  Neo is a living example of Roman’s philosophy of “lie, steal, cheat and survive.”  While no coward, she's perfectly willing to fight dirty, and if she can’t win, she prefers to cut her losses and flee.
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Neopolitan’s Semblance is called Overactive Imagination, the ability to create realistic illusions with physical properties to them.  By enacting a field of energy around her body or outside objects, she can alter its appearance and disguise it to the point where it even has the outward mass to resemble it.  Neo’s powers manifested during her isolated childhood, the lonely Trivia unconsciously projecting her imaginary friend to become a semi-tangible playmate.  After Trivia’s mother broke her Aura, Neopolitan never manifested again, with Trivia understanding that her playmate was in fact a piece of herself repressed by her parents’ influence.  Taking the name Neopolitan for herself, she cast aside her old life, embracing her full self along with her power.  As a criminal agent, Neo developed her Semblance to an extremely high level to aid in her and Roman Torchwick’s schemes.  Easily the most prominent demonstrations of Neo applying her powers was her ability to take on the appearance of other individuals as a form of disguise, allowing her unparalleled skill as an infiltrator.  She successfully took on the form of a paramedic during the Vytal Festival to spirit the supposedly crippled Mercury Black away, an Atlas military officer when she rescued Torchwick from Ironwood’s battleship, and later as a waitress at Jacques Schnee’s party, gaining intelligence on Ironwood’s plans and the status of Team RWBY.  In addition to simply disguising herself, Neo was also capable of projecting illusions upon inanimate objects to alter their appearance, arguably her greatest display of power in this regard being her transformation of a Mistrali airship into an Atlas Manta ship.  Even more impressive was how she could maintain the illusion long enough to slip through the Atlas blockade with no-one the wiser with no evidence of a toll on her stamina. The only serious limitation to these illusions were their brittleness, shattering with even minor amounts of blunt force trauma, and the fact that they could not mimic sound, making Neo’s muteness all the more palpable.  Alternatively, Neo appeared to have some ability to render herself invisible, disappearing from Raven Branwen and blending into the walls of the Monstra.
While Neo’s Semblance possessed extremely potent uses as an infiltration tool, it was not simply a utility power, and has been leveraged as a weapon to great effect.  In battle, Neo has used Overactive Imagination as a form of active defense, creating realistic illusions to draw her opponent’s attention and either open them up to a deadly ambush or facilitate her own retreat.  Her typical tactic was to form a realistic copy of herself and leave it standing while she ran away, tricking the opponent into attacking the dummy while leaving her free to blindside them.  In Vale, Neo successfully enabled her and Roman’s escape by tricking Yang Xiao Long into attacking her afterimage instead, giving the duo time to reach their bullhead, and during her duel with Ruby Rose, she drew Ruby’s attention with a double that left her exposed to Roman’s follow up strike.  During her time on her own, Neo learned to refine her body doubles as an active weapon in battle, using one as a feint against Cinder Fall at the start of their battle and later to slip away when they took the fight outside, though Cinder sussed it out and halted her with a fireball.  In the Evacuation Central Location, Neo disguised herself as a civilian in order to sneak up on Ruby, very nearly stabbing her in the back.  Far more insidious were her uses of her disguise illusions as a form of psychological warfare, taking the form of people her opponent had deep connections with to make them drop their guard.  During her theft of the Relic of Knowledge and subsequent battle with Team JNR, she tricked Oscar Pine into handing over the Relic and caught both him and Lie Ren off guard by transforming into Nora Valkyrie.  Exploiting Ren’s relationship with her, Neo managed to break his composure just as he was about to deliver a critical blow, enabling her escape. When falling into the Evacuation Central Location void, Neo spent the bulk of their weightless fist fight transforming into Ruby’s close friends and family, deliberately attempting to get under her skin by having her loved ones attempt to strangle her.
Neo’s use of her Semblance in battle served as a direct supplement to her fighting style, undermining and tricking her opponents into making mistakes by attacking something that isn’t there.  Her psychological warfare tactics demonstrated her ability to apply her subversive means of battle to both physical and ethereal combat to great effect, while her variety of applications allowed her to adjust her approach to suit the situation and opponent.  However, Overactive Imagination was not an unbeatable power, as its effectiveness is predicated on Neo’s ability to deceive and surprise her opponent.  Oscar caught her off guard when she tried to pass herself off as him and took a punch to the face for her trouble, tipping her hand and forcing her to confront JNR directly.  To be fair, Oscar had previously been tricked by Neo and knew she was a fraud, making his ability to expose her circumstantial.  Regardless, her inability to speak still limited her ability to impersonate people, making her pressed for time to accomplish her goal before the gig was up.  She may have fooled Nora at first, but I have no doubt that she, Ren and Jaune would have been able to sus her out eventually had she failed to slip away.  Furthermore, much like her theatrical posturing in her martial arts, Neo could sometimes go too far with the silent taunts, simply annoying the opponent rather than actually undermining them.  At Amity, Neo took on the appearance of Ruby Rose to screw around with Maria Calavera, but instead of intimidating her, this only made the ex-Huntress more determined to fight her off.  Furthermore, like any psychological warrior, Neo’s barbs are most successful when she has a strong familiarity with her target. If dropped in cold, she has nothing to work with.
RANKING: Tier 2, Flexible Combat
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Neo’s special abilities are among the most versatile and dangerous in the setting despite having no direct offensive advantages, which she compensates for with an unprecedented degree of skill.  Her powers can be used for a variety of purposes for both basic utility and active combat, and she can and has leveraged the full range of her Semblance to great effect.  While a relatively simple power at first glance, Overactive Imagination is in fact incredibly multifaceted, and her use of it is extremely inventive, allowing her to exploit circumstantial factors and control the flow of the fight.  While Neo’s Semblance is not without limitations, her encounters with JNR and Maria proving that its effectiveness can be overruled or negated with enough force or a focused enough mind to not be subverted, Neo makes sure those limitations rarely come up through quick thinking, treacherous subversion, and shocking ruthlessness.  And I freely concede that the number of potential adversaries who could reliably see through Neo’s tricks is pathetically small.
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Neopolitan’s overall ranking is determined from the average set by her physical abilities and martial skills.  While her flexible and powerful Semblance is easily a support factor on par with the likes of Qrow Branwen or Winter Schnee, she is held back by her status as a relative lightweight in all other areas.  Neo’s speed and agility makes her an extremely dangerous physical threat, and her fighting style is a deceptively powerful method that can threaten just about anyone, but she is at a severe disadvantage against more physically powerful or stronger defensive opponents.  Because of her lack of power, Neo is forced to adopt a defensive and underhanded strategic outlook to avoid the head-to-head engagements she is guaranteed to lose.  While her use of her Semblance elevates her fighting method to something greater than the sum of its parts, her uses are more the result of necessity rather than chosen support tools.  Neo can’t take a beating, so she built her skill set around making sure she never had to take one.  She is analogous to Oberyn Martell from Game of Thrones, as both are glass cannons who compensate for their lack of power with clever tricks and underhanded tactics to bypass stronger opponents.  In many ways, I consider Neo to be a Tier 2 in the making like Pyrrha Nikos, though the thing holding her back is holes in her skill set that can be exploited by lesser opponents rather than a lack of development.
Despite all her limitations, Neo’s threat level is not to be discounted, especially given how alien her approach to combat is among the RWBY battle arena.  Almost every other combatant in the setting operates on heavy offense and meeting their foes in direct combat, and almost nobody willingly gives ground and baits them.  What makes Neo so dangerous is that she effectively works at cross purposes with the common trends of her day, and her specific strengths and weaknesses come into play against pretty much everyone.  The only reliable way to combat Neopolitan is to use her own tactics against her, with Maria Calavera and Jaune Arc making more headway against her than pretty much anyone had beforehand.  And given her talent for goading her opponents into making the first move, her smug cheerfulness a sharp contrast to the cold killer she is, finding someone to fight her that way is like finding a needle in a haystack.  Neopolitan is one of those really infuriating fighters where you think you’re on top of her, that you just need to hit a little harder or move a little faster, and all the while she’s hitting you with sucker punches until you fall to the ground in a heap.  Essentially, the most dangerous troll in the world, dragging you along with a shit-eating grin as she prepares to gut you.  If she opens up that umbrella, watch the hell out.
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*originally posted on RoosterTeeth community page on 1-9-21*
*all images taken from the RWBY wiki*
RWBY Combat Analysis
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swldx · 1 year
RNZ Pacific 1153 2 May 2023
11725Khz 1151 2 MAY 2023 - RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 55344. English, music, IDs until pips and news @1200z anchored by Catriona MacLeod. Ikaroa-Rāwhiti MP Meka Whaitiri is to resign from the Labour Party to instead stand for Te Pāti Māori. RNZ understands Whaitiri, who has been MP for Ikaroa-Rāwhiti since a by-election in 2013, will make the announcement on Wednesday morning at Waipatu Marae in Hastings. She holds the seat with a comfortable margin and is expected to be able to win it easily for Te Pāti Māori. Immigration NZ must account for the Dawn Raids apology in policy, and deportations should only occur in extreme cases, the minister has warned. With the Green Party also repeating calls for an amnesty for overstayers, Acting Prime Minister Carmel Sepuloni says the only acceptable reason for such raids would be a threat to public safety. Car dealers say they do not have enough time to react to a raft of changes to the Clean Car Discount Scheme set to be implemented in two months. From 1 July, most of the existing rebates for imported hybrid vehicles will be reduced or disappear altogether, while increased charges will apply to the highest-emitting petrol or diesel vehicles. A purpose built cancer center in Taranaki is one step closer with a demolition of the old laundry at Taranaki base hospital in New Plymouth site preparation. Work for the new center is to start in July. It's more than 43 years since the Air NZ scenic flight over Antarctica crashed into the side of Mount Erebus killing all 257 people onboard. It remains New Zealand's largest peace time loss of life. Yet the wait continues, with the proposed national memorial to the Erebus plane crash victims homeless again. A new geotechnical report has found recent cyclone damage and slips at Auckland's Dove Meyer Robinson park in Parnell means it's no longer safe to build the Sky Song walkway there. Emergency warning and alert systems will be upgraded to improve communication during natural disasters. A new national messaging system will be able to send warnings to the mobile phones of people near emergencies in real time. @1204z trailer for RNZ "9 to Noon". @1205z Weather Forecast: cloudy, isolated showers turning to rain with some heavy falls, and thunderstorms. @1206z "All Night Programme" anchored by Catriona MacLeod. 250ft unterminated BoG antenna pointed E/W, Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 35°(?), bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0651.
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blue-rose-89 · 3 years
RWBY Roman Holiday Q&A on Reddit......
E.C. Meyers, Eddy Rivas, and Kerry Shawcross have done a Q&A on reddit about the book and other RWBY related questions.
Here’s the link to the reddit post but I will post the answers that I thought were interesting.
According to the writers here is what we’ve learned in regards to.....
The novel in general.
Meyers loves writing Roman.
Writing Neo wasn’t as difficult as Meyer’s thought because just like in the show he can write her actions and expressions in order for her to “talk”.
-Neo and Roman are 10 years apart.
The time between the ending of Roman Holiday and RWBY Vol is 3-5 years. If we do the math then this makes Neo 21-23 and Roman 31-33 in RWBY Vol 1.
-It’s subtle but it’s implied that Lisa Lavender was a student at Browning’s prep school. She was throwing away her pin when Roman called her.
-Black Widow or any other spy school story did not play a part in the creation of Browning’s prep school. However, they do like the idea of the school being more dangerous than its looks in general. Also, the surveillance pins are based on real-world event.
-Until they decide to add more gangs in Mistral, they consider the Spiders as the placeholder for the largest crime syndicate in Mistral.
They are open to doing a sequel to Roman Holiday.
-Neo’s original name was going to be “Kat” as in Kit-Kat bars because of the candy and ice cream theme, but it didn’t feel right to Meyers. His research on the names “Kate” and “Catherine” eventually led to Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft and three-way crossroads. He chose Trivia because Trivia is, pun intended, the Roman counterpart to Hecate.
-Jimmy Vanille is a reference to ‘Jimmy sprinkles’.
-Jimmy and Carmel were both bad people and parents.
-Lil Miss helped Neo in Vol 6 because deep down she still has a soft spot for Roman and helping Neo was a way to honour their history.
-The reason why we see Roman going to the twins and Jr in the Yellow trailer is because sometimes criminal gangs will work together (willing or reluctantly)  on the condition that no one is getting screwed over the partnership. In other words it’s just business.
Despite what happened between them in the book, Roman still has a decent relationship with the Malachite twins because their history wasn’t all that bad. (hence why he went to them in the Yellow trailer).
Miscellaneous stuff
-You can use a character’s last name as part of the Colour Naming Rule if you can’t do a first name.
-Watts didn’t have a semblance because he never bothered to explore what it might’ve been.
-If they decide to do more Grimm Campaigns then they might explore other parts of Mistral.
-They would love to do more stories on other characters (Mercury, Emerald, Ace Ops, and even Pyrrha) as long as they can find the right medium and time to tell the story.
-Meyers hopes to do a third Vacuo book someday but if he can’t then would like to do a prequel story on the Ace Ops and Happy Huntresses. Eddy supports the idea because he wants to see the titular Tortuga in it.
And there you have it.
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awellboiledicicle · 4 years
TMA Statements In Chronological Order
But, not by when the events happened, by the order when the Statements were entered to the Institute. Because that wasn’t on the wiki timeline. 
Below the cut because i’m not a monster. 
Format is:
Episode // Entity // Statement Giver// Statement Given // Event Date
   • #140 The Movment of The Heavens // The Dark // John Flamsteed // 1715    • #116 The Show Must Go On // The Stranger // Abraham Janssen // 2 November 1787    • #23 Schwarzwald // The Eye // Albrecht von Closen // 31st March 1816 // Winter 1815    • #127 Remains to be Seen // The Eye // Jonathan Franshawe // 21 November 1831 // April – November 1831    • #152 A Gravediggers Envy // The Buried // Hezekiah Wakely // 1837 - 1839    • #50 Foundations // The Buried // Sampson Kempthorn // 12th June 1841 // 1836    • #58 Trail Rations // The Flesh // Mrs. Carlisle // 10th November 1845 // October – November 1845    • #105 Total War // The Slaughter, The Eye // Charles Fleming // 1862    • #98 Lights Out // The Dark // Algernon Moss // 14 May 1864    • #138 The Architecture Of Fear // The Eye // Robert Smirke // 13 February 1867    • #7 The Piper // The Slaughter // Clarence Berry // 6th November 1922 // 1917-18    • #133 Dead Horse // The Hunt // Percy Fawcett // 27 June 1930    • #99 Dust to Dust // The Buried // Robert E Geiger // 20 February 1952 // April 1935    • #137 Nemesis // The Slaughter // Wallis Turner // 3 July 1955 // Winter 1942    • #29 Cheating Death // The End // Nathaniel Thorp // 4th June 1972 // 17th June 1775    • #60 Observer Effect // The Eye // Rosa Meyer // 12 July 1972 // April – July 1972    • #95 Absent Without Leave // The Slaughter // Luca Moretti // 2 November 1977    • #44 Tightrope // The Stranger // Yuri Utkin // 2nd March 1979 // November 1952    • #85 Upon the Stair // The Spiral // Unknown // 1980 – 1990    • #86 Tucked In // The Dark // Benjamin Hatendi // 2nd March 1983    • #84 Possessive // The Corruption // Adrian Weiss // 1 December 1990    • #125 Civilian Casualties // The Slaughter // Terrance Simpson // 19 July 1993    • #77 The Kind Mother // The Stranger // Lucy Cooper // 15 September 1994 //August 1994    • #93 Contaminant // The Corruption // Lester Chang // 5 March 1995    • #96 Return To Sender // The Stranger // Alfred Breekon // 15 May 1996    • #53 Crusader // The Eye // Walter Heller // 5th September 1997 // November 1941    • #2 Do Not Open // The Buried, The Stranger // Joshua Gillespie // 22nd November 1998 // 1996 -1998 (?)    • #46 Literary Heights // The Spiral, The Vast // Herbert Knox // 21st December 1998 // September 1997    • #17 Boneturners Tale // The Flesh // Sebastian Adekoya // 10th June 1999 // 1996    • #66 Held in Customs // The Buried // Vincent Yang // 22 February 2000 // January 19 2000    • #78 Distant Cousin // The Stranger, The Web // Lawrence Moore // 12 June 2001    • #21 Freefall // The Vast // Moira Kelly // 20th October 2002 // 3rd-5th or 7th June 2001    • #35 Old Passages // All // Harold Silvana // 4th June 2002 // June 2002    • #9 A Father’s Love // The Dark, The Hunt // Julia Montauk // 3rd December 2002 // 1990-95    • #155 Cost of Living // The End // Tova McHugh // 3 December 2002    • #68 Tale of a Field Hospital // The Corruption // Joesph Russo // 3rd June 2003 // 1st June 2003    • #27 A Sturdy Lock // The Spiral // Paul Mckenzie // 24th August 2003 // July 2003    • #146 Threshold // The Spiral // Marcus Mackenzie // 1 September 2003    • #88 Dig // The Buried // Enrique MacMillian // 4 November 2003    • #70 Book of the Dead // The End // Masato Murray // 9th December 2003    • #52 Exceptional Risk // The Dark // Phillip Brown // 9th April 2004 // 1st November 2002    • #24 Strange Music // The Stranger // Leanne Denikin // 17th Jan 2005 // August 2004    • #59 Recluse // The Web, The Desolation // Ronald Sinclair // 29th November 2005 // Early to Mid 1960’s    • #134 Time of Revelation // The Extinction // Adelard Dekker // 22 January 2006 // 2005, 1867    • #75 A Long Way Down // The Vast // Stephen Walker // 7 November 2006 // Early October 2006    • #139 Chosen // The Desolation // Eugene Vanderstock // 30 November 2006    • #115 Taking Stock // The Flesh // Michaele Salesa // 4 January 2007 // Autumn of 1999    • #8 Burnt Out // The Web, The Desolation, The Spiral // Ivo Lensik // 13th March 2007 // November 2006    • #67 Burning Desire // The Desolation // Jack Barnabas // 18 March 2007 // October – November 2006    • #3 Across the Street // The Stranger, The Web // Amy Patel // 1st July 2007 // 7th April 2006    • #51 High Pressure // The Vast, The Buried // Antonia Hayley // 7th January 2008 // August 2006    • #106 A Matter of Perspective // The Vast, The Eye // Jan Kilbride // 10 February 2008    • #49 The Butchers Window // The Flesh // Gregory Pryor // 11th March 2008 // June 2007    • #62 First Edition // The End, The Eye // Mary Keay // 3rd July 2008 // 1955    • #154 Bloody Mary // The Eye // Eric Delano // 21 July 2008    • #130 Meat // The Flesh // Lucia Wright // 19 December 2008    • #18 The Man Upstairs // The Flesh // Christof Rudenko // 12th December 2008 // 22nd October 2007    • #156 Reflection // The Extinction // Adelard Dekker // 4 January 2009    • #5 Thrown Away // The Flesh etc. // Kieran Woodward // 23rd February 2009 // 8th August 2008    • #97 We All Ignore The Pit // The Buried // Jackson Ellis // 3 March 2009    • #57 Personal Space // The Lonely, The Vast, The Dark // Carter Chilcott // 4 April 2009 // September 2007    • #145 Infectious Doubts // The Desolation // Arthur Nolan // 2 February 2009    • #114 Cracked Foundation // The Web Shtranger or Extinction // Anya Villette // 22 April 2009 // 23 April 2009 or 9 April 2009    • #37 Burnt Offering // The Desolation // Jason North // 6th August 2009 // August 2009    • #108 Monologue // The Lonely, The Stranger // Adonis Biros // 20 August 2009 // August 2009    • #144 Decrypted // The Extinction // Gary Boylan // 3 October 2009 // August 2009    • #126 Sculptor’s Tool // The Spiral // Deborah Madaki // 11 October 2009 // Spring 2004    • #72 Takeaway // The Flesh // Craig Goodall // 20 October 2009 // 27 September 2009    • #107 Third Degree // The Desolation // 1 February 2010 // January 2010    • #48 Lost in the Crowd // The Lonely // Andrea Nunis // 25th March 2010 // September 2009    • #10 Vampire Killer & #56 Children of the Night // The Hunt, the Web // Trevor Herburt // 10th July 2010 // 1959 (first event), Winter 2009    • #69 Thought For the Day // The Web // Darren Harlow // 18th November 2010    • #31 First Hunt // The Hunt // Lawerence Mortimer // 9th December 2010 // 30th November - 1st December 2010    • #33 Boatswain’s Call // The Lonely // Carlita Sloane // 2nd January 2011 // Late November 2010    • #45 Blood Bag // The Corruption // Thomas Neil // 9th February 2011 // Spring 2010    • #148 Extended Surveillance // The Eye // Sunil Maraj // 3 April 2011    • #14 Piece Meal // The Flesh // Lee Rentoul // 29th May 2011 // Early 2011    • #19 Confession & #20 Desecrated Host // The Spiral, The Web, The Desolation (Hilltop Road) & The Spiral, The Flesh // Edwin Burroughs // 30th May 2011 // November 2006    • #112 Thrill of the Chase // The Hunt // Lisa Carmel // 13 November 2011    • #113 Breathing Room // The End // Adelard Dekker // 2012    • #12 Page Turner // The Desolation, The Eye // Lesere Saraki // 11th February 2012 // 23rd December 2011    • #153 Love Bombing // The Corruption, The Flesh // Barbara Mullen-Jones // 2 March 2012    • #110 Creature Feature // The Web // Alexia Crawley // 14 March 2012    • #1 Anglerfish // Stranger //Nathan Watts // 22nd April 2012 // March 2010    • #38 Lost and Found // The Spiral // Andre Ramao // 6th June 2012 // March 2012    • #36 Taken Ill // The Corruption // Nicole Baxter // 19th November 2012 // August – September 2011    • #136 The Puppeteer // The Web // Alison Killala // 1 December 2012 // 2012    • #124 Left Hanging // The Vast // Julian Jennings // 11 December 2012 // 2012    • #149 Concrete Jungle // The Extinction // Judith O’neill // 13 May 2013    • #54 Still Life // The Stranger // Alexander Scaplehorn // 23 June  2013    • #4 Page Turner // The Vast, The Spiral, The End // Dominic Swain // 28th June 2013 // 10th November 2012    • #90 Body Builder // The Flesh // Ross Davenport // 7 August 2013    • #157 Rotten Core // The Extinction, The Corruption // Adelard Dekker // 14 August 2013    • #30 Killing Floor // The Flesh // David Laylow // 1st September 2013 // 12th July 2013    • #129 Submerged // The Buried // Kulbir Shakya // 4 September 2013 // July or August 2013    • #83 Drawing a Blank // The Stranger // Chloe Ashburt // 19 October 2013 // September – October 2013    • #42 Grifter’s Bone // The Slaughter // Jennifer Ling // 3rd November 2013 // Autumn 2013    • #32 Hive // The Corruption // Jane Prentiss // 23rd February 2014 // Pre-2014    • #63 The End of the Tunnel // The Dark // Erin Gallagher-Nelson // 31st March 2014 // 26th March 2014    • #102 Nesting Instinct // The Corruption // Francois Deschamps // 4 June 2014    • #103 Cruelty Free // The Flesh // Dylan Anderson // 2 July 2014    • #135 Dark Matter // The Dark // Manuela Dominguez // 14 July 2014 // 2007    • #87 The Uncanny Valley // The Stranger, The Desolation // Sebastian Skinner // 10 October 2014 // September 2014    • #15 Lost Johns’ Cave // The Buried // Laura Popham // 9th November 2014 // 14-15th June 2014    • #150 Cul-de-sac // The Lonely // Herman Gorgoli // 9 November 2014    • #6 Squirm // The Corruption // Timothy Hodge // 9th December 2014 // 20th November 2014    • #122 Zombie // The Stranger // Lorell St. John // 1 February 2015    • #11 Dreamer // The End // Antonio Blake (Oliver Banks) // 14th March 2015 // 12th March 2015    • #16 Arachnophobia // The Web, The Corruption // Carlos Vittery // 9th April 2015 // Early 2015    • #25 Growing Dark // The Dark // Mark Bilham // 19th April 2015 // January – March 2015    • #64 Burial Rites // The End // Donna Gwynne // 20th May 2015 // 2012    • #74 Fatigue // The Spiral // Lydia Halligan // 8 June 2015    • #123 Web Development // The Web // Angie Santos // 1 August 2015 // January 2015    • #13 Alone // The Lonely // Naomi Herne // 13th January 2016 //30th & 31st March 2015    • #22 Colony // The Corruption // Martin Blackwood // 12th March 2016 // March 2016    • #26 A Distortion // The Spiral, The Corruption // Sasha James // 2nd April 2016 // 1st April 2016    • #28 Skintight // The Slaughter, The Stranger // Melanie King // 17th April 2016 // January 2015    • #34 Anatomy Class // The Stranger // Lionel Elliot // 12th July 2016 // January – March 2016    • #39 Infestation // ATTACK ON THE INSTITUTE // 29th July 2016    • #40 Human Remains // Post Attack Debrief// 29th July 2016    • #41 Too Deep // Buried and Dark suspected // 2nd September 2016 // mid-august – September 2016    • #43 Section 31 // The Desolation, The End // Basira Hussain //19th September 2016 // August 2011 and 18 July 2014    • #47 The New Door // The Spiral // Helen Richardson // 2nd October 2016    • #55 Pest Control // The Corruption, The Desolation // Jordan Kennedy // 3rd November 2016 // 2011 & 2014    • #61 Hard Shoulder // The Hunt, The Stranger, The Buried // Daisy Tonner // 1st December 2016 // 24th July 2002    • #65 Binary // The Spiral, Extinction // Tessa Winters // 7th January 2017    • #71 Underground // The Buried // Karolina Gorka // 25 January 2017 // 6 January 2017    • #73 Police Lights // The Dark // Basira Hussain // 11 February 2017 // 10 February 2017    • #76 The Smell of Blood // The Slaughter // Melanie King // 13 February 2017    • #79 Hide and Seek // The Stranger, The Spiral // 16 February 2017    • #80 The Librarian // All // Jurgen Leitner // 16 February 2017 // 1994    • #81 A Guest for Mister Spider // The Web // Jonathan Sims // 18 February 2017 / 1995    • #82 The Eyewitnesses // The Eye, the Slaughter // Daisy Tonner // 18 February 2017    • #89 Twice as Bright // The Desolation // Jude Perry // 24 April 2017    • #91 The Coming Storm // The Vast, The Spiral // Michael Crew // 28 April 2017    • #92 Nothing Beside Remains // The Eye, The Lonely // Elias Bouchard, Barnabas Bennett // ? [Possibly 28 April 2017]    • #94 Dead Woman Walking // The End // Georgie Barker // 29 April 2017    • #100 I Guess You Had To Be There // The Desolation, The Dark, The Spiral, The Web, The Lonely // Lynn Hammond, John Smith, Robin Lennox, Brian Finlinson // 2 May 2017 – 26 May 2017    • #101 Another Twist // The Spiral, The Stranger // Michael // May-June 2017 // October 2009 – 2011    • #104 Sneak Preview // The Stranger // Timothy Stoker // 14 June 2017 // August 2013    • #109 Nightfall // The Dark, The Hunt // Julia Montauk and Trevor Herbert // 29 June 2017 // July 2010    • #111 Family Business // Multiple, The End // Gerry Keay // 30 June 2017 // September 2008    • #117 Testament // The Eye // Jonathan Sims, Basira Hussain, Melanie King, Martin Blackwood, Timothy Stoker, Daisy Tonner // 2 – 4 August 2017    • #118 The Masquerade // The Stranger // The Unknowing Begins // 6 August 2017    • #119 Stranger and Stranger // The Stranger // The Unknowing Ends // 7 August 2017    • #120 Eye Contact // The Eye // Elias Bouchard // 9 August 2017    • #121 Far Away // The End, The Web // Oliver Banks // 15 February 2018    • #128 Heavy Goods // The Stranger // Breekon // 3 March 2018    • #131 Flesh // The Flesh // Jared Hopworth // 20 March 2018 // 2016 – January 2018    • #132 Entombed // The Buried // Jonathan Sims and Daisy Tonner // 24 March 2018    • #141 Doomed Voyage // The Vast, The Spiral // Floyd Matharu // 11 June 2018    • #142 Scrutiny // The Eye, The Buried // Jess Terrell // 12 June 2018    • #143 Heart of Darkness // The Dark // Manuela Dominguez // 16 June 2018    • #147 Weaver // The Web // Annabelle Cane // 20 July 2018    • #151 Big Picture // The Vast, The Lonely, The Extinction // Simon Fairchild, Martin Blackwood // 14 August 2018    • #158 Panopticon // The Eye, the Extinction, The Lonely // Martin Blackwood, Peter Lukas, Basira Hussain, Jonathan Sims, Daisy Tonner, Elias Bouchard, Gertrude Robinson // 25 September 2018    • #159 The Last // The Lonely // Peter Lukas // 25 September 2018    • #160 The Eye Opens // All // Jonah Magnus, Jonathan Sims // 18 October 2018    • Vigilo, Audio, Supervenio. The World Ends    • #161 Dwelling // No // Sasha James, Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood, Elias Bouchard, Jonathan Sims, Jurgen Leitner // No Longer Applicable // Unknown    • #162 A Cozy Cabin // No // Gertrude Robinson, Gerry Keay, Sasha James, Timothy Stoker, Martin Blackwood, Jonathan Sims // No Longer Applicable // 2013 – 2015    • #163 In The Trenches // The Slaughter // Jonathan Sims // No Longer Applicable    • # 164 The Sick Village // The Corruption // Jonathan Sims // No Longer Applicable    • #165 Revolutions // The Stranger // Jonathan Sims // No Longer Applicable    • #166 The Worms // The Buried // Jonathan Sims // No Longer Applicable    • #167 Curiosity // The Eye, The Web, Others // Jonathan on Gertrude Robinson // No Longer Applicable    • #168 Roots // The End // Oliver Banks // No Longer Applicable
190 notes · View notes
romancereadingdiva · 4 years
Top Reads of 2020!
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Here are my top reads of 2020! These are the 5 👑 books that I read this year and would want with me if I somehow ended up on a deserted island! This year I wanted to keep my top reads to only one book per author unless it was a series, so I decided to have honorable mentions if an author wrote more than one book this year and I loved them all. 
In no particular order my top reads are the following:
👑 The Brayshaw series by Meagan Brandy. This series has strong heroines, alpha heroes and twisty storylines that had me riveted to the pages!
Start with book 1, Boys of Brayshaw High: https://www.meaganbrandy.com/bobh
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👑 The Brilliance Trilogy by Lisa Renee Jones. I just love Lisa Renee Jones books! She knows how to write romantic suspense that keeps me engaged, and this one had music which made it perfect. 
Start with book 1, A Reckless Note: https://www.lisareneejones.com/brilliance-trilogy.html
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👑 The next books in The Devils’s Due series by Eva Charles. I read the first 2 books in the series, Depraved and Delivered, last year, and they were on Top reads of 2019 list. I continued to love this series this year with Bound and Decadent about 2 different couples in The Devil’s Due universe. 
Info on The Devil’s Due books: https://evacharles.com/devils-due
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👑 The Redemption by Nikki Sloane. This is Macalister’s story from the Filthy Rich Americans trilogy that was on my Top Reads of 2019. His redemption was incredible, and I loved his heroine. 
Filthy Rich Americans info: https://www.nikkisloane.com/filthy-rich-americans
▪️Honorable Mention: The Pool Boy. I loved and enjoyed this younger man/older woman romance so much!
Info on The Pool Boy, part of The Nashville Neighborhood series: https://www.nikkisloane.com/the-nashville-neighborhood
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👑 In Fury Lies Mischief by Amo Jones. I am in love with this Midnight Mayhem series, and if I could live in this world then I would! The first book, In Peace Lies Havoc, was on my Top Reads of 2019 list. It continued with In Fury Lies Mischief, because Fury + Mischief = Magic! 
Info on the Midnight Mayhem series: https://www.amojonesbooks.com/midnight-mayhem
▪️Honorable mentions: all the other Amo Jones books I read this year which are: The Elite Kings Club series, Crowned Duology and Sicko. Her writing is just brilliant, & I highly recommend her.
Info on The Elite Kings Club series: https://www.amojonesbooks.com/the-elite-king-s-club
Info on the Crowned Duology: https://www.amojonesbooks.com/crowned-trilogy
Info on her standalone Sicko: https://www.amojonesbooks.com/flip-trick
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👑 Lilac by BB Reid. This rock star reverse harem was all consuming. 
Info on Lilac: https://www.bbreid.com/lilac
▪️Honorable mention: the last book in her When Rivals Play series, The Prince and the Pawn. It was bittersweet because it ended, but it was a profoundly beautiful read. 
Info on The Prince and the Pawn: https://www.bbreid.com/the-prince-and-the-pawn
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👑 Dear Ava by Ilsa Madden-Mills. Ava and Knox went through a lot in this book, especially Ava, and they have a piece a heart forever! 
Info on Dear Ava: https://www.ilsamaddenmills.com/books
▪️Honorable Mentions: I Promise You and The Renege Pact. I promise you will love I Promise You like I did if you read it! The Renege Pact was golden!
Info for I Promise You: https://www.ilsamaddenmills.com/books
Info for The Revenge Pact: https://www.ilsamaddenmills.com/
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👑 Bury Me With Lies by SM Soto. This is the second part of the Twin Lies Duet; they first part, Kiss Me With Lies, was on my Top Reads of 2019 list. This conclusion was a beautifully written story of intense suspense and messy love that when combined took me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions that I remembered all year. 
Info on Bury Me With Lies: https://authorsmsoto.com/books/
▪️Honorable Mention: Chasing the Moon. This was a second chance romance of star crossed lovers that made me emotional throughout the story. 
Info on Chasing the Moon: https://authorsmsoto.com/
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👑 Truly by Carmel Rhodes. Truly was truly remarkable and phenomenal! A new to me author this year, and I am so happy I found her! I
Info on Truly: https://carmelrhodes.com/
👑 Dark Legacy Complete Series by Tate James and Jaymin Eve. This was a twisty, suspense series with an intense romance between Riley (aka Butterfly) and Beck that I just loved. 
Info on the Dark Legacy Series: https://www.tatejamesauthor.com/dark-legacy
👑 Stroke of Midnight by K Webster. This was a filthy but delicious romance, and I can’t wait for book two which releases at the end of January!
Info on Stroke of Midnight: https://www.authorkwebster.com/product/stroke-of-midnight/
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👑 Riot House by Callie Hart. A new to me author this year, and I am so happy I found her too! Bless Wren’s black heart, he had a plan for Elodie, but what happens when he falls for her? An amazing book is what happens, and the cover is stunning!
Info on Riot House: http://calliehart.com/index.php/book/riot-house/
👑 I Dare You by Lylah James. This is the second part of a duet; book one, Do You Dare?, was on my Top Reads of 2019 list. This book broke my heart and eventually put it back together, and I loved Maddox and Lila so much.
Info on I Dare You: https://authorlylahjames.com/truth-and-dare-duet/i-dare-you/
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👑 The Reed Rivers Trilogy by Lauren Rowe: Bad Liar, Beautiful Liar and Beloved Liar. These books gave me life; I loved them so much! I had been waiting for Reed’s story, and it did not disappoint!
Info The Reed Rivers Trilogy: http://www.laurenrowebooks.com/reed-rivers-trilogy
▪️Honorable Mention: Smitten. I was smitten with this book from the first page to the last!
Info on Smitten: http://www.laurenrowebooks.com/smitten
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👑 The Glass Heart Academy series by Lindsey Iler: Glass Heart Savage and Glass Heart Broken. This suspense/mystery mixed with an intense romance made for an unforgettable reading experience.
Info on The Glass Heart Savage: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49268705-glass-heart-savage
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👑 The Sainthood Trilogy by Siobhan Davis. This is another new to me author this year and I had been wanting to read her books. When the opportunity to read these as ARCs arrived, I took it! I am so ecstatic I did! A fierce heroine falling for four guys while trying to stop a bad guy was riveting to read. 
Info on The Sainthood Trilogy: http://siobhandavis.co.uk/the-sainthood-boys-of-lowell-high-series/the-sainthood-series-the-sainthood-boys-of-lowell-high-1-3/
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👑 Not My Hero by Michelle Heard. This is not a hot and steamy romance; this is two broken souls finding each other, healing and slowly falling in love. It’s difficult to read because of the pain they each suffered, but it was beautiful and worth it. 
Info on Not My Hero: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48578538-not-my-hero
👑 Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer. My list would not be complete without Edward on it! I had a few issues with this book, but it did not overshadow how much my love grew for Edward while reading.
Info on Midnight Sun: https://stepheniemeyer.com/midnight-sun-2020/
👑 How the Hitman Stole Christmas by Sam Mariano. I love her unconventional love stories, and this one was no different! Jasper kidnaps Autumn after stopping to help her on the side of the road, because he wants to bring a girlfriend home for Christmas. Fun times and romance ensues!
Info on How the Hitman Stole Christmas: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55967138-how-the-hitman-stole-christmas
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👑 A Guy Walk Into My Bar by Lauren Blakely. This author’s first M/M romance made me smile, laugh, swoon and touched my heart. 
Info on A Guy Walks Into My Bar: https://laurenblakely.com/aguywalksintomybar/
👑 The Billionaire’s Fake Fiancee by Annika Martin. I laughed out loud at this author’s rom-com about a fake relationship between a grumpy billionaire and his optimistic hairdresser that was steamy and swoony too! 
Info on The Billionaire’s Fake Fiancee: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/55583284-the-billionaire-s-fake-fianc-e
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👑 Crowne Point series books two, three and four by Mary Catherine Gebhard: Stolen Soulmate, Forbidden Fate, Destroyed Destiny. This author ripped out my heart, made me sob while holding on to the Kleenex box then eventually put my heart back in my chest. Story and Gray burrowed into my heart and will never leave.
Info on Crowne Point series: https://marygebhard.com/collections/crowne-point
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👑 Royal Elite Series by Rina Kent. Elsa and Aiden (Deviant King, Steel Princess and Twisted Kingdom) captivated me from the beginning, and the couples which are friends or relatives of Elsa and Aiden that came after them did as well. I binged these books and love them with my whole heart. 
Info on Royal Elite Series: https://www.rinakent.com/royal-elite-series
▪️Honorable Mention: Royal Elite Epilogue. An epilogue for all the couples of the Royal Elite Series.
Info on Royal Elite Epilogue: https://www.rinakent.com/royal-elite-series
▪️Honorable Mention #2: Kingdom Duet. This Aiden’s father’s story. He was alpha, demanding, possessive, and I loved him. His heroine was sassy, strong and perfect for him. 
Info on the Kingdom Duet: https://www.rinakent.com/kingdom-duet
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Thanks for sharing your time with me, and I hope you find and read amazing romance books from my Top Reads of 2020 list! 
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jewish-privilege · 5 years
A small area of land in Cumberland County, just north of Vineland, doesn’t seem like much now. Passing by, you probably wouldn’t know it once housed a vital piece of American history known as the Alliance Colony, the first successful Jewish farming colony in the country.
The colony, which was settled in the late 1800s by a group of Jews escaping persecution in Russia, is long gone. But a community partnership is now creating a space that will keep its memory alive.
The new Alliance Heritage Center, a collaboration between Stockton University and several local groups, was announced at a September event in Norma, the site of the Alliance Cemetery. The center has photographs and documents like deeds, letters and tools from the colony that will be housed in the on-site chapel. The artifacts will also be digitally preserved in Stockton University’s Special Collections library.
“This is not just a story of Jewish immigration,” Jay Greenblatt, the founder and president of the Alliance Colony Foundation and the grandson of Alliance Colony pioneer Jacob Greenblatt, said at the September announcement.
“It is also a story of American immigration. It is an important slice of history to be preserved.”
The path to the Alliance Colony began with oppression in Russia in the 1880s, the group of preservationists say.
Looking for a place to go after facing discriminatory actions, which included excess taxes compared to other Russians, denial of owning land, and limitations from higher education, Jewish people immigrated across the Atlantic Ocean.
Forty-three Jewish families from Russia, nearly 250 people, started the farming community that would later become known as the Alliance Colony, according to Stockton University Professor and Alliance Heritage Center Director Thomas Kinsella.
“The land was purchased by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which was a philanthropist group in 1882 in New York City,” Kinsella said. “In May of 1882, the families were dropped off about two miles away at a train stop just northwest of Vineland.”
Kinsella said the families, who had very little money and spoke very little English, made the two-mile trek to three 12-foot-by-14-foot sheds that had been built for them. The immigrants lived in the sheds until, within a couple of months, each family had 15 acres of land to try to cultivate a farm, even though there was a dearth of farming experience amongst the colony members.
The philanthropists taught the colonists how to manage crops like sweet potatoes, grapes, white potatoes, blackberries, and raspberries. Some of the residents also specialized in blacksmith services.
“They would break their ribs knocking into (tree) stumps" while farming the land, Kinsella said. “They were just placed on the ground and supported very meagerly for those first couple of seasons when they could hopefully start to be self-sufficient.”
But eventually, he said, “they learned, and they became quite skillful."
Once the farming gained traction, the area thrived. News of the colony’s success was reported in newspapers. One July 26, 1891 New York Herald story chronicled the migration of the Russian Jews to South Jersey and the prosperity of Alliance.
According to the Jewish Federation of Cumberland, Gloucester & Salem Counties, in 1892, the Alliance had 80 farms, 2,000 acres of land, and a population of 660 adults and over 300 children. The rise of the colony also meant schools and synagogues were built in the area. As the children got older, some went on to continue to work on the farm while others went to Camden and Philadelphia.
The first Jewish member of the New Jersey Supreme Court, Joseph Perskie, drama critic Gilbert Seldes, his brother, journalist George Seldes, and the producers of Phillies cigars, Sam, Max and Meyer Bayuk, all had roots on the Colony.
Ten years after Alliance was formed, the nearby Jewish farming communities of Carmel and Rosenhayn were created. Thirty miles away in Cape May County, Woodbine was founded and became another thriving Jewish agricultural and industrial community.
“There is this intriguing belt of Jewish immigrant communities that stretches across South Jersey that dates from the 1880s,” Kinsella said.
The university will use two large donations -- a $200,000 gift from Bernard and Shirlee Greenblatt Brown and their children and a $500,000 anonymous one -- to run the new historical center dedicated to the colony.
The story of the colony, alliance members said, is really a piece of America’s larger immigration story.
“South Jersey is really a rich ground of multiple immigrant groups,” said Kinsella. “This is just a piece of a larger immigration story, a deeply interesting piece.”
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theavenir0-blog · 5 years
The Avenir Price
The Avenir Pricing
The Avenir apartment is a extremely sought-after luxurious residential freehold new launch within the Singapore prime district 9 with a prestige handle, 8–32 River Valley Close. This unique 2 towers of 36-Storey with 376 luxurious new condo is brought to you by Intrepid Investments, GuocoLand and Hong Realty. With a combination items forms of 1- to 4-bedroom and 4+Family with personal elevate. It comes with totally different sizes from 527sqft - 2411sqft for a 4 + Family. For larger-flooring residents, you will get to enjoy breathtaking view of the Singapore River & Marina Bay Sands. If you're looking for metropolis convenience & idyllic tranquillity, The Avenir is the one. The Avenir apartment is effectively connected to Singapore’s four main expressways; CTE (Central Expressway), AYE (Ayer-Rajah Expressway), MCE (Marina Coastal Expressway) & KPE (Kallang–Paya Lebar Expressway). You may easily travel to all elements of Singapore simply. For those commuting by MRT, we've got Fort Canning MRT Station, (DT 20) & Somerset MRT Station, (NS 23) & Nice World Station, (TE 15) which will likely be in operation in 2021. For many who work within the CBD, Raffles Place will be solely three MRT stations away from The Avenir Condo - the place the primary financial core district is. There are huge varieties of amenities, which could be discovered at The Avenir location-map. With just a 5-minutes drive, you may attain Folks’s Park Complex, Hong Lim Food Centre & Tiong Bahru Market for more selections of meals. Residents of The Avenir can benefit from the comfort to register their youngsters to a reputable faculty which is just next to the rental - River Valley Major School. With just a price ticket of approximately $3100 psf, you are able to own a District 9 freehold dwelling in the coronary heart of the town – River Valley. The Avenir pricing is what many savvy buyers and home house owners are wanting ahead for. Patrons can expect to look ahead for luxurious finishes, full amenities & concierge service for this beautiful development. Investors & Dwelling House owners can view and download The Avenir E-Brochure & The Avenir Flooring-Plan. The Avenir Apartment Singapore which is the previous Pacific Mansion, is proudly introduced to you by Carmel Improvement Pte Ltd, a consortium consisting of famend builders Hong Realty, Hong Leong Holdings Ltd (HLHL) and GuocoLand Limited. GuocoLand is listed with Singapore Exchange Securities Buying and selling limited from 1978. It has developed 36 residential properties Singapore. A few of their latest past portfolio are Meyer Mansion, Wallich Residence, Sophia Residences, Martin Modern, Leedon Residences, and Midtown Bay. Hong Leong Holdings started in 1968, It is without doubt one of the largest actual property market participant in the native market. Hong Leong Holdings is the pioneer in Local property business, managing 8 business undertaking and developed about a hundred residential properties for the greater than 40 years. Their latest portfolio are The Jovell, Sage, Midwood, One Balmoral & Grange Heights. The Avenir will the Firm’s subsequent masterpiece @ River Valley. The Avenir is strategically positioned at District 9, with a status deal with: eight-32, River Valley Shut, along River Valley Close subsequent to River Valley Primary School.
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noaasanctuaries · 5 years
What’s in your watershed? Snapshot Day celebrates 20 years of water quality monitoring
Early on brisk, sunny mornings during the first Saturday in each May, hundreds of trained volunteers gather at a Snapshot Day organizing hub. After grabbing a hot beverage and a morning snack, they listen to a last-minute safety briefing before heading out to participate in the largest single-day water monitoring event in California. “Be safe, have fun, and remember to put on your protective gloves!” says Lisa Emanuelson, Snapshot Day coordinator for Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
Each monitoring team collects their “bucket kit” packed with field sampling equipment including water collection bottles, data sheets, and water testing supplies. Then, they enthusiastically venture out to one of 250 designated creek and river sampling sites along California’s central coast from Pacifica to Morro Bay. May 4, 2019, will mark the 20th anniversary of Snapshot Day in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
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Volunteers digitally record water temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen at Carneros Creek in Watsonville, California. Photo: Coastal Watershed Council
A collaborative approach
Snapshot Day exemplifies a successful 20-year collaboration between dedicated volunteers and a network of water quality professionals on the central California coast. Diverse public agencies, local companies, non-profit organizations, and citizens are all committed to healthy coastal watersheds and a thriving Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary ecosystem. The sanctuary includes 276 miles of shoreline across four coastal counties that are home to more than 1.8 million residents. These shorelines leave it vulnerable to pollution from urban, rural, and agricultural sources from the 10 watersheds directly connected to it.
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Kits like this one allow volunteers to test dissolved oxygen in the field. Photo: M. Baughart
Clean water is critical to ensuring a wealth of biological diversity, spectacular coastal scenery, and outstanding ocean recreational and commercial opportunities in the sanctuary. With that in mind, 20 years ago the sanctuary teamed up with the Coastal Watershed Council and The Center for Marine Conservation. Together, we organized the first ever California Snapshot Day monitoring event for Earth Day, April 22, 2000. We sought to better understand land-based sources of ocean pollution so that we could continue to protect the sanctuary.
According to Donna Meyers, former Coastal Watershed Council director, “The event helped bring awareness to water quality issues, initiated a huge citizen science project that still exists today, and got people out in their local creeks to test the water and feel like they were contributing to protecting their sanctuary.”
Today, coordinated partner efforts persist. Sanctuary Water Quality Protection Program staff coordinate and train volunteers in San Mateo, Monterey, and San Luis Obispo counties, while the Coastal Watershed Council lead efforts in Santa Cruz county. Joined by support from the San Mateo County Resource Conservation District, all Snapshot Day partners share a common goal: to protect and enhance water quality throughout sanctuary watersheds.
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Volunteers gather at the Snapshot Day organizing hub for Monterey County sites. Photo: Dave Parara
Volunteers are vital
At more than 200 coastal sampling sites, trained volunteers measure bodies of water for temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and turbidity. Volunteers also collect samples for laboratory analysis of nutrients and bacteria levels. These water quality measurements help identify the overall health of a body of water, potential threats to fish and other aquatic organisms, whether the water is safe for human contact, and potential sources of water quality problems. Volunteers also get the added benefit of experiencing nature while becoming more familiar with “off the beaten path” locations.
“Snapshot Day provides one way for everyday citizen scientists to make meaningful contributions. By sampling in multiple locations over many years, we can watch the conditions and identify trends, both in improvements and problem areas,” says long-time Snapshot Day volunteer Bruce Ashley.
Not only do volunteers play a role in collecting robust and meaningful data for identifying long-term water quality trends, their actions help prioritize management decisions for resource agencies and local governments. A natural outcome of Snapshot Day is building a community of engaged and informed people who are committed to increasing public awareness, environmental stewardship, and protection of sanctuary watersheds in their own backyards.
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Snapshot Day volunteers test dissolved oxygen in the Carmel River in Carmel, California. Photo: Christina Muegge
Actions speak loudly
A one-day “snapshot” monitoring effort in coastal rivers and creeks of this magnitude could only be accomplished by a substantial number of dedicated citizen scientist volunteers. Since 2000, a total of 3,783 volunteers have donated 18,915 hours of their time to monitor any of the 250 Snapshot Day sites, equivalent to $384,000 of in-kind contributions.
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary superintendent Paul Michel attests that “We depend on partners and volunteers to inform and inspire the public, to provide important data, and help manage such a large and diverse sanctuary. Snapshot Day in particular, with the critically important water quality data it provides, simply could not be done without the dedication of so many volunteers and partners.”
Twenty years of information gathered by Snapshot Day volunteers is used to assess trends and inform pollution reduction efforts, and allows us to focus attention on areas that need it the most. Snapshot Day makes important connections between the public and their local waterways while encouraging personal actions to help improve water quality that ultimately benefits a healthy sanctuary ecosystem.
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d-criss-news · 6 years
A who’s-who of Oscar nominees, A-listers and top Hollywood executives came out to support the Motion Picture & Television Fund at its 17th annual “Night Before” party, which raised $5 million in support of the MPTF.
One of the key events of Oscar weekend, the “Night Before” party, held Saturday on the Fox Studios lot in Los Angeles and co-sponsored by The Hollywood Reporter, drew past Oscar winners including Mahershala Ali (also a current nominee, who came with wife Amatus Sami-Karim), George Clooney, Viola Davis  (with husband Julius Tennon), Leonardo DiCaprio, Marcia Gay Harden, Allison Janney and Octavia Spencer.
Among the 2019 Oscar nominees who were at the event were Amy Adams (with husband Darren Le Gallo), Yalitza Aparicio, Glenn Close, Willem Dafoe (with wife Giada Colagrande), Adam Driver (with wife Joanne Tucker), Richard E. Grant, Sam Elliott, Regina King, Spike Lee, Rami Malek and Viggo Mortensen.
Close, Grant and King made their way to the party just a few hours after collecting Film Independent Spirit Awards earlier in the day for best actress, best supporting actor and best supporting actress, respectively.
The 2019 host committee included a lineup of talent including Adams and Le Gallo, Ali, Tanya Haden Black and Jack Black, Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg, Amal and George Clooney, Close, Colagrande and Dafoe, Bradley Cooper, Tom Cruise, DiCaprio, Lady Gaga, Janney, King, Malek, Mortensen, Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith, Rachel Weisz, Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks, Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth, and Constance Wu.
Other A-listers at the exclusive, invitation-only bash included event maestro Jeffrey Katzenberg, who serves as chairman of the MPTF Foundation, along with recent Golden Globe/Emmy/SAG Award winner Darren Criss (with new wife Mia Swier), Chris Evans, Tiffany Haddish, Jon Hamm, Mindy Kaling, Keegan-Michael Key and producer wife Elisa Pugliese, Helen Mirren, Mike Myers, Christopher Nolan and Taylor Swift with boyfriend (The Favourite actor) Joe Alwyn, in addition to past Oscar nominees Ava DuVernay, Samuel L. Jackson, Carey Mulligan, Anna Paquin with husband Stephen Moyer, Will Smith with wife Jada Pinkett Smith and Hailee Steinfeld.
Black Panther stars Angela Bassett, Chadwick Boseman, Danai Gurira, Michael B. Jordan also came out to support the cause, as did Crazy Rich Asians stars Michelle Yeoh, Awkwafina, Henry Golding and Constance Wu.
Top executives including Disney CEO Bob Iger and studio chair Alan Horn, Comcast CEO Brian Roberts (with Universal’s Ron Meyer), WarnerMedia CEO John Stankey and Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara, Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos, Universal Pictures chair Donna Langley, Sony Pictures chair Tom Rothman and Paramount Pictures CEO Jim Gianopulos also were at the bash, where guests enjoyed specialty foods from Carmelized Productions by Jon Shook & Vinny Dotolo.
Funds raised during the “Night Before” party are used to support the MPTF, which assists industry members in Hollywood of all ages by providing financial assistance, crisis counseling, caregiving support and the retirement facility in Woodland Hills that film and TV veterans call “home.”
In total, the annual event has raised more than $85 million since its inception in 2003.
THR returned as one of the presenting sponsors of the event alongside Delta Air Lines, Ford Motor Company, L'Oréal USA, Target, Yahoo! and YouTube. This marked THR's sixth year as the sole media sponsor of the party.
“We’re incredibly grateful for the generosity of the presenting sponsors and donors for making the ‘Night Before’ an amazing evening, one that once again brings the industry together in the spirit of a community that truly takes care of its own,” Katzenberg said. 
The long list of stars at the party also included Malin Akerman, Joe Alwyn, Anthony Anderson, Billy Baldwin, Elizabeth Banks, Camilla Belle, Greg Berlanti, Julie Bowen, Amy Brenneman, Billy Brown, Dan Bucatinsky, Mark Burnett, Ty Burrell, Ross Butler, Linda Cardellini, Anthony Carrigan, Erika Christensen, Ciara, Chase Crawford, Terry Crews, Rory Culkin, Josh Dallas, Nina Dobrev, Winston Duke, Billy Eichner, Cynthia Erivo, Patrick Fabian, Taissa Farmiga, Fortune Feimster, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, America Ferrera, Andy Garcia, Danny Glover, Meagan Good, Ginnifer Goodwin, Topher Grace, Kat Graham, Kelsey Grammar, Max Greenfield, Jonathan Groff, Savannah Guthrie, Regina Hall, Ben Hardy, Laura Harrier, Patricia Heaton, Christina Hendricks, Sam Heughan, Cheryl Hines, Julianne Hough, Nicholas Hoult, Vanessa Hudgens, Gillian Jacobs, Jake Johnson, Zoe Kazan, Machine Gun Kelly, Jaime King, Heidi Klum, T.R. Knight, Nick Kroll, Christine Lahti, Sanaa Lathan, KiKi Layne, Gwilym Lee, Allen Leech, Judith Light, Hamish Linklater, Zoe Lister-Jones, Diego Luna, Melanie Lynskey, Danielle Macdonald, Andie MacDowell, Joel Madden, Ashley Madekwe, Jason Mantzoukas, Joe Mazello, Katherine McNamara, Shay Mitchell, Natalie Morales, Trevor Noah, Chord Overstreet, Adam Pally, Barbara Palvin, Zac Posen, Jack Quaid, Zachary Quinto, Lily Rabe, June Diane Raphael, Nikki Reed, Retta, Nicole Richie, Jason Ritter, Emma Roberts, Brit Robertson, Robbie Rogers, Ray Romano, Meg Ryan, Halston Sage, Rosa Salazar, Nico Santos, Paul Scheer, Maia Shibutani, Alex Shibutani, Ian Somerhalder, Abigail Spencer, Destry Allyn Spielberg, Cole Sprouse, Dylan Sprouse, Lakeith Stanfield, Sydney Sweeney, Jessica Szohr, Maura Tierney, Lorraine Toussaint, Michelle Trachtenberg, Gabrielle Union, Milo Ventimiglia, Diane Warren, Dominic West, Ed Westwick, Mae Whitman, Russell Wilson and Ali Wong.
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mtcarmelstories · 8 years
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From Sheep to Carpets: Moritz Grossman (1844-1920) and Sarah Grossman (1847-1921)
I descend from the Grossman family. My great great grandparents (Moritz and Sarah Grossman featured in the article), great grandparents, great aunt and dozens of other Grossmans are buried at Mt. Carmel. Moritz and Sarah had many children and they and their lines are at Mt. Carmel. They came from Austria-Hungary and are the earliest members of my family to immigrate to the United States.  
Howard Treatman
Update from Howard: The "Reisman family" picture is particularly touching. In it you see my great grandmother Bertha Reisman in the center with my grandmother Ethel Reisman on the left and my great aunt Blanche Resiman on the right. She is the little girl who died at age nine that my cousin Beth Kissileff wrote about. 
My grandmother Ethel died in her 40’s of leukemia and Bertha raised my mother Harriet and my Aunt Sandy for several years. My mother always used to say that she remembered her grandmother Bertha as having an extremely sweet but sad expression. You see that in the picture of Bertha and Sandy entitled "Granny and Sandy". My mother loved the "Reisman Family” photo and always noted the untempered joy and love on Bertha’s face in that photo from the time before she experienced her losses.
Note from the Museum: Moritz (with a healthy dose of his son Aaron’s entrepreneurial spirit) founded what became the Kensington Carpet Co. (in business from 1888-1964). Another son Meyer brought a wagon of stock to Atlantic City in 1912, founding the Grossman’s Kensington Furniture Company. Read more in the article above. 
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the1920sinpictures · 6 years
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1918 portrait of Carmel Meyers, in her “The Haunted Pajamas” costume, for “Motion Picture” magazine.
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privatelabeling · 2 years
Private Label Foods – Choose The Best Organic Food Products
If you’re looking for organic and hygienic private label foods, you will have some better options to fulfill your requirement by going online that is counted as a convenient and ideal ways to enhance your experience. Online search is counted as one of the convenient ways to help you reach top private label food manufacturers, who have proven track record and expertise enough in providing you with the right solutions. Private label foods are ranging from:
Tapenades and Spreads - Farmhouse Olive Tapenade, Sun-Dried Tomato & Olive Tapenade, Parmesan Artichoke Spread, Parmesan-Asiago Spread, California Green Olive Tapenade, Olive and Parmesan Tapenade, Kalamata and Caper Tapenade, Green Olive Tapenade, Fig and Olive Tapenade, Porcini Truffle Tapenade, Artichoke Pesto Spread, and different other.
Private Label Sauces – You can also choose Butter Chicken Simmer Sauce, Salsa Verde Simmer Sauce, Korean BBQ Sauce, Raspberry Chipotle BBQ Sauce, Artichoke Garlic Pizza Sauce, Ginger Miso Vinaigrette, Indian Masala Simmer Sauce, Greek Olive Vinaigrette, Italian Artichoke Garlic Pasta Sauce, Tandoori BBQ Sauce and different other types.
Sweet and Savory Jams - Carmelized Onion and Balsamic Jam, Apricot-Jalepeno Jam, Pineapple-Mango and Habanero Pepper Jam, Hot Seven Pepper Jam, Meyer Lemon Ginger Jam, Raspberry Blackberry Jam, Warm Apple Spice Jam, Merlot Wine Jam, Peach Bourbon Jam and different others.
There are different other types of private label foods that you can get according to your requirement and for  packing done in secure way.
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beccasbythebay · 4 years
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Cranberry Sauce for sale
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Meyer Lemons
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Jack Skellington soaps $7 each
Snoopy or Grinch soaps $6.50 each
Jack & Sally Candles gift boxes set $25
Pumpkin Carmel Latte
0 notes
gabyglifestyle · 4 years
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I’ve found perfection and reached #breadnirvana with the INCREDIBLE creations from @aninamarcus and her private #highlandsbakeryshoppe #ancientgrainsbreads. Never for a minute I thought I woul fim anyone remotely as insane as I am for sourcing #raregrains #ancientgrains #artisanalflour #smallbatchartisans but alas, I found someone thrice worse AND much more knowledgeable. She’s a #breadconnoisseur #breadartist and an #octopus as well. Can you believe? #theneedtoknead #magicalmiraclecreatinghands that’s such a rare gift. I can’t believe I now have officially started an #octopibrigade, with her joining @beintouch.elyse #ikneadedthatinmylife :-) #lookatthatbread #perfectiononeverylevel every #liaf we got from her was better than the other and the last one, with Meyer lemon, something I usually don’t care for in my breads, turned out to be a #seriouscontenderforthebestloafofbreadinmylife and, having lived in France, Brazil and Italy, there were some damn serious contenders to beat. #hatsofftothechef (at Carmel Highlands, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFB7UD1sRCx/?igshid=19w1ny4bvcfk1
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wsmith215 · 4 years
MLB Draft tracker 2020: Live results, complete picks list for Rounds 1-5 in baseball draft
The Show must go on.
Not a single inning of professional baseball has yet to be played in 2020, and who knows when first pitch for the 2020 season might come. That doesn’t mean, though, that the 2020 MLB Draft is on hold.
This year’s draft was originally set to undergo some serious changes, the primary change heading from MLB Network Studios in Secaucus, N.J. to Omaha, Neb., just a few days before the start of the College World Series. 
MORE MLB DRAFT 2020: Mock draft | Slot values | Pool money by team
Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic drastically altered plans for the 2020 and 2021 drafts. This year, the amount of rounds in the draft have been slashed from 40 to just five, with next year’s installment featuring just 20 rounds total. Between the coronavirus and the hacking of some minor league teams, 
This year, Arizona State’s Spencer Torkelson is expected to go No. 1 overall to the Tigers, with Vanderbilt’s Austin Martin and Texas A&M’s Asa Lacy expected to round out the top three.
Sporting News will be tracking every pick from Wednesday night’s draft below. Follow below for up-to-the-minute updates and more from the 2020 MLB Draft.
JUMP TO ROUND: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
MLB Draft tracker 2020: Live picks, results from Rounds 1-5
Round 1 of the 2020 MLB Draft starts Wednesday, June 10 at 7 p.m. ET. Updates will begin then.
Pick Team Player Position School 1. Detroit Tigers Spencer Torkelson 3B Arizona State 2. Baltimore Orioles Heston Kjerstad OF Arkansas 3. Miami Marlins Max Meyer RHP Minnesota 4. Kansas City Royals Asa Lacy LHP Texas A&M 5. Toronto Blue Jays Austin Martin SS Vanderbilt 6. Seattle Mariners Emerson Hancock RHP Georgia 7. Pittsburgh Pirates Nick Gonzales SS New Mexico State 8. San Diego Padres Robert Hassell III OF Independence High School (Tennessee) 9. Colorado Rockies Zac Veen OF  Spruce Creek High School (Florida) 10. Los Angeles Angels Reid Detmers LHP Louisville 11. Chicago White Sox Garrett Crotchet LHP Tennessee 12. Cincinnati Reds Austin Hendrick OF West Allegheny High School (Pennsylvania) 13. San Francisco Giants Patrick Bailey C NC State 14. Texas Rangers Justin Foscue 2B Mississippi State 15. Philadelphia Phillies Mick Abel RHP Jesuit High School (Oregon) 16. Chicago Cubs Ed Howard SS Mount Carmel High School (Illinois) 17. Boston Red Sox Nick Yorke 2B Archbishop Mitty High School (California) 18. Arizona Diamondbacks Jarvis Bryce RHP Duke 19. New York Mets Pete Crow-Armstrong OF Harvard-Westlake School (California) 20. Milwaukee Brewers Garrett Mitchell OF UCLA 21. St. Louis Cardinals Jordan Walker 3B Decatur High School (Georgia) 22. Washington Nationals Cade Cavalli RHP Oklahoma 23. Cleveland Indians Carson Tucker SS Mountain Pointe High School (Arizona) 24. Tampa Bay Rays Nick Bitsko RHP Central Bucks High School East (Pennsylvania) 25. Atlanta Braves Jared Shuster LHP Wake Forest 26. Oakland A’s Tyler Soderstrom C Turlock High School (California) 27. Minnesota Twins Aaron Sabato 1B UNC 28. New York Yankees Austin Wells C Arizona 29. Los Angeles Dodgers Bobby Miller RHP Louisville
Competitive Balance Round A Pick Team Player Position School 30. Baltimore Orioles Jordan Westburg SS Mississippi State 31. Pittsburgh Pirates Carmen Mlodzinski RHP South Carolina 32. Kansas City Royals Nick Loftin SS Baylor 33. Arizona Diamondbacks Slade Cecconi RHP Miami 34. San Diego Padres Justin Lange RHP Llano High School (Texas) 35. Colorado Rockies Drew Romo C The Woodlands High School (Texas) 36. Cleveland Indians Tanner Burns RHP Auburn 37. Tampa Bay Rays (via St. Louis) Alika Williams SS Arizona State
Rounds 2-5 of the 2020 MLB Draft take place on Thursday, June 11.
Pick Team Player Position School ​38. Detroit Tigers — — — 39. Baltimore Orioles — — — 40. Miami Marlins — — — 41. Kansas City Royals — — — 42. Toronto Blue Jays — — — 43. Seattle Mariners — — — 44. Pittsburgh Pirates — — — 45. San Diego Padres — — — 46. Colorado Rockies — — — 47. Chicago White Sox — — — 48. Cincinnati Reds — — — 49. San Francisco Giants — — — 50. Texas Rangers — — — 51. Chicago Cubs — — — 52. New York Mets — — — 53. Milwaukee Brewers — — — 54. St. Louis Cardinals — — — 55. Washington Nationals — — — 56. Cleveland Indians — — — 57. Tampa Bay Rays — — — 58. Oakland A’s — — — 59. Minnesota Twins — — — 60. Los Angeles Dodgers — — —
Competitive Balance Round B Pick Team Player Position School 61. Miami Marlins — — — 62. Detroit Tigers — — — 63. St. Louis Cardinals — — — 64. Seattle Mariners — — — 65. Cincinnati Reds — — — 66. Los Angeles Dodgers — — — Free-agent compensatory picksPick Team Player Position School 67. San Francisco Giants — — — 68. San Francisco Giants — — — 69. New York Mets — — — 70. St. Louis Cardinals — — — 71. Washington Nationals — — — 72. Houston Astros — — — Pick Team Player Position School 73. Detroit Tigers — — — 74. Baltimore Orioles — — — 75. Miami Marlins — — — 76. Kansas City Royals — — — 77. Toronto Blue Jays — — — 78. Seattle Mariners — — — 79. Pittsburgh Pirates — — — 80. San Diego Padres — — — 81. Colorado Rockies — — — 82. Los Angeles Angels — — — 83. Chicago White Sox — — — 84. Cincinnati Reds — — — 85. San Francisco Giants — — — 86. Texas Rangers — — — 87. Philadelphia Phillies — — — 88. Chicago Cubs — — — 89. Boston Red Sox — — — 90. Arizona Diamondbacks — — — 91. New York Mets — — — 92. Milwaukee Brewers — — — 93. St. Louis Cardinals — — — 94. Washington Nationals — — — 95. Cleveland Indians — — — 96. Tampa Bay Rays — — — 97. Atlanta Braves — — — 98. Oakland Athletics — — — 99. New York Yankees — — — 100. Los Angeles Dodgers — — — 101. Houston Astros — — — Pick Team Player Position School 102. Detroit Tigers — — — 103. Baltimore Orioles — — — 104. Miami Marlins — — — 105. Kansas City Royals — — — 106. Toronto Blue Jays — — — 107. Seattle Mariners — — — 108. Pittsburgh Pirates — — — 109. San Diego Padres — — — 110. Colorado Rockies — — — 111. Los Angeles Angels — — — 112. Chicago White Sox — — — 113. Cincinnati Reds — — — 114. San Francisco Giants — — — 115. Texas Rangers — — — 116. Philadelphia Phillies — — — 117. Chicago Cubs — — — 118. Boston Red Sox — — — 119. Arizona Diamondbacks — — — 120. New York Mets — — — 121. Milwaukee Brewers — — — 122. St. Louis Cardinals — — — 123. Washington Nationals — — — 124. Cleveland Indians — — — 125. Tampa Bay Rays — — — 126. Atlanta Braves — — — 127. Oakland Athletics — — — 128. Minnesota Twins — — — 129. New York Yankees — — — 130. Los Angeles Dodgers — — — 131. Houston Astros — — — Pick Team Player Position School 132. Detroit Tigers — — — 133. Baltimore Orioles — — — 134. Miami Marlins — — — 135. Kansas City Royals — — — 136. Toronto Blue Jays — — — 137. Seattle Mariners — — — 138. Pittsburgh Pirates — — — 139. San Diego Padres — — — 140. Colorado Rockies — — — 141. Los Angeles Angels — — — 142. Chicago White Sox — — — 143. Cincinnati Reds — — — 144. San Francisco Giants — — — 145. Texas Rangers — — — 146. Philadelphia Phillies — — — 147. Chicago Cubs — — — 148. Boston Red Sox — — — 149. Arizona Diamondbacks — — — 150. New York Mets — — — 151. Milwaukee Brewers — — — 152. St. Louis Cardinals — — — 153. Washington Nationals — — — 154. Cleveland Indians — — — 155. Tampa Bay Rays — — — 156. Atlanta Braves — — — 157. Oakland Athletics — — — 158. Minnesota Twins — — — 159. Los Angeles Dodgers — — — 160. Houston Astros — — —
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