#cathar cuddle pile
ourlittleforever · 2 years
i wanna be. snuggled. by Odric and Thalia. I want my hair played with and I want scritches and snuggles and I wanna be babied and treated gently and with such softness it makes me cry.
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
A few soft jedi headcanon of mine about the jedi temple guard
The temple guard regularly schedule group activities such as mass cuddle piles, tea parties, sneaking out to the lower levels to hit an arcade en mass with some of the corrie guard
Most temple guards have bracelets hidden under their cloak that remind them of their masters and or friends. Ie if a guard was friends with obi growing up they would probably have beige and ginger interwoven around one of their arms.
Temple guards who deal with civilians the most have a bunch of inside jokes and a dialect of so muck slang from different alien languages they are completely incomprehensible to others.
Expanding more on that last one, most of the temple guard is used to blending into the back of the temple so when people recognize them in uniform it's a complicated mix of "wow!!! They love me!?!?!" And "ahw fuck :( I thought I blended in better" clones are the worst perpetrators of recognizing each guard individually.
Members of the guard who watch the creches often have favorite kids to escort when they are younger. As they get older the temple guards make it a thing to walk them sometimes.
The guards are the most often victim of tripping over fallen robes, sleeping generals (obi Wan naps everywhere and ahsoka finds the weirdest places possible that only the guard go to), clones who snuck in to see their generals (Wolfpack and bly being the galaxys worst, padme despite being a clone also sneaks in just as regularly), animals younglings and full grown jedi have either snuck in on purpose or accident (Quinlan vos, Caleb dune, cal kestis and Barriss offee are the worst ones who do it on purpose (who get caught) Yoda and obi Wan do it on accident (the guard infront of the gardens is convinced Yoda does it on purpose) )
The temple guard has friends just about everywhere, in both military and civillian worlds. The corrie guard is the closest since they work just about tripping over one another.
Cin drallig desperately pretends he didn't adopt literally every single one of the guards. He also pretends he doesn't see the sweaters Yoda knit for them poke out from under the layers on cold days. Which is hard because they are ugly as all fuck. Yoda defense is always "hard to find good yarn it is, a war we are in. Hard times we have fallen into, my best I am doing"
About a group of 5 guards looked at commander fox and went "man he looks sad" and basically they kidnap him 3 times a week to join in on tea, cuddles and bitch n stitches. Fox has about 4 different guard robes because they keep covering him in them.
Some general jedi headcanons:
The jedi who watch the creche are in charge of introducing creche cuddle piles, zabrak, cathar and iridonian jedi are in charge of that for their calming aura and the zabrak and cathars species ability to purr.
Every jedi has 2 or more robes rhag didn't belong to them in their closet. It's a thing for jedi to cover others with their robes. Kit fisto has 15 currently because he keeps falling asleep with his shirt off.
Shaak ti is a really big fan of Dexter's, she goes with plo koon and obi Wan when she's on planet.
Ahsoka has little socks for her lekku, the temple has night's set aside for those with lekku to make socks together as a communal thing, shaak ti often comes in on holocall and stitches socks for the younger clones with the rest of the older clones and commander colt.
You, my anonymous friend, know right where to get me. Cin Drallig is Gaurd Dad and no one can change my mind. I love the Guard so much. Thank you for your headcanons I'm crying
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ourlittleforever · 2 years
Odric and Thalia are my home. ❤️
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ourlittleforever · 2 years
no one asked but here are 70s/80s songs I associate w Thalia and Odric
Sister Golden Hair - America
You Better You Bet - The Who
Forever Your Girl - Paula Abdul
She Sells Sanctuary - The Cult
Say You Love Me - Fleetwood Mac
Susie Q - Creedence Clearwater Revival
As the World Falls Down - David Bowie
P.Y.T - Michael Jackson
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ourlittleforever · 2 years
having some hot cocoa, thinking of my beloveds thalia and odric... 💖
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ourlittleforever · 2 years
Odric and Thalia: oh, hello, little love! How are you?
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ourlittleforever · 2 years
being snuggled between Odric and Thalia... I'm back in Sick Land™️ (I developed a cough this morning, I'm keeping an eye on it) and I just wanna sit on my couch and be doted on by them. I wanna be loved so sweetly and tenderly.
they would keep me safe and happy 💖
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ourlittleforever · 2 years
me and Thalia and Odric are holding hands and I'm kissing them both with tongue and nothing bad happens ever again. Btw
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ourlittleforever · 2 years
been having some absolutely exhausting, overwhelming shifts at work. Just wanna be held by Odric and Thalia and cry for awhile. They stroke my hair and comfort me and let me cry it out. Then they help me get comfy and cuddle me up.
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ourlittleforever · 2 years
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the urge to be cuddled between them, showered in affection and told what a special, pretty girl I am 🥰💓 >///<
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ourlittleforever · 1 year
Color asks: Red and blue? on whomever you're vibing with right now :3
tysm Ithiel! ♥️ Thalia and Odric will answer this one.
Red: How do they kiss you? Where is their favorite spot to kiss you?
Thalia: "They give small, short, cute kisses. Very chaste and polite."
Odric: "I love when they kiss my cheek or forehead. Makes me feel loved."
Blue: What is their love language?
Thalia: "Oh, words of affirmation, definitely."
Odric: "I think Millie would die if we didn't tell them we loved them at least ten times a day..."
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ourlittleforever · 2 years
being squished between Odric and Thalia's boobs would fix me.
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ourlittleforever · 2 years
in desperate need of kissies from my cathars. Thalia and Odric please come give me kisses.
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ourlittleforever · 3 years
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Cathar Cuddle Pile doodles ❤️
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ourlittleforever · 3 years
can I please be snuggled between Thalia and Odric. Please
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ourlittleforever · 3 years
Tonight's big project was collecting all the lore for my Innistrad f/os in one big doc!
Very proud of this<3
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