#cause she cant find “lucy” anywhere
dykrophone · 6 months
who's gonna take one for the team and write the beth pov angsty estranged faberry future reunion fic the world desperately needs
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cuinnamonbun · 4 years
I really love ur headcanon about Hijabi Mc with the brothers! I really love it cuz there is no one writing about us in any fandom =(
I was thinking would u do the (un)datebale characters with Hijabi Mc if u can ? =3
If u don’t want then u can ignore the ask 🖤
Hello there, angel! I assume you meant the chaotic Hijabi MC headcanon that I wrote, so I hope you enjoyed these xx
she/her pronouns!!
The (Un)Dateable Characters' + Luke’s Reactions to a Hijabi MC That Looks Extremely Pious and Quiet but is Actually a Chaotic Mess
As future king of the Devildom that wishes to strengthen the relations between the three realms, prejudice and discrimination against the human exchange students’ choice of religion is a HUGE no-no
Diavolo would not mind the fact that she is wearing a symbol of her devotion to God on her head, but he would be so intrigued by this human at first meeting
Not about her religion, of course, he is well aware of all the religions in the world; Abrahamic religion being the one he is most familiar with (obvi)
What excited him was the fact that this human was so. friggin. hilarious.
He’s not even sure if this human is doing it on purpose because something would happen that would catch her off guard and she would just say?? the most random shit???
Like say, she got jumped by Mammon and her response to that would be a monotone scream and a “sTOP i could’ve dropped my croissant!” but she was actually genuinely startled
He’d be so fascinated like wow! Go girl, give us nothing!!
He would invite her over for tea so many times just so she could explain slang to him
Diavolo: Tell me MC, what is the meaning of DILF?
Due to personal reasons, MC will now be passing away
He would abuse the usage of slang everywhere and he would be so excited to finally understand what Leviathan is talking about
Lucifer: Diavolo, we must talk about the student council budget
Diavolo: That wasn’t very cash money of you
Lucifer: ....excuse me?
Diavolo: Periodt okurrr slay queen
MC has to go hide to avoid being slaughtered like a sacrificial lamb by Lucifer
Diavolo would be also be curious and impressed at the intricate planning of each and every one of her pranks
Like sure, it may be annoying to be the one at the receiving end of it, but understanding the details behind it?? All the logic, physics and patience put into it just to ensure a flawless delivery??? Absolutely stunning
MC has him mesmerised
He would absolutely want to learn the art of pranking from her
Honestly, at this point it’s no longer the human exchange student and the Devil King, it’s now the mentor and the mentee
Lucifer has to demand MC to stop teaching him these things for the sake of his sanity because it’s taking him away from his royal duties that’s keeping the Devildom from falling apart
They still meet up in secret though screw you, Lucifer
This is another demon whom would not mind the fact that their chosen exchange student is a Muslim
Lord Diavolo’s reputation hangs on this exchange program going extremely well, he would not let simple prejudices put a smear on that
He has prepared himself well to receive people from different walks of life just so he can provide all students a comfortable stay during their term in the Devildom
But wait...what is that human doing?
Oh...this poor man
Not only does he have to keep that ginormous labyrinth of a castle spotless and immaculate at all times and ensure that every event being hosted by the castle is going perfectly without a hitch, but he also has to take care of an overgrown man-child that is also known as the future king of the Devildom
Now, he has to make sure this...mess of a human doesn’t go stir up trouble anywhere?
Barbatos is a calm and collected man, but he’s still a demon; virtues aren’t exactly something they practice 
He would need to down three cups of melancholy coffee and squeeze a stress ball whenever he catches MC in her antics whether it is alone or with someone in tow
Somehow he’s the only one whom MC would find almost impossible to prank
Like she managed to catch Lucifer off guard once (that was her proudest achievement) but BARBATOS???? yeah, it’s like he has a pair of eyes on the back of his head or something
MC: *tries to sneak up on him*
Barbatos, not even turning back: Enough of that now, MC, come enjoy this tea I’ve made
Pranking Barbatos will become her number one mission during her entire term in the Devildom
Barbatos would be really amused and impressed at the lengths she would go through just to see that shocked look on his face
Why, it might even be—dare he say—endearing
Though MC will cause this man stress and grey hairs, Barbatos couldn’t help but appreciate her company every time she came around
When she’s not up to her daily shenanigans, she would simply opt to help Barbatos out with some of the chores or preparing the treats for a tea party with the student council members and the exchange program, even though he’s mentioned that she should do no such thing
But knowing that this girl is constantly energetic and restless, Barbs agreed to let her help since he would not want to deal with her breaking some priceless antiques or getting herself in trouble with Devildom law again
She helps to remind him that it’s okay to be laidback once in a while and that he doesn’t need to be so uptight all the time
These two have an unusual friendship but it’s only good vibes all around ^^
Before she leaves the Devildom though, he would pretend that she actually managed to startle him with her last grand prank and the look on her face was worth his reputation taking a slight hit
He totally has a soft spot for her
Solomon and MC would be the best of friends man
The minute this shady sorcerer laid his eyes on her, he KNEW...this would be his new BFF
They would wreak so much havoc together that they give Lucifer a migraine the size of Lord Diavolo’s castle because they’re rUiNiNG tHe iNtEgRiTy oF tHE eXcHanGe pRoGrAm
Psh, as if that’d stop them
Honestly, it was like they each have one braincell that cancels each other out every time they get together
Lucifer: You two better have an explanation for this
MC: We have three actually. 
Solomon: Pick your favourite
Lucifer hates it whenever they get together and he would always try to prevent them from meeting up 
But his wits are no match for the power of their friendship!!
Solomon would defff try to persuade MC to get more pacts with other demons
Solomon: C’monnnn MC, we could be powerful! :c
MC: Bold of you to assume we’re not powerful now, bestie
So we have established that MC loves to pull pranks right?
She would have so many ideas on the top of her head that she would never use because 1) they either defy the laws of physics or 2) she would need magic to pull it off perfectly
So imagine her excitement when she found out Solomon is the greatest human sorcerer
She would 100% reel him in her plans and schemes and NO ONE (except the angels, they have immunity bc they’re babies :] ) would be safe from them
Despite all the fun they would have though, Solomon definitely treasures her as his greatest friend
I imagine life for Solomon would be quite lonely and he appreciates the constant joy and company that MC would provide him
He would definitely fuck a bitch up if someone dares to mess with his bestie 🙄
These two adore each other so much but they would be caught DEAD before they would admit that to each other 🤭
When they first met, Simeon was so happy to find a person so devoted to God such as MC
He takes it upon himself to become MC’s guardian angel around the Devildom
He would helicopter them for a while and would (reluctantly) back off if MC finds it a bit suffocating 
(don’t be mean MC, he just cares about u alot that’s all :( )
This man is capital P patient
I mean, that’s a given with him being an angel and all
But seriously,,, one has to be in awe at how calm and collected he is even when MC would pull pranks that would cause a normal person to wanna punch the living daylights out of her
Eventually she would feel bad and stop pulling these pranks on him though, he’s just too sweet and she can’t take advantage of that </3
They would be really close though (along with Luke) because he would frequently invite her to pray the 5 essential prayers together with Luke or read the Qur’an together and it’s just wholesome vibes all around man 🥺
As angels, him and Luke would have such beautiful recitations of the Qur’an and I can picture MC frequently dropping by Purgatory Hall just to listen to him recite the kalimahs with the perfect tajweed (Non-Muslims if you’d like to hear an example, check out Sheikh Mishary reciting Surah al-Kahf, it’s beautiful man 🥺)
He would frequently invite MC and Luke out for walks too and these three would look so domestic together people often mistake them as a little family (much to the brothers’ chagrin and Simeon’s amusement)
Simeon has such a calming presence that he could even tame a chaotic MC down and have her sit still enough, it will be as if she turned into a completely different person
MC, violently shaking like a hamster on crack: U CANT STOP ME LUCI, URE NOT THE BOSS OF-
Simeon: Hello, MC! Would you like to come and have a pleasant chat with me? ^^ 
MC, as if in a trance: ...anything for you, Beyonce
MC is such a simp for Simeon and honestly, who can blame her?
Luke was extremely happy when the two of them met
This cutie is a proud servant of God and he loves humans who loves Him as much as he does
So it comes as to no one’s surprise when he attaches himself to MC
This would heighten when MC stepped between him, Beel and Lucifer during that,,,,incident
His favourite time of the day is praying in congregation with MC and Simeon and baking with MC
MC would steer clear from involving Luke in her pranks and/or outright pranking him
He’s just a precious little child okay, MC has a soft spot for this angel
She would definitely try to tone down her chaotic energy around him, but she would NOT hesitate to verbal + cyber bully any demons that dare to bully her child
Rando demon: haha shortstack
MC: So you have chosen death
Seriously, Luke would gawk at the obscenities coming from MC’s mouth
He would have to physically drag her away before the demons could devour them both
He would be absolutely SHOOKETH at the language she used because she has been nothing but sweet and polite to him. It was like she switched into a whole different person right in front of his eyes
Luke: MC! I knew living with those horrid demons is a bad idea! They’ve corrupted you now!! *crying Luke noises*
MC: Lil buddy, I was born this way
He would definitely feel really touched that MC is so protective of him though, but he would have to tell her to never say those words again, even if she’s trying to protect him
She would (hesitantly) tell him she would try her best but that would literally only last for half a day because another demon has foolishly decided to mess with him with her present
MC is Luke’s mother point blank period.
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Hey so I don’t normally posy other fandom stuff on here but this is my most followed account and I need some advice on a fic. It’s destiel, please tell me if it’s any good and if you like it I’ll post the link to the rest of the story
"Very well. Have it your way," Crowley turned to Azazel and Alistair, "boys, shall we?" I saw a smirk cross all their features, and before I knew it, Crowley and the others were shoving me and my friends into the water.
My name is Castiel Novak, and I'm a mess.
One big giant mess. Let me tell you about my day, how it went from good to bad, and how I ended up getting pushed into a lake.
Today, it was summer. Well... months into summer. School would be starting in just about six days. I woke up to quickly find out that it was one of the hottest days of the year. The sun was beating down like thick blanket and never left the clear sky. If I had to guess I'd say the kids in my neighborhood were all playing in sprinklers and having fun, trying to make the most out of what little they had left of summer. Since school was starting very soon, I thought that I should possibly do the same thing, and make the most of what I had left of the season.
I woke up early in the morning. I traveled down the stairs to see an all to familiar view. My Dad was no where in sight, probably in his room writing. My mom was sitting at the kitchen counter reading a magazine, completely ignoring the chaos in the living room.
To tell the truth, what was happening in the living room wasn't all that bad, but, still disturbing. Even though I've seen a lot worse go down in that room. The tv was on and Gabriel, my little brother was sitting on the floor in front of it, constantly changing channels. Anna, my sister, sat on the couch. She was pressed all the way to the end of the couch, trying to still sit there while being as far away from the other end of the couch as she could.
Why was she trying to stay away from the other end of the couch you might ask? Well... Luci, my oldest brother, was there, and so was his boyfriend, Michael. Michael and Luci have been dating for about a year or so. I was shocked they'd made it this long, seeing at they were polor opposites. Michael graduated highschool with a perfect GPA and taking a all advanced courses, while being a star football player as well. Now, he's going to college and spends his free time either with Luci or shadowing the doctors at the hospital so that it'll be easier for him to get a job there. Probably as a heart surgeon or something. Also he had a spotless criminal record.
Meanwhile, Luci had probably all E's in his classes before he dropped out. Never once touched a football and spent most of his time smoking weed with the other bleacher-creatures during the games. He was not attending any colleges and was job-less. His free time was spent either with Michael or at the police station, and it sure as hell wasn't for volunteering. I remember a couple times mom and dad refused to bail him out, so Michael had to go do it.
So yeah, I'm shocked they made it a year. But anyways, right now Michael was over and sitting on the couch with Luci. Well, it was more like Michael was sitting on the couch and Luci was sitting on top of him. They were making out. It was disgusting.
They were making weird moaning noises as Michael's hands practically groped Lucifers torso and chest. I wanted to gag.
I soon decided very quickly that I didn't want to be here, so slipped out the front door before anyone would stop me. Mom and Dad never cared if we went anywhere so I figured they'd be fine if I just left for a little while.
I opened the door and quickly went outside. I closed the door behind me and took a step out into the morning air. If I had to guess I'd say it was about 9:00am, the sun was blazing across the sky as I sat down. I let the warm air and occasional cool breeze wash over me. It was one of those, buy ice cream, go to the beach, summer days. I wasn't much of an outside person, but I enjoyed them none-the-less.
I stood up in my short sleeve, buttoned, baby blue shirt, and jeans before I began to walk down the street. My friend Charlie lived a few blocks down from me, and a few blocks down from there lived Dorothy. See, I had friends, but, there was only two of them. I have known Charlie forever, so we were always close. We met when we were probably five. I remember being at the park with Luci when I saw a small red-headed girl fall from the jungle gym. She looked hurt so I ran from Luci to see if she was alright. She was bleeding, but shockingly, not crying. I went to the bench where Mom was. I rummaged in her purse for the Band-Aids I always made her keep in there for reasons such as this.
I helped the girl bandage her arm to stop the small amount of blood. When I finished she turned to me with an incredibly bright grin and said, "are we best friends now?" And ever since then, we've never left each other's side.
Then Charlie met this girl named Dorothy when we first started middle School in sixth grade. She was pretty badass for a twelve year old and she shockingly decided to sit with us. So she became part of our group too. Now sixteen and we were all inseparable.
Charlie was the fun nerd in our group, she always had the best and craziest ideas out of all of us. Her bright and spunky personality made her instantly loveable. Dorothy was a bit more grounded but was always up for adventure, so when Charlie got an idea, Dorothy was the one to make it happen.
I was the downer of the group I assumed, mainly because I always tried to talk them out of their crazy ideas. But they were both stubborn and I bet if they had the chance to go to Oz they would take it in a heartbeat. They never listened to me, and of course, dragged me along with them every time they were up to some shenanigan. Like the day Charlie said we should go downtown and take edgy pictures of the train tracks, so we could be douchy hipster wannabes. The next day Dorothy grabbed her camera and yanked us downtown to the train tracks. That day we almost got hit by said train on the tracks.
See what I mean? Bad Ideas. But I will admit, there has been some good ones. Like two summers ago we were all sitting at Dorothy's house, bored with nothing to do, so Charlie randomly said we should go into town and take some weird class. We spent the whole afternoon learning pottery and making clay. That was fun.
So, in conclusion, I love my friends and their idiotic selves. That's why I was on my way down there now, to go do something interesting. I approached Charlie's house very quickly. Her house was small, probably the smallest out of all our houses. She was an only child and therefore really didn't need that much space. Her house was painted a red-ish orange color, it was like a burnt faded orange kind of. I don't know how to describe it, but it was pretty. Her grass was bright green lined with pink flowers around the house. Cute little white shutters to match with the windows.
The door was a plain brown and I smiled at it before I knocked. I always liked her house. I waited only mer seconds before the door burst open. Charlie looked like she had just been running. She grinned at me when she saw me standing in the doorway.
"I saw you coming from my room and came running." So I was right. She waited a bit before turning to stick her head into the house, "MOM IM GOING OUT WITH CAS!" She called, slamming the door shut immediately after.
I smiled at her again as she linked her arm with mine and started off down the porch steps. Today Charlie was wearing baggy jean shorts that went down to her knees, as well as a Star Wars t-shirt. Her head phones were wrapped around her neck and the cord trailed down her back into her pocket, where her phone probably was.
"Anyways, hi best friend!" She finally greeted once we made it to the sidewalk. I couldn't help but smile, even if it was faint.
"Hello Charlie." I greeted back, watching her long red hair bounce with each step.
"I was hoping you would come by today." She told me, seeming determined. I tilted my head a bit.
"Oh? Why's that?" I asked curiously, taking notice we were on our way to Dorothy's.
"Cant I just wannna see my friend!?... Alsooo when you were sick last week, me and Dorothy went out and discovered something really cool. We gotta show it to you." She sounded excited and picked up her walking pace subconsciously.
We made it to Dorothy's shortly after leaving Charlie's. Dorothy come out almost as fast as Charlie had, giving us her signature smirk before heading out. She was wearing skinny jeans and a brown shirt with her brown hair in a side bun. She was gorgeous I always thought, but not that I was into that kinda stuff.
We started walking down the road together, I started to sweat.
"Man it's hot out." Dorothy complained, sighing and wiping her forehead. Charlie smirked,
"Well duh, that's cuz I'm out here bitches," she grinned as Dorothy gave her a playful shove. I smiled shyly.
"Shut up," she told Charlie, still grinning, then laughing.
"So can anyone tell me where we are going." I asked curiously, changing the topic. I noticed Dorothy smirking.
"You'll have to wait." She told me, causing Charlie to suppress a smirk. I frowned.
"Guys, we are getting far away from town and-" I was quickly cut off by Charlie.
"Oh my gosh Cas, don't be such a stick in the mud. We'll be fineee." She urged, but I wasn't convinced.
"It's just that, you guys don't always have the best ideas..." I mumbled. Charlie looked fakely offended.
"How?!" She questioned while I just looked down sheepishly.
"Well, like... The train incident... that time you almost got us stuck on a flight to India, or when you and Dorothy got me to join your prank fight and we got covered in quick drying paint. Or when we went to the movies and that guy-"
"Okay, okay! You've made your point!" She informed quickly, a flustered blush forming on her face. I couldn't help my grin just a little bit.
After walking for what felt like forever, we were at what I thought was the edge if town. We lived in Michigan, smack dab in the center of the glove, in a town that, if you walked far enough, it turned into all wilderness. I think that's where we were now because on our very long walk we passed a bunch of trees and ponds. Now we were at the end of the dirt road, the very end before it faded into trees.
I would say I was scared, I would say being in the woods made me uncomfortable, I would say we should head back, but, I love nature. Nature is calming and beautiful, how could I say to turn back when we are in the best part of our town?
Charlie turned to me and grinned, Dorothy walked ahead of her. While Dorothy cleared the path, Charlie grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the opening Dorothy made by moving tree branches.
"Close your eyes." Charlie told me, and started guiding me through the forest.
"Please don't run me into anything." I pleaded, not fully trusting my red-headed friend. I could practically feel her eye roll.
"I won't," she grumbled, even thought she probably had been planning too before I stopped her.
"We're here!" Dorothy said, excitement filling her voice. Charlie smiled brightly and let go of my hand.
"Open!" She commanded cheerfully. I let my eyes flutter open and widen at the sight in front of me.
It was an absolutely beautiful lake.  It seemed almost deserted. No one was here and it appeared to be a place where no one ever went. The sun was shining bright and created a sparkling reflection in the crystal water. Trees surrounded the entire lake, lillypads and cat tails laid where the water meets the grass. Flowers, exotic ones that were bright orange and neon pink were also by the trees. I was shocked.
I took a step forward and grinned wide. I turned my head back to my two friends who stood behind me.
"How did you-" I started to ask how they found it, but Dorothy was already answering.
"Find it? Easy. We were going for a walk in the woods when, poof! Here it was! No one was here, and we knew we had to show you." She told me, smirking proudly as her and Charlie came closer to stand next to me.
"Well... I love it..." I stutter, speechless. I heard Charlie laugh next to me but I couldn't drag my eyes away from the beautiful sight to look at her.
I wasn't sure how long we had been there. It was a while that's for sure. We sat on the edge of the grass, our feet hanging in the water. We were just chatting about school and such when we heard something. It was yelling and laughing in the distance. The noises we're coming closer and I tensed. I recognized the noises all to well.
It sounded like Crowley and his friends. Fergus Crowley MacLeoud was his full name, but he had everyone call him Crowley. He was basically the head jock at school, despite him not being particularly that athletic. He somehow still made the football team and managed to be the most popular boy in school. He hung out with Azazel, Alistair, Lilith, Abbadon, and a few other of the popular kids. He didn't even like Abbadon, hated her to be exact, but still hung out with her because she was popular and head cheerleader. Lilith was another cheerleader, and incredibly beautiful at that, but very rude, she also had a little sister four years younger in Gabriel's grade. Her name was Ruby. Azazel and Alistair were just super creepy and rude. I hated them both, they always wanted to pick on someone. That someone usually being me.
They all seemed to follow Crowley blindly, except Abbadon, but she cooperated. I could hear their annoying screams and laughs getting closer, so I decided to stand. Charlie saw and stood too. Dorothy looked up at us both.
"Guys, it's okay, nothing's is gonna-" I knew Dorothy was gonna say nothing was gonna happen, and that we'd be fine, but she couldn't. That was because guess who came through the trees.
Crowley and his friends. I'm not typically one for swearing, but I really wanted then to f-off. Dorothy saw them and finally stood as well, glaring a bit as she watched the tree branches move, revealing them all.
"Well, well, well..." Crowley announced in a British accent. Today he was wearing black jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt. Lilith wore a white sun dress and Abbadon wore a t-shirt saying, "the devil made me do it," and jeans. Everyone else wore very similar clothes to Crowley.
"Why are you here?" Dorothy asked bravely. Crowley grimaced.
"This is our spot so I'll have to ask you the same question." He growled, clearly very annoyed. Charlie jumped next to me.
"Anyone can come here, it's not just your spot." Dorothy spat, taking a step closer. No no Dorothy stop. Why do you have to be so brave?
"I suggest you leave before someone gets hurt." Abbadon threatened, pointing a pale, flawless, slender finger at Dorothy. Her nail was long and painted a bright shade of red that matched her lips perfectly.
But obviously, Dorothy wasn't going to back down. "Excuse you, but who the hell do you think you are. You don't own us." She snarled in return. Abbadon looked offended at her words, almost recoiling. A scowl formed on her sharp features. Then before I knew it, Crowley, Azazel, and Alistair were walking over.
I gulped, wishing that Dorothy just kept her mouth shut. Crowley stood right by us with his minions behind him.
"Leave." His one word filled the whole forest with venom and left a sting right in my throat because suddenly I couldn't speak. And even though Crowley was shorter then me, chubbier then me, and probably less strong, the way he carried himself made him so much more intimidating then I ever could be.
"We aren't leaving." Dorothy stated harshly. Crowleys stern facial features quickly changed and he back away from me and grinned.
"Very well. Have it your way," Crowley turned to Azazel and Alistair, "boys, shall we?" I saw a smirk cross all their faces, and before I knew it, Crowley and the others were shoving me and my friends into the water.
If someone reads this and likes it, please let me know and I'll post more chapters
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Somebody To Love
Part 5
Pairing: Female Reader x Ben hardy Warnings: language, explicit references to sex but no actual smut, alcohol Summary: Roger Taylor’s daughter (you) has just gone through a horrid breakup after finding her boyfriend in bed with another girl. When she gets a job as an assistant on set, whether ready or not, she falls for Ben. Chapter summary: After dinner the cast and you head back to Lucy's trailer. Joe decides to make everyone play 20 questions in order to set you and Ben up together. Word Count: 2,166 An: If you’re looking for a long to listen to obviously somebody to love but also  I HAVE A WHOLE DAMN PLAYLIST FOR BEN HARDY to which you can find here: Ben’s Playlist New songs are added regularly! (Also I made one for Lucy and Tigerlily Taylor and all my other Celeb crushes so just HMU if you want any of those. I highly suggest James McAvoy [thats my favorite playlist tbh] but also new songs are added to those regularly as well). Also Thanks to @di-in-al for your help on this! Love you!
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gif by: @benshardy
The night dragged on. Everyone had so many questions for your fether and Brian. Lucy and Rami looked as if they were going to snog, all night. You and Ben, however, both were quite quiet. As dinner finished you all got into the appropriate cars and were headed back to set to drop you and the cast off.
Joe cleared his throat. "So, I think you owe Lucy 3 pounds." "The night is not over yet, Joe. She has until midnight. It is only 6:30." Lucy winked at you. "Besides I was going to invite everyone to my trailer so we can all get to know eachother a little bit more." "That sounds very Cinderella-esque." Joe said. "Then call me her fairy godmother, Joe." Lucy smiled back him. "What about you, Lucy? Get anywhere with Rami?" Sarina asked, causing Lucy to blush. “Um. Yeah. No. I don't really know. I don't think he is interested." She said, turning more red by the second. "Darling, he is QUITE interested." Sarina said. "Just because you can't see it dear, does not mean we cant either. Y/N? Anything on Ben at all?" "Nope. In fact, he probably said 15 words total to me all night." you said, disappointment flooding through your voice. "I am sorry, dear. But, you did say that you didn't want a relationship right now." Sarina spoke softly to you. She may have wanted you out of the house but she did love and care for you. "I don't. But... I don't know. There is something about it. I have this feeling, like... Maybe I meant to just be with him, even if it's in the friend way. Like I know he is going to be important in my life, if that makes sense." You said. "That is exactly how I felt about your father. I mean yeah, I was super excited when I got to meet one of my biggest celebrity crushes, but when I actually talked to him, I knew he was going to be much more to me than that." She smiled through the rearview mirror. "Personally, NOT THAT I COULD ACTUALLY TELL CAUSE YOU KNOW I WAS AT THE OTHER END OF THE TABLE, having a wonderful conversation with Anita actually," Joe started. "I think he just looked nervous." "You will get your chance, darling." Anita said. Both cars pulled onto set and everyone stepped out. Sarina hugged you and whispered 'good luck' in your ear. The boys headed back to their trailer to get in comfier clothes. Brian, Anita, Sarina, and your father headed home. You and Lucy walked back to her trailer. She let you borrow some sweats and a t-shirt. Then you heard a knock. You opened the door and the 4 boys were standing there. You ushered them in. "Lucy is still getting dressed in comfier clothes. She will be out in a second. You boys need anything?" you asked. They said no as they sat down on Lucy's couch. "So....anyone up for twenty questions?" Joe asked, throwing you a look. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben's POV (first person) "So here is how the game will work since we have multiple people. We will split upon pairs. I am going to go with Ben first, Gwyl go with Rami, and Lucy and Y/N. And then we will switch off." Joe said. I'm not really one for Twenty Questions but I guess its a good bonding exercise for the lot of us. Lucy had come back into the room before Joe assigned us to our person. "Okay Im gonna be here on the couch, Gwylim is gonna be over by the bathroom. Lucy gets the doorway into the bedroom and then we will choose where to go from there." Joe continued. "Now go my little darlings." I was already seated next to Joe. "So what are doing exactly?" I asked him. "Is that your first question?" He asked me. "Yes. Is that yours?" I said raising my eyebrow. "Yes. So are you going to ask her out?" "Who?" He mean't Y/N, he must have picked up on my nerves from dinner. I was so scared to talk to her all night. I figured I would try to hide that I knew he knew. "Y/N. Are you going to use the game?" "Are you insinuating I like her?" "I don't know am I?" He raised his eyebrow and winked at me. "Yes, you are. Do you really think I like her?" My heart started beating faster and faster. "Yes. Did you really just ask me that?" "Am I that obvious?" I started to get a bit nervous knowing that everyone knew I was starting to crush on her. "To me yes. To her, she thinks you don't like her. Did you guys talk about it in the car?" "Yes. I asked Roger if I could ask her out. Did you guys talk about it too?" Maybe she liked me back. "Yes. So are you going to ask her out?" "I don't know. What did she say?" "Can't tell you. If she likes you then you get a girlfriend if not you get experience on rejection. Are you scared?" "FUCK YES." I said that a little too loud. Gwyl and Rami turned and looked at me. "Uh. Will you tell me if it was good or bad?" "No. Are you that scared, bro?" "Mate, I'm terrified. Will you tell me anything you talked about in the car?" "Sure. Are you going to ask me right?" "What was said in that car?" "Well, Sarina knew Roger was important to her as soon as she met him." Joe smiled knowing full well he was hurting me by not telling me what Y/N had to say. "Okay! And... What else Joe?" He came quite close and whispered in my ear. "Lucy likes Rami. Was anything mentioned on your side?” “He totally likes her.” I whispered back. “This is all cute but I’m worried about Y/N. Will you PLEASE tell me?" I said, hoping the please would help my case. "No. Are you that worried?" "The more we talk about it, yes.  Umm Do you think she sat next to me on purpose?" "Yes. Also she was trying to keep me from you and Gwylim. What did Roger say about it?" "He said he didn't have a problem but that the last guy was a jerk and she may not be ready for a relationship. Does anyone else in the car know I like her?" "The whole car does. Does anyone else know Rami likes Lucy?" "All of us. What about your car?" We kept glancing at Rami, I think he was picking up on our conversation. "Everyone. Women are pretty good on picking up on that kind of stuff. What number are we at?" "I think this is 17. Sound right?" "About yeah. So are you going to do it?" "Do what?" "Ask her out. Are you going to ask her out?" "Yes. Do you think Rami will ask Lucy?" "Doubt it. Are you going to do it tonight?" "Yes!" I said, my heart filling with temporary courage. "This is the last one right?" "Yes. What's your Dog's name again?" "Frankie." The thought of my little girl made me happy. I love my dog so much, she was less my dog and more my daughter. "Is everyone ready to move on?" Joe asked as everyone shouted yes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y/N's POV (first person) Me and Lucy actually took Twenty questions seriously. There were a lot of questions on what alcohol we preferred. I had played with Gwylim and Rami. I only needed Joe and Ben at this point. Ben was playing with Gwylim now. "What did you a Ben talk about?" I asked straight off the bat. "Not telling you. You and Lucy?" "Alcohol. Why wont you tell me?" "Took a vow of silence. Just alcohol?" "No, but it was pretty generic stuff. Did you ask him about me?" "Yes. Why are you so curious?" "That bet. What number are we on?" "Four. How have you already lost count." "Dont know. So this is five?" "Yes. Why do you care so much about the bet if it's only 2.97 pounds?" "Because if I don't do it, I'm kind of a coward for not following through.  See what I mean?" I asked him. "Yeah... So are you going to ask him out during your round?" "I don't know, I only have until midnight right?" "Yes. What time is it now?" "11:30. Ugh why is it so hard to ask someone out?" I was getting frustrated. I only have 30 minutes left. "It is only hard if you like them. Do you think he likes you too?" "I don't know. When did you become so wise?" "Jurrassic Park days. Are you scared?" "Hell yes. Does he like me back?" "Not telling you. If he does, you get a boyfriend, if not you get experience with rejection. Is that what you are afraid of?" "I literally caught my boyfriend in bed with another woman. Of course I'm scared of rejection. Why would you ask that?" "Good point. It looks like everyone but us somehow finished. Want to cut it early at 12 and say we did all twenty?" "Yes! I hate this game! Don't you?" "I set this up for you kid. See you on the other side. SWITCH!!!" Joe yelled. This meant I was about to ask Ben out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Third person POV) "So umm... favorite color?" Ben asked. "Blue. Why wouldn't you talk to me during dinner?" Y/N asked almost immediately. "Wow. That was unexpected. Um, I was being pestered by all the boys in the car. Was kind of pissed off. Did your dad teach you to play drums?" "So that's why. No he never did. Why were they pestering you?" Y/N pushed. "I made my dog an instagram. Did he teach you any other instruments?" "No. That's cute. I want to follow your dog." Ben's heart fluttered when Y/N called him cute. "Whats the username?" "Here it's kind of long, let me type it up for you." He typed the username into instagram and clicked follow for you. "Good?" "yeah. She is really cute. So Gwylim called you Benjamin, is that your real name?" "Nope. Actually it's just Ben. Did you hear Rami likes Lucy?" "I did. I also know the feeling is mutual. Did you?" "Joe told me. So are you staying the night here?" "Yup." You had run out of questions to ask him. You knew you had to ask him soon. You were so nervous though. You were so scared he woudk reject you. But you were more terrified of not getting an answer. You had to ask him, and if you didn't ask him now, you probably never would. You were trying to come up with a question to stall maybe a little bit longer until you decided you were just going to do it. You had sat there for a good 25 seconds before you decided, YOU WERE GOING DO ASK HIM NOW. But the same thing was running through Ben's head. Why were you taking so long to ask a question? 'Here is my shot. I should do it now.' "DO YOU WANT TO GO ON A DATE WITH ME?!" You both shouted in unison. You both sat there shocked for a second. "You... I thought... I was..." "Yeah... Uhh... I..." Then you both started laughing. "Well it's nice to know I wouldn't have gotten rejected." Ben said, scratching his neck. "haha yeah. Umm I don't really want to rush into anything, though. You know?" Y/N said "Yeah. No. I totally understand that. I didn't plan on rushing into anything." "This is all quite funny and all cause you know... Last night we did it." "WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT?! WE DID NOT-" Ben started but you cut him off. "wait we didn't?!" "NO. NO. I WOULD NEVER-" "OHHHHHHHH. It's just everyone made it seem like... And I don't really remember... No one clearly stated..." Y/N struggled to get it all out, Realizing how stupid you felt. But hey at least that means you will get to remember your first time, especially if it is with him. "I DID. Next to your dad." "You didn't look to sure." "That is the exact same thing your dad said." He said plainly. Suddenly Lucy stormed in. "It is 11:48. Keep your 2.97." She smiled at you and walked straight back out. "What was that?" Ben asked. "She dared me, for 2.97, to ask you out because she knew I liked you you, and she had a feeling that you thought the same." you explained. "Wait? WHAT?! AM I ONLY WORTH 2.97 TO YOU? DO YOU EVEN ACTUALLY LIKE ME? WOW A FUCKING DARE?! Nice to fucking know." With that he stormed out, leaving you in utter shock. Taglist:
@mcuandhp @mrsmazzello @murydedeus03 @inlovewithmycarboi @fuckinghurricanesoul @apinkwhisperscollector @bloodyantichrist @unicorngummybears @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank @cosmiclunas @brianapasteur @lelifesaver @bitemerog @sevenseasofrog @jelly-snow-stark @hopefully-aesthetically-pleasing @im-a-mazzellhoe @lady-renlyn @justonks @imagesofeveryone
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swearronchanel · 6 years
ep 8.02 comments
nobody reads these anymore but idc I have thoughts and opinions to shout into the void
no one even cares about what I have to say i really don’t know why I still do this 😂 but it’s kinda fun to re them back later so f*ck it I guess
yasss new energy all 2019 and 1964
My queen almost knocking over a child
remember the last time shelagh wore the cape she threw up LMAO
“And they say it’s the foreigners who are dirty..” RUDE BUT WOW THE TEA THO SJSJSJSJ IT’S SCALDING
this little girl is already hustling, as she should
This already kind of reminds me of Jenny Lee and that old man (Joe?) but maybe it’s not the same we’ll see
damn where do hoarders even get all their junk?
I love Lucille’s sass also can I call her Lucy? Cause we love
Ghana’s independence Yass! down with empires & colonialism!!!! ((Omg speaking of colonialism regular coca cola is more expensive than any other soda here in the Uk bc of sugar tax? Like LMAO this is why we declared independence 😭😭😂😂))
“My home is my business”.. is she wrong tho??
 Oh oops maybe she is
Omg this kid is so adorable
Vi is serving some Jackie O looks I approve
vi is underrated she’s so sweet ya don’t show her love
what’s wrong with him ?😭 they all have pains rn omg, is it maybe sickle cell anemia ?!!
LMAO ok Sister Hilda they lowkey don’t like you
“I’ll stand and manicure my nails” LMAO Id  say something slick like that
also would pass on a task like that too
Shut up Sister Hilda something is happening to Flora !!
Wait his name is Matthew aww that’s my brother then😭
wow my eyes are sweating this is so pure
Fred is back on his bullshit 😂😂
Vi telling off Fred as she should
Trixie with the intelligent tea!
Laying in bed with a face mask big ass mood Beatrix
“Mr Gagarin can take me into orbit any day of the week” LMFAOO I HEAR U TRIX
“She looks like a grumpy old man” LMAOOO all newborns do tbh😭 yes I said it
Oh no she’s been on the floor this makes me so sad 😭
LMAO TIM IS ME ID BE LOSING MY SHIT WITH 3 little kids in my house 😂😂
But shelagh in slacks we love the laura petrie vibes
also the turner’s literally moved so tim didn’t have to share a room yet here he is? some bullshittt lmaoo the kid can’t catch a break
why is Fred acting up 😭 c’mon
Tim still not in bed bc math ruins everyone’s life
This old woman is breaking my heart stoppp
Dr Turner is such a corny dad at times😂
Now the girl needs a new hustle lol
I knew she wouldn’t leave that easy
“The little ones aren’t the trouble” is Tim going savage Lmaoo
That’s the “harshest” thing he’s ever said 😂😂bc he’s an unrealistically complicit teenager, like where’s the excessive angst that I had lol?
A suffragette & ambulance driver in war?? Omg 😭she’s a hero !!! We stannnnn
damn it Fred just vote for your wife and support her
Matthew has sickle cell too fuck😭😭
“Some things are worth standing up for” I LOVE THIS ! IT’S IMPORTANT
(unless it’s some dumb/ignorant/hateful maga type of cause you’re “standing up” for bc then we don’t respect you)
Mrs Millgrove is a revolutionary queen
“A woman of substance can make a life anywhere” I can’t take this my heart 😭😭❤️💔
this is way better than the first episode
This episode is stabbing at all angles of my heart
“She’s strong” “it runs in the family” someone push me off a cliff so i can stop being a weepy baby
ok but f*ck Churchill sorry not sorry his racist + eugenist ass..
There u go Fred 😭be nice to ur wife
Lucille is going to visit!
The writers can catch these hands for making me such an emotional wreck rn 😭
She wrote them into her will I want to end myself omfg I’m trying so hard not to blubber in front of my flatmate😭😭
“It had been a year of change. A year of looking back at the distance we had travelled. But also to the future, the road that lay ahead..” All 1964/2019❤️
“Courage can’t not moved mountains, but it can show us how to climb, find a way, forge a path that we believe in...” !!
wow ok this was so good I cant process all my feelings but this was way better than episode 1 sorry not sorry
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iampinksim · 7 years
An untitled Fairy Tail fanfic I’m working on at the moment. Dont know if I’ll finish it or not. I think I’ve spelled some names wrong, maybe some spells even but like I said, its not finished.
"I hope this bruise goes away soon." Lucy whines. "Its so annoying." "What bruise?" Gray asks, sitting down across from Lucy at the guild hall table. "I got a bruise on our last job and it still hurts." "You should embrace it." Erza says walking up next to the table. "It shows you've done a job well. A warrior's wound if you will. I have a few myself." "Yeah but its huuuurtsss!" "Come on Lucy, would you stop whining already? Geez." Gray says rolling his eyes. "Uhm darling..." Juvia starts. "Where are your pants?" "What!?" Gray looks down. "Ah!" Erza smiles and walks away.
"Hey guys whats up?" Happy asks as he flies up to the table, Natsu behind him. "Lucy says she has a bruise." Gray answers. "A bruise?" Natsu repeats. "Where?" "On my side." Lucy answers. "Its - wha- HEY!" Natsu grabbed the hem of Lucy's shirt and began to lift it. Lucy blushes and then stands up quickly. "Hands of perv!" She yells and kicks him. "Oww!" Natsu says. "What was that for? I wanted to see how bad it was. Was just gonna tell ya to get it checked out. You didnt have to kick me." "You didnt have to pull my shirt up!" Lucy screams. "You could have just told me you idiot!" Natsu pouts and rubs the back of his head, now sitting two tables away on the floor. "Hey Natsu," Wakaba comes up behind him. "Yeah?" Natsu continues to rub his head. "There's someone lookin for ya?" "For Natsu?" Gray asks. "Who is it?" Natsu asks too, standing up. "I dont know. Just went into town to grab some new smokes and I heard someone say there's been someone walking around asking for you." "Hm. Wonder who it could be." Erza says. "And what would they want with Natsu?" "Dunno." Wakaba shrugs. "Natsu, do you have any idea who it could be?" Lucy asks him. "No idea." Natsu turns to Wakaba. "Was this person a person or dragon?" "You really dont hear yourself talk do you?" Gray says shaking his head. "Hm, wellll. No one's said anything about a dragon." Wakaba rubs his chin. "So its not Igneel." Natsu says to himself. "I wonder-" The guild hall doors open then. Natsu's group and Wakaba look over. A girl with dark skin, reddish black hair, black pleated skirt, a red bralette and black books walks in. She's also wearing finger-less red gloves. There's a guild symbol on her stomach on the left side but Natsu doesnt recognize it. She looks around the guild, right hip cocked to the side with her hand resting on it. "Whose that?" Gray speaks up. "No idea." Erza says. She steps forward. "Excuse-" The girls eyes landed on Natsu. She stands up straight then and smiles wide. "Natsu!" "Huh?" Natsu says, taken aback. Who is this? "Natsu!" She starts to run towards him. "I've been looking for you!" "Uhm..." Natsu watches her as she gets closer. Do I know her? Her brown eyes lower, she smirks and then she brings her left hand up, fist curled and swings at Natsu. The blow sends Natsu hitting the bar. The guild is now watching on and some of them gasp and start murmuring. "Who is that chick?" "Did she really just hit Natsu for no reason?" "Knowing him its probably for a reason." "Yeah, you're probably right." "Who walks into a guild and attacks one of its members?" "Whats going on?" "She sent Natsu flying! Who is she?" The girl crosses her arms and smirks. "Are you just gonna sit there and stare at me?" She says. "Do something. I dare you." Natsu blinks a few times. He jumps up and roars. "Alright," He growls taking his fighting stance, glaring the girl down. "You want a piece of me?" She scoffs and shakes her head, hip cocked and hand on her hip. "I just told you to hit me." "Fine." Natsu says. "You asked for it!" Natsu rushes her and his fist is on fire. He stretches his arm out to hit her but she dodges it. Natsu growls again. He continues to try and punch her but she dodges every one. "Stop running away and fight me!" The girl chuckles. "You cant even touch me!" "Oh yeah!?" "Fire dragon - talons!" The girl quickly moves to the side and laughs. "Argh, face me like a man!" Natsu yells. "I know she started it but she's a girl Natsu." Lucy says exasperated. "Who the heck is this crazy chick?" Gray says. "Why did she just come in here and sucker punch Natsu like that?" "It is quite strange." Juvia agrees. "Do you think they know each other?" Lucy asks. "She was smiling before. Then all of a sudden - AHHH!" Lucy jumps to the side. "Hahaha!" Natsu laughs. The girl crashes into one of the tables, breaking it. She groans and sits up. "Fire dragon - Brilliant Flame!" The girls eyes widen. She covers her face with one of her arms. When the flames disappear, she's covered in a few scratches but otherwise unharmed. Some of the guild members notice and began to wonder who she really is and why it didnt affect her. Natsu of course pays no mind. He lands in front of her, looking down, arms crossed a grin on his face. "Had enough yet?" He asks her. The girl makes a growling noise in her throat. She's up in a flash and her and Natsu go crashing to the ground together. "Natsu!" Gray yells. The girl has her arms around his neck. Natsu was one second from pushing her off to continue to fight but, She has tears in her eyes. "Wait, are you crying?" Natsu asks, befuddled. "Did I hurt you?" The girl lowers her head and shakes it. "No I ... I'm fine its just ..." Natsu sits up and the girls drops her arms. She curls her hands into her skirt keeping her head down. "I just missed you is all." She says. "I probably should have greeted you more properly." There was silence and then, "HUH!?!?" Coming from the whole guild. "Thats what she calls greeting!?" Natsu hums. He crosses his arms and legs. "You're really tough." Natsu says. "I saw you raising your arm up to hit me but I didnt think I would go flying into the wall." "Sorry about that." "He doesnt care!?" "So who are you?" Erza says. "I demand to know why you charged into our guild and attacked one of our members? Who sent you?" "No one sent me." The girl stood up and dusted off her skirt. "I came on my own. I've been looking for Natsu." "Why?" "We're old friends." She answered smiling again. "Old friends? Who punches their friend in the face when they've not seen each other in a while?" Lucy says. The girl laughs. She puts her hand on the back of her head. "Sorry. I just got so excited when I saw him. I couldnt help myself." "Excited!?" "Whats your name? Where did you meet Natsu?" Gray asks. "My name is Kaia." She bows. "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. Forgive me." "Its fine." Erza says. "Now tell me how you know Natsu." "Well see, I was out one day on a job and I...kind of got in over my head." She chuckles. "I was supposed to find and get rid of some forest vulcans that had been disrupting a village. Normally, I'd have no problem fighting them but I ... I caught a cold. I took on the job anyway though. I found them and beat them but then...they called for backup. I thought I could take them on but there were more than I could handle I guess." She looked down at Natsu who was still seated on the floor. "Then out of nowhere, Natsu came. I dont know why he was there but if it wasnt for him, I might have been a goner." "I see." Erza says. "Natsu you did that?" Happy asked. "I dont remember doing that." Natsu shrugs. The girl laughs. "You're so silly Natsu." "He's not joking around ya know." Gray says. Natsu stands. "So we've met before huh?" "Yeah." "And I saved you from that pack of monkeys?" "Yeah." "So I rescue you and you attack me!? Who does that!?" Natsu growls, pressing his forehead against the girls. "You're the one who went and got me all excited!" She yelled, pressing back. "That doesnt make any sense!" Natsu yelled. Natsu and the girl continue to argue. Everyone in the guild turn white with exhaustion but confusion. "Its hard to believe he doesnt know her when he's fighting with her the way he does with Gray." Macao says. "Yeah." Wakaba nods. "I have to say it is weird." Gray says. "Gray your clothes!" Juvia screams. "Crap!" "Alright thats it!" Natsu yells. "You and me! Bring it on!" "I'm not holding back this time!" The girl yells back. Erza's eye twitches. "Knock it off! Both of you!" Natsu and the girl stop bickering and look to Erza. "Now, Kaia. You still have not told me why you're here." "Oh." Her face goes sullen all of a sudden. Lucy seems to be the only one who notices. "I..." The girl composes herself and smiles. "Natsu told me to come visit him!" "Did he? Is this true Natsu?" "I dont know!" "After he helped me with the monkeys -" "What do you mean helped!? I'm the one who kicked all their butts!" "We talked for a while." She continued. "He told me he was out catching fish for his friend because they got into a fight." "I must be that friend!" Happy says brightly. "I love fish!" "Yeah." The girl giggles. "I told him I was a bit inexperienced and about the guild I was thinking about joining at the time. He told me I'd get a lot stronger if I joined Fairy Tail. He said great things about this place. He told me I should come and visit sometime and then he left. "I dont know why but ... I meant to come a long time ago but ... Anyway! Here I am!" She said cheerily. "Well I'm glad you decided to show up." Natsu smiled at her. "He was just fighting with her!" Lucy looks on as her guild mates asks the new girl questions. Was she the only one to notice the girl looking upset when asked why she was here? Or when she paused in her story about her being sick? Maybe it was nothing. Of course it was nothing. She knows nothing about this girl. Maybe thats just the way she is. "If its all the same to you, I'd like to rest up now. I traveled a long way." Kaia was saying. "Natsu, do you know anywhere I can stay for a while?" "Well we have a girls-" Juvia started. "Can I stay with you Natsu?" Kaia asks him. Natsu blushes. "What?" Everyone seems to have gone about their business except of course Lucy's group, who are left stunned at Kaia's request. "You want...to live with me?" Natsu says. Kaia laughs. "No silly. I just need a place to rest tonight." "Oh. Right." "Honestly Natsu. I know we just rekindled and all but you're moving too fast." "What!?" "I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now." "I dont want to be your boyfriend!" "You're so adorable." Kaia giggles. "Shut up!" "Wow. Dont think I've ever seen anyone strike out that fast before." Gray says. "I didnt strike out! Shut your mouth frostbite!" "Dude, you totally struck-" Natsu took a swing at Gray and hit him in the jaw. "I said shut it!" "Oh its on!" Gray and Natsu started to fight, as usual. Lucy looked over at Kaia and she was laughing at the whole thing. It may be too early to say, but she seems like a nice enough person. Surely if she had some ulterior motive, something would have happened by now. She's definitely not afraid to attack head on if her charging on Natsu while he was surrounded by his guild says anything. "Ahhh!" Gray and Natsu have knocked over Kaia. They ignore her as she sits on floor holding her side. Lucy runs over to her. "Are you okay?" Lucy asks. "Yeah. Fine." Kaia doesnt let go of her side. "Can I help you up?" Kaia nods. She takes her hand off her side and Lucy takes that hand. Lucy looks down at her guild symbol but its not something she knows. Wait. Is that... "Are you sure you're okay?" Lucy asks once Kaia is upright. "I'm fine, thanks." Kaia flinches and grabs her side again. "Uhm-" "Natsu!" Kaia yells. Natsu and Gray have each other by the collars but otherwise not fighting anymore. "Where is your house? I'd like to go to sleep now." Natsu pushes Gray off of him. "Why do you want to stay with me anyway? Its-" "Please Natsu." Her eyes turning soft and pleading. "I just want to sleep." "Ugh! Fine! Its this way." Kaia smiles at Lucy and then follows after Natsu. Was that a bruise on her bruise? It didnt look like one though. But it must have been. Could it have happened when Natsu hit her? Or when he and Gray knocked her over? Possibly. But it didnt look like a bruise exactly. Who is this girl and why was she here? Why was she looking for Natsu specifically? What was on her side? "Something on you mind Lucy?" Erza asks. Lucy shakes her head. "Nah. Its probably nothing." The thing on her chest must be a bruise. She could have gotten into a fight before she came here. Or Natsu or Gray did it. There's no reason to worry. Lucy knows Natsu is more than capable of taking care of himself. Still though...
The next afternoon Natsu asked Lucy to go on a job with him. "Where's your friend Natsu?" She asked. "What friend?" "The one from yesterday? Kaia?" "Oh, her." Natsu puts his hands behind his head, lacing his fingers. "She's still in bed." "Still?" Lucy wonders. "She left here yesterday morning. Has she really been in bed all this time?" Natsu shrugs. "She told me it took her a couple days to get here. She's tired I guess. Are we going on this job or not?" "Yeah uhm... Sure. Shouldnt you tell Kaia though? What if she comes looking for you and you're not here?" "Then she'll see me when I get back. Lets go!" "Natsu! She came all this way to see you and you're just gonna leave her?" "Geez Lucy. If you want me to go tell her so badly I will. When I get back we're going on this job, deal?" "Yeah." Lucy nodded. Natsu left. Kaia seemed to be in so much pain yesterday. She only got one hit on Natsu and it seems like it took a lot out of her. She dodged every blow he threw at her. And then she got so easily knocked over by Gray and Natsu while they were fighting. She wouldnt stop gripping at her chest. She did say that she was sick when she met Natsu. Is she a sickly person? Could she be sick again? Is that why she's still in bed?
"Hey Kaia." Natsu calls as he walks in his house. "You up yet?" Kaia opens her eyes but doesnt move. "Natsu," She says softly. "I'm going on a job. Lucy wanted me to come tell you in case you got worried." "Okay." She closes her eyes back. "Good luck." Natsu blinks. "Are you okay?" "Yeah." "You sure? You look kind of sick." "No I... I'm just tired. It was a long journey." "Well... Alright. I'll be back later." "Bye." "See ya."
When they return from the job, Lucy looked around and didnt see Natsu's friend Kaia. Natsu didnt seem too worried so Lucy feels like she shouldnt be worried either. She wonders briefly if Kaia is some sort of spy but then...she seemed to be in so much pain today and Natsu had said that she's been asleep since yesterday afternoon. Either she's a really good actress or there's seriously something wrong with her. "Whats got you looking so bummed out Lucy?" Grey asks. "You didnt get hurt on the job again did ya?" "No. Its just..." Lucy puts a hand to her chin. "Natsu's friend. Its like she just...manifested out of nowhere. Natsu didnt even know who she was." "Natsu doesnt remember anything." "I know but...there's something about her. I dont know if we can like...but then she was in so much pain. That thing on her side..." Lucy trailed off quietly. "Yeah. That is kind of weird. And Natsu of all people. I think... I'm gonna go find Erza." Lucy sat there contemplating for a while. A few moments later she heard Erza yell Natsu's name so she looked up. Erza and Grey were standing in front of Natsu. "Take us to see Kaia." Erza commands. "Kaia? Why?" Natsu scratches his head. "Dont ask questions. Move." Natsu went rigid and turned to walk out the guild, walking stiffly with Erza and Grey behind him. Happy sat off to the side looking puzzled. Lucy decided to get up and follow. They arrived at Natsu's hut some fifteen minutes later. Erza slammed open the door. Lucy looked inside. There she is. Sleeping. Just like Natsu said she was. Except... It doesnt look like she's breathing. "Is she dead?" Grey asks. "I dont think so." Natsu says, walking over to her. "Hey Kaia! Kaia!" She didnt budge. Natsu shook her shoulder and called to her but she still didnt move. "Gross! Dont tell me there's a dead girl in your bed Natsu!" Lucy exclaim, covering her face. "She's not dead." Erza says. "There's a faint pulse. She's still alive. But for how long..." "What do you mean?" Lucy asks. "Natsu," Erza starts. "Grab her and lets go see the Master."
"Dear me," Makarov says. "Its just as I feared." "So I was right then." Erza folds her arms and nods. "You were. It was smart of you to bring her to me." "I dont get it. Whats going on?" Natsu asks. "Whats wrong with Kaia?" "She's been cursed." Makarov answers. "If we dont do something soon, I'm afraid she'll die." "What!?" Natsu yells. "There must be something we can do! What is it Master?! Tell us!" Lucy exclaims. "Get Freed. This is a dark spell. One I'm not familiar with. Perhaps he can assist us. Grey. See if he's here." "You got it." Grey runs out of the room. Lucy turns back to Kaia. "So thats why she came here." Lucy says softly. "Natsu helped her before so she must have thought he'd be able to help her again." "Too bad she chose the wrong guild wizard." Erza says. "Hey! Whats thats supposed to mean!?" Erza hits Natsu on the head and he falls over. "Master! I've got Freed." Grey says as he and Freed walk into the room. "Excellent. Freed, we dont have a lot of time. Do you think you can figure out what this curse is placed on this young wizard?" Freed nods. "I'll do my best." They all watch as Freed stare at the marking on Kaia's side and then he conjures up a book. He flips through the pages some. "Oh. Oh my." He says glumly.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
I feel like Jason Bourne I cant recall daily life with my wife
Im suffering from grief amnesia but shedding some memories is helping me to deal with my bereavement
Its like youre Jason Bourne, only older and not so buff! shrieks Jeannie as we sit comparing notes and news on our loss. Shes a friend, met through Way (Widowed & Young) whose partner died at a similar time to Helen and weve swapped stories in person and online for months.
Her mocking response to my offloading on to her would seem disrespectful from anyone other than a fellow traveller. However, Jeannies back story is even harder than mine: her husbands death was sudden and self-inflicted. So we laugh, comrades in adversity sharing memories.
Wed been talking about grief taboos and, of course, the subject of sex engorges the laughter of our conversation. So you, a middle-aged single man has sex with a single woman of similar age; whats the big deal? Bloody well done, you! she raises her glass, downing her wine.
I dont agree: Try adding the word widowed before man and within a year of his wife dying to the end of the sentence and you invite the jury in.
Jeannie shrugs and pushes it back at me: And has their verdict been a problem?
Actually, people have been really supportive. Yes, my mate Pete and cousin Holly feign surprise that any woman would want to shag me, but they are cheerleaders for Lucy plugging the hole in my wellbeing.
Ive called it wrong yet again. The whole sex-in-bereavement gig seems less a taboo than Id imagined. It has not really caused me any angst even the accusation of Lucy being a one-night stand. It wasnt. Weve common history, more than 90 years between us and have met again for more of the same before agreeing that our life-stages and lifestyles are too different for it to go anywhere.
Having put this to bed, as it were, Jeannie and I moved on to what has become for me a personal taboo the fact that despite being married to Helen for 19 years and living together on top of that, I have no real memory of it.
Of course, I remember Helen, in fact instinctively do so more as she was before fucking cancer, which is fabulous. But the whole nature of domestic cohabitation, joint decision-making, constructive compromises, even sharing a bed every night and waking every morning with her, feels vague and almost absent.
When I say this to anyone, even my brilliant counsellor, Heidi, they go wide-eyed in shock. Jeannies eyes opened wide also in what I assumed was the same reaction but wasnt. Adam, thats exactly how I feel! Dave and I were together for years, but now when I imagine living with him, theres no sense of ever having done so.
Snap! This care and connectivity is what Way is about.
Prodded by Heidi, Ive unpacked my grief amnesia: Its like suddenly my memory banks have been partially erased and I need to rebuild in a way that will have me cope with the present and future. Jeannies film analogy is not as mad as I sound saying all this. It is Bourne-like! As if Id suddenly woken up with the kids, family, friends, a home, a job and am looking for clues about what I feel about them, who I am now and how to do the best I can alone in making the right calls to bring up Millie and Matt, manage relationships, work, love, sex, the future. Everything a lens on loss.
Like Bourne sitting in the cafe not knowing why he noticed registrations on cars in the parking lot or why he can speak many languages, I find myself instinctively judging everything that crosses my path as of value to my new life or not and then acting on this new input. This extends to people, work, possessions, and even, it seems, my own memories, in which Ive left wiped stuff that doesnt help me deal with the present. Looking back, its part of the reason why I changed so much in the months since Helen died, needing as I did new content to replace that lost.
The comfort is that that my love of Helen is sharper than ever. We are conjoined closer by the remaining uncluttered memories of the past even as we are separated by the future. The Love Supremacy perhaps
Adam Golightly is a pseudonym
Read more: http://ift.tt/2jzf3lf
from I feel like Jason Bourne I cant recall daily life with my wife
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