jedijenkins · 7 years
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☀ the librarians shipathon ☀
   ↳ week two: cassie x ladies - cassandra cillian x lamia [camia] insp
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imagination-parade · 7 years
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The Librarians Shipathon 2017 - Week 2: Cassandra & Estrella
No matter what you know, I'll I'll fix you with my love. And if you say you're okay, I'm gonna heal you anyway. Promise I'll always be there, Promise I'll be the cure [x]
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adapted-batteries · 7 years
I Want to do Dirty Things with You
Fandom: The Librarians
Rating: General/sfw
Ship: Castrella
Word Count: 1623
A mysterious letter arrives at the Annex for Cassandra with an...interesting message inside. 
This is my first shipathon fic, and the first time I’ve written Castrella. Hope you guys enjoy!
Also posted to my Ao3.
“Oh, Cassandra, a letter arrived today. It’s addressed to you,” Jenkins said as she walked into the Annex for the day. He held the envelope out to her casually while he read a book on the table.
“From who?” she asked, accepting it from him and looking it over. There were no addresses or anything identifying its sender; only Cassandra’s name in pretty black calligraphy on the front.
“Not sure. Someone must have dropped it off in person,” Jenkins replied, not particularly intrigued.
“Ookay then. I wonder what it says,” Cassandra said, opening the fancy wax seal. Inside was a piece of paper, either handmade or specially bought hemp paper, containing the same calligraphy as the envelope. There wasn’t much script, but what was there made Cassandra’s jaw drop and cheeks flush pink.
I want to do dirty things with you, Cassandra.
P.S. Bring a change of clothes, or an overnight bag.
“Did it say who sent it?” Jenkins asked, suddenly quite interested in the letter.
“Oh, uh, it was from Estrella,”  she answered. “Do you mind if I have a personal day?”
Jenkins smiled knowingly, pulling out a drawstring bag that Cassandra kept in the Library if she stayed overnight or needed a quick change of clothes. “Go on and have fun. Tell her I said hello,” he said as he handed her the bag.
Cassandra looked at him, confused as she took it from him. “Why did you have my bag?”
“Estrella may or may not have called the Library to set up the backdoor so she could deliver her letter,” Jenkins answered.
“Did you read the letter?!” she asked, eyes wide in a mix of concern and embarrassment.
“No, no, she actually didn’t tell me anything besides to deliver the letter and have the backdoor ready for you,” Jenkins clarified, raising his hands in surrender as he walked to the backdoor. “I just had a hunch. Go relax, you deserve a break.” He opened the door for her, revealing the glowing blue magic portal.
“Thanks, Jenkins,” she said, smiling. He smiled back, and with no hesitation Cassandra hopped into her favorite place in South Carolina.
Even before she got her bearings after magically teleporting, Cassandra could tell it was a gorgeous day. Birds chirped, the sun shined bright but not overbearingly hot, various flowers and soil scented the air, propelled by a gentle breeze. Once her eyes adjusted to the sunlight, she could see people doing a variety of tasks and activities around the grounds, though she searched for one in particular.
A smile appeared on Cassandra’s face when she spotted Estrella walking towards her. “I was waiting for you in the house, but as always your backdoor moved away, to the greenhouse this time,” Estrella said.
“It does that sometimes, we make do,” Cassandra replied casually, trying not to seem too eager to kiss her girlfriend.
Estrella eyed the bag hanging off Cassandra’s shoulder. “I see you got my message,” she said, stepping close enough to Cassandra to intertwine their hands.
“Yup. What kind of...things...did you have in mind?” Cassandra asked, blushing.
Estrella leaned in and kissed her, light and sweet, before answering. “Let me show you.” She tugged lightly at Cassandra’s hand to get her to walk.
Cassandra assumed Estrella would lead her to the house, but instead they went towards the vegetable gardens. “I’m getting the impression that ‘dirty things’ involves actual dirt,” Cassandra said as they walked past a group of people doing yoga on one of the open spaces.
“You would be correct, for the day anyway,” Estrella teased. “Unless that is you would like to do some night gardening. The moon reflecting off the lake is a spectacular sight.”
“Oh, no, I’m totally fine with not gardening at night,” Cassandra replied quickly, earning a chuckle from Estrella.
“Good.” Estrella let go of Cassandra’s hand as they neared the shed that contained all the tools and such for the gardens. “We get to take care of the cucumber and zucchini today, weeding and checking for pesky beetles,” she said as she stepped in the shed.
“That doesn't sound too hard,” Cassandra said, looking around as she stood outside.
Estrella reappeared at the door, rainbow polka-dot gloves in hand for Cassandra. “You do remember how many plants we had last time, right? They've almost doubled in size.”
“Oh,” Cassandra said, putting on the gloves with reluctance as Estrella disappeared back into the shed for tools.
“It won't be too bad. And afterwards we can visit the spa,” Estrella consoled, this time with garden trowels for both of them and shears in her tan-gloved hands.
“I think that is fair payment for toiling in the sun,” Cassandra said as she took one of the trowels. “Though if I get sunburnt, you have to smother me in aloe gel.”
Estrella closed the door of the shed and started walking towards the rows of large leaved zucchini plants. “If the mineralized water protects me from the sun, I wonder if it would prevent sunburns too.”
Cassandra dawned her thinking face. “In theory, it should, actually,” she determined. “The crystals absorb the sunlight before it can reach your cells. As long as it behaves the same way in...normal people, then it would not only prevent irritation of the tissues but also prevent the formation of thymidine dimers in the DNA, which would make it an effective preventative for skin cancer too.”
“Now that I think about it, I don’t recall seeing anyone red that wasn’t from physical exertion, though I’m not the one to ask. I’m sure the spa would have more knowledge about the state of our guests’ skin,” Estrella said, stopping at the top of one of the rows, smiling fondly at Cassandra.
“What?” Cassandra asked when Estrella made no move to start tending to the garden.
“This was supposed to be a break in your crazy life as a Librarian,” Estrella started, kneeling down next to a plant. Cassandra followed suit.
“So I can’t do science while I’m here? What’s the point of having a soil and plant scientist girlfriend?” Cassandra quipped, nudging Estrella with her elbow.
Estrella laughed in defeat. “Who am I to deny you that.”
“How do you manage to look so good?” Cassandra whined, wiping at her forehead with the back of her glove to keep the sweat from dripping in her eyes.
Estrella looked up at her, an eyebrow raised. “What ever do you mean, dear?”
“I’m pretty sure my face must be the color of those tomatoes over there, and I can feel the hair sticking to the back of my neck. Do you not sweat?”
“I can, but it has to be much warmer than it is now, and you would definitely know when I started sweating,” Estrella explained.
It took a second before Cassandra got it. “Oh, well that’s not fun.”
“It is quite unpleasant, and a lot more dehydrating than regular human sweating.” Estrella stood up, slipping her gloves off her hands. “Speaking of dehydrating, why don’t I get you something to drink. I’d rather not have you passing out from heat exhaustion.”
“I prefer not passing out too,” Cassandra agreed. She thought about going with her, but she also wondered if Estrella was going to refresh herself as well, and didn’t really want to see that, so she smiled up at her before looking back down to the dirt to pull out a weed.
A few minutes later Cassandra heard footsteps in the dirt. “Oh good, you’re back. I was getting pretty thirs-” Cassandra cut off, sucking in a breath as somewhat cool water poured on top of her head and back for a few seconds. Eyes wide, she glanced up at her attacker to find Estrella with a watering can in one hand and a thermos in the other. “When you said ‘a drink,’ I assumed you meant for a person, not a plant.”
“The beautiful flowers need a lot of water, right?” Estrella joked, sitting down the watering can. “I did bring you some lemonade though, they just made it.”
“Ooh, ok you’re forgiven for watering me,” Cassandra said, pulling off her own gloves to wipe at the water droplets on her skin.
“I was in trouble?”
“For like, I dunno, five seconds maybe. I can’t stay mad at you,” Cassandra said, taking a sip of the lemonade. “This is so good. I need to come more often.”
“Just for the lemonade?” Estrella asked, looking over at Cassandra with a smirk.
“Ok, maybe for more than just the lemonade…” Cassandra conceded.
Within five minutes Estrella got a taste of her own medicine as Cassandra emptied the rest of the watering can on her.
Cassandra found out just how intense gardening could be. Though they only spent a couple hours pulling out stray weeds, occasionally picking off beetles that didn’t smell that great when squashed, a variety of parts of Cassandra’s body were voicing their complaints. Estrella didn’t seem all that pained, though she had been doing this for years, Cassandra remembered.
Thankfully Cassandra stayed sunburn free, perhaps due to the “shower” (she may or may not have rubbed the water into any exposed skin for good measure). The spa was a well deserved treat to her weary muscles.
“I feel like spaghetti...lavender-scented spaghetti,” Cassandra said as they left the spa, her arm entwined Estrella’s. Before she could say anymore, a yawn escaped her lips.
“I don’t normally retire this early, but perhaps I can make an exception,” Estrella suggested.
Cassandra nodded. “Naps, naps are good.”
Estrella couldn’t help but smile at her. “You are adorable.”
“I know,” Cassandra confirmed, smiling at her sleepily.
Estrella couldn’t help but kiss her.
Post Notes: Castrella is great guys. Honestly I really want Estrella to be more involved in plot because that retreat is amazing and makes my inner botanist go nuts, plus Estrella is great and makes Cassandra happy so winning all around.
The sunscreen-like property was a random thought in my head, but it makes sense, provided that mineral binds to normal cells, since the cells of the vampires are apparently different. Honestly I’d love to just have mineral water to protect me instead of thick sunblock...summer is a season of suffering for my poor skin, but I still don’t stay inside as I’ve got gardens to tend to.
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jedijenkins · 7 years
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: The Librarians (TV 2014)
Rating: M
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Cassandra Cillian/Estrella, Ezekiel Jones/Jacob "Jake" Stone, Eve Baird/Flynn Carsen
Series: Part 1 of The Librarians Shipathon 2017 Summary:
When the High Sorceress Cassandra is kidnapped by the vampiric legions, a chain of events unfolds that will change the course of all three races: human, vampire, and lycan alike.
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imagination-parade · 7 years
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The Librarians Shipathon 2017 - Week 2: Cassandra & Estrella
Fairytale Bliss by imagination-parade Cassandra returns to the compound in Charleston for a morning of luxurious relaxation and a little bit of love from her favorite vampire.
Ao3 // FFN
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imagination-parade · 7 years
The Librarians Shipathon 2017 - Week 2: Cassandra & Isabella
Scientific Stuff by imagination-parade The Librarians run into a familiar face during a case in Italy, and she has an invitation Cassandra can't say no to (but Ezekiel wishes she would.)
I’m foregoing my usual accompanying image for the sake of getting this posted before midnight/the end of Week 2, lol.
Ao3 (or under the cut!)
The Librarians and their Guardian didn’t always agree on much, but one thing they did all see eye-to-eye on was that cases were just a little bit more interesting when the place the magic took them to had the potential for sight-seeing once the work was over. Unfortunately for their tourist potential, their work also left them with a few places they would probably be safer to never return to again. That’s why, after a case that left them running from Vatican police, they were none too thrilled when Ezekiel started talking about visiting the Vatican when another case, years later, took them to Rome. He brought it up, and everyone else grew quiet. Cassandra, walking towards the front of the group next to Ezekiel, looked towards the ground with widened eyes. Flynn and Baird behind them shared an apprehensive look, and even Stone’s face hardened into a glare.
“Not right now,” Ezekiel clarified. “But when the case is over and the day is saved…come on! Anyone?”
“No,” Baird said firmly.
“First, you won’t let me see the big heads at Mount Rushmore; now I can’t see the Vatican,” Ezekiel moaned.
“Jones…” Baird sighed.
“I mean, why, when we’re in Rome and can get wherever we want just by saying we’re Librarians, would we not go to the Vatican?” he asked.
This time, Cassandra, Stone, Baird, and Flynn all strongly, simultaneously said no. Ezekiel’s face paled, and he turned to the rest of his team.
“Okay, seriously,” he said, his tone cautious, almost apprehensive, startled by the strong reaction. “Why can’t we go to the Vatican?”
“It’s a long story,” Baird muttered.
The five-some started walking again in silence until a female voice with an Italian accent called out Cassandra’s name from across the way.
“Cassandra!” the voice called again.
Cassandra (and everyone else) turned to see who the voice belonged to. The tall, beautiful daughter of an Italian diplomat was headed right for them. She was dressed a lot more casually than she’d been the last time they’d seen her, a bag slung across her shoulder. It took Cassandra a moment, but then her face lit up in recognition.
“Oh, hi!” Cassandra cried, immediately opening her arms to accept Isabella’s hug.
Cassandra and Isabella spent a few moments too long wrapped in a warm embrace, smiles on both their faces. Ezekiel frowned; Stone looked amused. Baird and Flynn shared another look, and Baird shrugged, indicating her shared ignorance to what was going on. When she noticed the looks on the men’s faces, she leaned over between them.
“Do you guys know this woman?” she asked.
“It’s a long story,” Ezekiel grumbled.
“What are you doing here?” Cassandra asked, pulling herself out of Isabella’s arms. “I thought you were in Milan? It…it was Milan, right? Did I put that in my phone wrong?”
Cassandra pulled out her phone to check, and Ezekiel rolled his eyes. “You actually saved that number?”
“Of course,” she said, shooting Ezekiel a look of her own.
Isabella put her hand over Cassandra’s, covering her phone. Cassandra’s gaze shifted back to the woman in front of her. “You didn’t get anything wrong,” Isabella said. “I’m here now.”
“You are?” Cassandra asked.
“I did it,” Isabella said. “I’m officially studying science.”
She pulled a student ID from a university in Rome out of her bag and showed it to Cassandra for proof. Cassandra’s face lit up again.
“Isabella, that’s amazing!” Cassandra said with a little laugh. She touched Isabella’s arm and held it for a moment before handing the ID card back to her friend.
“You have to let me take you to dinner,” Isabella insisted.
Behind Cassandra, Stone and Ezekiel looked at each other. Ezekiel’s arms were crossed against his chest, still a bit bitter from his multiple failures with the woman before them while Cassandra, of all people, got her number without even trying, and Stone’s eyes widened in a goofy gaze.
“Dinner?” Cassandra asked.
“Tonight,” Isabella said. “To celebrate…and to thank you, because I’d never be doing this without you.”
Cassandra smiled one of her dazzling smiles again. “Okay,” she agreed. Her dreamy gaze suddenly faltered as she turned to look at Baird. “Oh, um…is that okay?”
“No,” Ezekiel said quickly.
“Yeah, Cass, we’re kind of busy,” Stone agreed. Baird rolled her eyes.
“It’s fine,” Baird said. Cassandra smiled and turned back to Isabella.
“Where should I meet you?” she asked.
Isabella grabbed her phone and typed an address into Cassandra’s GPS. “Meet me here at seven,” she said. She gathered Cassandra into another hug and kissed each of her cheeks. “See you then, bella.”
“Bye,” Cassandra said with a soft little wave as Isabella ran back across the street.
Cassandra turned around again to find her entire team staring at her. Stone still looked rather amused. Ezekiel still looked rather put out.
“So she seemed nice,” Baird shrugged.
“Yeah,” Cassandra nodded.
“Uh, guys,” Flynn said. “Magic, chaos, destruction…about to descend upon us. We should probably take care of that.”
“I can’t believe you’re going to let her go to dinner during a case,” Ezekiel muttered. “We just got here!”
“We can live without four Librarians for two hours,” Baird said as the group started moving again.
“Well, we should try to wrap this up so Cassandra can make her date,” Stone teased.
“It’s not a date,” Cassandra said instantly.
“Oh, it ain’t, huh?” Stone asked.
“No,” Cassandra insisted. “It’s just two scientifically minded women getting together to talk about…scientific stuff.”
Baird snickered loudly behind her. “That was very eloquent,” she teased.
“Thank you,” Cassandra said, never missing a step. “It’s just dinner. Like Baird said, if we don’t finish the case before then, I’ll be back in a few hours to help wrap everything up.”
 The dinner started just as she insisted it would, the two women gushing excitedly about science, Isabella’s newfound studies, and Cassandra’s projects back at home. Cassandra had never really had someone to engage in such detailed talk, not even Flynn always knew what she was excitedly babbling about in the Library, and she got the impression that Isabella didn’t, either. She was a natural with this stuff, that much was obvious to Cassandra from the get-go, but her interest in the subject had long been suppressed, and her excitement over finally getting to explore it was palpable.
“I don’t think I deserve quite as much credit as you’re giving me here,” Cassandra said honestly as their dinners arrived.
“No, you do,” Isabella insisted. “I never would’ve enrolled if I hadn’t met you at that gala.”
Cassandra stumbled over her words then, when the mention of their meeting turned into Isabella asking about how they met, that freak storm in New York City, where it’d come from, and how it’d ended. She mumbled something she hoped was at least a little bit coherent and changed the subject to something else, and their magical beginning was quickly forgotten.
When dinner finally ended, they started strolling down the dark Italian street, arms linked, their conversation having finally turned a bit more personal. Cassandra didn’t know where they were going, but she realized she probably should’ve been ready with the name of a hotel or something. Isabella was going to want to know where to drop her off, where to return her to her friends, and Cassandra didn’t know what she was going to tell her, as making up a hotel name probably wasn’t going to work on a diplomat’s daughter.
Isabella noticed the redhead on her arm was a bit suddenly distracted, so she stopped, pulled them off to the side of the sidewalk, and asked, “Where have you gone?”
“What? Nowhere,” Cassandra answered. She curled her hands into Isabella’s and, with a bright smile, added, “I’m right here.”
“Good, because uh…” Isabella started. She dropped one of Cassandra’s hands and tenderly moved some of Cassandra’s hair behind her ear, her fingertips lingering on Cassandra’s skin as they slid down the side of her face. “I was wondering if maybe you wanted to continue our evening a little bit longer?”
Cassandra nodded mutely, a besotted little smile crossing her face. Isabella grinned, too, and linked their arms together again. They continued down the sidewalk, and a few hours for dinner turned into a few hours more than that.
 Late that night Oregon time, once everyone but Cassandra was back in their little Annex in Portland, the Back Door lit up and Cassandra stumbled through. Her hair was a little messy, her shoes and cardigan were cradled in her arms, and she wore a little grin on her tired face. She shut the door behind her and turned around to find Baird, Stone, and Ezekiel…all standing at the center table and all staring at her. She faltered a bit as she nearly took a step forward but stopped as soon as she realized she had an audience.
“Oh, you’re all…still…here,” she said. “Perfect.”
“So how was dinner?” Stone asked knowingly.
“Fine,” Cassandra said, standing up a little straighter.
“Are you just getting home?” Ezekiel asked.
“Yes,” Cassandra said quickly.
“Isn’t it, like, 7 AM in Rome?” Ezekiel pointed out.
“Um, that sounds…about right, yeah,” Cassandra nodded.
“You and Isabella were up all night?” he asked.
“Come on, man,” Stone said, lightly hitting Ezekiel’s chest. “It takes a long time to talk about scientific stuff.”
Baird, who had been filled in as to just how they all knew Isabella in Cassandra’s absence, stood at the end of the table, staying out of it, trying to contain her own enjoyment as Cassandra, who had been staring up the staircase, pretending not to have heard Ezekiel, suddenly switched gears, shooting a deathly glare in Jacob Stone’s direction. She held the gaze for a minute and then turned to look at Baird.
“How’s the, um…case?” she asked.
“Done,” Baird said. Cassandra’s cheeks flushed red, but Baird quickly assuaged her guilt by saying, “Went off without a hitch; don’t worry about it.”
“Okay, well, I’m just…” Cassandra said, pointing towards the exit. “Going to go to bed.”
“Ain’t that where you just came from?” Stone snickered.
At that, Baird shot Stone a look as if to say he’d officially gone a little too far with the teasing. Cassandra simply ignored him, too. Her eyes met Baird’s for just a moment before she looked towards the exit again and started slowly walking out.
“Seriously?” Ezekiel hissed towards Baird. “She completely missed a case for a date, and you don’t have anything to say about that?”
Baird thought about it for a moment, nodding her head a bit to make Ezekiel believe he had a point. Instead, she called out words of encouragement to Cassandra as she walked out.
“You go, girl!” Baird cried. She immediately cringed and said, “I really can’t pull that off, can I?”
Cassandra paused, halfway between the Back Door and the exit, at Baird’s calls, placing a hand over her mouth to stifle her giggles. Ezekiel sighed again.
“Wh…really?” Ezekiel protested.
Baird laughed again. “I’m not going to yell at her just because Cassandra has more game with beautiful women than both of you put together,” she said, taking them both down a peg. Both men frowned in her direction, a reaction that only made her laugh a little harder. “I told her she could go, and I meant it. We are fully capable of handling a case without her. Let her have some fun.”
“Okay, then I can have some fun instead of working next time something comes up?” Ezekiel asked, like a child who needed to make sure everything was even.
Baird sighs. “Legal fun, sure,” she promised.
Ezekiel, having officially lost his patience for the entire situation, dropped the book he’d been holding onto the table. “That’s it,” he announced. “I’m going home.”
He hurried out of the Annex and, in the silence, Stone looked at Baird and winked at Cassandra before he walked over to his desk, picked up his jacket, and headed out, too. Cassandra sighed and walked over to Baird.
“Okay, so are you really not mad, or did you just take the opportunity to mess with them?” Cassandra asked, sliding her shoes back onto her feet. “Because I’m so sorry, and I really didn’t mean to be out that long, and…”
“Hey,” Baird said, cutting her off. She wrapped her arm around the younger girl’s shoulders, pivoting them both towards the exit, too. “Did you have a good time?”
“Yes,” Cassandra said.
“Then as much as I love an opportunity to mess with Ezekiel Jones,” Baird said. “I’m really not mad. Want to grab a drink and tell me all about her?”
“Okay,” Cassandra said with a laugh as Baird steered them out of the Annex and into the Portland night.
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