ashnadir · 4 years
the most important
[TXT] so Pegs.  It’s time.  We gotta talk.
[TXT] what the theme she’s chosen this year?
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
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Written on the back is:
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alessafalling · 5 years
coffee gone awry || cassie & essie
Setting up had been a dawdle, when they’d been taking ideas for something small they could do to up the reputation of the department and get people involved Essie had wasted no time texting her sister for ideas. Sunny had almost entirely planned this coffee morning for them free of charge. All she’d requested of her sister in return was a packet of hersheys kisses in the post. Completely doable and an exceedingly fair price for the effort.
The sheriff being gone on a road trip was a little disappointing to some of the locals who showed up, but coffee and a cake in hand the grumpy attitudes faded, even more so when offered a raffle ticket for the small draw they’d be doing later. Essie however still had work to do, the phones still rang, deputies still filtering in and out around the folding tables.
Taking a moment break she frowns down at a report, the attached evidence for the case was nowhere to be found. Ruffling around on the desk she drops a pile of files on the floor and just closes her eyes a frustrated hand rubbing her forehead for a moment. Her familiar rifles through the dropped paperwork just to be irritating, grabbing a paper and scooting off to hide behind a woman standing at a table.
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thisdaringdanny · 5 years
Sorry Deputy || Cassie&Danny
        After everything they had come back from Danny felt peculiar. How he felt about people had shifted, a blend of what had been before and what had developed in this strange reality. Memories lingered and at any given moment, when a call came in to the department that something dangerous was happening in Holt, Danny felt the urge to rush to Cassie even though he didn’t know which house was hers and even though her husband existed. God, he hated him now, a feeling that made his stomach churn. Lilo was great, but Danny was jealous.
        “I’m sorry, Steve,” Danny repeated. The familiar was annoyed because not only had he disappeared in this verse but now that Danny was back Steve was suffering through all of Danny’s emotions. “We’ll get vegan cupcakes on the way home and I’ll have veggies with dinner,” he promised his friend who merely stared before hoping away in annoyance.
         Standing from his desk, uniform creased but still clinging to every curve of his muscles, tufts of hair coming out from his collar, Danny walked over to the copier, trying to get his paperwork done before he went home. Everyone seemed changed because of what happened, though some had foggier memories than others. Danny’s were clear as day.
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freddiewatts · 5 years
SpringySnaps: It Still Isn’t Football
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Why yes, that IS a Kentucky Wildcats onesie with the sleeves rolled up absurdly that Albie Teo is wearing; how discerning of you to notice. :P Sigh. lol 
31m ago                           22 replies
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theberrybugle · 5 years
Joey and Cassie are going into the pockets to do dirty things.
Are monster-filled hellscapes their special kink? We hope so, because otherwise that’s kind of sad. Do your dirty bedroom deeds right here in Soapberry, kids! It’s okay! Live your lives! Have your sex! Have ALL of the sex!
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@joeyvoeman, @cassiegermaine
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thisbrutalbelle · 5 years
luminous bonds ||
        The grass stains on Bella’s jeans were evidence of the reality that Bellamy was stuck. No matter how excited Boss was as he bounced around her Bella could not let go of the ridiculous fact that she was trapped in the small dark cave as the day went by. It had been so long since Bella had been confined to the night, and while in the past it had not bothered her now it did. Now she had places to be and people to see but of course her phone lacked reception, horror movie logic.
         “Boss, find my ring,” Bellamy requested but the dog merely jumped onto her lap, dirty paws making her clothing more grotesque and unclean than they had already been. The closeness was also accompanied by some barking, Boss snapping his sound loudly as the echo of it in the cave seemed to threaten him. The more the dog barked the more the cave echooed and the more Boss wanted to.
         Trying to soothe him Bella patted his hand, her finger that usually had her daylight ring empty of it. “Shhhh, Boss, shhhh,” she insisted.
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mayaparker · 5 years
💋 Cassie and iann
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rydenbolt · 5 years
☮️: If you’re comfortable with it, write a drabble or so about our muses doing something naughty. If not, put a strikethrough across this one in your reblog (or simply don’t do it; your blog, your rules ;3). ((I mean if we want to make things even steven XDD))
“So... how long has it been for you?”
Ryden’s head snapped up from the beercan he held and stared at with equal intensity when she asked him that. It’s sort of been a question he’d been dreading but expecting. Though he knew the answer clearly, it turned out very difficult to put the truth out there when asked. Because it was kind of... sad and pathetic maybe??
Opening a profile on that Tinder place was the second most stupid thing Ryden had ever done. First time being when he got piss drunk at fifteen, stole a car with a bunch of mates and drove it into a ditch, which resulted in him pretty much getting kicked out of school. Tinder, apparently, had a niche part on it for people like him and Cassie - for widowed. It was super creepy, but Cassie was somehow making him regret the profile less. 
She was the first one who contacted him with something other than along the lines of ‘that happened to me too, let’s fuck the sad away’. Even though it did happen to her too, and left her as a single parent to a daughter the same tender age of three as Emma was. They made their second date a playdate and the two girls clicked with each other instantly. Now they were babysitted by grandparents and the pair had their third date all for themselves.
Ryden partially wished the girls were here to break this convo off. He huffed out a breathy laugh and leaned back on the sofa next to Cassie, trying not to fidget too much so he wouldn’t mess up the decorative pillows she littered it with. Her place was so... neat in comparison to his. He could recognize all the things a parent would need when raising a little girl, things he’d also find in his own home. But those were thrown about as if a bomb had hit his house, never at handy, always left where he least expected. He knew he was trying to distract himself from answering the question and he could now feel her eyes burning his profile off with their stare.
“Uhm... heh. Ever since, I guess.” He managed, after he cleared his throat out.
“So... three years?” 
Bloody hell, she was persistent...
“Yeap.” He sucked his bottom lip in and nodded. “Practically reverted back t’bein’ a virgin. Not even sure how it’s done anymore.” He chirped, putting his beer down. It almost slipped out of his hand - his palms were getting clammy. 
“Aww... That’s... kind of impressive. I mean, completely understandable. Took me a year and some to accept a date, let alone...”
“So ya’ve been with guys since?” He reciprocated, actually curious about it.
“Ehh, once or twice. Nothing serious. Just, uh... to see how it would go.” She sipped on the glass of white wine she preferred to the beer he’d requested.
“Wonderin’ how this would go too?” He glanced at her, giving her that lopsided grin he figured both annoyed and charmed her at the same time. She hid her own smirk behind her wine glass before she put it down.
“Yeah, well, I guess I have a few plans I’d like to follow through.” She stood up, catching his hand to pull him up. He followed her to the bedroom - she still kept the bed for two, whereas he had thrown his out a long time ago in favor of more space for toys. She left him standing next to it for just a second while she closed the bedroom door.
“Let’s see if we can get back in that saddle, huh?” Her fingers fiddled with the button of her blouse and he could see her bra peeking through.
“Oooh, I think I know what those are.” He grinned and she laughed when he pulled her close, shamelessly reaching into her unbuttoned shirt as he took her to the bed. Turns out it is kind of like riding a bike if the right person gives you a push. 
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ashnadir · 5 years
[TXT] on a scale of one to ten how bored are you?
[TXT] also this is gonna be a weird question but have you been dreaming about pixies lately?  
[TXT] or uh
[TXT] dancing? but like flying dancing. like...pixies only they’re dancing.
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
springysnaps: monkey loves you
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Late posting holiday photos! Anyhow fortunately Albie’s got some years before he watches Black Mirror and finds this monkey creepy hah hah
84m ago                           63 replies
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samuel-floros · 7 years
Slurred words for Cassie!
“Cassie! She’s one of my best friends. I love how she’s a straight-shooter and will call you out on your bullshit. I could stay up all night talking to Cassie like teenaged girls, ha. I think she’s gonna be an awesome mom, and I hope her and Lilo have a super happy life. I’d do pretty much anything for Cassie.”
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thisdaringdanny · 5 years
Friend-ish || Danny&Cassie
[ TEXT ]: Hey, it’s Danny. [ TEXT ]: You owe me an iced coffee I think.
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freddiewatts · 5 years
Opinions on Albie
“Albie is the loveliest, best-behaved, baby in the history of ever, and I don’t feel even remotely inclined to so much as consider having a more balanced opinion.  
I adore him. Full stop.”
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theberrybugle · 5 years
Okay but what if you’re a librarian?
Librarians are allowed! Unless you plan to indulge yourself in the aforementioned and banned eggheadery. 
Basically from what we gather, given that the classified ad for Pump Up the Volumes book club was placed by Ephram Pettaline and the only other member to date is Bellamy Barnes, it’s a book club for … let’s say, people who prefer the novelization of the movie rather than the novel that the movie’s based on.
Dim people, we’re saying. Dim people.
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thisbrutalbelle · 5 years
Lone Mama || Cassie&Bella
[ TEXT ]: Hey, Mama Cassie. [ TEXT ]: We haven’t hung out since you helped me loiter in a cave. [ TEXT ]: I heard it’s just you and the babies right now and I figured all the relatives may have died down and I could get a peak. [ TEXT ]: A peak and maybe some wine and cheesecake, which I’m sure you’ve missed.
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