#castle 4x6
castle-dominion · 1 year
c4x6 demons
Nice big moon there oh yes buzzfeed unsolved moments! I should finish watching that with my older bro... Where's the van outside tho? How do the doors close again? Maybe ghosts ARE real. Like in murdoch mysteries & then it was never again acknowledged that murdoch could see ghosts What can he see? I thought the thing came from you-know-where?
AC, on her dad's lap as they watch a movie together but then he tilts her in front of him: Dad, are you using me as a shield against flesh-eating zombies? She looks so adult. & oddly tanned. RC: I know he's busy, and you are very thoughtful to be so accommodating, sweetheart, but a healthy relationship is based on mutual respect. I mean, think about what kind of signal you're sending if you're the one always re-arranging your schedule at the other one's every beck and call. I mean, if you just drop everything the very moment that— *beckett calls* *castle drops everything at her call*
RC: The Ghost Wranglers are here? Okay, that's why I love these guys. Body's not even cold, they're already tracking down the ghost. KB: Why doesn't it surprise me that you actually watch that ridiculous show? GIRL SHUT UP RC: Ridiculously awesome. Jack Sinclair is, *becks turns to him in shock* hands down, America's most accomplished ghost hunter. KB: Um...Castle...Jack Sinclair is the name of our victim.
LP: His throat was slit almost from ear to ear, jugular, superior thyroid, common carotid left and right. You name it, it's been severed. Sexy Can't you be behind the guy? Heck yeah ghost killer! She works with dead ppl don't let her believe in ghosts
Oh nice maybe they caught the murder on camera castle explaining what it means <3 So many angles! Mum & I both immediately knew it wasn't begging for mercy. An emp maybe? (btw I'm pronouncing it émp' like in rvb when they were arguing abt it) GIRL IF THEY HAD AN ARGUMENT THAT IS A RECENT UPSET IN RELATIONSHIPS, THAT'S WHAT THEY ASKED ABOUT
Ryan's nice red sweater over his suit uwu JE: Right. Hey, we're still on for dinner tomorrow night, right? Me: what? Maybe it's a game night or smth not a date haha KR: Oh, yeah, Jenny's totally psyched. Me: oh KR: She's never really hung out with Lanie before, so *full body nod* cool. JE: Well, just to let you know, Lanie's gonna be getting off a double shift. So, she could be a little cranky. KR: Oh. *squints eyes* Maybe we should reschedule. I mean, isn't the whole point for Jenny and Lanie to get along? JE: Nah, she'll be cool. Just, you know, don't say anything controversial. KR, walking back over & crossing arms: Like what? What's controversial? [The computer makes a sound.] JE: Bingo. KR: Bingo. Don't talk about Bingo? JE: No. *gestures with some irritation* Barry Bavetta's been busy, and so has his lap. Dude has racked up a hell of a tab at a strip club
RC: We heard you were racking up quite a bill. Or is that billing quite a rack?
Sounds like he said he did kill the guy but obv it couldn't have been him. "you decided to prove him wrong"
Killing time was KIND OF funny "apparition american" KB: You'll see, Castle. This'll turn out just like every other murder investigation. *Ryan walks up looking concerned.* Once we find out more about our victim's life, the details surrounding his death, everything will be explained. KR: Um…maybe not everything. Mr irish folklore over there he looks SO mildly concerned & shaken & I LOVE it, good acting b'y *gestures politely to send castle in first* Caught a ghost! So cool!
Posting that intro on my blog
B'y surely u got SOME sleep esposito smiling watching castle set up his ghost murder board *drank her coffee* RC: ready for this? Espt *nods* RC: a demon
RC: That's not a real thing, you know. That real ghost hunters use. JE: "Real" ghost hunters? Isn't that a contradiction in terms, bro? Oxymoron? Nah man let people have their beliefs I thought that "I do" was Ryan Ooh Ryan nice tie! RC: You see? I am telling you, there is something going on with this house. The last people-- to-- *Castle tries to flip the board back around, but Beckett stops him.* RC: The last people that lived there moved out four years ago in a hurry. KR, breathy: Why? RC: I don't know, but I think it's time we found out. KB: Knock yourself out, Castle. RC: You're not coming? KB: No. I've got a murder to solve. KR sidles up to castle, eyes wide, eyebrow raised, mouth open: I'll go. *softly* [Beckett gives Ryan a look. Castle smiles at Ryan, then turns and sees Beckett's expression and his face falls. Beckett narrows her eyes.] RC: Ooh. That's a look. KR, looking down & to the side: Yeah. RC: I get these a lot. Just start walking. Faster. [Beckett watches them leave, then smiles & looks over at the empty coffee cups.] Ryan really is becoming castle jr!
Poor beckett, castle drank her coffee then said he'd make her one then he doesn't & she burns herself on it. I like the idea of ryckett & casito but rn we have some rystle & especkett scenes. JE: Yo. I, uh, just saw Ryan downstairs. I can't believe you let him go chasing ghosts with Castle. KB: Yeah. Maybe Shaggy'll keep Scooby out of trouble. Besides, you never know, maybe they'll come up with something useful. JE: Oh, you want useful. *sarcastic surprise* 'Cause I just spoke to CSU. They found fingerprints at the scene from a real live person, so… *points & wiggles finger* Becks still has the coffee with her
Girl maybe he thinks he was molested by a ghost it is not your business to make fun of the (probably psychological) issues of a man in prison! Wow the grammar & spelling... the handwriting is fine
Poor guy, he has to live with his mom bc he's an ex-con, he violated his parole for the guy who ruined his prison life, I just really feel for this guy. Prophesy vibes
This is so cool & cute & funny & scary! RC, trying not to show his excitement over the ghost: Oh, my God, that's terrible Ryan looking mildly freaked out is my new favourite thing Mercedes King & Mercy LaGrande are both cool names KB: So the question is, how is she involved in all of this? *rystle look at each other & hop up quickly* RC: Uh, well, you know, uh, Ryan and I would be glad to go check this out *ryan nods half winks* if you guys are too busy solving that murder. *especkett share a look*
Oh & now caskett is here instead of rystle These folks are doctors. They are psychologists, they are pharmacists, they are the medical professionals of the past. & I respect them. Why did he say mercy I can see IT not HIM? his face is an it but jack could have said him too.
Give that man a prize. tbh I expected the pics to be even more gory Murdoch mind moments!
I love the term on the lam, I like this guy's shirt (I have one from hot topic that looks like it lol) RC, looking to beckett: Really? He claimed there was a demon involved? AS: I know. Like anyone's going to fall for that, right? I mean, what kind of jackass did he think he was dealing with?
Ooh info! Cool! Valid, he probably turned him away. Yep you need a warrant babe. Do you need a warrant to get their car service logs? Ooh I love it when they do that! There was this one time a serial killer was watching TV with his wife 20 or 30 years later or smth & they said "this is a serial killer, we think he looks like this" with an aged up model including the style of glasses he would most likely wear & the wife looked at him & said "it looks exactly like you" & they both just laughed it off bc how could this guy my husband be a serial killer? lol that's so silly how he looks like the killer.
KB: Wait a minute, don't you guys have dinner plans tonight? KR, afraid: Uh, we can move it to…some night when Lanie's not coming off a double shift. JE: Uh, actually, Lanie's really looking forward to it. KB: You know what? No worries. It's on my way home. [Beckett takes the photos.] KR+JE: You sure? KB: That I don't want to be the one to blame for ruining Lanie's night out? Oh, yeah. I am sure.
Martha <3 Ooh hoo wowie look at alexis! & going to a party too! No he literally just called, you can answer & say she just went out bc she had plans or smth! gah!
Ooh scottish architecture! Ooh Laird's Lugs! KB: We'll go first thing in the morning, see what we come up with. RC: *puppydog eyes* KB: You want to go now?
RC: For me. Please. KB: I ain't afraid of no ghosts. *ghostbusters theme*
She's pulling his leg KB: How long have you known me, Castle? Of course I don't believe in ghosts. *door closes* RC: What was that? *lights go out* KB: Well, that's odd. RC: No, that's more than just odd. This is the same sequence of events that preceded Jack Sinclair's murder. KB: Except Jack only had an EMF meter. I've got a gun and a flashlight. *The flashlight goes out.* Except wouldn't their phones also be out? Gosh it's hard to be on someone's shoulders *grabs* KB: *gasps!!* Castle, I said legs, okay? RC: Oh. Legs. Sorry.
LP: Not as sorry as I was. I'm around dead people all day. When I get home, I want a live one. JE, eating: I was tired. [Ryan and Jenny laugh.] JO: I can't believe we waited so long to do this, babe. KR, wearing his fortnightversary tie: Yeah. Yeah, it really did turn out to be a perfect night. JE: *winks at ryan* KR: I would like to propose a toast. I know that it's kind of corny, but it's me, (yeah lol) so well, there we go. Uh, to best friends, now and forever. [They toast.] JO: Cheers. JE: And to the future newlyweds. JO: Aww. [They toast again.] KR: You are so thoughtful. LP: Cheers. JO: You know, Kevin said you guys made a great couple, *Lanie smiles & leans towards javier* but I had no idea. [Lanie and Esposito cuddle and lean in to kiss.] JO: So, when are you two getting married? [That kills the mood and Esposito and Lanie recoil w/o even kissing.] KR: JO: LP: JE: *stares daggers at Ryan* KR: *moves to drink his wine during the awkward silence.*
Sad that they found a magnetic field generator to explain the moving tripod BUT wouldn't it have also moved every other tripod & any metal that Sinclair had on him? WHY is it creaking tho? *makes castle open the door* Oh it's a rat It's like when higgins kissed a corpse! Well he fell on it & his lips touched its lips but he was so grossed out about kissing a corpse & that's totally valid Poor castle lol
Hide & seek lol. In the morgue: *Beckett exits and Castle stops on his way out* RC: Hey, how'd that double date go? LP: *crosses her arms and glares.* RC: I-- I just… LP: *eye twitches* *KB comes back in abt the case, but castle leaves past her* RC: Don't ask her about the date.
KR: Look, I said I'm sorry, okay? t-- h-- I didn't mean to jinx the dinner. JE: (imitating)"This really is the perfect night." KR: Jenny got a little caught up in the moment. JE: (falsetto)"When are you two getting married?" That's a question you do not ask! (Yeah jenny, sorry. I love you plenty tho. btw when are we going to find out she's a spy like with terrence myers or mary morstan) [Ryan sighs.] JE, mellowing out: I-- You know, it's-- it's not entirely your guys' fault. KR: You guys have a big fight after? JE: Big fight? *laughing* No. Mega fight, *seriously* yes. *ryan nods* The point is, we, um…we decided that we're gonna cool things off. (Good facial expressions.) KR, sad for his friend: Wait, you mean split up? JE: Yeah. Just until we both figure out what we want. *looks down kinda sad but also an "i don't talk about emotions" way* KR: Man, I'm so sorry. JE: Anyway. *starts ignoring him* KR: Look, brother, if you need anything, you know I'm always here… What? Friendship<3 also "brother" is such a Term
WHOA THE BRO GOT THE GIRL? Cafe jouer not cafe jouerre bro Either it's weird how he remembers all the details or they got burned into his brain bc of that event or it's weird how he remembers all the details bc they would be overshadowed by the horror.
KR: It wasn't someone Melanie worked with. I just tracked down George Banner, Melanie's manager at Flywide Travel twenty years ago. He said Melanie had two co-workers: KR: both guys. RC: A-ha. KR: Married. RC: Still… KR: To each other. (XD WOW) RC: Oh. I mean bisexuality, maybe they invited her to join idk The way castle's hair moves lol
It is not going to be him Ooh strong man there WOAH DETECTIVE SMITH!? Yeah I can understand why you... wait he killed her too I forgot AS: You're both very smart, but you're forgetting one thing. Me: you have a gun? AS: This house is haunted. Nice, lights out scene, fun. Now becks has also lost her gun, maybe ryan won't feel so bad about tyson getting the drop on him.
AS: Get on your knees. *castle starts moving* KB: Don't worry, Castle. He's not gonna shoot us. That won't fit the legend. AS: *pulls a sexy knife* rysposito had better be around Technically that's illegal tho
Ooh castle is so right! Jack sinclair's ghost was TOTALLY solving the murder! Sussy elevator (are ghosts canonically real?)
Oh no I feel bad for ashlexis. Castle said "goin'a" like "going ta" except since n & t are in the same place in the mouth he just said goin'a, not quite "gonna" Cuddling <3 Flesh eating zombies I love their father daughter love time Wait am I in the zombie movie? As soon as they press play we're going to be attacked by zombies!
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Date at the Animal Shelter
Find me on Ao3!
“We’re only going to look, Evan. We’re too busy to have animals.” Tommy reminded his boyfriend for the fifth time in the last hour. Today was the first day off they’d had together in what felt like months and Evan had asked if they could go see the animals at the surrounding shelters. Tommy knew how much the man loved animals - cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, you name it, he loved them - so he was hard pressed to tell him no. It’s not that Tommy didn’t also love the cute, furry, four legged fiends, but his love was on an entirely different level. The two of them would run a farm if Tommy let Evan keep every stray animal he brought home with puppy dog eyes, begging to keep them until they could get them to a shelter.
It had only been five months and Tommy didn’t have enough fingers and toes to keep count any longer.
“No, look, I know.” Evan replied as he slipped on his shoes, looking stunning in a tight fitting black t-shirt and a pair of slim fit joggers. “But I figured I could offer to like, help walk the dogs or something while we’re there. The shelter is always short staffed and getting to hang out with some dogs seems like a pretty awesome thing to do on my day off.”
“You know, walking the dogs is how you end up falling in love with one, right?” Tommy teased, pulling Evan into a side hug to kiss his temple. Evan batted at him with a pout on his lips which caused Tommy to laugh and plant another sloppy kiss, this one to his cheek. “No animals, Evan Buckley.” He reiterated once more, booping his boyfriend on the nose before dancing away from his flailing arms. He thought he heard him mutter, we’ll see about that, under his breath as he scowled through the doorway but Tommy chose to believe the man knew better.
An hour later they were at the LA County Human Society. Evan made an immediate beeline for the caged animals where an enormous brown rabbit munched on some hay, its beady eyes focused everywhere but at the people. Evan poked his finger between the bars and cooed at the animal, trying his darndest to get it to move closer so he could pet it. Tommy watched on fondly, hands in his pockets, but didn’t move any closer.
After a couple minutes of futilely trying to win the rabbit over, Evan moved to another stack of cages where a couple of chunky guinea pigs curled up under their little plastic castle, snoring away. In a different cage, one lay pressed against the bars as he squeaked softly, seemingly unbothered by the chaos of the shelter. Evan looked beyond gleeful as he stuck his fingers once more through the cage bars to stroke the unruly black fur of the rodent. Even after the creature tried to take a chunk out of him he turned to Tommy with the widest smile and beamed, “Isn’t he just the cutest?”
Tommy humphed. “For a rodent.” Hey, he didn’t hate the creatures but he didn’t quite understand the concept of keeping them around as pets. Evan cocked an eyebrow at him but said nothing. Instead he turned back around, peering into each cage and attempting to pet any living thing within reach.
Once he’d finished his perusal of small animals, he washed his hands in the provided sink and they made their way into the cat colonies. There were about twenty cages, stacked two high, lined along one wall. On the other side were five small rooms, no more than 4x6 feet big with cat trees and litter boxes pressed against the glass walls. At the very end were three brightly colored doors with medium sized windows to look through. They were, Tommy assumed, the visiting rooms. 
A litany of meows surrounded them as the small creatures pushed themselves against their enclosures, trying their hardest to garner the humans’ attention. Some of the cages hosted two or three kitten sized cats, a chowder of them if you will, while most of them seemed to host one full grown animal. Tommy joined his boyfriend in the cooing this time, approaching each cage with a grin on his face as he poked his fingers through so he could stroke their soft fur.
One cage held a terrified white and black spotted cat named Mary who laid in her litter box, her pupils dilated so big you couldn’t tell what color her eyes were. Another held an orange cat named Georgie who rubbed himself aggressively against the bars, screaming the song of his people. One of the cages with kittens had a trio named after different types of French buns. Another with a litter named after Little Debbie sweet treats.
The two men stopped at each one, spending just a little bit of time with every animal, Tommy’s heart breaking just a bit as he thought about how some of these guys would stay trapped in their cages until they breathed their last. The oldest he’d seen was Mary at fourteen. While she looked healthy, Tommy knew it could be difficult to find adopters for elderly animals. Everyone wanted babies they could raise and mold into their own. He hoped that someone would get that beautiful girl out of her shell and into a good home.
They wandered over to the other wall to peer into the glass enclosures, staring as the cats napped and played. It was in the last room that Evan stopped to stare. Tommy followed his line of sight and mentally let out a breath, knowing that he may have just lost the battle. A small grey and white tabby cat batted at a catnip ball hanging from one of shelves on the floor to ceiling cat trees. It had an elastic band and the cutie would grab onto it with his claws before promptly falling to side to bunny kick the hell out of it, biting into it like he was biting into his prey. He was perfect. With the exception of one thing.
This beautiful baby had one eye.
Tommy looked at the paperwork hanging in the window, searching until he found info for the cat Evan’s eyes hadn’t left. Finding it, he let out a snort that finally got the other man’s attention. “What?” He asked, his eyes drawn back to the cat.
“His name.” Tommy laughed, knowing that telling Evan was basically setting their fate in stone.
“What about it?” He asked, his hand on the door to the enclosure.
“Evan.” Tommy grabbed the man's hand and pulled him to stand next to him, forcing him to look. As soon as he saw it he guffawed, his blue eyes sparkling with pure mirth. “Evan, his name is Jack Sparrow.” The one year old had been found, malnourished, in the streets and had been surrendered to the shelter by his heroes. He’d been neutered, and vaccinated, and was ready to be taken home that day. “A little on the nose, don’t you think?”
“I think he’s perfect.”
“If you go in there Evan, we’re going to be leaving this shelter with a cat. What did I say before I agreed to come here with you?” His tone was exasperated, but he felt fondness tugging at his heart, loving the way his boyfriends eyes softened as he stared in at the perfectly imperfect animal. Tommy knew, deep in his bones, that the animal could’ve been a hideous, deranged, mess, and Evan would’ve had the compassion to see him and want to take him in and Tommy loved him all the more for it. One missing eye wasn’t a deterrent in the least.
“I just want to say hi.” The man insisted, tugging Tommy towards the door. Sighing, he let himself be dragged in where the cat took immediately to both of them, scenting their legs as he rubbed himself all over them, trying his little best to crawl up their pant legs. Thank God they were both wearing slightly thicker material because this cat had claws like a lion and they were sharper than knives.
Evan leaned down and scooped Jack into his arms, resting the baby’s front paws on his shoulder while supporting his hind paws on his forearm. Jack began to purr, his motor loud enough to be heard across the room, and rubbed himself all over Evan’s stubble. Evan ran his hand down the cat's back, speaking in soft tones as he cuddled him, laughing as he was aggressively pet back
 Tommy’s heart melted and he couldn’t stop the wild image of snuggling on the couch with Jack nestled between them, one paw on Tommy’s leg with his tail curled over Buck’s. Shaking out the image, Tommy said, “Alright Evan, time to go.” His boyfriend’s face fell, and as he expected, was reluctant to put his new friend down. It took another handful of strokes, and softly whispered I love you’s before he could bear to let go. Tommy wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him in close. “We don’t have time.” He whispered, nuzzling his cheek with his nose. “I’d love to bring him home, but we just can’t right now.”
“I know.” Evan huffed, dejected. “Let’s go see the dogs now. I wanna ask if we can help walk them.” Tommy nodded and pulled his boyfriend along, his chest tight as he watched Evan look back towards the cat area repeatedly, his eyes full of yearning.
The younger man's mood bounced back as soon as they entered the dog pens. If the cats had been loud, the dogs were deafening as they barked and growled at the visitors. But neither of them cared. Buck’s head swiveled, looking for an employee, and as soon as he found one he made a beeline for her, his own tail wagging as he approached. Tommy didn’t pay him any mind, instead glancing briefly into each kennel. A lot of the dogs were laying down on their beds, staring with big, pleading eyes into the outside as if all their energy had been drained from them. A few of them stood at their gates, tails wagging as they greeted each new stranger with abandon.
There mostly seemed to be big dogs, the smallest being a Jack Russel mixed with something else kind of small. And a lot of these ladies and fellas were older, with the youngest being three years old. There must’ve been a recent surge of surrenders and he briefly wondered why. His heart broke for these guys. Or he thought it had. Until he came upon a kennel with a dog that lay in its bed, facing away from the outside world. Tommy could just make out a pair of long, floppy ears, its coat a greying red-brown and white. The dog's sides barely moved as it breathed.
I wonder if it’s sick… Tommy thought, frowning. If it was, hopefully the shelter realized and took care of the problem. He stepped back from the gates so he could read the clipboard with information.
Name: Rudy
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Breed: Basset Hound Mix
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Declawed: No
Reason for surrender:
Tommy’s heart really did nearly stutter to a stop.
Reason for surrender: My elderly dad unfortunately passed away. The shelter called all of my aunts and uncles, to see if someone would take me in, but nobody wanted me. So I came here. I might be old, but I still love to play. I also love to sit at my human’s feet as we watch the wind blow by together. I’d do better in an environment without small children.
Adoption fee: $175, Forget Me Not!
A huge orange sticker was stuck to the bottom of the page with those three words in bold type. Tommy looked over the page and found that Rudy had already been here for three months, and was constantly overlooked due to his age. Wanting to cry, Tommy slowly got into a crouch and clicked his tongue. “Rudy. Hey buddy, hey. Won’t you come say hi?” The animal didn’t move, but Tommy wasn’t about to give up. He softly called his name until those huge, floppy ears perked up and the old man slowly turned to look at him. Tommy whimpered as those giant eyes met his, Rudy’s eyes big and brown with his muzzle turned mostly grey. “C’mere buddy.” Tommy reached into the pail attached to the door to grab a treat, saddened when he realized that Rudy’s pail was mostly full compared to all the other dogs. He held it through the bars and clicked his tongue once more.
Rudy sniffed the air, looking back and forth between it and Tommy before, after a long, long while, getting slowly to his feet. Clearly his old bones ached but he jumped from the bed and lumbered over, giving the treat a smell before licking it. Deciding it was a good enough offering, he very gently took it between his teeth and pulled it from Tommy’s fingers. Tommy grinned like a loon, reaching out to pet the dog on its knobby little head, wanting to kick his feet with glee as the old boy allowed it. When Rudy finished his treat, Tommy held his hand in front of his nose to let him get a smell, and to his joy, received his first doggy kiss, timid as it was.
Internally he was groaning because, if Evan had been gone on Jack Sparrow, Tommy knew that his heart had just been stolen by an elderly dog named Rudy. And he knew, in his heart of hearts, that they’d be going home with not one animal today, but two. And for once it’d be all his fault.
Evan appeared then, out of thin air, appearing disappointed. “What’s up, baby?” Tommy asked, standing to meet his boyfriend’s eyes, reaching out to stroke his shoulders.
Evan peered around him as he muttered, “They said that they have volunteer dog walkers, but I have to go through a training program before I can take them out.”
“That’s too bad.” Tommy said, sincerely, knowing that Evan had been so excited about coming here to do just that. “Maybe you can sign up for one of the classes and next time we come you can take someone out.” He perked up at this.
“Yeah, why not? I’m sure it would be fun.”
“Will you come with me?”
Tommy pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. “Absolutely. Now, I think it’s about time we headed out. It’s getting late and we haven’t had lunch.”
“I didn’t get to say hi to all the dogs.” Evan pouted, looking longingly into each of the kennels he could see from where they were standing.
Tommy brushed his hair back and looked into his eyes. “I said hi to every single one, I promise. Will that do for today? I’m really, really hungry.”
Evan sighed, shoulders slumping. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Good. Now I have to go to the bathroom before we make the drive back, can you take the keys and go wait in the car?”
“Maybe I can stay here and pet the dogs while you’re in there…?” He sounded hopeful, but Tommy shook his head, a dastardly plan half formed in his head. “Why not?”
“If I don’t take long enough for you to pet all of them, you’ll be even more sad so take the loss this time, alright?” Tommy brushed his thumb over the pink birthmark over Evan’s eye, smiling indulgently at him, knowing he’d won the battle as soon as Evan breathed in deep and let it out in the most put upon sigh he’d ever heard.
“Yeah, I guess. Give me your damn keys.” Tommy patted him on the shoulder before digging his keys out of his front pocket and handing them over. “Don’t take too long. Now that you mentioned food, I’m starved.” It was his turn to lean in and press his lips to Tommy’s, giving them a little lick before pulling away. Tommy watched him go, making sure his boyfriend was far around the corner before approaching the front desk.
“I’d like to make an adoption please…”
Twenty minutes later, arms laden down with the bare basics, and one of the shelter workers assisting with Rudy and a bag of dog food, Tommy exited the shelter; his wallet was significantly lighter than when they’d gotten there, but he’s not sure he could be mad about it. “Can you stand back just a bit? This is kind of a surprise for my boyfriend.” Tommy asked the brunette following him. She grinned, and nodded, slowing her pace more than he did as he approached the car. Instead of the driver’s side, he approached the passenger side and pulled open the door.
“Tommy, what the heck took so long-” Evan didn’t even get the question out before Tommy set the shaking box down in his lap. Evan’s eyes went huge as he flicked his eyes between the box, then Tommy, then back to the box again, his hands held up as if in a hostage situation. He swallowed hard as his eyes landed once more on Tommy. “Y… You didn’t?”
Tommy leaned away for a moment to take Rudy’s leash, thanking the young woman helping him out. She nodded again, leaned the bag of food against the rear wheel, and disappeared back inside the building. A plaintive meow came from the box, Jack feeling a bit restless inside the confined space. This seemed to snap Evan out of it as he hurriedly pulled it open to rescue the little furball. His eyes welled with tears as he held Jack to his chest, looking at Tommy with so much love it was almost visible to the naked eye.
“Well, you know, I didn’t think it would be fair if I got to bring someone home and you didn’t.” Tommy elaborated, bringing Rudy into Evan’s line of sight. He gasped again, staring into the basset hounds sad, pitiful eyes. “Evan. Meet Rudy. Rudy, meet your other new dad.”
Still holding Jack tightly to his chest, Evan leaned out the door to let Rudy sniff him before stroking his big old head, grinning even as a tear streaked down his face. Once he’d had his fill, at least for the moment, he reached out and grabbed Tommy by the back of the neck to pull him in for what was most definitely an obscene kiss that could’ve possibly gotten them arrested. When they broke apart, Evan breathed against his lips, “I love you, Tommy Kinard. I love you so Goddamn much.” Then kissed him again.
Tommy rested their foreheads together for just a moment as he replied, “Love you too, Evan Buckley. Don’t you forget it.” Then Jack yowled, squirming so hard Evan nearly lost his hold on him to which he promptly shouted, shit! before pushing Tommy away and slamming the door shut. Laughing, Tommy led Rudy towards the back door and pulled it open, lifting the dog into the backseat where he quickly settled, resting his head on his paws as he stared at his new dad. The workers said that he might take a while to warm up, to get some of his energy back, but Tommy didn’t care one way or another. He loved this dog, to the moon and back, no matter what, and he was just so excited to watch his family grow.
Stashing their new supplies in the trunk, he hopped into the driver’s seat, excited for the evening, and days ahead.
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threegoblinart · 1 year
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And they call it a castle......
4x6 original watercolor.
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bluenpinkcastle · 4 months
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20240516: the History of LEGO Castle day 137. 8802 Dark Fortress Landing (2005, 145 pieces, 62 different parts) The Dark Fortress Landing is a mostly black and dark red castle wall built on a reddish brown Big Ugly Rock Panel (BURP) and two new dark bluish gray 4x6x6 panels with rock print. A small dock extends over a blue 4x6 plate with a reddish brown boat next to the dock. The two minifigures in this set include the upgraded Vladek and a shadow knight. -Vladek has a black full face visor on a dark red helmet, a yellow minifigure head with black sideburns with white stripes, a small black forehead "v", black upside down "v" eyebrows, and black chin marks, a plain black torso with black arms and dark red hands, dark red armor with a black and silver scorpion, and black legs with a dark red belt. Vladek now carries a black angular sword and a dark red ovoid shield with a black scorpion print. This version of Vladek appears in 8802 Dark Fortress Landing, 8876 Scorpion Prison Cave, and 8877 Vladek's Dark Fortress. Lord Vladek also shows up in 8823 Mistlands Tower. -The shadow knight has a new speckled silver and black angled cheek protection helmet, a yellow minifigure head with thick black "v" forehead print with space between the beard and sideburns, a black torso with dark red arms and black hands, a black scorpion on a dark red background, and black legs with a dark red belt. New and unique parts for this set include: -The black 1x3x6 curved top doors were only found in two other sets, 2996 Adventurer's Tomb and 4768-1 / 4768-2 the Durmstrang Ship and the Target Exclusive Durmstrang Ship with bonus minifigures. -The dark red 2x2x3 slope was only found in two other sets, 8759 Battle of Metro Nui and 10218 Pet Shop. -The dark bluish gray 4x6x6 sloped panel with printed rock design was only found in three sets, 7785 Arkham Asylum, 8802 Dark Fortress Landing, and 8877 Vladek's Dark Fortress. -The trans clear plastic scorpion banners were only found in four sets, 8802 Dark Fortress Landing, 8874 Battle Wagon, 8876 Scorpion Prison Cave, and 8877 Vladek's Dark Fortress. -The reddish brown BURP is only found in five sets, 8637 Mission 8 Volcano Base, 8778 Border Ambush, 8802 Dark Fortress Landing, 8876 Scorpion Prison Cave, and 8877 Vladek's Dark Fortress. Parts inventory for this set can be found on BrickLink or Rebrickable and a free download of the instructions is available under the "Instructions" tab on Rebrickable. This set was also part of 65767 Attack From the Sea, which came with 8801 Knights Attack Barge and 8802 Dark Fortress Landing. Of note, this is the second set with a full parts inventory listed inside the building manual. And I am so, so, SO grateful to finally be to the era with the included parts inventories :)
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nctnews · 3 years
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211101 | SMTOWN &STORE’s Twitter update (1, 2, 3)
🔸 Combined MD Sales Period: November 1, 2021 to November 9, 2021 (TUE)
🔸 Combined MD List:
Live Streaming + SWEATSHIRT
Live Streaming + POSTCARD BOOK
Live Streaming + 4X6 PHOTO + PHOTO CARD SET
Translated by nctnews
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pgilmanartist · 5 years
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King of the castle 4x6 feet oil on canvas circa 1990 #oiloncanvas #oilpainting #1990s #domesticdrama https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzwg8rbgRU1/?igshid=4bb7a4x1umcb
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cardboardedison · 6 years
Meaningful Decisions: Bruno Cathala on Design Choices in Kingdomino
In our Meaningful Decisions series, we ask designers about the design choices they made while creating their games, and what lessons other designers can take away from those decisions.
In this edition, we talk with Bruno Cathala, the designer of the Spiel des Jahres winner Kingdomino, about putting restrictions on players, variable turn order, rule changes for different player counts, and more.  
In Kingdomino, players select tiles using a drafting system that makes players weigh a tradeoff between getting a better tile now versus getting better drafting position next round. Where did this system come from? What other aspects of the design rely on it for the game to work as a whole?
This system is one example of what I call a “blessing in disguise.” In my games, very often, when I’m offering something very good to one player in the short term, he will pay a kind of counterpart. This is the case here: If you choose to draft the best domino, on the next turn, you will have no choice at all, just having to accept what other players don’t want. This kind of mechanism really helps to get a good balance.
One other aspect which is important in the game, is the distribution of different land categories. You have a lot of wheat fields and forests, but few crowns inside them. You have few gold mines or swamps, but many more crowns inside. And as far as points are, at the end, the result of multiplying the number of spaces by the number of crowns, you will be able to get a satisfying number of victory points, never mind the category of land you chose at the beginning.
Do games that allow players to vary turn order have any particular design considerations or pitfalls to avoid?
I like systems that break the basic “clockwise turn sequence” because it avoids having to always play after the same player. If the player is not very good, it gives you an advantage, and when it’s a very good player, you have a disadvantage. The counterpart can be increasing downtime, when you go first on one round, and last on the next one.
Players in Kingdomino must build their kingdom within a tight, five-by-five grid. This forces players to plan ahead or risk being unable to place a tile later on. Did the game always restrict players to that five-by-five grid, and what was it about that restriction that made you decide to use it?
In a game as simple as Kingdomino, tension comes from restrictions: If you were in a position to always place your tiles the way you want, you would lose some tension in the game. That’s the reason why I introduced two restrictions: You must be connected with your castle and/or to the same color, and you must stay in a 5x5 grid. Two simple restrictions which create a tension that increases throughout the game.
Also, it’s a way to introduce a little more interaction between the players. If I’m playing before you, I will make my choice analyzing what is good for me, and what could be absolutely bad for you. (Maybe I can force you to discard one tile because you have no solution.)
My first prototype, to validate the concept, was on a 4x4 grid, with eight dominoes per player. It was nice, but not long enough. So I increased it to 12 dominoes. At first, there was no castle, and players had to fulfill a 4x6 grid. But it was confusing for some of them. That’s the reason why Sébastien Pauchon (Jaipur), who is a friend and a talented game designer, suggested to me to add the castle tile, allowing players to play on a 5x5 grid.
How do you know if a particular restriction on players will be fun or just frustrating?
First of all, my personal theory is that frustration is the main mechanism which leads to games you want to play again and again. After your first game, if you have absolutely no frustration, you don’t want to play again. If frustration is too high, same: You don’t want to play again.
So I try to find a good level, which is not easy, because we all have our own frustration limits. For example, for some players, rolling a die and having no chance to change the result is too frustrating.
Then I have to say that I’m designing my games… for myself! I’m always working on the game I want to play. So the final balance for frustration is the one which is satisfying to me.
I consider a game designer to be someone who shows a path and then tries to convince people to follow him in that direction.
In the two-player version of Kingdomino, each player uses two pawns instead of one. This means players can and should plan further ahead each round. How did the rules for the two-player game come together?
This change to the rules was necessary to keep some tension during the choice of dominos with fewer players. Imagine that players have only one pawn. Selection would have been very automatic. No tension at all. So it would have been uninteresting.
As you know, I’m really a fan of two-player games. I myself play a lot at only two players. So I wanted the game to be interesting for two. I don’t like when it’s written “for 2 to X players” on the box, but with the game being very flat at two players.
So… It seemed to me that playing with two pawns could be a good solution. This was confirmed the first time I tried it.
And moreover, at two players, you can play on a 7x7 grid, using all the tiles, which is probably my favorite configuration.
When a game has to change some rules for certain player counts, how do you decide how different the game should be when it is played with that many players?
I don’t really care to have exactly the same game experience depending on the number of players. The thing which matters for me is to create the best game experience possible, never mind how many players you are. So, to keep that interesting game experience, I have no problem making the changes which seem necessary to me.
Cardboard Edison is supported by our patrons on Patreon.
ADVISERS: Rob Greanias, Peter C. Hayward, Aaron Vanderbeek SENIOR INVENTORS: Steven Cole, John du Bois, Chris and Kathy Keane (The Drs. Keane), Joshua J. Mills, Marcel Perro, Behrooz Shahriari, Shoot Again Games JUNIOR INVENTORS: Ryan Abrams, Joshua Buergel, Luis Lara, Neil Roberts, Jay Treat ASSOCIATES: Stephen B Davies, Adrienne Ezell, Marcus Howell, Thiago Jabuonski, Samuel Lees, Doug Levandowski, Nathan Miller, Mike Sette, Matt Wolfe APPRENTICES: Cardboard Fortress Games, Kiva Fecteau, Guz Forster, Scott Gottreu, Aaron Lim, Scott Martel Jr., James Meyers, Tony Miller, The Nerd Nighters, Matthew Nguyen, Marcus Ross, Rosco Schock, VickieGames, Lock Watson, White Wizard Games
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September 22, 2020 Snake Plissken 4x6 pencil sketch. For sale if interested, claim below. $8 Dollars US. S.D. Bob "Snake" Plissken is the protagonist of the films Escape from New York and Escape from L.A. He is portrayed by Kurt Russell, and created by director John Carpenter and screenwriter Nick Castle. An anti-hero, he is a former Special Forces operator/war hero in World War III turned criminal. The movies follow his apprehension by the United States Police Force and subsequent conscription to extract top-secret material from New York City and Los Angeles — which have, in this dystopian setting, been entirely converted into maximum-security prisons. #SnakePlissken #JohnCarpenter #NickCastle #EscapefromNewYork #KurtRussell #art #artwork #artist #artistforhire #artistofinstagram #custom #drawing #drawingaday #draweveryday #illustration #pencil #sketch https://www.instagram.com/p/CFdqamTBPie/?igshid=bt0p9x800vxr
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midnightspunisher · 7 years
tell us the long story about why you have a poster of you and your friend in your dorm room because that's adorable
HAHAHAHA thank u it’s so dumb
i am a member of shutterfly and they were doin the 101 free 4x6 pictures and i’m a slut for those promotions but along with that they were also doing like get one (1) free 16x20 picture! and I was like oh cool! not realizing how big...it actually was? bc I’m a certifiable Dumbass™ but I get one anyways and it’s my favorite picture of me and my BFF it’s us in front of the Disney World Cinderella castle at night and we both look so good and it is one of the happiest moments of my life! 
so anyway like a week goes by, said BFF is at my house and the mail comes. My shutterfly order just came in the mail...and it’s this big ass package and I’m like “what?” and out comes......the POSTER and I am DECEASED because I didn’t REALIZE it was gonna be so big and she was LAUGHING 
I was embarrassed for months until finally I had this weird patch of emptiness on my wall and I was like “dammit I have the perfect thing” and now it just chills in my dorm, it’s my real life version of that “do it for her” Simpsons meme 
thank u anon for being interested ily  
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castle-dominion · 1 year
Legit recording with my phone pointed in selfie mode at the tv BC I can't screen capture but anyway
Fun intro
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xanaddams · 5 years
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Yes, we have castles here in New Orleans. But ours are a little different than the ones across the sea. Prints always available. 4x6's are $20 5x7's are $30 8x10's are $40 24x36's are $60 #cemetery #cemeteryphotography #cemetery_shots #nola #neworleans #mausoleum #crypt #nolalove #itsyournola #onetimeinnola #findyournola #shotonlg #shotonlgv40thinq #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #bwphotos #bwphotography #blackandwhite_photos #monotone #gothic #castle (at New Orleans, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mgQ4UJieI/?igshid=9efy1n1in2by
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threegoblinart · 1 year
Small Original Watercolor Landscapes. 4x6 (image size approx 3x5).
Just a few of our favorite places. Will be for sale July 21, 2023 at approx. 11 a.m. central time through KO-FI. $35 each +$5 flat shipping. First come, first serve. Cannot reserve. Commissions will be open in the near future.
More Small Paintings here.
Medium Paintings here.
Hobbit Collection:
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Moving Castle Collection:
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Prints of select work available on INPRNT
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bluenpinkcastle · 5 months
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20240507: the History of LEGO Castle day 128. 8777 Vladek Encounter (2004, 45 pieces, 23 different parts) The Vladek Encounter is the first in the Knights' Kingdom II subtheme and is a small catapult built on a black 4x6 plate with a light bluish gray, white, and black catapult mechanism. A black horse with a dark red horse helmet with dark red barding with silver print and a black scorpion is ridden by a knight wearing all black armor with a dark red lined print. There are two brand new minifigures in this set, and they represent an entire story focusing on these characters. -The first minifigure is Danju, with a dark purple full face visor on a dark purple helmet, a yellow minifigure head with light brown sideburns, mustache, goatee, and forehead "v", a plain dark purple torso with dark purple arms and light bluish gray hands, dark purple armor with a yellow geometric pattern, and dark purple legs with a light bluish gray belt. Danju carries a white rectangular shield with two purple howling wolves facing each other and a flat dark gold sword. This version of Danju is in 8777 Vladek Encounter and 8781 Castle of Morcia, as well as 31317 Save the Kingdom board game, while an updated version appears in 8876 Scorpion Prison Cave and 8877 Vladek's Dark Fortress, as well as 218066 Das Spiel (German), 218141 Le Jeu (French), and 218158 Knights Kingdom games. -The second minifigure is Vladek, with a black full face visor on a black helmet, a yellow minifigure head with black sideburns with white stripes, a small black forehead "v", black upside down "v" eyebrows, and black chin marks, a plain black torso with black arms and hands, black armor with a dark red geometric pattern, and black legs with a red belt. Vladek carries a red sword. This version of Vladek appears in 8777 Vladek Encounter, 8779 Grand Tournament, 8781 Castle of Morcia, 8800 Vladek's Siege Engine, and 851499 Chess, as well as 31317 Save the Kingdom board game, and an updated version appears in 8802 Dark Fortress Landing, 8876 Scorpion Prison Cave, and 8877 Vladek's Dark Fortress, as well as 218066 Das Spiel (German), 218141 Le Jeu (French), and 218158 Knights Kingdom games. Lord Vladek also shows up in 8823 Mistlands Tower. This set introduces light bluish gray in replacement of the light gray and dark bluish gray in replacement of the dark gray. All the minifigure pieces and accessories are new for this subtheme, as is the dark red horse barding, though this is the only set with this horse barding. The dark red horse helmet is found in five sets, 8777 Vladek Encounter, 8779 Grand Tournament, 8874 Battle Wagon, 851499 Chess, and 852001 Chess. The light bluish gray 1x2 dual-sided slope is only found in this set and 4856 Doc Ock's Hideout. Parts inventory for this set can be found on BrickLink or Rebrickable and a free download of the instructions is also available under the "Instructions" tab on Rebrickable. This set was designed by Hans Henrik Sidenius and more of their work can be found on BrickSet. This set also came with three trading cards, which are not included in this post.
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schweizercomics · 7 years
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Did some more two-page 4x6" spreads of some SW folks. I'm going to try to finish out the middles now that I've scanned them, make them into single pieces instead of these diptychs before I put the originals up on my store.
Still to do (maybe): Jyn & K2SO w/ Uwing, The REBELS crew w/ the Ghost, Rogue One Mrs Hudson and Mustache General w/ X-Wing, Terek and the marauders w/ castle and stumpy T-rex fishhead monster, Admiral Raddus and his big flagship.
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maplerosekisses · 7 years
So everyone knows the fanon trope about Lance having glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling as a kid right? So imagine, one night while they’re sitting by a window in the Castle, looking out at the real stars, Lance mentions this to Keith, and Keith laughs softly and says “Yeah, me too.”
See, the basic gist (it’s a little more complicated but this is the simple version) of my headcanons for Keith’s backstory is that he was “orphaned” (quotes because I’m not sure either of his parents are actually dead, and I definitely don’t think they both are) at around age 6-7, but my headcanon is that instead of going into the foster system, he lived with his paternal grandmother until he was about 12, and that’s where he met Shiro, because his parents lived next door and he would come home from the Garrison every summer, and Keith pretty much adored him instantly.
So Keith says, “Yeah, me too” and Lance looks at him curiously. So Keith explains, “The summer I met Shiro, a few days before he went back to the Garrison, he showed up at my house with a pack of those stars. We spent the afternoon standing on my bed and sticking them to the ceiling. I mean, not that I could reach even standing on the bed. He had to lift me up.” 
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out an old picture that was pretty obviously once a standard 4x6, but has been slightly unevenly cut to fit into a wallet. It’s of Shiro, barely 15 at most, standing on a small bed with a young Keith sitting on his shoulders, sticking a star to the ceiling. 
“He had that on his desk when he left for Kerberos. I started carrying it with me after…you know.”
So, years later, on a visit back to Earth, Lance and Keith buy a couple packs of cheap glow stars and bring them back to the castle. Shiro comes looking for them and finds the door to their room open. And with all the things he’s done and witnessed, Shiro never thought one of the greatest things he’d see would be two grown, twenty-something married men giggling like little kids and sticking shitty plastic stars to the ceiling of a fancy bedroom in a literal space castle, but as he snaps a quick picture and walks away, he has trouble coming up with much better.
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kayawagner · 6 years
The Dread House
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Publisher: Hammerdog Games
Explore a Dread House of Epic Proportions!
The crumbling manse sits atop a dark hill overlooking the medieval town of Sorenton. Once, Kaseh Tashmere was the shining home of a noble paladin, the bravest and brightest in all the land. But three decades ago it hosted a wedding of vast scale. Almost. Persephone Tashmere, daughter of the great Lord Jazef was to marry the young squire Julyan Flores and live together in bonded love. But on the eve of their wedding, a dark force entered the mansion and slaughtered them, their families, their guests, and their servants. Now, the halls of Kaseh Tashmere are haunted by their ghosts, forced to reenact the moment of their deaths – and the wedding that never was. Held in thrall by an evil spell, they wait for heroes brave enough to break the curse and free them from the torments of THE DREAD WEDDING.
The old Cardell house sits just outside the sleepy Pennsylvanian town of Middleburg. Magnificent in it’s day but abandoned by it’s former owners it has fallen into disrepair, and dark rumors abound of how that came to be. True or untrue, the mansion is now occupied by a caretaker couple known as the Dobbs, who have done their best to keep the place up for the past several years. Though considered harmless, Mrs. Dobbs has recently taken up some strange hobbies – and claims to have spoken to the spirits of those who once lived in the house. She has invited several people to a Seance at which she will prove her claim, and introduce them to a world BEYOND THE VEIL.
On the surface the contest seems like easy money – spend a night in a supposedly haunted house. If you can last until morning you will win the house. But if it’s so easy, why has nobody been able to do it in decades?  Why did a contestant die on the doorstep? Why has nobody ever been able to STAY THE NIGHT?
These and other ghost stories lie within the bounds of this dread book. Are you brave enough to read what’s inside? Are you brave enough to enter THE DREAD HOUSE?
  Step inside The Dread House
The Dread House is a sweet, full color book that contains
288 Pages of awesome haunted house goodness. Incredible maps. Cool art.
Cntent compatible with Pathfinder, 5th Edition, and Call of Cthulhu (7th ed).
2 campaigns, 19 adventures, and notes to help GMs and Keepers create the ghostly adventures they want.
Ghost Stories by Kevin Andrew Murphy and Richard Lee Byers that enhance the mood, background, and flavor of the two primary campaigns.
Adventures for low and mid level characters (PF/5E), and for Investigators of any experience level (CoC). Adventures are built to be easily scaled using Dread Ghost Stat Blocks (see below).
A detailed timeline of the house and the majority of adventures within it.
4 versions of haunted houses – castle size, mansion size, manor house, and shack.
The castle version (Kaseh Tashmere) and mansion version are presented as settings, with several adventure scenarios that “plug” into them.
The manor house and shack present one-shot adventures, and floorplans that Keepers and GMs can easily reuse.
A robust appendix with
The Dread Ghost, a new villain for creating custom ghost stories. Presented with stat blocks for 10 power levels for Pathfinder, 5E, and CoC so that GMs and Keepers can challenge groups of ANY level.
Optional rules for Fear, Sanity, and Soul Points/Soul Damage present flavorful ways for ghosts to harm characters.
A few monsters, spells, and magic items related to these rules.
What are you waiting for?
Immerse Yourself
Additional products are available to help players immerse themselves in the environment and ghost stories of The Dread House.
The Dread Wedding Lay - A music file containing a 16 minute piece of haunting music by thematic music masters Erdenstern.
The Dread House Floor Tiles - A PDF of printable floor tiles that allow you to build The Dread House one room or one floor at a time.
Screen Inserts - A PDF of printable 4x6 Inserts that fit The World's Greatest Screen (Mini).
Miniatures of key NPCs, gothic furniture, and other terrain pieces specifically for The Dread House can be found on the Hammerdog website.
You're not SCARED are you?
Price: $20.00 The Dread House published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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