#carmen 🐛
robinsteve · 1 year
omg happy birthday millie!!! when I saw that tag about st4 on the birthday post I just had to pause for a couple seconds… we were all still so bright eyed and bushy tailed back then weren’t we? sad. anyways I hope you have an absolutely amazing day! I’m so glad you’re my mutual and ily! congrats on making it through another year and I hope the next is one for the history books💞
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the pre-s4 me and the post-s4 me feel like two very different people 🥴 god only knows what s5 is going to bring...
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thehyperrequiem · 1 year
What's your headcanon names (and full names) of Moonshine Mob, The Howling Aces, and Chess Bosses?
Glad you asked. Here goes!
Moonshine Mob
🕷️ Tarantutony (Spider Mobster)
🔥 🪰 Carmen Scarlet (Firefly)
🐌 Slugface (Announcer Snail)
🐜🍴 Lil' Joe (Anteater)
🐛 Wiggles (Caterpillar)
As for the Fly goons and Cop Ants, they are randomly named based on dirty things (For the Flies) and cop names (For the ants) (Dirty, Stinky, Bob, Crawll, ETC)
The Howling Aces
🐂🐶 Bullseye (Fighter Pilot Bulldog)
As for the Yankee Yippers, they are randomly named with Dog names (Bobby, Bitsy, Champ, ETC)
🐩 Samantha (Pilot Saluki)
The Chinook's named is Ironhowl
The King's Leap
The Pawns are randomly named (Hopper, Junior, Beanie, Skip, ETC)
♞ Valient (The Knight)
♝ Hope (The Bishop)
♜ Rookie (The Rook)
♛ Checkmary (The Queen)
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The Blazing Silver Light of Paldea
Chapter 31: Hermana
Silver and Blaze defeat Eri the Kangaroo and dismantle the Team Star Caph Squad, and Cassiopeia reveals their identity.
There were so many cool Pokémon in the bamboo forest. The waterfall looked amazing, too. Silver wanted to explore the whole place because he wasn't used to all those cool plants, but Blaze kept him on track.
"Right." He chuckled.
The teens made their way to the Caph Squad and found a tall, buff kangaroo girl with a mask or face paint. She looked intimidating.
"Stay back. I'll defeat these intruders." The girl spoke in an over-the-top husky voice.
A Team Star girl next to the buff girl protested. "But Eri, I'm supposed to protect you!"
That was Eri? She was so scary-looking. Made sense, since she seemed to be the strongest Star Boss and used Fighting-Types.
"I'll handle her." A familiar voice spoke. Silver turned around and saw Clive.
"Thanks, but we don't need–" Silver started.
Clive got ready to battle the girl next to Eri, but Eri took over for her. "I got this, Carmen."
Eri was nearly defeated by Clive's Oranguru and Skeledirge, but barely won. "Carmen, I'm sorry I have to put you in guard position, but I really need to heal my Pokémon. Forgive me."
Carmen chuckled and blushed a bit. "I'm supposed to be the guard, Riri... Same as usual, you two. 5 minutes to defeat 60 Pokémon."
Silver grinned and sent out Belle, Justice, and Pecky. Blaze sent out Scorch, Star, and Robin.
Star's Ability, Victory Star, quite ironically allowed Blaze and Silver to defeat Team Star in less than a minute.
"Give the boss some time to heal her Pokémon!" One of the Grunts yelled.
"Okay." Silver smiled. They sat with Blaze and the 12 Pokémon they brought along.
"YOU HAVE A VICTINI AND CELEBI?!" Another Grunt yelled in shock.
"Lucky encounter." Blaze chuckled.
Silver sat for what felt like forever until an engine revved. He and Blaze went over to it and saw Eri on top of a Starmobile.
"I will defend Team Star with everything I've got!" She growled in a deep and raspy voice. "Which one of you will–" She coughed for a second, then spoke in a neutral-pitched feminine voice. "Bleh, can't do that voice for too long. Anyway, which one of you will I defeat first? Hmmm... I'm thinking... Blaze the Cat."
The cat gasped. "M-me?!" She grinned. "Okay! I accept your challenge, Eri!"
Eri made an intimidating pose, then tossed a Heal Ball with a Toxicroak.
Blaze grinned and sent out Scorch, who swiftly defeated Toxicroak with a Psycho Cut after taking a Sucker Punch.
Eri recalled her Toxicroak and smiled. "Good job, Robby. Go, Damian!" She sent out an Annihilape and he let out a terrifying roar.
Scorch hit a Shadow Claw, but Damian held on and used Rage Fist. Another Shadow Claw wasn't enough to defeat Damian, but another Rage Fist was enough to defeat Scorch.
Blaze recalled Scorch and nodded. "Go, Robin!"
Robin hit a strong Acrobatics that defeated Damian.
"Nice job!"
"You did great. Take a rest. Go, Keith!"
Eri sent out a Passimian, but Robin was too strong. He defeated Keith with a single Acrobatics, so Eri sent out Lucas, her Lucario.
Lucas held on after a Flame Charge and retaliated with a powerful Stone Edge that defeated Robin.
Blaze sent out Cedar and defeated Lucas with an Eruption, which only left the Starmobile.
"Use Eruption!" Blaze shouted.
The lava that shot from Cedar's hump did very little other than terrify Silver.
"Sorry, Silv."
"N-no problem... hehe..." He muttered nervously.
Blaze switched tactics with Earthquake, but regretted it when the shaking ground made them nauseous.
"Cedar... return..." She groaned.
"Are you okay? We can take a break." Eri told the cat.
"Mm-hmm..." Blaze nodded. "I feel... unf... sick..."
"Just sit down for a while until your stomach settles, then I can crush you fair and square." Eri spoke kindly.
Silver went to sit by his girlfriend and held her hand. "Are you feeling good?"
"You shouldn't sit by me right now..."
"Why not?"
"Because..." Blaze coughed up a cloud of ash. "My nausea irritates my throat with ash, which makes me cough it up."
Silver nodded, but hugged Blaze anyway. "I love you even if you're coughing up ash."
"You dork." Blaze giggled. They sat with Silver until their nausea went away, then sent in Carolina to finish up the battle against Eri.
"You can do–" The burn from Carolina's intense capsaicin smell mixed with the faint burn of the spicy Herba Mystica combined in Silver's mouth and throat, which made him cough as well.
"My throat still hurts from the Herba Mystica..."
"Sorry, I'll be quick. Use Fire Blast!"
Carolina's red head shot a super spicy blast of fire that almost melted the Starmobile and defeated it, then Blaze quickly recalled the Grass/Fire-Type. "You good, Silver?"
"Cough! –Yeah, thanks."
Eri jumped down from the scorched Starmobile and smiled. "Nice job. You've earned yourself the Star Badge. I can tell you're both good people."
Blaze smiled and put the badge on her jacket, then she and Silver left as Clive talked to Eri and Carmen.
After talking to the girls, Clive came back out, and Silver's phone rang. It was Cassiopeia.
"You've defeated all of the bosses and are ready to defeat the Big Boss." They spoke.
"Okay, where do we find the boss?" Silver asked.
"They'll be at the schoolyard tonight." Cassiopeia said.
"Wait, how do you know about the precise plans of the Big Boss?" Blaze asked.
"Because they're none other than me."
Silver gasped. No wonder Cass knew so much about Team Star! "Where's Penny?"
"Busy with schoolwork, so Clive was sent to deliver the TM materials." Cassiopeia spoke. They hung up, then Clive gave Silver some TM materials.
"Defeat Team Star once and for all." He told the teen. He left, and the Fire/Psychic duo was left to contemplate their schedule.
"It's 4:34, how are we supposed to meet them tonight?" Silver asked with a yawn.
"Taxi?" Blaze asked.
The teens took a Flying Taxi to Mesagoza and prepared for the battle against Cassiopeia.
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gustavomundoequino · 2 years
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Criadero El Cairo @criaderoelcairo Los cuatro gestos de un hombre grande …...... al “marinillo” lo conocí montando caballos en el volador, cuando tuve a Embrujo se lo mandé al Peñol a su primer entable propio y ahí tuve el gusto de empezar a conocer no al chalan sino a la persona, tuvimos empatía y desde eso puede decir sin lugar a equivocarme que somos muy buenos amigos , me escucha y lo escucho . Su origen humilde, sus viajes en bicicleta hasta la pesebrera de Gonzalo Franco en el Carmen y sus gestas como chalan ya todos los medios audiovisuales del gremio la han contado , pero no han contado ni él lo dice que ha ayudado a chalanes, rebusques y todo aquel que necesita de su dinero . Hay cuatro gestos que los repite cada que triunfa y que dibujan con claridad el ser humano que es en el momento de ganar :primero besa su caballo, segundo le da la mano a su rival ,tercero descubre su cabeza mira al cielo y se santigua agradeciendo a Dios y cuarto va directo a buscar a su familia para compartir su alegría , esos en sus victorias , pero es aún más humilde en sus derrotas y lo ha demostrado hasta la saciedad . Escribo esto porque vivo convencido que ese talento inmenso, esa facilidad y naturalidad para montar, esa constante de casi siempre ganar no han cambiado en nada el muchacho sencillo de Marinilla, mis respetos , admiración y aprecio Alex Armando , te valoro más como persona que como chalan y eso es mucho decir , el título de maestro se lo dejo a los que escriben historia yo te llamo campeón de humanidad 🐴🐛 @canoalex358 #mundoequinocomco https://www.instagram.com/p/ChA7cUXuOGb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mundoequinocomco · 2 years
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Criadero El Cairo @criaderoelcairo Los cuatro gestos de un hombre grande …...... al “marinillo” lo conocí montando caballos en el volador, cuando tuve a Embrujo se lo mandé al Peñol a su primer entable propio y ahí tuve el gusto de empezar a conocer no al chalan sino a la persona, tuvimos empatía y desde eso puede decir sin lugar a equivocarme que somos muy buenos amigos , me escucha y lo escucho . Su origen humilde, sus viajes en bicicleta hasta la pesebrera de Gonzalo Franco en el Carmen y sus gestas como chalan ya todos los medios audiovisuales del gremio la han contado , pero no han contado ni él lo dice que ha ayudado a chalanes, rebusques y todo aquel que necesita de su dinero . Hay cuatro gestos que los repite cada que triunfa y que dibujan con claridad el ser humano que es en el momento de ganar :primero besa su caballo, segundo le da la mano a su rival ,tercero descubre su cabeza mira al cielo y se santigua agradeciendo a Dios y cuarto va directo a buscar a su familia para compartir su alegría , esos en sus victorias , pero es aún más humilde en sus derrotas y lo ha demostrado hasta la saciedad . Escribo esto porque vivo convencido que ese talento inmenso, esa facilidad y naturalidad para montar, esa constante de casi siempre ganar no han cambiado en nada el muchacho sencillo de Marinilla, mis respetos , admiración y aprecio Alex Armando , te valoro más como persona que como chalan y eso es mucho decir , el título de maestro se lo dejo a los que escriben historia yo te llamo campeón de humanidad 🐴🐛 @canoalex358 #mundoequinocomco https://www.instagram.com/p/ChA7SeauJO2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artesanima · 2 years
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🐛🦗bugs 🐝🪰 (at Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfgoXzbOpdP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eviterii · 6 years
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Carmen Ramirez is a 10 year old girl who really wants to be a scientist when she grows up so everyday she goes out into the woods in her backyard trying to discover new species of bugs 🌳🐞🐜🐛🐝 · · · concept art for a little project I'm doing for class 😊 I'm already attached lol. (backgrounds have always been something that intimidates me so I rarely practice and I need to get over that 😌)
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robinsteve · 2 years
ok guys i’ve taken the time to reflect. i do find it hilarious that carmen said no no… i’ll hold back… but You went for the throat like Your patheticgirl sadness and cringefail personality have made you my Beloathed. have An evening.
i do find it hysterical that carmen @bfflucas, notorious for Being Mean, chose to be kind while i went for the sucker punch. we’re evolving!
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robinsteve · 2 years
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@jovalencia you are absolved but only if you’re stripes girl
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robinsteve · 2 years
13, 26, 32 💗
thirteen. have you ever played d&d before? no! i'm not super interested in fantasy, to tell you the truth.
twenty six. favourite ice cream flavour? there's this really amazing ice cream shop by my grandmother's house and it has the best homemade sea-salt-caramel-chocolate-truffle ice cream so. THAT.
thirty two. opinion on kali and her gang? i think she was a neat addition and it was wonderful to see el reunite with her sister. the ending of 2x07 tore my heart in half and it's unlikely that we'll be seeing her again or getting any further resolution there, which is so upsetting :( maybe we'll see flashbacks of them in the lab, though?
thank you for asking, carmen!! 💓
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robinsteve · 2 years
robin and lucas for sure
ohhhh lucas is a new one
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robinsteve · 2 years
🍉 hi!
hi! carmen you are the funniest bitch on here. full stop. i read your blog in the mornings/evenings like one would read the comics in the paper but like. if they were always really funny and witty comics.
recommending taron @gayeddiemunson ❣️
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robinsteve · 2 years
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@bfflucas AHEM i’ll have you know that at least two (2) people enjoy my succession liveblog
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robinsteve · 2 years
hi millie !! 🍉
hi viv!! you’re truly so talented (love your art!) and you have such a great presence on the hellfire server. i love reading all your comments/contributions! :-)
recommending the hysterical carmen @girldustin <3
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robinsteve · 1 year
the way i can’t tell abby @lastchristmas1984 and carmen @oholynight apart ever since they changed their urls 💀 i adore you both but i will rejoice the end of the holiday season, love and light x
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