sgiandubh · 1 year
I have asked a few very popular bloggers this question and it has yet to be answered. Many here believe that they got married in Spain. Can you please explain in as much detail as possible, the events that led up to this conclusion and why so many believe this to be fact. Thank you
Dear Ibiza Anon,
I am not #CarparkIbiza's appointed spokeswoman and I will never, ever try to explain anything that any other person wrote in here, spare myself.
If you still believe S&C got married in Spain, you have no idea of a) cross-border marriage rules in Europe (or even the EU, of which the UK was a member at the time), b) national Spanish legislation and c) you have most probably never had to deal with a consulate, in your entire life.
It is not that it's doubtful. That never happened. Materially impossible.
This is, as I often say, Believe-What-You-Want-Territory. I know that reaching across the Great Divide separating us from Mordor is impossible, but I still think we can and should talk to each other respectfully across the thin hairlines that slowly crept on the surface of that once fine porcelain. I own my opinions, offer and expect honesty and respect. It should not be that hard.
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obsessivesassenach · 7 years
Remember this article?
🍣 🍷🍷⛰ 🏖 ⛵️
By Laura Brounstein Mar 14, 2015
Who: Scottish actor killing it in a kilt in Starz's Outlander, based on Diana Gabaldon's can't-put-down best-selling series.
What he's wearing down there: "Under the kilt? I'm a true Scotsman. You don't even have to ask. It can be very breezy!"
Set-side to stateside: "Catriona [Balfe] and I hang out a lot. She's fantastic. She's great fun to work with and has a brilliant sense of humor. It's nice for me to be working back in Scotland and it's a new place for her, so she's been discovering it. And yesterday, we were both in L.A. and went out for sushi. We talked about it when we were on the Scottish moors, for the show, we were like, Oh my god, let's go and do sushi when we're in L.A., so we've been hitting up all the top sushi spots here. But I miss those moors! We were talking about it yesterday, how we can't wait to go back and get out there again, it's so much fun, everybody gets on."
Great romances: "The classic, Romeo and Juliet for me is the iconic story of young love. I've been in that production on stage a few times as Romeo and also playing Paris. I love stories about the end of relationships too, like the film Amour, which was really, really beautiful. Blue Valentine was a really sad movie but I loved the moments when they're discovering each other for the first time. Hopefully Outlander can become one of the greats."
On his texting habits: "I'm a notorious late-night texter. I seem to use a lot of lip, heart, and tongue emoji. But I think the call is always better— especially now with everyone only texting, a call can be quite exciting. I might be wrong though. Maybe people don't want me to call them!"
What he thinks about your drink order: "If she orders a scotch, that's really impressive. That's going to get her adate. But if I'm on a beach, even I'll go for something with coconut water or an umbrella."
Foreign relations: "British women can be slightly more reserved, Scottish are a little more crazy and fun, and American are more forthright, which I really enjoy. I haven't met enough American women. I think we need to rectify that."
His kind of girl: "Outdoorsy, likes sushi, good humor, maybe likes a drink. Those are pretty damn good. And probably being able to put up with me should be on that list."
Dating advice to his younger self: "I think we try too hard—or I certainly do and I think it's about relaxing and enjoying yourself. It's something you only get with age, isn't it? When you're younger you're just caught up in the moment. It's been fun to grow. The last few years, I feel like I've grown up a bit and my relationships have changed as well."
Pre-date prep: "I absolutely have lifted weights before a date. I think they call that the disco pump, don't they? I've spent hours in a gym before a date. But it's never a good thing. By the time you're on the date you're tired and just want to go to bed or eat something. But nothing wrong with a few press-ups before a date to get the heart pumping."
Dating Claire (his character Jamie's love interest): "She'd be a good date. Ultimately, it's all about personality, isn't it? But yeah, Claire would be fantastic date, she'd have some good stories to tell as well."
His go-to first date: "For the moment, in Scotland, a date– maybe not the first date– would definitely be climbing a mountain or something. I'm not sure every girl would particularly like to be dragged up a mountain, but it's a good test, isn't it? Anything involving wine is good. The theater or the cinema is never a good idea on a first date because you don't get to chat. You spend all the time watching something you're just like, Ah, I want to talk to this person! You want to get an idea of who they are. Sushi is good. Again, not everyone likes it, but that's a good way to weed them out."
Swoon: "I always try to be romantic or surprise people. I try to keep the other person guessing with gifts, lots of gifts or turning up. But I always get worried that if I turn up at their work with some flowers or whatever that it will go terribly wrong, but so far, it's gone well. I like to challenge myself and find new ways of letting the other person know I'm excited."
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its-moopoint · 3 years
Quick recap
- some still pretending and selling SC are "going too far"
- some saying the MCs, yes plural, cause there's more than one, are dubious and when in court only real evidence counts and they have a lot of receipts. LOL LOL yeah a judge or jury would all make your case with some screencaps with hearteyes and social media banter while faced with an official marriage certificate to another man. There's no right answer.
- some still claiming the "same places at the same time" when that's not true. Same places yes, sometimes. Same time no, there's evidence placing them at different times. And finally, kudos for believing an anon spreading tales to a shipper inbox without any ounce of truth. Shippers being trolled since ancient times. Valencia has nothing to do with Ibiza. Two very separate different cities. There's no fucking way back then, someone would recognize these 2 here in Spain of all places, let alone a dude that's not even a fan of the show himself. Carparkibiza could have been anything. Could have been there as a foursome, could have been teasing him based on a story of his she knows. Some people like assuming way too much stuff. Then they found out they were wrong (like no Antonio, oh hello there Antonio! gin association...)
The only true clear thing as of now is Catalina marrying Antonio in 2019. With status "single" not divorced (so bye bye secret Spanish fictional SC wedding). Tait marriage certificate and tait joint company.
Rolando being.... Rolando.
End of story. Go on smoking the stuff you smoke. Or maybe it's the drinking.
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mama-tumblz · 5 years
What do you think of Cait’s “I’m not in the same location as Sam, but look where I am!” game?
I think she thinks of it as a game of necessity and that there are enough fans who take her words at face value that it feels like she is winning. Fair enough. It’s not for us anyway. She’s good at the game though. Just as she’s never said she was engaged or married, she never said she was in Spain. We know she loves Spain because #welcometospainsamandcait, and #carparkibiza and all, so she’s not lying. “Yo amp Espana”—“I love Spain” in English, or in Shipperese, “I’m not in Montreal”.
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laveritaswoman · 5 years
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If Cait really hates shippers so much, she should stop allowing receipts that encourage them to ship. To avoid all impropriety, Cait should just tell Sam to: stop retweeting the same/similar posts about the same topic at almost the same time (and if interns are doing this, tell them to stop it); stop mirroring her online times; stop buying her old apartments; stop visiting her new apartment (if you��re “practicing your lines,” do that at work and not at Cait and maestro’s “love nest”); stop making innuendo comments like “we’re together and we work together;” stop giving away her things (like leopard statues); stop telling people he has the same exact glass table that was pictured in her new place; stop following the same random people right after Cait meets them or follows them; and stop posting pics in her old bedroom ... in bed ... with her cat.
If Sam thinks shippers are delusional because they’re “obviously” not together, I wish he would tell Cait to: stop retweeting the same/similar posts about the same topic at almost the same time; stop mirroring his online times; stop following him around everywhere on hiatus and going to the same exact vacation spots and staying at the same hotels in Hawaii (and where’s Waldo?); stop agreeing to be an ambassador for the same things -- like Audi -- that he is paid to promote; stop appearing with your co-worker’s Scotch whisky partners or signing bottles of Laphroaig whisky at the same time your co-worker just appeared there; stop following the same random people right after Sam meets them or follows them; stop appearing covertly and showing your telltale back moles at his movie premieres (TSWDM); stop acting like you know what time Sam gets up in the morning to exercise; and stop making vague references to places like #carparkibiza, where Sam makes the best picnics, when Sam wasn’t even supposed to have been with you in Ibiza on your break.
Behave like other platonic TV show co-stars behave (particularly where one is engaged) and not like a real-life couple trying to hide your real-life relationship but failing miserably at it and then passive-aggressively throwing your fans under the bus for thinking you’re together.
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sfidressage · 7 years
Sam's brother was supposed to go with him to the event. Read twolocalexplorers ig comment to Sam. They are friends with his brother and apologized he had to cancel. If anything, she was a last minute addition because he couldn't find anyone else that wouldn't set off the gay rumours.
Well, if that’s true it would make some sense- the whole thing came off more like it was created to be a guy’s dream day out than the dream date they are trying to sell it as. Think Sam and his brother and their day at the rugby finals last year, complete with the VIP treatment, courtesy of American Express I believe.
But if there was indeed a “cancellation” I amInclined to think that it might be similar to the last minute cancellation of Ron’s wife Terri, the award winning costume designer for the Outlander series, at the Baftas dinner last fall to make room for a surprise plus one for Sam at table that evening.And as to needing to squash gay rumours? I don’t think so. That’s just rumours. This show today was much more likely to do with rugby match selfies, wine laden picnics on the Cape Point, #carparkibiza’s, and some very lovely moments caught on camera by fans as Sam and Cait walked the halls of Comic Con in San Diego between appearances there last week. And it’s not rumours about any of that. It’s all out there plain as day in black and white, and also in living color.
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yellowfeather84 · 7 years
Did anyone catch on Maril's Q&A that Maril has never been in a car while Cait drove. I thought that was interesting given that they seem to be really good friends, who apparently don't spend a lot of time together in an out of work context. In contrast with...#carparkIbiza ECCC comments Cait and Sam made that seemed to indicate they HAVE been in cars with each other.
I didn’t catch her interview, but certainly interesting. Maybe they always have a driver or Maril always drives. Cait has said that they play tennis and run together.
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I agree with you on the secrecy. Trying to hide it makes it look like they want to hide something. What that something is can be interpreted in more than one way. A romantic relationship is an unsurprising interpretation, to me. Lots of their interactions show a deep and caring relationship between the two of them. A certain interpretation of said relationship unleashes a legion of angry fans to rain their TRUTH on every social media account imaginable. Could they be hiding from that hellfire?
That's a really fair point, nad honestly exactly where my mind went after I posted the ask (call it putting in my anti hat, if you will 😝). But I think it is more suspicious to try and hide a friendship than to be open about it. Why hide something if there's nothing to hide? They could have framed it more as a work thing (maybe in social posts being like wow look at the fun things we do thanks to Outlander- not that because it's stupid but you know what I mean!), to make it seem like both were invited because of the show when it was just Sam. Think about the Edinburgh film festival, or T2 premiere, if you don't think they are together that's just friends hanging out sharing an interest, in opportunities afforded to them because of their show. Also, keep in mind that this was right before (or after? I don't remember the timing) Cait was in Ibiza, which we now know (can assume, based on what she has shared on social, albeit briefly), with the picnic they had #carparkibiza. Yes, if you wanted to push your argument further this could have been a friends trip. But I don't go on trips with my male friends to beautiful sunny locals, so you? Soo long story short, you could be right, but if you couple this with many other things eyebrows are continuously raised as to their relationship status. I've said before that if they had been like Cait and Tobias from day one, no one would have suspicions, and they could have gone as friends and no one would have batted an eyelash. But.....
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superfluffycool · 7 years
Ever since MM appeared on the scene, I've thought that the possibility of Sam being gay was more likely than him being with her. Hiding a SamCait relationship is also more plausible to me than Sam/MM. Two recent things still tip me in favor of SamCait: #carparkibiza (sounds like a romantic trip) and Cait's casual signal to Sam on stage Friday night that she wanted his glass and drinking out of it (such a couple thing to do, not a normal BFF gesture). But MM? Still not buying it.
Great points, Anon. I agree with all of them and am not buying that other relationship.
What is so upsetting about this is it’s so obviously a farce, but they are still trying to sell it and the only way they can is to suggest that the fans not buying it are weird. 
Maybe this is their choice? If it IS their choice, how can we respect them? They gave more fuel to the big old space bully in his crusade to end shipping. They said a fan was weird for being so emotionally invested in them as a couple. AND between the end of S3 and now we got LOADS of fucking receipts for them being together. So, yeah, my respect for them is wavering this morning. It can never die completely because I don’t know what it’s like in their position.
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its-moopoint · 4 years
That tale of him having a boner on that red carpet always makes me laugh. First of all, it's pretty clear he is checking his zipper and second of all they didn't see each other for the first time on that red carpet. They have seen each other behind the scenes before meeting the press. Do they think him to be such a horny teenager who immediately gets an errection when seeing her? Even in a professional setting? Mr. Shy and Introverted? Why degrade him like that?
I have no idea. It happened before my time so as always when you land on this side of the fandom you find yourself reading as canon many many tales that you gotta question later on.
For example, I have mentioned many times now the fireplace tale from anon that someone set up for Rolando and "Claire" opened the door. Oh please. The troll even started her anon with "long story short" for fucks sake. Then we have the "blogger" sharing the plane fashion industry talk... another one who lied, this time directly to my face. We also have the Valencia sighting. I find it now extremely hard to believe. If it was a woman fan from abroad bumping into them, okay maybe she would have recognized them, but some dude? A fan's brother?? and then the lucky gal with the scoop comes to Tumblr to share? No one knows her in person? If she was such a hardcore fan she didn't belong to any social media cult where she told her story to her friends so people have an actual name and face to attacht to the story? No? Again just a fucking anon/troll? What proof is there of Rolando even being in Valencia?
The only thing that fits slightly this scenario is the carparkIbiza twitter mention but it involves a lot of assuming.
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its-moopoint · 4 years
Have you seen anyone do a master de-bunk of every “receipt”? I think it could benefit the newbies. They fall down the rabbit hole of lies and alleged truths told by shippers.
No, it would take way too long. I myself said in the end the only thing I can't really explain is #carparkIbiza, Catalina's "no 🌂" tweet and her tweeting "oi oi young pound" from her own account (sorry can't see her into fighting enough to be in first name basis with such a fighter on twitter and why delete it if she was).
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its-moopoint · 4 years
It's already canon that she chose the book cause she has an affair herself. And of course this is a receipt, cause Rolando said he bought rights to some books as well.
Are they buying using Byron Benirras?
Byron from her engagement to Antonio (thanks mom Balfe)
Benirras from her engagement to Rolando (thanks #carparkIbiza)
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its-moopoint · 4 years
Seeing old shipper posts making the rounds
I have realized half of the "receipts" is anons' messages without one ounce of proof, just someone sharing a tale from a brother or a neighbour or a friend of a friend... and those stories are used to link and explain the whole circumstances surrounding certain SM posts or pictures. My point is, if you remove those tales you have nothing. Specially funny is the fashion conversation on a plane knowing as I know that the story came from the PR Champagne Monkeys that later on lied to me and denied to my face (convo where she admits it was her friend is still on my DMs)
So if you crossed out all those stories than can be fanfic from trolls then you are left out with barely nothing.
The only one that comes from a blogger is the tour guide bit, and seeing how people lie here you gotta trust the person very much not to question it. and one anon speaking about a party that no one knew was happening until the following day. The thing is nothing that anon told described SC as being a couple, just friendly. To support that version you will need to believe their deception makes them avoid being a couple every single time they go out in public. No loving gestures, no kissing.
Don't get me started with the Edinburgh pub pic. I think someone has been having so much fun trolling shippers here all these years.
Anyway, only think you can't explain is #carparkibiza. All the rest it's people reaching and trying too hard to make the connection using these troll Anons (people do realize anyone can make up and send those messages can't they).
PS: the more I see coffee run pics the more I see Antonio there. In fact I can't see Rolando anywhere below that cap.
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its-moopoint · 5 years
I'm not a shipper and never was, but I admit their behavior makes believe all of the Fandom they were something and not just a few ladies even in the show itself the dynamic wasn't the same till S3. I'm not saying they were something, but they liked it to pretend they were, maybe fan service I suppose. Nos this man WS comes to defend S from his own stupidity talking about that shit show offending fans who sees the croch to crotch a couple thing, lap sitting, tounge and induendo it's fraternal?
You gotta add to that stuff like carparkibiza that had nothing to do with Rolando to be thrown there, then his buying her apartment and then catsitting gate. It’s all Trollando. Plus let’s not get started with the way he used to feed shipper game via likes and innuendo at the beginning. I will never forget the inbox leaks coming from his camp directly. He can’t fool anyone acting innocent here. He’s anything but. And everything to cover his bearding ass. Shameful. My gay friends would slap his pretty face if they ever saw him. He’d better not come to Chueca when they celebrate. 
And yes oh please the sister bullshit now. You know who reminded me this off? His nephew. He (Rolando) will never love her (Catalina). Because I know my uncle (Rolando), longer than you.. yeah sure you have. 
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its-moopoint · 4 years
3BCB to me more is a play on Berritas, Byron and Bruton than a punk rock band. Not to mention C loves herself so it’s no surprise the joint company included her initials. I wonder what the significance of Berritas is? The place Antonio first said I loved you or consummated their relationship?
Benirras is a beach on Ibiza. Until she spills the beans the only detail we had was #carparkIbiza with Rolando. September 2015? Maybe it was a foursome trip and the ones attending were his boyfriend, Catalina and Antonio.
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its-moopoint · 5 years
Here it is, Catalina for you guys in her full splendor
With comments by moi because otherwise I won’t be able to sleep and explode.
Sooooo first please keep watching but if you don’t and it gets cancelled that’s fine too. 
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First attempt. LOL
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Ohhhhhhhhhh so all those bottles the Coldberts gave at her wedding and all the facials they do on her must be TO CREATE wrinkles, not erase them. Who would have thought...
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With her humor I don’t know if she’s rubbing it on the fan’s face that she got in fact a signed scarf or if she’s mocking her for wanting one, if signed all the better. By the way notice the girl’s name. 
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Or Rolando would sue her. But serioulsy her mom not liking it wouldn’t make her go and have it right now? Ain’t that how it worked?? According to her??
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Wow, just wow. 
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I believe her. 
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I don’t get the Skeleton praise and adoration shit. It’s unbelievable. Either the kid is dating Rolando for reals in which case my brain will explode, actually explode because of all the obvious pinging and beards, or I don’t know what the hell is up here. 
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Ahhh, this one just for those on the baby train. She made their night, their week, their month and even their year I bet. They won’t listen to any other of her tweets calling BS but this one, oh this one will contain THE TRUTH. LOL 
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And for the journo, and for Lienette and for the wedding photog watching OL while editing her pics...
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I don’t get this one. A lot harder than #carparkIbiza. The guy must be friends with her husband, with him being a music producer and all. Notice the girl’s name here again
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LIAR. LIAR IN CAPS TOO. Also again notice the lady’s name.
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Again the Skeleton fascination. Did they get married? Did she adopt her? Also a lot more Bree and Claire and less Jamie and Claire of course. 
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If you want more, keep watching. If you don’t, then that’s fine by her again. LOL 
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She picked this question. She picked this fucking question. And what “situation” is this Catalina? Your being married to another guy while touching Rolando’s butt on set? That one? It could be worse yes. 
And yes be kind even when you are wondering what your crazy stalker fans do for a living LMAO
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Shade to Sam. Oh she’s hilarious. Again she chose this question and she picked her own answer. 
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 As you see a few of the favorite names to make it to her reply list actually made it. She started answering to the rainbow gal all the time LMAO 
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