sclfmastery · 4 months
What the fuck did I just watch
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No but to the anons I'm getting, I agree, something feels Off. Not Bad, just Different. There's a plenitude of reasons, practical and in=universe, that could explain this, but I am definitely still adjusting, LOL!
Maybe I'll be more articulate after I've digested a bit.
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raitrolling · 8 months
ok ig ill do the drawbox thing
good luck to anyone who attempts it that website is finicky as fuck lmao
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tsumuus · 2 months
neito monoma who never seems to shut up, also never knows what to say around you…
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The support course at U.A. had its own rhythm, a unique hum of activity that was different from the hero courses. You were used to the clanking of tools and the buzz of machinery, but what you weren’t used to was running into a certain blond-haired boy every few days.
It all started during the sports festival. You’d been helping out with the equipment, ensuring everything ran smoothly behind the scenes. That’s when you first met Neito Monoma. He had been so intrigued by your work and your passion for support technology that he ended up lingering longer than necessary, asking questions that, at the time, seemed genuine.
Ever since that day, it seemed like Monoma kept showing up wherever you were. In the halls, near the cafeteria, even in the support course workshop when he was supposedly just passing by.
It happened again today. You were working on calibrating a gadget when Monoma suddenly appeared at the door, looking awkwardly out of place.
“Uh, hey, yn,” he stammered, shuffling his feet. “I was just… um, just checking out how things are going.”
You raised an eyebrow, a little amused. “You don’t need to check up on me. I’m fine.”
Monoma’s face turned a bright shade of red. “Oh, right. I mean, not that I was, you know, checking up on you. Just curious about the, uh, stuff you’re working on.”
Kendo and Hatsume, who were chatting nearby, looked over with interest. Monoma’s eyes darted to them, then back to you, as if suddenly realizing he was being watched.
“Right, uh, so this is the new prototype?” he asked, leaning in a bit too close and almost bumping into your elbow. “Cool. Really, really cool.”
You chuckled, trying not to find his nervousness endearing. “Yeah, it’s a pretty neat piece of tech. Want to take a closer look?”
“Uh, sure!” Monoma said, moving to stand next to you, but his hand accidentally brushed against yours. He jerked his hand back, mumbling, “Sorry, didn’t mean to—”
Kendo and Hatsume exchanged glances, clearly entertained by Monoma’s discomfort. You tried to keep the conversation going despite his awkwardness.
“So, have you, um, had any interesting encounters with support equipment recently?” you asked, trying to steer him into more familiar territory.
Monoma’s face reddened further. “Encounters? Oh, well, I mean, I, uh, did see some interesting stuff in the hero course, but nothing as… impressive as this.”
The more he spoke, the more tangled his words became. His usual confident demeanor was nowhere to be seen. It was clear that he was trying—and failing—to play it cool.
“Well, if you ever want to discuss support tech or need any help, feel free to ask,” you said with a smile. “I’m always around.”
Monoma’s eyes widened with surprise and relief. “Really? I mean, yeah, sure! That’d be, um, great. I’ll, uh, see you around.”
You nodded, watching as he left the workshop, his steps a little faster than usual. You couldn’t help but wonder why he always seemed so flustered around you. Maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way you did.
As Monoma walked away, he couldn’t help but smile to himself. Running into you was always the highlight of his day, even if he never quite knew what to say. But he’d keep trying.
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a/n so ooc but idrc lol
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psuedofolio · 11 months
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Last week on my character a day thread was more "Magical Girl SCP" characters and I'm realizing I didn't share the pictures from the last time I brought out the psudo scp universe characters so here they are. I'll make the whole story someday. Lore/flavor text is as follows: 1: Fairbanks would often have to insist Isabelle stop skipping her small arms training. She rarely said it, but she was very fond of the junior researcher. And she knew just how unsafe the SAFE Research Department could be.
2: Fairbanks' Notes on the Vampire, "Drymouth."
After 21 days without feeding, she will enter a state of altered consciousness and will speak true prophecies. The Board believes it is worth the ethical costs of starving her. I believe she uses her prophecies to guide us to our destruction.
3: Partial Transcript: Tattoo Parlor, 3:25 PM
Subject X66: "I'm still kinda nervous about the pain, ya know. I'm sure you get that a lot."
Witness: "I... what is... Is that a body mod?"
Subject X66: "What are you talking about?"
Witness: "Holy fuck it moved!"
4: Codename Sunshine is the first entity to take a role in DIR Fairbank's "Special Taskforce." Though the Director believes she is wholly reliable and a potential asset for our field agents, many are skeptical. Her ability to "transmute light into burning liquid" is quote: "Scary AF."
5: Agent Nathan Collier returned to work with REDACTED three months after the incident with Valeria's escape. His personal heroism in subduing the entity aside, it was decided he was unfit for field work. Instead he was reassigned to the SAFE Department on so called "babysitting duty."
6: Ben died a few years ago in an unrelated accident, but ever since then what appears to be his "ghost" continues to check the halls for anomalous readings. Once we calibrated his scanner to account for his own emanations, he returned to being a valued member of *redacted*
7: What limited things we do know is REDACTED's body is made of particles which "absorb" em waves of all kinds, from light to radio. Though REDACTED manages to bypass nearly every security measure we have, they have no connections or intentions that qualify as a threat.
8: Contrary to popular belief, Franklin is NOT an anomalous entity. He is merely a holdover from REDACTED before it became REDACTED. His "good humor and fatherly advice" has often made agents question his true nature. And security monitors him as agents often confide secrets with him.
(ooc note, it was about an hour after drawing this that I realized I basically just drew Clint McElroy)
9: Frm: Dir Fairbanks The girl in our care is not to be referred to as "anomaly" or "spider thing" or by her case number. She has come to us willingly. Her name is Penelope, and but for her anomalous mutations is a normal child. We will provide her normalcy. That is an order.
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animementrash · 9 months
AOT veterans headcanons
Characters: Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoe
Tags: just random thoughts on the main three vets, they/them pronouns for Hange, some may be ooc?, SFW only
A/N: Here are my headcanons based on how I percieve them, I have some more for the rest of the characters but I'm posting only three for now because they are longer than expected. (I also have NSFW ones but I'm waiting until I get more comfortable with sharing my thoughts before posting those) Hope you like them and thank you for reading!
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Levi Ackerman:
Washes his hands constantly, almost too many times a day.
Would rather fight a titan with an arm tied to his back than do the dishes. The mere thought of soggy leftovers sticking to his hands makes him gag.
Avoids going out to public places because he’s aware of his popularity inside the walls and doesn’t know how to act when he’s the center of attention.
Following the previous topic and contrary to popular beliefs, this man would never reject a gift/letter/trinket given to him by a local. It can be the most random thing but he will always accept them with a small nod, he’s deeply thankful for their blind trust in him.
Yawns and stretches ALL THE TIME, he is known for sleeping as little as 3 or 4 hours per night and while he’s able to go on with his day without problems, this doesn’t mean he isn’t feeling drowsy all the time so he’s almost always letting out quiet yawns and stretching his arms to ease the soreness of his body.
Sneezes a lot when cleaning. It’s not rare at all to hear him sneeze when he’s dusting or sweeping, if someone says “Bless you” to him he’ll quietly mumble a “thanks” before getting back to cleaning.
Has a favorite seat at the dining table and gets grumpy when someone takes that place before him.
Speaking of dinner, this man eats SLOW AS HELL, he’s usually one of the last to finish his meal.
Is constantly thirsty because he refuses to drink anything but tea.
Has memorized everyone’s footsteps and knows who’s coming to his office before they even knock the door.
Cleans and calibrates his ODM gear daily even when he’s not planning on using it.
Doesn’t like to be in new recruit’s trainings because he gets anxious when most of them hurt themselves while getting used to work with the ODM gear.
Trims his hair weekly, most people believe he shapes his haircut and has hairdresser-like skills when in reality all he does is trim it to avoid losing the shape it already has.
Can’t read cursive even if his life depends on it. One time Erwin handed him a memo written in cursive and he got so frustrated because he didn’t understand what it said that he ended up ignoring the memo. Turns out Erwin needed him to turn in some reports earlier than usual and got scolded because of it.
Loves eating fruit. Fruit was considered an ultra luxury item in the underground so when he realized how much fruit he could eat once he was in the scouts, he got obsessed with it.
Whines and complains a lot for a person who’s known to be grumpy and stoic. Ask him to do something he dislikes and you’ll hear a bunch of huffs and puffs before he goes to do it.
Talks with his horse. A lot.
Wanders through the empty halls when he can’t sleep and doesn’t bother to bring a candle to light the path, the cadets now believe there is a ghost haunting the headquarters.
Erwin Smith:
Hums and whistles a lot, he’s always making some kind of noise while signing reports or walking down the halls. You can hear this man before seeing him.
Takes more time than he’s willing to admit in styling his hair every morning. He is a firm believer that appearance matters a lot so he puts a lot of effort on his.
 Has a specific pair of glasses he uses when reading, almost no one knows about it besides Hange who helped him choose the right ones.
Talks in his sleep, it can vary between mumbled nonsense to full on speeches.
Has a journal that is more like a diary because he writes all his thoughts/hopes/fears on it but he’d be damned if someone refers to it as a diary and not a journal.
Is lowkey afraid of insects but plays it cool when he comes across one because he doesn’t want to come out as “weak”.
Snaps his fingers when trying to remember something.
People think he’s a very wise and smart man because it’s very common to find him “deep in thoughts”, truth is he just tends to zone out and disassociates like crazy.
Loves dogs, he’s the biggest dog person in the scouts. Often stops and pets dogs he finds while taking a walk downtown.
Cleans and polishes his shoes every night before going to sleep. Whenever his face gets reflected on the shiny shoe a smile appears on his lips.
Not always but sometimes sneaks out behind the barracks to smoke some cigarettes, tries to hide all evidence afterwards because Levi will start complaining about the awful smell.
Would rather be late to an early meeting than go without shaving, has to shave daily because by the end of the day he already has a shadow beard.
Is well aware of his attractiveness and uses it to his advantage when needed.
Visits his father’s grave every Sunday and spends most of the day there. Sometimes brings a book and reads it out loud.
Smacked his face after trying to see through a clear glass Levi had cleaned earlier, after laughing for several minutes Levi scolded him for dirtying his glass.
His wardrobe is full of neutral-colored clothes, he sucks at matching outfits so goes with the safest options.
Knows very well Levi can’t read cursive so when he’s bored, he scribbles gibberish on a paper and gives it to Levi saying it’s important to get it done by end of day just to get a laugh.
Has relatives living inside the walls who refuse to acknowledge him, some of them even pretend he died the same day his dad did.
Has an ongoing bet with Hange to see who makes Levi laugh the most, so far Erwin is winning by one but only because he accidentally fell from his horse and Levi found it hilarious.
Arm-wrestles with Miche a lot, especially after they had a few beers.
LOVES dancing, this man knows how to dance and isn’t afraid to show it. (Sadly for him he also loves to clap when dancing and this makes everyone laugh)
Hange Zoe:
Is both street-smart and book-smart, is the only person who has beaten Erwin in a chess match and also beaten Levi in a wrestling match.
Almost always has pencils sticking out of their hair, they place them there for a moment and totally forget about them.
Levi restricted them from using fountain pens because they would spill ink and stain everything and everywhere.
The reason why their glasses have straps on is not only because the risk of them falling off is smaller but also because according to them “it makes them look cooler”.
Wanted to join Erwin in giving instructions to Levi written in cursive but since their handwriting wasn’t as good as Erwin’s they opted for giving instructions in riddles, this makes Levi even more furious than the cursive ones.
Just like Levi, Hange takes a long time when eating dinner but the reason for this is not because they eat slow but because they talk a lot. By the end of the meal their food is either cold or soggy.
Tried to bite a titan once just to show them how it felt to be “on the receiving side”.
Their horse has tiny braids on its mane made by them when they were nervous.
Refuses to brush their hair because their ideas may “fall off” if they do it.
Tackled Levi once when they saw an “eerie figure” roaming the headquarters halls and thought it was a new species.
Has read more books than anyone in the scouts, knows a little of almost everything.
Says “wait, what?” at least twice when talking with someone, before that person can repeat themselves, they interrupt with a completely related answer and expect the person to continue speaking as if nothing happened.
Almost all cadets go to them for advice, they take this very seriously and never joke around when listening to their concerns.
Just like Erwin, they have relatives living nearby the headquarters but they’re not interested in one another.
Has a tendency to bite their nails when nervous, all his fingernails are short and bumpy because of it.
Is very quick at math and calculations.
Always carry a pocket notebook with them and writes anything that catches their attention so they can investigate about it later.
LOVES bugs, is always trying to catch them and examinate them. One time they trapped a cockroach and created a full design of an “armored suit” based on them, when Erwin asked where they got the inspiration for it, they just placed the cockroach in Erwin’s desk and Erwin almost fainted on the spot.
Randomly goes to Miche and asks him “what do I smell like?”, Miche stopped participating on their little riddles when Hange decided to put rotting food in their pockets before asking.
All their books have little notes and highlighted parts on them. Sometimes has two or three copies of the same book because their view on certain parts changes over time.
Takes pinky-promises as a legit way of commitment.
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
ooc of me to go this long without thinking about a daycare teacher au but i'm doing it now and i think siffrin would teach babies, nille would teach toddlers, isabeau younger preschoolers, mirabelle older preschoolers, and odile the after-school kids.
baby rooms are very routine-based with lots of written notes and almost no variation from the schedule, which would work well for siffrin! i think older kids might stress him out because he's kind of sensitive lol, but babies can't be mean to you or each other. and they definitely need more snuggles in their life, which babies are great for.
toddlers enjoy a lot of rough and tumble play because they're calibrating their proprioceptive senses, and people tend to hc nille as active and strong. having a bad reaction to sudden touch could be an issue with any age group, but at least toddler classrooms are built to make it easy to keep track of where everyone is at once, and toddlers don't care if you react weird sometimes!
early preschoolers are trying to learn how to name and manage big feelings and navigate interpersonal conflicts, but still can't communicate very clearly, so isabeau's emotional perceptiveness would come in handy. he's also strong enough to still be able to carry them and swing them around easily. and he's very silly, which is a plus with any age, but esp kids who are old enough to have active opinions but not old enough to hold a long conversation.
pre-kindergarten is the era of mastering basic skills like writing letters, using scissors, and naming days of the week; mirabelle loves taking all sorts of classes, so i think she'd love teaching all sorts of skills! and since she's used to working through her own anxiety, she would probably do a good job helping kids who are starting to become aware of more complex social dynamics and getting shy and self-conscious.
odile is self-assured and unflappable enough to be able to handle big kids, who will pounce on a hint of weakness. i think she'd get quite bored of cutesy early childhood stuff, but elementary school kids can play real games and do cool big projects! and she'd definitely notice when any trouble starts brewing so she can nip it in the bud.
none of them are lead teachers lol, except odile since the ratio for elementary schoolers only requires one teacher. euphrasie is the director, and mirabelle works there because she went to the same center as a kid and remembers it fondly. bonnie goes to the after-school classroom, and nille gets that sweet employee discount on childcare. odile is doing this temporarily while she looks for a job teaching adults in her actual field, isabeau kinda defaulted to childcare because he has way too much experience taking care of younger siblings, and siffrin applied to every job in the area and happened to get this one first. <3
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I Was Gone for Two Seconds
garrus vakarian x fem! shepard
summary: in purgatory, shepard steps away for a second and her stool was taken
a/n: if it sounds like that one scene from victorious you're right and you should say it #mybad
tags: tooth rotting fluff, set in ME3, catty comments (sorry i’ve been rewatching dance moms), garrus being oblivious as always, shepard being rightfully pissed (smh), species hostility kinda???, reassurance, lovey dovery gross stuff, ooc bc garrus says ily (LMAO), busy couple making time for each other ):
ao3 version
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shepard was sat at the bar in purgatory with her legs crossed in a little black dress and heels, nursing a purple drink that she had already forgotten the name of. she was waiting for garrus to arrive to have some semblance of a proper date for the two of them. however, knowing him, he most likely got caught up with calibrating the weapons in the normandy for the umpteenth time, but she didn’t blame him nor was she mad. in fact, she had arrived later than their decided time as well since she got caught up in her own paperwork.
suddenly, she felt a tap on her right shoulder. she looked over, but saw no one. she turned her head to the left and saw the face of her favorite turian with a nervous smile on his face.
“sorry for running late shepard, the primarch needed help with-”
shepard leaned in and cut him off with a kiss, pulling back and patting his chest with a smile, “garrus i barely got here, you’re fine big guy, i get it.”
garrus’ shoulders relaxed and a sigh of relief left his mouth, settling into the stool next to her, “thank you sweetie, i can’t promise that it won’t happen again, but i can promise i’ll always make up for it.”
he had been holding a hand behind his back, bringing it forward to show to her with a blue blush creeping up his neck. shepard looked down at his hand and gasped, picking up the gift and examining it, “a thermal scope! i’ve been wanting to try one of these babies out forever!”
shepard grinned like a kid on christmas and threw her arms around garrus’ neck, kissing his cheek with an emphasized “mwah”. garrus wrapped his arms around shepard’s waist and purred with her in his arms, looking at her with love in his eyes.
“i’m glad you like it.”
“like it? i love it.”
“more than you love me?”
“know your limits vakarian.”
the two laughed together and shepard let go of the embrace, garrus’ hand remaining on her thigh with her hand over it. he waved the bartender over and ordered a drink. the two of them chatted for a while about anything and everything, talking to each other as if they were the only ones in the room. shepard excused herself to go "powder her nose", aka she's had to pee for the last 10 minutes and couldn't stand it anymore.
when she returned, she was met with a surprise.
a female turian was sitting on the stool that she had occupied not long ago, talking to garrus a little too enthusiastically for her liking. as shepard approached, she was able to hear their conversation.
"why don't you stick to your own species? that little human has nothing on a real turian woman."
garrus looked appalled and opened his mouth to say something, but shepard cleared her throat before he got the chance. her hands rested squarely on her hips, her eyebrows raised with her jaw tightened. the turian woman looked her up and down, then rolled her eyes, "speak of the devil."
"that's commander devil to you."
garrus laughed at that and covered it with a cough, letting shepard take the lead.
shepard plastered on the fakest smile she could and tilted her head, "sorry, but this little human couldn't help but notice that you took my seat. i’d like it back now."
the turian scoffed and slid out of the seat, shoulder-checking shepard as she passed her, "he's all yours, who wants a man with a damaged mandible anyways."
shepard balled her hands into fists before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, letting her fists go before walking up to garrus.
"shepard i'm so sorry, we were talking about the newest black widow that was released onto the market yesterday and then suddenly she changed the subject-" shepard cut off his rambling by taking his mandibles in her hands and kissing his lip plates, kissing all around his face before pulling back to look into his eyes, searching for any semblance of doubt in them. when she found none, she smiled reassuringly to him and rubbed her thumbs against mandibles.
garrus reached up and wrapped his hands around hers, turning his head to kiss her right palm before nuzzling his cheek against it. she knew he was being genuine, and even if she was blatantly flirting with him, shepard knew he would never pick up on it, that's for sure.
"for the record, i am one of those women who find scars attractive."
garrus laughed by letting a puff of air out of his nose and kissed her other palm, "for the record, i love my commanders a little devilish." shepard snorted and plopped down into her seat again. she leaned her elbow against the bar and resting her hand against her cheek.
"i love you vakarian."
"I love you too shepard."
"why don't we go back to the normandy and i can show you just how devilish i am," shepard said with an impish grin on her face.
"i wouldn't mind a little demonstration. i am a physical learner," garrus flirted back before quickly downing his drink.
shepard giggled before finishing the rest of her drink, standing up and grabbing his hand before leading him back to the Normandy. she glanced back just before they left purgatory and made eye contact with the turian woman from before, sticking her tongue out childishly as she led the love of her life back to their own home away from home.
notes: i'm actually happier with this piece than i thought i would be!! pls leave a comment if you want a part 12 with smut 👀 if i made any spelling or grammatical error pls lmk too
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ladyluscinia · 10 months
OFMD fandom has me thinking about Protagonist Centered Morality, like, in general.
I feel like we only call it that when we think it's been handled wrong and are criticizing it, even though - let's be honest - we have all bought into some degree of protagonist centered morality in our favorite show. Like. It's the beating heart behind the very idea of a Mook - the faceless darkside minion that your heroes can destroy without any moral consequence for that action because who gives a shit? It's basically inescapable in every cop-show (or reskinned cop show like spn), chosen one story, action movie, revenge quest, underdog tale... we fucking love it when the universe agrees "yeah they earned that" and will generally just roll our eyes at people going "ok but you know your fictional murderers are doing bad things, right?"
Until we don't.
And, like, as an offshoot of this... 99% of the time, when you're criticizing a show for its protagonist centered morality, the most straightforward way to get your point across is complaining about whatever happened. "X did Y and then we're just supposed to forget about it?" Or "X is being such a hypocrite about Z!" And then someone else (real or hypothetical) pushes back with some point about how the story / other characters / etc. don't treat this as a problem and that kicks off the framing criticisms. But is it really about what they did?
People will object to the protagonist centered framing of actions they don't consider that serious, and be satisfied or unconcerned with the framing of actions they find borderline unforgivable. Protagonist centered morality can casually handwave (or seriously penalize) the whole spectrum of morally questionable actions from being a shit in high school to committing massive war crimes. Sometimes the primary complaint is that the protagonist already took a stance against this action, so now being fine with doing it themselves is hypocritical and out of character, and the problem with protagonist centered morality seems to be more that it's letting the OOC part slide.
The concept engages with genuine criticism of a characterization or character's actions as a shorthand, but the part it's actually complaining about is closer to feeling the narrative failed somewhere on a meta level to calibrate how much the audience should care about this event (and what level of in-universe caring would then satisfy).
It's not (at least usually) a fancy way of putting forward character crit of the good guys - most people who want to do that are just going to do so directly. If anything it has more in common with being upset at a story for breaking your Suspension of Disbelief (usually in the arena of character relationships).
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justkillingthyme · 12 days
Ok I’m posting my f!layton script here. It’s like 10k words and very ooc. Separating it into 5 parts for ease.
It’s written in script format, and the ending isn’t canon to the au.
Scene 1: Dimitri, Claire, and Layton
(There’s a set of three high pitched beeps as the light comes on. CLAIRE wakes up, and sits up on the table. She’s in a lab. The walls are white and the light is harsh and bright. DIMITRI is at a desk in the corner, typing on his computer. When he notices her, he turns in his chair.)
DIMITRI: Oh, you're awake? That took longer than usual.
CLAIRE: Sorry if I worried you. There’s been some bugs in my system.
DIMITRI: Hershel’s been messing with your code again?
CLAIRE: (sighing and rubbing her face) yeah.
(DIMITRI turns in his chair, looking worried.)
DIMITRI: So that’s what’s causing all this instability?
(With no response from Claire, DIMITRI stands and starts walking towards her.)
DIMITRI: (softly) Claire, you can’t keep doing this.
CLAIRE: (acting innocent) Doing what?
DIMITRI: (gestures at her) This! Shutting down every other day and ripping all your wires out!
(Claire is beginning to get angry, and tries to stand up. She fails and sit back down.)
CLAIRE: I’m sorry if it's so inconvenient for you to do your job.
DIMITRI: Don’t put words in my mouth. That’s not what I’m saying.
CLAIRE: Then what are you saying? That you hate putting me back together again? I didn’t ask you to!
DIMITRI: You know damn well what he would do to me if I refused to rebuild you, Claire. And it’s not that I hate doing this, it's that I hate that it happens in the first place! I hate that you keep destroying yourself when you know it won’t fix anything!
(CLAIRE tries to get up again and takes a few steps before her legs give out. DIMITRI catches her and lowers her to the ground, then hovers over her)
DIMITRI: Careful, your legs aren’t calibrated yet. (pause) It pains me to see you like this, Claire. You know I care, right?
(CLAIRE smacks away his hands and glares.)
CLAIRE: You don’t care about me. The only one anyone cares about is Claire Layton, ‘beloved wife and friend’. Not me. You only care about the dead girl I was modeled after.
(DIMITRI is about to respond, but he hesitates. LAYTON enters stage right. DIMITRI visibly tenses.)
LAYTON: Claire!
(LAYTON picks CLAIRE up and sets her back on the table, then turns to DIMITRI)
LAYTON: (threatening tone, gritted teeth) What happened?
DIMITRI: (taking a step back) She tried to stand up. Her legs aren’t calibrated properly yet because of the shut down.
(Towards the end of DIMITRI’s sentence, CLAIRE grabs LAYTON’s sleeve, and shakes her head. He backs off.)
(DIMITRI nods and exits stage right, hesitating and looking back at LAYTON and CLAIRE, then shaking his head and leaving.)
LAYTON: He’s incompetent. I ought to throw him out with the others.
CLAIRE: (pursing her lips) He’s the fifth one this month, Hershel.
(LAYTON runs a hand through her hair)
LAYTON: You could have gotten hurt. I can’t allow that. I need you, Claire.
CLAIRE: Dimitri is the best one so far. He’s the only one that can read all your blueprints, and he knew the real Claire too.
LAYTON: (displeased) I wish you wouldn’t say that.
CLAIRE: What? That there’s a real Claire?
LAYTON: You are real.
(There’s a pause where CLAIRE doesn’t respond)
LAYTON: (More firmly) You are.
(CLAIRE looks away, silent.)
CLAIRE: (flatly) My legs are fine now. I can go.
LAYTON: Then come along. I had a wonderful picnic planned for us in the gardens, however this morning’s (searching for the right word) …incident had them postponed.
CLAIRE (visibly down) A picnic sounds lovely, dear.
(LAYTON helps CLAIRE up, and they hold hands as they exit stage right. CLAIRE is a little unsteady on her feet.)
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lucluvr · 1 year
the secret vows of the heart
on a short trip to liyue with kaeya, he soons realizes how overworked his "friend" truly is. good thing kaeya's great at massages!
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა kaeya x reader / fluff / no warnings / a little suggestive (it's kaeya) / biting !!! / self indulgent / he's a little ooc sawrry / massaging / reader is mentioned to be the traveler however they are not lumine or aether
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meeting an old friend in sumeru was the last thing you expected to happen to you today. it's not an unwelcome surprise-- especially when this said "friend" was kaeya. you find him on the port on your way home from completing a favor for tighnari. he greets you with a soft smile, his shoulders relaxing at the sigh of you. 
the two of you chat at a local dhaba. you find out kaeya's on business trip and has a few more days to spare before heading back home. 
"say…how would you like to spend some time with me before i go back to mondstadt? we could visit liyue?" he asks as he picks apart of his paratha. he sees the slight hesitation in your eyes and tilts his head. "you've been working yourself to the bone. why not take a small vacation, hm? i promise i'll keep you safe," he winks at you, which ends up looking like a smile more than anything.
his eye twinkles with hope as he grins. you let out an airy chuckle and nod your head. taking a small vacation with an old friend isn't something you get to do often. his face lights up as he picks apart another piece of the paratha. he dips it in the sambar, bringing it closer to your lips. he lets a teasing smile replace his boyish grin as you reluctantly take the food in your mouth. he laughs so hard his shoulders shake. this is gonna be a fun trip…
your trip to liyue was smooth sailing, but the moment you made it there you were already aiding someone in need. kaeya watches as you try to come up with solutions to captain wu's fraudulent issues. for the sake of your reputation, kaeya plays along as the helpful friend of the well-renowned traveler. however, when the two of you arrive at the hotel his mood drastically changes. he's upset. not at you, but he is a little grumpier than typical. 
his silence does not go unnoticed on the way to the hotel. despite your many prods at him, his answer remains the same.
"im alright, dear. no need to fret," there's a slight sharpness to his tone that makes your heart sink a little. is he upset over captain wu? did you say something to upset him? these thoughts cross your mind as you dry your hair in the bathroom. kaeya sits on one of the beds in the suite, his mood clearly sour. you sigh heavily and place your towel on the bed.
once he notices your presence, he sits up. kaeya beckons you over, tapping the space next to him. you obey and sit beside him. his head immediately falls onto your shoulder and he sighs. his arms wrap around your waist. his sudden clinginess surprises you. 
"kaeya?" you call out his name in that honey-like tone he adores. he wishes he could hear you say it all the time. 
"hm?" is all the says. he lifts his head up so his lips ghost over your neck. you feel his breath on your nape and ears. 
"please tell me what is wrong. you're worrying me," you turn to cup his cheek in your hand. you lean forward, planting a small kiss on his forehead. your tone makes his heart break a little. he never intended to cause you more stress. he believes he's not worth to even be in the background of your thoughts. he truly didn't expect you to even remember him when you crossed paths in sumeru. 
"you," he pauses, carefully calibrating his words. "you were supposed to rest, not add another task to your roster." his hands gently cup your shoulders. his thumbs rub into the knots on your neck and shoulders. a soothing sigh is released from your lips and kaeya smiles. his pillowy soft voice tells you to lean back. with a slight nudge, he has you laying between his legs. he rubs his fingers into your back, hands tracing lower then back up.
"what was i supposed to do?" you ask him in a soft tone. with a teasing smile on his lips, he leans down leaving a small kiss on your shoulder. 
"allow me to take care of it," his icy breath dusts over your ears, making you squirm in his hold. he chuckles, reeling himself back. his fingers continue to massage the sore muscles on your back and shoulder. 
"if i let you do everything, i wouldn't have my role as the honorary knight, now would i, captain kaeya?" you reply to him with that same teasing tone and smile. he laughs again (he thinks everything you do in endearing) and leans back down to your neck. his nose and lips brush the soft skin. gently, he bites the skin. 
kaeya’s heart squeezes as your giggles ring through his ears. they settle in the deepest parts of his brain. he could never forget the sounds of your laughter, your voice.
kaeya often deludes himself into believing that he only sticks around with you because you take care of him, make him feel loved, appreciated. however, when he sees you work yourself to the bone, selflessly do anything for anyone, he finds himself growing protective of you and your heart.
kaeya can’t ever imagine a world without you. sure, he loves being loved by you. but he enjoys loving you even more. it soothes his soul knowing that you can rely on him, trust him to protect and help you through tough times.
the letters you send him, the small trinkets and photos, kaeya keeps them in a drawer tucked away from the cruel world. he keeps them close to his self-proclaimed “selfish heart.” however, the kaeya albreich you know is the furthest thing away from selfish. he is the selfless one.
as kaeya’s fingers rub into the muscles of your skin, he tattoos the contours of your back into his brain. he reminds himself of how ticklish your waist and hips are when his fingers smooth over the skin.
his heart beats at the same rhythm as yours. he will always be here, be your rock, your knight in shining armor. kaeya will be selfish for you. all he wants in return for his love and affection is you— he will be not be satisfied with anything else.
"brat," you let out a hearty laugh at his actions. your smile is infectious and he too mimicks you. your hands intertwine with the other as your laugh to your hearts' content. the two of you have not discussed you obvious feelings-- not yet, at least. nor have you discussed the way your heart flutter anytime you make eye contact. yet, kaeya reassures you: “no matter how far away you travel, no matter who you befriend or makes enemies with, i will always be here to take care of you-- in sickness, and in health, my dear.“
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a/n: i just finished his hangout today :(( my sweet prince i love him so dearly!!!! anyways, this is slightly based off of his fifth hangout ending. he may be slightly ooc btw. enjoy <3
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karriethemechtech · 5 months
For your Glimpses of the Past game, might I request INJURED, please?
(OOC: Of course you can!)
(It's over 2000 words now, oh wow. I did not know I even had writing like this still in me. Genuinely thank you so much to all of you for managing to instill this level of passion in me again. I put it under the read more since it's quite long and I don't want to destroy your dash. I'll finish the other prompt or two I have, I hope I edited this one enough; I need a nap.)
            “Alright, Alpha lance, move to the right! Beta lance, with me!” barked the Captain. “Let’s sweep this place and go home. I’m getting awful tired of taking orders from that Feddie bigwig.”
The orders had been simple: Capellan landing crafts had been detected on long-range scanners touching down twenty klicks from the garrison. Not that it mattered, thought Karrie. The sensors were ancient, radar-only, and prone to failure. She had offered to take a look at them for their employer, of course; the Captain almost had to pull the Federated Suns diplomat off her after she even suggested the equipment they had been provided with was poor. And it would have been such a simple fix, really nothing more than a calibration. It would have taken Karrie no time at all, even if she’d looped in the spare seismic sensors she’d pulled from the last share of salvage…
“DeLacey! Distracted, are we?” the Captain shouted over comms. “Alpha lance is moving out! Get your lazy ass out there!”
Karrie grumbled a rough agreement and turned her ‘Mech around; the beaten Trebuchet gave a tipsy sway of protest as she trotted after the rest of her lance.
“Captain! Are we sure there’s anyone here at all?” she asked.
“Just get back to work.”
And so the patrol proceeded, one mind-numbing minute blending into the next as the darkly-painted ‘Mechs marched across the rolling plain. Even the land was bored; the grasses were punctuated by very few trees, and the tree line marked the horizon through the shimmer of the summer heat. Conversations started and ended quickly, the relentless monotony eventually robbing the MechWarriors of anything new to talk about. Some groaned their complaints over the comms; they were usually met with the Captain’s swift and brutal reprimand. But even he’s starting to get tired of this, Karrie realized.
The Captain’s voice balanced on the razor’s-edge of sleep as he broke the yawning quiet. “Alright, Dark Wolves! That’s enough. Just another false alarm.” He punched the console. “Time to head home!”
He sighed. “What a waste of time.”
No sooner than the Captain finished speaking, all hell broke loose.
Alpha lance’s Thunderbolt lurched suddenly. The MechWarrior screamed into the mic, “Mines! Fuck, it’s an—”
Her ‘Mech staggered, an awkward hop on one foot. One step forward was all it took to trigger the second mine, and suddenly the Thunderbolt was on the ground, the mercenary’s screams filling the airwaves as her machine erupted in a fiery blast.
In the tall grasses and trees, previously undetected engines roared to life, the angry howl of diesel engines kept warm waiting for this very moment. An ambush! Tanks and vehicles raced out of hiding like bolts of lightning. The Trebuchet’s TRO computer squealed with the strain of identifying them all, flashing their information across Karrie vision almost too fast to read.
“Hold formation, Wolves!” said the Captain. “We don’t know where those mines are. Alpha Lance! Deal with them.” His King Crab opened its massive claws, revealing the massive smoothbore cannons within.
Karrie panicked. Vehicles! It was so obvious. She almost couldn’t believe how easily she’d fallen for it. She flipped a switch on her control panel and missiles poured from her Trebuchet’s torso—anti-mine rounds, exploding near the ground as she fired on the burning hulk of her former coworker. The mines retorted in fiery bursts, filling the air with smoke. Perfect. In a flash, she ran for the tree line, her ‘Mech’s arms an exaggerated “follow me” wave as she looked back on the other members of Alpha lance. The lance’s Griffin leaped after her; the Centurion did not.
“What the hell are you doing, Karrie?” came the ‘Mech’s pilot over comms. “Captain said to stand ground!” He braced as a shower of missiles pelted the Centurion’s armored left side. “And that’s what I’m doing!” With a yell, the mercenary opened fire with the Centurion’s autocannon, and the air filled with the scream of high-volume lead.
“You dumbass! You’re going to get yourself killed!” The Trebuchet rocked from the impact of a tank shell—thankfully only class five, based on the armor report, she thought.
Karrie flipped her comms to a private channel. “You!” she said to the pilot of the Griffin. “Do you want to die? No? Then follow me!” The MechWarrior offered no response but continued to follow. Karrie ran along the tree line, stopping only to kick or shoot the half-dozen armored trucks that had her in their sights.
SRMs flashed into burning light against her left leg, and to her dread the Trebuchet’s engine let out a low, pained whine. “Infernos! Captain, they’ve got Inferno rounds!”
“What are you doing out of formation, MechWarrior? Get back in line!”
“Sir, now’s not the time!” Karrie retorted, simultaneously retorting to incoming fire with the ‘Mech’s missile banks. The missiles arced through the air gracefully, and it was all she could do not to feel mesmerized watching them as she loosed another salvo for good measure.
“Bullshit. You two get back here!” The violent boom of the Captain’s AC/20s shook the windows of the Trebuchet’s cockpit.
A second round of Inferno missiles struck her ‘Mech’s right side, and warning lights began to flash. The targeting systems are giving out! She needed time to cool.
“Cover me!”
Her lancemate’s response came in the form of hot blue laser fire as she ducked into the woods. She counted the seconds, heart racing with fear. Her breath caught hot in her throat. One, two, three. The heat gauges finally started to dip below the red. Four, five, six…
“Karrie! Get back in the fight!” The Captain’s voice was somehow louder in her neurohelmet than the retort of his guns. “I don’t pay cowards!”
“Sir, I’m doing what I can!” Her Trebuchet pounded out of the trees, emerald beams pulsing from its arms as she fired on the tank the Centurion was currently trading shots with. The tank’s turret began to rotate, bringing its cannon to bear on the barreling ‘Mech, but not before she slammed her foot into it, punting it like a football with as much force as the myomers could give. It flipped once, twice in the air before landing with a crunch on its turret.
“You ass, I had that!” shouted the Centurion’s pilot.
“Please, you’re full of holes!” Karrie scoffed, already bringing her ‘Mech around to another target. “You should stay with the lance!”
“And you should stay in formation, MechWarrior!” shouted the Captain. “Now get back here!”
His lumbering ‘Mech broke into a run, followed by the rest of Beta lance. The ground shook with the impact of the Assault ‘Mechs’ weight. “You see that? Their lines are opening! We’ve got a chance to get behind ‘em!” The Captain’s autocannons boomed, followed by curtains of missiles from the ‘Mech’s flat carapace. “Dark Wolves, with me!”
“You heard the man,” said the Centurion’s pilot. “Move, DeLacey.” He broke into a run, pulling the smoking ‘Mech alongside its heavier allies. With a disgruntled sigh, Karrie obliged; as she did so, her heart sank.
“Sir, this is wrong. They’re ambushing us; why would they leave a hole like that?”
“’Cause we’re kicking their asses! Now move!”
“Sir, we should pull back.”
“Is that cowardice I hear, MechWarrior?”
Karrie drew in a shuddering breath. “No, sir!”
“Attagirl.” The captain grabbed a fleeing truck in the King Crab’s claws and crushed it as he ran, tossing it aside like an empty can of beer.
Without warning, the company’s HawkWolf flashed with brilliant light. It stumbled, briefly connected to its assailant by three bolts of lightning, and crumpled to the ground.
“Sir, there’s another force!” said the Griffin’s pilot. “They have PPC carriers!”
The King Crab skidded to a halt. “Shit, it’s another trap! Dark Wolves, stay close!”
PPC fire arced through the air again. Two shots went wide over the King Crab’s wide shoulders while a third struck the flat top of the ‘Mech dead on. It rocked on its feet for a moment before once again breaking into a run towards the hidden tank, autocannons rolling like thunder. A second bank of PPC beams struck the side of the captain’s machine—this time two hit dead on, putting smoking holes in the ‘Mech’s right claw. Karrie loosed a salvo of missiles at the second tank, joined by the now-upright HawkWolf, desperate to provide the company some cover. The missiles scattered into a bough of trees, from which another volley of crackling beams issued as if in reply. Karrie broke her Trebuchet into a mad run, dumping more missiles into the trees in hopes she might knock out one of the second tank’s emitters.
A click. The missiles had run out. Had she miscounted? “Sir, I’ve run dry!” Karrie yelped.
“Move, Delacey!” came the Captain’s reply.
“I said move—"
And the world was a blur of color and noise. Karrie screamed. Ice cold pain shot through her body, and her hair stood on end. The moment seemed to stretch on forever, a cacophony of agony punctuated only by the slicing of shrapnel into her flesh. Karrie leaned forward in her seat, reeling, vision blurry. She was going to die here. As the pain overwhelmed her senses, that she knew. She was going to die here. It started as a low rumble in the back of her mind, She was going to die here, then echoed backwards off her forehead, she screamed in protest, She was going to die here, the echoes were joined by others as her mind filled with a whirling cacophony of panic and pain, She was going to die here. She could feel it. As the pain scrabbled across her nerve endings, reached all the way to the tips of her fingers, arcing from them like a Tesla coil onto the delicate electronics in front of her, it was as certain as a wedding vow.
She was going to die here.
Slowly, wretchedly, the world came back into focus, the ringing in her ears blocking out most of the raging battle outside the ‘Mech. There was a burning, smoking hole right in the center of the Trebuchet’s face—her window was gone. She was lucky she wasn’t too. Hot wind whipped through the newly formed void as she limped her Trebuchet towards the Captain’s damaged King Crab.
The Captain shouted something at Karrie; she couldn’t hear a word he said. Her skin was still flushed with pain; blood dripped down her exposed arms and onto the floor. She raised her ‘Mech’s arms, VSP lasers firing wildly as she tried half-consciously to find purchase against something. Anything. The Captain shouted something again. It almost sounded like retreat, but over the din of the battlefield she couldn’t tell.
But She was going to die here. No longer an echo, the thought erected itself a deathly promise in her clouded mind.
“…Go!” Karrie screamed like a wounded animal. She spat blood from her bleeding tongue and continued to fire. The engine shrieked in protest as one, two impacts struck the torso. The rest of the company limped away behind her, into safety, away from the clutches of the Capellan trap. Below her, the failing containment fields of the mech beat like a giant heart in time with her own. Once more she bellowed a desperate cry of war, and once more she fired her meager payload into the oncoming wall of tanks. As they approached, the pulses got closer together, the ‘Mech itself flinching even as Karrie failed to.
Huh, some detached part of her thought. The pulses always have prime number frequencies. Another cannon round planted itself in the Trebuchet’s exposed chest and Karrie’s head snapped back in her seat.
The impact left her brain no room to think. There was no room left to shout.
Only shoot. Another shot. Another shot. Another shot. Another shot. And another.
Karrie didn’t even notice as her ‘Mech tumbled to the ground beneath her.
One. More. Shot.
Then relief.
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acosmicblizzard · 2 years
Poly reader with Ada and Emil headcanons
They're my little skrunkly's Warnings: Mentions of asylums/mental hospitals, Mentions of hypnosis
Story type: Fluff
Characters/pairings: Ada - “Psychologist”, Emil - "Patient", Reader (Gender-Neutral), Victor - "Postman"
(possible ooc)
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Ohh boy, how did you even land yourself these two? You're in for one wild ride if you did. In order to be in a relationship with both of them you'd probably have to have know them both while in the asylum, however there is a possibility that they'd fall for you during their time in the manor. However it's more likely for one or both of them to catch feelings if you had been close while they were both at the asylum. During games as soon as you get chaired Emil will be dashing over there like a mad man with Ada behind him to help support or bodyblock if needed. Both of them absolutely hate leaving you behind in matches and will do anything they can to keep you alive even though they know you'll just be sent back to the manor. These two are willing to pull the riskiest moves ever just to make sure all three of you escape and three out of five times it usually works. Ada knows she can't always save you but Emil always beats himself up when he can't believing he could've done better. You and Ada always comfort him afterwards and reassure him after matches that he did great and did what he could. Cuddle piles, cuddle piles with these two are absolutely amazing. Ada is more of a big spoon but doesn't mind being the little spoon while Emil is more of a little spoon but every now and then will be the big spoon. You usually end up with Emil being sandwiched between Ada and you, him happily snuggling into either you or Ada while you and Ada just blissfully stare at eachother or chat away. Both of them can get jealous easily and are generally very protective over you, basically like guard dogs. Will be glaring at the killer before and after matches, and will throw hands with any of the survivors if they get you hurt. If you go through pains similar to Emils, Ada with perimission will use hypnosis to help you and it helps push her to research more and more both to help you and Emil. If there's one thing she despises it's seeing either of you in pain. Emil absolute loves messing with your hair, it was a thing he discovered while cuddling with you. You were very tired and were cuddling in Emils room when he suddenly started running his fingers through your hair. You were too tired to care at the moment and just let him continue while Emil had the biggest grin on his face. The length of your hair doesn't matter, he just finds messing with it fun!
One time during a match you had gotten paired up with Victor and your partners. This would've been perfectly fine if Victor didn't have Wick with him. Emil is absolutely terrified of dogs and sadly Victor didn't know that so when Victor sent Wick to go deliver a letter Emil let out a scream, causing you to fail the calibration on the cipher you were on. You were going to run to Emil to check on him and were vaulting a window but because you weren't paying attention to your surroundings now you didn't realize jack was literally right behind you and invisible. Next second, you got terror shocked. You guys somehow beat that match but it ended up with a terrified Emil, a angry Ada, and a confused Victor and you.
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ukigumos · 5 months
'Truth' not going to lie, but I'm surprised you've been getting along with Haru. I thought you'd tire if her energy. Is it because you see her as a small animal? ((Ooc: Yams out here trying to see if his hamster theory holds true kekek))
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UKIGUMOS - »❝浮雲❞« Truth Serum.
"I agree. A herbivore of her calibre would warrant a biting of death or two in most cases. Especially with her trespassing." Kyouya pauses. "Small animal."
Now that he brought it up like that.
Kyouya brings a thoughtful hand to his chin.
"I suppose when she has those bird seeds in her hands, she does resemble a hamster." ...Cute.
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squidcandy · 1 year
what are your opinions on other keito ships like keiei and reikei? since you're pretty well read on keito & akatsuki lore
Jfisjxfb where do I start. In general I tend to follow along with Canon text. You'll rarely get a crackship out of me, but I've got plenty of rarepairs. In general I am of the mindset that every relationship Keito has is a Good One. And to Ship them does not necessarily mean you see them as viable endgame.
I like keito -> eichi in a one sided tragic kind of way where they're two people that cherish eachother but literally can't understand the other at all. Where Keito is harboring romantic feelings and Eichi is too busy hating himself to even consider the possibility.
I like keirei (in that specific name order exclusively because I'm one of Those Queers) but rei -> keito is my Preferred Calibration. Again there's a a gap in understanding...
I talked about them a bit more here and here.
KEITO AND LEO. Truly such an underrated and hilarious pair. I really think we all need to sit down and consider the similarities between izumi sena and keito hasumi btw. I think they'd have the world's most embarrassing fling. I feel like Keito is the perfect izumi rebound.
Keiwata. Why does he want keito so bad. Perhaps it's his sheer humanity.
Anzu -> Keito. I just think it's funny.
Mao -> Kei. He's normal about hasumi senpai
Souma -> Keito. That poor boy is stuck in the son zone for life. I think it's cute I like puppy crushes but I balk at any reciprocation because I feel like it's OOC.
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mzannthropy · 2 months
I love how so many of the DJATS fandom can agree that Billy>> Eddie. Also yeah, Eddie took advantage of Camila's vulnerability in ep 6. Would it be ooc for him if I made him even more weird towards her in a fic? (I mean, there's writers who make Billy a bad dad, and ones who vilify Camila, so why not?)
Is that so, I was under the impression that Billy was universally hated. I stay away from the fandom. Maybe it's not as bad as I think, huh.
Eddie just gave me mild incel vibes from the start, from the very first moment they showed him, when he fluffed his hair, my first instinct was, he looks like a Redditor. I don't choose how I feel at a given moment, I don't go into things with the intention of thinking a certain way about them (okay maybe sometimes I do, but it was not like that with DJATS). It's not the actor, bc I had seen interviews with Josh and he didn't give me that impression. Book Eddie was one-dimensional, his whole personality was hating Billy (the actor who voiced him in the audiobook sounded angry all the time), but the show didn't improve on him much. Eddie was in the same band as the husband of the woman he had feelings for. He chose to stay in that band. When he saw she was upset, it would have been easy for him to figure out why, he was literally in the studio with Billy and Daisy every day. If he was an outsider, it would be different, but he knew the situation. If he's that great a guy, then there are ways he should have handled it better. Talk to Billy, comfort Camila; if she came onto him, he should have said "you don't really want this, let's get you home". And that line "I'd choose you over everyone", like he never spoke in such a poetic way before and in fact had previously laughed at Billy's songs dedicated to Camila. (Also, the same line appears in the book Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, a book I recently mentioned in one of you previous asks, funny how that happens.) That's bc the writers wanted people to ship it and knew people would use it as their OTP tag. (Srsly, they did look online to see what the fandom was saying, it was in one of the articles. That's why they messed up.) Bc they played up the Daisy and Billy thing, but knew they couldn't justify cheating (they had enough sense for that), so they came up with Eddie and Camila to even it out. They knew what they were doing. But even all that would have been fine, after all, humans are imperfect, if they at least let Eddie have a better ending (I'd like to see him accept the fact the was not a rockstar of Billy's calibre and find his niche, maybe writing music scores or going into a different genre, or even switching to a different form of art, like painting, and find love). He's far from my fave but that doesn't mean I want bad things for him.
You can write what you want. The DJATS writers did.
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turixn-renegxde · 2 years
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favorite  colour: purple
currently  reading: nothing at the moment
last  song:   the vampire by DECO*27 (I love vocaloid :o)
last  series:  the owl house
last  movie: forgetting sarah marshall
sweet / spicy / savory:  ughhhh, it depends on what I'm the mood for honestly (although I don't really like spicy foods)
currently  working  on: writing more and working on my drawings
Tagged by: @bloodiedbiotic (thank you!!)
Tagging: @chaotiicgoods , @warpaiint , @wcsea , @spxctrixmru , @madeofstxrs , @temphest
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