#castis tbt
turixn-renegxde · 3 years
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MESSAGE:  let's hear about Garrus's family!
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::||:: I actually wrote a bit about Garrus’s father here, but I haven’t written abut the rest of his family! ::||::
::||:: I’ll start with his mother first. Garrus has always been extremely close to his mother as she was the one that raised him and his sister while his father worked on the Citadel. She was a very kind and loving woman, and Garrus always went to her for everything. After she was in a hit and run accident, he gave up his time studying abroad to help take care of her. After the events of ME2, she passed away from Corpalis Sydrome, the turian equivalent of dementia. Her death deeply affected Garrus, especially because she suffered so much beforehand; but thankfully, he ended up growing a bit closer to his father after her death. ::||::
::||:: Garrus is six years older than his sister Solana. As children, she would always follow him around and insist on doing everything he did; this annoyed him, and the pair of them often got into fights. They grew closer as they got older, although the usual sibling rivalry still remained. They both care deeply for each other even though they may not show it; teasing is their form of affection. Solana thinks her brother is a huge dork (which he is). ::||::
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turixn-renegxde · 3 years
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Even from a young age, Garrus never quite saw eye-to-eye with his father. Castis was a firm believer in tough love, and always pushed his son to be better. He saw great potential in Garrus, and wanted him to succeed in life, as any parent would. He loved his son, and only wanted the best for him.
Garrus, however, never understood why his father was so hard on him. Nothing he did seemed to please him, and he always asked for more, always pushed him further. As he grew older, the divide between them grew wider. It didn’t help that Castis was constantly working on Citadel while his family lived on Palaven. 
Still, there were some times where Castis’s pride for his son would show through; his graduation from bootcamp and promotion to C-Sec investigator are two examples. During these moments, the two got along well. 
When Garrus first began at C-Sec, things were well between them. He enjoyed working beside his father, and Castis was proud of the work his son was doing. However, Garrus began to see problems with the way C-Sec was run. Too often criminals would get off with light sentences, or would get away completely because of red tape and restrictions. This frustrated him to no end, and his complaints fell on deaf ears when he vented to his father. Castis had always been by the books -- “Do something right, or don’t do it at all.” Garrus didn’t see value in this when the “right” way so often led to criminals escaping and crime expanding. Their relationship became even more strained as Garrus moved to more extreme and radical tactics to apprehend suspects. 
Castis was livid when Garrus left C-Sec in order to join Shepard. He refused to speak to his son until he returned to the Citadel after Saren was defeated. Where Garrus expected his father to be proud of what he had done, he was instead angry at him for going against his orders. If Shepard had followed protocol, he argued, Saren would have been appended much more quickly and peacefully. This led to one of the worst arguments they had ever had. 
Garrus tried to return to C-Sec, but found he just couldn’t keep working for them with the way they rans things; constant arguments with his father didn’t help either. When he left for Omega, he sent a simple, untraceable message to his father:
“Leaving for good -- don’t look for me.”
Castis was worried for his son, and did attempt to search for him, but to no avail. As months stretched into years without word from Garrus, Castis grew regretful of all the arguments that had had, and the way he had treated him. 
Garrus, on the other hand, was happy to be away from his father’s influence. He was finally making a difference, and doing things his way. It was only during the shootout with Omega’s gangs did he begin to reflect on his relationship with his father. He fully believed he was going to die, and realized that the last conversation he had had with his father had been an argument. He called his father, ready to apologize and say goodbye. Castis told him not to give up, and that they would patch things up back on Palaven later.
Thanks to Shepard, Garrus did end up escaping Omega. He called his father once again from the Normandy, and the two had a long conversation about their relationship. Both admitted that they had been cruel to the other and stuck in their ways. Castis apologized, and told Garrus that no matter how hard he may have been on him, and always loved him and was proud of him. 
From then on, the two communicated infrequently. Garrus returned to Palaven for a time after the Collectors were defeated, and he and his father caught up on lost time. Though they still don’t always see eye-to-eye, their relationship is the best it has ever been. Castis couldn’t be more proud of what his son has accomplished and the man he had become. 
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