#cause I don’t really want to get into politics when I’m writing about 17 yo gay ghost from 1916
iswearimahuman · 5 months
y’know you could do a lot with Edwin’s age. And I’m not just talking about gay repression. I mean like dude died before women were even aloud to vote. You could come up with some fun stuff with that. I’m sure he’s partially up to date with modern times but like there’s probably a lot he doesn’t know about. Like he missed out on 70 years of pop culture.
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mixedracefairy · 5 years
A Reylocentric review of Episode IX
(I'm from London get used to the slang)
I liked:
• I just liked how one of many Snokes was in like a Matrix incubator, lit and mysterious idea - that Palpatine was behind the creation of Ben. Did he bun not being able to find Rey and then switch to Vader's line as I assume Ben wasn't hard to find? Had to use Snoke otherwise Final Order and resurgence would be revealed. Cool.
• Opening with Ren POV establishes him as a big man and dark don and Palpatine is butters like whatever you think of Ben/Ren all man can get behind hating on Palpy.
• The whole 'lads we best sort this out or we're totally fucked' plot - Palpatine is back with a surrender or be destroyed motive
• The promise of destiny to Ren if man ends Rey cos it makes them mortal enemies. However you sense he won't cos she's wifey but the dichotomy is bare hypey. (That sounds silly. It does however, best express my feelings to the situ.)
• Him chasing her all 'I am gonna turn you to the dark' - it's exciting that he has a desire for her, it's also exciting that she's like aight calm and carries on with her ting with the boiz
• Rey's vision - the potential in the force for her to rule with Kylo Ren and be dark side. Wild.
• Rey's heritage revealed - that she comes from a lineage of great power and great darkness. At first it was cool that she was a nobody and Ren like a prince because of the class contrast and their bond, but this reveal makes her almost greater than Ren, eligible to be empress. Literally the bottom to top. Lit.
• Moments of proximity, there's a momentum building, the bond between them and it's exciting to anticipate their presence together and what might come if it
• The duel of wills over the transporter, demonstrating equal power. (Luke saber 2.0)
• Her shock at her power, losing control/unawareness of might - Rey fearing her power and destiny. Rey also being how the Skywalker twins learn from their mistakes of not fearing (Ben's) power
• Their force bonds - moments where she outsmart him, him with the position in power searching for her on the ground but she's in his quarters. There's always been something hypey about the FO/Empire with their might vs RA/Resistance underdogs and our boiz winning, but never in a situation where they're bonded and he's literally searching for her to wifey.
• Lowkey role reversal cos he's tryna tell her who she is, albeit for his own purposes, and she's in denial and responds by attacking him. The 'I'm angry so I'm gonna hack at things with my lightsaber' is usually a Ren move.
• You can't tell if they want to kill each other, (cos you can tell they wanna fuuuh). Ren races at her with his speeder, she cuts off his wing; in their heated duel they let each other recover yet she seizes the opportunity to kill him. She then heals him as the occasion is a mutual mourning. Confessing wanting to take his hand, Ben's hand.
• The way Rey and Ren dance around each other, Rey flying off his star base. Man all like rah, bae swerved again.
• They did 3PO dirty! It's gucci tho for the Groot-esque bant.
• Ren's abandoning of the dark side moment was feeling keenly the loss of his mother, indicating he had a love for her and somewhere a desire to return to the light or a safety/relaxedness that his opposition was headed by her. Almost like he was protecting as much as seeming to destroy her cause. 
• It reminded him of how he lost his father by his hand, their love haunts him as somewhere he felt he belonged but was ashamed to return to because of Snoke (Palpatine's) corruption. Her death is a loss of hope for his sometime redemption or organising of the galaxy between those who backed the Resistance and First Order. 
• The memory of Han convinces Ben Leia's cause still lives if he decides to take it up, showing he did care for her and what she stood for. He just felt lost to it, hurt, unbelonging, bitter and abandoned by it. Yet he believed in himself and his destiny for greatness, (which you have to rate), so man was like dark side it is. (Wow, what a gangster.) 
• It's a bit like Leia's death freed him of the shame of wanting to be light because he needn't face their judgement, or more, the pain of their undeserved love and forgiveness.
• Lowkey Harry Potter vibes like when Harry's nemesis kills him but doesn't die but the horcrux part did. Han says "Kylo Ren is dead" after he is stabbed by his own saber - the pursuit of darkness that was destroying him has been killed (with compassion for Leia?)
• Leia's arc from episide IV has been lit. After her death, Poe feeling unqualified and Lando saying they all of them weren't ready, you deep how young, (what literally 17?), Leia since day has been taking initiative, being a leader. What a champion and woman all the galaxy has looked up to. And telling silly flyboys to put their cocks away, yet still she believed in and elevated Poe (who has learnt and developed).
• Force heal 1 was a nice indicator of her capability and just a nice touch of her approach of kindness to problem solving, like Leia to her flyboys - put your cocks away. Also dope how Finn prees it and backs her.
• What the hell was Finn going to tell Rey before they sank?
• Yo the way man ended Hux was lit! Pusssyyyy
• Ben's redemption, how he went after Rey to rescue/fight with her as Han's son.
Fresh 👏 garms
• The parallels of Ben and Rey both ditching their saber was cool. Not sure why, like they're both on the wavelength of 'fuck this shit' haha. Except Ben ditches his to step into his true self, what he was trying to do since day, and Rey ditches hers to deny herself. Good thing Luke was about to say who you are is what you make of yourself. A bit like the answerless mirror cave from VIII.
• I like old Luke. I like what a cynical c*nt he is hahaha
• Ben abandoned his saber as it represented Kylo Ren and darkness. Was it foolish to take just a blaster? Tbf he is the don with the force so maybe he thought he was gucci. Force swap was sick tho.
• Pretty cool that their force bond is so powerful it could renew Palpatine's power as it shows how precious it is. Also mad tragic that that is their downfall, they stood no chance against him. But surely if it could renew him it could end him? Two yung padawans couldn't really take on big man like Palpy so fair.
• There were some excellently convincing moments all round of loss of hope - 'they're done fuuucked' moments. Poe in his X wing, Rey staring into force lightning etc.
• Was it stupid that Ben went to Rey? It's obviously instinctive he ain't gonna snake bae now they're not opps. Without him there Palpatine never would have been renewed tho. Rey however remains pure and not a Sith, so did he come to protect her innocence? Fits in with the literary themes and tropes of fairytales that the whole idea of them comes from. 
• I mean if he hadn't come Rey would be Sith empress and really how bad would that be? She'd probably have Ben beside her thus fulfilling the vision she had. What Sith vows must she have taken in order to become empress, (to save the mandem obvs), because she could technically marry Ben who would rule in light and she in darkness. That would be badass af, an unwilling Sith empress.
• Rey's fulfilling of destiny, saving the galaxy etc. I mean obviously it's dope when a hero steps into her role. She chose, like Ren, to ignore her past but in this case for good (because she had the bravery to believe she was not isolated, she was loved, unlike Ben). 
• Her battle has been one of self worth and belonging and she believed she belonged to a Jedi family, worthy to have all Jedi behind her, despite her searching for a family to give her life meaning and finding the truth is literally the opposite of what might help her in this battle. She gave all her power/life for the galaxy.
• Ben gave his life for her, completing his redemption in a Christ-like ultimate love sacrifice. We also catch a first smile and oh me lawd it is my favourite thing in the whole three trilogies. That transfer of life, joy, love, kiss, death was just perfection. Po👏et👏ry. 
• Fuck man. She was his only joy. Raaah
• Also because she died for the galaxy, he died to give her life, it's like he took the L for the galaxy instead, but also allowing our young female protagonist from ends the glory and not the star prince with a bad white male privilege temper and climb to power.
• Leia didn't become one with the force til Ben was redeemed. That's deep. Was that why Ben turned? His scar is now healed, suggesting the betrayal of patricide and how that weakened him instead of making him Kylo Ren is mended by Rey. He's no longer split in two?
• What's the symbolism of giving her life by putting your hand there Ben? I see you Disney, you gotta keep it PG but I see you
• At the end, when she's asked what her name is, it would have been cool if she was like Rey Palpatine and I overcame the meaning of the name, I know who I am. But it was fitting, you could sense it - and the force ghosts what a touch - she was a Skywalker. Her fam have been Leia, Luke and Han, and her soulmate should they have been married would make her Skywalker too. Technically Rey Solo which also fits because it's the same reason Han chose the name cos man didn't know who they belonged to, except she's not alone, she belongs as a Skywalker.
• Obviously Rey and Ben raising little babies as heirs to the empire would have been dope but Ben's death atones for his atrocities as well as makes for poetic writing. 
• Rey returns to nothing, which is cool cos her parents obviously must have been eligible to be heirs to the empire and also chose to be nothing. So it's significant, not anticlimactic. It's humbling, which in the trope of heroes is radical.
• This is a statement that autocracies like the Final Order don't belong in the galaxy, but people power can take down star destroying fleets. (Shame about UK politics not being people power taking down hope destroying elites but ok.)
• Oi what does that gold lightsaber mean? It's cool still.
• Leia and Luke, like Rey, show a natural instinct for the light, as if to say humans are naturally loving without influence of darkness. (Ffs Darth Sidious)
• Both Rey and Ben have the same dark then light genealogy. Rey actively seeks out the light (VIII) and is denied it and genuinely fears her potential for darkness eventually. Ben is moulded to darkness despite his natural light. When they face big man Darth Sidious they're both at a point of comfort in their identities, they both believe they have a right to the light side because of who they are and the choice they are making.
• What's the new mask phase all about?
• Ben's arc is dope - you meet Kylo Ren and he's scary and powerful, then lol at mask off moment, you're a likkle yout! Then find he desperately wants to prove himself and becomes a vulnerable manchild, his act of patricide fostering a softer side which we connect to through Rey, taking leadership and then throwing that in the trash to be, like Rey, a nobody. It's like reverse Vader, also because instead of unwittingly killing his missus he wittingly gives his life for her.
• Lit trilogy 👏 bun the haters. Them man don't understand 😙👌
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letamreviews · 5 years
Top of 2019
With 56 films watched and 27 favorited in 2019, I composed a list of my top. By pure happenstance, the list is almost an exact third (18) of the total films watched. Be aware that I don’t have as much to say about some of these because I took no notes after.
Because I’d be biased towards them, I don’t count the National Theatre Live plays.
Since the list is likely to be altered between now and the end of February (to accommodate for films missed), check the Lettboxd list later on to see an up to date listing, but be aware that it intentionally lacks the details provided here.
EDIT (01/04/20):
Woke up this morning religiously re-reading this and caught some grammar errors. It’s almost like staying consistently well-rested is actually beneficial. While I’m at it, Blind Rating (BR) is how worthwhile the film is watching “blind” (or knowing nothing). The scale is 1 (worth it) to 5 (you must). ‘Eh is essentially a 0.5.
1. Midsommar (USA)
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Saw the original and Director's Cut in theatres and discussed them with a group immediately after both times. I’m somewhere between really liking it and loving it. Still unsure. Hell of an experience with a lot to notice, debate over, and pick up on during the second viewing. Don’t even get me started on the Christian/Dani matter. Dat tension, tho. Blind Rating: 4/5
2. Us (USA)
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Saw in theatres and discussed with a group immediately after. I’m digging the allegories and the way (I think) it reflects on society. Dem reveals, tho. Blind Rating: 4/5
3. Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am (USA)
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Saw in theatres and discussed with a group immediately after. Two things probably play a huge hand in this not being atleast 3 spots lower: my demographic and the fact that her older self constantly reminded me of my grandma and a certain middle school teacher. Regardless, it’s an entertaining, interesting, and lively documentary with its many personalities on-screen all giving their take on matters along with Ms. Morrison herself. Glad they managed to finish and release this 1.25 months before her death. Blind Rating: 0/5
4. When They See Us (USA)
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Saw on Netflix over the course of a month. Y’all, this one hurt too much to watch again any time soon. Admittedly, part of the reason why it hit me so hard is because I could easily have been one of them. Dat ending, tho. Don’t forget to watch the Oprah followup When They See Us Now after. You’ll ball (again). Blind Rating: 3/5
5. Parasite (South Korea)
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Saw an advance screening in theatres and watched a live post-film Q&A. I really like it. This hit me in such a way that it’s one of three films I’m writing an essay on. Planing on watching it a second time soon so I can finish with a sense of accuracy. This isn’t one that I would recommend looking at images for. There are some that will spoil the experience of the second half. Seriously, block the “Parasite” tag from your feed if you can. Blind Rating: 3/5
6. Luce (USA)
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Saw in theatres and discussed with a group immediately after. This was is so~ good as a thriller and especially in regards to being Black in America. Wanted to watch it a second time but never managed to squeeze it in before it left theatres. Dem performances, tho. Dat tension, yo. Dat score, bro. Blind Rating: 1/5
7. Them That Follow (USA)
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Saw in theatres and discussed with someone immediately after. I love it. Blind Rating: 1/5
A drama influenced thriller about a religious and somewhat self-isolating community that's effectively blanketing a realistic romance. (snip) —Letterboxd review
8. The Souvenir (United Kingdom)
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Saw in theatres (partially because so many movie peeps were shitting on it). I love it, but I didn't fucking love it. Was tempted to see it again, but didn’t get the chance. Dat ending, tho. While it was a movie peep telling me the whole plot that caused me to gain so much interest in it [Cabin in the Woods (2011) all over again, amiright?], I must say that the less you know the better. It’ll make for... a more immersive experience. Blind Rating: 3/5
9. After the Wedding (USA)
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Saw in theatres and discussed with a group immediately after. I thought I really liked it, but I love it. This was a trip down unexpected lane, le'me tell ya. The trailer is a spoilerful lie, but the Landmark's description is very accurate. People's experiences will have a heavy hand in how they react to it and feel about certain characters. The way they made this feel like a constant thriller was excellently done. Dat cinematography, tho. Go in knowing nothing more than what the previous link provides. Blind Rating: 1/5
10. Joker (USA)
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Saw in theatres and discussed with a group immediately after. I really like it. Blind Rating: 1/5
(slight spoilers)
This was difficult to watch at times, but hella captivating throughout. Arthur's reasoning is believable, his sanity is questionable, and his life is indeed one hell of a joke. Like watching an extreme example of what happens when people on the lower end lose access to social programs. This can very easily be taken as a commentary on mental illness kept unchecked. More than that, it's a story about a guy who accepts his "crazy" and transcends poverty, circumstance, and societal bullshit... at everyone else's expense. (snip) —Letterboxd review
11. Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool (USA)
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Saw in theatres and discussed with a group immediately after. I really like it. Captivating documentary in a very similar style to Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am, but with Mr. Davis never joining the “talking heads” (as people like to call it) and instead being heard as a constant narrator of his own biography. Regardless of how I feel about him on a personal level, this shit was a great watch and the ending hit hard. Still need to get his autobiography, though. There’s a nostalgic factor for me here since I was partially reminded of my grandpa while watching it. Blind Rating: 'eh
12. Queen & Slim (USA)
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Saw in theatres and discussed with someone immediately after. Fuck yeah, I enjoyed this one. Dat soundtrack and cinematography, bruh? 👌🏿 The throwback soundtrack, main characters’ racial group, and fact that they went to New Orleans definitely play a hand in why this one’s not atleast 1 spot lower. Blind Rating: 1/5
13. Dwelling in the Fuchon Mountains (China)
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Saw in theatres during festival and attended discussion days later. I really like it. Was long, but in a good way. Similar to Ash is Purest White (2018) in that I kept thinking "please end here," but would be glad it didn't later. It's beautifully slothy and has absurdly long tracking shots. The cinematography during walking conversations is notable. Dat trick, tho. Blind Rating: 'eh
14. A Girl Missing (Japan)
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Saw in theatres during festival and discussed with a group immediately after. Bruh~, this is a hell of a personal trial. Didn’t expect it to go the places it did. Blind Rating: 1/5
15. Dutch Angle: Chas Gerretsen & Apocalypse Now (Netherlands)
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Saw on MUBI on phone. I love it. This goes over his childhood (for 8 minutes), career paths, photography of 9/11/1973's Chilean coup d'etat, the 6 months he spent on-set photographing Apocalypse Now (1979), and him as a person. What I didn’t expect was how much he would get into the details of things happening during that film’s development. Along with those details are interesting photos presented excellently in a way that’s reminiscent of manga at times. I like the way the photos take center point and are treated like the foreground. It’s like the director and editor forced themselves to remain aware that the documentary was showcasing 15% of the total slides housed in the Nederlands Fotomuseum’s archives in Rotterdam and that most of his Apocalypse Now photos were never seen. Dat score, tho [Ex Machina (2014) vibes]. Blind Rating: 0/5
BTW, it had its official (Dutch national) release by EYE Filmmuseum on 12/19/19 in the Netherlands, so maybe it’ll come to the USA soon. 🤷🏿‍♂️ Forgot to mention it’s been added as a special feature to the 40th anniversary 4K blu-ray disc of Apocalypse Now: Final Cut (2019).
16. Receiver (Ireland)
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Saw on MUBI on phone. I really like it. A very interesting short film in three odd segments. First was disturbing; second was about activism, protests, and politics; third was about the person I assume the film was made for. All compose what I took as a film about the importance of having reliable sound and hearing. Needs to be watched alone with good sound quality (for immersion). Blind Rating: 'eh
17. Bacurau (Brazil)
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Saw in theatres during festival. I really like it. This was some Most Dangerous Game shit with a hell of an ending. The whole game is an allegory of civilized people's obsession with hunting wild animals for "sport". I really like the portrayal of history here and enjoyed the racial matters it lays bare. I can only imagine someone watching this without knowing a thing. Kinda wish I didn’t even read the description beforehand. Digging the soundtrack. Blind Rating: 1/5
18. Little Women (USA)
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Saw on 35mm and discussed with others on separate occasions. I really like it. This was just warming and sad. I felt for the main characters and actually felt satisfied with the way it ended. Considering the type of film, there are handful of typical things for me to complain about. That being said, the movie earned its stars back. I mean, did you not see their attic performances? Shit was dope. Blind Rating: ‘eh
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normal-goatboy · 6 years
DA Questions
Thanks for the tag, @bitchesofostwick ! I’m gonna tag @dirthara-mama @red-wardens @will-and-her-fandoms (and anyone else who wants to do this - tag me, yo)
01) favorite game of the series? DA2. The horniest, most punk rock, and least popular of the games
02) how did you discover Dragon Age? Round when Inquisition was about to come out, my friend was gonna play Origins again to refresh himself and made the mistake of letting me roll a character. Then he spent the rest of the game watching me play
03) how many times you’ve played the games? UHhhh I have no idea. I’ve probably finished the games twice each, but I’ve got a lot of unfinished plays
04) favorite race to play as? Probably human. Though I like the city elves a lot
05) favorite class? Warrior. I like hit things
06) do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time? I try to make different decisions. I’ve definitely played most of the romances. I also almost NEVER play a non-mage Hawke. I just like Hawke as a mage. And that way Carver lives so I get to see my son
07) go-to adventuring group? I switch it up a lot, but I like Alistair, Oghren, and Zevran; Fenris, Isabela, and Varric; Iron Bull, Cole and Dorian; Cassandra, Sera, and Vivienne
08) which of your characters did you put the most thought into? Halsa. That’s just cause she’s the first one, though. ((and also cause I love her the most))
09) favorite romance? That’s a good question. Dorian’s and Fenris’ are both very fucking good imo
10) have you read any of the comics/books? None except part of the godawful Orson Scott Card one. The comics are kind of expensive and my library system doesn’t have them 
11) if you read them, which was your favorite book? Haven’t really read them. I should, though
12) favorite DLCs? Probably Awakening. I absolutely loved Jaws of Hakkon and The Descent, though. I have only played them once cause I sold my ps4, but I would love to play again
13) things that annoy you. The four billion little bullshit fetch quests and whatever in Inquisition
14) Orlais or Ferelden? Listen, I’m from the Midwest. Fantasy Ohio forever
15) templars or mages? As far as my characters, Halsa and Marian are vehemently against the Circle and the Chantry, Garrett is a moderate (read: coward) but defends the mages in Kirkwall, Jane allies with the Templars. If I were there, I’d side with the mages, but no one would ever put me in charge so I’m not sure that’s relevant 
16) if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? I have two world states, which I’m working on fleshing out at the moment. 
One has Halsa Tabris, Garrett Hawke, and Amalia Trevelyan (as well as a couple other OCs I haven’t named yet)
Two has a Warden Aeducan I don’t know that well yet, Marian Hawke, and Jane Trevelyan
17) what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc) Halsa’s dog is named Onion, Garrett’s is Annabelle (Beth named her), Marian’s is Ivan, Jane has a horse named Dirthamen (because she is a giant nerd), Amalia has a few outdoor cats, one of which is named Tidbit
18) have you installed any mods? Nah, I play on a ps3 like a peasant
19) did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden? Halsa did, sure. She was ready to prove herself. I don’t know a lot about my other Warden, but I know they definitely did Not.
20) hawke’s personality? Garrett’s straight purple Hawke - Charismatic and cocky, never takes anything seriously. He’s a soft-hearted people-pleaser, often pretty spineless.
Marian’s between blue and red. She’s well-mannered and diplomatic, but headstrong and fierce and not afraid to stab a bitch if it comes to that
21) did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition? Not rrreeallly, though I do always make sure they look hot
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change? I’m gonna stick w the events of the games cause otherwise it’d get really messy: Halsa would be a little smarter about political maneuvering within the Landsmeet and as an Arlessa - Garrett would get involved in the mage/templar conflict way sooner and be less judgmental and more supportive of Anders and Merrill (tbh, boy’s got a lot of regrets) - Jane would set her intentions sooner with the Inquisition and not let Cassandra lead her for so long - Marian is kind of a no regerts kinda girl. She just doesn’t think that way
23) do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon? Oh yeah. The characters in my first world state are way more intertwined. Halsa spends time in Kirkwall, leaves with Anders, later joins the Inquisition. Garrett and Fenris join the Inquisition together. Halsa’s not looking for the cure bc it’s not in character for her. Amalia leaves the Circle and spends some time as Garrett’s sort of protégée before going to the Conclave.
There’s more about Jane but I haven’t gotten that far in her story so
24) are any of your character(s) based on someone? I mean, they’ve all got a lil bit of me in them. Halsa’s probably got the most me. I think about a couple friends of mine while writing both the Hawkes
25) who did you leave in the Fade? In game, I left Hawke on my first play through (how dare I) and Stroud on another? But idk I don’t like the way it’s set up very much so mine will be different in fiction
26) favorite mount? Ima keep it real w you, chief: I do not use the mounts. I’ll miss the banter!! Which is already kind of hard to trigger in dai?
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wenamedthedogkylo · 7 years
Tagged Yo
Name: Briana, but I go by Bree and sometimes Bryn
Gender: Genderfluid (65% female, 30% nonbinary/other, 5% male)
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′ 8″
sexuality: Bisexual
What image do you have as wallpaper: A pic I took in FFXV of Ardyn which looks like he stole the camera and took a selfie. It’s my lockscreen and my wallpaper.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: In like 2nd grade, cause all the boys in my year were trolls and I was sick of them. We don’t talk about it. Or 2nd grade in general, it was a bad year.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: It’d be nice if I was settled in a successful acting/writing career, but the way things are going who knows.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: England. Preferably London. Unless we’re talking, like, LITERALLY anywhere, including places that don’t exist, cause then I’ll take Middle-earth or Eos.
What was your coolest Halloween costume: Uh... hm. Tough. I’m gonna go with my Phantom of the Opera Red Death costume sophomore year of college, because I made the mask myself. It was based on the movie version, obvs, and of course it was far from perfect, but it still turned out awesome and since it was also for a class, I got the highest grade on that mask-making project. So booyah. But in high school, I was Darth Vader, Eric Draven aka The Crow, Batman, and then I was gonna do The Joker (Dark Knight version) but I could only get the makeup and scars and not the suit, so my friend lent me a purple fairy costume and I was a Joker Fairy. I won a costume contest.
What’s your favorite 90s show: Uhhhhhh... I suddenly forgot literally all 90s shows. I didn’t really watch TV in the 90s, so... hang on lemme look some up. Okay uh... Dexter’s Lab, Powerpuff Girls, I really liked those. Um, Freaks & Geeks was pretty good? Oh, Friends is pretty classic. 
Who was your last kiss?: I literally have no idea, it’s been years lmao
Have you ever been stood up?: Not that I can think of, that sort of requires someone to ask you out, ya feel me?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Once, my freshman year of college. My bff from high school’s mom paid for us to go see Avenged Sevenfold at the Hard Rock Café, only it was RIGHT before my very first finals. So obviously I said FUCK IT cause finals week was Thur-Wed, and I didn’t have any finals until Monday at 8:00 AM. So we flew out Friday morning, went to the concert Saturday night, and flew back Sunday. And then I went to my final hating the world but happy for the experience. Since I was still 17 at the time, we didn’t do any gambling or drinking but neither of us wanted to anyway so it was all good.
Favorite pair of shoes: Whichever one I’m wearing the most at any given time lmao
Favorite fruit: Probably mangoes, I really can’t resist them
Favorite book: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, followed closely by the Inferno from The Divine Comedy, Frankenstein, and Dracula.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: Only one thing? Jeez. Um. It’s either a) the time I stuck a prop necklace for a play I was doing in a floor socket, nearly electrocuted myself, destroyed the necklace the day before opening, and looked like a moron in front of my cast and crew, all because my brain literally went, “hey, this part of the necklace is flat! I bet it would fit in that slot on the socket!”; b) the time I tried networking at the place I was temping because I wanted them to offer me a permanent job, and ended up so drunk that I passed out on the MAX home, stumbled off a stop, fell over and puked on my boots, and had to be taken to the emergency room; or c) the time I was at a band trip up the river in high school and wanted to swim across the river with my friends, forgetting that I was a scrawny weakling until I was at the mercy of the current, nearly got run over by a jet boat, and was so tired by the time I crawled to the rocks on the other side that they were already ready to go back across, I had to rest, and then almost drowned trying to swim/float my way back over because I was so tired. Straw poll, what do you think was the stupidest?
Hogwarts House: Ravendor, it’s really a 50/50 split at this point
Hours of sleep: Who the hell knows anymore? Usually 6+, often 12 because ~my brain doesn’t work properly~.
Blankets you sleep with: Preferably like one or two sheets, a comforter, and maybe some soft throws on top of that, but I’m not picky anymore.
Favorite Bands: Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy are probably the top right now, also Imagine Dragons and WALK THE MOON probably, and Golden Bough which I’ve listened to literally since I was born. And I guess you could count Vitamin String Quartet. I don’t really listen to music that required bands much...
Favorite Solo artists: I actually listen to more solo artists than bands, but still less than just classical and instrumental. Faves are probably Lady Gaga, David Bowie, The Living Tombstone, Kesha, Andrew Bird, Sia, and Syrano.
Song stuck in my head: O-FUCKING-KAY LET ME TELL YOU, so for the last like two weeks I’ve had three songs cycling through my head and I wanna die. Bitch Better Have My Money (okay, not bad, it’s a fuckin awesome song); Tunak Tunak (SWEAR TO GOD WHY, WHY DID IT COME BACK TO HAUNT ME); and to my utter horror The Living Tombstone’s “W* *r* N*mb*r *n*” remix (I WANT TO FUCKING DIE AND IT’S @chocokweehn‘S FAULT)
Last movie I watched: Alice in Wonderland (1951), I got nostalgic
Why did I create my blog: Someone on the ProBoards RP I was on posted a gif, and I was like 😱 what is this soRCERY? WITCHCRAFT?! And so I boogied over here and just started exploring. And I’ve been here ever since, just cause I liked the format and the reblogging and the Idk the community feel? And now I’m trapped like the rest of you lol.
What do I post: Basically anything I think is worth it. Humor, politics/activism stuff, art (mostly others, sometimes mine), fandom stuff, pretty things, Idk just whatever.
When did I create my blog: Like early 2011? I think February 2011, I’d have to check which I don’t know how to do
Do I have other blogs?: So fuckin many, mostly RP blogs, but the main other ones are @peredhelhathladring, which was my last URL that I wanted to save so I made it a Star Wars only blog (which is funny cause the URL is in Sindarin, a very not-Star Wars language), and @breerps which is my writing/RP/inspiration blog.
Do you get asks?: Now and then.
Following Blogs: 1,836, and honestly so many are probably inactive and I need to go cull them but who has the energy for that
Favorite colors: Dark red, dark purple, black, and gold
Lucky numbers: 7
Instruments: I played flute from 5th grade to I think sophomore or junior of high school, then switched to alto saxophone from then to freshman year of college. I still have my instruments, I just haven’t lived anywhere where I could play them without disturbing other people. I’ve dabbled with piano and guitar for a long time and I have a keyboard that I plunk at sometimes.
What am I wearing: Black t-shirt, black, gray, and pink fuzzy pj pants, and Star Wars socks
Dream job: Actor and writer
Dream trip: Paris, specifically to Notre Dame
Favorite food: Chocolate. Just, yeah... chocolate.
Nationality: American
Followers: 1,441, with blocking all porn blogs lmao
Reasons for your url: Because I’m Star Wars trash, and I was thinking about how Indiana Jones named himself after the dog and was like how funny would it be if Kylo Ren did that?
Tagging: @aceofaces20, @comepraisetheinfanta, @maiievshadowsong, @arcanerogues, @hey-hey-shutthefuckup, uh yeah just whoever wants to
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paradox-oflife · 4 years
MASSIVE q and a post pt 2 dont mind me
 part 2 of the q and a sessions I have to do for class. feel free to steal
1. What do you typically have for breakfast? Bread or cereal
2. Do you like scary movies? Only if I’m watching them with friends.
3. Whats your favourite Milkshake flavour? Vanilla/oreo or something like that. Actually, strawberry and mango is really good.
4. Have you ever been in a newspaper? My school was one time, but not me personally.
5. How long can you balance on one foot? Pretty long. I don’t know, but pretty long.
6. Have you ever fired a gun? No and I hope I don’t have to. 
7. Have you ever tried archery? Yeah. Much harder than it looks.
8. Whats your favourite condement? Ketchup. Mayo only for some sandwiches.
9. Whats your favourite clean word? Catharsis
10. Whats your favourite swear word? I used to swear a lot but I dropped the habit.  “Shit.” But I mainly say “Bugger” lol.
11. Whats your least favourite word? I am so sorry but I HATE it when people call their husbands “Hubby”. I just can’t I’m sorry.
12. What was the last film you saw? Gladiator (2000). Iconic.
13. What football team do you support? Um. Idk. 49ers? But of course, I live in the Bay Area so.
14. Whats the longest you've gone without sleep? 28 hours. At the 20 hour point I felt like I was in a weird fever dream.
15. Whats the tallest building you've ever been up? Taipei 101.
16. Do you have any scars? Yeah. Fell from my bike when I was like, eleven. I got a big scratch near my eye. Had to get stitches >:(. I also got scratched by a cat and it looks like a self harm scar. It’s not, I promise
17. Do you like marmite? EW EW EW NO
18. Did you ever win any sportsday events? Powderpuff if it counts!
19. What did you want to be when you grew up? I had to think about this recently. I always wanted to be a vet when i grew up. But it’s hella competitive. Also my colorblindness (blue-green) really screws things up sometimes. So I decided to abandon the dream and do Physical Therapy lol.
20. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? A lot of things actually. But maybe having ADHD? But I also really want to not be colorblind.
21. Whats the longest you've ever grown your hair? The longest was to lower half of my back.
22. Are you scared of flying? Airplanes - no. Skydiving - yes.
23. Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence? I’m very average looking, which is subjective. But I think I’m okay. I’d want more intelligence.
24. Have you ever tie-dyed your own clothes? Haha yeah in a summer camp for 3rd grade.
25. How often do you buy new clothes? Only if I have to, or I really want to. Like I mainly wear graphic T-shirts and I really want to get a Stardew Valley shirt.
26. Are you reliable? Depends on what. Reliable for secrets and stuff like that? Yeah, totally. Reliable in terms of work stuff. Mm debatable.
27. Are you proud of yourself? I can recognize good qualities about myself. I’ve been through a lot. I’m still doing alright! So Yeah, I get a gold star for being alive.
28. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yes this is lowkey embarrassing but... in 10th grade, this girl came up to me and asked me out. And I’m straight. It was SO awkward I had to reject her AAAAH. I said something like, “Oh... haha... um. I’m flattered but I don’t... swing that way.” god im cringing.
29. If you could ask your future self one question what would it be? Probably like. “Are you doing well” or “Are you happy”
30. Do you hold grudges? Nah. I probably am too chill with things sometimes.
31. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature what new animal would you create? A dog/bird hybrid. Best case scenario, I’ll get a dog with wings. Worst case I’ll get a duck with paws or something.
32. Do you decorate the outside of your house for christmas? Nope.
33. Can you solve sudoko puzzles? Yeah but it takes me SO LONG.
34. Have you ever played conkers? (Whoever wrote this template must be british) Nope.
35. Whats the most unusual conversation you've ever had? It digressed from politics to philosophy to weird things like are monkeys capable of thought. It was one of the best convos I ever had.
36. Are you much of a gambler? No I’m way too indecisive. So naturally I suck at Fire Emblem lol.
37. Are you much of a daredevil? Nah. I’m a coward.
38. Are you a good liar? Only for small stuff. I try not to lie.
39. Are you a good judge of character? Pretty decent.
40. Are you any good at charades? Yikes not really.
41. How long could you go without talking? One day. Two days at most.
42. What has been your worst haircut/style? My little kid bowlcut every asian gets when they’re a baby.
43. Can you iceskate? Yeah, but I haven’t done it in a long time.
44. Can you summersault? Yeah, it’s a bit scary ngl.
45. Whats your favourite joke? THERES TOO MANY DAMN IT.
46. Whats been your best present? A heartfelt card from my friend for my birthday. I’ll take that over anything.
47. Whats been your worst present? One Ferrero Rocher.
48. Have you ever sleepwalked? No.
49. Can you build a house of cards? Nope.
50. Whats your favourite TV advert? The Gorilla Glue advertisements are SO FUNNy
51. Can you play poker? Never tried before
52. If your parents hated your partner you currently loved would you ditch him or carry on with him despite the protests? I would probably carry on. Cause I mean, what can they really do?
53. Have you ever been professionally photographed? Nah. I am not photogenic lmao. 
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? One time and it turned out horribly.
55. Whats your favourite pastel colour? I really like the blue one.
56. What traditionally adorns the top of your christmas tree? My family and I don’t celebrate Christmas.
57. What would be your dream sandwich? Turkey, lettuce, cheddar, butter, baguette bread. Lee’s Sandwich combo #1 is SUPER good.
58. Can you inpersonate anyone famous? Not well lol.
59. Can you do any accents other than your own? American southern, New Zealand, Australian, the Received pronunciation British. I can kind of do Scottish.
60. Do you have a strong local accent? I have this weird mix of the general American accent and New Zealand. By that I mean I sound pretty American until words like “seven, definitely, yeah, bro, pro”
61. Whats your favourite accent? For listening: Australian. To talk in, Scottish.
62. In Tic-Tac-Toe which do you normally pick? X
63. Do you prefer blue or black inked pens? I have a hard time distinguishing between the two.
64. What was the last thing you recorded off TV? I don’t actually record shows on TV. Never figured out how to.
65. What was the last thing you dressed up as for fancy dress? Church. Well, it’s not that fancy. My last actual fancy one was for a wedding.
66. Do you prefer green or red grapes? Green.
67. What do you like on your toast? Butter or jam.
68. Do you prefer liquid soap or bars of soap? Liquid. Easier to deal with.
69. How do you have your eggs? Sunny side up or scrambled. Or boiled/soft boiled.
70. Whats your favourite saying? I have a lot. I really like saying, “Pass the bread, here comes the bologna.”
71.Have you ever been in a tug of war? and did you win? Yup! I won. I fell so hard on my back but I won.
72. Can you stand on your hands unassisted? Nope.
73. What do you have on your fridge door? Some goofy magnets.
74. Do you love or hate myspace? I only used it once. And never again.
75. Who was the last person to knock/ring at your door? My dad’s uncle who was visiting.
76. How old were you when you last went trick or treating? Nine years old.
77. Have you ever been bobbing for apples? No lmao I’ve actually never seen anyone do that in real life.
78. Whats your most expensive piece of clothing? Hoodie. Man, do they cost a lot sometimes.
79. Whats the last thing you took a picture of? A meme from reddit.
80. Whats the last thing you drew a picture of? A MF Doom mask
81. Have you ever bought anything from ebay? No.
82. Whats your favourite smell/scent? Bread baking in the oven.
83. Can you blow bubbles with bubblegum? No, never been successful.
84. What was your favourite birthday? My fourteenth birthday. Lots of things happened. Can’t begin to explain it.
85. Can you curl your tounge? Yeah
86. Is your bellybutton an innie or outie? Innie
87. What would be your dream car? I literally don’t care. Toyata, Honda. Whatever.
88. Are you left or right handed? Right handed, but I can kind of write in left hand.
89. What was the last book you read? Joy Luck Club
90. What was the last song you danced to? Uuuuh, more of a head bang but I was BOPPING to Jimi Hendrix.
91. Have you ever owned a yo-yo? Yeah and I broke it in five minutes.
92. Have you ever been on a pogo stick? No that looks so scary
93. Have you ever been on a space hopper? Had to search this up - Been on something similar.
94. Who was the last person to send you a text message? My brother
95. Have you ever accidentally injured anyone? Omg yeah it wasn’t serious but I felt so guilty. I did fencing a while ago and I lunged and stabbed the mate right in the balls.
96. Are you scared of spiders? Yes
97. Can you down a pint (of anything) in one? Ive done it with water and I felt like dying.
98. Have you ever been banned from a public place? Nah
99. How much spam email do you tend to get a week? Dunno, I send it to a separate email that I never check.
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