#casandra caballero stanbhulman
artsynoova · 6 months
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The moon kissing the sun. The Eclipse was so cool, I got inspire to do a little sketch
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artsynoova · 5 months
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Almost a month later but here it is the drawing for Cassy´s anniversary Yippeee!
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artsynoova · 4 months
"Can i?"
From the wip meme
Thank you for the ask and the tag! Ohohoho this one! This one! Okay so this is something I wrote back at the begging of college, a bit of fluff with teen Ben and Cassy that then would have a jump to fluff with them as adults. I actually did art related to this one! gonna ad it as well.It was okay, but I want to re write it. What I´m going to share it´s the old version,and under the cut I´ll include the art (took me a while to find): ---
Cassandra saw him shaking, his face all red "What's wrong?" He, even redder than before, approaches his friend and stammers a few words. "Can I hug you..?" Benjamin said in a tone of voice that was barely perceptible. The young woman looked at him with confusion. "Sorry? I couldn't hear you?" The young man took a deep breath and repeated his question with more force. "I asked, if I can hug you" The young woman was perplexed for a few seconds, and then burst into laughter. The young Drosselmeyer stared at a red but now with a look he was somewhat offended. "Y-You know, laughter is not necessary, if you don't want to you can just say no" "No no, it's not that" Cassandra, still laughing, approached her friend and hugged him tightly. "Ah Drosselmeyer, you don't have to ask me, you know you can." A big smile appeared on the young man's face, and he reciprocated his friend's hug. "I know, I still wanted to ask, I didn't want to look rude." The young woman just let out another small laugh "Oh friend, you are a gentleman."
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artsynoova · 4 months
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Mermay 2024 A doodle before the month ends. Ben is an octupus and Cassy a sea angel
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artsynoova · 4 months
The meeting in the woods part 2 ask?
Of course dear! As I said respondin @inkabelledesigns (tagging for continuation) These are the first part of the story. Part 2 is the reaction of Ben and Cassy realizing the other is alive. This part is really short cause, well,wip. Thank you for the ask!
The silence remained for a few seconds that seemed like an eternity. Two friends, separated by fate, found themselves face to face after a decade. Casandra's eyes became watery as a smile formed on her face. "Ben!" He exclaimed as he ran towards the young man to hug him. "I can not believe it's you..." Ben was still in shock from such an unexpected reunion.
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artsynoova · 4 months
So Noova, I gotta know, The meeting in the woods-Part 2, who's meeting in the woods?~
Ohoho! That is an excellent question my dear Kat! The meeting in the woods,part 1 and 2, are one of the first chapters of the nutcracker and the witch story! It´s the reunion between Ben and Cassy. Part one is already finished, and I was working on part two. Gonna leave a fragment of part 1 here, and when I respond to @fantasiaheart22 (whom also asked about this one) I´ll leave the fragment I have of part 2!: --------
"This land is not for you" said a powerful voice. The young woman tried to find the origin of the voice, but no matter how much she look, she couldn´t find it "This forest is for the toys that seek eternal rest,and for those who are looking for a second chance" That voice...So distant,yet,so familiar... "And a second chance is what I´m looking for"say the woman "My destiny was stolen from me, and that of many like me, and that's why I´m here, to fix this injustice
"And you came to this forest because...?"asked the mysterious voice,his tone showed more curiosity than anything else, it was obvious the situation was unusual, even for this mysterious person "The toys of the town told me about your kindness, the mysterious nutcracker without an owner that helps anyone that get lost in this forest,and drives away anyone who tries to take advantage of this forest" "...And you thought someone like me could help you in your journey?"He sounded worried, like he notice how absurd this situation was, so absurd than only someone without options would do something like this "Forgive my rudeness miss, but,are you that desperate?" That really hurt. Was she so easy to read?No, not really, and she knew it, but the situation was so strange that let her completely exposed
The witch let a sigh of defeat,she took off her hat, no reason to maintain her persona. "...Yes, if I´m being honest, I am. Totally desperate. I have run out of options,and none wants to help me in this journey. So please, sir nutcracker,please help me" The young woman said with her eyes lowered, waiting with fear and eagerness for the answer of the voice For a moment, Casandra thought the man had left, until she finally heard the voice answer her with a tremor in his voice that she didn´t expected. "I-I know you" From all the things he could say, that was the last one she expected to hear. --- Gonna leave it ,at least this part,here! Thank you for the ask dear Kat!!
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