#carnosic acid
quality-herb · 2 years
What Exactly Is Carnosic Acid? Where Can It Be Obtained
Carnosic Acid powder is a type of plant-based chemical. This particular kind can be derived from a red pine, blueberry, and juniper plants. It can also be obtained from honeybee venom and some animal products, such as dung beetle larvae. The two forms of this particular acid are alpha-carnosic acid and beta-carnosic acid.
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reality-detective · 2 months
🌿✨Curious about a natural solution to dental dilemmas that doesn’t involve harsh chemicals?
Meet nature’s secret to a radiant smile! 🍃💚
💖Benefits Unleashed :
- Prevents and heals canker sores.
- Strengthens teeth enamel.
- Soothes sensitive teeth.
🔬 The Science :
These herbs are packed with powerful compounds like menthol in spearmint, rosmarinic acid in rosemary, carnosic acid in sage, and azulene in yarrow. Together, they form a formidable team against inflammation and bacteria, significantly enhancing oral health.
🌱Everclear, our controversial hero, serves a noble purpose by extracting the potent essence of these herbs, creating a powerhouse against oral afflictions.
Add the ingredients you feel you need the most :
- 🌼 (1Tbs) Yarrow: Speeds healing, perfect for canker sores.
- 🍃 (1Tbs) Spearmint & Peppermint: Freshens breath, combats bad odors.
- 🌿 (1Tsp) Rosemary & Sage: Protects gums, fights bacteria.
- 🌺 (1/2Tsp) Clove : Eases sensitivity, comforts teeth.
- Alternative Medicine 🤔
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moonkissedmeli · 9 months
Rosemary; Salvia rosmarinus
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rosemary is a very powerful little plant and I recommend it as a witch's essential herb, a non-negotiable if you will, as it has so many uses.
Other names: sea dew, compass plant, polar plant
Nutritional and Medicinal Fun Facts:
Good for hair and scalp
Good for metabolic health
High in carnosic acid which has anti-cancer properties
Improves memory and concentration
Improves eye health
Can help regulate liver
Aeromatic may help reduce asthma symptoms
Aeromatic and eating it can help reduce stress and anxiety
May reduce inflammation
May help increase circulation
High in antioxidants, manganese pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamin, folate, and riboflavin
extra fun fact: part of the mint family; eucalyptol (camphor-like) and alpha-pinene (pine-like) are the compounds that primarily give the rosemary flavor
~Magical Properties & Lore~
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Gods: Apollo, Helios
Goddess: Aphrodite, Hebe
Spells & Rituals:
Love spells
Beauty spells, especially in an aromatic
Health spells and rituals; I also use it in spells to break unhealthy habits
Antifertility spells (along with safe sex! mundane first, always)
Protection and banishing spells regarding negative spirits; especially visitations at night
Sachets, tea, or aromatic for spells to improve intelligence and memory; excellent herb for student
Helps with nightmares and remembering dreams
Use as a tea or aromatic for dream work and past life remembrance
Burn to cleanse home or self of negative energy
Grow it inside to purify the air
Tip: pairs powerfully with Juniper in most situations
Christians believe it grows for 33 years until it is the same height as Jesus. They believe it got blue flowers when Mary placed her cloak on it when fleeing to Egypt. It is a Christian symbol of fidelity and remembrance.
Couples should plant on their wedding day and interpret the growth as divination for the family.
Couples have also wore it at their wedding and given as favors to their guests.
Said to protect against the evil eye.
In Wales, it was used as a funeral favor and sprigs were lowered with the casket.
Embalming herb in ancient Egypt
Ancient Greece & Hellenism
Symbol of love, beauty, and eternity
Said to help people retain youth when smelled
Increases memory; students would wear garlands of rosemary for exams
Protection against evil
recipes to eat it in: so good on chicken, fish, and potatoes, rosemary-infused olive oil, rosemary and lemon pasta
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Plant of the week; Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)
This fragrant shrub is a household favorite among Western cultures as a cooking herb, but it also has valuable medicinal properties. It has long been held as lucky in folk belief, believed to invite wealth and repel evil when grown by the entrances and exits of the house. Being part of the Mint family, it has a potent smell.
The Ancient Greeks used rosemary oil for cosmetic, ritualistic, and medicinal purposes. Today, the oil is mostly used in aromatherapy to improve focus. Studies have even shown that consistent use of rosemary scents during work or study can improve overall memory and concentration.
The leaves also contain carnosic acid, which is a powerful component in fighting off free radicals, which are are a type of unstable molecule formed during cell metabolism. A buildup of free radicals can cause all kinds of complications in the body, especially the brain. Studies are currently underway using plant-derived carnosic acid from rosemary to treat patients with Stroke, Alzheimer's, and Dementia.
The leaves of this plant are an excellent source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, making it ideal for various hair and skin treatments. For example, rosemary essential oil massaged into the scalp weekly can help prevent both male-pattern and female-pattern baldness. Treatments containing rosemary are also effective at preventing blemishes for people with acne-prone skin.
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, tea blends using this plant have long been used in folk remedies to treat an upset stomach. Germany's Commission E has even officially recognized rosemary as a treatment for indigestion.
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mnnour20 · 1 year
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إكليل الجبل أو حصى البان أو ندى البحر أو قِرْمانا هي عشبةٌ خشبية دائمة الخُضرة تنتمي إلى العائلة الشفوية «عائلة النعناع». لها أوراق إبرية وأزهارها بيضاء، زهرية، بنفسجية، أو زرقاء، ويرجع أصلها إلى منطقة حوض البحر المتوسط
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أضرار عشبة حصى البان
توجد عشبة حصى البان الخام على شكل أوراق، كما يتم تحضير مستخلصاتها على شكل مسحوق أو زيت عطري، وقد يؤدي تناول أوراقها بكثرة أو العلاج بأحد مستخلصاتها إلى حدوث الأضرار الآتية:
الإضرار بالحامل
قد تؤثر عشبة حصى البان على الرحم وتسبب الإجهاض، كما أنه لا توجد أدلة كافية حول أمان استخدامها لدى المرضعات.
منع انغراس البويضة في الرحم
هناك دراسة تشير إلى أن عشبة حصى البان قد تمنع انغراس البويضة في الرحم بعد الإخصاب، إلا أنها قد لا تضر في حال تم الإنغراس قبل تناولها. ولكن عمومًا لا يُنصح بتناولها بكثرة خلال الحمل أو التخطيط للحمل.
زيادة خطر النزيف
قد تزيد عشبة حصى البان من خطر حدوث النزيف لدى المرضى الذين يعانون من اضطرابات تخثر الدم، لذا يجب الحذر عند تناولها لدى هذه الفئة، كما أنها تزيد من نزيف الرحم خلال فترة الدورة الشهرية.
حدوث رد فعل تحسسي
قد تُسبب هذه العشبة حساسية لدى بعض الأجسام بغض النظر عن الكمية المتناولة خصوصًا لدى من يعانون من حساسية من دواء حمض الأسيتلساليسالك (Acetylsalicylic acid)، بسبب احتواءها على مادة كيميائية مشابهة لمادة الساليسليت (Salicylate).
زيادة خطر حدوث التشنجات
من المحتمل أن تزيد من خطر حدوث التشنجات لدى من يعانون من الصرع أو أي أمراض أخرى تسبب التشنجات، ويعود ذلك لاحتوائها على مركبات كيتون المنوتروبين (Monoterpene ketones).
أضرار أخرى لعشبة حصى البان
قد يرافق تناول زيت حصى البان المركز أو كميات كبيرة من أوراقه أعراض جانبية، مثل:
تهيج في الكلى أو الأمعاء أو المعدة.
احمرار الجلد
زيادة حساسية الجلد للشمس
التداخلات الدوائية لعشبة حصى البان
من الأضرار المحتملة لعشبة حصى البان هو تداخلها مع العديد من الأدوية مثل
الأدوية المضادة للتخثر أو المضادة لتجمع الصفائح.
حمض الأسيتيل ساليسيليك (Acetylsalicylic acid).
الكلوبيدوجريل (Clopidogrel).
الأيبوبرفين (Ibuprofen).
الإينوكسابارين (Enoxaparin).
2. الأدوية التي يتم استقلابها عن طريق إنزيم الكبد (CYP1A1)
مثل: الثيوفيلين (Theophylline).
3. الأدوية التي يتم استقلابها عن طريق إنزيم الكبد (CYP1A2)
مثل: الأوندانسيترون (Ondansetron)، والأولانزابين (Olanzapine).
فوائد عشبة حصى البان
عدا عن أضرار عشبة حصى البان، هناك العديد من فوائدها المحتملة في حال تم استخدامها بكميات مناسبة تحت إشراف الطبيب، إليك أهم هذه الفوائد:
تقوية المناعة
تحتوي عشبة حصى البان على مركبات مضادة للأكسدة ومضادة للالتهاب، لذا فهي تساعد في تعزيز المناعة والتخلص من الجذور الحرة.
تحسين عملية الهضم
يُعتقد أن عشبة حصى البان يمكن أن تساعد في علاج عسر الهضم على الرغم من عدم وجود أدلة مؤكدة على ذلك.
تقوية التركيز
يُعتقد أن رائحة حصى البان تُساعد على تقوية التركيز والذاكرة.
حماية الأعصاب
يُحتمل أن هذه العشبة تعمل على حماية الأعصاب من التلف، والمساعدة في التعافي من السكتات الدماغية، حيث يعود ذلك لاحتوائها على حمض الكرنوسيك (Carnosic acid).
الوقاية من مرض الزهايمر
من الممكن أن تُستخدم نبتة حصى البان في علاج الزهايمر مستقبلًا بسبب احتوائها على مركبات الديتريبين (Diterpenes)، التي تعمل كمضادات للأكسدة، ومضادات للالتهاب.
كما أنها تمنع تكون المادة التي يُعتقد أن تراكمها يسبب الزهايمر وهي البيتا أميلويد.
مكافحة السرطان
يُحتمل أن تساعد هذه العشبة في الإبطاء من انتشار خلايا سرطان الثدي وسرطان الدم، فهي مضادة للأورام ومضادة للالتهاب
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farzanatradingcompany · 4 months
Sage: A wise herb with health benefits beyond the kitchen  
With its silver-green leaves and distinctive earthy aroma, sage is a staple in the culinary world as well as in food. This ancient herb boasts a wealth of health benefits that have been appreciated for centuries. In this blog post, we explore the benefits of incorporating sage into your diet and daily life with Farzana Fruits & vegetables supplier in the UAE and how this herb can be a smart choice for both your taste buds and your health.  
Improved cognition:  
Sage has long been associated with improved cognitive abilities. Compounds found in sage, such as rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid, have been studied for their potential to improve memory and cognitive function. Regularly ingesting or inhaling the aroma of sage can improve mental clarity and concentration.  
Rich in antioxidants:  
Sage is rich in antioxidants, which help fight oxidative stress in the body. These antioxidants, including flavonoids and phenolic acids, neutralize free radicals, which may reduce the risk of chronic disease and support overall health.  
Anti-inflammatory properties:  
Sage contains anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce inflammation in the body. This makes it a worthy addition to diets aimed at alleviating inflammatory conditions and promoting overall well-being.  
Aids digestion:  
Traditionally, sage has been used to alleviate digestive problems. Its natural compounds help reduce indigestion, gas, and bloating. Consuming sage tea or incorporating sage into your diet can promote digestive health.  
Throat and oral health:  
Sage has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help with throat health. Gargling with sage tea or using a sage-infused mouthwash can soothe a sore throat and promote oral hygiene.  
Relief of menopausal symptoms:  
Sage provides relief for women with menopausal symptoms. Some studies suggest that sage can help relieve hot flashes and night sweats, making it a natural alternative for treating menopausal symptoms.  
Rich in essential nutrients:  
Sage is an excellent source of essential nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin A, and calcium. These nutrients play important roles in bone health, vision, and overall immune function.  
 Incorporate sage into your routine.  
To reap the benefits of sage, consider incorporating it into your diet and daily routine. Add fresh or dried sage to soups, stews, and roasted vegetables. Additionally, brewing sage tea or using sage-infused oils are fun ways to reap its benefits.  
With its rich history and diverse benefits, sage has proven to be a wise choice for those seeking both culinary pleasure and overall health. Whether you enjoy its flavor in delicious dishes or explore its potential therapeutic benefits, sage is a testament to nature's wisdom, offering deep benefits for mind and body as well as nutrition. Harness the power of sage and let it guide you on your path to a healthier, more vibrant life. 
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bethanyhamiltonsstuff · 4 months
Unveiling the Rosemary Riddle: Are Hamsters Safe to Munch on this Fragrant Herb?
Hey there, hamster enthusiasts! Today, let's dive into the aromatic world of rosemary and explore whether it's a safe treat for our furry friends. 🌿🐹
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Can Hamsters Eat Rosemary? A Fragrant but Risky Herb for Hamsters
Rosemary, that delightful herb from the Rosmarinus officinalis plant, is a double-edged sword for hamsters. Packed with goodies like carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, offering antioxidant and anti-inflammatory perks, it's a flavorful seasoning. But hold on – those volatile oils can spell trouble in large amounts. The mantra? Moderation is the key to a happy hamster tummy.
Introducing Rosemary to Your Hamster's Diet
Picture this: your hamster nibbling on aromatic rosemary leaves. In moderation, this herb brings not just a delightful aroma but also antioxidants, digestive soothing, and an overall health boost.
Benefits of Feeding Rosemary to Hamsters
Let's break down the good stuff:
Rosmarinic acid: The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial champ.
Carnosic acid: Battling free radicals like a superhero.
Borneol and cineole: Calming the tummy and fighting off indigestion.
Flavonoids like hesperidin: Boosting that immune system.
Carnosol: Supporting the liver's backstage work and detoxifying the system.
Essential nutrients: Hello, vitamin A, calcium, and iron – keeping vision sharp, bones strong, and energy levels on point.
Risks of Feeding Rosemary to Hamsters
Now, every rose has its thorn. Overfeeding rosemary could lead to:
Unwanted visits from liver or kidney issues due to those potent oils and acids.
Mouth and tummy troubles from the abrasive leaves.
Reproductive hiccups if your hamster goes overboard on camphor.
Nutritional imbalances if rosemary takes over the main menu.
Concentrated danger in dried rosemary powder – handle with care!
Symptoms of Rosemary Poisoning in Hamsters
Keep your hamster radar on for signs like lethargy, weakness, or tummy turmoil. If you suspect a rosemary overdose, it's vet time – no ifs, ands, or buts.
How Much Rosemary Can You Give a Hamster?
Hold your hamster reins – limit rosemary to a cozy 1-2 times per week, whether it's a sprinkle of dried goodness or a fresh sprig. Gauge your hamster's vibe and back off at the first sign of trouble.
Alternatives and Supplements
If rosemary's not the rave, consider alternatives like basil, dill, parsley, carrot tops, or arugula. And don't forget the power of quality hamster foods from top-notch brands for that balanced diet.
In Summary, Can Hamsters Eat Rosemary?
Yes, but in moderation! Let rosemary be the sidekick, not the hero. Observe your hamster's reaction, inching up the portions slowly if all's well. It's all about finding that balance for a happy, healthy hamster. 🌈🐾
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thuzycheebum · 4 months
Is Rosemary Safe for Hamsters? Balancing the Benefits and Risks
Rosemary, derived from the Rosmarinus officinalis plant, is a fragrant herb known for its piney aroma and flavorful leaves. While it offers potential health benefits, it's crucial to understand the delicate balance between advantages and risks when introducing rosemary into your hamster's diet.
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Can Hamsters Eat Rosemary? A Fragrant but Risky Herb for Hamsters
Rosemary contains compounds like carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, showcasing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. However, its volatile oils can be toxic in high doses. Moderation is key; small, occasional servings are generally safe for hamsters.
Introducing Rosemary to Your Hamster's Diet
When incorporating rosemary, consider its aromatic leaves and the beneficial compounds it brings. In moderation, rosemary can contribute antioxidants, soothe digestive issues, and support various aspects of your hamster's health.
Benefits of Feeding Rosemary to Hamsters
Rosmarinic acid: Offers antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects.
Carnosic acid: Acts as an antioxidant, combating free radical damage.
Borneol and cineole: Soothe indigestion and related issues.
Flavonoids like hesperidin: Promote immune system functioning.
Carnosol: Aids liver function and helps metabolize toxins.
Essential nutrients: Vitamin A, calcium, and iron support vision, bones, blood health, and energy levels.
Risks of Feeding Rosemary to Hamsters
Despite its benefits, overfeeding rosemary can lead to:
Liver or kidney damage from excessive oils and acids.
Irritation of the mouth or gastrointestinal tract due to abrasive leaves.
Reproductive issues linked to camphor toxicity in large doses.
Nutritional deficiencies if rosemary replaces a balanced diet.
Increased toxicity risk from concentrated oils and acids in dried rosemary powder.
Symptoms of Rosemary Poisoning in Hamsters
Watch for signs of overconsumption, such as lethargy, weakness, or digestive issues. If poisoning is suspected, seek immediate veterinary attention.
How Much Rosemary Can You Give a Hamster?
Limit rosemary to 1-2 times per week, offering small portions, either dried or fresh. Monitor your hamster's response and cease if any adverse effects occur.
Alternatives and Supplements
Consider other herbs and greens like basil, dill, parsley, carrot tops, and arugula as healthy alternatives. Quality hamster foods from reputable brands provide a balanced diet.
In Summary, Can Hamsters Eat Rosemary?
Yes, in moderation. While rosemary offers benefits, it should be a supplemental treat. Carefully observe your hamster's reaction, gradually increasing portions if well-tolerated. Balance is key to ensuring your hamster's well-being when incorporating rosemary into their diet.
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meghaaromatics · 8 months
Top few benefits of burning white sage incense sticks
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Are you intrigued by burning sage to improve the quality of air at home, enhance the health of your family, or decrease anxiety or depression? The herb sage (Salvia) is utilized for its spice as well as a method to boost health in traditional medical practices.
Golden White Sage has a long tradition of usage throughout Egyptian, Roman, and Greek medical practices, as being used it is used in Native American healing traditions. Sage is dried and burned as means to heal, safeguard from aging, improve wisdom, and improve the resistance to disease.
Benefits of Sage Supplements
The dried leaves of sage can be cooked with as an ingredient. Sage can also be consumed internally as a liquid spray or lozenge, capsule or tablet. The phenolic components in sage can provide antioxidant benefits and help reduce the amount of free radicals. Rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid are two components in sage which are specifically linked to an antioxidant effect. There are many claims of advantages to taking Sage internally. While there are some studies that supports these benefits however, it is still in the beginning further research is needed.
Helping to ease headaches and throat discomfort
Reduced oxidative stress within the body
Guarding against damage from free radicals
Reducing inflammation
Protection against viral and bacterial infections
Supporting digestion
Protection against loss of memory
Improving mood or reducing depression
Using Sage for Mental Health
In general, not enough research has been conducted regarding the benefits of sage and its potential mental health benefits. Based upon preliminary research it is possible to find evidence for the use of sage to improve mental health and mood. A study in 2005 revealed that sage oil from common use improved cognition and memory (thinking capacity). Furthermore, increased doses were linked to improved mood, feeling calm and calm as well as content.
Benefits of Burning Golden White Sage
Burning White sage, sometimes referred to as smudging, is the process of burning sage leaves, and let the smoke purify the air around your home. The reason for burning sage is different from the motives behind taking it internally.
Megha Aromatics is the leading incense sticks exporter in india
The quality of air in the area could be a cause of various ailments. This is why burning sage can be seen as an effective and cost-effective method to clean the air. It is because sage believed to possess antimicrobial properties that aid in killing viruses, bacteria, and the fungi.
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Nourish Your Mind: The Power of Herbs in Stimulating Brain Cell Regrowth
Herbs have been used for centuries across different cultures for their medicinal properties. They contain a wide range of bioactive compounds that can have a positive impact on our overall health, including our brain health. Herbs such as ginkgo biloba, rosemary, and sage have been found to have neuroprotective effects and can improve cognitive function.
Ginkgo biloba, for example, is known for its ability to improve blood flow to the brain. It contains flavonoids and terpenoids that act as antioxidants, protecting brain cells from damage caused by free radicals. By improving blood flow, ginkgo biloba helps deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to the brain, supporting brain cell regrowth and overall cognitive function.
Rosemary, on the other hand, has been linked to enhanced memory retention. It contains compounds like rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid, which have been shown to protect brain cells from degeneration and improve memory performance. Adding rosemary to your diet or using rosemary essential oil in aromatherapy can provide cognitive benefits and support the regrowth of brain cells.
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saybleeproducts · 11 months
Nature's Hair Elixir: Achieve Stunning Results With Rosemary Hair Products | Sayblee Products
Using rosemary hair products is thought to have anti-inflammatory and nerve-growth-promoting qualities. These attributes of rosemary oil cause an increase in blood flow to the scalp and guard against the death and atrophy of hair follicles. Additionally, carnosic acid in rosemary helps repair and revitalize the scalp's nerves. 
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kanewarner · 1 year
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garybrower · 1 year
Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth
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Rosemary oil is an essential oil derived from—you guessed it—the aromatic rosemary herb. And when it comes to using essential oils for hair, it’s a shining star: Not only has it been clinically shown to be effective for hair growth (more on that later), but it also has the ability to strengthen the strands that you already have. You can read more about the benefits here, but here’s the gist: Hydration: You should always pair rosemary oil with another carrier oil (like jojoba, for example), and these carriers act as a natural moisturizer, which helps to keep hair hydrated. Fullness: The oil nourishes the hair follicle, promoting thickness and hair count. Healthy hair growth: Since rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce free radical damage and irritation on the scalp—this, in turn, helps healthy hair grow in. Stimulates the scalp: Essential oils, like rosemary, can stimulate circulation in the scalp, which helps deliver blood flow and healthy nutrients to the hair follicles. Removes buildup: "Rosemary oil has purifying properties that make it a key part of my hair routine and one of my favorite hair blends," Leslie Lewis, senior director of global training and education at Young Living, previously told mbg. Those purifying abilities can help clarify the scalp and lift excess oil, debris, and buildup from the follicles. Reduces frizz: If you struggle with dry hair, a diluted rosemary oil can ease frizz and prevent breakage. Adds shine: Botanical oils specifically (rosemary included), coat hair a light-reflecting layer, adding high shine to your strands. Plus, rosemary is brimming with polyphenols, like carnosol, carnosic acid, and rosmarinic acid1. Considering these antioxidants can help neutralize free radical damage on the scalp and hair, rosemary oil can help strengthen the strands you have and keep them vibrant and lush. Eases dandruff: Because rosemary oil also has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, it can help minimize dandruff symptoms, too. How to Shop Luxury Scalp & Hair Care Products? Lace Luxury Haircare is an online beauty store for premium hair and scalp products. Shop highest quality hair care products online. Visit Now - Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth.
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jualtanamantelang · 1 year
WA 0813-5812-3335 (informasi pemasaran)
rosemery,tanaman rosemary,bunga rosemary,pohon rosemary,cara menanam rosemary.
tanaman berdaun mungil dan berbunga cantik ini kaya manfaat. Selain berguna untuk kesehatan, juga mampu menunjang kecantikan. Simak, yuk, ulasannya berikut. Tinggi Kalsium Rosemary diketahui memiliki kandungan kalsium tinggi. Tanaman ini sangat bagus untuk mencegah penyakit tulang seperti osteoporosis. Di samping itu, juga baik untuk menjaga kesehatan gigi. Rajin mengonsumsi rosemary bahkan bisa mengatasi rematik.
Antioksidan Tanaman yang bentuknya seperti jarum ini kaya zat antioksidan, zat yang mampu membuat radikal bebas menjauh. Rosemary mempunyai kandungan asam carsonic dan carnosol. Kedua zat ini bisa menghambat pertumbuhan segala jenis sel kanker, seperti kanker payudara, kanker rahim, kanker hati, dan yang lainnya.
Menjaga Kinerja Otak Selain mampu menangkal radikal bebas, tanaman herbal ini bisa memperbaiki kinerja otak sehingga berkhasiat mencegah kepikunan, membantu kita mudah berkonsentrasi, dan memperkuat daya ingat. Hal ini diperkuat oleh penelitian dari Internal Journal of Neuroscience yang membuktikan adanya kandungan zat carnosic dalam daun rosemary, zat untuk melawan kerusakan sel-sel otak.
Memperlancar Pencernaan Rosemary bisa mengatasi permasalahan lambung dan usus. Tanaman herbal ini bahkan diklaim mampu mengatasi penyakit pencernaan, seperti kram usus dan sembelit. Kandungan rosmarinic acid berpotensi sebagai terapi atau pengobatan gangguan saluran pencernaan.
Penyubur Rambut Perawatan rutin menggunakan ekstrak rosemary bisa mengatasi keluhan rambut rontok. Menggunakan ekstrak secara teratur selama enam hingga tujuh bulan akan membantu merangsang pertumbuhan rambut. Ekstrak ini juga berfungsi sebagai tonik atau penguat rambut.
Sebagai Anti Aging Kaya akan kandungan anti oksidan membuat tanaman herbal ini bisa menghambat proses penuaan kulit. Rosemary mampu memperlancar peredaran darah sehingga membuat warna kulit merona. Bahkan, rosemary bisa merangsang regenerasi kulit dan membuat kulit terlihat lebih kencang. Rosemary juga berfungsi sebagai anti inflamasi untuk mencegah jerawat meradang.
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jainsuperstore · 1 year
Benefits of Using Rosemary Essential Oil For Hair
Look over the advantages of using rosemary essential oils for healthy, strong hair. Hair oils have myriad benefits. They can stimulate hair growth, decrease the possibility of a loss of hair as well as help to nourish your hair follicles, scalp, and scalp. This is the case with essential rosemary oil. It has been used for centuries as both cooking as well as an herb for medicinal use. The woody perennial is native to the Mediterranean region and is consumed for a lengthy period of duration and utilized for its medicinal benefits. The essential oil version of rosemary is typically accessible, similar to peppermint, oregano, and cinnamon. Essential oils are extracted from volatile plant elements that have been largely reduced. Look over the advantages of rosemary essential oil to care for your hair more effectively way.
1. Promotes Hair Growth
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Essential oil of rosemary reduces hair loss, however, it also contributes to the growth of hair due to its ability to maintain nerves in good health. It is a source of carnosic acid. This is why rosemary is able to provide hair with the nutrients it requires for growth. Studies suggest that rosemary can aid in hair growth. 2. Prevents Premature Greying
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silvanatrevisani · 1 year
Had it not been for the fact that Master Qinglong did not have time for a good retreat to examine himself, it would not have been so easy to succeed. Okay, you haven't said the result of this trip yet. Qinglong Said with a smile. Well, you did a good job this time. In this way, I have no worries and can hit the bottleneck in the later period wholeheartedly. When Han Li heard this,pumpkin seed extract, a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Hee hee, with the master's cultivation talent, plus the preparation of so many defensive, this breakthrough bottleneck is certainly no problem. I would like to congratulate the master in advance for his great progress. The leopard stick beast blinked He blinked his eyes and said with a light smile. I hope so. Now that you have been transformed, you don't need to stay in the spirit animal ring. You can practice in the secret room next to me. If you need anything, just ask them about it. I They will ask them to meet all your needs. Han Li looked awestruck. Thank you, master. I don't want to stay in the spirit animal ring for a long time. Then I will go to the next door to practice first. When the master begins to retreat,carnosic acid price, I will protect him! The leopard ploughing beast was overjoyed and immediately said Give the words of retirement. 、 Han Li naturally had no reason to disagree, and after a few words of exhortation, he let him leave. As soon as the figure of the beast disappeared, Han Li took a deep breath, grabbed it in the void with one hand, and a messenger emerged. He raised his hand and let it go. Then he closed his eyes and continued to meditate. After a short time, a woman's voice suddenly sounded outside the secret room: "Brother Han, if you call me here now, is it possible that you will start to hit the bottleneck in the later period?" The voice was very pleasant, but it had a hint of coldness. It was the voice of the woman Bingdan. Feng Daoyou did not guess wrong, Han did have this plan, "Han Li opened his eyes and calmly replied.". A few days later, phycocyanin spirulina ,lycopene for skin, in a secret room of Tianding City, seven or eight members of the Council of Elders of Tianyuan City were gathering together to discuss something. Among them, Jinyue Zen Master, Silver Light Fairy and others are all among them. So, Master Qinglong has really fallen! It's a great pity. It's a great loss for both our races at this time. The silver-haired, white-robed old man sitting in the first seat sighed. Said in a tone. Had it not been for the fact that after Qinglong joined the Council of Elders, he left a piece of soul card in the secret hall, he would not have believed it. According to the monk guarding the by force, it means that he has not admitted that he is a member of our Council of Elders.". In that case, we don't need to pursue it to the end. The most important thing now. Or the siege of the Demon army! The silver-haired old man frowned and said slowly. But after all, Master Qinglong is a combined monk of the human race, and he is also a mid-term monk. He has fallen for no reason. I can't explain to the monks in the city. Besides, this will not Will it affect Lin Luan's attitude toward the city? The monk surnamed Gu of the Dou yuan Began to retreat, but there is such a thing. The silver-haired old man asked Zen Master Jinyue with a solemn look. Well, it's true. Originally,mulberry leaf extract weight loss, I wanted to do my last bit to see if I could persuade Han Daoyou to give up the idea of letting Qinglong Daoyou leave the city. But Han Daoyou, a disciple, said that No more visitors in seclusion! Zen Master Jin Yue spoke slowly. prius-biotech.com
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