#casey’s nonsense leverage crossovers
aberfaeth · 3 months
was watching the felix flayn a support like hahaha fruit ninja jokes again and then she said the thing about him chopping vegetables instead of people and i went oh he’s so eliot spencer coded and then almost DROPPED MY SWITCH ON THE FLOOR. GUYS. FE3H LEVERAGE AU?
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aberfaeth · 2 years
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aberfaeth · 1 year
i saw that other ask. leverage lockwood au WHEN
I WAS SAYING THIS!!! hacker george, grifter/mastermind lockwood, thief/hitter lucy. barnes is their sterling. this is real to me
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aberfaeth · 3 years
good evening and welcome to another episode of casey’s nonsense leverage crossovers: the ted lasso edition
(this was entirely born out of my desire to see ted and nate interact because holy shit can you imagine)
rupert mannion is a world class asshole richer than god who skirts responsibility at every turn. there’s no way he hasn’t done something to put himself on leverage’s radar.
they plan to run a scam around the club but then there is a messy messy divorce and the club isn’t his and they have to back up and regroup
now the plan is to figure out a way to sell him a part of the club that he will think is legal but in a way they can twist it to make it illegal
what i’m saying is sophie and parker are the milk sisters. from then on i’m not sure about plot but let’s be real this is about the DYNAMICS babey!
keeley is in love with sophie devereaux RIGHT AWAY. rebecca is weirdly jealous of this but then she realizes that sophie is incredible and now rebecca is also in love with sophie just a little bit
nate has no fucking clue what to make of the human hallmark card that is theodore ted lasso. he is trying to find the evil in this man and he just can’t do it. he wants for nothing. bribes don’t work, threats don’t work. one day he hears ted talk about his son in a way that feels achingly familiar and the next day there’s a little box of biscuits presented to him and ted has this look in his eye like he knows. nate hightails it the fuck out of there
roy kent eliot spencer. that’s all.
hardison is a big football geek. he genuinely can’t grift around the team because he’s too excited but like it works very well because he can feed nate information about any of the players without looking it up
parker is WILDLY good at football. she’s never really played before but she’s so agile and has such good coordination that she ends up “what like it’s hard?”ing at least three grown men at the sport they play for a living
the truth comes out, eventually. everyone takes it surprisingly well, save for a bit of smugness from jamie who thought something was off about the crew almost immediately and has to be banned from saying i told you so.
parker and beard hit it off. the entire team is in love with sophie now. keeley and hardison share tips on how to take care of your grumpy idiot and hardison teaches her some hacking stuff because she already has the coding base from her PR work. ernie lounds beware
ted sees nate and hardison interact one single time and then pulls nate aside to be like You Know You Really Ought To Tell That Young Man You Appreciate Him More and nate is just. who ARE you. but then that night nate thanks hardison for some benign task he does every other week and hardison gets this huge smile on his face, beyond amused, like. coach got to you, huh?
eliot and ted bonding over the heartland, and food. eliot teaching phoebe and nora how to really knock someone’s teeth out. eliot finding that he’s fine running, but he’s sort of stellar in goal, and bonding with zoreaux over that
and heaven help whoever makes trouble for afc richmond. because nate ford does not pull his fucking punches when it comes to people he cares about. and that includes these idiots now
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aberfaeth · 3 years
back on my ignoring the very real final exam i have due at midnight tonight bullshit to spread the word of modern au!six of crows/leverage crossover (once again thanks to sav @grasslandgirl for indulging me and providing some of these soundbites). aka,
nate: who are these. Children?
kaz: ill fucking kill you
pekka rollins is a powerful hedge fund manager who embezzles on the side. all of his crime is very much in the shadows. he is a master of disguise, picking up and moving away and managing various identities such that it’s taken him a really long time to cross the leverage crew’s radar
kaz brekker has been hunting this man for seven years. he does not appreciate the sudden intrusion of a strange group of people into rollins’ business just as he’s assembled his crew (the thief inej, the hitters jesper and matthias, the grifter nina, the hacker wylan), about to make his move. either they get out of his way or they are going down, too. 
eliot: the thing about guns is that they have a certain range of efficacy
jesper: lmao rip to you but im different
parker and inej instant bestfriendship. inej is vicious with a set of knives but parker introduces her to the taser and that’s good, too. that’s really good.
wylan is the most vicious bastard hacker hardison has ever encountered. he plays so dirty it’s almost funny. dyslexia has made him adapt an entirely new universe of methods and chaos WISHES he was capable of the drunken mastery wylan spews from his fingers. he built his computer from scratch and it’s just this wonderful horrible color coded abomination.
sophie: is that... is that jan van eck’s son?
hardison: i don’t know who that is but i sort of want to wrap him in bubble wrap. is that weird? *the lights go off* ok he just blew out the entire power grid for our block
nina and sophie have one of those meetings where they both play off each other and then an alarm goes off somewhere and they both sort of come to a mutual understanding and “oh, you’re good.” “you’re good! honestly, i never would have known.” “that accent was fantastic. and the mannerisms! where on earth did you learn that?”
nate is still concerned about the fact that these are literal children. honestly, eliot is too. parker, hanging from the rafters eating trail mix, reminds them that she was a getaway driver at age eleven. hardison points out that he hacked the bank of iceland when he was sixteen. sophie just shrugs. “what can you do about it? seriously, what can you do about it? they’ve already broken out of prison twice.”
“twice,” nate mutters. “that’s just excessive.”
“well,” sophie responds, “as nina explained it to me, the first time they were just breaking matthias out. and the second time, they got sent in on purpose.”
nate sends a prayer to the ceiling.
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aberfaeth · 3 years
PLEASE tell me more about the hardison garcia friendship
ok so the lovely savannah @grasslandgirl (who has put up with me live-blogging all 15 seasons of cm) and i have talked about this at LENGTH
they met while penny was still acting as the black queen obviously, but hardison was one of the kinder friendlier hackers and so they’ve kept in touch, sending each other extremely encrypted encoded messages and playing WOW together
after the rundown job garcia flies to portland to chew hardison out for being stupid, because taking down crazy murderous terrorists is the bau’s job, not his, and he isn’t supposed to be in danger like that, and she had to read about it from the CASE FILE, alec!!!
she is very excited to meet eliot and parker and sort of embarrassed that their first impression of her is tearing hardison a new one but they all click instantly
when the bau deals with a case that involves corrupt businessmen they can’t take down, like that one rehab center guy, garcia just. quietly sends all the files hardison’s way
during rare crew teamups, it’s very funny to watch hardison and garcia because they almost have their own language with how in sync they are, how fast they talk and always seem to finish each others sentences (it’s the adhd)
alec gets called in to help during 300 bc he’s the Best and penny and spence deserve the best. they need the best. and when garcia stumbles in he wraps her in a LONG hug
he is CONSTANTLY teasing her about luke. and she can’t reciprocate because he’s so openly gooey for eliot and parker so it isn’t fun to tease him because he’s just like “yeah i know they’re the best i’m so lucky :)”
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aberfaeth · 3 years
thinking again about how spencer reid and alec hardison both start their respective shows at 23, the baby of the group, the genius. thinking sooo hard about revelations grave danger job parallels. its about getting kidnapped and facing their worst fears and still managing to use their brains to help their teams (families) find them
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aberfaeth · 3 years
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I would like to ask your thoughts. If you want to share. I am curiousssss
the sheer potential that a collective encounter with mcsweeten and taggert has. the bau has a job in portland and mcsweeten, who has been to the brewpub (db cooper job), is like Oh I Know A Great Place We Can Eat After We Crack The Case. the bau team says sure why not. parker and hardison are, of course, there.
mcsweeten: “oh, agents hagen and thomas! so crazy to run into you!”
morgan, beyond delighted: “agents hagen and thomas. so good to meet you”
hardison: “there’s no chance you don’t tell penelope about this, huh”
morgan, grinning: “what do you think”
additionally, emily who has worked with sterling at interpol and just hates his fucking guts so much. during their first double team up eliot is a bit wary of her, of all of them, until the crew mentions sterling and she goes “oh that dude SUCKS” and he does a full 180 instant trust instant adoration
hotch keeps trying to recruit hardison, very subtly. he knows it’s never gonna happen and he knows that they’d never catch him like they caught penelope because penelope sort of wanted to be caught. but like he has to try.
on the flipside sophie keeps wheedling emily about playing for their team just one more time. “like in marseille, darling, don’t you remember?” and emily’s like “i will cut my feet off before i wear heels that high ever again. don’t try it”
jj and hardison trading parenting tips until she realizes he’s talking about parker2000 his robot parker2000
parker and spencer instantly click. penelope and hardison are delighted by this until they realize they haven’t seen either one in hours because they’ve been sitting in a corner, rapid fire trading off knowledge about lockpicking (which spencer will definitely use to get himself into trouble, penelope is sure of it) and portland’s traffic patterns (parker does NOT need an excuse to skip out on any more red lights)
rossi tries thief juice and sort of has an aneurysm. nate sympathetically pats him on the back.
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aberfaeth · 3 years
if anyone is actually interested in the leverage criminal minds bit actor crossover spreadsheet i have linked it here!
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aberfaeth · 4 years
suffering from brainrot once more on this fine monday so let’s talk nysm leverage crossover. i want parker jack friendship. i want eliot teaching henley a couple basic defense moves and also sort of kicking danny’s ass in the process. i want hardison freaking out bc merritt does creepy mind shit even better than nate does. i want an explanation for how the hell the magicians pulled All That Shit off without an on-site hacker
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aberfaeth · 4 years
if you have more nysm/leverage thoughts i am Looking
BOY do i!!!!!!
so it is entirely conceivable that the crew was looking at tressler insurance as a possible target, before the magicians went to town on him. the concept of nate trying to Figure Out the magicians in order to use them to get to tressler is unbearably funny to me. i just think merritt and sophie should get to have a grifter showdown where they pause in the middle and go “oh, you’re good”
meanwhile dylan is stalking around, extremely confused as to who these random people are, and. oh my god. sterling, being with interpole, accompanying alma on the assignment. sterling knows thieves he would 100% be on this shit
parker and henley having competitions to see who can get out of cuffs faster. parker and jack having competitions to see who can pick a lock faster. hardison and eliot watch this with Incredible fondness. danny and nate have a Very Serious Staredown across the bar because they Don’t Trust Eachother meanwhile sophie and merritt have so thouroughly read each other that they are both crying just a little bit. it’s definitely the alcohol.
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aberfaeth · 2 years
i would like to see the leverage crew rock everyone in succession’s whole shit
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