#case in point: i'm a writer but when i fall into writing slumps i start to panic a bit because AM i a writer anymore? if i'm not a writer
sailforvalinor · 1 year
"We need not look anywhere but to the eyes of our Savior for our true identity, an identity which is profoundly complex, unfathomable, deep as the sea, and yet can be boiled down to one little word: beloved. That's it. And that's why it's so silly (and perilous) to use your gifting to clothe yourself with meaning. Those clothes will never quite fit.
I once heard someone suggest that in the new creation, the work of our hands will at last be equal to what we were able to imagine. But in the meantime, living as we do in dying bodies in a dying world, our best work always falls short of the initiating vision. Toil and trouble, thistle and thorn, we push through the brush and come out bloody on the other side, only to realize we've ascended a false peak. It's difficult, yes. But it doesn't change a thing about who we are."
-Andrew Peterson, Adorning the Dark
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fics-n-stuff · 3 years
Deep Breaths
For @inquistitorebony, see request here
Pairing: Kaz Brekker × Reader
Summary: Y/N's anxiety gets the best of them on a job, but thankfully Kaz knows how to handle it.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Panic attacks, brief violence, fake blood, explosions
A/N: Ahh I'm so sorry this took me so long to write!! I had writer's block and I thought I was getting out of my slump but then it just got so much worse again. I had to try so hard to get this finished and I genuinely can't tell if it's good or not, so I really hope you enjoy it 🤞🏽❤
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You knew the plan. At least, you thought you knew the plan. You could never be sure with Kaz. Regardless, you were in place where he’d told you to be, weapons concealed in your outfit and Jesper at your side.
“This is crazy. You realise this is crazy, right?” You said, peering around the corner of the alley to get a view of the bridge and the crowds of locals and tourists alike.
“Everything we do is crazy.” Jesper replied with a smirk. “That’s what makes it fun.”
Sometimes you had to wonder how you ended up here, working for Kaz Brekker of all people. The answer to that question was that Jesper had dragged you into it, but then came the question of how the hell you and Jesper had become friends in the first place. That answer was more complicated.
The university of Ketterdam was where your parents had sent you to keep you out of trouble, to get an education so that you could do something useful and conventional with your life. Unfortunately for them, you only succeeded in getting yourself into trouble. Jesper had been the root of that. He was the one who had encouraged you to join him and a group of students on that first night out in East Stave.
You’d managed to stay in university longer than him, but the pull of adventure that the Barrel offered eventually got the better of you. When Jesper fell in deep with the gambling halls and turned to Kaz and the Dregs, you had followed after him for no reason other than the thrill. Which was strange, considering the immense anxiety that you carried through life.
Jesper had questioned it at the time, and sometimes continued to question you on it, but you couldn’t explain it to him. The type of thrill that your exploits with the Dregs provided wasn’t the type that triggered your anxiety, generally speaking. Talking to people was your weak point, fighting or stealing from them was usually fine.
Kaz had been skeptical about you at first, but Jesper was adamant that he should bring you onboard. It wasn’t long before he came to see that you certainly had your uses and you worked in a team, especially with Jesper at your side. He never mentioned your anxiety, but nothing slipped past Kaz. He definitely knew even before he had witnessed the full effect of it, and you had noticed long ago how he tended to keep you off of jobs that might cause you to panic.
“I see the signal from Nina.” Jesper said, eyes on a flash of light coming from a window up the street. “Get ready.”
“Born ready.” You smirked.
“I’ve been rubbing off on you. I’m not sure I like what I’ve created.” He commented, and you rolled your eyes.
“Distraction time, Jes.” You said, bursting a capsule of fake blood between your teeth and slamming another one against you chest before stumbling out of the alleyway. Your nice, white shirt now had a fresh red stain, blood running down you chin, and you looked just like a well-to-do tourist who had run into the wrong crowd.
“Help!” You heard Jesper shout in Zemini right behind you, and eyes began to turn in your direction. “We’ve been attacked!”
“Somebody get help!” You followed up in a fake Zemini accent, which Jesper had earlier remarked upon as being scarily accurate. It was right then that the stadwatch patrol that you had been sent out to distract in the first place rounded the corner. “Guards! Help!”
The stadwatch turned to the source of the commotion, and rushed immediately over to you. That was something that they wouldn’t do if you were dressed in your regular Barrel attire.
“In Ghezen's name, what happened?” One of them exclaimed. Jesper began rambling in Zemini, doing a very good job of acting frantic with his hand on the tailored bruises around his eye and over his cheek. You caught a glimpse of Kaz emerging out of the next street down, completely unnoticed thanks to your distraction.
“Do you speak Kerch?” A guard asked you after being unable to get anything helpful out of Jesper.
“Yes, yes I speak Kerch.” You answered, straining your voice as if you were in pain. “They came out of nowhere, attacked us and stole our things.”
The guard reached out to move your shirt, and you let out a scream of pain to deter him. It worked and he jumped back, eyes wide and afraid.
“We need to get you to a medik.” He said quickly, and you nodded. You turned to Jesper and recited the Zemini sentence that you had practiced all morning, just incase an onlooker happened to actually be Zemini.
“Give me some help, I can't walk like this.” You said. He nodded, shaking his arm out of the grip of the other stadwatch guard and reaching out to pick you up. Practically effortless with all that farmer’s strength.
“Alright, follow us.” The guard said, but as he took the first step there was a deafening bang and a huge plume of smoke from the street around the corner.
Perfect timing, Wylan.
Panic overtook the street, the stadwatch guards turning their attention from you to the smoke rising over the buildings. They started shouting to the people around, trying to keep them calm.
Another blast sounded, and now people were running. Jesper set you down, and you patted over the pistol concealed in your jacket just in case.
“Let’s get moving.” Jesper said, as quietly as he could for you to still hear him over the commotion. You nodded, your heart beating fast as people stormed past you. You didn’t like big crowds, and there were more people here than it had initially appeared. There was a handkerchief in your pocket, and you took it out and wiped the fake blood off of your face.
The two of you began following the flow of the crowd, when suddenly there was a flash of light and a cloud of dust flew towards you as another blast went off up ahead.
That wasn’t part of the plan.
Your heart jumped and your breathing immediately quickened as the people who had been running that way now pressed back towards you. Jesper grabbed your arm, seeing the panic that was beginning to fill your eyes. The explosions weren’t creating any damage, just a loud bang and a lot of smoke, but these people didn’t know that and they wanted to get as far from them as possible as fast as possible.
“We’ll go around.” Jesper said, tugging on your arm to pull you after him as he made a beeline for the nearest alleyway.
Your heart was pounding in your ears as you let Jesper drag you through the alley onto the next street across, which was just as crowded with panicked people. He pulled you along behind him as he wove through the crowd towards the rendezvous point, your mind spinning and your chest tight. You didn’t even realise that you were there until he pushed you back against a wall and moved you to sit down on the ground.
“Hey, Y/N, look at me.” He said, a firm hand on your shoulder. “Deep breaths, okay?” He turned to look over his shoulder at Kaz and Wylan. “What happened? Why was there a third explosion?”
“Things didn’t go exactly according to plan.” Kaz replied. “We had to prolong the distraction to get away.”
“I always keep extra equipment on me; I gave it to Inej and told her to set it off further up from the bridge if we ran into trouble. It was the best option we had.” Wylan added.
“Right, well, tell that to Y/N's anxiety.” Jesper huffed.
“Jesper, you and Wylan have to keep going.” Kaz said.
“What? Look at Y/N, I’m not leaving-"
“Now, Jesper, or all of this has been for nothing.”
“But Y/N was supposed to come with us.” Wylan fretted.
“You’ll make it work. Now go, I’ll deal with Y/N.”
“This is my best friend, Kaz.” Jesper said, leaving your side to approach Kaz, practically squaring up to him. “This isn’t a problem you can solve with planning and scheming, this is a serious human issue and you don’t have a great record with those.”
“I have it handled, Jesper.” Kaz responded firmly.
“Go, Jesper.” You spoke up, elbows rested on drawn up knees, your chest rising and falling heavily. You nodded. “I’ll be fine.” He looked at you, concern on his face, but eventually sighed and nodded back.
“Alright.” He said, stepping back over and lightly patting your head comfortingly. “Come on, merchling.”
Jesper and Wylan moved on to the next step of the plan, leaving you and Kaz alone. He took a seat on the floor against the wall opposite you in the small space, his bad leg outstretched in front of him and his cane resting across his lap. You looked at him, the edges of your vision still blurry.
“I apologise for not warning you ahead of time.” He said after a moment. “I should have accounted for the fact that such a surprise would have a negative impact on you.”
Kaz was generally cold – unaffectionate and pragmatic – but you had a suspicion that he’d always secretly had a soft spot for you. He was considerate of your feelings; he was even almost nice to you when nobody else was around. You quite liked the Kaz that you got to see. It was different to the Kaz that Jesper always complained about.
“What could have possibly given the impression that I was impacted negatively?” You managed to joke, but you choked on your laugh as your body desperately tried to fill your lungs.
“Hey, look at me.” Kaz said before you could start hyperventilating again. “Put your knees down, open up your chest.” You complied, and your body thanked you for the action as some of the strain in your chest alleviated.
“Sometimes I wonder why the hell I put myself in these situations.” You panted.
“I did warn you against it, but you seemed determined to follow in Jesper's footsteps.” He replied. “You’ve made a pretty good go of it regardless. Hold your breath for a second, you’re still breathing too fast.”
You followed the instruction, drawing a deep breath and holding it in your chest for a few seconds, and when you let it out your breathing was slower.
“This is stupid.” You muttered. “I should be over this by now, it’s pathetic.”
“No it’s not.” Kaz said plainly. “It’s something you’ve experienced for a long time, it’s not just going to go away.”
“No one else let’s their problems get in the way on a job.”
“That’s not true, it just happens differently. You still have some fake blood on your face by the way.” It would be dry by now, no point trying to wipe it off with a handkerchief, so you simply shrugged.
“What does that mean, ‘it happens differently’?”
“If you pay close attention you’ll notice.” He answered vaguely. “Though, I know you’re very aware of the hurdle that the gambling halls pose to Jesper. That’s caused some trouble on jobs in the past.” You chuckled lightly, nodding in agreement.
You sat in silence for a while, focused on evening out your breathing. Kaz wasn’t good at dealing with emotions so you would expect that he wouldn’t be very good at dealing with your panic attacks, but actually his straightforward approach was pretty effective. Maybe his voice was just so commanding that even your anxiety couldn’t help but do what he said.
Generally, Kaz acted like the panic attack wasn’t happening. Just like today, other than to give you an instruction to calm you down he would just talk to you like he normally would. It was usually helpful, a good distraction or something like that.
There was one time, however, that Kaz had been more worried about you than you had thought was possible. It hadn’t been on a job, just a normal night at the Crow Club. You had been trying to drag Jesper away from the cards table when a fight had broken out. Being a member of the Dregs, and so technically a sort-of employee of the gambling hall, you had stepped in to try and break it up.
You weren’t intimidated by the fact that one of the men was at least twice your size, you had held your own against that before, and knowing that there was security that would step in soon had you assured that all would be fine. But when you placed a hand on one of the men’s shoulder – not the big guy, one of the other men in the fight – to try and stop him from going towards the man he had decided was his enemy, he had turned on you with such speed that you had no chance to defend yourself before his hand closed around your neck.
Your memory was a little spotty from that point on. You remembered being slammed against a wall, maybe even lifted off the ground. Jesper drew his gun, and you’re sure that if shooting customers wasn’t so frowned upon that he wouldn’t have hesitated to fire.
It didn’t last long. His outburst had effectively ended the fight that had been taking place and turned the attention of every assisting party to you. The man holding you had been taken down by a few swift hits from the hulking Dregs member that Kaz liked to have as security, and by that point Dirtyhands himself had been drawn out of his little office in the back by the commotion.
To hear Jesper tell it, it was like your body hadn’t realised that your airway was no longer being compressed and you just weren’t really breathing. Kaz had instructed Jesper and the security guard to get you up and into the back office before demanding an explanation from the person closest to him.
You didn’t see Kaz break the man’s hand with his cane, but you remember hearing the scream.
Once it was just you, Kaz and Jesper in the office, Kaz’s demeanor changed instantly. Not that you were really cognizant enough to notice right away, but Jesper wouldn’t shut up about it for a little while. What had seemed, while out on the floor of the gambling hall, just to be a Barrel boss squashing a disruption to his business and doling out payback on behalf of a friend turned into seething rage, which in turn became a constant look of concern as he intently watched Jesper coax you to start breathing properly.
Jesper had business to attend to later that night, so after a while it was just you and Kaz sat in the office. He fetched you a glass of water and sat with you until you were feeling better, never taking his eyes off of you. You had told him about your anxiety, but until then he had never seen it in full effect.
Since that day he had been more in tune with that part of you, learning how to tell when you were having a bad day and remembering what kinds if things made you panic. If he caught you when your anxiety was spiking he would stay and just talk to you. It was nice of him.
“Sit up straight.” Kaz said, and you were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt the tip of his cane pressing gently against your shoulder. You realised how far you had curled in on yourself and leaned back against the wall. Kaz had drilled it into your head that opening up your posture would help you breathe better, but sometimes you needed reminding anyway. “How are feeling?”
“Better.” You mumbled with a slight nod.
“How are the edges of your vision? Still fuzzy?”
“A tiny bit.” You answered, trying not to smile at the fact that he remembered how your vision went fuzzy when you had a panic attack. “If I ask you a question, will you answer me honestly?”
“Why do you bother with me?” The question had been weighing on your mind for a long time, but in the past few weeks it had felt like it had been pressing for you to actually ask. You thought that Kaz liked you, but at the same you couldn’t think of a reason for that to be true.
“What do you mean by that?” Kaz asked, his head tilting a minuscule amount and his brow furrowing ever so slightly in curiosity.
“I mean, why do you keep me around? Why do you bring me on jobs? Why do you bother learning how to take care of me? Maybe at first it was for Jesper's sake but surely that can’t be the case now, so why?”
Kaz watched you for a moment, folded his hands in his lap and cleared his throat.
“You’re a valuable member of the team.” He answered matter-of-factly. “You work well with others, you’re a fast learner, you seem to genuinely enjoy being a member of the Dregs most of the time. As for why I’ve learned to take care of you, well, what kind of a leader would I be if I didn’t? You know me, I like to know everything that there possibly is to know when it comes to my business and my team.”
“Right.” You nodded. “That makes sense.”
“You don’t like that answer.”
“I know you well enough to know what your face does when you’re unhappy.”
“I’m not unhappy.”
“Don’t lie to me, Y/N. What is it that you wanted me to say?” His question made you feel suddenly quite embarrassed, and you averted you eyes with a shrug.
“I don’t know, I guess I just thought that maybe you actually liked me. You know, as a friend.” You mumbled. You glanced back at Kaz long enough to see the corner of his mouth twitch upwards.
“If I told you that I liked you, would it make you feel better?” He asked. He wasn’t being sarcastic or mocking you, but you still became even more embarrassed.
“Forget about it, it doesn’t matter. I’m feeling much better now so we should probably start moving-"
“Y/N.” Kaz interrupted, and you froze mid-motion of standing up. “I do like you, but I don’t have friends.”
He moved to stand up, and you finished getting to your feet. You watched him use his cane as leverage to get up off the floor, and if it had been anyone else but Kaz you would have offered a hand to help him up.
“You do too have friends.” You replied with a tiny smile. “You, Jesper and Inej are a trio of best friends if I’ve ever seen one.”
“I thought Jesper was your best friend.”
“People can have more than one best friend, Kaz.”
“The more friends you have, the more leverage your enemies have against you. That’s why I don’t have any.” He stated, taking the first step. You assumed that you would be heading to where he was supposed to meet Nina and Matthias. He was late – just how late you weren’t sure, the passage of time alluded you during panic attacks – but they probably weren’t all too worried.
“I think you just tell yourself that we’re not your friends so that you feel better about having a weak spot.” You said, teasing slightly. “Do you like me as much as you like Jesper?”
“I like you more than Jesper. You’re less of a thorn in my side.”
“Aw, Kaz! That’s so sweet.” You smiled. He scoffed.
“I take it you’re feeling better?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“Can I ask you one more question?” You inquired, and Kaz sighed before humming an agreement. “Do you maybe like me for a different reason than that I’m less annoying than Jesper?”
There was a beat of silence, and Kaz inhaled.
“I enjoy having you around.” He answered vaguely, but you could see in his eyes in the sidelong look that he gave you that it was deeper than that. You smiled, satisfied and not needing to push.
“Good. Me too.” You muttered, and the two of you continued walking, side by side.
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k3lynn · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys As Songs ||
oikawa, suna, tendou
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cw: FUCKBOY OIKAWA AND SUNA, swearing, mention of sex, drugs, etc, the good stuff, also sort of angsty for some pieces
a/n: I’ve seen lot’s of people do this so I figured it was sort of a trend, seemed really fun so I wanted to hop on board- if you know who did it first please pm me so I can credit and tag them <3 oh yeah! I finally finished working on my masterlist- please check it out if you like <3
this is all non-canon, and I ABSOLUTELY do not actually think actual oikawa, suna, and tendou do some these things/believe some of these things, just fun and gives me their overall vibes, I’m just writing a story with it lmao- I really should have titled this “fuckboy oikawa and Suna ft. baby Tendou” because DAMNN lol- NOT PROOF READ this is more of a f! reader type of thing but I could always do a male, non-binary, gender fluid, etc. reader with no problem if requested!
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OIKAWA- (fuckboy- /hj)
Don’t Tell Em- Jeremih
my reasoning for this is the fact that oikawa’s ex girlfriend was only ever mentioned once, and just by his nephew (when they had just broken up)
there could have been conversations off screen/panel or something- but I have a really big hunch oikawa just barely talked/interacted with her in public
MAYBE people knew he had a girlfriend (although obviously by the sheer amount of people in his fan base they don’t care)
or MAYBE he kept her a secret- reasoning with himself that it was to “protect their image” and that’s why he said he didn’t know what he did wrong
ANYWAYS HEADCANON OIKAWA FUCKBOY STARTS HERE- will probably make this into a full fic
would probably want to keep your relationship a secret for 2 reasons
1) his fanbase and image
2) he’s not looking for anything other than someone he can go to when he’s “bored” iykyk
type who will promise you things and try and convince you to not leave him because it’s “what’s the best” for you two
“Why would you? Just keep the rythym” would be him asking why your relationship even has to be public in the first place- when he thinks you guys are perfectly ok how you are right now
The Hills- The Weeknd
do I even have to say anything
oikawa may use you as a crutch to fall back on when he’s so broken from volleyball
“When I’m fucked up, that’s the real me”
He keeps this image of the most ideal guy in front of almost everyone every day, he must get tired
he knows you know he doesn’t actually want you-
that’s why he doesn’t feel bad when he breaks your heart
he never promised you anything
“I only love it when you touch me, not feel me”
self explanatory- sex not feelings please
I Was All Over Her- Salvia Palth
lyric by lyric LETS GO!
“We didn’t make out, or do anything. I just remembered, I was lonely.”
Oikawa gets all over people- not sexually or romantically, but in a way to distract himself from the fact that they may not like him for who he truly is
he’s lonely
“It’s not a problem”
it doesn’t bother him- he’s so used to the perfect setter boy image, he refuses to show the same part of him that is actually breaking
“Every stranger makes me feel safer, and every person seems more beautiful”
Iwa mentioned Oikawa rarely ever smiles with actual joy behind it
The strangers (fanbase) around him make him smile all the time, not because he’s happy, but because it won’t hurt to disappoint the people he doesn’t try and know
He doesn’t want to care what you think
SUNA- (fuckboy- /hj)
Swang- Rae Sremmurd
sis stop it right now he’s going to make you cry
There’s not some deep hidden meaning behind it, he just doesn’t seem like the person to care if you hate him or not
Canonly more expressive with his thoughts-
I quote “wishing he could find a reason to poke fun at Kita or make snarky remarks against Tsukishima and Tanaka.”
so when he has the chance to make fun of you- COUNT HIM IN
secretly thinks you hang out with all of them because you want to get in all their pants
“she want the whole crew, shawty brave”
Fast- Sueco The Child
again- he thinks you’re dumb girl that just wants his dick and his clout
(Ik damn well he uses the word clout)
he doesn’t think his personally is all that special (nor does he care) so you’re obviously just wanting to fuck around
THOT!- Tokyo’s Revenge
“You’ll probably fuck the team if someone slide you a lil’ bean hoe.
“She gon' suck the skin off the dick, love me not”
He’ll keep you around in case he wants to fwy a little BAHA-
Faucet Failure-Ski Mask The Slump God
Take a listen and tell me it isn’t Tendou
chaotic energy that is perfect for him
watch him just point at himself during a game and belt out “WHO’S THIS HE SHOULD BE IN COCKPIT”
Walking On A Dream- Empire of The Sun
He cares about Ushi so much- they’re complete opposites and yet fit eachother so well
Tendou understands Ushijima’s stoicness, just like Ushi understands Tendou’s “oddness”
He’s odd. He knows that- and has come to love it (as he should)
“Don't stop, just keep going on. I'm your shoulder, lean upon”
*Timeskip Spoiler* they still keep in touch all the time 🥺 Tendou is so proud to be able to watch him on TV and say “that’s my best friend”
So when Ushi needed someone to talk to, he was there
The song itself is about the writers strong friendship with his bandmate-
And just like that, it’s perfect in describing Tendou and Ushi
Tendou appreciates him so much, he has filled a huge, special, and emotional role in his life
“Two people become one.”
Peaches- Milk and Bone
“Don’t give a fuck about what they say, I turn around and ask ‘Hey is my hair okay?’”
No matter how much we work on our confidence, there will be moments where we all slip and get a feeling of insecurity again.
It’s perfectly normal. Don’t beat yourself over it.
“We paint our faces like you've never seen- Yeah I know, it's not even Halloween”
I find this representing of the fact that Tendou does not care if people see him as creepy or a monster anymore
You’ve never seen someone like him before
It’s fun, it’s crazy, it’s like you’re going 80 mph and hit a speed bump
It’s perfectly Tendou
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© k3lynn 2021, do not modify or repost without permission
(Reblogging/sharing through Tumblr is okay 💕)
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Evidence // Spencer Reid x Reader
HEY guess who's back. I'm SO SO SO sorry for the delay. I've been having the most SERIOUS case of writers block and I'm finally pulling myself out of it YAYYYY. So here ya go.
Not a request, but I couldn't resist this prompt!
Summary - Spencer and Reader get locked in the evidence room.
Prompt - “What on earth happened in here?"
Word count - 2.9k
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Spencer and I often stayed after together to finish up work. We didn't like to have to wake up so early to make touch ups. So here we were, sitting on the floor in the back of the evidence room. We were sat behind tall filing cabinets, a dim lamp lit beside us.
We were working a case in Arizona involving 3 girls. It was running relatively smooth, the problem was that the police station that we were placed at was in the middle of nowhere. And that was proven by the signal warning on my phone.
*unable to send message.*
Good thing it wasn't anything important.
There were multiple pages sprawled out in front of us, we looked between them all.
"I don't think we will have to stay too long after today." I commented. "It looks like we are working pretty fast this time around."
"I guess we're getting the hang of this " Spencer laughed, writing something down.
I craned my neck around the cabinets, wondering if someone was coming in the door. Seeing no one, I turned back to him, shrugging my shoulders.
We continued for another hour (and 28 minutes by Spencer's count). I stacked the papers together, shutting them in a folder and tucking it under my arm. I stood from my previous position, stretching my back.
"That's enough sitting on a concrete floor for me." I complained, hunching over and dragging myself to the door. This earned a laugh from Spencer. I reached for the knob, eager to get to the hotel and sleep.
But the knob only jiggled.
And jiggled.
And didn't budge.
"Uh. I think, I think the door is locked." I whispered, turning to Spencer slowly.
"No way." He stated, lightly pushing me out of the way. I listened as he jiggled it, desperately trying to turn the door knob. His head was placed against the glass, hands framing his eyes while he looked out the small doors window. "The lights are all off out there. I think they are on night patrol."
"Well this is thrilling." I laughed, slumping onto the floor. I pulled my phone from my pocket, holding it in the air and attempting to call Emily. The call started, my excitement being crushed by a warning on my phone.
*Your call cannot go through at the moment, we are unable to find a signal.*
Well fine then.
"Do you know how to pick a lock?" He asked.
"If there was anyone that knows how to pick a lock, I thought it would be you."
"Why?" His posture looked stiff and offended.
"You know everything." I deadpanned offering a dumb look. He rolled his eyes at this and sat down across from me. "Do you think we'll die in here?" I asked nonchalantly. Spencer squinted his eyes at me.
"Well statistically, no." And that's all he said.
"Is that all you got?"
"I'm too tired to ramble." He groaned. His head was leaned back on a cabinet. "But I will say that on average night patrols and at around 3:30 to 4 am. So we have quite a few hours to kill." The clock on the wall read 11:17. Yeah, we had some time to kill.
"Alright, we aren't just gonna sit here. We are gonna play games, I can't stand to sit in silence." Spencer sat up slightly, flashing me a confused look.
"Like what?"
"We are going to start with would you rather. I'll start." My head started sorting through all of the would you rather questions I had been asked that I loved and found the perfect one for this genius.
"Would you rather lose the ability to read or the ability to speak." I watched as he opened his mouth to answer then closed it, thinking again. I thought this would be a pretty obvious answer for him.
"I think I would lose the ability to speak. I could do nearly everything the same. I would just have to write my findings down." He sat in thought for a moment. "Would you rather have unlimited international first class tickets or never have to pay for food at restaurants?" I was thoroughly surprised by the question.
"That's a good one! I definitely want to travel, but I do eat a lot... First class tickets. I want to see ancient ruins, can't walk to them." I laughed. We played this game for around 10 more minutes before getting extremely bored of it.
"Alright enough of this." I groaned, coming up with a new idea. "We are gonna play two truths and a lie. Pretty straight forward, I'll start and you try to guess which one is a lie." Spencer nodded and waited. "I broke my leg while falling from a tree when I was 9, I've had a crush on someone on the team, and I once ate nerds candy for a whole week when I was 7 and had to get my stomache pumped." The last one had his eyebrows furrowing. I remained still and emotionless so he couldn't read me as well.
"I completely believe that you ate candy for a week and had to get medical attention as a result." He pointed out oh so graciously. "And you're a total klutz too, so it wouldn't surprise me if you broke your leg. Plus I think I'd know if you ever liked someone on the team. Final answer you've never had a crush on anyone on the team." He looked so smug in the moment, this just got me more pumped to wipe that smile from his face.
"Nope." As expected, his face immediately fell.
"Who did you like!" Spencer's arms were flailing in exasperation.
"I don't have to tell you that." I chuckled. "Now you go." My foot kicked his lightly, egging him on. He gave a glare and moved on reluctantly.
"I'm afraid of the dark, the only reason I drink coffee is because I had a crush on a girl who liked it, and I drank 11 cups of coffee one day and was up for 39 hours straight."
"You definitely drink coffee because you like it and not because of a girl, lie." There was no question about it, that would be a dumb reason to drink something.
"Actually that is why I drink coffee."
"The lie is that I was up for 39 hours straight, I was only up for 35."
"Christ Spence!" I shook my head in disapproval. "Tell me about the girl." I could see his cheeks flush in the slightest. ~~Silently wishing that I could make him feel like that~~
"Her name was Josephine and she lived on my street. She and I would play chess together in the park whenever I wasn't studying, and she would bring a cup of coffee every day. Eventually, in my own way to impress her, I started bringing coffee too. And she liked that, but of course we drifted apart because of how fast my life was moving. It's unfortunate." He was staring down at his hands now. "You and her are very similar. I think that's why we've gotten so... close." That comment got me very curious.
"How were we alike? If you don't mind me asking."
"She was kind and funny, never let anyone down. And she was intelligent. Not only in personality either, you have the same color hair and eyes. I bet you guys would have gotten along really well." I could see him making his thinking face, I assume he was looking into past memories.
"That's so sweet." I kicked his foot with a smile, bringing him back to reality. "So, last round until we are playing the dreaded truth or dare ooooOooOooOooo." Spencer laughed and rolled his eyes. "I use to have a cat named Piglet because of how obsessed with Winnie the Pooh I was, my first boyfriends name was Spencer, and I play guitar."
"There is absolutely no way your first boyfriends name was Spencer, it's the 828th most popular name. That would be nearly impossible or a crazy coincidence." His hand gestured were out of this world at this point, completely flabbergasted that I would even try to tell him such a *lie*.
"Wrong again pretty boy, that's true. His name was Spencer Allen Sallow. The only reason I remember his middle name is because I remember his initials being 'SAS'. Are you ready for truth or dare?"
"I guess." He mocked annoyance and threw his head back.
"Ok, truth or dare?"
"If you could make one wish, right this second, what would it be?" He stared at me intently for a moment, as if he was looking for the answer in me. He then lightly shook his head, it was so small, but hard to miss considering we were practically having a staring contest.
"I would wish for the door to be unlocked so I could sleep at the hotel." His head nodded.
"Boring, I choose dare." I was now sitting much closer to him, waiting for whatever that beautiful brain could come up with. Spencer looked to the papers on the floor and then back at me, an evil smirk forming on his lips.
"Do a snow angel in our paperwork." My shoulders slumped.
"What if I rip something!" I wouldn't usually whine like this but *geez* I did not want to redo all this.
"Just be careful then." I looked at him with a pleading look. "Oh so you're *boring*." That's what got me.
"**Fine!**" I slowly lowered myself onto the papers, flattening out and looking up to Spencer, he was hovering over me slightly in a criss-crossed position with that evil smirk. His hands gestured me on.
I laid my arms and legs and and moved them, hearing the paper scrape against the floor and giggling. I had to admit, it was fun. And if having fun with Spencer meant I had to redo a few papers.
Then so be it.
I sat up after Spencer told me I'm done through fits of laughter, holding his stomache and nearly toppled flat on the floor. I looked around happily to see most papers were only crinkled, not ripped. I'll just have to flatten them out tomorrow.
"Okay asshat, truth or dare." He tapped his chin, looking daring for once.
"Dare." Perfect.
"Serenade me." I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched his face fall.
"With just my voice?"
"Oh no no, I have an instrument, the bag I carry with us on cases is like a never ending bag." I reached into the giant bag and pulled out a ukelele case, but not an *ordinary* uke case, a *mini* uke case. "Can you play ukelele?" I pulled it from the case, handing it over to him.
"No, but I may be able to pick it up."
"So you will actually serenade me!?" I got my hands ready to clap.
"Sure, why not." I clapped infinitely fast, watching him pluck at the strings a bit and lean back into the cabinets. Then he started on a beat, one that I recognized.
"Put your head on my shoulder, hold me in your arms, baby. Squeeze me oh so tight. Show me that you love me too." I listened to him through the whole song, knowing full well that as soon as he was strumming that ukelele I was already done for.
"How did I do?" He strummed the last chord and look up at me with a smile.
Oh how I wanted to tell him that he serenaded me to the sun and back.
"That was amazing! You learned that om the spot?"
"Yeah, like piano. It's basically just math and note remembrance." He shrugged, setting it back in my case. "Truth or dare."
"What's the first thing on your bucket list and your biggest secret?"
"You can't ask two questions, that's cheating!" I laughed.
"You technically never specified that so, answer."
This little shit.
"Fine. The first thing on my bucket list has been the same since I was an 8th grader, which is to fall in love. And I know that's cliche but I'm sticking to it." I didn't want to tell him my biggest secret. Truth be told I had a pretty normal life, so my biggest secret was my attraction to him. After telling my mom about it she told me workplace romances were dangerous and wrong, so I tried so hard to get over it. But it's not going away, it's doing anything but that.
"Come on y/n, I'm not going to judge you for your secret."
Yeah uh huh, sure.
"It's embarrassing, and I would prefer not to tell you in a locked room so I can immediately escape after I tell you. So can I just tell you when the door gets unlocked?"
"It can't be that bad."
"It is."
"Please Y/n!"
"I like you!" His mouth shut quickly, tilting his head like a confused puppy. Now that I had given out my biggest secret, I felt a little... powerful. I crossed my arms firmly over my chest, maintaining eye contact, my heart pounding out of my chest. He wanted the truth and he got it, I hope he's happy to be stuck with me in this room for another hour and a half.
"Really?" Was all he could say.
"No. I just said that I could have awkward tension swirling around the room for the next hour, I love doing that." I replied in the most monotone voice I could muster. A very faint smile was appearing on Spencer's face, making me a little nervous. He quirked one eyebrow.
"Are you sure it's not sexual tension?"
My eyebrows raised at the question. Was he... flirting with me? I didn't know he knew how to do that, let alone so *well*. He began speaking again.
"Truth or dare?"
"It's my turn to ask you."
"Truth. Or. Dare." Who knew Mr. Sweatervest could seem so intimidating.
"I dare you to act on your biggest secret." Is this some weird way to make me kiss him, because it's working. If we aren't on the same page, this is about to get Mega embarrassing, but I don't think this could get any weirder. I crawled forward, placing myself on his lap and staring into his eyes. I've never seen him smile so big.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Actually no, this is awful you should really stop." He deadpanned, lightly placing his hands on my hips.
"One, since when do you use sarcasm. And two, I hate you." I giggled, pulling his face to mine. One of his hands fled to my cheek, rubbing his thumb across it. He pressed further into the kiss, all while pulling me impossibly closer.
Is this real?
I pulled one hand away from his face, putting it on the skin of my thigh and pinching myself.
"Ouch shit!"
And apperantly I don't know my own strength.
"Are you okay?" Spencer's face was a wave of concern, scanning over my face quickly to make sure he didn't do something wrong.
"Yeah I was just, pinching myself to make sure this was real." I lifted my hand to his shoulder, resting it there.
"Why? Is this like a lot of your dreams?" He winking obviously at me as I slapped his chest.
"Please stop." I whined, pulling myself off of his lap. "I'm very tired and we still have an hour left, are you up for a cat nap?" I pulled a blanket from my bag. "We can use this as a pillow, it's already pretty hot in here."
"Definitely." I made it into a pillow, giving him enough room. He slung his arm around me, burying his head in the crook of my neck. "Thank you for telling me. And for the record, I wouldn't want to be locked in a room with anyone else." And with many papers scattered messily around us, we fell asleep.
I shot up, hearing voices I knew all too well.
"What the hell is happening, since when it pretty boy a playboy."
"Finally! Now y/n can stop silently pining and telling me about it."
"I knew those two had chemistry."
I blinked slowly, trying to release the sleep from my eyes. Spencer's sleepy arm was still wrapped around my waist, unmoving. Once my eyes adjusted I was met with the staring eyes of Derek, Garcia and Emily. Then there was Hotch, just entering the room.
“What on earth happened in here?"
"We got locked in here and played some innocent party games." I explained gesturing to the messy papers. "Spencer dared me to make a snow angel in our files." I smiled sheepishly. Spencer was now stirring awake, sitting up and looking at our teammates. Derek held out his hand for a fist bump and Spencer highfived it weakly.
"Told you you would rope her in." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes at the comment and stood up.
"Let's finish up this case. We've only had 1 hour of sleep and I want this day to be over with already. Save the comments for when I'm asleep on the jet." And with that we were off.
But let's not ignore that Spencer and I's hands were clasped beneath every table we sat at that day, it's not to be ignored.
And I won't be forgetting that day any time soon.
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