#castlevaina x reader
lovelybrooke · 3 months
Yandere Castlevaina x reader Concept Pt.2
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read this post for some most context. I'm changing how Alucard is found a bit, but it's nothing major, I just didn't want to have to write a big fight scene. Sorry.
Life without the Tepes's was fine, for the most part. It was tiring, working on your own, you've started to take up sewing, creating beautiful fabrics and even some clothing just to make money. It wasn't anything great, but it was enough to survive. Though, living away from society, in hiding, proved to be harder than you thought. You didn't interact with people as much as you probably should, and a small part of you started to miss the Tepes. 
The only time you went into town was to sell your clothing. The closest town was Gresit, which due to the ever growing presence of monsters was not all that easy to get to. Living away from people, you never knew where these creatures came from, or why they never showed up around your small home, but thinking about it too long put a knot in your stomach. 
Eventually, you had to get food, you were running low on supplies and wasn't going to last long, so you made the trek into town during the morning to avoid any monsters. Finally reaching Gresit you realized how downtrodden it was, barricades, dead bodies, injured lying in the street. It was hard to ignore it all, and it was even harder to ignore the strange man stalking around the market. He was tall, even while hunched slightly, and there was a strange sense of familiarity to him, especially when he looked you in the eyes, his stern scowl becoming shock in a split second. 
The awkwardness caused you to avoid him at all cost, and as the sun slowly set and your shopping came to an end, you counted out the coins needed for a room, leaning against one of the only non bloody walls as said man grabbed your wrist before you could leave, causing your coins to drop on the floor. "(Y/n)..." He whispered, stinking of bear and clearly drunk "Is it really you?" You squinted at the man, desperation all over him. You slowly nodded, which made him let out a sigh of relief, the hold on your wrist lessening slightly, but still present. "Do you remember me, Trevor, your brother?" 
You almost choked, "I-I don't have a brother, you must think I'm someone else." You say, prying your arm away and picking up your coins. 
"I'm not mistaken" His rough voice was back again "I know it's you--why don't you remember?!" He sounded almost angry, which caused you to back away slightly. He was slurring his words, stumbling slightly. 
"Look sir, you're drunk--" You sighed as he followed you towards the inn "you should get a room, sleep it off." He doesn't listen, grumbling something inaudible. You knew it would be bad to leave him alone for the night, so you bought a room for the night, one right next to you so he wouldn't wander off. You spend the night awake, afraid of what might happen to you if you fall asleep. The sun eventually rises, and you're alive once more. 
In the morning, the man, Trevor, was extremely hungover, but still very adamant that you were his sibling. He didn't try to explain anything to you though, which made you even more frustrated. "Look--I need to go find some speakers daughter or something, come with me, you'd be safer than if you'd stay here." It didn't sound like a question, more like a demand, so you obliged, following him into the tunnels below the city which this supposed speaker got lost in. 
The tunnels were dark, hard to navigate without the help of Trevor, who wouldn't leave you alone despite his aversion to him. As you crept deeper and deep into the tunnel, you began to hear stomping, growling, and something that put a pit in your stomach. Trevor pushed you behind him, advising you to stay behind one of the many pillars. The way Trevor fought was a stark contrast to the bumbling man you knew yesterday. It was amazing, but you couldn't watch it for long as you were too busy staying alive. 
Eventually, the monster was dead, and you were safe. As you calmed yourself down, you were able to spot multiple statues, very lifelike, that all slowly began to glow as the monster died. In front of you, a woman slowly turned from stone and fell to her feet. You and Trevor walked up to her, both learning that she was the speakers daughter, Seypha, who was looking for a "sleeping warrior" in these tunnels. Even after confronting the monster, she was still devoted to finding him, refusing to leave until she explored more, so you both relented, hoping to keep her alive. 
The tunnels slowly turned from wet and stony walls to metal and cogs as you traveled even deeper. Sypha was amazed by it, while you were terrified, reminding you of something you didn't want to remember. The deeper you went, the more hostile the architecture became, having to stay near the two in order not to be crushed by anything. Eventually you reached the end, a large pedestal with a coffin on top, vials of blood being pumped into it. At this point, your breathing was heavy, shaking as you backed away from the coffin, watching as it slowly opened, a familiar face rising out of it. 
Adrian slowly lowered onto the ground, standing before you all. He looked the same, which made sense for him, but the only difference was the large scar across his chest. You couldn't pay attention however, panic coursing through your veins as Trevor confronted him. The world was spinning, and you could faintly hear someone calling for you before you passed out. 
When you awoke, Adrian was kneeling next to you. You were placed on a few blankets in an old, run down house. He was staring at the ground, only moving once you did. He didn't speak for a while, nor did you, until a few seconds passed. "Why did you leave?" He asked, causing you to scoff. 
"You know why I did." You sighed. "I-I just felt suffocated." You whispered, but you were sure he heard you. 
His expression didn't change much, but you could almost see something sad in his eyes. "Father and mother are doing this because of you." He dropped that on you, causing your heart to drop. 
"What do you mean?" 
"They thought you died. They couldn't find you. I couldn't find you." He answered, quieting as she heard the sound of Sypha and Trevor arguing in the distance. "We are going to confront them, you'll come with us, maybe that will fix the damage you caused." His voice was devoid of malice, but it didn't make his words hurt less. Ignoring his silence, he took your hands and pulled you up from your makeshift bed, dragging you towards the others. 
This was all your fault, the deaths, the fear, the horrors, it was all because of you. You were selfish, and you left something that was good for you, and now people are suffering because of it. You keep repeating what Adrian said over and over, "(Y/n)...are you okay?" You heard Trevor ask, causing you to nod your head. 
"Yeah--let's just get going."
A/n: This would've been too long if I included everything so feel free to ask any question that you have.
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amazing-imagines · 5 years
You are a blessing historynut you give me the best ideas!!!!!!
Poly relationship with Dracula and Lisa
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Let me tell you something!!!
The smartest too
You get sick? BAM,took care of
You are not allowed to be sad in there presence!
They will comfort you
Lisa loves learning new things with you,so she forces you to stay cooped up in the lab with her
She likes to test you, if you get a question right you get a smooch
Get a question wrong to you get a poke
It’s a win win
Dracula is more of the cuddle me right now type
He’s a very happy man when he’s with you and Lisa
(Okay sad stuff but,Lisa somehow being saved from death,being turned into a vampire and Dracula not knowing for a bit)
When Lisa came back of course you two where shocked but,As soon as the crying stopped you where just so happy she was ok
It wasn’t ever exactly the same as before,But you had Lisa back
And god knows how protective Dracula was to you! You where still human,and he didn’t want anyone to know you even where alive
Lisa has to convince him not to keep you with him at all times
She’s worried about you too thou,she didn’t want to but she was gonna make sure you where safe too
So after all three of you talked,the best course was to turn you
After all of this they couldn’t risk losing you too
It kinda felt better after that,Dracula showed you how to use your cool new powers!
And both of them still love you and each other so much
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Me:*stands in front of Dracula's entire council* Vlad Dracula Tepes is a simple man
Dracula council:😐
Vlad: 😐
Me: 😗 He has simple wants
Dracula council: 🤔
Me:😇 wants such as a smol human wife who he can protect 😈
Vlad: 😑
Me: and fill with his seed every night. 😌
Vlad: 😔😧😧 *carries me away from any form of sentient life* we've spoke about this.
Me: are you ashamed of our love making? 😟
Vlad:*points to the corner*
I'm really fucking pissed that I have to write this damn thing again. But anyways here more Vlad juice y'all.~ ash
@missetherealexistence @starsgoodforthesoul @meloncholor @leona-kaiba
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mamaeldritch · 5 years
Pillow “Vladcard x Reader Drabble
Back at it again with a short fic about a big beefy vampy daddy. feat. Google Translate Romanian. I hope you enjoy!
Words: 170 ish💮
The smell of rain stumbled through your window as you lay in bed. A book in hand and an arm around your waist. Your husband Vlad had his face buried in your hair. His large hand rubbing your soft tummy “Comfortable, Vlad?” You ask. “ Da, Dragâ” he grumbled half asleep “You’re so soft, ingerul meu.” “Like a warm pillow.” You blush at his words. You had never really thought of yourself as beautiful until you had met Vlad. Vlad had helped you believe that you were truly beautiful and to have confidence in yourself. “ Yea, ok Vlad.” You say, sarcasm dripping from your voice. He Continued to nuzzle into your hair while rubbing your tummy. “You are.” You final put your book down, sleep pulling you. Or maybe your husband was. Turning the lights off and snuggling in the warm blankets, Vlads big arms around you, your feel comfortable, content, and happy.
“Goodnight, Vlad”
“Goodnight, Pillow”
“You’re such a shit”
“I know, te iubesc Y/N”
“I love you too, Vlad ”
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amazing-imagines · 5 years
Hi😊 csn I request a Dracula x wife reader hcs? Nsfw or sfw depending on what you do. Thanks ❤️
I tend to do both! But I’m bad with men so I’m gonna do sfw
Dracula x his wife headcanons
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(Kay I’m gonna day this is after the war and Dracula just didn’t die?)
(And that you him and Lisa used to date??? Because that’s cute)
Honest let’s face it
After what happen to Lisa he can’t let that happen to you too
He enjoys reading with you
And traveling
Going all around the world and seeing new things
By feet now because the castle is broken
He turned you almost right away when Lisa died
He didn’t want the same to happen to you
He loves you too much for that like I said
He likes to make you fancy dinners
Along with blood too you know
All around hopeless romantic
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amazing-imagines · 5 years
hey hey, you know what we need? fluff. gimme headcanons of reader, dracula, and lisa raising alucard together
You are gd right we do!!!
Raising Alucard with Dracula and Lisa
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First of all, Alucard ages fast so get ready for that
But when he was first born he was such a cute baby,and a bit of a handful
Listen,I bet you vampire babies are hyper as shit and they fucking climb walls and stuff
But you’re used to that by now with Dracula
Listen,Alucard clinged to you and Lisa
He loves you two so much
Since you’re most likely still human, so you get to go with Lisa an Alucard to play outside and to markets
You also get to take care of Alucard when Dracula and Lisa are both busy, you get your fair share of bonding time with him.
You tell him lots of fun stories, ones of adventures you've had or read about, or ones you make up on the go. He loves them.
You watched as he learned to sword fight and almost had a heart attack because that's your SON playing with SHARP MAGICAL WEAPONS. He does a great job though.
He likely helps you in your and Lisa's garden as he gets older. Because lets be real, you guys have a huge garden.
Hey you know that picture that has Alucard,Dracula, and Lisa in it when he was a baby? If you’re a artist,you probs made a lot of pictures like that
Dracula would beg you to be in one and you can’t convince me other wise
Sometimes when Alucard was small,He would lay down with you guys in bed while you where all snuggling and it was super adorable
And he does call you dad/mom/ren and thats just the fucking tea
All together a happy little family!
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amazing-imagines · 5 years
Alucard Castlevania with a sweet, chubby gf?
Ooooo I got this one!!!
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Alucard with a sweet chubby Gf
Like listen he’s a brooding boy but he adores you
He loves how sweet you are to him compared to everyone else
How you see him as more then the son or Opposite of Dracula
You see him for him
He likes to sit with you at night In a flower field and braid flowers in your hair
He does it really fast,mostly because Lisa taught him how to braid like a champ
Sometimes when he’s really sad he lays down with you holding you close and staring into the sky
He tells you how much you mean to him
And kisses you softly
He’s very protective of you
He can’t bare to lose you too
He’s always protecting you
He calls you princess a lot
Mostly because you are his princess!!!!
He likes to get you nice beautiful dresses and help you dress in them
And show you off when ever he can to everybody
He loves you so much
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amazing-imagines · 5 years
I absolutely adore you Castlevania headcannons, and all you other headcannons as well. May I get some headcannons for Alucard with a trans male S/O who's super outgoing, adventurous, and just an overall ball of energy?
OF COURSE! Let’s do this boo!
Alucard x trans man S/O who’d adventurous and high Energy!
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It’s so cute how you’re ready for anything and everything
“We are going out to get you food”
Like he’s just amazed at how energetic you are
It makes him laugh
He likes to call you prince a lot,He loves using royal nicknames
If you have dysphoria he will do anything in his power to comfort and support you
Blankets and cute animals galore my friend
He will ask if you want to talk about it and if you don’t he will just snuggle you
He likes to look at the stars with you
Telling you what Constellations mean,the history behind it
Just all kinds of facts you wouldn’t expect anyone to know
Sypha and Trevor visit you two every once in a while
Trevor will tease about how alucard has gotten a soft spot
And Sypha thinks you two are cute,asked when is the wedding
All around. He loves you so much.
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amazing-imagines · 5 years
Sypha Belnades x Fem s/o
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look she’s a abosulute sweetie
We know she’s hard on Trevor but that’s because he is a rude man and even thou we Stan he’s a rude and naughty boi
She loves you sooo much!!!
I think she would talk your head off about magic and books,telling you a bunch of things she’s learnt since traveling without the speakers
She will show you jokey spells like making someone into a egg
And the flirty spells too~
She’s a fun girlfriend
And a very cuddly
She sometimes begs you to lay down with her just for a second
And a second turns into a hour
And you two fell asleep
Fucking adorable
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