ashnadir · 5 years
[TXT] yo Joebird I heard you’ve been cribbing my style 8D
[TXT] anyway I wanted to ask you about something that happened, during all that pocketworld blight stuff
[TXT] about that arena world you were in.  if I can ask you some questions about what happened in it, with the witch, Ciara.  She’s a friend.
[TXT] I’ll give you one text to make jokes about Iann Cardero, actually having ‘a friend’ yeah yeah go on.  Get it out of your system, I’ll wait 8P
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alessafalling · 5 years
Lookie lookie || joey & essie
[TXT]: I couldn’t help myself  [TXT]: and still can’t help myself [TXT]: sorry if you’re busy  [TXT]: but you’ll never guess who just got brought in in cuffs [TXT]: our ol pal Braydon XD
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
shock me shock me | joey & ephram
“Have to say, it ain’t often we get calls like this.” Ephram balanced his lunch sack in his lap as Joey drove the sheriff jeep, carefully extracting his parchment-wrapped sandwich (roast chicken, double-cream brie, spiral-star apple was written in Freddie’s copperplate hand on the paper) and tucking in with gusto. He was getting to lunch an hour and a half late and was ravenous, hence Joey being tasked with driving duty as they headed out to the non-waterfront side of Jamara. Out there was all huge sprawling estates, favoured by certain nymphs and usually werewolves who liked to have the room to run and hunt, and Ephram continued as they went through the winding roads, “--I mean not the theft part itself, but the fact that they got thieved of, like, normal stuff. Considering Soapberry’s what it’s like, normally when folks go to the trouble of stealing, it’s fancy magic items. Rare shit. Not--” he consulted his notepad, “--jewelled collars and -- and claw-rings.”
Ephram looked over at Joey, skepticism in the furrows of his forehead as he swallowed his bite of sandwich. “Claw rings?” he repeated. “You ever seen a wolf wear a claw ring? What the fuck.”
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thisbrutalbelle · 5 years
The Temp || Bella&Joey
       Bellamy was flustered to say the least. When the mould had first shown up in the Erzebet’s it was more annoying than anything else. Now it was evidently dangerous, making a myriad of her employees sick, including the entire security staff which was needed to maintain the safety of her blood dolls. Bella couldn’t risk that, wouldn’t really. Now she needed to find temporary replacements. She had a long list of interviews scheduled over the day in her office for various positions, it felt like she was never leaving.
        Someone named ‘Joseph Voeman’ was next. Since everyone that the two knew mutually would have called him Joey, Bella didn’t know who he was at all. Moving about her desk, in search of which position he was applying for, the W4 he would need if she found him capable, which most were in town of whatever position they applied, as her restaurant manager Naomi brought him to Bella’s office.
       The restaurant’s main manager Naomi was a foreboding looking naga woman, with a stern face and high cheekbones that complimented her deep ebony skin. She was well mannered and polite but not warm by any means, her tone as cold as the blood that ran through her. She said very little to Joey, just that Bella was ready for him and lead him upstairs in silence. “We’re here,” was all she said when she opened the door to Bellamy’s standing barefoot on her chair, grabbing a box that rattled when she pulled it down, the chair wobbling ever so slightly.
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        She climbed down, a weird slap sound as bare feet hit tile and another rattle as the box shook from the movement. It was a black matte box that when she opened it contained pens with ‘Erzebet’s’ written on the sides of them. “I’m sorry,” she said, placing the box on the table. “I think people have been taking my pens during these interviews, or rather, I’ve been giving them out and people just shove them where ever,” Bella explained, slipping back into the black heels on the floor. “I am...professional now,” she announced with her shoes back on, though they weren’t done up. “Nice to meet you Joseph, I’m Bella,” she introduced, holding a slender and cool hand out for him, even in heels she was almost a whole foot shorter than him.
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theberrybugle · 5 years
Joey and Cassie are going into the pockets to do dirty things.
Are monster-filled hellscapes their special kink? We hope so, because otherwise that’s kind of sad. Do your dirty bedroom deeds right here in Soapberry, kids! It’s okay! Live your lives! Have your sex! Have ALL of the sex!
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@joeyvoeman, @cassiegermaine
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isadelavega · 5 years
in my defense II joey & isa
{ @joeyvoeman }
[text]: joey heeeeey
[text]: got your number from essie
[text]: i wanted to ask you something
[text]: this is isa, btw :)
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myth01s · 5 years
Third Time’s the Charm | Tuah & Joey
Tuah hummed to himself as he picked up fresh ingredients, thinking of cooking for his friends over the weekend. He texted Ruby, Aedan, and Rein, asking them whether they would like to try beef rendang and whether they would be free over the weekend for a little get-together. If not, he’d simply visit them and bring the dish for them. He made a mental note to pick up his packages later at the postal office, glad that his favourite brand of kretek had arrived safely. He had ordered more than usual, having the thought of giving them to Joseph.
As he went to the next aisle, Tuah noticed someone familiar. “Mr Voeman,” he greeted Joseph, smiling at the other. “I was just thinking about you. How are you, by the way?”
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bumblingbrujo · 5 years
Helping Hand || Joey & Miguel
[txt]: Hey Joey, how goes the phone? And the bluray player? 
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strangerein · 5 years
Baby Day Care || Rein&Joey
Rein was just having one of those random walks of his where he just roamed around aimlessly. He enjoed those long walks because he could be in his own peace, in his own thoughts and just enjoy his own company. Sometimes he spent most of the day just walking around, sometimes he didn’t do that in several days. But today it certainly was one of those days when he wasn’t planning on walking around the whole day. Today was the day for a shorter walk. But there definitely was the same goal as always: just walk around until you head back home.
He had been walking for few hours when he all of a sudden met something he hadn’t thought he’d end up seeing in a forest. But there it was, just waving that tiny tail and looking excited for meeting Rein. A goatling. Tiny black and white baby goat. Rein squatted down and chuckled a bit. “And how the hell did you end up coming here?” he asked from the goatling and got a ‘baa’ in return. He laughed a bit shaking his head and then looked around him. “I bet this isn’t a place for you to be at tho. But I won’t leave you here either.” It wouldn’t be safe for the baby to be all alone in the forest, especially when there didn’t seem to be anyone around. “Okay, fellow, lets go for a search”, he told the goatling and picked it up.
The goatling didn’t seem to mind being carried, it seemed to be rather happy to be there. Unfortunately for the baby goat Rein didn’t find the mom goat or anyone else who might have something to do with goats. So now there was a slight problem. “Okay, I can’t leave you here but I can’t take you with me either. So who would be able to take care of you..” The goatling replied with few ‘baa’s and Rein looked down to it. And then noticed the tiniest horns on the top of its head. “Oooh now I know. I have a friend with horns too. I know you two would get along well. And he has a nice fenced yard so you’d stay safe there too.”
With that thought Rein headed towards the town and after quite a walk he arrived to his destination. Joey didn’t seem to be in the backayrd, but Rein hoped he would be home anyway. “Oi, Joey!” he yelled as he opened the backyard gate, stepped in and closed the gate behind him. “I got a surprise for you!”
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ephrames · 5 years
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@joeyvoeman, @ephrampettaline - red right hand gangster au
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soapberryspringsrpg · 5 years
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When magic swarms any one location, it’s inevitable that Something will take notice.
In Soapberry Springs, magical events happen constantly and consistently, across the ranges of witch and fae magic. It’s there in daily routine but it’s also there in sporadic, important moments in the lives of the townsfolk: slowly culminating to saturate all of Soapberry in magical effluvium. And even a magical town has its saturation limits, when it comes to the forces of such eldritch power. Even Soapberry reaches a point where it can’t hold any more and it starts to ... seep.
A hefty surge in power caught Something’s attention, when the entire town got transported into an alternate reality of royalty and murder and the Sunlit Throne
And perhaps again in a moment a werewolf might’ve thought a little too hard about bringing his murdered wife back from the dead - and brought everyone’s ghosts back instead. @rydenbolt
Or the appearance of a supposedly ancient god, seeking his wayward sons. @bumblingbrujo, @lilo-el-lobo, @ianncardero
Then there was the tear in the fabric of space-time, rent by a far darrig greedy for a newborn. @cassiegermaine​
Another tear in the time-space, as a witch and an atronach were plunged into world of battle. @thatwhichbindsus, @joeyvoeman
Then there’s the continued spirit happenings in a manor house recently transplanted in Soapberry from another place and time. @aedanthewitch
Or the moment necromancer magic was utilized, in search of a fated child. @faye-savin 
An atronach, who brought lightening from the sky to embed into the earth @atronach-author
A witch gaining ascendancy over his demon within, with the use of fairy magic combined with a Cinquefoil artifact. @ephrampettaline, @freddiewatts
What about when a nymph was teleported from a country across the Atlantic, to land in Soapberry? @collettemackenzie
And a key that reveals another key, that reveals strange and dangerous paths. @scarlettxruby, @joeyvoeman
A fairy cop who helped a selkie dig a little too deep and search a little too far, waking something up. @thisdaringdanny, @avitejsharma
That Something tried to warn the people of Soapberry, while also pushing itself into their space. Avi Sharma triggered the awakening of the other side, because of his single-minded drive to find his brother. And when Something woke fully into its devouring single purpose, it pushed Soapberry even harder: capturing the ghosts to feed on, gaining power as it warped a fairy’s dust on a whim (@alessafalling), and leading a witch down a tunnel and into a promise of the town’s utter doom (@mayaparker).
Avi Sharma has disappeared, and SOMETHING has shown up in his stead.
What this means for your character:
OOC information: A dark-faerie world is trying to ‘eat up’ Soapberry and blanket our Soapberry with its own dark-faerie version. Characters represent the ‘Goodness’ that balances out this dark-faerie world and can combat it to restore Soapberry to its normal self.  Fairies and fae species (atronachs and nymphs) can feel the dark-faerie magic, and witches can sense the unfamiliar magic.
Like bursts of blight around Soapberry, pocket-worlds have opened up sporadically, trapping people inside a post-apocalyptic landscape!  What this looks like:
These tainted pockets pop up without warning, all over town.  
These worlds are populated by violent creatures hellbent on killing.  
The various worlds within these pockets can fit any post-apocalyptic world you and your RP partner(s) choose.  Examples: Fallout, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, The Walking Dead, 28 Days Later, The Stand, Mad Max: Fury Road, I Am Legend/The Omega Man, The 100, The Mist, The Dark Tower, The upsidedown in Stranger Things, etc.
Inside each pocket can be as vast or confined as you like (ie, an entire city, or an abandoned hospital) and time inside them can be measured however you decide (it can be a week in the pocket but only an hour in Soapberry, or it can be a direct ratio of an hour there = a Soapberry hour)
Your character will retain their life/personality as it is in Soapberry. No changes needed.
The plot will last until mid-September. That just means no new plot-related threads after mid-September.  Ongoing threads can go as long as you need.  Once the plot is over, Soapberry will go back to normal.
Your character's goals can be twofold:
Survival and escape!  Doing anything they can to survive the threat of mindless things eager to kill and destroy them. They can escape by the pocket blipping back out of existence.
Find their ghost!*  Your character may find their ghost in the hellscape before the pocket blips out of existence. Your character can then have a day or two for closure with their ghost (should they want it) before the ghost returns to whatever afterlife they came from.
* For anyone who doesn’t want to RP any post-apocalyptic threads but still wants their character to find closure with their ghost, you can have the ghost re-appear in Soapberry, now freed from the hellscape they’d been trapped in. 
Post-apocalyptic plots can be played out in threads, chatzy, gdocs, etc.
The Main Chatzy will also be set up as a post-apocalyptic wasteland! The pocket-world in Chatzy is a mirrored Soapberry where the buildings/landmarks are present but are warped and corrupted, and the town is permanently blanketed in mist. It will be populated with non-humanoid killer creatures (insectoids, warped beasts, cryptids).  Players who want to pop in can then easily have their characters join in on the struggle to survive!
- credit to @jaynedits for the psd template!
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ashnadir · 5 years
to the place I belong || Joey & Iann
It had been a few days since the ghosts all disappeared from Soapberry.  Iann hadn’t reached out to Joey during that time, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t thinking about the whole situation.  He puzzled over the prison in question where Joey’s nephew was located, getting public information about it just so he had an understanding.
Prisons did sort of terrify Iann.  They were so...human, such a perfect example of a human brutality and ugliness and corruption that had everything to do with hideous stark reality of everyday life, and nothing to do with supernatural reasons or rhyme.  They were just so...horrible.  And Iann knew full well that there was a fork in his own path in his early 20s, where he could’ve ended up incarcerated.  It would’ve been so easy, given his background, his world.  Incarcerated or deported, if the government knew he even existed.
But this was different, of course.  This was an atronach, who needed help, who was stuck in a place that could be any stuck place, supernatural or human.  The goal was in Iann’s grasp and purview.  Nab the nephew, get him back to Soapberry.  Easy-peasy, right?
He pulled up in front of Joey’s house one morning, and obnoxiously honked the horn, then texted.
[TXT] I’m outside.  We’re going to West Virginia.  If you wanted to take your car, we can do that.
[TXT] I got fake Florida plates we can put on it for the drive.
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alessafalling · 5 years
payback || joey & essie
Alessa was true to her word. His help repairing her phone had been so appreciated she didn’t let herself forget about the offer to buy him at least a cup of coffee. She might be strapped for cash but she refused to let his kindness pass her by and she’d figured out how to contact him as soon as the mess that had been the fiasco with the ghosts was finished with.
She’d gotten off her shift early and made her way around to the agreed upon cafe. More of a walker than a sitter she’d convinced Joey to take a walk with their coffee rasher then sit idly inside. She spots him coming and raises a hand in greeting. 
“How’d you take your coffee?”
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
the only me is me | joey & ephram
“--I mean I can manage fair on my own, ain’t like I’d starve.” Ephram emphasized the statement with a wave of his rolled-up copy of the community centre’s list of Fall 2019 programmes. “You’re probly the same, huh? Most military fellers I known can manage to cook for themselves. Except my uncle Foofer, he was in Vietnam and when he came back only thing he could fix for himself was peaches and poundcake. Man couldn’t even heat up a dang cream of mushroom.”
Ephram shook his head sadly. “But yeah I figure, learnin’ how to make bread sounds like somethang I wouldn’t mind havin’ under my belt! Freddie does most of the other cooking, he’s great at it.” The witch finally took a breath, getting around to inquiring, “So what brings you here, anyhow?” as the two men hung a corner in the hallway. “Lookin’ to sign up for a class? Wanna make country loaves with me maybe?”
He elbowed Joey chummily, then slowed down, looking around. “This place sure has a lot of water fountains,” Ephram said with a perplexed chuckle. “Must have plenty of seafolk comin’ here.” He gestured ahead of them with his programme guide, tucking it into the in-case-of-Blight golf bag full of weapons that he carried everywhere as they continued, but when they caught sight of the same water fountain for a third time, Ephram came to a full halt. “Okay,” he said. “That’s gettin’ sorter weird, now.” He slapped at his shoulder, finding that his golf bag was no longer hanging there, and hissed, “Gawd dammit.”
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thisbrutalbelle · 5 years
Gif Edit Meme
ooc: So some of my asks are sending, some aren’t. FUN. I thought what could be easiest for me to keep track of and so everyone 100% gets theirs, would be for me to post them all here, and have them reblogged. So, beneath the read more you will find your characters ( if you did receive yours, and it differs to what’s below, feel free to pick which one you like better ).
Talk about a time growing up ( Before the Soapberry RP ) when you felt…
@freddiewatts​: mothered. @ephrampettaline​: secure. @ianncardero: abandoned @rydenbolt: pressured. @alessafalling: nervous. @cassiegermaine: stifled. @isadelavega: appreciated. @faye-savin: beloved. @fanesavin: misguided. @scarlettxruby: determined. @mayaparker: fulfilled. @teddyaynesworth: lost. @strangerein: content. @monsterbyamile: lonely. @thatwhichbindsus: baffled. @atronach-author: unmotivated. @avitejsharma: powerful. @collettemackenzie: childish. @joeyvoeman: dismissed.
Bonus! Add a piece of advice/judgement/compliment/comment for one or both of my characters and I’ll make a set with my characters reaction. Be sure to note if it’s to Danny or Bella.
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adicollects · 5 years
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Character Aesthetic: Out Of Time
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