#carsten rasmussen
businessbigwigs · 1 year
Lego Group Plans USA Plant
Plans Emerge for First Lego Factory in US
Lego Group will be building a new factory in the USA, solar-powered and carbon-neutral, in their plan to grow as a company. The new factory is going to be massive. A 340 acre site in Virginia, it will include a 35-40 MW solar plant and generate enough electricity to power a small town. According to Lego Group, they want the solar plant to meet all the energy needs of the entire site. “The site…
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markwatkinsreviews · 9 months
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BOOK REVIEW: THE UNHAPPY HERO by Carsten Fog Hansen & Jens Rasmussen (2024)
Former-footballer, Lars Elstrup , was born in 1963 and was best known scoring goals for Feyenord and Luton Town (The "Hatters" in the Premier, season 2023/24). He also collected 34 caps and 13 goals playing for Denmark. So a decent player, and as THE UNHAPPY HERO concludes, a decent man, opening himself and his life to such public scrutiny.
So, here, in fabulous hardback, is “a revealing insight into” his “turbulent life.”
Lar's ups and downs with football AND ups and downs with depression are sympathetically described as well as his unusual involvement with the so called, Heart Of The Sun, cult.
Elstrup, on depression - fear of performing / making mistakes: 
“The troublesome depressions are making relentless comebacks. They have no age limit, they don’t care about club colours, and they disregard physical fitness and positive periods”
and writers' insight:
“One thing is for certain. Both the 60-yar-old Lars Elstrup and 138-year-old Luton Town strive for the same now; to rejoice in the resurgence and at being back at, or at least close to the top, to simply enjoy these times, as one appreciates the good moments even more when they have experienced the dark ones.”  
Unhappy or anti-hero?
Certainly a Great Dane.
Lars Elstrup is quoted in the book as saying” A football match is a team effort”.
Just as this book is, taking two to write it, and well. 
Out on PITCH, January 1, 2024.
Rating: 8/10
The Unhappy Hero | Pitch Publishing
Mark Watkins, Dare radio, 6 January, 2024.
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bongoramadk · 2 years
Af Carsten Jensen Jeg tænder for DR1. Der sidder Lars Løkke Rasmussen og skal præsentere valgprogrammet for sit nystiftede parti Moderaterne.“En gammel cirkushest med nye numre,” griner intervieweren Kåre Quist. Ja, ha ha, vi skal endelig ikke tage det her alt for alvorligt. Politik er bare en cirkusmanege. “Mine damer og herrer”!” som Clement Kjersgaards maniske velkomstsalut lyder, når det er…
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dkavisen · 2 years
Gymnasieelever fik unik viden
Gymnasieelever fik unik viden
Gymnasieeleverne fra 2K og 3K på Fredericia Gymnasium havde i går besøg af tidligere forsvarsattache, Carsten Rasmussen. Her fik eleverne et unikt indblik i den europæiske sikkerhedssituation og krigen i Ukraine.  Carsten Rasmussen leverede først oplæg til eleverne på 30 minutter, hvorefter der var plads til spørgsmål, og her havde eleverne mange spørgsmål, og Carsten Rasmussen gav, indenfor…
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i12bent · 2 years
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Carl Rasmussen (August 31, 1841 - 1893) was a Danish painter who worked for many years in menial jobs while taking art classes when and where he could. Finally in 1862 he was given a scholarship to attend the Royal Academy, and he graduated in 1866.
Soon after he started traveling, esp. to Greenland where he visited several times. Unfortunately he fell overboard on the journey homeward while painting a marine onboard the vessel Peru and drowned, leaving his wife and 8 kids behind...
Above: Midnatsstemning ved den grønlandske kyst, 1872 - oil on canvas (SMK)
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metalkilltheking · 7 years
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Artillery with Flemming Rasmussen.
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astratv · 2 years
Τα 554 εκατ. ευρώ θα πάνε για την καταπολέμηση της φτώχειας (φωτο – βίντεο) –
Τα 554 εκατ. ευρώ θα πάνε για την καταπολέμηση της φτώχειας (φωτο – βίντεο) –
Στη Λάρισα και συγκριμένα σε κεντρικό ξενοδοχείο της πόλης πραγματοποιείται σήμερα Τρίτη η τελική τεχνική σύσκεψη για την έγκριση του νέου περιφερειακού επιχειρησιακού προγράμματος ΕΣΠΑ Θεσσαλίας 2021 2027 υπό τον περιφερειάρχη Θεσσαλίας κ. Κώστα Αγοραστό και τον κ. Carsten Rasmussen, επικεφαλής του τμήματος Ελλάδος Κύπρου της γενικής διεύθυνσης περιφερειακής και αστικής πολιτικής (DG Regio) Της…
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reportwire · 2 years
Lego building U.S. factory to avert supply chain disruptions – RetailWire
Lego building U.S. factory to avert supply chain disruptions – RetailWire
Lego building U.S. factory to avert supply chain disruptions – RetailWire Retail News Fortune Lego plans to invest $1 billion to build a new factory in Virginia. The move is being made to avoid supply chain disruptions to the U.S. market. “Our strategy to be close to our core markets has only been confirmed recently,” said Lego COO Carsten Rasmussen. MORE ON THIS STORY… MORE RETAIL NEWS…
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shredderslodge · 3 years
  https://vimeo.com/649033797   Amazing reminder here from our good friend Henrik Edelbo, found of Codered, Danish video magazine ( yes this is henrik on the cover of codered 7) that had a good run from the years 1999 to 2007. This is the part from Codered 7 with the danish legend Carsten Rask. Please enjoy. !! are we going to see more ?   WE DO HOPE SO !! Credits: Henrik Edelbo,  Jan Rasmussen,…
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spoilersgr · 4 years
Με σκοπό να καθιερωθεί ως ένα ετήσιο πανευρωπαϊκό συνέδριο που θα συνδράμει στην οικονομική, επιχειρηματική, τεχνολογική και πολιτιστική ανάπτυξη των Περιφερειών της Ελλάδας, θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην Αρχαία Ολυμπία, από τις 18 έως τις 20 Σεπτεμβρίου, το Olympia Forum Ι. Είναι μια πρωτοβουλία του Οικονομικού Φόρουμ των Δελφών και της εφημερίδας «Πατρίς», με συνδιοργανωτές την Περιφέρεια Δυτικής Ελλάδος, τον δήμο Ολυμπίας, το Επιμελητήριο Ηλείας και την Ένωση Περιφερειών Ελλάδος, σύμφωνα με ανακοίνωση του Olympia Forum.Μεταξύ των θεμάτων που θα συζητηθούν στο συνέδριο, σύμφωνα με τους διοργανωτές, είναι η περιφερειακή διακυβέρνηση, το πρόγραμμα «Επόμενης Γενιάς της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης», το αναπτυξιακό πρόγραμμα «Αντώνης Τρίτσης» για τις τοπικές αυτοδιοικήσεις, η κυκλική οικονομία, η ψηφιοποίηση στις Περιφέρειες, θέματα πολιτισμού και τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης, ο νέος στρατηγικός σχεδιασμός για τη βιομηχανία, η γεωργία και η αγροτική ανάπτυξη, καθώς θέματα που αφορούν στις εναλλακτικές πηγές ενέργειας και την απολιγνιτοποίηση.Αναλυτικότερα σε ό,τι αφορά την πρωτοβουλία αυτή, οι διοργανωτές αναφέρουν ότι το Olympia Forum αποτελεί μια πλατφόρμα ανάδειξης αναπτυξιακών πρωτοβουλιών και πρακτικών καλής διακυβέρνησης εντός των ευρωπαϊκών διαρθρωτικών και επενδυτικών ταμείων, για τον σχεδιασμό και την εφαρμογή καινοτόμων στρατηγικών περιφερειακής ανάπτυξης στην Ελλάδα.Μέσω του Olympia Forum, όπως επισημαίνουν, θα είναι δυνατή η μεταφορά τεχνογνωσίας και βέλτιστων πρακτικών που έχουν θεσπιστεί σε διάφορες ευρωπαϊκές περιφέρειες, σε τομείς όπως η βιομηχανία, η τεχνολογική ανάπτυξη, τα μεγάλα έργα υποδομών, η πράσινη ενέργεια, ο οικοτουρισμός, η γεωργία και τα γεωργικά και διατροφικά προϊόντα, που σε συνδυασμό με την απορρόφηση και αξιοποίηση διαθέσιμων κονδυλίων θα αποτελέσουν πυλώνα ανάπτυξης και ευημερίας γι’ όλη τη χώρα.Στρατηγικός εταίρος είναι η Ελληνική Ένωση Επιχειρηματιών (Ε.ΕΝ.Ε), ενώ υποστηρικτές του φόρουμ είναι οι εταιρίες ΤΕΡΝΑ, ΟΣΕ και Attica Bank.Σύμφωνα με το Olympia Forum, μεταξύ των διακεκριμένων ομιλητών είναι οι εξής: οι υπουργοί Εσωτερικών Παναγιώτης Θεοδωρικάκος, Οικονομικών Χρήστος Σταϊκούρας, Υποδομών και Μεταφορών Κώστας Καραμανλής, Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Τροφίμων Μάκης Βορίδης, Πολιτισμού Λίνα Μενδώνη, Τουρισμού Χάρης Θεοχάρης, ο πρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής των Περιφερειών, περιφερειάρχης Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας Απόστολος Τζιτζικώστας, ο επικεφαλής οικονομικός σύμβουλος του πρωθυπουργού της Ελλάδας Αλέξης Πατέλης, ο πρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής Οικονομικής και Κοινωνικής Επιτροπής Luca Jahier, ο τέως επίτροπος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για θέματα Μετανάστευσης, Εσωτερικών Υποθέσεων και Ιθαγένειας Δημήτρης Αβραμόπουλος, ο ιδρυτής και διευθυντής του Greening the Islands Gianni Chianetta, ο επικεφαλής της Γενικής Διεύθυνσης Περιφερειακής και Αστικής Πολιτικής της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης Carsten Rasmussen, o Αμερικανός πρέσβης στην Ελλάδα Τζέφρι Πάιατ, ο Γερμανός πρέσβης στην Ελλάδα Έρνστ Ράιχελ, ο πρόεδρος της EENE. και διευθύνων σύμβουλος του ομίλου Ιατρικού Αθηνών Δρ Βασίλης Αποστολόπουλος, ο πρόεδρος της ΚΕΔΕ Δημήτρης Παπαστεργίου, οι δήμαρχοι Αθηναίων Κώστας Μπακογιάννης, Αρχαίας Ολυμπίας Γιώργος Γεωργιόπουλος, οι ευρωβουλευτές Εύα Καϊλή, Μαρία Σπυράκη, Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης, η γενική γραμματέας της Διάσκεψης Παράκτιων Περιφερειών Ελένη Μαριάνου.Στο συνέδριο θα συμμετάσχουν και οι περιφερειάρχες Αττικής Γιώργος Πατούλης, Πελοποννήσου Παναγιώτης Νίκας, Ηπείρου Αλέξανδρος Καχριμάνης, Δυτικής Ελλάδας Νεκτάριος Φαρμάκης και Θεσσαλίας Κώστας Αγοραστός.Τέλος, όπως επισημαίνουν οι διοργανωτές, ακολουθώντας το πρωτόκολλο ασφαλείας της Πολιτείας για την αντιμετώπιση της Covid-19, το Olympia Forum θα έχει τη μορφή υβριδικού συνεδρίου, που θα συνδυάζει διαδικτυακή συμμετοχή καλεσμένων και απευθείας συζητήσεις με παρουσία έως 50 καλεσμένων.Το συνέδριο, που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Συνεδριακό Κέντρο ΣΠΑΠ της Αρχαίας Ολυμπίας, θα προβληθεί στο διαδίκτυο και η παρακολούθηση είναι δωρεάν με εγγραφή μέσω της ιστοσελίδας του Forum, olympiaforum.gr.
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bbraga772-blog · 5 years
Muhammedkrisen: An Event Analysis
Denmark is a country well-known for its relatively high press freedom. Freedom of speech, in general, is valued in Denmark and covered in Chapter VIII of its Constitution under civil rights. Although formel ytringsfrihed is protected by the Constitutional Act of the Kingdom of Denmark, there is a disagreement on whether or not it protects materiel ytringsfrihed. Materiel ytringsfrihed, or “material of free speech,” is the right to not be prosecuted for one’s speech. However, this does not include matters such as child pornography, libel, and hate speech/racism that are restricted by the Danish Penal Code. The rules for hate speech/racism are found in Article 266b of Straffeloven, stating “whoever publicly, or with the intention of wider dissemination, makes a statement or imparts other information by which a group of people are threatened, insulted or degraded on account of their race, colour, national or ethnic origin, religion, or sexual inclination shall be liable to a fine or to imprisonment…” (p. 70) Article 266b was taken into consideration for the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoon crisis.
The Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoon crisis, as stated in my Special Issues Brief, was the publication of cartoons with illustrations of the prophet Muhammad in the Jyllands-Posten newspaper. Twelve illustrations of Muhammad, an important figure of the Islamic religion, appeared in the newspaper’s September issue to accompany an editorial criticizing self-censorship in media (Asser, 2010). The pictures featured in “Muhammeds ansigt” angered Muslims across the country, and several demanded the Danish newspaper company apologize for releasing such offensive content. In response, editor-in-chief Carsten Juste said that he “would not dream of retracting the cartoons or apologize for their publication” (Henkel, 2010, p. 69). Cultural editor Flemming Rose, the man responsible for “Muhammeds ansigt,” was also remorseless for including the illustrations in the newspaper. He is quoted saying “the modern, secular society is rejected by some Muslims. They demand a special position, insisting on special consideration of their own religious feelings. It is incompatible with contemporary democracy and freedom of speech, where one must be ready to put up with insults, mockery, and ridicule...” (Rose, 2005).
The Danish public and Denmark’s Muslim minority were in an even worse place now because of Muhammedkrisen. Muslims in Denmark have always felt that Danish society and state have failed to recognize their true demands (Henkel, 2010, p. 69). This non-recognition and frustration toward the Danish public’s refusal to respect their religion led to several Muslim protests in the Scandinavian country. Ambassadors from Muslim countries even requested to meet with Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen to discuss the 2005 crisis, however, he denied on the grounds that he cannot infringe on Denmark’s press freedom (Hvidberg, 2014). When a number of Muslim organizations filed a complaint to the Danish government saying Jyllands-Posten offended Article 266b of Straffeloven, The Regional Public Prosecutor in Viborg, referring to Section 749, Subsection 2 of the Administration of Justice Act, discontinued the investigation because they did not find “a reasonable suspicion that a criminal offense indictable by the state has been committed” (Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, 2006, p. 1).
There is a clear trend when analyzing the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoon crisis, and that is the defense of free speech. Even though “Muhammeds ansigt” insulted Muslims by disrespecting their prophet, Denmark would rather protect its right to freedom of speech than the minority group. Even today, Muslims in Denmark still face discrimination from the Danish public and are ostracized from society. The Danes continue to be blinded by the xenophobic and anti-immigrant views that have been instilled in their populist agenda and European politics (Mudde & Kaltwasser, 2017, p. 2). From the propagation of Islamophobia from political parties to the widespread idea, as stated by Betz (2003), that Muslims “do not want to adapt to the Danish way of life” (p. 200), Muslims have never and probably will never be accepted in this country.
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liveboox · 6 years
Vi elsker Tour de France
Vi elsker Tour de France
Tour de France er en årligt tilbagevendende begivenhed, som alle cykelelskere ser frem til.
Vi glæder os til de altid udfordrende bjergetapper, hvor rytterne i år bl.a. skal bestige Alpe D’huez, men vi glæder os også til holdtaktikken, Leth og Sørensens kommentering på TV2 og enkeltstarterne. Og så satser og håber vi jo på, at vores danske Astana rytter Jakob Fuglsang kan undgå styrt og placere…
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findasongblog · 5 years
Find A Song about bittersweet lovelorn memories
Sparkling - Blossom Blood
‘Felonious’, the second album from Danish duo Sparkling is one of those classics you never even knew you were waiting for. A spirited labour of love that had the luxury of time and space in its creation, where sparks of inspiration were carefully shaped into a set of timeless tracks, intelligently woven into a tapestry that like all great art, just makes sense but it’s hard to explain why.
Our protagonists Carsten Mørch-Bentzen (vox) and Jens Christian Madsen (synths) like to take their time between releases having previously released only one album and an EP since 2002, but as with all fine wines “Felonious” coming this year offers a quality and preciousness that can only ripen through proper absorption of life’s vicissitudes. Sadness interspersed with joy and renewed senses each time for each album.
Like a Scandinavian Future Islands meets Foals, the first single from ‘Felonious’ came out late 2018 entitled ‘Say Goodbye To The Ragged Tiger’. A song about the knots and beauty of life. Casting off the entanglements of the past little by little as new perceptions become apparent through its progressions. With a powerful bass hook, epic chorus and new wave ending. ‘Fractions’ was recently unveiled as a single and outpours a darkly-toned synth based track which expresses the strong love that transforms someone from a dreamer flying restlessly in space to a man on earth. It’s about maturity and embracing getting older and becoming more aware of your surroundings and inner life.
Elsewhere on the album, pulsating crystalline beats and synths create yearning dystopian moods like on ‘Blossom Blood’ which echoes Simple Minds and A Flock Of Seagulls with its reflective 80’s tinge. ‘Now I’m None’ incorporates more dense abstract sounds in a stunning cacophony of futuristic mind bending warp whilst ‘Flashlight Heart’ has a hopefulness in its twisting pad sounds, acoustic washes and off kilter sax motif with a soaring Bono-esque vocal. Here is a band looking back and forwards to remain in a fresh emotional centre.
The principal founding duo of Sparkling have, like proper creatives, entrenched themselves in Copenhagen’s small yet intense music scene, having worked in intriguing and intuitive collaborations with some very adept players who have richly added  to the electro-indie tapestry of ‘Felonious’. These include guitarist Oliver Hoiness (Skammens Vogn, Kira Skov, etc.), bassist Peter Buch, jazz saxophonist Jesper Løvdal, guitarist Anders Mathiasen (Murder, Vessel, etc.), guitarist David Rosenkilde, pianist Steen Rasmussen, and Benjamin Vinding on berimbau.
Whilst working on the album over the past few years, Sparkling teamed up with renowned film festival CPH:PIX who they agreed could use excerpts from the duo’s cinematic pop music in the festival trailers which screened in movie theaters all over Denmark. Sparkling have toured intensively across Denmark incl. SPOT and Skanderborg Festivals, been artist of the week on Hitquarters.com and collaborated with producer/remixer Dave ‘Rave’ Ogilvie (Bowie, N:I:N...). European tour dates will be announced soon. (press release)
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inanews-blog1 · 5 years
Strategi Indonesia Hadapi Pergeseran Peta Kekuatan Ganda Putra Dunia
Inanews - Pelatih bulu tangkis nasional Indonesia, Herry Iman Pierngadi, telah menyiapkan strategi untuk menghadapi perubahan peta kekuatan di sektor ganda putra dunia. Herry yang menjabat sebagai pelatih kepala ganda putra Indonesia tidak ingin Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo dkk kehilangan posisi di peringkat 10 besar dunia. Saat ini, daftar peringkat 10 besar ganda putra dunia didominasi oleh Indonesia, Jepang, dan China. Sementara itu, Denmark dan Taiwan masing-masing menempatkan satu wakil di posisi 10 besar. Herry mengakui ada pergeseran yang terjadi dalam peta kekuatan ganda putra dunia. Salah satunya pergeseran yang terbesar adalah tergusurnya wakil Korea Selatan dari peringkat 10 besar. "Memang ada pergeseran, terutama dari Denmark, dulu ada (Mathias) Boe/(Carsten) Mogensen. Sekarang belum ada lagi, hanya (Kim) Astrup/(Anders Skaarup) Rasmussen, tetapi mereka agak sedikit menurun," kata Herry Iman Pierngadi ditemui BolaSport.com di pelatnas, Cipayung, Jakarta. "Ada pergeseran ke Jepang, China. Tetapi, ya itu-itu saja negaranya. Dulu ada Korea, sekarang tidak ada lagi. Nah ini yang saya tidak mau terjadi dengan Indonesia." "Taiwan ada satu, Wang Chi-Lin/Lee Yang yang enggak pulang-pulang itu," ujar Herry sembari tertawa. Ganda putra Taiwan, Wang/Lee memang rajin mengikuti turnamen untuk mendongkrak peringkat dunia. Mereka juga baru saja mengikuti tujuh turnamen berturut-turut. Herry mengatakan bahwa pemain Indonesia juga bisa mengikuti turnamen secara beruntun. Namun, menurut dia, cara itu maksimal hanya bertahan selama satu bulan untuk pebulu tangkis Indonesia. "Maksimal satu bulan karena pemainnya tidak tahan, dipaksakan juga percuma. Orang selalu berasumsi fisiknya habis, bukan fisiknya, tetap fokus dan konsentrasinya yang habis," tutur Herry. "Kalau pemain itu fokus dan konsennya sudah habis, ya enggak bisa main. Kelihatan banget, enggak bisa baca bola." "Iya seperti Fajar/Rian di Tong Yun Kai Cup (Kejuaraan Beregu Campuran Asia) waktu main sekali saya sudah bilang. Mereka sudah enggak bisa tahan, sambungan, dan buangan bolanya enggak tahu ke mana, ibaratnya sudah low bat, harus di-charge dulu," kata dia lagi. Demi menjaga fokus anak-anak didiknya, Herry akan mengatur proses pengiriman para atlet elite seperti Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo dan Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto. Adapun Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan sudah berstatus pemain luar pelatnas sehingga mereka punya keleluasaan dalam memilih turnamen yang diikuti berkaitan dengan sponsor pendukung "Turnamen yang wajib diikuti itu dalam setahun ada 12 turnamen, sisanya kami pilih lagi. Pemain kalau menang-menang terus, nanti lengah. Ya tapi jangan terlalu sering kalah, kalau 4-5 kali kalah ya lampu merah dong. Jangan hanya lihat hasil, lihat persiapannya, kalau tidak cukup, tidak bisa menuntut prestasi tinggi," ujar Herry. Para pebulu tangkis Indonesia akan kembali mengikuti turnamen pada Kejuaraan Asia 2019 yang digelar di Wuhan, China, 23-28 April mendatang. Read the full article
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sportsflu · 6 years
The badminton tournament  Barcelona Spain Masters 2019, will take place at the Pavelló de la Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona, Spain from 19 to 24 February 2019 and has a total prize of $150,000.The Barcelona Spain Masters 2019 is the fourth tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour and also part of the Spain Masters championships. This tournament was organized by the Spanish Badminton Federation and was sanctioned by the BWF.
  Prize money
The total prize money for this year’s tournament is US$150,000. Distribution of prize money is in accordance with BWF regulations.
Event Winner Finals Semifinals Quarterfinals Last 16 Singles $11,250 $5,700 $2,175 $900 $525 Doubles $11,850 $5,700 $2,100 $1087.50 $562.50
  Online live streaming of BARCELONA SPAIN MASTERS 2019:
Source 1(BWF official channel)
Source 2(India: Quaterfinal onwards)
Source 3(All over the world)
Source 4
  Men’s singles Seeds
 Viktor Axelsen
 Prannoy Kumar
 Rasmus Gemke
 Anders Antonsen
 Lu Guangzu
 Jan Ø. Jørgensen
 Wang Tzu-wei
 Hans-Kristian Vittinghus
Women’s singles Seeds
 Gao Fangjie
 Han Yue
 Mia Blichfeldt
 Cai Yanyan
 Line Kjærsfeldt
 Li Xuerui
 Chen Xiaoxin
 Kirsty Gilmour
Men’s doubles Seeds
 Kim Astrup / Anders Skaarup Rasmussen
 Marcus Ellis / Chris Langridge
 Mathias Boe / Carsten Mogensen
 Lu Ching-yao / Yang Po-han
 Wang Chi-lin / Lee Yang
 Ou Xuanyi / Ren Xiangyu
 Ko Sung-hyun / Shin Baek-cheol
 Mark Lamsfuß / Marvin Emil Seidel
Women’s doubles Seeds
 Stefani Stoeva / Gabriela Stoeva
 Nami Matsuyama / Chiharu Shida
 Maiken Fruergaard / Sara Thygesen
 Chow Mei Kuan / Lee Meng Yean
 Ni Ketut Mahadewi Istarani / Rizki Amelia Pradipta
 Kim So-yeong / Kong Hee-yong
 Émilie Lefel / Anne Tran
 Ekaterina Bolotova / Alina Davletova
Mixed doubles Seeds
 Mathias Christiansen / Christinna Pedersen
 Marcus Ellis / Lauren Smith
 Seo Seung-jae / Chae Yoo-jung
 Mark Lamsfuß / Isabel Herttrich
 Tontowi Ahmad / Winny Oktavina Kandow
 Nipitphon Phuangphuapet / Savitree Amitrapai
 Niclas Nøhr / Sara Thygesen
 Marvin Emil Seidel / Linda Efler
  The post Live Streaming of BARCELONA SPAIN MASTERS 2019 appeared first on SportsFlu.
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magdy-fan · 6 years
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Lego COO business card employee minifigure Carsten Rasmussen. Very Rare. $2,250.00End Date: Sunday Jan-20-2019 22:44:48 PSTBuy It Now for only: $2,250.00Buy It Now | Add to watch list from via IFTTT
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