#cas and amias being friends is so.
highchalowwis · 4 years
sometimes your ship sinks and a part of it appears magically as a raft and mysterious currents guide you to an island where the anti-magic people are doing their research and what are you supposed to do, say no when they offer you a bed?
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rainberrydrops · 6 years
Tag Game: 100 Questions
Thanks for tagging me @theperksofbeingadreamer  ♥
Wow answering these questions felt like I am answering a slambook! I was in 6th grade when I last answered a slambook and that was years ago XD (okay, I sound like an old woman XD)
1. What is your nickname? Ries
2. How old are you? 19
3. What is your birth month? May
4. What is your zodiac sign? Taurus
5. What is your favorite color? Blue (all shades of blue!) and black
6. What’s your lucky number? none
7. Do you have any pets? Yes, two male dogs (Choconut and Chocolate, they are not brothers, btw) and two female kittens (Mallows and Butterscotch)
8. Where are you from? ✧ Philippines ✧
9. How tall are you? 4"11
10. What shoe size are you? 5 in US size (I'm Cinderella~ lmao)
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 6
12. Are you random? I'm not really sure what do you mean by this...
13. Last person you texted? I can't remember XD I hardly texted anyone because I prefer chatting them :3
14. Are you psychic in any way? No
15. Last TV show watched? evening news
16. Favourite movie? Until today, I still love The Sorcerer's Apprentice~
17. Favourite show from your childhood? Hmm... Powerpuff Girls, I think? XD
18. Do you want children? Yes! (but please not now okay, I am still too young for it XD lmao)
19. Do you want a church wedding? I don't think so (okay, what's with these questions hahahaha)
20. What is your religion? Christian
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes, I was confined when I was 11 because I nearly got pneumonia but I am glad I was treated before it got worse
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? No
23. How is life? Same as always, still trying my best to figure out what the heck I will do after I graduate in college because I am still very indecisive about it :<
24. Baths or showers? Showers
25. What color socks are you wearing? I’m not wearing any socks right now
26. Have you ever been famous? No
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? No! I am afraid of getting too much attention so definitely not!
28. What type of music do you like? I like pop, pop rock, rock, Jrock, Jpop, OPM and instrumental music. I also listen to classical sometimes
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No and I don't know what the hell is that
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two
31. What position do you usually sleep in? I sleep in on my side
32. How big is your house? small
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? I like eating spaghetti for breakfast or 2 slices of bread. If I'm in the mood to fry something then I'll eat whatever I can fry + rice (I really like rice!)
34. Have you ever left the country? Nope but I wish I would sooner :D
35. Have you ever tried archery? Nope but I want to! I really like sports that doesn't require me to move too much
36. Do you like anyone? Romantically? Nope. But if it's just plain "like" as in "admiration" then yes I like my favorite Japanese actors and my friends :D
37. Favourite swear word(s)? wth, sht, wtf and damn (seriously, these questions keep getting weirder...) 38. When do you fall asleep? around 00:00 to 2:00 am ⇀‸↼‶ it depends on how active my mind is 39. Do you have any scars? Yes
40. Sexual orientation? Straight
41. Are you a good liar? it depends...
42. What languages would you like to learn? I want to be fluent in Japanese and Spanish ^^ and after that I want to learn Dutch (even though I always get tongue-tied XD)
43. Top 10 songs? Ninelie - Aimer ft. Chelly Want You Back - 5sos Young Blood - 5SOS In my Blood - Shawn Mendes Euterpe - Egoist No Namae no Kaibutsu - Egoist Dreaming Alone - Against the Current ft. Taka Jet Black Heart - 5SOS Disconnected - 5SOS Castaway - 5SOS
44. Do you like your country? Nature-wise, my country is very beautiful and that's one of the things I like. But government system-wise, economy-wise I am not happy (wow, surprise Ries cares about politics and government and stuff like that XD)
45. Do you have friends from the web? Yes! 
46. What is your personality type? INFJ-T
47. Hogwarts House? Gryffindor ♥
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yasss!
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? Airis Riedel (MC of Lost Alice)
50. Left or right handed? Right
51. Are you scared of spiders? Nope
52. Favourite food? pizza and cookies and cream ice cream (that's not real food, Ries!)
53. Favorite foreign food? PIZZA! and I also love Mochi and takoyaki ^^
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Clean
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? What I usually do. It doesn't matter if I'm a girl or guy :D
56. What color underwear? Red (seriously, whoever made these questions there's something wrong with you XD lol just saying)
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? it depends on my mood
58. Do you have much of an ego? No
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Both (wait, why does it matter? =_=)
60. Do you talk to yourself? All the time (okay, I think I am crazy? XD) no seriously, for a writer it's a usual thing specially if you are trying to find your character's voice. It's really weird but yeah
62. Are you a good singer? I don't know. I'll ask my sister, she's the one who always hear me singing
63. Biggest Fears? Being unsuccessful and failure (same with @theperksofbeingadreamer)
64. Are you a gossip? No and why would I be one?  ⇀‸↼‶
65. Are you a grammar nazi? YES. VERY. MUCH.
66. Do you have long or short hair? medium length
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? NO
68. Favorite school subject? Hmm I think Journalism because that's my forte (I am in college so we have specialized subjects now and not the usual English, Science, etc.)
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No and I won't ever because I don't know how to swim T_T
71. What makes you nervous? it depends...
72. Are you scared of the dark? No
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Sometimes, but it's more like I give them advice rather than correct them because I prefer if they do the correcting part themselves for that will make them even better people
74. Are you ticklish? No, not at all
75. Have you ever started a rumor? No
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? No
77. Have you ever drank underage? No. I don't like the smell of any liquor so I haven't dared drinking any kind of liquor even until today
78. Have you ever done drugs? No and why would I? 
79. What do you fantasize about? it depends. It's tough being a writer, there's too much going on in my head (but I'm not crazy, don't worry XD)
80. How many piercings do you have? Two (earrings)
81. Can you roll your R’s? I think... nope?
82. How fast can you type? fast 83. How fast can you run? I am a fast runner :D
84. What color is your hair? Jet black
85. What color are your eyes? deepest shade of brown (at first glance it looks like black but if you look closer its actually brown)
86. What are you allergic to? Nothing
87. Do you keep a journal? Yes but it is just a notebook I use for keeping track of everything I have to do and I must do and a notebook where I write my poems
88. Are you depressed about anything? No
89. Do you like your age? Yes because I am almost an adult now and I am allowed to go anywhere I want by myself and go home late :D
90. What makes you angry? -annoying people -hypocrites -people who do not know the term "mind your own business" -people who do not bother contributing in groupworks -and many more! 91. Do you like your own name? I like my nickname Ries but my real name (Caries Ann Mae) nah, it's so lengthy and people always mispronounce "Caries" as "keh-riz" which means tooth decay rather than its actual pronunciation "kah-rees". And the meaning of my name is really lame so if I could choose, I'd rather want to be named "Ries Ann" :3 remove the "Ca and the Mae" XD
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? what the hell do you mean by this question?
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? BOTH
94. What talents do you have? I guess writing
96. How did you get your name? My father's idea
97. Are you religious? No but I believe in God and I always pray and read the bible but I don't have any faith in any religion
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? No
99. Color of your bedspread? purple
100. Tumblr Bestie? @theperksofbeingadreamer  ♥ she’s my sister from another parents~
I’m not sure if you want to do this because this is so lengthy and some questions are really weird but I’ll tag you anyways @amia-springs @reizenforlife @otome-doll @suzunofuusuke @yuuki-clyde @just-otome @fayemichaels
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Finding Flight 4/?
tumblr: ch1 / ch 2 / ch 3 / ch 4
ao3: ch1 / ch 2 / ch 3 / ch 4
Castiel is still staring at the fallen chair, wondering what he did to upset Dean, when the silver band wrapped around his wrist buzzes slightly. He twitches his hand at the unfamiliar sensation, then remembers--it’s the Star Voyagers communications device he was issued when he’d arrived on the station. Just one more thing to get used to on this place, he thinks, looking around. He depresses the small indent on the band and says to the air, “This is Castiel.”
A squeaky voice answers, “Ambassador Novak. This is Charruk Tok of the Preet delegation. Please report to Ambassador Flrr on deck 24. You are late.”
Castiel sighs internally but keeps his voice pleasant when he answers. “I was not made aware of any appointments until tomorrow morning’s briefing. I apologize for the misunderstanding; I will be there momentarily.”
“We will be expecting you,” Tok answers. The communicator buzzes again to let him know that the channel has been closed. Standing, Castiel flicks his wingtips, hoping none of the humans in the lounge know Astorians well enough to recognize it as a visible sign of frustration.  The sound of his steps on the hard floor fills him with a flood of…it’s not homesickness, not exactly. This place is metal and glass, shiny and black and grey, hard and bright. What he misses is the softness of home, the green and brown. Astoria is towering trees and trailing vines, flowing rivers and wide lakes. Even the sun, due to the makeup of the stratosphere, gives off a pale greenish glow.
He also misses having a place to stretch his wings.
Castiel has been a negotiator of sorts for the past ten years. He’d been traveling off planet—a very un-Astorian thing to do, as his siblings remind him as often as possible—when he’d found himself in the middle of a dispute over farming rights to a tract of land between two neighboring families. Without even realizing what he was doing he’d stepped in, gentling the arguing neighbors into actually speaking rather than ranting and raving until they’d landed on a compromise that left both sides happy for the first time in several years.
It had been a small thing, really, barely worth notice. But a high-ranking officer from the local military happened to be visiting friends in the nearby village, and she did take notice. She’d been impressed by how he’d known just how to handle the arguing families. She didn’t know much about Astoria--no one did, really--was he a middle child from a big family who was always trying to help his brothers and sisters work things out? Was it something all Astorians learned, a subject taught in school alongside math and reading and coloring in the lines? Or was it a skill specific to Castiel alone, one he’d just discovered one day and nurtured until it bloomed?
Slightly overwhelmed by the expectant, chatty woman standing before him, Castiel had smiled slightly and said, “Actually, I’m not sure how that happened. I’ve never done anything like that before.”
And with that simple statement began Castiel’s second life. The officer, Admiral Amia, took him under her wing...so to speak.  Much to the disdain of Castiel’s people, he left Astoria and studied negotiation and mediation tactics under the Admiral’s direction. Even as he studied he had work; first nearby but then farther and farther afield. Almost immediately Admiral Amia sent him to a neighboring colony world, where he successfully negotiated a compromise between two rival clans who had been vying for a small island in the river that separated their two lands. To Castiel’s surprise--but not to the Admiral’s--his reputation spread quickly, all across the galaxy. He didn’t work specifically for her government; soon he traveled from planet to planet, living mostly aboard spaceships, going wherever he was needed. Soon he was in demand, and he could go where he wished. He enjoyed the freedom to choose, something he never really had on Astoria, but he did miss waking up with the sun on his face and the wind ruffling his feathers, the way it did on the open aeries of his homeworld.
What he doesn’t miss is being told what to do all the time. How could I, he thinks, making his way toward the lift. His brothers, his sister, his parents. They haven’t exactly stopped.
His mind flits back to the latest message from home, this one from Gabriel, one of his older brothers. “It’s been ten years, Castiel. Hasn’t this ‘finding yourself’ thing gone on long enough? Time to grow up!” Castiel’s feathers ruffle involuntarily. Grow up indeed. Castiel may be going against normal Astorian behavior by living among other species, but Gabriel is inarguably the most childish of his siblings. He flies through life seemingly without a care, playing practical jokes on his brothers and sisters, barely more mature than his own children. He did finally settle down with a mate, but that’s as close as Gabriel has ever come to “conforming.”
It’s not that Castiel dislikes his family. He’s just always felt…different. Even when he was very small he knew he wasn’t going to stay on Astoria all his life. He loved to soar above the treetops, to feel the warmth of the sun on his feathers, to smell the damp, rich smells of the forest. But while Astorians were very integrated with their ecosystem, they also spent their whole lives learning, and were actually quite technologically advanced. And Castiel just didn’t have the drive to spend his days in a lab trying to find a better treatment for an old sickness or reading stacks of books to determine the best place to build a new village to have the smallest impact on the local ecology. He didn’t want to sit and study. He wanted to get out and see what was beyond Astoria.
Even if that means living on crowded space stations from time to time.
Castiel suddenly remembers blushing cheeks and moss green eyes, a warm voice calling him Cas. He smiles to himself. Perhaps this particular space station will be better than most. The smile falters a bit. Why did Dean run away? He must have felt the spark between them.  Castiel is looking forward to these peace talks more now: Dean will be there.
Lost in thought, Castiel reaches the lift, bracing himself for the uncomfortable ride to come. If being on a spaceship or station feels cramped, being inside a lift is nearly unbearable. He bites back a shudder when the doors open to show six people already inside; if the Preet weren’t already upset that he was late for a meeting he didn’t even know about he would have let the doors close without entering. Instead he takes a deep breath and steps onto the lift, pulling his wings as tight to his back as he can. Looking at the ceiling, he makes a mental note to find out where on this station he can go to stretch his wings, to fly. Even if it’s just a cargo bay.
“Hi,” says a breathy voice. Castiel looks down to see a young woman with dark blond hair staring up at him with wide, intense eyes, her face only inches from his own. Startled, he nearly takes a step back, but the wall of the lift is directly behind him and he manages to stop himself before he crushes his wings. Apparently this particular human doesn’t recognize his need for personal space.
“Hi,” the woman says again, then she giggles. “I mean, I’m Becky. It’s so amazing to meet you! Your wings, your feathers, they’re breathtaking. Can I touch them?” The fingers of one hand stretch toward him.
It is only years of training that keeps him from shuddering, although his insides heave at the thought of this stranger’s hands on his wings. He keeps his voice calm, even as he wants to shout. “Please. No. What you are asking…it is very intimate. Among my people a parent will preen a child’s wings until he is grown, but after that wings are only ever touched by a lover.”
“Oh!” Becky giggles again, eyelashes fluttering. “Of course, I’d never touch you…unless you wanted me to,” she breathes. Again her fingers twitch in his direction.
“Good god, Rosen, leave him alone! He’s not your pet.”
Castiel looks up, blinking in surprise. While fending off Becky’s advances he failed to notice the lift stopping and emptying out; the only other occupant is a small, dark-haired woman. She’s glaring at Becky, arms crossed over her chest. When Becky turns to face her the change in her body language is instantaneous; instead of an expectant huntress she is a feral cat. “It’s none of your business, Masters!” she practically hisses. Castiel almost expects claws to extend from the ends of her fingers.
The woman called Masters is not cowed in the least. She nods her head toward the opening doors. “Isn’t this your deck?” she says pointedly.
Becky glances at the numbers displayed by the open doors and then turns to take one last, lingering look at Castiel. “I’ll see you around,” she says, all seductive sweetness again, no trace of feral Becky.
When the lift doors close, Castiel lets out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. “Thank you,” he says. “That was…uncomfortable.”
The woman chuckles softly. “Yeah, I could see that, Clarence.”
Castiel squints at her. “My name is Castiel.”
She barks a laugh. “I knew Astorians were intelligent and beautiful. I didn’t know you were funny.”
Castiel quirks a smile. “Most aren’t. I’ve never really fit in.”
“Seriously, though. Stay away from Becky Rosen. The last man she took a liking to…well, he’s not here anymore. She followed him around, tried to break into his quarters, even showed up on the flight deck.” At Castiel’s confused look she adds, “He was a pilot.” He nods, understanding. “Anyway, he asked for a transfer. He never told anyone why he left, but he was pretty freaked out about something. She’s never been officially reprimanded because she’s never been caught doing anything that’s technically wrong. But the way she looked at you just now, you’re definitely in her sights. She looked like she wanted to marry you. Or eat you for breakfast.”
The tips of Castiel’s wings flutter. The woman glances down, then raises an eyebrow. She knows about Astorians, Cas thinks, surprised. Some things, at least. She knows that means I’m frustrated. “I’ve only been here for a few hours, but already I’ve found the people on this station to be full of surprises,” Castiel says genuinely. “Thank you for the warning about Ms. Rosen. I’ll do my best to keep my distance.”
Scowling, she looks away. “Don’t get any ideas. I’m not a very nice person.” After a pause she adds, “You seem like a good one, though. Too good to get tangled up with Becky Rosen.”
The lift stops and the doors slide silently open. “See you later, Clarence.”
Off balance, Castiel doesn’t speak until she’s moving out of the lift and down the hall. “What’s your name?” he calls after her.
“Meg,” she says. She doesn’t look back.
The lift doors close. “Nice to meet you, Meg,” he says to the empty air.
thanks to my betas! I got lots of help with this chapter (which tried to kill me)... @bend-me-shape-me and @ajacentlee
tagging: @unlikelyteller
If you’d like to be tagged in future chapters (chapter five is coming soon!!) just let me know, I’ll keep a tag list. :)
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highchalowwis · 4 years
also. giving your dnd characters the love language physical touch is something that can be soo personal,
#this is mostly about cas and amias because they're fucking FRIENDS okay#haha they sure are fucking friends [i am kicked from the game]#but. cas draping herself over amias to make people look twice#cas sitting up all night with his bloody head in her lap to make sure he's still breathing#the HUG. the HUG. just a tight hug.#cas resting her elbow on her shoulder and mac narrating it as#he softens#like. that made me so pleading emoji#he softens! it's gonna be okay! you both have pointy edges but you know where to settle on the other!#anyways this does relate to the being dramatic and suave and gay together from last post bc i think they deserve to drape themselves over e#ach other more often just bc i josie am constantly draping myself over people i love#wait. WAIT. wait. i'm putting the pieces together my brain is so big.#that's... the whole REASON it started#because cas is such a casual hand on your knee leaning yourself into them with your whole body sleeping in their lap when you're dr*nk#and that translated. so easily to hold my hand when i'm scared can we just sit together for a bit falling asleep next to each other#just to have the warmth and weight of another person there with you#see also: cas silently taking devo's hand that first night in prison#just because she needed it. so much.#even if i don't narrate that cas is draping herself on people she IS okay she needs to be touching someone at all times#partly for this is my person look i love them and partly for someone remind me i'm real#anyways#c:cas
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highchalowwis · 4 years
i am still thinking about amias and his short rest and “he softens” mac good dm
#just. he softens! i’m having amias emotions#also him taking a short rest when everyone else was taking a long rest.... emotions#i know mechanically it was so cas didn’t have to stay at the wheel but. if she wasn’t an elf he might not have even rested at All#and it was Dumb for him to get put in prison but. hm. something about fighting your way into a jail cell to be with your friends. yeah.#just. he Has to be the person cas trusts most right now.#eight months! eight months! is so long to be on a boat with someone and quasi living together#and because of how i’ve made cas tm i can guarantee there were moments when she was being bitchy as a cover for being scared and i just.#i Need to know how he reacted to that.#also i Wish his name leant itself to nicknames more bc i think cas is a nicknames bitch#or maybe she needs to not be a nicknames bitch so she’s not just. my love languages#also i wanna know more about benzai!!! i wanna know!!!! what’s her deal eyes emoji#also amias being a bard and literally physically being the connector between us all by virtue of being the captain of the ship. yeah#he is in no way the party leader at All bc he sucks but like. the boat. (jo from little women . jpg)#but back to spiraling. him telling cas it wasn’t her fault and that he Knows he’s instinctively a part of her batshit schemes and then. hug#just a tight hug! just that!#and then cas bridges the gap and. he softens. head in hands#maybe she will apologize with words or maybe she will simply burst into his room one night going LISTEN to this BULLSHIT you wanna drink#hm. does cas know how to apologize?#has anyone ever apologized to her?#ahaha good question. no.#c:cas#g:pirates#amias’ gay little tag
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highchalowwis · 4 years
(julia don’t read this) i’m cas spiraling possible spoilers edition
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highchalowwis · 4 years
3 and 7 and 28 for cas :relieved:
3. how do they carry themselves around strangers? friends/lovers? family?
woof okay this actually has many answers:
strangers as lady seadweller: cold, haughty, rich and knows it. they think she’s spoiled and stupid and beautiful and that’s what they get, and that’s what she thinks she is.
strangers as cas: loud, affectionate, goes a little too far if she’s flirting with you. she’s beautiful and she knows it, but in the way where everyone wants to watch her. she loves attention and doesn’t mind being thought of as beautiful and dumb because deep down she knows she’s not, but she likes seeing how far she can get with her facade.
friends/lovers: she’s cas, to them, always cas. she never lets the walls down fully, but her friends see a little more of the 15 intelligence coming through and a little more of the harsh side of her charisma - she’s sharp-tongued, loyal, but still closed off. she doesn’t have anyone, right now, who she’d let the walls down fully for, or even halfway. the best they’re getting is three-quarters, but it’s a different three-quarters for each person (amias gets to know about her family, devo gets to know about her insecurities, etc).
family: ah, cressopheliel, possibly the least like the real cas! she’s stifled - cressophiliel is stupid and can’t do anything right and has never made a right decision in her life. she’s reckless and naive and knows nothing about the real world. she’s beautiful and it’s her only redeeming quality - she’s beautiful and it’s a bad thing. around her family, she is trying to be perfect, and she hasn’t yet figured out that she won’t ever be able to be.
7. how impulsive is your character?
she’s impulsive because she’s naive and optimistic, and she doesn’t think things through because she assumes the outcome will just naturally be the best outcome. this worked well when she was growing up (she was never in any real trouble, and if she was her parents would use their money to make the issues disappear). it is working less well recently (she’s in jail right now for making a series of impulsive decisions that had Real Consequences).
28. why do they keep secrets?
she keeps secrets because she doesn’t think anyone cares enough to get to know her secrets. she thinks they just see her as a pretty face, nothing more, and that they won’t bother to get to know her, so why would she tell them anything differently? after all, she knows how to act around people who just think she’s beautiful and dumb, and if she let them know she was more than that (she’s smart and scared and so, so sad) then she’d have to act like a person, and she isn’t used to being treated like a human being, so she barely knows how to act like one anymore.
ask me questions about my dnd characters (but like. shorter ones gotdamn /j)
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highchalowwis · 3 years
shoutout to pirates for the most fun rp.... in one session we get amias out of context “i didn’t think it was THAT bad of a story” and ALSO devo/cas “you didn’t deserve that to try to save her” “i didn’t do it for her, i did it for you”
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