hoperenae · 3 months
Turning Heads (a Haikyuu fanfic by hoperenae)
PART 21- Tokyo Training
Summer had finally arrived, and we were headed back to Tokyo for the summer training camp. Unlike a couple of weeks ago, we were at Shinzen this time, but all the same schools would be there. All of my teammates had been working on new moves since our last camp, and while I had been helping them, I hadn’t really come up with anything new for myself. This camp felt like the perfect opportunity to figure out what I could do that no one else could, what made me special.
“What’re you hoping to learn from the training camp, Arya-san?” Yacchi asked as the bus rolled on past cultivated fields. She was the new assistant manager for the team and a first-year like me. We had a couple of classes together, so when I heard she was considering joining the team, I encouraged her to give it a shot. And I was glad she did.
“I don’t really know,” I confessed. I guess I’m mostly just hoping I don’t get left behind while everyone else moves forward.” I smiled nervously.
“Oh, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that,” Yacchi said. “You’re super talented, so I’m sure you’ll come up with something awesome.” She grinned and I returned it.
Finally, we arrived at Shinzen High. We were the last team to arrive. As we entered the gymnasium, I couldn’t help but be in awe at the amount of talent in one room. This was going to be fun. Or so I thought…
Day one was rough, to put it mildly. Everyone felt really out of sync. It was like we were each a different part of a machine, but none of the parts were put in correctly, so the machine was malfunctioning. We had to do so many hill sprint penalties, I thought my lungs were going to burst. Once all the teams got over the fact that I was the only girl, they didn’t hold back against us. They had a little more trouble with my left-handedness, but after a few matches, I no longer felt like I had an edge. To top it all off, Hinata and Kageyama still weren’t on speaking terms from their big fight, so things were a bit tense. By the end of the first day, I was nearly ready to throw in the towel and call it a week.
Everyone stayed up late practicing their new moves. I helped Nishinoya by hitting some of his tosses, and I attempted to receive Asahi’s new jump serves. It felt like everyone was moving forward except me, and I was beginning to feel anxious and frustrated. I needed to grow, fast.
Day two was more of the same. More losses, more penalties, more frustration. The only saving grace was that, halfway through the day, the Fukurodani managers brought watermelon for everyone. I sat down on the hill next to Kenma from Nekoma who was fiddling with a handheld video game.
“What’s that you’re playing?” I asked Kenma through a mouthful of watermelon.
“Huh?” Kenma muttered, startled to find that I was indeed talking to him. “Oh, uh, it’s this new RPG called Castlemaster.”
“No way!” I exclaimed. “I’ve been wanting to buy that, but I don’t have any money, and my mom made me choose between that or new volleyball shoes.” I frowned and glanced down at my new shoes.
“Oh, yeah. It’s pretty fun.” Kenma said with a shrug. I scooted closer to him to watch over his shoulder, and his eyes grew wide at my sudden proximity.
“Ah, if it isn’t Karasuno’s girl,” a deep voice said. I glanced up to find Nekoma’s captain smiling at us with his hands on his hips.
“I prefer ‘Karasuno’s wing spiker,’ thanks,” I retorted with a sly grin.
He put his hands up in defense. “My apologies, I meant no offense.” He plopped down next to me and held out his hand. “I’m Kuroo.”
“Arya,” I said as I shook his hand. It was calloused and warm, and he had a firm handshake.
“You’ve got a pretty mean spike for a first-year,” Kuroo remarked. His legs were out long in front of him and crossed at the ankles, and his hands were behind him to prop himself up. He had an ease about him that made me feel comfortable.
“Thanks,” I grinned. “Seems like you had a little trouble adjusting to my lefty spikes.” I smirked and met his eyes. They were deep brown with flecks of gold. Kenma snickered beside me.
Kuroo leaned forward to glare at Kenma as a blush crept onto his cheeks. “I wasn’t having trouble. I was just preoccupied with making sure my teammates were ok. That’s the job of a captain, after all.”
“Mhmm ok, whatever you say.” I shrugged. Kenma snorted again.
“Kenma!” Kuroo scolded. I laughed and playfully punched Kuroo’s arm which made him smile coyly.
“Arya!” Daichi called from the entrance to the gymnasium. “We’re meeting real quick before the next matches start.”
“Yes, captain!” I called back with a salute. Kuroo released a big bellied laugh. “See you guys in there!” Kenma nodded without looking up from his game, and Kuroo gave me a smile and a wave. Even though they were technically my rivals, after the tough time I’d been having lately, I was happy to have made two new friends.
TAGLIST: @lemurzsquad @bokuroibi
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eroticartcollector · 7 days
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Lilith flies under the moon by Castlemaster
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Season one: Episode one: The Castlemaster
Felicity breathed in deep as she hit the sand, inhaling the salt breeze. It was nice to get away from her hectic family, even if she temporarily had traded them for a busy beach.
She set down her beach bag and stretched. She wasn't far away from Granveston Main Street, and with thirty bucks and four hours, Felicity was ready to enjoy her day.
Screaming interrupted her dash for the waves, and she slipped to a stop, ankle deep in the waters. At first, all she noticed was that people were screaming and running. Then she noticed the growing mound of sand behind them.
Felicity started to back away, thinking that she needed to get out of the area and help some other people, when the most horrifying thing about the sand monster revealed itself.
The monster, who was shaped like a young girl on a moving sand throne, raised a fist and launched a beam of sand at a running passerby, turning them into a sand sculpture. They were then washed away by the ocean.
Felicity took off running, her water shoes digging into the sand. She left the waterfront and rounded a corner, where she found a group of cowering people huddled in front of a building.
"Why don't you go inside?" She asked, out of breath and confused.
Someone pointed to the door. "It's abandoned, and locked."
Felicity walked over and checked the lock, then checked around. "I don't normally do this, but everyone stand back."
Felicity took a step back, then kicked the locked knob off the door with a jump. She rubbed the back of her heel as the group of people filtered inside.
"Well, that was an impressive use of destruction," a raspy voice said from behind her.
Felicity spun around, panicking. When she didn't see anything right away, she looked around in confusion.
"Come to the alley, slow poke!" The voice called.
Felicity hesitated. Then she proceeded with caution.
She wasn't expecting a floating cat holding a ring to be the one who'd been calling her.
<On the other side of the beach>
Diego Hart was not having a good day. First, his dad woke him up early on the last Saturday of the summer. Then, he was dragged out to the beach, where it was hot, scratchy, and all people did was scream and splash.
And then there was this monster thing.
That was unexpected, but also very inconvenient.
Or was it?
Diego had broken away from his family, equal parts intentionally and accidentally. He hadn't meant to separate, but when you get a chance to get away, well, he wasn't one to say no to fate.
Which put him here. Face to face with a large pinkish... bug? It was flying, so he guessed that was right, though he didn't see any wings.
"Hello, Chosen! I am Tikki, and I will be your Kwami and companion through this next stage of your life!"
"You're helping me get through my last two years of high school?" Diego asked, bewildered. "And what's with this 'Chosen' stuff? Being the chosen one never ends too well in books and movies."
The creature—the kwami—Tikki—blinked. "I chose you to wield my miraculous! The Miraculous of the Ladybug, of creation and healing!"
Diego scrunched his nose. "That sounds like a girl's power."
Tikki crossed her arms(fins???) and pouted. "There have been many male wielders of the Ladybug miraculous. You would be following a legacy, rich with creation and life, and it is not a 'girl's power'."
Diego shrugged. "Can I have an explanation for what exactly all this is?"
Tikki quickly explained the situation, the Miraculous, and his powers. She also told him he may have a partner.
"If Plagg found a suitable one, that is. The Black cat is a tricky one to hand out, and since we can't trust our Guardian.... Well, Plagg is in for some searching." Tikki turned back to him. "I was lucky to find you so quickly! Your use of the beach umbrella was very clever! I knew you were the one at that moment."
Diego felt his face heat up as he recalled the moment the kwami was speaking of. The monster, Castle Crasher, had almost caught up to him, so he had pulled a big beach umbrella out of the sand and used it as a shield. It wasn't something especially creative, but it had just made sense.
"That was just a use of resources," Diego attempted, but Tikki waved him off.
"We can't waste anymore time! Say 'spots on'!"
<With Felicity>
"Claws out?"
With a yelp and a flash of green light, Felicity was transformed into a black cat superheroine. As she examined her new look, she found that her hood covered all her hair, her mask covered all her recognizable features, and she could feel that she was more athletic than she already was.
"Wow," she breathed. A distant crashing brought her back to earth, and she slid her baton out from it's place on her thigh. Guided by a deep instinct, she swiped her thumb across the surface, and it opened like a slide phone.
Another swipe, and it closed. Her fingers found a button, and pushed it. She let out a yelp as it extended and speedily carried her upwards.
"S-stop!" she cried. The baton-staff thing stopped at her cry. She clung to the pole, trying to catch her breath, half wondering how the staff was balancing on it’s tiny surface.
The ground shook, and the staff fell forward. It hit a roof, and Felicity managed to roll forward on impact and get to her feet instantly.
Diego skeptically examined the dark red magic fabric that now covered his arms.
“I guess it’s plenty tough,” he muttered. Then he pulled out his… weapon. “A yoyo…. I’ve never even touched one of these before… How does it work?”
He tentatively dropped the yoyo down and swung it back and forth a bit. As he got more comfortable with it, it felt more and more natural, and he executed more and more complicated maneuvers with the yoyo.
At the height of the activity, he threw the yoyo forward. When it wrapped around a building ornament and pulled him forward, he was jerked out of his reverie, and he realized just how absurd his situation was.
Felicity looked up from trying to track down the villain to see a red and black speck in the sky. She narrowed her eyes to see it was getting bigger. It was only when she heard a voice yelling “I’ve been kidnapped by a yoyo!” did she think maybe she should move.
She came to her conclusion too late, unfortunately, and before she could make a move, she was crushed under a warm, red and black weight.
She pushed against the weight, unable to get a good look thanks to her hood. “Is this some part of the akuma’s powers? Because it’s dumb. Stupid sky debris.”
“I’m not dumb!”
Felicity’s eyes widened at the sound of a fellow teenager. A male one, specifically. With a burst of strength she hadn’t possessed before, she kicked him off and jumped to her feet.
Diego clutched his stomach, reeling from not just one, but two sudden impacts in thirty seconds. He finally peeled apart his eyes to see the cause of the second impact, or rather, who had so forcefully kicked him off.
He got it, it was rude to lay on top of people, but he hadn’t meant to!
He looked her over. On the small end of the average spectrum, or the large side of the petite spectrum, wearing a black suit with a hood over her head, white, and very angry. Or scared. He wasn’t sure which.
“Is there a word for someone both angry and scared?” he wondered, only realizing too late that he’d said it out loud. “I mean--! Uh…. You must be the Black Cat! Tikki told me about… your kwami, I guess. Are we allowed to talk about the kwamis?”
The cat let her guard down, just a little bit. “Plagg didn’t say anything about it. He didn’t tell me about another wielder, though. Who are you?”
He mentally stopped in his tracks.
Don’t say Diego, don’t say Diego, don’t say Diego!
“I’d prefer to go by Escarabajo, if that’s okay.”
“Ah, I figured you were Latino.”
Diego pouted. “I thought I masked it well….”
The cat looked at him. “It’s… a work in progress, Escarabajo.” She turned as a rumble went through the building. “Focus on the akuma, we’ll talk later.”
She took off on her staff, and Diego—no, Escarabajo—followed.
As long as no one asks me for a name, I’ll be perfect. If I’m given one, that’s different, but I won’t pick one for myself.
She stopped on top of a street lamp, marveling at the ease that she now balanced with. She scanned the streets, pointing out the street that had many sand figures.
“That’s where we need to go, Escarabajo.” She said, turning to see him hanging upside down, looking rather surprised by his new predicament.
He looked at her, his eyes wide. “I could be Spider-man….”
Felicity harrumphed and crossed her arms. “I’m no Mary Jane.”
In his haste to explain as quickly as possible that that wasn’t what he meant when he said that, he’d let go of the yoyo, and fell. Luckily he managed to land on his feet.
“Ow...” When he looked up again, the cat was offering a hand up, though she looked rather exasperated.
“Come on, you can play around later. Let’s deal with the sand castle monster.”
Escarabajo stood up and followed after her.
Following the sound of screaming and a trail of sandy figures, Escarabajo and the feline girl beside him soon caught up to the monster. The girl looked to him, and it slowly dawned on him that she was looking for him to direct her. He hastily thought out a plan and whispered it out to her.
“Can you sneak up on the monster? Tikki says there should be an object that, essentially, controls them and their powers. If we destroy it and capture the nasty butterfly--” Here he made a vague questioning noise before continuing “--We should be able to stop it. I’ll have to purify it. Haven’t quite figured out how.”
The Cat looked at him, her eyes narrowed. “Well, read your manual then. I’m gonna go find the object. I’d bet my tail it’s either the bucket or the shovel.” She leaped away, and Escarabajo nodded absently.
In light of her words, he took the yoyo off his belt, and thumbed it open. As if Tikki had overheard, which she probably had, the user’s manual was highlighted. As he skimmed over the most pertinent sections, he kept an eye on the Cat.
Felicity snuck up on the villain just fine. She had quietly jumped from one building to the next, to a streetlamp, to the ground, all without any real noise.
The catch was when, despite her best efforts, she disturbed the very edge of the sand. And that alerted the akuma to her presence.
As the akuma stilled, Felicity attempted something she’d never done before but had full confidence she could pull off in the suit. She did a back flip on to a small billboard, and jumped behind it. She held her breath as the villain rumbled closer and closer. The villain missed her by a hair, and continued on it’s rampage.
Felicity kicked into gear. Plagg had said that because of her age, she could use her special power three times, and she knew exactly what to use it on.
She ran parallel to the villain before leaping forward. “Cataclysm!”
She broke the chains holding up a large sign, causing it to fall down and cut off the path the villain was taking. She repeated the process two more times, then dove out of the way, waiting for Escarabajo to do his thing.
She peeked up, and spotted the shovel and pail. She risked glancing behind the villain, and saw Escarabajo coming up behind. She crouched down farther, waiting for the right time.
Escarabajo had watched the Cat’s movements with awe. She was so fluid and confident looking. He noticed, of course, the tenseness she held whenever she was a misstep from being turned to a sand pile, but the grace with which she threaded around the villain was astounding.
Then Diego reminded himself that he was graceful, too. One of the most graceful in his gymnastics class.
“Yeah, it’s just another gym class,” he muttered before jumping into action.
He swung on his yoyo, catching up to the Cat. He saw her trap the villain on three sides, then dive for cover. He threw his yoyo in the air as he got closer, yelling, “Lucky Charm!”
He grabbed the tiny box out of midair and kept running. He glanced around the area, and spotted a few items he thought he could use. He quickly grabbed a red can and a fallen branch with his yoyo. He slipped behind an advertising sign, and took a moment to look at the box in his hand, just to double check.
Yep. Matches.
He poured the liquid over the stick in his hand, and threw both the stick and the box over to where the Cat was, keeping a few matches for himself. He hoisted the can up, then swung forward. As he swung behind the villain, he poured the liquid out of the can, creating a line of gasoline behind the villain.
Then he struck and dropped the matches he was holding.
Felicity felt the air heat up, and knew she only had a short window. She struck the match, lit the branch, and jumped out of hiding. She swung the branch like a sword, cutting off the sand holding the shovel and pail.
She threw the pail to Escarabajo, and stomped on the shovel. Escarabajo threw his yoyo through the bucket, bursting straight through the bottom before pulling back.
Then he opened up his yoyo, and swung it at the black butterfly that left the broken bucket. The yoyo closed automatically over the insect, and Escarabjo brought it back to him.
He gently pushed the center dot on the yoyo.
<Diego> He watched the butterfly fly out, purified to a bright white. He speaks without even thinking.
“Bye, bye, little butterfly.”
Then he takes the empty matchbox that the Cat offers him, and throws it up into the air, yelling out the curing spell.
As magic ladybugs zip through the city, the Cat heroine walks up beside him, attentive and curious.
“So that’s how we avoid legal trouble. Nice.”
Escarabajo had to take that in, then he glanced at her. “I guess. It’s pretty and convenient.”
She snorted. “Well, was pretty decent working with you. See you around.” She made to leave, but Escarabajo shouted after her.
“Wait! What’s your name?”
She shrugged. “What do you want it to be?”
At his stunned expression, she turned around and leapt away.
Hearing the beeping coming from the studs attached to his wrists, Escarabajo followed her example, swinging up and running across rooftops before people came out to investigate. He made it to the beach and ducked behind the portable toilets before being blinded by pink light, and returning to his normal self.
Tikki flew out of the studs and into his hands. “You did a good job,” she whispered to him. “Now, I need someplace to hide.”
Diego offered her his beach bag.
Tikki hidden, and his Miraculous secured safely on a lanyard, Diego quickly returned to his family.
Felicity whispered “Claws in” not too far from where she’d cried “Claws out”. Despite not being tired at all, she decided to go home. After all, she could only be gone for so long after something like that before her parents found out and flipped.
Plus she had to get ready for school on Monday, and that was gonna be a pain.
<Chapter Fin>
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