#cats at them alt explanation
I wish I had a quirk but it would just be the ability to find small things I've misplaced that's it I need psychic "where the FUCK is it???" power
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crispytubes · 1 day
I LOOOVE, just ADORE the way you draw turbo n king candy!! The stylisation?! SO GOOD!!
Would you give any tips for stylising more cartoon-y / in the similar style of cartoons you went for?
Also loove the sketch of Candy being help like a cat who’s done something they’re not meant to, just fabulous!
Ok so I don’t wanna turn this into a long ass ramble post about my favourite cartoons, so I think the best advice I can give is to USE SHAPES! Shapes will be your best friend. Here’s some of my own original(and fan made) designs as as example
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Each of them are constructed and drawn differently from one another. Different sizes, different ages, different colours, everything is filled with lots of variety (excuse me for bragging)
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Even when boiled down to their absolute essence, it’s clear what shapes are mainly used to construct them. Some just use one or two while other’s are a little more complex. In this case, for myself, I use a lot of round, organic, crescent-like shapes for a good majority of them. But of course that doesn’t mean you have to purely rely on shapes in order to get that cartoony look. They can be used as a base/body for your character, but the rest of the details are up to you. Your shapes are only there to help define your silhouette.
If you need a brief rundown on some of the cartoons/films that influenced my style here’s some of the few (Alt text describes what I like most about it)
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I like to refer to Preston’s Blaire’s book on drawing/animating cartoons if you want a more in depth explanation on how older, classic cartoons are drawn :)
Hope this gives you a bit of an idea!
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rosypenguins · 1 month
Day 13! Jomies Headcanons! (I got quite a few!)
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💛Unironically listens to boy bands.
💛Has Spotify open 24/7. Is always looking for new artists and songs, and probably has over 3000 songs liked.
💛He’ll listen to any song of any genre, but tends to lean more towards alt-rock.
💛Used to listen to Billie Eilish in Middle School.
💛Whenever it’s too quiet, he’ll either hum to himself or make random noises with his mouth.
💛Physically incapable of standing still.
💛Probably ate an eraser as a kid.
💛Does not believe in closets. Keeps his clothes either on the floor or in his chair. (If it’s in his closet he’ll genuinely forget he even owns the item.)
💛”Processing your emotions? What the hell’s that?”
💛Oh yeah, he definitely has ADHD.
🖤Really likes FPS games.
🖤Always has to have his weight shifted on one leg. He cannot stand up straight to save his life. (Heh cuz he’s gay-)
🖤Small waist. (He’s a twink in my eyes.)
🖤Could probably be picked up by the other Jomies. (Has yet to be tested due to safety concerns.) (The concerns being Drew beating the shit out of them.
🖤Doesn’t like black coffee but drinks it anyways. (Why? We don’t know.)
🖤TERRIBLE eating habits. He’ll literally just have a piece of toast and be like “welp that’ll last me for the next 48 hours.”
🖤Those hot-pink girly desserts are his guilty pleasure.
🖤Listens to a lot of rap music. Mostly emo rap. He says it’s cuz it sounds cooler but it’s actually because he finds the lyrics relatable.
🖤Stalks Jake’s instagram for purely platonic reasons.
🖤Doesn’t know how to show affection so he’ll sometimes just randomly punch Jake in the arm. No warning, no explanation.
🖤Cat person. Doesn’t really like dogs. (Terrified of Oreo but would rather die than admit it.)
🖤Bullies cats relentlessly, but will also meow back at them if he thinks no one’s around.
🖤Likes being cuddled way more than he’d like to admit.
🖤Having his hair played with puts him right to sleep.
🖤Struggled to make friends in Elementary school due to his temper. (His lack of attention at home led to him lashing out a lot.) Other kids found him to be intimidating so Drew didn’t really have any friends until Middle School.
🖤Was put in time-out a LOT in Kindergarten so it basically just became Drew’s Corner.
🖤IPad kid. Definitely had a mascot-horror phase when he was 10.
🖤“Processing your emotions? What the hell’s that?”
🖤Oh yeah, BPD. He has BPD.
❤️Hands are always fucking clammy it cannot be helped.
❤️Definitely listens to Breakcore.
❤️Has a bunch of those weird, perverted anime stickers somewhere in his desk drawer because he thinks they’re funny. (They were included in a random anime sticker pack Henry bought online.)
❤️Had a super edgy werewolf OC back in Middle School. Drawings of it still exist in that same drawer.
❤️Lets Henry play with his hair when they’re alone together.
❤️Refuses to use chairs properly.
❤️Has so many 0.5 photos of the Jomies. (Except Drew because Drew threatened to break his phone if he ever took one of him. But Liam still managed to sneak a few bad photos of Drew as well.)
❤️Type of guy to moan when someone’s on the phone with their parent.
❤️Knows how to drive a manual. (I imagine his mom’s car is an older one soooooo if Liam wanted to drive around he had to learn.)
💚Baby face. (Liam likes to hold his face.)
💚Wears anime merch with pride.
💚Pretends to be a girl online sometimes so people give him free shit.
💚Almost always hits Drew with the 🤓 emoji anytime he says something smart/logical in their group chat.
💚Would definitely like matcha because it tastes like g r a s s.
💚He ate grass as a kid. And leaves. And dirt.
💚The type of kid that always had to be the dog in any game he played.
💚Really likes bunnies. He held one once and felt his life was complete.
💚Oh, and frogs too. He loves frogs.
💚Typically takes the role of mediator during fights, even if he has no context on the situation.
💚Relies way too much on being funny. If a joke doesn’t land he genuinely hates himself for a couple seconds.
💚Sensitive to loud noise. (Unless the loud noise is on his terms.) (Like, he’ll have his music on full blast and shout at his friends standing right next to him and be completely fine, but if a balloon were to suddenly pop right beside him, it’d startle him quite a bit.)
💚Drew glaring at him and telling him to shut up hurts a little more than he’d like to admit.
💚Probably also has ADHD.
🩷This bitch knows how to steal shit. You got a necklace she likes she will find a way to take it.
🩷Can and will find a way to make everything said against her about her gender.
🩷“Oh my God, I am LITERALLY just a girl.”
🩷Definitely took dance for a P.E credit.
🩷Almost everything she owns is covered in flowers.
🩷Everything has to be aesthetic.
🩷Always had to initiate any sort of affection between her and Drew. She was always the one asking him out. Always the one to kiss him first, or reach for his hand. (Whereas Drew never really thought about that sort of stuff.)
🩷Her views on relationships were also very different from Drew’s. She wanted excitement and fun. She wanted to go out and do things. And whenever they were home alone, she wanted to make out with him and stuff, meanwhile, all Drew wanted to do was cuddle and watch stupid videos on his phone with her. (But she just found that boring.)
🩷Honestly, their best dates were their at-home ones. Where they’d watch movies together and Zoey would bring some face masks and they’d pamper each other and cuddle and whatnot. (Fun for Zoey and relaxing for Drew.)
🩷And because of their height difference, Zoey would sometimes grab Drew’s collar and pull him down to her level to kiss him. (And this definitely never once flustered Drew.)
🩷Probably knew Drew cared more about Jake than he did her and that pissed her off.
💜Big fan of Olivia Rodrigo. (And one time, while her and Drew were waiting for the others after school, she was listening to one of her songs and singing along, and Drew ended up correcting her on a lyric, causing her to realize he ALSO listens to her music, and he was super embarrassed about it afterwards and made her promise not to tell anyone.)
💜So anyways Lia now wants to take Drew to an Olivia Rodrigo concert.
💜She’s also a big fan of Nessa Barrett.
💜Surprisingly really good at singing. She never took lessons or anything, she just sings in the shower a lot.
💜Sprays perfume on herself like 50 times in a day.
💜Always comparing herself to people online.
💜“Self-esteem? What’s that?”
💜Genuinely could not describe herself if she was asked to. She’s so used to changing herself for others she doesn’t even know who she is or what she wants to be.
💜Imposter Syndrome 100%
💜Had a huge crush on Hailey in Middle School but didn’t even know being gay was a thing so she didn’t really know how to explain her feelings at all.
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maniculum · 7 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Shonweak
This is an unusual one in terms of whether people have preconceptions on what it looks like. On one hand, the medieval interpretation of this animal is widespread and generally known, at least in comparison to other bestiary material -- shows up in modern fantasy and everything -- so it's possible that people familiar with medieval stuff recognized it on sight and had to work against those preconceptions. On the other hand, the medieval interpretation is pretty much completely divorced from reality, so anyone coming at it from a background of Actually Knowing Animals rather than one of Knowing Medieval Nonsense is likely going to be baffled.
Anyway, as usual, if you're confused by what I'm talking about, please refer to https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting. And you can find the entry that artists are working from here:
Art below the cut, roughly chronological, &c.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link here) says that they wanted to draw a Weird Little Creature, and... mission accomplished, that creature sure can Weird and Little. I kind of love it; it's got that vibe that makes something simultaneously cute and kind of unsettling. The linked post goes into some detail about design decisions and the real-world animals they used for inspiration. Something I think is particularly clever is how they not only incorporated the carapace from the beetle they were inspired by, but they also made the profile of the head fit with that, so that it also looks kind of beetle-like despite being obviously mammalian.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) also had Beetle Thoughts and decided to just run with them, creating an impressively-realistic-looking drawing of a beetle. (I think I'm just a sucker for black-and-white naturalist-style art, because lately I keep looking at CheapSweets's work and going "ooh, look at the stippling and everything". Plus I'm perennially impressed that they do this with a fountain pen.) There's some detailed discussion in the linked post about what specific beetles this design takes inspiration from, as well as how they envision this animal functioning in general, and that's really interesting, so I recommend checking it out. (Did you know there was a beetle known as the "diabolical ironclad beetle"? Delightful.) Additionally, they note that we should imagine bright warning colors, but they didn't have time to add them. Also, thank you CheapSweets for providing alt text.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) also notes that this critter would have bright warning colors if she'd had time to color it. Apparently this design is inspired by poison-type Pokemon, which I can definitely see: that's a credible Pokemon design. It's all gloopy for putting out fires. I find it interesting that there's a degree of consensus on this entry being interpreted in this way -- replies on the original post expressed that That Is A Pokemon, and seemingly SweetlyFez agrees. I like the side-eye it's giving, too. (And thank you for including alt text.)
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@pomrania (link to post here) was the one to label this a Pokemon in the replies, and we can see that they've run with that a bit, as this is also a credible Pokemon design. It's a little bit cat, a little bit dragon, and a little bit liquid so it can put out fire. I like that it looks so pleased with itself while causing problems.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has decided that the Shonweak is an armadillo. This illustration shows some very nice Stylized Trees, I must say, and I particularly like the visual effect showing that the Shonweaks are poisoning the one on the left. (Coolest-Capybara also makes note of the Pokemon thing.) For an explanation of why they are armadillos, please see the linked post.
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@strixcattus (link to post here) has drawn a very charming little creature. I love the puffed-up cheeks & throat sac, and the effect that has on its facial expression. If you check out the linked post for a proper description of this beast, you'll find it's quite interesting -- I particularly like the idea that it spits poison by filling its throat sac with water and then allowing its natural poison to seep into that water. I think that's pretty clever.
Now, to the Aberdeen Bestiary, where the illustrator has done a Scene that takes up most of the page:
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That's a heck of a thing, right? I really like it, to be honest. We've got the cool Stylized Tree with critters wrapping around the branches, we've got the ones in the fire doing kind of a flame-like pose, and of course we have a dead guy at the bottom. The last of these just strikes me as funny for some reason.
Anyway, as I think multiple people guessed, this is the salamander.
No, the illustrator had apparently never seen one, so they've drawn snakes instead, probably because of the association with poison.
Anyway, I was surprised to learn (just now actually) that salamanders really are quite poisonous. I have no idea whether they can poison food and water in the way that the author describes -- that seems a bit extreme -- but I don't think I know enough to rule it out.
The fire thing... well, that's definitely not the case. I'm not really sure where that came from. I've heard the explanation that people in the past would occasionally see salamanders crawling out of fires, and thus form the idea that they were fireproof, unaware of the fact that the salamanders were just hiding in their firewood and are fleeing the fire as a result of being Definitely Not Fireproof. I don't know how credible that is, though.
This fire association may have been amplified by... well, look at this:
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That's Salamandra salamandra, aka the fire salamander. It's pretty common and widespread in Europe, and is also among the largest salamanders on the continent, so it's reasonable to think this is the one that pre-modern Europeans would have in mind. And you know, that coloring definitely gives the impression of "this is a Fire Guy". If one were to see this salamander crawling out of a fire (worth noting that the Wikipedia article does say they like to hide under fallen wood, so maybe that idea tracks), and knew nothing about zoology, you could see how they might think "yes, that looks like something that was supposed to be in there."
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peapodsinspace · 6 months
Moomin x JJBA AU - Intro post!
Hello!!!! I figured I should make a post about this, and probably some other aus too eventually…
(I’m gonna go ahead and put this under a cut cus it’ll be long, but even if you don’t care about the au I promise it’s not just words!!! I put silly drawings too!!!)
Alright! So this is an au where characters from jjba are like moomin characters! To clarify, they are still in their normal universe, with stands! (I may also do some spin offs in a no stands/ actually in moomin valley version of this au too!)
I’m calling this the “JOJOxter au” because all of the jojos are joxters :]
I’ll start with a list of each species + a brief explanation of traits / details!
(Note that I have made moomins / snorks roughly the same thing in this which is why there isn’t a section for moomins)
Joxters are very cat like, in appearance and behavior. They tend to be very adventurous, though sometimes lazy by nature (though this is the general rule, there is of course exceptions to this!).
Physical traits can include: cat-like eyes (yellow sclera and cat pupils), retractable claws, sharp canine teeth, markings on the nose bridge, cat-like ears and tails, fur on various places of the body (hands, forearms, chest, legs, etc), and whiskers.
Mymbles are the most humanoid of the bunch. They can be anywhere from extremely short (like little my (from moomins) or diego (in my au), to extremely tall (like mymble mama or mista). Mymbles often have a love of chaos and general shenanigans. They are also known for having strong familial bonds. Mymbles are able to hibernate, and do so occasionally.
Physical traits can include: small horns with rounded ends, skinny tails, and sharp teeth.
Snufkin are a mix between Mymbles and joxters. They can show traits more similar to one or the other, be a perfect mix of the two, or even change from one to the other. As such a lot of their characteristics depend on the individual!
Physical traits can include: cat-like eyes (usually without the yellow sclera), tails, sharp teeth, pointy or claw-like nails, fur on various parts of the body, and whiskers.
Muddles are generally known for being very emotional, or feeling one (or more) emotions very strongly. Usually anxiety or fear (moomin example is the muddler), but it can be any emotion(s). They often like to collect things, and get attached to or find comfort in their collection.
Physical traits can include: long floppy ears (like a rabbit’s), whiskers, long tails, fur on the legs, and large eyes.
Snorks are very round looking creatures, known for being very soft! They are able to change the color of their fur based on their emotions. Snorks are known for being friendly or accommodating, but this is more due to general snork philosophy rather than a trait! They often have many hobbies, and are known to be very big on hibernating the winters away, though they don’t have to.
Physical traits can include: pointy ears, long tails with tufts of fur on the end, paw pads, and round faces
Here is a doodle page I did to decide how I want to draw each species:
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[Image ID in alt text]
I just realized how long this is… yikes
Anyways! That’s basically the meat of it, so next is mostly just doodles!!!
Here’s bruno and jotaro! (Bruno is a snufkin and jotaro is a joxter)
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Here’s drawings of diego and silver bullet I did:
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[ID in alt text]
For context, this is how horses are drawn in the moomins (or at least *a* horse) and I thought it would be funny to draw them like that too!
So diego rides a normal sized horse in this, since having a small one would put him at a severe disadvantage in the race!
Here’s some miscellaneous drawings! (For reference fugo is a muddle, narancia and mista are mymbles, jolyne is a joxter, and FF is a snork!)
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[Image ID in alt text]
In this au instead of FF being plankton, they’re a bunch of hattifatteners!
Alrighty!!! That’s all! I hope you enjoyed, even if you just skimmed everything :]
Please reblog, comment, or send me asks about this au if you have any questions!!!
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t00nyah · 2 months
me and @levzee hang out a bit and drew a bunch of stuff on wbf :33
some doodles by levzee!! EEEE there's gourmenot :3
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2. sliver showing her weird cat to moon
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3. levzee's oc ferry (and the apprentice! they look like twinsies with these colours)
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4. alt+f4, levzee's iterator oc. he's surrounded.
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5. ferry and alt+f4 lore?????
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6. moon and riv!!!!
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7. my iterator sona 6 stones hope u like him /j
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8. no homo bro
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9. levzee asked me if you can kill moon and this was what i told her (as a joke of course) but this made me think of rivulet so
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10. my REAL iterator sona - good things happen (named after...a black dresses song...because i...love black dresses...) i decided that cringe is DEAD and iterators with cat ears and weird clothes are FINE (im very strict with myself on things like that)
their symbol is supposed to be a flower
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11. real lore - gth has less braincells because ferry eated them
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12. twenty curses, silver bells! or just bells! gth's 'weird dog' of a slugcat. you may or may not recognize them...(elaboration ahead)
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13. i decided im upset about slugpups who weren't taken in from the whiteboard event i had with my friends back in june(link to those pups, the explanation is in part one)...so i adopted them into blooming terrarium, which is like gth's shelter for wild runaway scugs and different kinds of critters they took interest in!
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and yes, lilypucks twins are either dead or taken in by someone, but definitely not by gth (since, you know...memory crypts...kind of hard to survive there and an iterator definitely can't just poof get them from here)
14. had to map out where eclipse of sunrise, celestial magnificence and good things happen are in relation to pebbles...the maps aren't finished but at least i quickly came up with the basic concepts!
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15. weird iterators...(just thought of a random 'iterator that looks like a scavenger' idea and we doodled. they're friends)
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toons-and-doom · 2 months
Skin lines I think would rock to have in Dandy’s world (hypothetically) with little to no explanation
Im not very creative shhh
It’s pretty basically tbh. It gives the toons a more dishelved appearance with some bandages and some splotches of ichor. All the characters could have this skin line tbh.
‘Toon or Treat! ‘
The obligatory Halloween skin line. Again this is a pretty universal skin line, maybe seasonal? PLEASE PLEASE HEAR ME OUT GOOB IN A BLUE MONSTER ONESIE HE CAN BE HUGGY WUGGY! I’d imagine the costumes are either references or general stuff like witches or cats.
‘ Prism Guardians ‘
This is most of a self indulgent skin line tbh. Casts some of the female toons as magical girls. They’re all based on the colors of the rainbow so there’s only be like 6 unfortunately. . . They’re all super cutesy! I feel liked they take inspo from madoka magica… scraps is the orange or yellow one… basically the lore is that they tried to a magical girl spinoff to dandy’s world in a alt universe but they got the funding.
‘ Prism nemesis ‘
This one doesn’t have a gender lock. But there’s only 6 since they also have color themes too! I’d imagine it’s less cutesy are more elegant-y? Obligatory goob… don’t ask how…
Just puts them in cat costumes lol. That’s it.
If ya have more ideas I’m all ears
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gaesnek · 1 year
Haiii i'm Snek :3
Go check out my art blog @sneksfuckingbullshit
Autumn or Snek is fine :P
In case I ever get terminated for existing my discord is the same as my URL. Moots feel free to send a message request and explain that you're my moot
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Tbh my DNI list is pretty long so i'll leave it at this: Bigots, 18+ blogs, and AI bros DNI
I USE SLURS. DNI IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ THEM (mostly f slur, occasionally t slur, and very rarely d slur)
If you think there's the smallest chance of misinterpreting something I will probably misinterpret it
Picrew used for pfp
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I'm genderfluid, transfem, bi-lesbian, and probably on the aroace spectrum
I've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety and ADHD and I'm self diagnosed autistic
I go masked-verbal sometimes
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Geology type stuff
Nonverbal forms of communication
MCYT (mainly DSMP and QSMP with some Hermits on the side)
I'm a furry uwu. Deal with it :3
The Owl House (Veeeeeeeeee my blorbo <33)
Dungeons and Daddies
Rainworld Downpour
The Magnus Archives
Overbrook (go check it out @/overbrookpod)
Dungeon Meshi!!!!!! (izutsumi my beloved :333)
Murder Drones (I am normal about uzi & cyn body sharing mhm)
We so multi fandom up in this bitch I'm not gonna try and name them all. tag search has most of them. I think.
#fav - My favorite posts
#save - Posts I save for later
#KITTY - Cats, kitties, the occasional kitty adjacent :3
#the plant siblings - My pair of longhair kitties named Clover and Daisy
#snek eats rocks - Geology/Geology adjacent stuff
Fandoms are tagged under their tags
I don't really know a lot but I love learning (provided it isn't shoved down my throat. (Fuck you US education system)) So please DM me or send me an ask about any of the above things. (Or something else. If you're excited enough about it i'm probably going to be excited too.)
(This user is type stuff and more below the cut. Warning: LONG)
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(Read alt for explanation of above)
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feather-dancer · 7 months
Writing patterns (tag game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Tagged by @creativenicocorner
Given I have two accounts and I'm curious, gonna put my alt under a cut.
Anybody who said long distance relationships are as rough on the head as the heart is speaking the truth though for the right person?
While the Arcane Order might be considered the guardians of all the majicks contained within this world, not once have they sought to lord over either.
Toby Domzalski has a plan.
It has been a handful of months since they had developed a routine of meeting up outside the bakery to hang out together in a two, three or four.
Barely gone 10am and already it feels as though an entire day had swept past while barely having the decency of allowing a breather anywhere in between.
Every day for as long as Marinette can remember if the weather planned on being good before the bakery opened, her papa would put out two tables with an accompaniment of two chairs each for anyone who wanted them.
Greetings true believer!
For all the best intentions in the world the wizard, it seems, will be running rather late for the upcoming engagement due to being half distracted by one thing after another instead of focusing on the far more pressing matter of simply getting ready.
Across the very fabric that is woven of time and space there are certainties in the life it creates, events that are consistent in how they occur over and over again if with light variations. - This is c/ped from the currently being edited version
Yeeeah you can def tell much of this is before I started really clamping down on sentence run on. I like my set up for the start damnit and it really shows. Also times for some reason?
Right lets see the alt account:
One of the biggest surprises Félix had in spending so much time with seafarers is just how cat like they can be.
Life for Félix had changed when he was little more than six years old.
To all that dwell below the soft barrier that exists between them, it must seem that the humans have the strangest habit of conjuring tales whenever in the need of explanations involving the sea.
From the little bit of internet research she’d done way back when, nothing should be able to get the drop on a cat. 
As luck would have it the Liberty is currently moored within reasonable distance of Caladh Soillse, the ancient ceasg community known better to surface dwellers as Finfolkaheem.
Even before they met, Luka knew probably more than most nathair clans did when it came to humans. 
There was something truly magical about being around a suen’s ship, any of them really, that never seemed to get old no matter often Luka did. 
From hard won experience of spending an entire childhood constantly on the move thanks to the whims of faceless bureaucrats, Lila knew it was wise to carve out a little niche as soon as possible. 
In comparsion the run on sentence issue has VASTLY improved geez. My set up habit won't stop for anybody though nor will my AU bullshit.
Tagging anyone who wants to join in!
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mushroomjeremy · 2 years
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After a long full year of slowly picking at this drawing to finish it, it’s finally done Hallelujah!
Here is the three version of my Alto Clef headcanon-verse look! 
This was the drawing I was doing when I brought up the split AU with Clef that went off the rails, which it still is. This drawing still works on it own without the AU thing.
Below Keep Reading is the Following:
-three alternate looks to this drawing I was playing around with
-And an explanation and headcanon ramblings about the weird Split-AU
Here are the two alts first
1st one without the scars and face shadow
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2nd one where Francis has horns
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3rd one is off the sketches I made for their animal camera heads with Francis having a snake, Clef having a spider, and Ukulele having a cat one. I want to have these done with the normal drawing but it taken too long to finish with this whole things. So take them one their own when they are just sketches.
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Okay here’s the mass dumb ideas for the AU:
The general premise that there is an undocumented SCP that during an interview with Clef got into a fight which ended with the creature somehow splitting Clef into three versions of himself
The individual was shot dead but apparently the anomaly itself can either move hosts or is a weird event that can happen. All that matters is it is technically not contained as of yet.
Clef got split into Alto, Francis, and Agent Ukulele
While this can be seen as A Major system it has more to do with different times and version of themselves than straight up ‘force A Major to mitosis itself’
While I haven’t overall thought about the skip, I have at least made it come back a split others people to at least have come kind of comparison of what the anomaly really does and what is Clef is a strange person in general.
Dr Simon Glass got himself split in two, now temporarily Agent Shard and Dr Glass are separate people
Bright works weirdly if it happens, basically an old version of a body Jack took over get made at random. Jack is trying to go out of his way to find this thing hoping it would somehow make a split from his original body. These splits just work like Jack having multiple bodies.
They can become one person again, but that relies on not hating the other version of themselves and feeling they are one in the same person so Clef ends up making 2/3 fusion as at any given time someone is hating someone else or feels not attached as a whole. So the Foundation is dealing with about 6 different Clefs. Each fusion kinda has a name but its more a title than anything. Francis + Ukulele is ‘God Hunter’ Francis + Clef is ‘The Devil’ and Clef + Ukulele is ‘Bastard’
While both Glass and Shard can become one person again and never need to resplit, Shard wants to beat the anomaly to a pulp first and Simon just lets himself go do that.
Everything beyond this point is just about Clef
They each only have one eye and the other two got replaced with tattoos. They can see out one others eyes if the tattoo has visibility.
Ukulele covers his eye more as a way of hiding outwardly visible anomalous traits than to stop Francis or Clef seeing from where ever Uku is at the moment. They are just collateral damage.
Each version has their own ways of lying. Francis usually uses omissions and denials, Ukulele usually uses white lies and minimization, and Alto just using bold lie, exaggeration, and commission lies. Never trust a thing Alto says, 50/50 if what Ukulele said is true, and Francis is just going to make round you in circles if its not something trivial.
Collectively they have 2 brain cells shared among each other. They are obvious to their surrounds sometimes. It safer for them to move as a pack as their normal awareness has dropped way down.
While they do have more paper work now that they are more people, there is only one extra stack of papers as the Foundation know they won’t be seeing anything from there if two of them aren’t split one full stack.
They also have different aspect of their job split. Agent Ukulele deals with MFT training and deployment, Dr Clef deals with Type Green interviews, testing, and seminars, and Francis get odd jobs to maintenance on SRA, most of it is sitting in a room and cleaning corroded batteries compartment so the anchors aren’t reality collapsing ticking time bombs.
The way they reality bend is also slightly different. Alto uses it a moderate amount usually altering object to annoy other people, Francis uses it the most to help with daily life like making paper weights or “teleporting” around the site  really preferring to change the environment around him, and Ukulele does it the least usually choosing to make himself faster, flexible, and/or stronger at a given time (sometime he uses it to make training courses for MTF but that’s a little rare)
Ukulele usually has the Goc Ichabod rifle, Clef has a triple barrel shotgun thats modified to work on type green, and Francis was just given a knife as neither Uku or Clef wanted to give him a gun.
There is a big polycule going around with mainly Clightdrakiglass. It looks like this mess. I’m not good at making these quickly and nicely, its this or see you in another full year and maybe I’d have it done.
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Clightdraki Tri-Selfcest Polycule Conspiracy Theory Cult, while not an actual cult is a strange group of low level no named staff starting a weird group around drama and theorizing about the mess of the above group and co. They are very very strange.
Francis maybe killing a lot of people in the background and no one is really paying mind to it.
And they arent gunshot kills, he’s gutting people with a knife.
No one know why he’s doing this. No one’s looking into this, just casually asking for a death report and moving on.
On a completely different anomalous problem a reality rift made SCP 166-AR and SCP 4166 come here. So that’s also being dealt with to make sure the Clef’s from those realities don’t force there way here to get their respective daughter. They get to share a containment room, everyone gets to be in the garden box :)
I said this AU went off the rails. This should be evident by now.
Lady Agora got roped into this: Clef(s) found where their mother was hiding at and with little to no idea how to undo what is happen gamble with the hope that she would 1. Know what’s going on and 2. Actually willing to help.
She is at least willing to look into the anomaly. She kinda knows the easy way to fix this is therapy, so outside of finding out what it is, isn’t going to help further, if her son want to do this the hard way he can do that on his own. 
I know somewhere in my head there is more to things about this I forgot about right now. May come and update this list if it grows.
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socialjetlags · 6 months
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╰ ☆ ◞ avan jogia / nonbinary / he/they ——— no way, is that KAVI DESAI? you know, they’re 32 years old and they’ve been in los angeles for 12 YEARS. they’re chillin’ as a MUSICIAN & MANAGER at ALT CULT RECORDS. oh and they’re notoriously known for being PRETENTIOUS but there are some people who have seen them be ENTHUSIASTIC. i heard they’re a part of a BAND called STATIC MIDNIGHT, yeah, they’re a DRUMMER. to be honest they sound a lot like BASEMENT & CITIZEN. they’re actually A RISING STAR.
FULL NAME: kavi desai.
NICKNAME(S): avi (a shortened version of their name, also happening to hold the meaning of "sheep"), shepherd (see: explanation for avi. sheep doesn't seem to flow too well as a nickname, & here comes a moniker he'll never shake), pepsi.
AGE: 32.
DATE OF BIRTH: february 9, 1992.
PLACE OF BIRTH: maywood, california, usa.
GENDER: nonbinary.
PRONOUNS: he/they.
ORIENTATION: bisexual.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, gujurati.
NEIGHBOURHOOD: west paradise.
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: lives in a one-bedroom unit at the aster apartments.
MOTHER: mindy desai, distantly supportive relationship. there's nothing stronger than a mother's love, they say, but kavi could name a few things. mindy is a good mom, mostly, and she makes sure to check in every now and then. sometimes she'll even refer to recent news of static midnight, if there is anything to speak of. if kavi could complain of one thing, it would be that she always has to slide "your father loves you, you know" into conversation.
FATHER: jevan desai, hostile relationship. to put it simply, jevan disagrees with the life that kavi is living, and kavi often fans the flames—if he's going to piss his dad off regardless, he might as well do a good job at it.
SIBLINGS: palomi desai, younger sister. palomi thought the world of kavi when they were kids, and well... she still kind of does. she is their motivation to do good & be good. if they have one only fan, it's palomi.
PETS: a tuxedo cat (unoriginally) named socks. if you ask kavi, she's "a sweet little thing." everyone who's met her so far would have to disagree.
OCCUPATION: musician, manager of alt cult records.
NAME OF THEIR ACT: static midnight.
ARTIST INFLUENCES: karnivool, soul blind, superheaven; he takes a lot of musical inspiration from heavy shoegaze artists.
FACE CLAIM: avan jogia.
HAIR COLOR: naturally dark brown, but currently bleached to a near-platinum tone. looks a bit like half-assed frosted tips with the dark roots starting to come back in.
EYE COLOR: dark brown.
HEIGHT: 177cm, 5ft10.
BUILD: slim, defined muscles.
TATTOOS: a decent amount on his torso, arms & legs. details tbd.
PIERCINGS: double lobe piercings, left nostril stud.
CLOTHING STYLE: experimental. mixes all kinds of fabrics & patterns, mostly dresses in a muted color palette. wears a lot of loose, flowing pants paired with tighter tops.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: thick eyebrows, long eyelashes.
MBTI: esfp-t, the entertainer.
ELEMENT: water.
POSITIVE TRAITS: enthusiastic, adventurous, accepting, humorous, forward, decisive, open.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: pretentious, argumentative, (too) open and also somehow not open enough, self-sabotaging, unreliable.
HOBBIES: doom-scrolling, generating ai pictures of himself in different styles, denying any and all wrongdoing that they’ve ever done, irritating their cat and then giving her treats to reel her back in, working out, bitching about working out, fishing for people to tell him that his workouts are paying off, trying new diners, hanging out at bars, window-shopping, rearranging their living room and then ultimately ending up on the same layout, arguing with his neighbors over the noisiness of him moving his furniture every other day, spreading misinformation, pondering the possibility that it’s time for him to grow up and then deciding that he’s still got time.
LONG-TERM EX: “the one”, almost. kavi was a flight risk from the get, but this person gave him an honest chance—and fell so in love that they stayed long after it had become obvious that he wasn’t willing to give them what they needed. up and down relationship, passionate one day & dull the next; a routine that established itself and persisted for two or three years. they were living with kavi up until the breakup, which was around christmas 2023. they still have an immense amount of love for each other, but understand that they lack romantic capability. staying friends through it all, for better or for worse. the vibes: the 1 by taylor swift, i know the end by phoebe bridgers, cellophane by fka twigs, two slow dancers by mitski, renegade by big red machine & taylor swift, new perspective by noah kahan, etc etc…
THE BEST FRIEND: they’ve been through hell & back together, even if most of this so-called “hell” was self-created. there’s not much kavi wouldn’t do for them, so long as they keep cat-sitting when he’s out of town.
CUSTOMERS: people who shop at alt cult records somewhat regularly and are often subject to kavi’s pretentiousness, as music is where it tends to come out. the person who thinks he’s so cool, the person who’s sick of him acting like they give a shit about anything he’s got to say, the person who thinks he’s a sleazebag but he’s Hawt so they’ll pretend to be interested in what he’s saying all day every day, etc etc!
start at the beginning, who are you and why are you important?
“i’m kavi desai,” he says, as if it that’s all he has to say; there’s something suffocatingly smug in it, telling of who he is. a conglomeration of false confidence and one-liners. “i was just an indian kid with a dream, and now i’m managing a record store and playing in a band that people actually give a shit about; no matter what angle you look at it from, i’ve got something to be proud of, right? and, believe me, it gets better from here.”
how long have you been making music?
“as long as i can remember, really. i asked for a guitar for christmas one year. i can’t remember how old i was, maybe nine or ten, and santa provided. i learned fast and i wrote a lot of songs as a teenager, most which were complete dog shit. i ended up picking up drums ‘cause a good friend of mine was selling their set, and i guess there was somethin’ in me that knew where i needed to be. hey, here i am.”
how would you describe the kind of music you make?
“honest rock music. in a band, you have to work together to make something worth listening to—but if you understand who i am and what i do, you’ll understand there’s a lot of self-revelation in it. i like to try new things, and i like to believe that it all comes from my heart.”
who are some of your biggest musical influences?
“when i was growing up, the main one was the smashing pumpkins. i could probably play every song from pisces iscariot on a guitar to this day—but hey, don’t hold me to that, alright?… nowadays, i really like superheaven. their drummer’s style really stands out to me. they don’t make music anymore, but their discography never gets old.”
what is the first record you ever bought?
“the all-american rejects’ move along. not a single skip on it.”
what has working in the music industry meant to you thus far in your career?
“excitement. if i’m honest, not much else to speak of yet, but i think we’re getting close to something.”
what are some stand out moments from your career so far?
“it’s always nice to be told that i inspired someone to start drumming… or to see a pretty girl lose her shit from catching a setlist. hey, let me tell ya, moments like that will make you feel like a real rockstar!”
what are you still hoping to achieve in your career?
“well,” they start, grinning ear-to-ear—their bashfulness now evens out the vanity from earlier. “i want a sure sign that i’ve made it. this might look different for other musicians, but for me… it’d be nice to hold an arena tour, right?”
what’s next for you?
“keep your eyes on me and you’ll find out soon enough.”
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lesmond-sycamore · 2 years
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okay so here's my au-meets-canon au thing but just the first au which is a grab bag of modern + age swap-ish + other stuff and not the meeting canon part yet also the alt text has explanations of the images
just some general stuff:
- the tritons were in london when the flat with clive's parents caught on fire due to faulty wiring (not due to time-travel shenanigans, thankfully) and thought he looked exactly what his then-3 year old son would look like when he got older and adopted him
- turns out clive had a lot of trauma and behavioral issues and so the tritons moved to misthallery thinking that the small, quiet town would be good for him
- it helped a lot, but he still needed like. a lot of therapy as well. most of it occurred when he was 15-17 after yelling at poor 5 year old luke.
- with the age difference of 10 years, he and luke were not the biggest fans of each other at first, but after half a year luke became his shadow and followed him EVERYWHERE. they became inseparable
- clive didn't move out until he was 22 and decided to go to college to get journalism and communications degrees. there is where he met his boyfriend/husband (who is just an oc and isn't integral to the story)
- clive then went on to work for the london times and later created an independent news website stationed in london that covers politics in the uk and other countries
- luke moved out at 19 to pursue a veterinary degree that specializes in exotic pets bc he was upset that there isn't enough support for rodents/reptiles/"ugly" pets
- luke has also been dating someone from misthallery since they were 15 (he also dated someone else before they unfortunately passed.) also not integral to the story but bonus points if you can guess who
- clark received a call from an adoption agency that his acquaintance leon bronev and his wife rachel were unfortunally victims of a break in/robbery/murder after leon tried to fight back (targent doesn't fuck around this time) while the boys were at school
- clark wanted to take them in, but realized that he wasn't fit to be a parent anymore now that his life had gotten busier as misthallery continued to grow and didn't want brenda to be forced raising 2 children for 6/12 more years as well as uproot them from london where they already had friends that would most likely be their biggest support system at the time
- clark then asked if clive was interested since he had his life together, and clive said no because of the fact he would only be able to take care of one and didn't want to separate them. besides that, he was very interested in doing so bc he had personal experience being an adopted child
- luke then suggested that he could adopt the other one and so they wouldn't be far apart (luke and clive literally in the same apartment complex, albeit on different floors) and if luke had any issues, they could go to clive and vice-versa
- they met hersh and theo and explained the situation to them so they would know what's going on. after some time of hanging out with them, the boys just kinda gravitated to the silblings (hershel gravitated to clive because of his interests in robotics and gundam and theodore gravitated to luke because of his personality and love of toy cars/trains)
- now they live in their respective apartments and visit so frequently that it's practically the same as owning 2 houses so they're always at one or the other
- clive also taught hershel about dnd bc of his interest for it after clive's group had a session at his house and now it's one of his special interests (because everyone in layton is autistic don't @ me) and although he's a stickler for the rules, he has a lot of fun with improv
- theo is like. feral as a 6 year old can be (think bluey if you watch that) as hell bc without the laytons, theo is left unchecked with his chaotic-good personality and also his audhd (again, don't @ me) especially since luke is also very much the same
uh some bonus stuff:
- luke owns 4 rats and a cat (he is a responsible owner and the rats have a room dedicated to them so don't worry)
- clive owns 2 dogs (I need suggestions because I'm not a dog person lmao)
- as pictured above, theo LOVES hot chips for some fucking reason. he also has a huge sweet tooth and fakes getting hurt to get the "magical chocolate"
- theo also plays a lot with a boy obsessed with digging stuff up in the playground and a girl who talks a lot about dr. who in ms. reinhold's class
- hersh has a friend who beats up people who bully him for being quiet and "weird," much to his displeasure about violence. despite that, he's grateful that the bullying has gone down, but it is still causing him some self-esteem issues (he hasn't told clive about it) (NOT A SHIP. I REPEAT, NOT A SHIP. /srs)
- hershel also likes wearing skirts and has a collection of medium to long skirts and is very picky about staying in the autumn colour range bc appearance is important. (that's also why he wears glasses. they're not real but he likes how they frame his face)
- luke is an anxious mess and hasn't gone to therapy like clive has and has done a pretty good job of hiding it so far (except from theo bc they live together and luke worries about him a lot), but if something absolutely crazy happens they're gonna snap (I wonder what that could be. weird.)
- uh clive uses he/him, luke uses he/they, hershel has been trying out they/them along with he/him, and theo doesn't care what people use for him because he is 6 (clive and luke are supportive (obviously), so it doesn't matter anyway) (I used he/him for herhsel and theo for simplicity here)
if anyone's interested I can talk more about it (but maybe also if no one is interested because autism go brrrr)
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niamhuncensored · 9 months
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Guys look I'm being scammed by chat gpt!
God, remember when scammers had a fucking appreciation for the craft? Or at least when they put in the tiniest amount of effort to make sure their scam is even functional?
You're not telling me about this "Michael's" business. Or even what it's called. Or what you do. Or what you want from me.
Or how I could give that to you. Not even a fucking cash app. And there's nothing on your actual blog.
Oh sure, you worked hard to make it look like a reasonable blog. You made a background and a pfp and a realistic url. You reblogged days worth of assorted stuff (though always from the original poster and always without commentary)
But in your haste to do that you didn't even include more information about your scam
Where's the ease of access?! Where's the pizzazz?! Where's the sick cat?! What has Tumblr come to?!
Update (as I'm typing, actually): I messaged them and they got back to me. I'm going to put screenshots under the cut because this is going to get long
I'm only going to summarize these in Alt text for now sorry
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They have yet to get back to me about what the hell this "business" is doing.
If you ask to 5-year-old to explain what they think the adult world is. And then fed an AI that explanation. And then ask the AI to write a business scam, I think this is what it would shit out.
I will give them a teeny tiny amount of credit for passing $4,500 between their right and left pockets. And for the boldness of screenshotting both accounts like that and expecting me to not notice.
And for presumably asking for an $800 investment on TUMBLR, a site which famously has no fucking money
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maniculum · 2 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Ghraggal
This week's entry is kind of just an anecdote about a Thing That Happens, with not that many details about the animal. So let's see what people did with that. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can find out at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting.
The entry in question can be found here:
And if you want to participate in the next one, that entry can be found here:
Without further ado, art below the cut:
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) notes that "ghraggal" looks kinda like "gharial" and just runs with it. I think it turned out well; those are some quality crocodilians. There's also some interesting discussion of the design in the linked post, which I recommend checking out.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) makes the very medieval-artist statement that their Default Beast is some kind of dog-thing, so in the absence of a specific description that's what we've got here. I like the direction they're going with the non-specific "markings". The additional explanation in the linked post is also recommended. (And thank you for providing alt text.)
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) explains that their design is aiming for "drawn by someone who has heard of big cats in theory, but has never encountered one", and I think they nailed it. We can also note and appreciate that in this version the baby escaped.
Aberdeen Bestiary version:
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Honestly I think Coolest-Capybara kind of nailed it. That definitely is a big cat drawn by someone who's never seen one, and it's even blue.
Anyway, as I'm sure you can tell by the spots, this is a tiger.
I'm not sure what to add here. We could speculate on why anyone wants to steal tiger cubs, but honestly there's probably demand for them in royal menageries, so it kind of makes sense. I don't think the glass sphere trick would actually work though -- that kind of sounds like someone who observed that cats can mistake their own reflections for other cats and just made up a whole story about it.
You are encouraged to roll reflective spheres at your cats and report on the results. (No actual tigers, please; we do not support harassing endangered species on this blog.)
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tomster1274 · 2 years
THAT WOULD BE EPIC ACTUALLY IF YOU EXPLAINED IT.i have the most basic understanding and know there's two little guys involved BUT YES GO AHEAD EXPLAIN PLS!!!!!
Ok I know this ask is MONTHS old but. I just infodumped abt the plot all the way to the latest canon vid so. I didn't talk abt everything here in the screenshots though so I'll comment underneath some.
All of it under the cut, suicide m+religion m and spoilers for vol. 4;
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Alternates are basically Gabriel's creations used to trick people into killing themselves by disguising themselves as other humans and using psychological torment on them, usually has to do with religion however.
More detailed explanation of Vol 1, the video you watched; the gov took notice of alternates and asked people to stay inside w/ locked doors+etc. Then there was three types of alternates, doppelgangers (look like humans), unspeakable (Gabriel, possibly Intruder/Six/Stanley) and type 3 (they're exaggerated humans in a way). Dispatchers are told not to help people who call about an alternate attack. Mark calls his 'friend Cesar'(an alt replaced him) and turns on cameras in his house, which was Mark's old home where he saw Intruder, and Mark is followed home by N, locked in his room for 3 days while being tormented before being told 'who he's been praying to'(Satan/Gabriel) and opens his bedroom door to shoot the alternate but instead shoots himself.
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Thatcher+Ruth are apart of Mandela police department, Mandela county is the main place all of this is going on in.
Sarah is Mark Heathcliff's younger sister who was not a baby at the time of his death but definitely a younger child who likely created BPS+etc bc of her brother's death and Thatcher not doing much abt his case.
In Vol 2, Adam+Jonah take on a case about an alternate cat meowing in a 'woman's'(actually an alt) home, that looks suspiciously like Mark's home. While there, Adam and Jonah unearth some unnerving footage like somebody copying Jonah's voice over the radio to tell adam "LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU". Adam wants to stay but Jonah wants to leave and they get into a fight, so Adam stays inside the house where Preacher tries to give him MAD and only succeeds in getting him to the basement, where after Adam tells Jonah he's going in, Jonah leaves Adam behind in the house with the car they stole to drive there, as Adam is met by Six who tells him "nobody is coming for you" and etc, while this happens Jonah is tortured by an alternate through the radio, guilting him by saying "YOU LEFT HIM BEHIND" b4 seeming to make him kill himself. In vol 4, it's revealed Adam survived and took the car once discovering Jonah's body with the footage of what happened to give to Sarah to upload a video about it all.
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Dave Lee was at first a joke character appearing in a annoucement about an official plushie, but eventually turned into his own important character who helped Thatcher for years with his investigations of his cases by helping to unfuzz VHS tapes and leading to Dave going MAD from being exposed to alts by said help.
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general-posting · 2 months
Why am I rebranding?
Short answer: so I can hide from people I do not ever wanna talk to again.
Long answer:
I will not be name dropping for my own privacy and also the privacy of others cause nobody was good in this situation, and im sure we all want to move on by now, right???
I didn't start thinking of a rebrand until a few days ago, but it really started when a person who I no longer wish to associate with sent me characters I had gifted them on toyhouse with no explanation, which made me panic for a bit. I asked their freind if they wanted a design they gave me back, they did not reply so I didn't know what to do. The request sat in my inbox for 1-2 days until I accepted and sent a return request for the character given to me.
The reason they did this, cause I was a stupid idiot and not the best behaved when we knew eachother, currently I am trying to avoid getting too personally involved in situations cause I'm afraid of this happening again. Aparrently I harassed multiple people, but please note I was extremely out of it or usually unaware at the time I was doing these things over the course of several months, and multiple people where encouraging me including the owner of the server i was doing it in. I made a copy pasta about a user who was banned from said server, they put a command on the servers exclusive bot that would say the copypasta among other things when used.
Anyway when I realized this wasn't the best thing to be doing I was too unstable to notice I was doing some messed up shit too, and decided to leave a nasty ass message about why I was leaving the server, in response the lead mod decided to publicly craptalk me infront of everyone and brush everyone else's behavior under the rug.
What do I mean by others behavior?? Well a user who knew the person irl who I made the copypasta about, went out of their way to make an alt even though they were both not on speaking terms and spam them with a random meme. They also were encouraging me to do dumb things and making jokes about said person publicly. Among other things.
(Said person is just starting highschool and im turning 17 soon so, I'm not really upset with them anymore like I was when I made the nasty message, at the time I made the message I was really unstable and having an episode but was unaware of that fact)
Anyway I rejoined the server had another moment and left and did it again and again for a few weeks until I snapped cause I thought that someone was talking about me.
Finally I was banned (I should've been banned the first time ngl)
This should've been the end of it honestly, and I wish it was.
Then the toyhouse thing happened. (I was on vacation and it really upset me)
I moved on i got over the toyhouse incident.
Accidentally sent the lead mod of the server a picture of a chuck e cheese mascot costume.
They made a whole paragraph about how bad I am and how they wanna be left alone. (SAME)
I was already having a shitty day and forgot about the accidental chuck e cheese picture, my cat had passed a few days prior and I was waiting to die to join him honestly.
After having a talk with my mom, I decided to block a bunch of people and go into hiding on discord and rebrand online.
Honestly atp I want to be left the fuck alone by everyone from that server except like two people I was close with.
If you know me from that server DNI. Do not contact me. Also if im a silly haha joke in your server, please stop. That's the whole reason I had the meltdown in the first place?? Making silly jokes out of people?? It wasn't the person I even "harassed" yall would make jokes about sometimes, yall had "banned emojis"
Genuinely i don't hate any of you id like to think
But leave me the hell alone
I just wanna get better as a person, and mentally.
I wanna move on.
Hopefully you aren't even reading this cause I know you guys will reply to this with some bullshit.
So anyway thats why I'm rebranding, cause I'm genuinely very afraid rn, im not having a good time.
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