#catboy vampire and actual cat hours
xxsycamore · 2 years
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𝗖𝗮𝘁𝗯𝗼𝘆!𝐍𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧 😼🐾
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Art by me!
► What if Napoleon was a catboy? Nyapoleon, if you will? Well here are some headcanons...! I originally wrote these a loong time ago but lost motivation, promised myself to post them for cat's day (02/22). Hope you enjoy! If when you're done reading those some other headcanon comes to mind...I'd be more than happy to see... 👉👈
Napoleon Bonaparte x MC • rating: G • wordcount: 1,015 • masterlist
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What if Napoleon rose from the dead, not ONLY as a demi-vampire…but also as a demi-cat catboy, as well?
Aside from the pointy fangs in his mouth, Napoleon finds additional inhuman traits on his new body…
A svelte, tar-black tail, fur short and velvety to the touch, curls in the form of a question mark as he stares at the mirror - similarly, a pair of cat ears point sharply upwards in attention.
What were you expecting, of course Catboy Napo has little tuffs of white hair at the tips of his ears! It matches his hairstyle!
Touching them in curiosity with half-folded fist, Napoleon inspects them as they give a small twitch. This is new…
He thinks it's just that. Just like how his bloodthirst hasn't kicked in, hence him being a demi-vampire, maybe his cat traits are, too, just for decoration. Wrong!
There is a rumor among the mansion residents that his eyes appear to "glow" in the dark, reflecting light just as any cat's can do…
Why do you think he loves the garret so much? The little room situated in the attic is perfect for him: the alcove is a high spot with limited room, big enough just for him to curl up and have a nap there.
The reason why he sleeps in so late is because he loves the quiet hours of the night when even the merriest of the residents go to sleep.
He feels more energetic during the night, which works perfectly with him as he frequently takes gigs as a bodyguard at balls around Paris.
Comte's mansion is full of expensive decorations and antics with rich history just like himself, if not older than him. It's a shame when he accidentally knocked off an ornate vase once, breaking it into dozens of pieces. Who placed it so close to the edge of the table, anyway? And worse: why did it feel good to knock it off?
Having acquired a tail, Napoleon is suddenly provided with extra balance that comes in handy in his sparring sessions. That makes him a tough opponent for Jean, but it's also making his fellow soldier less warry of hurting him.
Cats love horses, Napo loves horses.
The mansion's oh-so-thoughtful butler, Sebastian, has a whole section of his diary dedicated to Napoleon's catboy-ness, frequently sharing the little things he learns about the former emperor with the man himself, ready to help him in his journey of exploring his new body. One of the pages begins with, "Today Monsieur Napoleon hissed at me as I tried to wake him up."
He actually comes to you if you minou-minou-minou at him! (french for ps-ps-ps)
His favorite food is crepes, right? Why? Because it often has whipped cream in it? His diet suddenly involves a lot of dairy products among other foods that would suit a feline's palate.
The course of his days changes as a girl enters through the door, all the way from the 21st century. Being made her personal bodyguard led to an adventure involving lots of both bickering and laugher… and love.
MC's scream fills the entire mansion one morning as she finds a catboy curled up at the feet of her bed. A freshly slapped-across-the-face, tail-between-his-legs Napoleon pouts, ears flopping on his sidies. "Your bed shouldn't be so comfortable if you don't want me sleeping in it, Nunuche."
With MC's arrival , Napoleon's world is turned upside down yet again. Having come to terms with his new body only somewhat, falling inlove with a human girl reminded him of how unhuman he was now. Fortunately, love turned out stronger than even his stubbornness, and despite, ermmm, certain events that took place soon after, it all turned out good for them in the end.
That same sequence of events saw him becoming a full-fledged lesser vampire… but what about his other nature?
His instincts unfurled tenfold. Sharper senses now see him recognizing MC's steps with crazy accuracy, enough to tell when she returns home from her shopping trips… in addition, he's ready to welcome her at the door with remarkable speed as well, as result of his body being flexible and sturdy.
It's a show of affection towards the person you love if you suddenly want to nuzzle against them! It totally has nothing to do with being a catboy, and that's totally not Napoleon being in denial.
And MC doesn't find it odd or anything, oh no. She's lucky to have such a cute chaton all to herself, she wonders what would happen if she gives him some pets…?
Purring. Purring happens.
The first time it's devastating for Napoleon. He's flushed silly at the bizarre low sound escaping his throat uncontrollably. It's embarrassing. He doesn't know how to stop it, and worse of all, he wants more. He feels fully at ease when she pets him, when he's in her company, when he receives her love… if he could play cool and save his skipping heartbeat to himself up until now, from hereon there is evidence of his being utterly down bad for MC.
He obediently lays his head on her lap for more pets. Just experimentally, until he has this purring business figured out. She finds it adorable: he loves making her happy; it feels good; he starts to give in… soon he's cheeky about it.
"I only purr like that for you, Nunuche… you make me feel so comfortable. Don't stop. Let me lay on your lap all afternoon."
Sunbaths? Sunbaths. He knows a spot. *takes MC to that one field*
Just a lot of napping on her, everywhere, even during her chores…
Cue MC having a lot of those "help I can't stand up ever again, nope" moments
To sum it up: Napoleon as a catboy is loving, sleepy, curious, slick and flexible, cheeky and wanting to be pet constantly, purring loudly… What is there not to love?
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @cilokgoang Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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meow-parties · 3 years
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fang-havers club
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hollowisthyname · 3 years
🖊 Everest!
ah! you have stumbled upon a character who I can decisively call my absolute least-developed character of the group, who doesn't actually really have a place in my main universe, and who I still have many ideas about and love :]
[this one probably won't be as long as the first but just in case, infodump under the cut]
so basically he's a catboy
I'm so sorry bc this isn't even how the character started out?? a lot of the stuff I do with these characters is just. make aus of a story that doesn't actually exist yet. the ones I have currently are: human au (pretty standard, mainly created for the designs), Lavka-is-a-ghost-who's-bound-to-Marcel-for-reasons-unknown au (way weirder, based on a song, I have one scene for it), and "human"-protagonists-transported-to-magic-world au, which is where Everest comes in.
now normally when I come up with this stuff it's centered around Marcel, who was my first real oc so kinda the protagonist by default. this one, however, was based on Onyx! I have no idea why! but I decided they needed a partner in crime and also I wanted to make a new character, so.... Everest was born.
my first idea was just. emo nerd. I don't really have any characters like that and I needed smth to offset Onyx's relentless extrovert energy, so I came up with this kid with glasses, hair over one eye, slightly creepy. then somewhere along the way, I came up with the astounding, revolutionary, never-been-done-before idea of..... catboy
but it actually makes sense I promise!! lemme explain
my original idea for Everest was already very catlike. he creeps people out- and this is kind of intentional on his part- because he always looks like he can see. everything. he's just in the background observing shit and you don't notice he's there until you see him out of the corner of your eye watching you or smth else intently but with next to no expression on his face. it's fucking terrifying. and I say this is catlike bc he's watching from a distance and it definitely seems like he knows exactly what's going on at all times but he hardly ever interacts with people he doesn't already know. someone comes up to him to make small talk and he just narrows his eyes and slinks away.
also physical description bc I totally didn't forget to do it earlier:
he's got like white/platinum hair with bright blue strips that's about shoulder level and just kinda. hangs there. his bangs go over his right eye ALWAYS and it pisses him off (especially bc it gets in the way of his glasses) but the only thing that works to keep it out of his face is like hairclips and that ruins his AestheticTM so he tolerates it. he's about 5'8, so many of my characters are tall, his left eye is yellow and his right one is blue. his skin is p light. he wears glasses, they're thin gold circles and I like them very much. most of his clothes are like.... i dunno, old-timey, victorian-era? basically what you would imagine a vampire wearing.
his relationship to Onyx is very opposites-attract. he's quiet and reserved, they're energetic and flirty. he's vampire-esque, they're alt/punk. he's tall, they're short. etc. I think the main reason they became friends in the first place was that Onyx just.... didn't notice his whole "creep people out from the shadows" thing. they just waltzed up to him one day and decided to become friends, and managed it despite him being less than eager to get to know people (they're definitely friends now though, Onyx is the only person Everest like fully trusts honestly). they're like. peak autism/adhd solidarity. Onyx talks for hours on end and Everest just listens without saying a word and they both love it.
my like ~twist~ for the story is kinda the reveal that at least Everest and also possibly Onyx aren't totally human? Everest has his cat traits obviously, and the original Onyx is a ghost but I don't think that's what I'm gonna do for this one. maybe selkie or nine-tailed-fox bc my mythology is always Convoluted and Bullshit but it's v fun to take a bunch of myths and smash them together lmao
that's basically all I have on him but it's a lot more than I thought so yay!! I'm gonna come up with more stuff for him bc he doesn't really have a backstory yet so I gotta do that
also, bonus moodboard I made for him a couple months ago!! I'm actually v happy with it I think it captures his vibes p well :]
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