#castle Episode veritas makes me insane
one day I'll do a video essay on castle and the pack mentality of the police force and how it so quickly is used as a weapon against its own and how good cops don't last and morality is subjective in the police anyway
that or write a horror story about it, one or the other
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coffeecup218 · 7 years
what are your top 3 castle episodes in each season?
Wow. That’s a question to start the morning.
Season 1
1. Of course, there’s the first episode right? It establishes their relationship, it’s their first meeting of sort. It’s wonderful to see Beckett’s annoyance grow as Castle’s fascination deepens. Not to mention the insane chemistry the two characters have, the attraction that is almost immediate. It’s hard not to love the episode the starts their epic love story.
I really enjoyed the second episode Nanny McDead. It really establishes what kind of parent Castle is and shows how much love he has for his daughter. As a kid, my mom worked 7 days a week and my father was often home with me, so it reminds me a bit of our relationship. Obviously, I’m much closer to my mother than Alxis is, but it’s a tender moment that awakens good memories for me.
Little Girl Lost is not necessarily the first episode where we see a glimpse of Beckett’s past, but it is the first person we meet that is in no way connected to the precinct that was an important part of Beckett’s life. It’s also kind of funny how jealous Castle gets.
Season 2 (keeping it shorter because I realized there’s 8 seasons)
The Double Down. Are you kidding me? Castle and the Boys’ continuous bet is so funny. And then Beckett getting in on it? Alose the case is pretty neat.
A Rose Forever After. It’s just nice to see that Castle has known a real love and has had his heart broken. It gives him more depth, assures us that he’s not just this womanizing rich writer.
Sucker Punch. it’s too painful just to remember it. Stana slayed that episode though.
Season 3 (asdfgh, why do you do this to me, there are so many)
3XK. I mean. ‘Nuff said.
Knockdown. I think it’s a pivotal episode in their relationship. Sure, we’ve seen Beckett acknowledge the fact that she enjoy working with Castle in Sucker Punch, and it’s heavily implied by the look she gives Esposito after he asked her when she knew who the killer was in A Deadly affair that she threw the bet so Castle could come back to the Twelfth to work with her. However, this episode starts off with Beckett’s declaring with conviction that Castle is someone she trusts. I remember my shock when I heard that and I remember thinking “Wow, they’ve come so far!”. Then, Beckett accepts him as a partner and I screamed a bit internally. Of course, there’s the kiss and the scene in the ambulance (which I’ve written about in the point of contact.
Knockout. Their confrontation scene makes my heart ache everytime.
Season 4 (can I say just the whole season?)
Cops & Robbers. “Because if you pull that trigger, I will walk through those doors and personally put a bullet through your skull.” The fierceness of her love for him shows beautifully in this moment. In this entire episode actually.
Kill Shot. It tackles issues that are not only real and organic for the character (that affects the character in a visceral way) but also a very real and important issue in real life. And the acting was stellar.
Always. It’s just a beautiful episode.
Season 5
Probable Cause. It’s the first real test to their relationship and in the end, Beckett trusted him more than the evidence she had at hand. It shows beautiful character progression. Also anything 3XK makes my heart beat faster and sweat gather on my forehead.
The Lives of Others. It’s just such a fun episode?
Still. She tells him I love you? What else could we ask for?
Season 6
Disciple. The look they share at the end? That chilled my bones faster than -30 degree celsius humid day in winter.
In the Belly of the Beast. Can I just mention how incredible Stana Katic was in that episode? In the end, they succeeded in showing how Beckett is unwilling to compromise her own values and morals no matter the importance of her assignment and the precariousness of her situation.
Veritas. It’s one of the most powerful moment of the show, it’s Beckett getting the closure she’s always sought.
Season 7
Time of our Lives. MY BABIES GOT MARRIED *screams*. It was intimate and it was them.
Ressurection/Reckoning (yes yes I cheated) . Kate Beckett doesn’t need to be saved. She saves herself. It’s also Castle’s own closure to this case that has haunted him since season 3.
Hollander’s wood. I mostly like this episode because of how fiercely Beckett defends the way she does her job and her partnership, her marriage with Castle. They are so secure in their relationship, so supportive of each other in the decisions they take for their respective careers, it just warms my heart.
Season 8.
Okay. So. Little confession. I haven’t really watched the whole of season 8. And I’m not a HUGE fan of Loksat as a “villain”. However, it’s more their separation that makes it hard to watch for me. It’s too much angst for me to handle.
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