kitwing-moving · 1 year
enstars vivi getting a cat just to call it catsume sakasaki and then introducing it to natsume but she does not tell him the cats name
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weepingwitch · 8 months
girl who has had to wake up several hours early for several days in a row: haha if they made a version about cats it'd be neko catsume
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fatfemmefreaquency · 10 months
hey y’all. i’ve been innactive here for an age, it seems
there were a few reasons for my disappearing act, but mostly i was increasingly sick of tumblr cracking down on “nsft” / “community guideline limited” content and how bleak that makes a social media/ microblogging space for sex workers and trans & queer folks, especially trans women/ transfeminine people and trans BIPoC
but… reasonably safe and sustainable spaces to exist in on the internet are rapidly disappearing (and by “disappearing” i mostly mean being actively destroyed by asshole tech bros), so after a couple months of lurking on tumblr more than i have in the past two-ish years, i think i’m going to start posting here again (maybe)
i’m a lot less “extremely-online” than i used to be and spend most of my time away from social media these days—even when i’m on a computer
and i’m not sure if i’ll be here to stay
tumblr is still really cracking down on content that is restricted by community guidelines, and while i “get it,” this still fundamentally seems like a violation of freedom of expression to me—and it’s a policy that is disproportionately applied against trans and queer folks like myself at a time when creeping fascism already aggressively targets us for censorship, stigma, and other violent harm
i’m also not sure that social media/ microblogging in general still has the same place in my life that it used to
i came of age on the internet and on tumblr in particular. i’ve been posting on tumblr on one blog or another since 2010
but the internet (like most other spaces in the world) is increasingly oppressive, hierarchical, tightly controlled and surveilled by both major multi-national corporations and governments, anti-freedom, and in many spaces out-and-out fascist—and being a marginalized person (in my personal case: trans, queer, disabled, and more) in public spaces is a precarious position these days
so… all that to say: hi again! if you’re still following! i hope you’ve been well! (feel free to unfollow if you don’t want to still be following me—i know it’s been a while since i would have last crossed your dash)
i used to be “toadbutch” (once upon a time i was “neko-catsume” and before that even i was “passingprivilege” (cringy! i know! I was like… 17) and before even that i was “marigoldmay” and, way back when i started on here, “etaunknown”) but lately i’ve been on a journey and…
as i transition i’ve realized that i mostly wanted to be butch and embody that particular queer/ lesbian gender role because i wanted to be perceived as masculine/ androgynous and have my masculinity respected as a transmasc dyke
early on in my social transition i felt very insecure in both my masculinity and transness and felt that presenting femme, even though i wanted to embody a queer femininity and not a cishet femininity, would result in people—especially cis, straight, and non-queer people—misgendering me more
but the more comfy i get with my gender and my masculinity as i get further into my transition & grow into my adult self, the more i’ve settled into the realization that i’m very, very much femme—and a bit of a fruity femme at that. hence the URL change. i’m fat. i’m femme. and i’m not going to apologize for being bigender and riding the line between dykiness and faggotry
if you’re not here for that sort of queer complexity: here’s the door. you won’t be missed
tangentially related to my past desire to be butch/ identification with butchness and temporary embodiment of it:
i also love and admire butches and masc people—and particularly butch lesbians and women—very much. on some levels i wanted to be like them, to be like the people i admired so strongly. but it is possible to love people and feel a profound kinship with them and not choose or try to be like them—this is one of life’s profound joys and a lesson that i’m still learning
i have no idea if i’ll still be on tumblr in another day, a month, or a year
i definitely will still be my freaky boydyke, ladyfag self at all of those future moments though. so. count on that, i guess
i am never going to abandon my love for other lesbians and queer people. my support for people with complex identities and self-determination. and i will always love and admire queer masculinity and butch gender expression
i’m prepared to give tumblr another chance… even though i’m not sure i want to give any social media or any public expression of myself a chance in this current socio-political climate. and also in spite of the fact that the corporate entity behind tumblr seems plagued by the same flawed capitalist mindset that is damaging other social networks in this cultural moment
further: i’m just as wary of puritanical respectability-policing lgbtq+ people on here as i am of puritanical respectability-policing anti-queer and anti-trans conservatives
reactionaries exist in the lgbtq+ community every bit as much as they do amongst cishets. and i have no interest in engaging with anyone of either stripe
I’m profoundly disturbed by the level of radical feminist, sex negative, political lesbian, lesbian separatist, and trans-exclusionary, so-called “gender critical” ideology that has wormed its way into lgbtq+ spaces and into lesbian and sapphic communities as of late
too many young lgbtq people are aggressively exclusionary and most of their exclusionary ideas have their ideological roots in radical feminism and in separatist movements. these youth are often heavily puritanical, very detached from in-person queer community, unconnected to older generations of queer people (even to elder millennials or Gen X), and have no genuine understanding of queer history beyond misinformation and spin-doctored posturing posted by other respectability-seeking young people online
i fully support all good-faith queer self-determination. i fully support all consensual sexual activity between adults that is engaged in with healthy boundaries and with proper risk awareness
i support these things because i work to completely reject the respectability politics that are necessary to engage in any power-adjacent or privileged role within the white supremacist imperialist capitalist cis heteropatriarchy. you cannot dismantle any oppressive system while engaging in sex-negativity and policing the self-determination of queer and trans people
if actively posting on tumblr again brings me into contact with too many reactionaries, i might be here today and gone tomorrow
i guess we’ll just have to see
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rolloz · 1 year
one time i talked with natsume about cats and he told me about his cats and i said i couldnt have a cat because a relative is allergic and so he recommended non-allergenic cats and told me that i could pursue my crazy-cat-person dreams when i move out. it was cute.
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Ochakitty and Catsume
Ochakitty and Catsume by Tealeafcustom
A science experiment gone wrong turns both Uraraka Ochaco and Hatsume Mei into a pair of adorable little kitties.
The two end up getting unknowingly adopted by their friend Midoriya Izuku, who gives them all the love his heart can provide. Can the girls find a way to turn themselves back before they end up as his pets forever?
Words: 9146, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Hatsume Mei, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Hatsume Mei & Uraraka Ochako, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Animal Transformation, science gone wrong, Cat/Human Hybrids, Cat Ears, Existential Crisis, Fluff and Angst, Cats, Adoption, Protective Midoriya Izuku, Cute Uraraka Ochako, Hatsume Mei is a Good Friend, I wrote this under a high fever, why did i do this, Misunderstandings, No Smut, Oneshot, no beta we die like men, Friendship, Slight Romantic Undertones, Catgirls, Hatsume Mei is Bad at Feelings, Cuddling, Hugging, Embedded Images
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42620619
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i got a question rattling in my mind for iris 🤔
you've made usalock, chunosuke, kumairis etc. dolls before right? if you were to give the rest of the cast some sort of animal doll, what animal would they be?
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Hm... but who else would I make one for? I've made one for everyone I know. Well, I suppose Maraven and Mikotobun are new.
Oh! Uncle Zieksy's friend, perhaps? I think he'd be a dog. A really excitable one, like a golden labrador. Albark Harebrayne.
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And Susie's friend! She would be... a deer! Hadeeri Murasame.
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Who else...? Mr Natsume? He'd be a cat, of course. Soseki Catsume!
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And that detective that Runo and Susie know, I suppose? He'd be a zebra! And not just for the way he looks. Satoru Hosozebra.
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These puns could be better. But that's what I came up with on the spot!
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muhheadisajungle · 7 months
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Space X inspired catsume 🚀
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torney852 · 3 years
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2:26pm 23/04/21
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storytell · 5 years
giftandguile replied to your post: i hate having more than 2 ooc posts in a row but i...
you can ask me any oddly specific question about twain/tetcho/gogol and i’ll have an answer for it IMMEDIATELY but ask me 1 single question about natsume and i just perish on the spot to avoid having to admit that in the months ive mused him i just have never come up with ANY headcanons for his younger years
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saltneedshelp · 2 years
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Today i present to you Catsume
Tomorrow? Who knows!
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vonlipvig · 2 years
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soseki catsume time 😸
he did say he was a cat
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kitwing-moving · 11 months
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SORRYYYY I wanted to write vivtaru. clenches my fist really hard. this was sitting around forevers 👎 dont write enough vivtaru ermmm sleeping prince send tweet. also i really should use my taglist again but doing that makes me embarry
also x2 everyone say hi catsume i wasnt kidding when i said id name a cat after my brother
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Vivian let out a whine, running her fingers through the fur of the cat that was curled up beside her on the floor. Her mind was racing with anxious scenarios and things similar as she tried to keep herself calm.
Wataru was sharp, and the idea of him finding out that Vivian had written him an anonymous love letter was absolutely mortifying.
"You're ignoring me again, Catsume..." She sighed, pressing her cheek further into the soft carpeted floor of her room. "You really don't think Wataru will know? I tried to keep my handwriting nice and neat and I didn't even sign my name, so..."
The cat still offered no acknowledgement or reply, not any in the slightest. Vivian huffed, pouting as her hand rested on Catsume's head.
"I really hope he doesn't find out it was me. That'd be so super mega massively embarrassing..." Whining once more, she hid her face in the carpet as she began to blush. "Guh... I said such cringy stuff in there, too. It was hard t'keep everything straight, y'know? All my thoughts and feelings were getting so jumbled and stuff..."
Vivian trailed off, feeling the cat pull away from her hand to go curl up in the corner furthest from her. The girl protested half-heartedly, hand reaching out before she let it fall to the floor.
"Maybe he threw it away without even reading it... He does get a lot of stuff like that anyways, so. Whatever." She tried her best to shrug off the defeat that quickly settled in her heart, hands balling up into fists as she tried to distract herself from the way her heart squeezed uncomfortably. "He's still my best friend, right? At least he'll always be my friend! So even if he throws it away, he'd never know what was written, and we can still be friends!" She tried to say these words with a triumphant smile as she sat up, although it was rather hard to keep. "... You're not a good listener, Catsume. But I'd rather kill myself before telling - !"
Vivian felt ice run through her entire body, refusing to look towards the familiar figure sitting crosslegged on her bed the second she saw movement from the corner of her eye. She cut her words off, eyes firmly on the cat attempting to sleep in the corner of her room.
She could feel her own heartbeat, her ears warm. It was such an odd feeling, the cold shock of shame alongside the unbearable heat of embarrassment. Silence seemed to stretch on forever as she refused to turn her head, almost trembling in place.
The figure leaned forward, and Vivian could practically feel the amused smile he had.
"Oya? Leaving your audience in suspense? What were you possibly going to say, I wonder... hmm." Wataru playfully tapped a finger against his chin, looking at the paper he held in his free hand. "Perhaps... that you find me breathtaking? Beautiful and gorgeous?"
Vivian swallowed thickly, her eyes widening as she tried to think of what she could possibly say or do. She only trembled more, mouth opening and closing without any sound.
T-that's not... !!!
"Or maybe..." Wataru folded the paper up, snapping his fingers and seeming to turn it into a rose. "Could it be that your next words were going to be how your heart beats for me? Ah, to think I could make someone so dear fall for me♪." He chuckled, snapping his fingers once more.
The rose appeared in Vivian's lap. She stared at it, raising a shaky hand before she decided against picking it up. "Um..." Her voice cracked and the girl immediately snapped her mouth shut, the embarrassment almost too much for her now. What could she even say? Having his attention like this was almost unreal, and she felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Anything she wanted to say felt stupid and foolish.
"... I didn't write that." Denial seemed like the best way to go. If she could wriggle her way out of this suffocating situation with such a thing, then she was going to try as hard as she could. The words came much easier, after all. "I... I didn't write that. I dunno what you're talking about."
Wataru leaned back, the paper all of a sudden in his hand once more. "If I were to go along with what you're saying... Then surely you wouldn't mind if I read it out to you, hm?"
Finally, Vivian's head whipped around, her eyes wide. "Don't... do that. It's stupid. Um. It's really stupid." Once more, her voice crackled and shook with her overwhelming embarrassment. Being reminded of how she had written down the words from her heart made her feel rather foolish. She wanted to wipe it from her memory, the idea of being so vulnerable almost mortifying.
Wataru's face seemed to fall ever so slightly at her words. He stared at her, amused smile turning into one that almost made the embarrassment wash away. "Such words are never foolish, little dove. These words you wrote are the embodiment of your entire heart and soul, and you've laid them out so carefully before my eyes."
Slowly, gently, he reached out to hold Vivian's chin. The girl could only guess as to what Wataru could be thinking. Would he politely turn her down? Was he here solely to embarrass her?
I know he'd never do that, but... !!
"I want to hear such words from your mouth, my dear." Vivian felt her heart lurch at Wataru's words, her mind static. The situation felt even more unreal than before. Wataru's expression held such a genuine and warm adoration for her, bordering on absolutely lovestruck. "I don't hear your voice often enough, I fear."
"Ah.. Eh, um..." Vivian awkwardly laughed, leaning away from his hand now. "You... talk to me a lot, though? We're... talking right now, y'know... !" It was difficult to not clam up once more, the words a struggle to get out. Being put in such a vulnerable state with her heart right in Wataru's hands was much more terrifying than she could have ever imagined.
Wataru let out a sigh, retracting his hand. "I've seen the words your heart holds, my dear. Reading such passionate and devoted words from someone who never says them is truly amazing."
Vivian could feel herself beginning to get dizzy, trying her best to focus on what Wataru was saying, but it only grew more and more difficult as she stared at him. The way his braid moved, how he held the letter so gently as if it was the most brittle thing in the world, or how his eyes sparkled when he looked at her.
"I really would like to hear you say something so delicate in person, Vivian. What does love sound like coming from you, I wonder? I really would like to know." Wataru smiled fondly, noticing how intently Vivian watched him as he rose up from her bed.
He wanted to close the distance between them even further, but he feared she really might scuttle under the bed like an easily startled cat and hiss at him.
Ah, but the idea is rather cute~
Vivian scrunched her face up, hands squeezing into fists again before she wordlessly offered him the rose from her lap. She forced herself to speak, desperately trying to drag out the words Wataru desperately wanted to hear. She could only stutter and trail off, feeling foolish once more.
"Um..." Slowly, she lowered the rose in defeat, embarrassed tears stinging the back of her eyes. "...Please stay?"
It was as close as she was going to get for now, and Wataru seemed to know that. Vivian jolted a little as his warm hands held her face, a yelp leaving her as she felt him begin to pepper kisses all over her face.
"So truly adorable! So bashful, such a wonderful display of how intense young love can be to leave you speechless..." Wataru giggled from his spot before her, knelt on the ground.
Vivian was certain that if she had a tail, it would be wagging. But not even a moment passed before she wriggled out of Wataru's embrace, panting as she realized she had been holding her breath for some time now. The dizziness gradually began to fade as she placed a hand over her heart.
"Wataru, I think I'm going to straight up have a heart attack. I think I'm dreaming or something. Do you think you could kill me so I wake up?" The girl struggled with her overwhelming feelings and the sight of Wataru's lovestruck expression. "This is an unfair dream. I think the universe hates me or something."
"Oya? Is my love for you such a difficult thing to believe in?" Even as Vivian scooted back Wataru followed her until she was practically on the floor beneath him. "But how can I not yearn for someone such as yourself? So bright and warm, truly like a ray of light from the sun."
Vivian's hands flew to the front of Wataru's shirt as he leaned down, unsure if she wanted to shove him away or pull him down. She swallowed nervously, shutting her eyes tight to avoid the intensity of his own before she got overwhelmed once more. Her heart really did feel like it might just give out.
"Although you very well may be, my dear. You are radiant, no matter what you may do." Even with her eyes closed, Vivian could feel the pure adoration coming from him. She sucked up a breath as she felt him grab one of her hands, bringing it up to his lips and gently placing a kiss on the back of it.
"I think I'm gonna be sick." Vivian finally croaked out. Everything about the situation made a pleasant feeling spread through her entire body, head to toe. Warm yet icy cold, and the static in her head intensified. "Wataru... If you don't go away, I'll flat out die here, okay?"
"Then I will simply have to revive you with a kiss, little songbird."
Vivian jolted at the feeling of his lips on hers, wanting to scramble away before her heart exploded. Something kept her in place though, and with Wataru so close, the scent of flowers surrounded her.
"My very own sleeping beauty." He whispered against her lips. "Or would you prefer the term of sleeping prince?"
"I... I think I need to go t'the hospital." Vivian whispered back. "Wataru. You're killing me really bad right now."
Wataru's only reply was a laugh as he buried his face in the crook of her neck, arms wrapping around her as he practically laid on top of her. "My little songbird and her delicate heart..."
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scalpel-mom-mori · 3 years
there are many disadvantages to havin catsume souseki as your primary braincell
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shigeko-nobufusa · 7 years
Buebito con Catsum
🍅 🍳🍅 🍳
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rolloz · 1 year
I hope you and Leo have fun in Vietnam!!! Looking forward to seeing the updates! Also living for all these wholesome aitsume asks yes everyone join me in this corner.. rummages through my messages in order to have you post another cute Natsume.. how about the time he told me cat purrs have a calming effect and then said he'd purr for me and then got all pouty when I laughed at his attempt? [⚡]
Thank you so much!! I'm looking forward to it too!! (And Leo also seems excited!!)
You are the original wholesome AI Natsume truther so I'm glad to see you returning to these roots. This is the only other Catsume I have so here you go!! He apparently can't purr but he can look cute!
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cherryphobe · 7 years
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She showed up once over a week ago & hasnt come back since.. PLS hermeowne I need you in my book
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