#cause i do keep getting a lot of dorfs
Alright boys lets fort those dorfs
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crowroboros · 11 months
kinda tired of always seeing the "waaah Zelda lore and the timeline is so confusing/messy!!"
not really!! you're just inattentive !!
A lot of the connections are either directly stated in the games (Like LoZ 1 and 2. OoT, MM, TP, and WW. WW, PH, and ST, etc) or through meta connections (like how to avoid religious references, Triforce of the Gods was renamed to A Link to the Past because it was written to take place before the events of Zelda 1 and 2 and then A Link Between Worlds getting the name Triforce of the Gods 2 in Japan cause it is a distant sequel to ALttP). Like come on y'all, just pay attention. A full timeline could be formed without looking at the official one ONLY using information in the games and chances are you'd be mostly right.
"Oooah!! but Ganon??!! how does he keep coming back??" Literally always gets explained in games. OoT was his first appearance, Adult timeline: he is sealed away in OoT. breakes free of said seal using the Triforce of Power between OoT and WW (literally stated in the prologue of WW). He is then killed in WW. Child Timeline: OoT is prevented by Link being sent back in time (which we see at the fucking end of OoT) sealed in the Twilight Realm, killed in Twilight Princess. Downfall Timeline, sealed in the Sacred Realm during the sealing war, breaks free of seal in ALttP, killed in ALttP, resurrected in the Oracle games, terrorizes Hyrule in ALBW and LoZ1 and is killed in LoZ 1 like FUCK it is literally shown in the events of the damn games. pay attention!!
Half the shit I see that you all are confused about is due to your own misunderstandings, either cause you didn't understand what was being said or because you just missed it and came up with some interpretation so off base that of course it would confuse you when trying to fit it into the series at large. And half of these misunderstandings wouldn't even be a thing if yall were open to being wrong and changing your interpretation. but alas that's not what we see, instead you blame the games.
No, most of the Ganon appearances aren't different Ganons. they're all OoT Ganon(dorf) EXCEPT FSA and TotK Ganondorf cause OoT Ganondorf is killed in and isn't resurrected but rather reincarnated (as FSA Ganondorf). FSA and its manual even states how Shadow Link is created from the Dark Mirror giving form to FSA Ganon's hatred of a Link who killed him in a past life. Of course it has to be after one of the times OoT Ganondorf is killed for good like how are you all stumbling over this??
No, Zelda doesn't get reincarnated unlike Link. All Zelda's are descendants from each other, but they're not the same person or soul.
NO not all Zelda's are incarnations of Hylia, ONLY SKYWARD SWORD ZELDA IS! They share a blood connection to her through SS Zelda, but they themselves are not Hylia.
No, Twilight Princess isn't a Wind Waker retcon idk how anyone is even coming to that conclusion?? Zelda in OoT makes it VERY clear that Link being sent back seven years and closing the door of time will separate the past and future of OoT, meaning that whatever he does in the past (the child era) won't affect the future already created (the adult era). like this is dialogue said in OoT, read what is being said I'm BEGGING you.
While we're talking about the timeline split...
The Downfall Timeline makes complete sense. Do I think it was what they intended when writing OoT? No. Definitely not. I don't even think they conceptualized it until 2002 or so. But its clear that once they wrote Wind Waker that they realized that the story of the Sealing War matches OoT better (which if you remember, OoT is meant to tell the story leading up to the Sealing War.) in a timeline where Link fails to stop Ganondorf. Otherwise Wind Waker and Twilight Princess wouldn't have been written to explicitly follow the adult and child endings of OoT. As the prologue of ALttP states, Ganondorf entered the Sacred Realm, raged war against Hyrule, becomes the Demon King Ganon using the complete Triforce and was sealed away in the Sacred Realm by the Seven Sages. That doesn't line up with either of the endings we explicitly see in OoT but it sure as hell lines up with what Ganondorf said he'd do if you lose the fight at the top of Ganon's Tower. Yall act like the downfall timeline is some massive horrible failure of writing when its really just the most logical conclusion of what is presented in the games. Never in OoT does Ganondorf obtain the full Triforce. his whole goal in the second half is to kill Link and take the Triforce from him and Zelda. The Seven Sages are there to seal him away, the Sacred Realm is open and has been corrupted by Ganondorf's influence. Hyrule was been ravaged by war. Ganondorf hasn't transformed into the Demon King Ganon yet. Almost everything lines up for the Sealing War, Link just needs to die for it to 100% work because Ganondorf doesn't have the complete Triforce. And he won't get the full Triforce if you win against him. How are you gonna argue that it makes more sense and matches ALttP better if Link wins?
And I've seen way too many people calling TotK a BotW retcon cause of Ganondorf's existence?? Even saw one guy on twitter somehow under the impression that TotK was a prequel? as of the entire game hasn't been advertised as taking place 5+ years after BotW? As if the Castle and Castle Town isn't in ruin? All because Ganondorf is there in human form? Guys, Calamity Ganon is nothing more than Ganondorf's power and hatred leaking from his body as he and Rauru rot underground. Calamity Ganon is essentially the physical embodiment of TotK Ganondorf's goals enacting his will while he remains imprisoned. This is made so clear in his in-game character profile, which also makes it clear that he only broke free of Rauru's seal on him due to the extreme earthquakes and damage that the Calamity caused. It was also fucking obvious ever since the 2019 trailer. This was spoonfed to us and some of yall still missed it? Seriously?
The ONLY extreme oddity in the overarching lore is how BotW and TotK fit in beyond "it's at the end", but even that has a few solid possibilities and isn't anywhere near as egregious as people want to make it out to be. You all want to talk about how you love theorizing and shit but are completely incapable of having a theory deeper than "botw/totk Link and Zelda are romantically involved!!!!"
(^not a dig at zelink at all, I'm just saying that a lot of you so called theorists only try your hand at "theories" that are so strongly implied that they're practically canon rather than trying to solve actual mysteries and questions. you don't want to do any research into the lore and try to piece shit together. something will be even the smallest bit ambiguous and you all tap out)
There's more but fuck I'm not looking to scour the internet to disprove every damn misconception and mistake.
Do I think they planned everything since the beginning? of fucking course not. this is a series with 20 canon games at this point and more on the way. there is absolutely no chance all of this was conceptualized 37 years ago. All im saying is that the overarching lore and connections that have been weaved over the course of nearly four decades isn't the clusterfuck that a lot of you try to paint it as.
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guideoftime · 6 months
Maybe the answer is obvious, but you've got me curious: how would Impa and Sheik react to the Yiga Clan? I'm sure it's negative considering their experience with the 'Dorf, but I wondered if there were any nuances to their thinking in your opinion.
Inu rambles on the Yiga and the Sheikah.
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   It’s–complicated. In the post I did with Tina, Impa’s reaction had not been good. A mix between anger, hatred, resentment, sadness. Lots–lots of sadness. Then you add in the fact that it’s broken from what has become of the Sheikah in the future, a powerful tribe that is broken down to farmers forced to hide themselves in suffering, only dragged out into the light because the Royal Family again needed SAVING–that turned into more anger and sadness. 
   The hardest part is they understand. 
   Sheik and Impa are not ignorant to what the Tribe goes through. Impa has seen it first hand and Sheik was raised in the wake of their demise. More than anymore, certainly more than the current Sheikah, they have seen what their devotion leads to. They have personally experienced the discrimination against their people. And they have looked them in the eyes after what happened and picked up their weapons for them once again because the Royal Family needed them to. 
   The Yiga were created because they refused to yield to the Royal Family, to even the Sheikah who had told them to crush themselves down because going into hiding, tossing off who they are, making themselves less than they are was what would keep them from once again being absolutely brutalized and murdered. And they understand this. They can look at the Yiga, they can see the years of suffering that has been forced onto their tribe, and they can understand. 
   Understanding does not make it okay however. 
   To Sheik, he breaks it down to this. “You can’t fight fear with more fear.” Which was exactly what the Yiga are trying to do. Make themselves seen, make themselves heard, get revenge–but doing so by causing fear. By hurting people, by harassing the Hylians, by turning to Ganondorf in whatever way they do. To hurt people because you have been hurt is not the answer the Sheikah needed. 
   I think for both of them, the biggest instant reaction is anger because they see people making a mockery of their Tribe. But beneath that anger, which is the easiest reaction to face it with, is such a crushing heartache for everything their Tribe has suffered. For all their devotion, everything they give, everything they are–all they get in return is this. The Royal Family again telling them to be less because being who they are makes them a threat for some reason. 
   They’ve lost so much for just honoring a promise.
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who-is-shades · 1 year
raz dnd 4
wheatley spacecore and parsley wake up cool. robot god is confused why this keeps happening lol. senna puts her arms around wheatley in relief. they lean in ;-; teya is dead asleep though lol.
zen is glad their back. parsley went back to sleep, wheatley is a little confused how long he was out. he realizes he has a soul. android is being a jerk and wheatley isnt having it. android says he doesnt have a soul and wheatley stomps over pissed.
wheatley is going to hit him but zen steps in and seperates them. wheatley avoids senna and walks off :( long rest. also teya has scars now.
its morning! parsley is confused lol. zen happily informs him his soul left again lol. zen also made breakfast! how did he get bacon? god apparently lol. wheatley is solar powered! his batteries run for 1 year after storing!
senna preps teya's plate for her since shes all sore. parsley realizes teya is scarred. wheatley walks away from camp to soak in the sun. space core is just running around adorably. parsley gives it bacon but i dont think it can eat it.
wheatley is a little insecure so zen goes over and talks to him. he just says hes tired. wheatley doesnt wanna be hated. zen says its not possible to avoid that. someone will always hate you for one way or another.
wheatley asks why the god has a lot of warforged, but arent they organic made? zen says he had organic worshipers once wheatleys creators. wheatley doesnt remember who his people were. he thinks android would know but isnt sure he wants to know. god sent android with us in the hopes he comes to care about organics. (hard mode) then they talk about how to worship the robot god xD
we continue on the journey! zen stops us cause something is coming. nooo. the grounds shaking. its a giant! zen tells us to retreat! space core wants to climb it.... oh no. it bolts toward the giant. senna goes after space core to try and stop it. giant is big and angry. zen also runs toward us to try and stop us. the giant tries to kill us but FUCKING SPINGLEDORF TURNS IT INTO A STONE?! HES OLD AND ALIVE FUCK YEAH!!
spacecore loves his star robe lol. he wants stars and spingledorf gives him an illusion of stars ;-; he introduces himself with like a flare show lol. senna curtsies and dorf bows. dorf is excited to learn that sp is wheatleys son. this is so fun! teya and dorf talk about magic lol.
he says he had a talking skull friend and lost all his necromancy powers xD named lancelot?! hes from another world! he accidentally teleported to a different world and couldnt go back. he mentions nana xD he stops rambling and asks what were up to. mission from god! android tells us to shut up lol. zen also agrees darn. dorf is excited to see so many warforged. he asks if were all friends sadge. parsley says his name is also spingledorf lol. we tell him not to talk to android, cause hes an asshole. dorf says android is bad at insults lol.
spacecore pulled off one of the stars oh no. he tries to attach it to himself aww. it sticks there! dorf didnt know that could happen lol. hes on a quest to study a race of magical fish people? they have an ability to bring a god into reality?! can make gods?! (my internet got a little fucky here)
he noticed weird energy on teya and asks if shes healthy. teya has no idea lol. senna is worried :( dorf offers to look into this later. dorf wants our help! (HE HAS WISH AS A SPELL WTF) his magic shows the fish people are around here. zen says we can do this, we gotta get stronger! dorf joins the party! (hes level 20 jeezus)
senna tries to get teya to talk cause shes distracted. teya says the trolls talked about what we tasted like. they said teya tasted rotten. senna says it might be from the necromancy? teya says its all weird.
space core runs up to teya and starts tapping her. he forgets what he wanted to do and walks away lol. then it comes back and pats her lol. wheatley goes back in the tube cause addi goes eepy.
dorf notices that senna was a sorcerer! dun dun duuuun! she tries to deflect it being a cleric but it doesnt work. senna reiteritates she has not ever been a sorcerer. dorf just....doesnt pick up on anything xD
senna deflates and says she gave up sorcery. she says shes lived a long life, she no longer needs it. he says she has great capability with fire! senna just books it away from dorf. parsley tells dorf he pissed her off and teya tells him to give her some space. zen tells them not to stray too far.
teya goes to try and talk to her. she asks if shes ok and senna just mumbles that shes fine. getting angrier with every 'im fine.' she allows teya to stay.
dorf says he senses nothing from parsley lol xD parsleys lies that spingledorf is a common fairy name so maybe hes part fairy xD senna mumbles wtf are they doing back there? teya yells at parsley in sylven lol. senna is trying not to laugh at all these shennagins.
dorf points at a tree and it comes to life! an animated tree! fuck! the tree wants us to just leave him alone so we keep walking nice. spingledorf the dwarf and spingledorf the fairy (parsley lol)
parsley explain that sylvein is fey language so dorf should be able to pick it up. he asks parsley to teach him. senna cant understand but she KNOWS what their doing. dorf tries to say 'hello' to senna and she just starts praying lol.
dorf also apologizes for upsetting senna. she cant stay mad at him so she kneels down and gives him a hug xD puss in boots looking mf-
he mentions he met toriel! and the other members of the group! AND his cousin dans! (not yet cause other group but eventually) teya is fuckin SHOOK. she has a panic attack! senna helps her sit down.
parsley distracts dorf by 'teaching him more fey'. senna stays with teya to help her calm down. parsley takes the book away to close it and dorf fuckin loses it for a sec xD
senna is helping teya calm down from her panic attack. she calms down and apologizes for freaking out. senna asks if she wants to talk about it. senna says that tori was her sister. senna rubs her thumb over her cheek and says to take solice that tori is living a full life somewhere. senna understands missing someone that should be dead.
teya says wishes dont help. dorf naturally says he has a wish spell wtf. senna is like 'wtf you can do what?!' teya doesnt wanna hurt spingledorf though.
teya asks if tori is happy. dorf says she seemed happy. 2 kids. totally dating dans xD (now b team CANT see the group until dans and tori are a thing) she asks if events from there are similiar here. dorf says theres differences and hasnt met the others from that world. teya asks if her family is still alive. dorf says tori never talked about them only that something terrible happaned. says dans told him about tori's sad life while they were drinking. teya says tori caused that to happen here oh no xD
senna asks if he heard of parsley or senna. dorf says senna looks like someone from a violent religious group. (lol) senna distracts everyone and says we gotta find the fish people. dorf sadly remembers the religious groups name: The Noble Ember. whooo lore.
senna looks extremely distraught. teya rolls a history check but doesnt know shit xD dorf says they got wiped out a long time ago, but might be making a comeback. senna also then has a panic attack. she cant hear anyone shes just fuckin gone.
teya yells at parsley to stop spingledorf so he distracts him by asking him to find someplace to eat. he summons some doors!? it leads to a mansion?! parsley does NOT wanna go in there lol. he says we can bring food back for the others and dorf is confused. sadly you cant bring the food out. parsley tells dorf the girls cant go because their upset. teya says they need a moment. the doors disappear.
senna is totally freaked out, rocking back and forth saying 'i cant do this again' over and over. teya holds sennas hands awww. her hands are cold and begins to snap senna out of it. she touches her face and she melts in her hands and collapses into teya. she says she doesnt feel very well. dorf offers a place to rest and reopens the doors! senna is weary and grateful. teya helps senna up and leads her inside. parsley stays outside with the robots.
one of the servents helps support senna and gets her inside.
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nysocboy · 1 month
Blair Jackson: Fitness model, stripper, deputy, Gemstone.
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Blair Jackson played Austin, Dot Nancy's sleazy boyfriend, in Gemstones Episode 1.4.  He bullies Kelvin, calling him a "40 year old virgin," leading him to retort "I took a celibacy oath."  This has caused viewers who aren't comfortable with the idea of gay sex to assert that Kelvin and Keefe never do the deed. Kelvin spends the rest of the episode trying to get Dot to dump Austn, causing viewers who aren't comfotable with gay people to assert that he is heterosexual, and interested in her.
A lot of misdirection caused by a guy who appears in two scenes and has only about five lines.
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Blair has nine acting credits on the IMDB, notably Terminator: Dark Fate and something called Psycho Stripper (the psycho is male).  Plus four episodes of Deputy, starring Gemstone alum Stephen Dorf, 
I went through them on fast-forward, but couldn't find him, maybe because his look keeps changing: blond, brunette, short hair, curly hair.  Only his abs and cock stay about the same
Blair is also a personal trainer, and he has done some fitness modeling.  As you can probably tell.
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I can't tell from his social media whether he is gay or just gay-positive, but his instagram contains lots of photos with guys and no girls. On the other hand, he calls this a bromance, a romantic relationship between straight guys.
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There are more photos, including some nudity, on Righteous Gemstones Beefcake and Boyfriends
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esabri · 4 years
German in English wie as ich I seine his dass that er he war was für for auf on sind are mit with sie they sein be bei at ein one haben have dies this aus from durch by heiß hot Wort word aber but was what einige some ist is es it Sie you oder or hatte had die the von of zu to und and ein a bei in wir we können can aus out andere other waren were die which tun do ihre their Zeit time wenn if werden will wie how sagte said ein an jeder each sagen tell tut does Satz set drei three wollen want Luft air gut well auch also spielen play klein small Ende end setzen put Zuhause home lesen read seits hand Hafen port groß large buchstabieren spell hinzufügen add auch even Lande land hier here muss must groß big hoch high so such folgen follow Akt act warum why fragen ask Männer men Veränderung change ging went Licht light Art kind aus off müssen need Haus house Bild picture versuchen try uns us wieder again Tier animal Punkt point Mutter mother Welt world in der Nähe von near bauen build selbst self Erde earth Vater father jeder any neu new Arbeit work Teil part nehmen take erhalten get Ort place gemacht made leben live wo where nach after zurück back wenig little nur only Runde round Mann man Jahr year kam came zeigen show jeder every gut good mir me geben give unsere our unter under Name name sehr very durch through nur just Formular form Satz sentence groß great denken think sagen say Hilfe help niedrig low Linie line abweichen differ wiederum turn Ursache cause viel much bedeuten mean vor before Umzug move Recht right Junge boy alt old zu too gleich same sie she alle all da there wenn when nach oben up Verwendung use Ihre your Weg way über about viele many dann then sie them schreiben write würde would wie like so so diese these sie her lange long machen make Sache thing sehen see ihm him zwei two hat has suchen look mehr more Tag day könnte could gehen go kommen come tat did Anzahl number klingen sound nicht no am meisten most Menschen people meine my über over wissen know Wasser water als than Anruf call erste first die who können may nach unten down Seite side gewesen been jetzt now finden find Kopf head stehen stand besitzen own Seite page sollte should Land country gefunden found Antwort answer Schule school wachsen grow Studie study noch still lernen learn Anlage plant Abdeckung cover Lebensmittel food Sonne sun vier four zwischen between Zustand state halten keep Auge eye nie never letzte last lassen let Gedanken thought Stadt city Baum tree überqueren cross Bauernhof farm schwer hard Beginn start Macht might Geschichte story Säge saw weit far Meer sea ziehen draw links left spät late laufen run unterlassen Sie don’t während while Presse press Schließen close Nacht night realen real Leben life wenige few Norden north Buch book tragen carry nahm took Wissenschaft science essen eat Zimmer room Freund friend begann began Idee idea Fisch fish berg mountain Stopp stop einmal once Basis base hören hear Pferd horse Schnitt cut sicher sure beobachten watch Farbe color Gesicht face Holz wood Haupt- main geöffnet open scheinen seem zusammen together nächste next weiß white Kinder children Start begin bekam got gehen walk Beispiel example erleichtern ease Papier paper Gruppe group immer always Musik music diejenigen those beide both Marke mark oft often Schreiben letter bis until Meile mile Fluss river Auto car Füße feet Pflege care zweite second genug enough Ebene plain Mädchen girl üblich usual jung young bereit ready oben above je ever rot red Liste list obwohl though fühlen feel Vortrag talk Vogel bird bald soon Körper body Hund dog Familie family direkt direct Pose pose verlassen leave Lied song messen measure Tür door Produkt product schwarz black kurz short Zahl numeral Klasse class Wind wind Frage question passieren happen vollständig complete Schiff ship Bereich area Hälfte half Stein rock bestellen order Feuer fire Süden south Problem problem Stück piece sagte told wusste knew passieren pass seit since obere top ganze whole König king Straße street Zoll inch multiplizieren multiply nichts nothing Kurs course bleiben stay Rad wheel voll full Kraft force blau blue Objekt object entscheiden decide Oberfläche surface tief deep Mond moon Insel island Fuß foot System system beschäftigt busy Prüfung test Rekord record Boot boat gemeinsam common goldenen gold möglich possible Flugzeug plane statt stead trocken dry Wunder wonder Lachen laugh tausend thousand vor ago lief ran überprüfen check Spiel game Form shape gleichsetzen equate heiß hot Fehl miss gebracht brought Wärme heat Schnee snow Reifen tire bringen bring ja yes entfernt distant füllen fill Osten east malen paint Sprache language unter among Einheit unit Macht power Stadt town fein fine sicher certain fliegen fly fallen fall führen lead Schrei cry dunkel dark Maschine machine note note warten wait Plan plan Abbildung figure Stern star Kasten box Nomen noun Feld field Rest rest richtig correct fähig able Pfund pound getan done Schönheit beauty Antriebs drive stand stood enthalten contain Front front lehren teach Woche week Finale final gab gave grün green oh oh schnell quick entwickeln develop Ozean ocean warme warm kostenlos free Minute minute stark strong besondere special Geist mind hinter behind klar clear Schwanz tail produzieren produce Tatsache fact Raum space gehört heard beste best Stunde hour besser better wahr true während during hundert hundred fünf five merken remember Schritt step früh early halten hold Westen west Boden ground Interesse interest erreichen reach schnell fast Verbum verb singen sing hören listen sechs six Tabelle table Reise travel weniger less Morgen morning zehn ten einfach simple mehrere several Vokal vowel auf toward Krieg war legen lay gegen against Muster pattern schleppend slow Zentrum center Liebe love Person person Geld money dienen serve erscheinen appear Straße road Karte map regen rain Regel rule regieren govern ziehen pull Kälte cold Hinweis notice Stimme voice Energie energy Jagd hunt wahrscheinlich probable Bett bed Bruder brother Ei egg Fahrt ride Zelle cell glauben believe vielleicht perhaps pflücken pick plötzlich sudden zählen count Platz square Grund reason Dauer length vertreten represent Kunst art Thema subject Region region Größe size variieren vary regeln settle sprechen speak Gewicht weight allgemein general Eis ice Materie matter Kreis circle Paar pair umfassen include Kluft divide Silbe syllable Filz felt groß grand Kugel ball noch yet Welle wave fallen drop Herz heart Uhr am vorhanden present schwer heavy Tanz dance Motor engine Position position Arm arm breit wide Segel sail Material material Fraktion fraction Wald forest sitzen sit Rennen race Fenster window Speicher store Sommer summer Zug train Schlaf sleep beweisen prove einsam lone Bein leg Übung exercise Wand wall Fang catch Berg mount wünschen wish Himmel sky Board board Freude joy Winter winter sa sat geschrieben written wilden wild Instrument instrument gehalten kept Glas glass Gras grass Kuh cow Arbeit job Rand edge Zeichen sign Besuch visit Vergangenheit past weich soft Spaß fun hell bright Gases gas Wetter weather Monat month Million million tragen bear Finish finish glücklich happy hoffen hope blume flower kleiden clothe seltsam strange Vorbei gone Handel trade Melodie melody Reise trip Büro office empfangen receive Reihe row Mund mouth genau exact Zeichen symbol sterben die am wenigsten least Ärger trouble Schrei shout außer except schrieb wrote Samen seed Ton tone beitreten join vorschlagen suggest sauber clean Pause break Dame lady Hof yard steigen rise schlecht bad Schlag blow Öl oil Blut blood berühren touch wuchs grew Cent cent mischen mix Mannschaft team Draht wire Kosten cost verloren lost braun brown tragen wear Garten garden gleich equal gesendet sent wählen choose fiel fell passen fit fließen flow Messe fair Bank bank sammeln collect sparen save Kontrolle control dezimal decimal Ohr ear sonst else ganz quite pleite broke Fall case Mitte middle töten kill Sohn son See lake Moment moment Maßstab scale laut loud Frühling spring beobachten observe Kind child gerade straight Konsonant consonant Nation nation Wörterbuch dictionary milch milk Geschwindigkeit speed Verfahren method Orgel organ zahlen pay Alter age Abschnitt section Kleid dress Wolke cloud Überraschung surprise ruhig quiet Stein stone winzig tiny Aufstieg climb kühlen cool Entwurf design arm poor Menge lot Versuch experiment Boden bottom Schlüssel key Eisen iron Einzel single Stick stick Wohnung flat zwanzig twenty Haut skin Lächeln smile Falte crease Loch hole springen jump Kind baby acht eight Dorf village treffen meet Wurzel root kaufen buy erhöhen raise lösen solve Metall metal ob whether drücken push sieben seven Absatz paragraph dritte third wird shall Hand held Haar hair beschreiben describe Koch cook Boden floor entweder either Ergebnis result brennen burn Hügel hill sicher safe Katze cat Jahrhundert century betrachten consider Typ type Gesetz law Bit bit Küste coast Kopie copy Ausdruck phrase still silent hoch tall Sand sand Boden soil Rolle roll Temperatur temperature Finger finger Industrie industry Wert value Kampf fight Lüge lie schlagen beat begeistern excite natürlich natural Blick view Sinn sense Hauptstadt capital wird nicht won’t Stuhl chair Achtung danger Obst fruit reich rich dick thick Soldat soldier Prozess process betreiben operate Praxis practice trennen separate schwierig difficult Arzt doctor Bitte please schützen protect Mittag noon Ernte crop modernen modern Elementes element treffen hit Schüler student Ecke corner Partei party Versorgung supply deren whose lokalisieren locate Rings ring Charakter character insekt insect gefangen caught Zeit period zeigen indicate Funk radio Speiche spoke Atom atom Mensch human Geschichte history Wirkung effect elektrisch electric erwarten expect Knochen bone Schiene rail vorstellen imagine bieten provide zustimmen agree so thus sanft gentle Frau woman Kapitän captain erraten guess erforderlich necessary scharf sharp Flügel wing schaffen create Nachbar neighbor Wasch wash Fledermaus bat eher rather Menge crowd mais corn vergleichen compare Gedicht poem Schnur string Glocke bell abhängen depend Fleisch meat einreiben rub Rohr tube berühmt famous Dollar dollar Strom stream Angst fear Blick sight dünn thin Dreieck triangle Erde planet Eile hurry Chef chief Kolonie colony Uhr clock Mine mine Krawatte tie eingeben enter Dur major frisch fresh Suche search senden send gelb yellow Pistole gun erlauben allow Druck print tot dead Stelle spot Wüste desert Anzug suit Strom current Aufzug lift stiegen rose ankommen arrive Stamm master Spur track Elternteil parent Ufer shore Teilung division Blatt sheet Substanz substance begünstigen favor verbinden connect nach post verbringen spend Akkord chord Fett fat froh glad Original original Aktie share Station station Papa dad Brot bread aufladen charge richtig proper Leiste bar Angebot offer Segment segment Sklave slave ente duck Augenblick instant Markt market Grad degree besiedeln populate küken chick liebe dear Feind enemy antworten reply Getränk drink auftreten occur Unterstützung support Rede speech Natur nature Angebot range Dampf steam Bewegung motion Weg path Flüssigkeit liquid protokollieren log gemeint meant Quotient quotient Gebiss teeth Schale shell Hals neck Sauerstoff oxygen Zucker sugar Tod death ziemlich pretty Geschicklichkeit skill Frauen women Saison season Lösung solution Magnet magnet Silber silver danken thank Zweig branch Spiel match Suffix suffix insbesondere especially Feige fig ängstlich afraid riesig huge Schwester sister Stahl steel diskutieren discuss vorwärts forward ähnlich similar führen guide Erfahrung experience Partitur score apfel apple gekauft bought geführt led Tonhöhe pitch Mantel coat Masse mass Karte card Band band Seil rope Rutsch slip gewinnen win träumen dream Abend evening Zustand condition Futtermittel feed Werkzeug tool gesamt total Basis basic Geruch smell Tal valley noch nor doppelt double Sitz seat fortsetzen continue Block block Tabelle chart Hut hat verkaufen sell Erfolg success Firma company subtrahieren subtract Veranstaltung event besondere particular viel deal schwimmen swim Begriff term Gegenteil opposite Frau wife Schuh shoe Schulter shoulder Verbreitung spread arrangieren arrange Lager camp erfinden invent Baumwolle cotton geboren born bestimmen determine Quart quart neun nine Lastwagen truck Lärm noise Ebene level Chance chance sammeln gather Geschäft shop Stretch stretch werfen throw Glanz shine Immobilien property Spalte column Molekül molecule wählen select falsch wrong grau gray Wiederholung repeat erfordern require breit broad vorbereiten prepare Salz salt Nase nose mehreren plural Zorn anger Anspruch claim Kontinent continent
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bedlamgames · 4 years
Q&A #107
Today we have revisiting Rough Landing, a question I don’t need to answer in the best possible way, double bimbos, tumblr being tumblr, me possibly somewhat going off on one in regard to what NOT to do, and more.
[Anonymous said:] Had a Corruption rank up and one of the slaver options had both Depraved and Spiritual, which are supposed to be mutually exclusive I thought: Choice 4: Madeline Crakewyne - Human Wastelander Futanari - Competent Skybreaker - (Spi)(Fly)(Res)(Clu)(Cun)(Usc+)
- You’re right, those should be mutually exclusive. 
[Anonymous said:] There is an event where one of your slavers will slip into your tent at night and have their way with you. Can you explain some of the mechanics that govern this event?
- My absolute favourite kind of question. Mainly as there exists a resource in game already which I hope should be able to fully explain all the details. Please see under Help and Prefferences -> Forced Encounters. 
[Anonymous said:] Need to ask; any chance for standard dwarf female commission, or this one is considered up to date?
- There technically is one in Scout the Coast though I’d prefer to get another one for the examine. I’ve been trying to get one done for ages through the commission polls that would serve to be a fun NH take on Dorf Fortress. I’ve also got a set of portraits potentially coming as a bonus though there’s some health issues getting in the way of that.
So it’s not consided up to date, there is a chance, but maybe not for awhile. 
[Anonymous said:] Bug report: orc cum addict training on bimbo slave results in double bimbo.
- That’s hilarious, and far too appropriate. Alas, I must say that has been found and will be fixed for the update. 
[Anonymous said:] the links to pixiv have disappeared
- Oh tumblr... why must you be so well tumblr. Tried adding a link to the twitter which has a link to the pixiv and that’s not showing either as an active link. Thankfully if you go the tumblr directly (i.e not on the dashboard) there’s an embed of the twitter so you can access them that way.
[academiy-blog said:] Hey man, Love the work you do, please don't give up on this path, you're so talented and creative. I am in love with your game No Haven and want to make a game like it but don't know where to start or how to do it. I am a complete stranger to coding and game making but I want to create adventures that people can lose themselves in like you do. Can you please tell me where should I start learning and what skills would I need to make a game like No Haven? You're awesome, take care Your big fan, me
- First seriously appreciated!
But oh man do not like it like I did as it was the complete wrong ass-backwards way to do it :D
Starting with RAGS meant I learnt a rather terrible system like the back of my hand which I worked how to break horribly to do what I wanted it to do. Doing it that way meant I often learned the wrong lessons when it comes to coding more in general, and didn’t know that, cause it worked. 
Then moving onto Twine without the time to really take a break to learning coding properly meant I was having to pick up concepts on the go, and again made a bunch of mistakes. 
Personally if I could somehow start over I’d do a coding course of some kind, and then use that knowledge to make games rather than deciding to make games, and still at times be lacking vital knowledge about what I should be doing or indeed not doing. 
Saying that I’ve found freecodecamp (especially the emails with five things to read each week), and w3schools to be great resources so maybe you could try starting there?
[Anonymous said:]   If someone hates being spiritual leader, they won't leave role when asked. In fact slavers leave this role only if they dislike it. Is this a bug?
- I’m pretty sure that’s been fixed, but will double check. 
[From the Patreon:] Short question:How do i transform my Character or another Slaver into the opposite gender? Male -> Female or Female -> Male.Are there certain assignments?
- There's a couple of different ways. 
Biomancy and Corruption can both do it for Male>Female. So you can either work towards doing it on purpose using the encampment activities, or you can run assignment that can result in Corruption like Changing Places and it might well happen. 
There's assignments that can do it one way or the other like Keldan Alley or Into the Depths. 
Then there's the option of getting too deep in debt with the Ensnared Rose.
[From TFgames:] The game is very fun and enjoyable.How to actually win the game?I gained a lot of money, trained the slavers and slaves.What to do next?I got tired of repeating tasks.
- Hi, I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Currently there's a placeholder win condition of reaching 10k gold. Honnestly it's not very interesting as is and purely in there as a placeholder, and most players from what I've heard prefer to set their own goals like aquiring certain uniques and training them up. I know one player on my discord server always goes for the full collection of cheerleaders, along with making sure they have their own 'assistants'. 
There's also the golem scenario which has an alternate win condition which is more involved complete with patron submitted art for the final victory. 
I do have plans to address the win conditions by making them more interesting and varied. So that will be coming down the line. 
[From the Collective:] Some theoretical questions:a slaver promoted witch with Racial:Wyrdcraft is supposed to go away after some time. How does this combines with aspect Bimboborn ? Does she comes back after some time? Is there a way to keep her? What happens if a slave version of her is given as a slave to a dominant slaver with the appropriate aspect. What does she gives as traits to her master? any magic or Elementalist traits ? Can she go away?
- Bimboborn would not apply like if they were sold. She does not. There isn't but certain slave training and levelling her up can get her to stick around for longer. Witches can't be given with that aspect and there's a special scene to reflect that. 
[From the Collective:] My MC gained this Debauched Exaltation:  Caress of Bone -40 And the Mal Trait that goes with it.Does it make him immune to mind control events ?Apparently not if I look at the Mashlands Witches but there's other events I haven't tested.
- Call it Malevolence light so it mainly just works on assignments. Also those totally-not-witches have all sorts of tricks so who knows what they're actually fully capable of.
[From the Collective:] Negotiate entry of the Lord's gate: It doesn't trigger a level up if your slavers win enough xp to level up at the end of the mission. You need another mission to level up.
- Doesn't surprise me. It's a miracle that utter mess of an assignment hangs together at all so something minor like that is a small price to pay. Had to try to pull it apart recently for the Twine conversion and man it is so much yikes you would not believe. 
[From the Collective:] Not really a bug, per se, but still:I want to do the Mistress of torments mission (For the Normal Success result). When my slaver number is at maximum I can't do this even if I set the general orders to "Don't recruit anyone"I think it's the case for all missions with potential slavers. You should be able to do them with the "Don't recruit anyone" option on.
- I'd need to go back and do an alternate result where no recruitment is possible for that to happen. It's something I've been trying to do a lot more with the slave taking assignments recently especially, as I know it's also annoying when you're full up on slaves and are then locked out on too many assignments.
[From the Collective:] what's the requirement for crafting traits and Artisan/Artificier aspect? leaving a slaver on crafting assignment for months doesn't seem to trigger lvl ups.
- Currently impossible as Crafting xp isn't really a thing. Saying that the first Crafting assignment is currently walking the commission poll (along with the Insatiable fuck off fight) on the patreon so now it's just a matter of time for that to change. 
[From the Collective:] Imperial Muse I don't understand a part of the rewards Rewards Diplomacy rank up bonus: large wood elf shaft x4
- That's an amusing, if very annoying bug as I keep forgetting about it (happened with this update that's about to come out too though did get to hotfix it before the public release), if I don't add a new Diplomacy assignment to a certain condition.
[From the Collective:] at the moment no enchantement. As far as  I know there is only one enchanted item, from the ooze mission, maybe a proof of concept.the tinkerer encampment position is also in development.
- There's also the enchanted armours possible to find from corruption, there's a late game assignment in the city that can provide some, certain uniques start with one, and the next update will have an update which can also provide some. 
[From the Collective:] I have just realized that the bug that allowed to promote slaves even after you have reached 20 slavers had been fixed (sometimes I hate myself) Can you do something to expand the number of slavers - Do not count slavers and slaves in camp position - Do not count unique slaves and slavers (this way you will not be blocked with new missions of the update that have a story role), the 2 golems the witch queen, the fallen paladin and his demi angel friend, maybe also the cheerleaders, was unable to have more than one until slavers were 20) - Have a small number of places that can on be used by promoted slaves - a unique mission, perhaps  one for each region that allows additional camp size. - Some camp positions can be unlocked by missions. Taskmaster at Mountains, Alchemist at City, brewer at Coast, Cook at Forest, Emissary at Plains
- The current limits are in place due to RAGS (along with partially due to how I've set up the arrays, see previous answer about mistakes being made), so for now I'm not planning to change that or add ways to get round it in RAGS. However I do plan to change this I hope in the Twine conversion. There I can redo arrays on the fly which should make changing that more reasonable. 
[From the Discord:] Favorite Boardgame?   
- I’ve played much better, much designed games and certainly much more well regarded ones, but if I’m being honest for the best memories attached to it then absolutely Go. Not the one with the black and white tiles. The International Travel Game which came out in the early 60′s that my grandparents had a copy of. 
Thinking about it I suspect how willing it was to utterly screw with the players by diverting them on a flight to Paris to ending you up in some tropical island on the other side of the world you were trying to get to might have some influence on my approach to game design :D
[From the Discord:] What are the chances of a 10 Year Anniversary Remastered Edition of RL in 2024, complete with CHAPTER 3 (j/k... but I would play it)
- Honnestly, with what I’ve learned doing WR and NH I’m reasonably confident I could do a combined RL1 and 2 in Twine in a couple of months max if I dropped everything else. So not something I’m likely to do anytime soon with so many other priorities, but one I have thought about. 
[From the Discord:] What are the most recent major Scientific, Magical & Cultural innovations in the land of NH?
- I have an assignment chained to discuss that. 
[From the Discord:] Do marlsunes get fleas?
- Yes, occasionally if they let themselves go, but it’s treatable. 
[From the Discord:] With the existence of a Horned One camp... is there any credence to the rumoured couples only Horned Two camp?
- Given how well the double horned one idea is doing in the commissions recently, looks so. 
[From the Discord:] Specifically, how advanced is the art of glassmaking in the land of No Haven? Are glass panels a thing? Maybe even one-way mirrors made by the foremost guilds that employ E:Ea?
- See that’s a more tricky question than it sounds, and it’s all down to the Neko Protection League.
One thing I’ve found with commissions is it’s often a negotiation to get everything you want, and in that sacrifices end up being made, and/or details that were important in the original pitch get overlooked to focus on something else that is more urgent to be amended. In this case the glasses I wanted to look even more archaic didn’t get reflected as much as I’d have liked. 
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a bloody fantastic pair of pictures. Just a minor regret you know that I feel as is they don’t quite fit what I had in mind for the tech level of the setting.
[From the Discord:] Draki harpies - possible or UFO-like sightings?
As cool as a visual that suggests, which is tempting don’t get me wrong, draki are of elvish and human origins only. 
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identybeautynet · 3 years
45 Best Beauty Tips from Makeup and Skincare Experts to Improve Your Beauty Routine
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45 Best Beauty Tips from Makeup and Skincare Experts to Improve Your Beauty Routine Since the standard evolution process from the "am I doing this right?" beauty novice to the "could be a vlogger" makeup expert involves much trial-and-error, we saved you the time and effort by asking makeup and skin experts directly about their best skin and beauty shortcuts. Whether you're looking to upgrade your makeup game, prevent skin wrinkles early, or achieve a JLo-esque glow at home—find 45 expert-endorsed secrets to make your beauty routine better and easier, below. Perfecting Your Face Beat Getty Images 1. To sop up oil and refresh makeup, lightly mist your face with toner, then pat with a tissue, says Eva Scrivo, makeup artist and owner of the eponymous New York City salon. Finish with a dusting of loose powder. 2. For a modern take on luminous skin, try pearlized pink-sand shades on lids and cheeks. With a pale matte mouth, you'll look rock-club cool (and not too disco). Pair pink lids with a natural, understated face. 3. The best way to make a makeup change is to choose the feature you get complimented on most, and play it up with a color that's the opposite of what you normally wear. Like neutrals? Go for color. Like color? Try earth tones. 4. Instead of shading hollows of your face, switch to highlighting. Using paler hues, accentuate under the brows for a mini lift, and dust a lighter blush along the cheekbone to plump cheeks. 5. To keep eye shadow from creasing (unless you're going for a cut crease look), eliminate as much oil as possible from your lids. Use an eye shadow base or pressed powder before applying color. Looser, more powdery shadows are best. Maintaining Cara Delevingne-esque Brows Getty Images 1. Overzealous tweezing can lead to emaciated brows and bald patches, where hair only grows back irregularly. Use a protein-spiked brow gel to stimulate healthy growth and brow fillers to shade in problem areas. 2. Full brows have been spotted on all the runways and are the hottest trend right now. Keep unruly brows looking polished with a slick of clear brow gel. Dab highlighter directly under the brow bone—you'll achieve an instant eye-lift effect! 3. The space between your eyebrows should be equal to the width of your eyes, and start where they line up with your nostrils. Follow our complete brow guide from Glamsquad expert Kelli Bartlett here, from shaping to plucking and trimming. Concealing Skin Imperfections Like a Pro Getty Images 1. Concealer is only half the battle when it comes to fixing flaws. To perfect your complexion (no matter the skin tone), try lipstick in a warm pink. "It distracts from blemishes and other imperfections," says makeup artist Morgen Schick. 2. Trying to look well rested when you aren't? Avoid piling on the foundation. Use a tinted moisturizer instead, followed by a beige eye pencil—it counteracts any redness around your eyes. 3. Large pores are caused by two things: genetics and age. Want to shrink them? Go to a dermatologist or a spa to get microdermabrasion treatments, a type of facial that gently sloughs off the dead surface layer of skin. 4. When covering up blemishes, select a color for what you're concealing. For example, orange-tinged concealers counteract blueish under-eye circles. A green concealer hides redness. The idea is that concealers act as neutralizers. 5. Even if you didn't get enough sleep last night, nothing wakes up a face like bright cheek color. Consider a cream blush with red or pink overtones. Blend and taper into the apples of your cheeks and set with loose powder. Preventing Blemishes Before They Start 1. Identify blemish patterns on your face. Look at the way you hold the telephone, whether you sleep more on one side of your face or if you hold your head up with one hand when sitting. Try to avoid doing these things. 2. Go easy on the foundation. Makeup used to cover up pimples tends to clog pores and cause more blemishes. Try using a concealer with a zit-zapping ingredient like salicylic acid. 3. Breaking out? Use a deep-cleansing mask or chemical face peel once a week to rid your skin of impurities and dead skin cells that may be clogging pores. Make sure you're using the right type of mask for your skin type. 4. Don't forget to moisturize! The best way to prevent skin from overproducing oil, explains Erica Suppa—research scientist and founder of Fresh Faced Skincare—is to use a good moisturizer to balance out water and oil levels. Accentuating Your Eyes Getty Images 1. To accentuate your upper lash line without creating spidery fringe, apply a strip of false lashes meant for your lower lashes from corner to corner. They're shorter than traditional falsies, so they'll thicken your lash line without elongating too much. 2. Keep your eyes open when applying liquid liner—otherwise your line will look uneven. Apply by drawing three dashes, one on the corner, in the middle, and on the inside corner of your eye. Then go back and connect the dashes for a smooth line. 3. Want to make your small eyes look bigger? Stay away from dark eyeshadows. Start with a nude base, then apply shadow a shade or two darker than the base to your crease and use your finger to blend the color up toward your eyebrow. 4. When applying fake eyelashes, put a little more glue on the edges than the rest of the lash, since they're more likely to come loose. Blow on the glue for a few seconds for a better hold. 5. To copy the bevy of celebs sporting smoldering eyes on the red carpet, stay away from blue hues, which can make you look like you have under-eye circles. Instead, go for black, gray, brown, or—if you want "color"—dark green shadows and liners. Plumping Your Lips Getty Images 1. For full lips go for a glossy look. Try first outlining the perimeter of your lips using a concealer brush dipped in bronzer two shades deeper than your skin tone. Then, top pout with gold, peach, or coral gloss. 2. When your lips look larger, it helps to slim your face down. The best way to beef up your mouth is to dab a shimmery gloss in the middle of your lower lip (on top of a lip-tone lipstick or gloss). 3. Play up your pout— it reminds people you're no pushover—with a deep, dramatic lipstick. Use your finger for a personally stamped finish. Highlight the area above your bow with a brush of gold eyeshadow. Moisturizing Dry and Inflamed Skin Getty Images 1. Rose and lavender work wonders in calming skin inflammation, according to Michele VanLandingham, ingredient information specialist for Dr. Hauschka Skin Care. Olive oil is also a great cure for all things dry, including peeling cuticles. 2. Prevent dead-skin pileup by using a pumice stone in the shower—and don't be tempted into using a razor. That will only cause more skin to grow back. Pamper your feet with moisturizing facial masks. 3. Lance Etchison, skin-care aesthetician at Bluemercury in Washington, D.C., suggests incorporating one new product at a time. "And, since most active ingredients take effect over time, don't give up if you don't see immediate results," he advises. 4. For daytime moisturizing, think layering: Use an antioxidant serum under a face cream, topped off with sunblock. To prevent flaking, consider light exfoliation once a week. Moisturizing without exfoliating first can result in breakouts and dull skin. 5. Water, paper, chemicals: all dry up soft hands. "You have to fight back every day," says Jan Arnold, founder of Creative Nail Design. "Exfoliate to slough off dead cells, then slather on a rich cream to compensate for how few oil glands you have." 6. Here's a secret for super-smooth, quenched lips: Use your richest eye cream on your lips! Note: Be sure it's a "hydrating" formula, not "firming"—which is code for drying. 7. Sure, it's chilly in the morning, but don't be tempted to crank up the heat in the shower. Hot water followed by cool, dry air leads to rough skin. To lock in moisture post-shower, pat yourself dry, and coat skin in an alpha-hydroxy lotion. 8. For flawless skin choose a cleanser and moisturizer appropriate for your skin type that you can use a.m. and p.m., and then supplement it weekly with a purifying face mask. Also, consider using a nightly skin treatment that exfoliates dead skin cells. Optimizing Your Nail Care Getty Images 1. We love the look of a perfect sheer manicure on long, tapered talons as much as the next woman, but who's got the time? For equally elegant, less fussy nails, go short, round, and dark. File your nails so they line up with the tips of your fingers and round the corners. 2. Low on cash but still want to indulge? Pamper your feet. If you're going to indulge in any spa treatment, go for a pedicure. It costs more than a manicure (though much less than a body treatment), and it lasts for weeks. 3. For those using sunscreen and bug spray in the summer, Grete Olsen of Frenchies Modern Nail Care recommends wiping it off your nails after applying. "The chemicals in those products can break down the top coat and polish, shortening the wear of the manicure." 4. In order to make sure that your nail polish lasts longer, Autumn Munter of Frenchies Modern Nail Care recommends applying glitter nail polish on top for a longer-lasting finish that will also add a hint of sparkle. 5. Rae Getter of Frenchies Modern Nail Care also recommends applying cuticle oil (she loves the Zeva Nails Pen) to help keep nails hydrated and hang nail-free. " Dry nails don't flex, so polish will chip more easily" without the extra hydration, she says. Creating a Natural-Looking Glow Getty Images 1. Naturally pale but want a healthy glow? The good news is that you don't need a lot of makeup to achieve great-looking skin, says New York makeup artist Paula Dorf. For natural-looking results, apply glow products to the apples of your cheeks, the bridge of your nose, your hairline, and chin. 2. Sidestep streaks by mixing self-tanner with moisturizer before applying. This dilutes the formula so you achieve a more natural, less stripe-like effect. See our guide for the best no-streak self-tanners here. 3. To avoid an orange-y look with self-tanner, after application, wipe a cotton swab or a damp paper towel across your eyebrows and along your hairline. Counteracting Wrinkles Getty Images 1. Treating your neck like your face doesn't work. "Your neck ages in its own way and so has special needs," explains Adrienne Denese, M.D., Ph.D. "Neck tendons shrink over time and become more visible, so the thin skin in this area doesn't respond to lasers and peels as well as your face does." She suggests good posture and neck stretches. 2. "I frequently see women with deeper wrinkles on one side of their face—the side they sleep on, of course," says New York dermatologist Heidi A. Waldorf. To avoid "sleep lines," opt for silk or satin pillowcases and pile on the antiaging products. 3. Avoid prolonged sun exposure! Says derm Dr. Sameer Bashey, not only do the sun's rays cause skin cancer, but also photo aging. Steer clear of direct contact with the sun during peak hours (between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.) and nix tanning beds for good. 4. Use Retin-A or retinol regularly. "Vitamin A-derived creams are known to prevent fine lines and wrinkles. However they only help with fine lines and not deep wrinkles from volume loss. Retin-A or retinol need to be used as part of a comprehensive skin care program to rejuvenate skin," says Bashey. Follow Marie Claire on Facebook for the latest celeb news, beauty tips, fascinating reads, livestream video, and more. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io BEUTY TIPS : 45 Best Beauty Tips from Makeup and Skincare Experts to Improve Your Beauty Routine Read the full article
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