#cassie shows up all bloodied and bruised because she picked a fight and he's just
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
So do the girls ever gain the title of "sisters"? Like imagine someone making Roxy cry and Cassie squares up to them like "Leave my little sister ALONE" Plus Roxy would totally do the same thing for Cass
They are sisters, yeah!! And I'm glad you referred to Roxy as the little sister too because she kinda is lmao
They start calling eachother sister's very early on after Roxy starts living with Cassie and her dad (who I'm calling Eddie). A little more context here, is that this version of Meteors is set after my Ruin Aftermath fic that I... haven't written anything for yet. (I wouldn't need to though, I could integrate it fairly well with Meteors I'd say. Maybe.) But basically, in the aftermath of Ruin, Roxy and some of the reactivated Minis that came to her aid, find a very injured Cassie underground, and the group have to navigate the basements of the old Pizza Place, avoiding the Mimic the best they can, to try and find a way to stop it for good. Because until then? They can't leave without letting the Mimic out.
All this to say that even before Meteors, Roxy and Cassie are thick as thieves. They're a team! The Minis love Cassie and Cassie loves them! Cassie comes back to see Roxy regularly, even convincing her dad to come and meet her in the lobby after some pestering! Cassie already saw Roxy as an older sister figure and a best friend, and Roxy always adored Cassie, but could never describe it outside of 'like family' before due to not really thinking about it too much. She loves Cassie like family and that's all she needs to know!
Now that things are different though, and Roxy is a new flesh and blood version of herself, they see each other a bit differently now.
Cassie feels like Roxy is a little sister sometimes, and a big sister other times, but most of the time they're just sisters. Roxy's a bit confused (not offended, just confused) the first time Cassie calls her the little sister, but after some thinking about it and a conversation, Roxy feels the same way with Cassie. Neither of them are strictly the older or the younger sister, but they're always sisters, and even Eddie refers to them as such from the moment they proudly announce it to him.
Sure, they didn't immediately start calling each other that. Cassie's always felt it, and Roxy just never thought about it before. As with a lot of things now, Roxy just needs to figure some stuff out before she knows where she stands, and Cassie is beyond happy to answer any questions she has about it. When she understands it, Cassie is the first to know and the two celebrate being sisters with a sleepover in Cassie's room! The pair of them make a mess trying to do all the things Cassie had always wanted to do if she'd had a sibling before and it's a blast. But yeah uh... neither of them know what they're doing for a lot of these things but because they're both fucking it up together, it's probably the most they've ever laughed in their lives
And yeah, Cassie defending Roxy? Sticking up for her when she's upset and doesn't know what to do? Cassie is the one saying, "Excuse me, she asked for NO pickles." while Roxy looks awkward and nervous behind her lmao. Cassie will not let anyone treat Roxy badly, and won't let Roxy get walked on because someone decided to take advantage of her lack of information. She's the big sister in these scenarios and she's damn proud of it too!
... But Cassie isn't a fighter. She'll defend Roxy with confidence, words and is not afraid to be a 'tattletail' if it makes someone back off. You know who is a fighter? Roxy.
If anything happens to Cassie, especially when Cassie is defending her? She stands behind her, ears back, fur a little fluffed up, growling up a storm with her sharp, canine teeth on full display. She is not letting Cassie get hurt you can bet on that. Roxy has the intimidation of her wolf characteristics and that's usually enough to scare anyone that dare upset Cassie away, but if it doesn't work? She will throw hands! She will claw! She will bite! And she will win! .......... And get lectured by Eddie later lmao
And I like to think, much to Eddie's dismay, that this rubs off on Cassie a bit too. While Roxy starts to learn from Cassie how to use words to de-escalate a situation, Cassie is learning from Roxy how to defend herself should she ever get in a fight. This is great for both of them until Eddie gets called into Cassie's school because she punched someone that was picking on her. Yeah... thats a fun conversation lmao. This post is getting long, and I could think about how that goes now, but yeah. Long post lmao gonna wrap this up
Tl;dr: Yes! Roxy and Cassie are officially sisters not long after Roxy starts to settle in her new place at Cassie and her dad's flat! They are the 'She asked for NO pickles' meme with Cassie asserting herself while Roxy doesn't know what to do. And of course, Roxy will throw down for Cassie.
They're sisters and they love each other as such!
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
Far From Home Ch.4
Peter screwed up. He screwed up bad. He only knew that because MJ had been there during the fight with the fire elemental and had picked up whatever it was that Peter had webbed and slung into the alley. It happened to be part of a drone that brought up holograms and the holograms happened to be of the Elementals.
It was all a lie. Quentin Beck was full of crap and Peter had trusted him. That was one of the reasons he even handed over the EDITH glasses in the first place. Sure, his dad would be pissed, but they were better off in someone's hands that wouldn't send a drone attack on someone. He had been wrong though. Beck would probably send drone attacks on purpose. He had to fix this.
So he hopped on top of a train to Berlin after asking Ned to tell that teachers some bullshit about Tony wanting him in Berlin (or whatever the other teen could think of that was believable), and Nick Fury coincidentally picked him up as soon as he arrived. Peter thought nothing of it as he got into the car and the ex-director drove toward their base, thinking that Fury might have kept eyes on him in case the vigilante changed his mind.
The moment they were behind closed doors with Maria Hill, Fury spoke up. "Is there anything you want to tell us about your girlfriend?"
"He's talking about EDITH." Hill explains.
"Look, I already know I screwed up, but he isn't who you think he is. He's a liar. He has some sort of illusion tech that created those monsters." He pulls out the projector that MJ had recovered and slides it across the table toward the two. "It's a projector. I pulled it off the fire elemental in Prague."
Nick leans forward as Hill moves over to the window. "So all the death and destruction was caused by this?"
"I think he's using drones too." Peter adds.
"If this is true, Beck is a dangerous man..." Peter's attention turns onto his spider senses when they start acting up. Now that he knew that Beck was not who he made himself out to be, he knew to stay vigilant. "...who else knows about this? Stark?" Fury calls for his attention but the teen just glances up at him from under the mask of his stealth suit. "Stark!"
"It's Beck. He's here."
Peter pulls down his eye piece just as the illusion of the building fades away (along with Hill) and leaves a barren garage. His senses warn him of a threat coming from behind him and he narrowly avoids a blast from a drone, only for Fury to get hit. Peter gets hit by the second shot and he goes flying through some glass and down to a lower floor. He groans when he lands on his stomach, almost sure his ribs were at least bruised, and coughs as he moves to his feet.
"Wow Peter...wow. I thought we were close." Beck's voice echoes through the building.
Peter looks around and webs at the drones surrounding him and targeting him with green lights (much like snipers used). "Stop hiding Beck!"
"I'm trying to help you walk away."
Another illusion forms around him and his stealth suit is replaced by his older suit. The one Tony had made him after they first met. Then the nightmares started. Mysterio popped up in front of him and when Peter tried to web him, the green mist came out and Mysterio faded away, just to reappear behind him. The teen throws out a punch and groans when his fist connects with the fishbowl helmet, only to realize that he had punched a support beam. Peter hisses and shakes his hand until a familiar voice reaches his ears and his heart drops.
"Help me!"
"Cassie!" Peter yells as he runs to the source. He barges through a door, sending it flying down to the ground far below as he stops himself from going over as well.
"Peter? What's going on?" Cassie asks from a couple feet beside him. Those damn glasses. They probably showed Beck what she looked like.
"I know this isn't real!" Peter shouts.
"Do you now?" Mysterio says and forms into being as he grabs the illusioned girl and chokes her. Peter knew it was an illusion but it still hurt to see. When Beck drops her off the building, he couldn't help but jump after her.
Only to collide harshly with the ground. Peter groans and holds his head and Beck puts him through one illusion after the other. His surroundings may have been fake but the teen felt every punch, every shard of glass he was thrown through, and every bit of emotional pain that came either through words or the illusions themselves. The illusions stopped momentarily when he fell out of the building and landed on a parked car below, but had started up again when he rolled off of it and had gotten back onto his feet. Large shards of glass surround him, reflecting his image back to him and he slowly reaches out toward it.
"I mean...look at yourself." Beck disembodied voice taunts. Peter's fingers barely touch the glass before his reflections jump out and start to beat him from all directions. "You're just a scared little kid in a sweatsuit!"
He starts yelling about why he created Mysterio and Peter again narrowly avoids an attack from the man when he appears, and after jumping around to avoid more attacks, he shoots some webbing at him and pulls, only for it to be another illusion. Peter rolls out of the way of the metal supports he had accidently pulled down, jumps out of the way of more attacks until Mysterio cuts through his webbing when he tries to swing away, and covers himself when the fist of a broken statue falls down on him. When the large piece of concrete faded and Peter looked up, he almost sobbed at the sight that was waiting for him.
It was Tony and Stephen. Weak and broken. Whether from wielding the infinity gauntlet or physically and mentally drained from endless magical battles.
"If you had been good enough...maybe Tony wouldn't have to live with a hindrance. Maybe the good doctor wouldn't have to worry about your safety..."
The illusion (though he was beginning to forget that it was one) of his parents rush at him with anger in their expressions, and Peter yells out as he scrambles away. He turns once he manages to get back to his feet, and runs into an invisible force, falling back again. Things come rising up around him and when it settles, he finds himself in Mysterio's helmet. Just as the man pulls off the fishbowl helmet and drops it, the illusion shatters and Peter watches with heaving breathes as Beck collapses from a gunshot wound. Fury walks over to the teen from behind the fallen body as cars drive in and agents get out to swarm Beck.
"F-Fury." Peter stammers as he stands from the  pile of small rocks he found himself on.
"Beck's people are trying to find everyone who could expose him. Who'd you tell? I know you told someone so just tell me."
Peter's arms flail a but as he tries to catch his breath and he links his hands behind his head as he looks down. "Okay, um..."
"Who else did you tell?!" Fury shouts.
"Just Ned and MJ from my class. Maybe Ned told his girlfriend Betty, but that's it!" Peter looks at Fury incredulously when the man folds his arms and chuckles. "What?"
"You...are so gullible."
"You're smart as a whip...just a..." Fury fades out and turns into Beck. "...sucker. Now all your friends have to die."
Peter shuffles back with a gasp of disbelief as drones create another illusion around him. He backs away as Beck approaches him while avoiding the falling objects around him.
"It's easy to fool people when they're already fooling themselves." Peter continues to back away until Beck finally stops. "But for what it's worth Peter...I really am sorry."
Before Peter can even open his mouth and call the man a liar, the illusion shuts off again and Peter looks down to find himself on some train tracks. He looks to his right just the split second before he gets hit by a train and he weakly crawls up the side of it as it goes through a tunnel. With bloodied hands he makes his way to the nearest compartment door and stumbles into one of the empty cars, limping to a seat where he immediately passes out as soon as he collapses into a seat.
When Peter woke, he found himself in a holding cell with a few other men who had been kind enough to cover him with a t-shirt. When he mentioned how nice that was of them, their next words had his head spinning.
"Welcome to the Netherlands."
Peter stares at his cell mates. "I'm in the Netherlands right now?"
He jumps to his feet, ignoring every part of his body that was screaming at him, and shouts for the guard. When the other men tell him that the guard is on break, Peter reaches through the bars and breaks the padlock, and rushes out of the building (of course backing up a bit to find the guard wearing the mask to his stealth suit). He pulls on the bright orange shirt the men had given him and he asks a man at a stall outside if he can use his phone, the man kindly handing his cell phone over, and Peter thanks him as he stares down at it.
Who did he call? His parents were the first that came to mind but with how royally he screwed up, he didn't want another lecture or worry them needlessly so Peter settled on his next option.
He calls the head of security and almost cries out with relief when the man picks up. "Happy? I screwed up bad. I need a ride." Peter pauses. "Where am I? Uh..." He asks the owner of the cell phone and when the man tells him a name the teen can hardly pronounce, he holds the phone out to him so he can tell Happy himself before bringing the phone back to his ear. "Did you get that? Okay--NO! You can't tell Dad! Please!"
After finishing the call, Peter returns the phone to the man with a thank you and makes his way to the tulip field nearby to wait. Happy had told him to find an open area and then sit and wait, so that was what he did. Peter only had to wait a few hours for Happy to show up in one of Tony's private jets and as soon as he saw it land, he limped over until Happy stepped off and started approaching the teen.
"Wait!" Peter says as he stops and holds a hand out, the other holding his injured leg. "Is it really you?"
"What? Of course it's me! What's going on kid?"
"Tell me something only you would know!" Peter asks desperately.
"Uh...when we went to Germany, you pay-per-viewed a movie in your room. The bill doesn't show titles but the price made it obvious that it was an adult film. Your Dad thought it was hilarious by the way--"
"Okay! Okay! It's you! Stop!" Peter stumbles the rest of the way to the older man and hugs him tightly. "I'm so glad to see you."
"Peter...you're going to have to tell me what the hell is going on here."
Peter nods and Happy takes him into the jet and the teen stumbles a bit. He turns to find a chair to sit in and freezes when he finds Stephen standing in the middle of the aisle.
"You never said anything about not telling your mom." The bodyguard says as he enters the jet after the teen.
Peter broke and his lower lip quivers. "M-Mom."
Stephen rushes forward when a tear slips down the teen's cheek and carefully pulls the boy into a hug that Peter reciprocates instantly. God he needed this. He was hurting, he was tired, and he was overwhelmed.
"Peter, you look terrible. What happened?"
He buries his face into the sorcerer's collarbone and inhales the soothing scent of tea leaves and incense. "I got hit by a train."
"WHAT?!" Both Stephen and Happy shout, making Peter cringe.
Stephen pulls the teen away and leads him to an empty seat. "Happy, get me the first aid kit please."
Peter rests his head in his hand as Stephen tends to his injuries when Happy brings him the first aid kit, and breaks the silence after a few minutes. "How pissed is Dad?"
"He's not." The doctor says simply and Peter slams his hand down on the table.
"How is he not pissed?! I just gave away a pair of multi million dollar glasses that he gave me. I don't know what I was thinking--"
"Cub." Stephen says softly, effectively interrupting the teen's rant. "I asked FRIDAY and Victor not to give him any updates about you so he would rest. He has no idea about anything. If anything happens to you, or in this case, that and the fact that you handed over EDITH, they tell me."
Peter slumps. "I guess I should be asking how pissed you are."
"I'm not. Upset? Maybe." Peter hisses as Stephen finished stitching him up, and the sorcerer draws his focus away from his hands, the trembling starting up again. "You know what you did was a mistake though so my question is...what are you going to do about it?"
Peter stands and moves out into the aisle to pace. "He's going to kill my friends and half of Europe if I don't do something! I can't call them because he'll be tracking their phones..." Peter looks back at Stephen when an idea comes to mind. "Mom, give me your phone."
Stephen raises a brow but says nothing as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and hands it over to his son.  Peter types in the man's password and navigates to Flash's live stream, and quickly finds out that his class trip was once again redirected somewhere else.
"Okay! They're in London!"
"Peter." The teen makes eye contact with the sorcerer. "I'm staying here until the end. Just promise me that if you need help, you tell me."
"I promise...I need a suit though." 
Happy stands up from his seat that he had taken earlier while Stephen was helping Peter. "I can help with that."
He moves to the front of the jet and pushes a button that opens the back of the jet to reveal a mini lab. Stephen gets up and follows the teen into the lab as he pulls up blueprints and holograms for his Spiderman suit, and Peter brushes the man's hand away when he starts fingering what's left of the boy's stealth suit.
"You should keep this." Stephen says with a smirk. "I'm sure Cassie will enjoy seeing you in it."
"You know too?!" Peter exclaims. "Oh my god. Please tell me Scott doesn't."
"He doesn't know." The sorcerer confirms as he puts on some music for the teen to work to.
"Oh! I love Led Zepplin!" The vigilante says with a grin and laughs when both Stephen and Happy give him a look of disbelief. "I'm kidding! I know it's AC/DC!"
"I'm telling your father you didn't know." Stephen grumbles.
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