alivehahahafuck · 2 years
Cass and Chrys Get More Serious: A Mini Vacation to Buck's
Cass shows up at her door to pick her up. They haven't talked about the kiss at all and they haven't seen each other since either. She opens her door and the first thing he blurts out is: Ca: "How much do you like balls? There's one coming up and I don't have a date..." Ch: *chuckles* "Let's see how a road trip and cards with the friends goes first before I go making commitments like that. I don't love parties and playing dress up. But, I enjoy spending time with you, so I'll consider it." They start walking. Chrys doesn't have any bags, Cass told her not to pack anything. Ca: "Great! Don't worry about getting a dress or anything. You can meet with one of our designers and they'll give you a dress, and it's all on the government's dime." Ch: "*Maybe* is not *yes*." But she's highly considering going and she can't help but smile because he's all cute and excited. Cassio stops walking. "What?" Ca: "You just have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen."*ahem* "Anyways, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like I'm proposing. - oh turn here -" They turn the corner and stop in view of Cassio's ship. Chrys doesn't say anything she just stands there gaping for a moment and then they continue walking. Cassio bashfully just says, "Like I said, the government pays me way too much money. I try to get rid of any extra money I have. And it's not me being a good guy, that's me not being able to look at money I got because I killed people. So I give a lot of it to relief charities and stuff. I also hire staff that I don't really need, and I pay them too much. But if it gets the money away from me..." Chrys stops them this time and puts her hand on his arm. Ch: "Hey. It's still a good thing you're doing. People are doing better because of it." They continue walking and get on board. Cass starts pointing various places. Ca: "Down that way is the bridge/pilot's deck. If you take the stairs down and go that same direction you'll end up in the dining room. Head this other way and you'll hit cabins. I'm at the very end of the hall, that one's always mine. The other three are guest rooms so you can pick any one of them, or all three- I don't mind. If you head down the stairs and down the same way you'll hit employee cabins. I would leave them alone. There is generally always someone around to get you what you want. If they're in there, they're on break and shouldn't be disturbed. If you can't find anyone, come bug me. I'll probably be awake anyways. If you head up the stairs, towards the bridge is a viewing deck/lounge, and the opposite direction are entertainment rooms. There's a game room, a tv/movie room, a small office/library that you are welcome to use, and a gym with an attached dance studio." Chrys looked at him for that last one. "I don't dance," he chuckled, "you don't want to see me dance. It's for my employees, they also use those areas. If they're not in uniform, try not to bug them. I'll introduce you to anyone we run into, but they're not even expected on ship for another hour or so. Do you want help getting set up? It can be mildly confusing." She just nods. Ch: "mmhmm. Yes, please. This is mildly intimidating. The last time I lived with so many people was when I was living in the Temple." She hadn't stopped walking down the hall, she sort of spaced out until they hit the end of the hall. Ca: "Does this mean you're choosing the last room? Or you're trying to get into my room?" Ch: "I'm a little brain fried so I'm going to say yes." Cass chuckles. Ca: "Okay let's get you set up first. The door doesn't have a code on it rn, so you can set one. You deserve some privacy even though it's my ship. You deserve privacy *especially* because it's my ship. Anyways," they walk in, "That's the bed, obviously. Desk, chest, tv, closet. The closet already has clothes in it. They should fit you." Chrys looked at him, "I may have taken the liberty of looking at the sizes on the laundry you had folded but hadn't put away. They were just sitting there. Sorry." He started heading out in a 'I'll give you your privacy' way. Chrys kept talking to him as he was walking. Ch: "Huh. I mean I guess I can't blame you because it's been drilled into your body." Cass sighed out of relief internally, but Chrys whipped out a girly joking voice."I'm sure it didn't help that they were the clothes of the *~*girl of your dreams who you're deeply in love with*~*" Chrys was joking, but she also knew he was a little bit interested in her. Ca: "I mean, you're not entirely wrong." At this point he had reached the door, because the cabin wasn't *that* big, and he stopped at the entry way. Ch: "Oh? and what was I wrong about?" Cassio turned around and looked right into her ever-changing eyes. Ca: "I could never in a million years dream up a girl as perfect as you." There was no trace of mockery or a joke on his face. He just gave her one of his very tailored sexy smiles and sauntered out of her room and straight into his.
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alivehahahafuck · 2 years
How Cassio and Chrys Meet
Initially meet after the war in the resturant/bar Chrys works at. Cass likes her but initially she is not interested at all. A couple days later he "bumps into her" at the library she manages. He convinces her to get a drink with her after her shift one day. He asks for only ten minutes, and she agrees. They meet for a drink and she ends up talking to him for a solid hour and a half before she checks the time and has to run home. Cass offers to walk her home, but she's cautious about fuck boys. She heads home and he stalks her on her way home to make sure she's okay (she doesn't notice because Cass is more than a professional). Somebody tries to mug her, and as Cass is about to jump into action, she procures a baton out of seemingly nowhere. With both the baton and trained fighting the guy is out in 0.2 seconds. Cassio falls a lot more in love with her in that moment. He decides that she can protect herself and he gives her the privacy to head home. The next morning Chrys heads down to the police station to give her statement and description of the guy who tried to mug her. All of the officers are seemingly busy and the receptionist informs Chrys that she can wait for an officer if she really wants, but otherwise she'll call down the Head Officer. She starts talking about how he's a decorated war veteran and Chrys automatically paints the picture of a cranky old man with bad hearing and sexist opinions. To her surprise, Cass comes sauntering out of his office and across the station. Chrys asks if thats him and the receptionist says yes and she turns around to get the fuck out of there, but she's not fast enough. Cass' swagger halts and he gets self consious (but doesn't show it) and he calls after her. He takes her back to his office and before she can give a statement he says, "I'm guessing you're here to report the [insert description here] guy who mugged you yesterday? I'm sorry, correction, *tried* to mug you. Where the hell did you learn how to fight like that?" she only respondes with "Did you follow me?!?"  Ca: "I just wanted to make sure that you got home safely. You're very pretty and criminals and thugs tend to start coming out at that time of night. I would know, I used to be one. Don't worry, after I saw you kick that guys ass I turned around and left to give you privacy. I swear I don't know where you live or anything. But back to my question, where the hell did you learn to fight like that? And where did the baton come from?"  Ch: "How does a criminal because Chief Officer?"  Ca: "I asked you first. An answer for an answer."  Ch: "I'm not from Daar, I was born and raised on Pynthalia. I was raised a Priestess of Pynthalia. They gave us a very comprehensive education including fighting and basic magic. I simply made my baton appear, and utilized it."  Ca: "So you can use magic? How? What kind? You didn't put a love spell on me did you?*insert wink here*"  Ch: "An answer for an answer. Go."  Ca: "Yes, I was a criminal. A good one. I did everything. But, uhh, I messed up one day. I got sloppy. I was arressted, but instead of being sent to prison, they sent me to a secret government op.. It was the beginning of the war and all of the planets were sending their best candidates for an elite group of soldiers."  Ch: "You were in the To'rasha weren't you."  Ca: "ha. uhh. yeah. *cough* I was the Black Squadron Leader of the To'ra."  Ch: "Holy shit."  Ca: "Uh, a lot of unspeakable things happened between the moment I was shipped off, and the moment I was "released" five years later. But the government promised to clear my record and provide for any family while I was in service. I will get monetary compensation for the rest of my life. I actually don't have to work, but. The government turned teenagers into monster murder machines. So when we were released, we were required some level of government oversight. It varies on a case by case situation. Me working here is enough. People see me almost every day and I behave like a normal human should. The government has stepped completely off the backs of some of the others, and some people became so violent after the war they have to have two guards on them at all times."  Ch: "..."  Ca: "But they're all good people, we play cards every weekend. Seriously, we do! Hey, you know what, you should come play cards this weekend. You'd have to take off of work because we're traveling, but I will happily compensate you monetarily for any money lost from taking the time off. Before you answer, think about it. All you need to do is take off of work, I will handle the rest. Now. Magic. Go."  Ch: "Well shit. Uhh. There's different levels and kinds of magic. I don't have natural magic but I have a predisposition to magic. So, I have to use a vessel of some kind. I can draw out magic symbols and circles, but typically I just use an object. You do not need to know what my object is. Just know that it's not crazy like putting it in my skin."  Ca: "Phiel has that. They're like silver metallic veins all through his body. Astrid didn't seem to need anything. If Lyah needed a vessel, I have no idea what it is."  Ch: "Wait. I'm sorry. Phiel and Lyah? Like The Chosen Phiel and Lyah? I know them. Like I actually know them. I "knew" Astrid but I was never really close to her, I don't think she registered my presence."  Ca: "Well that seals it! You're coming to cards this weekend, they'll both be there!... Come on, live a little."  Ch: "Alright fine."  Ca: "I'm actually at the end of my shift now. I already put in the report for that guy first thing when I got here. Can I walk you home?"  Ch: "Seeing as how you're probably gonna follow me anyway? Sure. But know that we have to make a pit stop at the bar and the library. If I'm coming with you this weekend, I need to make myself free, so I can "live a little"."
Cassio walks her home, making stops at the bar and the library. They chat and laugh the whole way. As they approach her building it starts pouring rain. They run to her appartment. She invites him in for a few minutes, and he sees all of the art sprawled across the walls. He asks her about it and she explains that she just paints on the side, just dabbling, it helps clear her mind. He's obsessed with it. The rain never lets up, so she invites him to stay the night **ON THE COUCH** because he lives across town and it's pouring out. They both go to sleep. When they wake up in the morning Chrys kisses Cass and he kisses back. But just one kiss, they don't take it further. That comes later.
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alivehahahafuck · 2 years
[Deleted Scenes] TWBitD
And they were roommates - oh my god they were roommates
“Aren’t there some old flames of yours from when you were like 17 that you can revisit? If you’re not willing to go out with new women, it might be nicer to be with someone you already have a history with.” Phiel continues to give him a disgruntled stare. “Come on, there’s no old girlfriend you can go back to?”
“I have an old lover. I can’t date her. ” Phiel clarifies, “because she’s your wife.”
“Hey man, that’s not funny.”
“Do I look like the joking kind to you.”
“Shit.” Cass stops for a second, “she said she knew you from home but I didn’t realize she *knew* you. Never mind, I don’t want to think about that.” Addressing the other end of the room Cass yelled, “Lyah, do you happen to have any old flames you can hook Phiel up with?” *glare from Phiel* “I mean ‘build a relationship’ with?” Maybe a male partner would be different enough that Phiel could handle it.
“Uh, I was really only ever in one real relationship, Cass. And no, I would not recommend Phiel having a relationship with them.” Cassio walked to her for a more private discussion.
“Come on, I think a man might be the change they need in their romantic life. It would be different enough from Astrid that they could start fresh.”
“Who said it was a man?” Cass stared at her for a minute. He knew she had been with women, but that was by government order. He didn’t realize she pursued women before the war. “But no, I would not recommend her. I know for a fact that they would not make a functional couple at this point in time. Not unless Phi is looking to be the mistress in an affair.”
“Okay but what if they break up? Girlfriends and boyfriends break up all the time.”
“She’s married.”
“Married couples break up too.”
“You wouldn’t want that.”
“To make Phiel stop moping, I might.”
After a solid minute of pure silence Cass just says, “She was with both of you!?!”
Phiel and Lyah look at each other and say simultaneously, “She was with you too?!?”
All three sit in silence for a minute until Cass speaks up. “Okay we are never speaking of this ever again. As far as she knows, none of us know.” Another moment of agreed silence. Chrys walks into the room.
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alivehahahafuck · 2 years
[Deleted Scenes] TWBitD
And that’s when it becomes an issue 
“I don’t know why I’m in love with you, seeing as how you can be such a royal ass to everyone in your life!” Chrys was still riding the high of her hurricane of fury, and couldn’t even look at him. She was just trying to not punch his skull through the wall. Cass was just standing there.
“Did you just say you love me?” Chrys’ whole existence froze, but Cassio was striding towards her. She turned around and the second she did her face was in his hands and his lips were on hers. He pulled away and looked directly into her eyes.
“I love you too.” [more kissing ensues]
“Do we tell people or are we keeping this between us?”
“Let’s just keep it between us for now. I want to savor us before we become seen as us. I just want you all to myself, basically.”
[later in ballroom, Cass and Chrys are slow dancing but her head is on his chest and everything]
“Oh so one of them finally said it.” Lyah muttered to Phiel.
“20 credits says Cassio didn’t have the balls to say it first,” they replied.
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