#cat: :DDDDDD
whyoneartheven · 11 months
☆ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it's time to spread positivity! you make me happy! <33
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Have some old botw link doodles I did on my phone!!!!
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weirdlyeldritch · 11 months
Sona thingy [ YAYYY ]
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Finally finished this weird info card for my sona took way longer than it should of lol
Im gonna be using them a lot in place of me so I wanna make this to establish this Lil funky thing and no they aren't a furry they are made of ink and bones
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lostjulys · 2 years
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spacerangersam · 9 months
:DDDDDD we're going to visit my (potential) future cat today!!!!!
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Flight Of The Defender"
We go for a fly and a ride, and the ancient guardians of Lothal awaken.
Live reaction version.
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We're revisiting allll the familiar locations this season aren't we?
The bright bouncy tones of the opening cue and this particular area of Lothal still looking relatively pristine and untouched are bit of a mood whiplash from last episode. (But then of course the Empire can't have mining crawlers getting too close to its landing strips, the smoke would interfere with pilots' visuals.)
It's vaguely implied that Ezra connects with these Loth-cats, possibly even calls them? They're immediately eager to help when the Rebels need a distraction and it's definitely possible they read Ezra's intentions and were like, "HELP FRIEND."
"The Empire has been fortifying their anti-aircraft defenses." Ha ha yeah you run afoul of those later don't you?
"And there are some new fuel tanks near the factory." *SOBS ENDLESSLY*
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This contrast is immediately horrible. "Zero Hour" was three weeks from the start of this season. "In The Name Of The Rebellion" a couple days out from their victory at Mandalore. It's not clear how much time elapsed between then and "The Occupation" but it can't have been too long, Ezra was already agitated about Lothal after parting with Saw and his words still seem fresh on his mind in "The Occupation". (And as a side comment, I love how deeply connected to Lothal Ezra is, that he could sense the danger Ryder's group was in across that distance.)
This complete burnishing of the grasslands happened within a few weeks to a couple months.
I noted in my original liveblog that Ezra uses "Phoenix 6" randomly here, instead of the usual "Spectre 6", that Hera also calls him. I'm still confused about if that was a mistake or not or if they use the callsigns interchangeably.
I cannot emphasize enough how well they portray the TIE Defender Elite here. It is so fast, so maneuverable, they manage to make it move like a fighter jet. It never looks clunky or unwieldy, just sleek and quick and able to turn seamlessly on a dime.
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And predictably my ship will be spending a lot of quality time together this episode, as Ezra immediately assigns himself to come with Sabine onto the dangerous Imperial-filled airstrip. <3
Yeah no I think Ezra definitely connected with the Loth-cats prior to this and they decided they liked him enough to volunteer. He didn't specifically call them or influence them but I like the idea that he's just... open enough in the Force to them right now, so connected to Lothal itself, that they became his allies anyway.
Possibly it was this general openness that called the Loth-wolf to him too.
Anyway, let this be a lesson to never antagonize the cats. Or any of the local wildlife for that matter.
Snippets of the Imperial March as the shuttle sets down, and then a couple blaring notes recalling "Thrawn's Web". Something interesting musically I've touched upon in my commentary but I'm reminded of again hearing this: Thrawn is nearly always musically represented in the score with organs. The organ is an instrument we basically never hear in the Rebels score until Thrawn enters the picture, so any time you hear the hint of an organ note, you can immediately recognize Thrawn's presence.
Aaaaaand there's "Thrawn's Web" playing out more fully.
There's an interesting chime here that plays when the wolf first catches Ezra's eye, it's overlaid by strings and synths and the little vertigo effect the camera uses on Ezra and the way the music abruptly cuts out when Ezra's discovered almost makes it seem like the wolf drew him into some kind of brief trance.
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My son just rolls with it, decides to absolutely embrace the chaos he's capable of generating, love it.
"Well Ezra, you certainly got their attention." "I'M GLAD THIS IS WORKING FOR YOU!" I laugh every time I swear, lololol.
I remarked on it before but this is a lovely use of the environment. I love when action setpieces do that. This whole sequence is just such a lovely demonstration of Ezra's skill and competence. <3
And the little shit has the audacity to casually "Hey!" Thrawn, I love him so much.
Ooof with how Ezra ordered Zeb and Ryder to leave with the info and how he told Sabine to get out I think he may have possibly been planning some kind of Jedi self-sacrifice? In which case ow my heart.
This bit here where Thrawn stands unflinchingly in front of the oncoming TIE Defender is a visual reference to a shot from the movie Patton I'm pretty sure. Fitting, as it's German general Erwin Rommel, who clashed with the titular General Patton in the WWII theater, that was one of the inspirations behind Thrawn.
Aaaaaand there's Thrawn sacrificing pilots to prove a point again. Ngl, he's one of the better Imperial commanders to work under but you still get a raw deal if you're too low-ranking, the man will throw you like a meat shield at his enemy to test their mettle and be completely unconcerned when you die.
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Ezra: *tells Sabine to hang on*
Sabine: *literally clings to the back of his chair*
Also, do note the sonic boom. The Defender Elite is supersonic.
Oh, this shot where the Defender just threads the gap between two stone pillars? *chef's kiss*
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Even Ezra looks a little stunned by how maneuverable the thing is.
Think I noted it before but Sabine sounds really stressed about the kill switch. 'course she experienced it firsthand.
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Their banter this episode is amazing I love it.
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Hera looks really worried here. Given that her two youngest Spectres were (essentially) kidnapped and taken off into the unknown by Saw just recently maybe it's warranted.
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Yeah uh, y'all were never going to make it far enough away from the crash site lugging that thing. Hiding it was a way better plan.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The mist drifting over the ground here.
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Sabine not seeing the Loth-cat we can maybe chalk up to her just not seeing it, because unlike the wolf the cat is definitely an animal that normies can see. (Ryder in "Legacy", for example.)
Another semi-random musical score note: Snare drums are used primarily for the Empire, probably owing to their usage in militaries and marching bands. Hear a snare drum in the score? Audio shorthand for the Empire.
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"Ezra and Sabine have each other. They'll find their way home." Kanan says, to comfort a worrying Hera, and I awwww.
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Ezra continually getting distracted by the Loth-wolf reminds me of how his attention kept drifting with the purrgil.
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Sabine's barely able to help him keep focused lol.
Of course Sabine remembers the wolves from the artwork of them, ha ha.
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The Loth-wolves as a concept are pretty basic but also not quite fully explained. We know they're guardians over Lothal and strongly connected to the Force, motivated to protect it from the Empire in general and Palpatine's machinations with the WBW in particular. But the show also kind of just lets them... do things and doesn't explain them.
Like I'm still not entirely clear on why this wolf had to knock Sabine out with a sleep suggestion. Is it that they're not quite ready to reveal themselves to the mortals yet?
Despite doing so literally the next day?
IDK whatever the motivation it did provide me with these lovely bits:
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The fearful warble in his voice when he asks, "What did you do to her?!" How he reaches for his lightsaber and doesn't let go of it until the cat appears and the wolf clearly shows it's aligned with it through the little ear wiggles.
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How even though the wolf has tentatively gained his trust he's still all *anxious noises* about it handling her. (Watch how many times he looks back and forth from the wolf to Sabine.)
And they way he is so gentle and careful with Sabine, handling her so tenderly this whole ride.
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There's something kind of Miyezakian about this cue in the score, it sounds reminiscent of the theme from Princess Mononoke. (Which I'm pretty sure must have imprinted on Filoni as a wee mini young'un to inspire his lifelong wolf obsession.)
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*side eyes the writers*
*whispers* If no supposed to ship... *gestures inarticulately*
Kanan believes Ezra about the wolf though, even if he gets all weird and cryptic about it. Frankly I think the "All paths are coming together now." line maaaaay have just been inserted in this scene for trailer purposes lol. It does seem a little out of place.
Another solid entry. The animation is beautiful, the fur on the Loth-wolf is a vast technical improvement from the wookies all the way back in the pilot, with several individual tufts and segments operating independently to move more naturally around the animal's body. The design is basic, just a normal wolf shape with the tooka chicken feet and scaley foreheads, but solid.
Thrawn remains unflappably intimidating. Pryce continues to prove the more hotheaded of the two, which will come back to bite her hard this season.
Aaaaaaaand of course Ezra and Sabine have the most adorable interactions this episode. From the sharply-written banter to their genuine concern for each other, to Ezra's absolutely tender cradling her for the duration of the midnight wolf ride. I was spoiled and I enjoyed it, sue me.
I do maybe wish we could have had a bit more explanation behind the Loth-wolves instead of having them be mysterious for the sake mystery but that's about it.
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l3ominor · 9 days
Behold: the silly-goofiest picture of my dog ive taken today
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Hes trying to get my chips
:DDDDDD DOGGO! hfhdhfhf that's so cute :3 I love the doggo so much
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Here's my cat :3
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buthearmeouttho · 9 months
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pinksilvace · 9 months
Cats headcannons? But as a special fun twist, specifically about the kittens :))
In a modern human au, pouncival would be an Epic Gamer tween and tumblebrutus would be a vape pen tween. They're insufferable. I love them
Electra 100% sees Munkustrap as a familial figure. I've seen some folks paint it as a sibling relationship w/ age gap, but I like to think she looks at him and thinks, "Dad!!! :D" and looks at Old Deut like, "GRANDPA!!! :DDDDDD"
Victoria's favorite of the older cats is Jennyanydots, and consequently or coincidentally, Victoria is the only kitten that Jenny never scolds
Etcetera gets into just as much trouble as Tumble and Pounce, but she's worse at being quiet about it so the other cats take pity on her :')
Jem was technically taken in by Demeter or Bombalurina but she actually really enjoys spending time with Coricopat and Tantomile and isn't nearly as put off by them as most of the other cats (she is physically incapable of judging others based on their affects or appearances your honor)
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I'm baaaaack from my week long dead-ness!
Yeah. Exams are mean.
But I'm free now for summer
Before I begin I shall note: all the boards on this post are fem-leaning boards.
Do with that what you will. Maybe comment some ideas for more masc boards :)
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Today's theme: Were doing our main pup girls! Cause girl pup power!
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This puppy's gotta fly!!! I had such fun finding all the unique skye merch for this. She's such a cute character :))))
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Ice or snow I'm ready to go!! I tried theming everest's board with some more cold/wintery things. As solo everest merch is a pain to find :(
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Rescue is my middle name! Liberty my girllllll!!!! Love her and this board so much!!
We got some more boards on the way, cat related characters.
(and the cat pack if I can actually find merch of them. Plz spin master more merch I need merch of wild-)
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angyfroggie · 6 months
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happy birthday!!
Thank you!!!!!! :DDDDDD love da cat
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woolmasterleel · 1 year
Okay now for the ask game! 2, 3, 7, 10, 11 for Galvarium, Pandora, and Romirr, and G for you? ^^
Ohhhhhhhh thank you!! The original trio.......
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Galvarium: Oh so easy, she finds a lot of things funny! She might also laugh in a mocking (??) way... but if you show her a silly cat photo, for example, she will genuinely laugh!
Pandora: A little difficult??? Especially if she's working... get her on a good day and she'll display some joy (❁´◡`❁)
Romirr: Really really easy... he's one of those guys that are always smiling sweetly (if that makes any sense), if you tell him a joke, he will laugh.. because he wants you to like him, he wants everyone to like him!
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Galvarium: Doesn't sleep, but if Pandora is resting she will rest with her! So she usually just lets her brain go blank and lays there.
Pandora: When she was human, she would always read or write before bed! As an LAE, she still needs sleep... and she still always reads before sleeping!
Romirr: He has such a routine. He gets his bath, puts up his hair properly so it doesn't get too messy overnight, sits outside overlooking the main area of his kingdom, then sits in bed and makes plans for the next day before sleeping.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Oh hmmmmm I had to think about this one..
Galvarium: Probably visiting Austera! The town was build around the area where Pandora first encountered her, the gate is in the exact place where Galvarium was able to see the human world. She for sure loves the feeling, even if she was still learning emotions then, now she appreciates that moment very very much!
Pandora: She feels the same way about Austera, so to shake it up... Visiting the ruins of Coldera- definitely not a good feeling. It only reminds her of Romirr and all the other hell she endured.
Romirr: Visiting Pandora's room after she leaves makes him feel awful. Later on, when he's Mirror, any time he visits Coldera, he reflects (haha) on when he was human and it makes him feel. And he doesn't like that at all.
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
Galvarium: Telling people who freshly gain the knowledge of Limbo that what she does is fair... and that she is fair. She cannot be fair now that she has biases, taking Mirror to Limbo goes against the rules of the balance, and yet she did it anyway. She isn't bothered by it though... she doesn't care o(*°▽°*)o
Pandora: Lying to Romirr about some executions... There would be many times where she would not carry out orders, instead helping them escape. She wishes she had just rejected him earlier.
Romirr: Telling Pandora he wasn't afraid of her or being overthrown. Because he was. It doesn't really haunt him, but in a way he wished he was honest with her.
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
Galvarium: Will ask questions until she understand, and that could take forever... She's got all the time in the world! Why not learn everything she can?
Pandora: If it's something she's interested in or cares about, she'll seek clarification! If not, she'll either leave it or just go along with it until she can leave.
Romirr: For sure will just pretend to understand... he thinks he knows everything he needs to know, unless it's going to help him prove his absurd beliefs, he wants no part in clarifying things.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Romirr, stop touching Pandora stop touching Pandora stop touching Pandora stop touching Pandora bury yourself in a hole
As for the others... none of them, I adore Galvarium and Pandora and their POWER their CONFIDENCE, makes me feel good about myself in some way!
Thank you so much for all of these!! :DDDDDD
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buwnii303 · 1 year
list 5 things that make you happy then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you, learn to know your mutals and followers <3
The color red, my friendsss, sun moon and eclipse (I'm counting them all as one cus I can), CATS and eyes ( I don't like eye contact but i do like looking at eyes! I also like the way my eyes look. I think their pretty :3 )
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#26 for the top 3 ask? it would be amazing if you could answer because i crave for some good content :DDDDDD thank you in advance!
26: Top 3 obscure series/movies/books I recommend
Aghhh I'm so glad I got this! I NEED people to get into my obscure stuff... No problem, btw! I'm happy to share!
First up: POPTROPICA GRAPHIC NOVELS. I BEG OF YOU! They're so good... So basically, three children and their hot air balloon pilot are transported into viking times. The children discover that their pilot has a magical map that can take them through time, and they play around with it while escaping deadly situations. The pilot wants it back so he can gain something, or someone, for his own good. The series handles heavy themes really well for a kid's book, and the characters are surprisingly well written. Not only are they well-written, but they're extremely relatable, too. I've seen tons of people headcanon one of the characters with ADHD, and I personally headcanon my favorite with autism because I feel like she's a spitting image of me (mentally).
Another one I'd recommend is Breaking Cat News. BCN is a silly little comic series about cats reporting on their daily lives, such as the unwanted presence of the local stray and the new plants around the house. The characters are new and fun, and the art style is simple and sweet! I love the watercolors that are used. I'd totally recommend BCN.
Lastly, I'm going to recommend Hilda! Hilda is a Netflix show about a girl who goes on adventures with her friends, and explores the magical world around her. It's actually like a less intense Gravity Falls! The characters are unique and have nice designs, and the show's color palette is gorgeous. The show has characters overcoming problems, and some of them are rather relatable to a lot of people I know. Sure, a wilderness girl has to get used to a city and meet new people, but other characters have to overcome their anxiety, accept themselves, vent out emotions, etc. Hilda is an adorable show with a beautiful plot and cast of characters!
Poptropica graphic novels
Breaking Cat News
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violexides · 2 years
PORPOISES ! !!!! MARE URE SOOO RIGHT FOR THST they just ☹️ THEYRE JUST LIL GUYZ ☹️☹️ when they snile thy lit rally go :D LIKE !!!! :D !!! eels ro sosososo based btw u get it.
okok what is ur fav animal ever doe like ever ever ever
so so long ago i made a meme w/ my sister when i was first discovering Memes and it was literlaly just a photo of a porpoise with the text "TBH" over it and i think about that every fucking day of my life
THEY ARE SO SMILEY :DDDDDD i like them & manatees bc they are like the Friends of the sea....they are so warm and friendly 2 me
FAVE ANIMAL EVER IS CLOUDED LEOPARDS!!!! I love big cats as a whole bc they are seriously me for real & clouded leopards are so so beautiful and cute and they're really skillful hunters and they have ties to sabre tooth tigers and rrhhreghjffgh they're so important 2 me. i like other naimals But nothing comes close to them for me. WBU
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Brick gorgeous you want asks? Lemme give you asks!
Ok school floor board Au questions because that’s def one of my personal fav aus of yours.
So during the holidays and stuff, what does Ranboo do? Because surely he doesn’t stay at the school for 6 weeks summer vacation?
And I was re-reading a different ask about how Ranboos clothes shrink and grow with him and I had a thought. If this applies to everything he touches, then technically can Ranboo take a say real diamond or something of high value that’s tiny and grow it? Because money making scheme would be huge right here.
What would happen to Ranboo after he says Graduates? Would he continue to live at the school or look at going to College and live there?
Why does Ranboo choose to live at the school?
And last one, are there any other sizeshifters or unknown tinies in this world that Ranboo has met or has yet to meet👀 (also I feel like that question may of been asked already but no idea :D)
Okie thanks for answering and have some lollipops 🍭🍭🍭🍭
!!!! when do i not want asks lol
MMMM school floors beloved!! is it really your favorite? :0 you have NO idea how old this au is. i came up with it at LEAST in late 2021 MAYBE early 2022,,, there is so much doodles that have been deleted and buried too- i actually DREW for this au- SHSJSN (i did for crashed au too!
before he met beeduo, ranboo did usually just hang around the school. sometimes he'd go out in the sun if it was summer break or go out and see the city decorated if it was winter holidays, but ultimately he has a lot of fun alone. he's got a phone he sizes up to look like a big tv screen, he can go adventuring with the alley cat he befriended (there's also a dog be befriended :D and a mouse too. AHSJA he's making friends with all the animals that roam the/around the school). but there have been some summers where he just gets a job and randomly works for a bit to pass the time.
but, now that he's met tubbo and tommy, he'll hang out with them! he likes tubbo's house because there's less people, but his dad can be snoopy, so tommy's is pretty much equal— but over holidays he stays with tommy (tubbo is there like 24/7 anyways) and they usually hang out as humans and roam the city, they may even go wayyyy out in the forest to test his abilities (spoiler alert that entails a shit ton of tiny clingy)
(also you didn't hear this from me but tommy and tubbo's definitely have ranboo shoplift for them LMFAO)
2 ppl have said they reread asks and i am JAJAKKSKFNE about that like AAAAH it makes me so happy :DDDDDD
yep he can do that! when clingy finds out he can do that they do it to a LOT of things. they also get him to size up food just for the hell of it. but with more valuable things it's actually really helpful and he could totally do that to get money! i think i may make that his official way of getting money— he just pawns random portions of gems and jewels he sizes up SNDJS
his plan was to just find a place on a college campus, and that did not change! he goes to the same college as tubbo and tommy and just finds another floorboard in the library. their shenanigans still ensue! and when college is over the them of them get an apartment together :) but we don't talk bout the future AJSJ
ranboo ORIGINALLY started living there because it was easier than getting a job and he really just wanted to move out from his parents house at a young-ish age, sooo he KINDA ran away to...his high school! and after he started that pawning thing he just continued living there because a. it was convenient and b. he didn't want to pack ALL of it up and leave,,, plus he couldn't leave his pets
nope! not as of right now. sizeshifters are just as rare (or rarer) than they are in two way secrets au, so he's just a loner as of now :D
also i had a thought of tommy and tubbo just eyeing him in a class if they ever cover/talk about the history of sizeshifters/shifters in general,,,, >:)
if that has been answered before i don't remember answering it so let's just say that until that ever comes to the surface this reply is canon :D
you're making me want to doodle for this au againnn 👀
thank you for the lovely questions!!! mmmh ty for the lollipop :D for an equivalent exchange have a brick! 🧱
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yeahx10 · 1 year
top 5 things about sen <3
my bestie... so joyous and delightful for him to exist and be my bestie
hot boy vibes at every moment
good company (related to last two but separate)
good at writing
has a cat
ask my top 5 anything
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