#cause rev and Estrella <333
mcnuggyy · 1 year
do you think you'll ever do physical printings of cryptid crush if it seems there's enough demand or is it gonna be purely digital?
If there’s enough demand I’ll definitely consider it!! I’m worried about any potential publishers or resources not wanting to print something w explicit sex scenes and nudity and monster fucking, so I’ll definitely have to ask around where other major adult projects like nsfw anthologies get their stuff printed! :-] I’ll probably have a good idea once I start uploading to patreon and preparing for the itch.io release! <3
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mcnuggyy · 2 years
Pretty please please please infodump about cryptid♡crush I want to know everything you're willing to share
I feel like I’m so bad at talking about my guys unless I get a specific question that jumpstarts me into not being able to shut the fuck up about them LMAO 😭 but I really don’t wanna share anything plot related cause I wanna keep it a nice little surprise for when I actually make the comic and stuff <3
i will try my best tho to try and talk about it as much as I can!!! putting it under the readmore and also cw: sex and kinks and stuff obvi lol
but I have been thinking more and more about what kind of themes and kinks and topics I wanna explore with each volume along with the specific “monster of that week” of course I got overarching themes with queerness and transness and finding comfort in others who also feel othered by society and stuff but that’s to be expected LMAO.
I also think it’s funny to think about what kinks each character would have 😭 cause I mean cmon it’s a nsfw comic series LOL, but that also means realizing sometimes these guys are into things I’m really not into but I know in my heart they would be BAHAHA, I’ve also been thinking of like super fun threesome ideas and fun dynamics for the monster characters to have between themselves jeje like I really like Mia and Estrellas dynamic and in general Mia fawning over every single girl/girl adjacent character he meets fjfjfjf. Or Rev getting a crush on Max cause he really is so handsome and very sweet and cute and loves Fern just as much as it does but Rev is such a tsundere about it LMAO.
GOD I have this idea of a stupid threesome where it’s Rev, Fern, and Mariano but Mariano has possessed Fern and Fern has hooked themself up to Rev so it can feel what he feels and basically it’s just Fern fucking jerking himself off but Mariano and Rev can feel it too and idk why that’s sooooo epic and cool and hot to me but it is and I think it would be soooo fun to do a mini comic about that
I do also wanna do a Fern/Anika mini comic exploring her uh… omo kink, cause in the main story I probably won’t have any time at all to explore it, but if I do I would want to delve more into it just cause there’s so much fun stuff I can do with it jeje. I’m so excited to do so many little mini comics, also I think it’s fine if I talk about them cause they’re kinda separate from the plot a bit <3 though the first season probably won’t have too much plot asides from some small stuff here and there since I wanna establish the world and what certain characters roles are in the story!
Most importantly Rev and Estrella since they’re kinda the science/magic go to’s for Fern and will end up helping a lot with his adventures :-] The alien team and Max are also a part of that with aliens providing cool alien tech when needed and Max being a good moral support, everyone deserves a sweet werewolf bf who always has ur back ykno <3
I really do wanna have something for everyone so if this series cast does end up getting even bigger then so be it <333 LMAO
ALSO FOR A MINI COMIC IVE BEEN DYINGGG at the idea of an all girls (kinda) sleepover with like Mia, Anika, Kacee, Eliya, Slasher, and MAYBEEEE Fry and Frankie too (but they would just be making out constantly in the bg tbh LMAO), they would play like spin the bottle and get naked and be stupid and just have fun and also I think Mia would go crazy at the idea of hanging out with any of these hot people so it would fucking rule for him and he deserves it <3 and also I think it would just be a really fun dynamic hehe
I also would love to see other people ship whatever characters they want idc idc <3 it’s all fun and games and they’re all bisexual and polyamorous have fun with it lmaoo but anyways
Idk what else to say except ummm gay sex makes the world go round and I love my silly guys and I really hope I can make this comic a reality once I finish Primavera <33
But if you have any specific questions about any of the characters I don’t mind answering as long as it avoids any potential spoilers jaja <3
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