#cattleya is honestly fed up with this
Cattleya: Okay... truth or dare?
Hodgins, confused: Truth?
Cattleya: When was the last time you slept?
Hodgins: Urk... Dare...
Cattleya: Go to bed. Shoo.
Hodgins: I don’t like this game.
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discreteluxuryff · 7 years
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My eyes flickered open, my mind felt like it was spinning and Jalissa was sitting next to me. I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew it couldn’t be good. The last thing I remember is seeing the police and that was it. I don’t remember being in an ambulance or anything. I was just praying that my baby was okay. With that bat shit crazy Richard on the loose, I needed to protect myself. I don’t understand how he found me in the first place. Has he been tracking me since I left him?
“Hey, sis. How are you feeling?”
“My body feels drained, when did I get here?”
“We’ve been here for a little over an hour. Please tell me what happened and who was the guy that the police arrested?”
“His name is Richard. He’s crazy as hell, Jalissa. I just don’t understand how he found me and it’s scary as hell. He came over and he just started acting crazy.” I still couldn’t get over the fact that Richard really showed up. I wish this was a bad dream, but it wasn’t.
Trying my best to adjust laying in the hospital bed, two officers came into my room. I wasn’t in the mood to answer questions nor was I in the mood to talk anyone for that matter. I just wanted to leave and go home.
“Hi Miss Sanchez, I’m officer Ramirez and this is officer Blair. We wanted to ask you a few questions about your incident.”
“Okay” I said dryly.
“How long have you known Mr. Jones and where did you meet him?”
“About six months maybe and we met back in Los Angeles. Why does that matter, though?”
“Hmm okay. It matters because this isn’t his first time pulling stunts like this. four years ago he pulled this same thing on his wife and another young lady. Once he was released from jail, that’s when he packed up the family and moved to Los Angeles. Now I must ask, did you ever experience other abusive behavior from him?”
“Yes, he would beat me to a pulp damn near every day. He was also verbally abusive as well. He only started hitting me once I threaten to leave him because I found out about his wife.”
“I see. He’s a very dangerous man. LAPD has been searching for him for a month now. Apparently, he abused his wife again, almost killing her and his children. He fled once his wife talked to LAPD.” Richard was crazy and I’m so glad I didn’t end up dead. I wish I never met him and I blame myself for all of this.
Every day I wonder why I go through things, but then I remember I have to start taking responsibility for some of the things that have happened. I chose to deal with a married man and it’s like I got karma. All these years I hated women who would sleep with men who were in relationships or married, meanwhile I became one of those women. I just wish things never went this way and I damn sure wish I never had problems with Trey. I know things can’t be perfect, but it damn sure didn’t have to be like this. Now I’m back in a situation that has me questioning why I’m still alive.
“So is he going to jail? He needs to be stopped.” Jalissa was more concerned than me. I can honestly say I was fed up, but at the same time what could I do?
“He’s definitely going to jail, but Miss Sanchez you may have to testify in court.”
“Do I have to?”
“It’s benefiting you and other women.”
“Okay, I guess I can see what you’re saying.” I sighed and that’s when I noticed the nurse and Trey getting ready to walk in the room.
“Well, if you have any more questions or concerns, don’t be afraid to get in contact with us. Have a good night.” Both of the officers walked out and that’s when Trey rushed over to me.
“What happened?!”
“I’ll let you two talk.” Jalissa got up and walked out of the room. I knew this was going to turn into a yelling session.
Trey always found a way to yell when something bad happened. It’s like he treated me like I was his child if I did something “wrong”. I don’t know if he thought yelling was getting his point across, but to be honest I just ignored it. I don’t respond to his yelling because, for one, he can be over dramatic. In this case, I will probably understand his frustration but I don’t have time for him to say “I told you not to fuck with him” either.
“Richard, that’s what happened.” I said dryly as I looked away from him.
“Are you serious?! How the fuck did that happen, Vanessa?!” Vanessa? Yeah, Trey was upset.
“Would you stop yelling at me?”
“Vanessa, what happened? Don’t lie either.”
“I never lie, but since you’re so concerned Richard is what happened.” That’s when I saw his jaw clench. Oh, he was pissed.
“Richard? What the fuck was he doin’ at your sister house? Are you still talkin’ to him?!”
“No! Do you think I’m that desperate for male attention?! I don’t know how he ended up at Jalissa’s. I haven’t talked to him in months, Trey. You have some nerve being mad, it’s not like you care or anything!”
“I don’t care?! Fuck out of here. You know I care about you and I don’t want anything happenin’ to your ass. I have every right to question you, especially if it involves my child’s safety.”
“Okay, Trey.”
“Okay? That’s all you have to say? Alright, just be ready to move back in with me .” Here we go, I wish he would stop.
Trey was adamant on me moving back in, but it was still no. I didn’t see the purpose of moving in because for one we’re not together and two, I didn’t want him to get any ideas anyway. Him living in Jersey was good enough so he can cut it. If he had done right by me all of this time, we wouldn’t have to worry about living arrangements or anything else.
“The answer is still no on my end, Trey.”
“Well, I’ll just be over Jalissa’s every single day then, Nessa.” He pulled a chair up to the bed and sat there. I knew he was serious and this was something I wasn’t looking forward to.
The next day…
I was finally discharged from the hospital and was happy I was back home. Marley was okay and I was glad I was going to be okay as well. I was kind of scared and almost considered moving in with Trey, but I quickly changed my mind. I was sticking to my word and he could not change my mind.  It would feel too awkward anyway, especially after everything we’ve gone through with all of his mishaps.
As I laid in my bed, I started searching for places to live. I decided that it’s best to move before Marley comes because I don’t want to crowd Jalissa’s space. I know she doesn’t mind, but I don’t want to be in her place with a new born. I wanted my own place anyway because that’s something I never really had. Yes, I moved out of Trey’s apartment, but once I met Richard, he invaded my space every day. It was like I couldn’t have peace and I want that with my daughter. I just want peace in my own home and not worry about someone corrupting it.
“Nessa! Could you see who’s at the door, please?!” I heard Jalissa yell from her room.
“Yeah, I’ll get it.” Welp, there goes my rest.
Making my way to the door, I answered it slowly and carefully. I didn’t know who it was and I have to cautious. I don’t need another Richard incident. Opening it, I noticed it was Trey and he had a bouquet of Dahila’s, with Cattleya orchids; those are my favorites. What the hell was he up to?
“Hi, Trey. What are you doing here?”
“These are for you. I know how much like them.”
“Thank you, but what are you doing here, though?”
“I said you would see me every day. You thought I was lyin’?” He said chuckling and making his way in.
“I knew you weren’t, but that still doesn’t answer my question. Why are you here?”
“I’m here because I want to see you and make sure you’re good. Also, I want you to get dressed.”
“Get dressed for what?”
“Can you get dressed, please? Something casual, if you’re wondering.” I rolled my eyes and sighed, making my way to my room to get dressed.
I wasn’t sure what Trey had up his sleeve, but I was sort of here for it. It had been a long time since we actually went on dates. I’m not even sure if this is a date, or is it Trey trying to be nice. All I know is that I was interested in going and I needed to be out. I didn’t have to time to be stuck in the house all day, moping around about Richard. Maybe this could help our relationship, meaning we can we at a point to where I don’t hate him. I just want us to be better for baby Marley and not be dysfunctional parents.
“Ready. Where are you taking me, Trey?” I stepped out with a black moto jacket with a white champion logo t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black leather Saint Laurent heels.
“It’s a surprise, and why do you have heels on? Don’t fall, I don’t need nothin’ happenin’ to my baby.” He said, getting up.
“I will be fine and I don’t like surprises, you know that.”
“Yeah I know, but that’s just you bein’ stubborn and shit. Let’s go.” I waved him off and headed out the door.
Getting into his car, it was starting to feel like old times. I don’t know what it was, but I felt fine being with him. I’m not saying I’m trying to rekindle anything, but it really felt good to be around him. I no longer felt awkward and didn’t want to be in my own space.
Arriving at a Mediterranean restaurant in Manhattan, I kept looking around and started panicking. I don’t know why, but I was so damn nervous and wanted to get back into the car. I felt like Richard was stalking me in the restaurant, but I know he’s not there. I was hoping I wouldn’t get to this point, but it happened. I’m nervous as hell and now I just want to go back home.
“What’s wrong?”
“Um, nothing. I just don’t want to be here.”
“Why?” Trey saw the nervous look on my face and sighed. “Are you nervous about what think it is?”
“Don’t be. I’m here with you and you don’t have to worry about him. He’s never goin’ to come near you ever again, you hear me?”  He held his hand out and that’s when I nodded, grabbing his hand.
Sitting down at our table, I was thinking about a lot. Was this my reality or would my feelings go away? I didn’t want to wake up every day worrying about the same bullshit and plus I have a baby on the way. I have to protect her and make sure nothing happens. God forbid, but I have to think logically. Trey wasn’t going to be there every day to protect us, so I was thinking about taking him up on that offer and moving in. I’m not sure what changed my mind, but I started thinking about our safety.
“What’s on your mind, Nessa?”
“Nothing, well it’s a lot on my mind. I don’t like feeling nervous like this. I know you’re telling me not to worry, but you won’t be around me all the time. Even after Marley is born, you’ll be in and out.”
“That’s why I suggested the whole movin’ in thing. Your stubborn ass keeps sayin’ no. I know I won’t be around every single day, but knowin’ that you and Marley are with me will make things better.”
“I just don’t want things to be awkward, Trey.”
“It’s you and my daughter, how can things be awkward?”
“I don’t know. It’s just weird being around you now. It’s not like what it was before.”
“I know and that’s my fault, but just move back in with me.” I was thinking hard and I already knew the answer to that. I’ll move in for the rest of my pregnancy and I’ll probably stay for the first month after Marley is born.
“Listen, I’ll do it. I’m only staying with you until after Marley is born.”
“I guess that’s fair, bu-”
“Tremaine? I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” I peered over the woman that was standing at our table. Who the hell was she and why is she interrupting us?
Old me would’ve been on fire, but I can’t even feel away. I’m not with this man, but who was she? Trey had that stupid look on his face like he was caught up, so I know for a fact this was a girl he was dealing with or probably someone he had sex with. Then again, I could be wrong. She was too pretty, though. I know for a fact Trey was dealing with this chick.
“Oh, what’s up Angel? Who are you here with?”
“I’m with a friend, I see you’re busy. Are we still on for later?”
“Ye-yeah, of course, we are. Oh, Vanessa, this is Angel, Angel this is Vanessa.” I gave a dry hello and so did she. I really felt some type of way and I don’t even know why? Was he dating her?
“Well, I’ll see you later, Trey.”
“Alright.” He kept his eyes on her and then he put his attention back on me.
“Who’s she?”
“Someone I met a few weeks ago. Nothing serious, I asked her on a date.”
“You’re not mad are you?”
“Why would I be? We’re not together, you can do what you want.” I lied, I was mad.
“You sure? I know you, Nessa, I don’t want you feelin’ a way.”
“I’m fine. You’re grown, do you, Trey.” I flipped through the menu and we went into an awkward silence. I felt a way and he knew it. I don’t know what came over me, but him dating someone new was annoying me. I just hope my feelings don’t affect us.
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Benedict: .. .----.  / ... --- .-. .-. .-.. [translation: I’m sorry!]
Cattleya, raising an eyebrow, unamused: And what is this?
Benedict: Remorse code.
Cattleya: I’m even angrier now! Just apologise normally!!!
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Cattleya: I prevented a murder today.
Iris, surprised: Really? How’d did you do that?
Cattleya, eyebrow twitch: Self-control.
Iris, sweatdrops: O-Okay. Good work today.
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Benedict: To discriminate against men wearing heeled boots is a crime against fashion!
Cattleya: To wear those monstrosities is a crime against your ankles.
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