#cause she was a hot babe and also was like oooo you can be a cool hero to the people
waluigisgaybf · 5 months
Thinking about what the fuck Wylls shit wouldve been if they hadnt rewritten it for the full game??????
Like all his shit with the goblins like Spike and Fezzek- and how he met Mizora was different and shit too- like ???????? where the fuck would that all have gone ???? I dont even know if he was the Dukes son or not cause I don’t remember ANY lines around it or hinting at it ???
but dear god am I so happy they changed that shit up cause early access Wyll legit had started to actually annoy me and rub me the wrong way 😭😭😭😭
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sunset-bobby · 2 years
going into this with the knowledge that portwell is on the rocks and Dara gets a solo
Ricky wtf
EJ’s pink suit is hot
Oop not Carlos just dropping that in Ricky
Awww Ash I’m happy for you
Jet i also want your outfit
Carlos you got this
The anniversary of the night she dumped her
I’m sorry i love how sparkly she is but also this scene is so cute
As someone who loves 70s style i wany all of their outfits
Not he choked when saw her 😭
They both like wow
“Yea you good?” Oop
“You need some air Richard” Ahh
In their defense Gina looks hot
Maddox and Maddison
Aww i like this convo also I love Madison
Awww Carlos
Awww Seb
Dammit EJ I’m begging you baby take a break or else you’ll be sad cause Gina’s gonna dump u
You Got this Kourtney
Madison and EJ are also besties it’s canon
Okay but I like this bc i too would be bumping (also’s Ricky’s 2 at step)
EJ you can’t say you’ll regret dancing and then leave like bitch go dance dumb ass
Seb came to out sing these bitches
Height difference with Maddox and Madison
Oh bitch he stressy and Gina is like no
Someone said she called him out for being old but i’m sorry he’s right abt the fact that both of the things Gina said involved Ricky
Damn this is sad…also he’s abt to cry my baby
Both of my babies damn I didn’t think it would be this sad
Seb babe not the time
Damn Ricky….ah shit this
Gina is like not again
Oooo Kourtney scene
Ashlyn yes tell her to go for it
The look on Ashlin‘s face when Gina says she broke up with EJ says “who do I comfort”
Love this Harmony also the fact Dara wrote this song >>>>
She’s climbing the wall 😭😭
Awww yay for the Boys helping Carlos
Okay EJ 👀👀
Ooo okay Rina’s this is your moment
Honestly Ricky we’ve gotten this far can u tell her so we at least get some EJ angst
EJ and Maddox friendship
Oh shit the timing Ashlyn I love you 😭
Shit EJ got dumped, his whole future is dependent on this performance, and on top of that Rina might happen give this man a break
Final Thoughts: Not enough of EJ being sad…. everyone asked if he was ok and this man said yes stop lying that’s what happened
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raziyekroos · 2 years
Okay my name is Mahta (مه تا) but my online persona name is Asterin (cause it sounds nice and pretty).
I did celebrate Norouz yesterday. In my time zone it was it the morning so we did a bunch of our عید دیدنی yesterday… it was so exhausting. How about you?
Oooo i love fic recssss. I read more fanfics than book-books…😅 especially cause i dont have school this week im gonna be reading all of those you recommended✨
Also yes. If i could marry one person and divorce would never be an option it would be Julian. No elaboration needed, he is amazing and hot and wonderful and deserved better and i love him so so so much. If for some god forbidden reason he didn’t exist than i would marry Jem. He’s so precious and sweet but i still like julian better :))
I love magnus so so much too but tbh i dont think anyone (perhaps other than alec) is good enough for him. We would be too chaotic together and i can’t imagine him with anyone but alec.
Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane is the only politician to ever exist that we can idolize. He is my favourite politician.
I dont think you can imagine how happy and excited i am to get to know you. I literally don’t know ANYONE in real life who is a tsc fan (let alone another iranian).
Oh speaking of iran (not really but still) i freaked out when i found out cassandra clare was born in TEHRAN😭😭 when i was reading TOG i CRIED cause Cordelia was the first ever persian representation ive seen in western books and because of that she’s just special to me🥹
Oh girllll your real name is sooo pretty too 😍😍 I love it!! I really love all names that have مه in them, like مهتاب,مهیاس, مهتا, مهسا,... Cause like... I really love moon 🌚🌝🌚🌝
But your online name is so cool too 🤭🤭❤️ Soo I call you Asterin! Hello Asterin 🤭 is that Persian btw? I don't think I've ever heard it, maybe it's گیلکی?!
Ohh great! Here it was at 7 pm but my uncles came to our home right away so we kinda did part of our عید دیدنی too 🌝🌝
But yes it is kinda exhausting assdghjjj
I actually won't be going to that much parties this year, because I have to take my konkour exam this year so I have to study 💀💀💀 but I'll still attend a few more
I'm happy to know you like fic recs 🤭🤭 then I'll make sure to tell you whenever I see a good one^^ please do the same I'll be more than happy 😁
YES?!?! I mean Julian is just husband material dude 😭😭❤️ his only flaw was that I didn't like how he treated Magnus in TDA but then again, he was kind of an asshole to anyone who wasn't Emma and his family so I don't take it personally 😂
And I LOVE JEM TOO!!! he's just precious 🥺 he would definitely be my second choice too! Alongside James Herondale 👀👀 they're my unproblematic bebes
And I get what you say, the world does not deserve Magnus Bane :') and I don't think anyone deserve malec except themselves yes 🥺😭❤️
Oh I think I can imagine 🤭🤭🙈 I know other Iranian people who like Shadowhunters, but that's it. They haven't read the books 😭😭 they like SHTV and have no idea who Jem, Julian, Will, Emma, ... is 😭😭😭 and whenever I wanna tell them about sth I'm excited about they're like DON'T SPOIL IT like dude, you've been saying that for the last two years if you wanted to EVER read the books you've had by now 😭😭😭😭 and like, the only thing they do in the Iranian Shadowhunters Channel is updating about the lives of Shadowhunters actors 💀💀💀💀💀 they don't even know about Alastair and Cordelia like WHAT KIND OF PERSIAN ARE YOU 😭😭😭😭
soooo yeah I'm so excited to see you too 🙈🙈❤️ it's really nice to have another Persian babe here 🤭🙈❤️
And YESSS when I read that I was like wtfffff?!?! OUR Tehran?! How? When? Whereeeeee?!
And I know exactly what you mean, I'd never seen Persian representing in any books before :') except maybe A Man Called Ove, because it had a main character named پروانه too 🤭❤️
But Cordelia is just different to me, I always call her Leila cause it's more familiar for me 😅 and also ALASTAIR CARSTAIRS is also a precious babe and I love him 🥺🥺❤️❤️
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moononastring · 3 years
hello hello hi how are you? I’ve been suffering yes, how could you tell?
the fact that her rebellion came from saving asterin’s like? YES YES YES YES
I like that her change was gradual, it didn’t feel forced at all, sarah made her arc very good, you were right (btw her interaction with dorian? About how she would sell her soul for news of her thirteen? 🥺 pls)
Now the burning question..... do i like her????? I must say I don’t dislike her the same way i used to but.... she’s growing on me ngl to you. ALSO ABRAXOS I LOVE HIM MY BABBBBBYYYYYYY HE’S SO PRECIOUS AND CLEVER I WANNA GIVE HIM A PAT ON THE HEAD
(And thei lil marriage talk??? Like i know it was ‘mostly’ for funsies and distracting her to keep her alive but......................👀)
AND MISTER AND MISSUS GALANTHYNIUS FUCKING ON THE BEACHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSS SHE WAS LITERALLY ON FIRE I LOVED IT!!!! (Also so fucking funny to finally see the famous “velvet wrapped steel” line lol) oooo and rolfe’s story was so tragic 🤧 there’s absolutely not one character in this series that is not traumatized to fucking death
nevertheless, i cannot lie to you, my friend, i am currently reading all those other parts kinda fast so i can get to my couple, my everything, the true otp of this whole series: elide and lorcan. PLS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND FOR WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT i’m past the part where the ilken appear at the carnival so they already have had their lil “heart to heart” lol ALSO HIM THIRSTING FOR HERRRRRR PLS HE IS SUCH A SIMP YES YES YES YES HE IS SO BROODY AND PERFECT AND LOYAL TO A FAULT(? Ok i’m still making my mind up about that but you catch my sentiment right?) HE IS NGFJSBDJSHDHSHDJSJDJSS YES PLS 🧃
ps: i’m v sad there was no chaol whatsoever yet 🥺🧐 my captain i wanna smooch him
HELLO. I'm so sorry I just realized I got this message because you just sent another one HAHA.
This book causes such whiplash, the struggle is rEAL.
Manon's arc in this book is everything *chef's kiss* I love it so so so much!!!!! Abraxos is such a dollface I love him so much ;;;;; But yes! Her and Dorian's interacts are so dkhjgsifgsif because they see each other in a way that others don't.
The whole beach scene, the battle and lysaedion moment and rowaelin fucking on the beach...I was screaming the whole time. It was so fucken stressful lmao.
But Elorcan...yes....yASSSSSSSSSSSS. I'M SO EXCITED YOU'RE EXCITED FOR THEM. They served all the damn tropes hahahaha. I love how much of a simp he is. Elide has him by the throat just by breathing.
But no worries about Chaol babe...Tower of Dawn will give you all you want and more <3
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Riftdale Camp AU Drapples
So, I pretty much joined in a Summer Gift Exchange with some friends and we each had to either write a fic or draw a piece of fan-art. This is my end of the exchange for @apocalypticdinosaur Hope you enjoy! (Also @talesfromriftdaleexchange so you can easily find it.)
It was another day at the Mount Riftdale Summer Camp. It would be like any other day at this mess of a camp except for one thing… the heat fucking reached triple digits. Chief, one of the camp counselors, was checking the thermostat in the dining cabin. The thermostat says it is 104 degrees.  Chief sighs, the kids can’t play like this. Bart’s craft activity already had to be moved inside into one of the activity cabins and Claire’s scavenger for clues to Area 51’s true location had to be canceled, much to Claire’s dismay. Not to mention the heat was making everyone irritated. Cristian’s normal terrible personality has been made worse and has already cussed five kids out. If Chris stays in this heat any longer, Chief is pretty sure that Chris would murder a poor kid. Even Smith’s normal cheerful demeanor has been brought down. He didn’t say thank you when Mike gave Smith his lunch. All in all, everyone was having a pretty shitty time. So everyone was glad when Dad, the head of the camp, called a counselor meeting.
Each of the counselors went over to the counselor cabin, after sending the kids to their own cabins of course, and found themselves places to sit down. Chief and Smith sat on the couch, Bart sat in the loveseat, Christian sat on the counter, and Claire… sat on top of the fridge. Dad was standing up and grinning even though everyone else was dying of heat.
“As I’m sure all of you know, it’s been a little hot today- “Dad started before being rudely interrupted by Christian.
“A little fucking hot?! It’s like a fucking volcano that has been thrown into the god damn sun! My face is literally fucking melting and turning into flesh goop!” Christian complained while pouring salt into his hand and eating it. Chief got up and took the salt away but not without Christian giving Chief a growl. Dad took some time to compose himself before continuing.
“Now kiddo, while I am very proud of you contributing to this discussion, I wasn’t done yet. Since it’s been so hot today I was thinking that it is time to use the recently opened pool we’ve acquired.” Dad finished his sentence by clapping his hand together. Claire looked over at Dad with a confused look on his face.
“When did we get a pool?” Claire asked.
“Like I said, it was recently opened!” Dad said with a grin on his face. Claire was still confused.
“But I didn’t think that there was any building going on recently- “Claire began while slowly climbing off the fridge to see if he can sneakily get a cookie from the counter.
“Anyways! I think today’s camp activity should be having fun and trying out the new pool!” Dad said with a smile.
Chief fumble with the keys as he unlocked the gate to the pool and let all the screaming kids in. Dad was already in there cooking some barbeque for the kiddos when they get hungry. There was also an ice-cream truck near-by for some reason.  Two figures could be seen in the window. Two figures that Claire recognized easily. Claire ran up the window and knocked. The window opened revealing… you guessed, our beautiful lesbians Stacci and Beckii!!
“Omg Claire! I missed you bitch!” Stacci said while peering out the window. Claire smiled up at Stacci and waved.
“Stacci! What are you doing here” Claire asked.
“So, like, the guy who runs this camp, I think he introduced himself as dad, paid us a lot of money to bring our ice cream truck around to the pool and, like, give the kids free ice-cream! Well, I guess it’s not free since Dad paid for it all but its whateves.” Stacci explained while picking out some ice-cream and handing it to Claire. “Here BFFLB! I know you, like, live under a rock and don’t have this a lot.” As Claire grabs the ice-creams his eyes lit up.
“Thanks Stacci! I owe you one. I’ll be right back, me and the other counselors need to change into our swimsuits!” Claire said while running off.
“Ice-cream is free babe!” Stacci called to Claire as he was leaving.
The kids have already all made it to the pool when the counselors finally finished changing into their swimsuits. Except Christian. Only God himself could make Christian show more skin then his ankles. Claire and Bart was in classic bathing trunks, one with little ufos and the other that looked like rainbow paint splatters. You can guess which is which. Meanwhile Smith and Chief… oh dear god… those two lovely bois were wearing a classic old-timey man’s one- piece. Chief with black and white stripes and Smith with what looks to be a monochrome paint splatter palate but is actually colorful…if it wasn’t on Smith that is. As soon as Christian saw Chief, he burst out laughing.
“Holy fuck Chief, you look ridiculous.” Christian snickered. He was having too much fun looking at Chief.
“Hey! I think I look quite fashionable in this.” Chief muttered while grabbing sunscreen from nearby. Then one of the campers passed by.
“Looking good Chief!” The kid complemented before running off into the pool.
“See, someone appreciates my taste in clothes.” Chief smirks at Chris.
“Wasn’t that one of the kids who ran around with a mask of your face for a month?”
“Actually, yeah, I think that was.”
Smith is rushing to the ice-cream truck with Claire and Bart in tow. Smith really wants some ice-cream! Give him it.
“Smith, you know I already had some right?” Claire sighed. He isn’t the biggest fan of being dragged around.
“Well yeeeah, but you said you wanted to come back here to talk to your friend so I’m bringing you with me and Bart to get ice-cream!” Smith beamed. After about five seconds of running/skipping, they make it to the lesbian ice-cream truck. As soon as Stacci saw them, she giggled a bit.
“Man Claire, I didn’t take you as someone who would wear rainbow trunks.” Stacci says while handing Smith and Bart their ice-cream.
“Pfft, really? They’re to ward off the invisible government lions since they get confused by bright colors.” Claire crossed his arms.
“Oooo, isn’t that the theory where you, like, connected the area 51 raid coming up to Buzzfeed Unsolved?” Stacci asked, which caused Claire to smile because some actually remembered one of his theories for once.
“Wow Ms. Stacci! How did you know exactly what ice-cream I would like?” Smith grinned while happily eating his ice-cream.
“Let’s just say I’m good with this stuff.” Stacci winked.
During the afternoon a black van pulled up near the pool.
“Oh look, the fun police have come here to ruin the party.” Christian scowled. Two people exited the van, a man and a woman both wearing black suits and red ties. The man’s name tag read ‘Oculus’ while the woman’s read ‘Lucidity’. Oculus looked at the pool party with an unamused look on his face. The two walked into the pool area… only to get squirted by a bunch of campers. Lucidity is laugh… Oculus looks furious.
“What is the meaning of this?!” He growled. From behind the army of children, there was Claire, leading the charge.
“…Revolution.” Claire said while loading his gun to shoot again. Lucidity quietly reminded Oculus that these are children just having fun. Oculus sighed and attempted to straighten out his shirt.
“You are needlessly childish Clairvoyance.” Oculus grumbled.
“I know what you are but what am I?” Claire responded back while sticking his tongue out. Oculus just growled and went back to his business.
Bart and Claire are sitting on a nearby bench while watching Oculus and Lucidity talk to Dad.
“What do you think they want this time?” Bart asked.
“Probably to show off some new little detail they discovered that violates their little rulebook.” Claire groaned.
“…Was it really a good idea to shoot water at them when they came in?”
“Of course! Lucy liked it and it pissed off Oculus quite well.” Claire chuckled
“Y’know, Lucidity? She told me to call he Lucy for short.” Claire explained.
“Oh, I guess she likes you then.” Bart sighed.
“…you sound upset?” Claire cocked his head
“Oh, well, it’s just… you seem to get along with other people well and I, uh, can’t really… get along with anybody…” Bart sighed again.
“Pffft, me? Getting along well with people? No one ever even believes me Bart… and we seem to get along just fine.”
“You… really think so?” A small smile appeared on Bart’s face.
“Yeah, Bart. I do.”
Dusk falls on the pool as kids get out to go and try some of Dad’s barbecue. There’s a rumor going around that it is so powerful, it can give you the ability to fight God in your dreams. Benches and towels have been set around for people to sit and eat. It is too hot for a fire, but the counselors found a giant fire shape lamp that is cool to the touch in shed. Luck, am I right? All the kids and all the counselors are sitting around the fire while wet. Even Christian, because after they shot Oculus and Lucy with water, the kid army with for the stink man. Speaking of Lucy and Oculus, they seemed to be here too for some reason. Most of the counselors think that they are trying to finding some evidence to shut down the camp with. Claire brings them each a plate of steak, much to Oculus’s surprise. Everyone is here and, although tomorrow may not see the same results, everyone is happy. Goodnight Mt. Riftdale Summer Camp, see you when the rift opens its eye again.
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball 067
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This title card is awesome.    
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Goku’s currently deep inside the Red Ribbon Headquarters, only a few floors below the Dragon Balls he came for, and Commander Red himself.   Bad guys keep shooting at him, and they either miss or he just shrugs it off and kicks the crap out of them.   Also, every fourth or fifth guy in the Red Ribbon Army is a furry, like this adorable bunny soldier Goku just crushed with a table.  Is Goku a furry?   I mean, the tail and all.   Really, with all the animal-people and the kid with the backpack, and the nervous guys in uniforms, this feels like a convention hall got double-booked, and now they’re all fighting it out.   
I just noticed the pool table over there on the upper left.    Damn shame, but those are the fortunes of war.
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 By now, the men are starting to run away from Goku instead of fighting him.  Commander Red’s really pissed about the whole thing, but there’s only two things he can do about it: Jack and shit, and Jack just got killed by Goku.
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Oh wait, he just found Colonel Violet on one of the closed-circuit security monitors.   For a hot minute, he’s super thrilled with Violet as the lone hero who’s willng to run towards the enemy and defend her commanding officer.   Wait, why is she headed for the vault?
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Yeah, so Colonel Violet’s only sticking around so she can blow up this huge safe and clean out the Red Ribbon’s treasury.
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And I mean clean.   She left a few stacks of bills behind, but I have to assume they were worthless RRA scrip or something.    I mean, she took everything else with her.  
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Oh, and she even looks at the security camera while she does this, like she knows Red is watching.   Colonel Violet is the best.  
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While Red blows his stack over Violet’s treachery, Black watches the soldiers openly fleeing the base.   Turn out the lights... the party’s oooo-ver...
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This guy rules.
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Commander Red still won’t give up.   Now here’s where the anime and manga take very different paths.  In the manga, Red never leaves this room.   In the anime, he gathers his two Dragon Balls and orders Black to defend this floor while he goes upstairs the next one.  
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Black doesn’t get it, but he complies.  He fights Goku for a bit, and doesn’t do too bad, but it’s clear that he’s no match for him.    I’m not sure how strong Staff Officer Black is supposed to be here.  For all we know, Black might be as strong as General Blue was, or maybe he’s somewhere in Colonel Silver’s class?   I mean, Goku defeated him easily, but Black lasted a lot longer than you’d expect from a desk jockey.
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Is it just me, or does General Black kind of look like Michael Jordan?   He was a huge celebrity in the 80′s, and maybe the tallest guy Akira Toriyama could think of, so maybe there’s something to that. 
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It turns out that Red’s plan was for Black to keep Goku occupied while he activated a deathtrap that would collapse the entire floor.   Black narrowly escapes this by falling out of a window and hanging on for dear life.   It’s at this moment that he realizes that Red was willing to kill him to take out Goku.
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Red heads down to what’s left of the crushed floor, and savors his apparent victory.   All he has to do now is dig up Goku’s corpse, get the four Dragon Balls he was carrying, find the seventh one, and he can finally get his wish........................................................to be taller.
As he says this, Black climbs back inside and asks him if that’s what this was all about.   Like everyone else, he assumed Red planned to wish for world domination, but instead this whole campaign was just to alter Red’s physical appearance.  
Red insists that he can conquer the world without the Dragon Balls, but it won’t do him any good to rule the world unless he looks the part.   So Step One is to get taller, and Step Two is to conquer the world.  Step Three is to get the babes. 
There’s a distinct amount of chauvinism in Dragon Ball, but there are times when I think it does serve as a kind of social commentary.    Just about everyone in this story is motivated by sex, one way or another.   Bulma wants a boyfriend, Yamcha wants to get married, Chi-Chi wants to get married, Master Roshi wants to do a bunch of perverted stuff, Oolong wants to do a bunch of perverted stuff, and Krillin wants to get good at martial arts so girls will like him.   And now this.  
And I get it.   Hell, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t writing this for the attention.   Commander Red has a lot of money and power, but he hates the way he looks, and he either can’t get women to love him, or he thinks he could do better if he were taller.  
I also relate to Black in this scene.   I’m pretty tall myself, so I don’t really get why this is such a big deal to Red.  I’m pretty sure Black’s even taller than me, so maybe he really doesn’t get it.    It’s an easy thing to take for granted.   Nonetheless, Black is disgusted with the way Red has thrown away Red Ribbon blood and treasure on a mission which would have achieved nothing for the Army as a whole.    Red insists that he is the Red Ribbon Army, so anything that benefits him personally is good for the entire organization.  He then starts to gripe about how useless Black and all the other soldiers are, and then...
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Black shoots him.   This scene still gets me.   I watched this arc thinking I had a pretty good idea how it went down, because they recapped a lot of it in Dragon Ball Z when Roshi explained to Maron who the Red Ribbon Army was.   But they never showed this.    I had no idea that Red planned to wish for height, or that Black would be so offended by this revelation that he would gun down the commander in his own base.  
And it’s amazing.   I like the manga version better, because this happens in the other room, without the whole death trap thing.   I think Toei threw that in to add the idea that Red was willing to sacrifice Black for the cause, but that’s kind of how the Red Ribbon Army always worked.  I think Black understood the risks when he signed on.    What really pushed him too far was that Red was making these increasingly erratic decisions for something so trivial.   And then Goku walks into the room and Black takes off his coat and throws it over Red’s corpse.  
Thats the big irony of this conflict.    Goku and Commander Red never meet.   There is no big showdown between the hero and the Dark Lord here.   There really isn’t a “final boss” in this arc.   Goku didn’t beat General White; Android 8 did.   Goku didn’t beat General Blue; he got help from a mouse, and then Arale and Mercenary Tao finished him off.   Goku did beat Mercenary Tao, but he was always a hired gun. 
The theme to this story seems to be that the Red Ribbon’s downfall came from within.   Goku’s opposition served as a catalyst, a stiff gust of wind to bring down the house of cards, but he never really got to beat up the masterminds.    In the end, their arrogant plans and secret weapons ended up backfiring.  
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And this is why I find Staff Officer Black to be such a fascinating character.    He’s the last guy standing, the eye of the hurricane, the lone voice of reason among all the blustering egos of the Red Ribbon Army.   And yet even he hasn’t figured out the moral of the story.   He’s standing alone in a nearly empty base, he just killed the guy in charge, and he still thinks he can fix all of this and restore the Red Ribbon Army to its former greatness.  
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Then Goku shows up.   In the anime, Black is somewhat surprised by Goku’s survival, but in the manga, he’s expecting this.   He tries to negotiate with the kid, offering to team up with him so they can rule the world together.   When Goku explains that he needs to wish Upa’s father back to life, Black agrees to let him have the Dragon Balls, but suggests that they team up to conquer the world afterward.  
I like this, because Black (mostly) gets it.   He alone understands that Goku can’t be taken lightly.   He has to be dealt with here and now.   If Black just lets him leave, they’ll only have to fight him again someday.   His only options are to defeat him here and now, or make some sort of alliance.    But Goku isn’t interested in an alliance, because these assholes got Bora’s dad killed.   He tells Black to just turn himself into the police.    This is about as close as we’ll get to Goku saying “Call the cops, I don’t give a fuck.”
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So Black pulls out a capsule containing a mech, and fights Goku with it.  This seems kind of pointless, but as it turns out, he does pretty well against Goku, and like I said, he’s got no other choice.   If Goku won’t join him, then he’ll have to be stopped here and now, or the Red Ribbon Army won’t have any future.
The dub has a line where Black plans to rechristen the army as the Black Ribbon Army, which I think is super awesome.   Unfortunately, he never said it in the original script, but I guess it would have been too soon to make those kinds of plans.  Black Ribbon Army.   That just sounds so cool.
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Meanwhile, Yamcha’s team is still headed for the base, but they meet Colonel Violet flying away from the base, and they both desperately struggle to avoid a confrontation.   It’s a pretty cute scene, but kind of superfluous.   Also, this is the last we ever see of Colonel Violet.    Well, she’s in Path to Power, but that’s a long ways off...
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Back at HQ, “Commander” Black is actually working Goku over pretty good.    Maybe he should have broken out that robot suit a while back, when it would have done more good?   This is sort of like how Mercenary Tao had a sword and a grenade on him when he started losing to Goku.    Up to that point, Tao had been completely untouchable, so it really makes you wonder why he bothered carrying those weapons around with him.   Oh well.
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huntressjinsoul · 6 years
Girl’s Day
Rating: T, Mentions of drinking and sex
Pairings: FemMC x Estela, Michelle x Quinn, Zahra x Craig, Grace x Aleister, Diego x Raj, Sean x Jake (platonically but could be viewed as romantic)
Summary: The girls of the Endless Summer gang have a girl’s day together (also has a character cameo from a diff book 👀)
Author’s Note: In honor of Endless Summer coming back from war. This takes place when they all eventually get off the island and save the world. No angst bc there’s already enough of that just fun fluff
“I can’t believe I got roped into this.”
“Oh come on, Zahra, it’ll be fun,” Quinn said excitedly.
“Seat belt babe,” Michelle told Quinn sternly but softly. 
“Yeah, Z, it’ll be fun and relaxing,” MC grinned as she turned to face Zahra from her passenger seat. “You have the directions pulled up right?” She directed that question towards Estela. She nods quietly as she pulls off from the driveway. 
“Whatever, at least I have the back row all to myself,” Zahra mumbles as she stretches out. 
“Where are we going first Michelle?” Grace asks the girl beside her. 
“Well, we’re going to the mall to shop for a while, then we’re gonna go for some brunch just like I promised before. We’ll go to the spa afterwards near the mall. Finally, we’re gonna go back to Sean and Craig’s apartment to get dressed for cluuuuuubbbbiiinnnggg,” Michelle answered animatedly while singing the last part. 
“So that’s why you texted us to bring a club dress to their apartment,” Estela said quietly. 
“Ooooo that looks great on you Grace.”
“You really think so, Quinn?” Grace asked timidly. The girls were shopping for dresses in the mini boutique at the mall, minus Estela and Zahra, who looked bored out of their minds. 
“Yes, it looks great. Now can we move along now?” Zahra asked exasperatedly. 
“Hold on, I have to choose between these three outfits,” MC told her, then directed her attention to Estela, “Estela, which one looked better on me?”
Estela looked up from her phone and studied the outfits closely. “The red one,” she replied before going back to her phone. 
MC shrugged then stowed the other two outfits away. “Alright I’m done. Let’s go pay for these.” Grace, Michelle, Quinn, and MC went to pay for the clothes while the other two waited for them. Afterwards, MC and Quinn dragged their blushing girlfriends to Victoria’s Secret with Grace and Zahra silently chuckling at them. 
“You should totally get this for yourself Grace,” Michelle holds up a matching bra and panties set and Grace blushes. “Plus, imagine Aleister’s reaction to it. Poor guy won’t even speak coherently once he sees you.”
“I-I’ll think about it,” Grace replies. 
“Don’t buy it just for Aleister though. You are a strong, intelligent, and sexy woman all on your own. If you want to buy it, buy it because you want to,” Michelle added. Grace’s face changed into a look of confidence and took the set in her arms. 
“Alright let’s go and pay before Zahra dies of boredom in this place,” MC giggles as she glanced over to said person, who’s half asleep on the bench. Estela wakes her up and the girls go to Gamestop, upon Zahra’s request of course. 
“Now this is more my style,” Zahra grins as she quickly enters the store like a kid in a candy shop. “No way! They have the new expansion for Aeternum Chronicles: Legend of the 7 Crystals! Craig’s gonna freak when I buy this for him.”
“Aww that’s so sweet,” Quinn stated, then looked at Michelle, “We should get into playing video games too.”
Michelle and Zahra laugh, as if it’s a joke. “Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea, sweets. Me and video games don’t mesh well.”
“I can verify that. She was playing with me and Grace and killed both of us and then herself,” Zahra snorts as Grace giggles and nods, confirming the story. 
On the other side of the store, Estela is browsing the video games with MC behind her. “Isn’t this your favorite one babe?” MC asked Estela as she reached for the game and handed to her. 
“Hmmm. I didn’t realize they released a new Assassin’s Creed game yet,” Estela said as she inspected the game. 
MC took the opportunity to wrap her arms around Estela from behind, holding her close. “Y’know, watching you play that game turns me on a bit. Imagining you as Ezio or Desmond is hot,” she whispered into Estela’s ear. 
Estela blushed a deep red and turned slightly to meet MC’s gaze. “Good to know.” She kissed MC’s cheek. 
“Hey lovebirds, let’s go! We’re all done here,” Michelle said, interrupting them. They all quickly pay for their things and made it out to the parking lot to go to eat brunch. 
“So, Estela, in honor of your first time having brunch, I’m gonna take you to my favorite place ever,” Michelle said as everyone got out of the car. They walked into the restaurant, and Michelle was immediately greeted by the waiter, Daniel. He led them all to their seats and pulled out menus for them all. 
“So what does one eat for brunch?” Estela asked, a bit confused. MC mentally awwed at her face. 
“I usually get something sweet,” Quinn replied, “Like something I would eat for breakfast like a cinnamon roll or a strawberry crepe.”
“I just want a sammich,” Zahra says bluntly. 
“I guess I’ll get the sandwich,” Estela mumbled. “What are you getting MC?”
“I’ll just go with a small salad,” she shrugged. The girls gave their orders to Daniel and carried on with their conversation. 
“But seriously it sucks that we all had to be held back a year because of that trip,” Michelle said. “It already takes long enough to become a neural surgeon regularly, now I have to double down the effort,” she groans. 
“I’m sure you’ll do great,” Quinn replies, kissing her girlfriend’s cheek. “After we graduate, I’m gonna open up a bakery just like I said I would and everyone’s invited for free desserts.”
“Oooo yes! Score!” Zahra exclaimed. Everyone looked at her amusedly. “What? The girl makes good pastries.”
“What are the rest of you girls doing after you graduate?” MC asked the remaining girls. 
“I’ll probably work for my mother’s company or help Aleister rebuild Rourke Industries,” Grace replied happily. “After coming home, I flew out and had a long talk with my mom and we’re finally on good terms again.” The girls gave out congratulations to her while she beamed. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing yet. Maybe start my own tech company or something. Or get into the esports scene,” Zahra shrugged. “What’re your and Estela’s plans?”
“I don’t know. After all the shit we’ve been through on that island, I just want to lay low for a while,” MC answered truthfully. The girls silently agreed on that, knowing that MC experienced a lot more worse things than them. “Maybe become a private investigator or a journalist or something.”
“I think I’m gonna go into law school,” Estela said. “There’s this pro bono firm I’ve been looking to intern in.”
“A PI and badass lawyer? Remember me when you guys become the new legal power couple.” The girls laughed at Zahra’s comment before Daniel came back with all their food. They carried on to less serious conversations while they ate. After they finished, they all went back to the car and drove to the spa place. 
“Now remember, MC, Zahra, no eating the cucumbers,” Michelle told them as they entered the building. The said girls glared at her while the others giggled silently. “Reservations under Nguyen. Party of six please,” she told the hostess. They were all led inside the spa place and went off to do whatever they wanted. 
“Thanks for booking this place, Michelle, I already feel relaxed,” Grace said happily. 
“No problem, Gracie. I wanted to treat all of us like queens for a few hours,” Michelle replied as she wrapped her hair up. “Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a sauna calling for me with Quinn in it,” she smirked as she walked towards the sauna. 
“Aye no fucking in the sauna!” MC called out, getting the attention from the other customers. They all glared at her while she blushed embarrassingly. “Oops, probably shouldn’t have said that out loud.”
Grace chuckled, “C’mon, let’s go get our nails and hair done before you embarrass yourself further.” She dragged a still flustered MC away from the main room and into the side salon room. 
Meanwhile, Zahra and Estela were getting massages together, getting their muscles relaxed. “Sooo,” Zahra said, trying to start up a conversation. 
“Yes?” Estela replied. 
“Can you like, teach me all your combat moves and stuff? Cause you’re seriously badass and I wanna learn.”
“Sure, if you teach me how to hack. I’ve been wanting to learn… for reasons.”
“Yeah, sweet,” Zahra grinned. Their masseuses looked up at each other and silently made alarmed faces, but shrugged at each other and didn’t say anything before going back to their jobs. 
After a few hours later, the girls finished all their treatments up. MC had lost rocks, papers, scissors between the four of them and had to pull Quinn and Michelle out of the sauna. She looked mortified after they all left and told the other three girls, “I can never unsee what I saw,” and, “you guys owe me so much.” Grace and Zahra doubled over laughing while Estela patted MC’s back comfortably. Michelle blushed as red as a tomato while Quinn looked smug and satisfied. They all piled up in the car again and went back to Sean and Craig’s apartment. The guys were all there playing poker. 
“Hey, you girls want to join in for a few rounds?” Diego grinned as he held out a beer. 
“You might not want to, cause I’m on a winning streak,” Jake smirked. The whole gang was able to clear Jake’s name after returning to the U.S and reunite him with his family. 
“It’s just luck,” Sean grumbled. 
“Well if it’s luck, does that includes getting lucky with you, Steve Rogers?”
Raj does a spit take all over the table, choking out hearing Jake’s statement. Diego is right behind him in a quick stride, patting his boyfriend’s back. “Deep breaths, babe.”
“What did I say about getting a room you two?” Aleister said, annoyed. 
“Annnnyyyyways… we’ll have to take a rain check on this lovely poker night. The girls and I gotta get dressed to go clubbing,” Michelle interrupted. She dragged the girls into Craig’s room and pulled the outfits out of the closet. “Well thank god Craig doesn’t use his closet and just leaves his clothes everywhere.”
“Speak for yourself, you know how hard it is to get it on when you’re tripping over everything?” Zahra snarked. MC laughed as she helped Michelle with the clothes. They laid and handed out the outfits.
“Alright, Quinn and I are on make-up and Grace will do hair. No offense to you girls MC, Estela, and Zahra, but you girls couldn’t tell a make-up brush to a broom,” Michelle stated. While MC looked offended, Estela and Zahra looked at each other and shrugged, silently agreeing. “The bathroom’s across the hall and Sean’s room is the next door. Let’s take turns getting dressed and glammed up and then wow the boys with our looks.”
When they all finished dressing, Michelle and Quinn put the final adjustments on Grace and Zahra while MC and Estela put the final adjustments on each other’s outfits. Estela and Zahra didn’t want to hassle and wear a dress and donned jeans and a bomber jacket for Estela and a leather one for Zahra. Michelle and Quinn wore semi-matching short blue dresses. Grace wore a yellow jumpsuit while MC wore her LBD. “Alright ladies, we are ready so let’s go and give these boys a run for their money,” Michelle said as she clapped her hands.
The girls walked out of Craig’s room and into the living area where the boys were playing Mortal Kombat. Craig was up against Aleister while the others cheered them on until Diego spotted the girls. “Well you girls look muy fuego!” he exclaimed.
Raj turned to look at the girls and Diego, pouting. “Hey, I’m feeling a little jealous here.”
“I’m gay, not blind Raj,” Diego said then pecked him on the lips before getting off of the arm of the sofa. “Have fun ladies, but not too much fun. I don’t want to get a call from MC saying that you’re all in the middle of skinny dipping in a fountain.” Aleister and Craig dropped their controllers and turned around. Once they saw their respective girlfriends, their jaws dropped to the floor.
Craig climbed over the back of the couch- but tripped and face planted- got back up and rushed over to Zahra. “Can boyfriends be invited to clubbing as well? You look frickin great.”
“Keep it in your pants Hsiao. We’ll be back at a reasonable hour so we won’t deprive you of our beauty. C’mon ladies, let’s go have some fun!”
Aleister caught Grace before she left through the door. “Ahem, have fun and be careful, sweetheart.”
Grace kissed him on the cheek, “I will. Have fun with the guys.” She heard a scoff and a faint ‘not likely’ before she smiled and walked out.
“Have fun girls! I’ll be sure to have Steve Rogers and me decent before you come back!” Jake called out. Sean blushed and hit him on the shoulder.
“I want shots!” MC yelled over the booming music. “C’mon Michelle, come get them with me.” MC dragged Michelle off to the bar while the others found a table.
Michelle was trying to keep up with MC, but she ran into someone roughly.
“Excuse you!”  “Watch where you’re going!”
“Wait… Becca! Hey, I haven’t seen you around Hartfeld,” Michelle exclaimed.
“Meech! Oh my god, I haven’t seen you in awhile either! How’s it going? Was your trip fun?” Becca smiled at her.
“Umm, it was very adventurous I’ll say that,” Michelle replied. “I’m doing good, pre-med is still kicking my ass. I heard you left the sorority. What happened?”
“I went through some troubles the past year and my own damn pride made me a total bitch to Madison. I left it because I couldn’t afford the membership but I’m happy to say that everything’s alright now.”
“Well, that’s great. I have to go to help my friend carry the drinks, but we should hang out sometime. I have a new phone so do you mind giving me your number again?” Michelle took out her phone as Becca shook her head. She put her number in the phone and gave it back. Once they exchanged goodbyes, Michelle walked over and helped MC carry the trays of shot glasses.
“So, who was the blonde?”
“An old sister at my sorority. She was one of the few sisters I actually held in high regard for and confided in. We were thought of as total bitches but we didn’t care- we grounded each other.”
“I’m glad she was there for you,” MC said. They walked over to the table where the rest of the girls were and laid out the glasses. “Alright, five glasses for each. Let’s get hammered tonight!” The girls cheered and downed their glasses. Everyone, except for Estela and Zahra, felt slightly buzzed by the time they finished the shots and a drink of their own.
After most of them were tipsy, Quinn dragged all of the girls, Zahra reluctantly, onto the dancefloor. Grace laughed as Quinn attempted to twerk on Michelle, who looked equally happy and embarrassed. Zahra disappeared somewhere amongst the crowd and dragged Grace with her.
MC and Estela were dancing at their own pace until a sensual song played. MC decided to be bold and turned around to grind on Estela. She heard Estela have a sharp intake of breath and smirked. Estela held onto MC’s hips as they continued to dance. After a few seconds, MC felt Estela’s lips on her neck and gasped. They weren’t always the ones who showed PDA, but as of right now, both of them didn’t care.
“If it weren’t for the other girls, we’d be catching a car back to your apartment,” MC said breathlessly.
“Well thank god we are because I am not letting you girls get kicked out for public indecency.” Michelle butted in.
Estela immediately removed her hand from the front of MC’s pants and blushed. MC faced Michelle and Quinn, who were smirking at the blushing couple. “Uhh we got a little carried away?”
“Right,” Quinn giggled, “Meech and I were wondering if you’ve seen Zahra and Grace? We haven’t seen them for awhile now.”
“Eh, we shouldn’t worry about them that much. I mean, how much trouble can they get in?” MC shrugged.
“Apparently a lot since they appear to be getting kicked out,” Estela pointed out in the direction of the door. Sure enough, the bouncers were escorting a smug Zahra and a worrisome Grace out the door.
“Guess we have to cut this girls’ night out short,” Michelle pouted. The girls walked over toward the door and followed Zahra and Grace out. “What happened?”
“We were on our way to the restroom when this dude came onto Grace. He was really drunk and wasn’t taking no for an answer. When he grabbed Grace, I reacted and punched him in the face. Really wished I kicked him in the balls instead because his face hurt my hand,” Zahra explained.
“Oh my god, are you ok, Grace, Zahra?” Quinn asked as she inspected said girls for any bad injuries.
“Yeah, we’re fine. I’m just glad Zahra was there to help me out.”
“Eh, it’s no problem. Support your local girl gang, or whatever the hell Quinn said about sticking together,” Zahra shrugged.
“Well, let’s go back to the guys’ apartment and we can crash in my apartment since it’s right next to theirs,” Grace said. The girls nodded and took two separate Ubers home since all of them couldn’t fit in one. Once they got back to the apartment, Grace ushered them in to hers. “We can raid the guys’ for their food. I was supposed to go shopping for food tomorrow.”
“Sweet, Craig has a cheese puff stash and I know where it is,” Zahra grinned. The girls went over to Sean and Craig’s apartment and found that the guys were already asleep. “Pshh, what a couple of old men.” Diego was on Raj’s lap cuddled into his neck while Craig and Aleister were asleep on the floor. Jake had his head rested on Sean’s shoulder from their place on the couch, whether that it was intentional or not, they’ll never know.
The girls raided their refrigerator while Zahra took the cheese puffs. They quickly dipped out of there and carried out the food back to Grace’s apartment. The girls stayed up watching movies and talking until the wee hours of morning until they all crashed.
The last thing Michelle thought as she looked around the sleeping girls was Best Family Ever.
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mitchm-arner · 5 years
Best Friend // Mitch Marner
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Liz and I walked out to see Jack and Aus completely dressed down which wasn’t supposed to happen. We all looked at each other in confusion not really knowing what was going on.
“Aus I told you we were going somewhere nice.” I said
“Well I forgot and who needs fancy dinners. We never even had a reservation anywhere and plus Jack hates dressing up!” He said looking at her smiling.
“Well Mitch and I will go change. We can head somewhere and just have fun even if we end up a some stupid bar.”
Once everyone changed and we got ready to leave I felt very upset by the whole situation. I really wanted to take her out to show her a good time but maybe that wasn’t the best idea. I felt like I already failed at being a good boyfriend and knew she would think this is how every night would go. The same cycle always repeats of us going for food and then getting drunk and crashing somewhere close. I knew Liz wouldn’t be one to judge but still the thought of her getting bored of me scared me.
“Mitch? You alright babe?” Liz asked showing concern into my feelings which felt nice.
“I feel like you’ll get bored. This is all we ever do is drink and go out for food. Also hockey games but I don’t know I just don’t want this to be boring.”
“As long as I’m with you it won’t be boring. I care about you so much that I couldn’t never get bored. I know Jack hates going out for fancy dinners but that doesn’t mean they always have to go. You’re allowed to live outside of their bubble.”
“I know I’m just so used to tagging along I feel bad.”
We walked into the closets McDonald’s that we could find and went over to order. There was a huge line and we decided to wait until later. Seeing as we wanted to have fun we headed off to a bar.
“I’ll have four shots of tequila!” I said to the bartender while letting Liz sit down next to jack since there were only two seats left.
We all talked and chatted about anything that came up while we were waiting for our shots. Many people came up and asked us for pictures and I knew that the night had just begun. Once we all downed our shots we decided to take some more and just relax for a bit.
“When can we get chicken nuggets?” Aus asked
“Soon Aus.” I said finishing my drink and looking back at Liz.
“Whatcha want?” She asked smiling at me.
“A kissssss” I said looking at her pouting
“Dang it” I said keeping my hand on the chair for balance.
Eventually Jack was very drunk and Aus wanted chicken so bad that we decided to get going. I grabbed Liz’s hand making sure she was alright to start walking. She held onto my arm obviously very drunk and tired from how late we decided to stay out. As we walked out we just saw a lot of bright lights and people yelling. This usually was typical if we were spotted since the people of Toronto loved us. We kept walking hoping that they’d leave us alone which they ended up doing anyways.
“McDonald’s now!” Aus said making sure Jack was doing alright holding onto her so she wouldn’t fall.
“Ugh fine.” I said continuing to walk with Liz clutching onto me.
“The only thing greater than my love for chicken nuggets is Jack” aus started giggling clearly still intoxicated.
Once Aus got his stupid chicken nuggets I decided it was time for an uber. Knowing that everyone was too drunk to even walk about 10 minutes back to our apartment.
“Mitch when’s the uber coming! I want to sleep!” Aus stated causing me to get mad at him for being annoying.
“Someone’s annoyed!” Liz said laughing with Jack joining in
“Yeah whatever he's being whiny and annoying and I don’t need to put up with this right now.” I said and went on my phone hoping everyone would just shut up.
Once we all got in after about 5 minutes of trying to figure out the lock we all crawled back to our rooms and shut the doors falling asleep.
I woke up to light rain on the window and looked around confused at where I was until I heard soft snores just above my head. I looked up to see mitch sound asleep with his arms wrapped around my waist. I looked at the clock on his side table to see it was nearly 12 pm and knew he would want to sleep a bit longer.
I walked out carefully to the kitchen and decided to make him some waffles but soon came to realize they had nothing to make waffles. I sighed grabbing my phone and went on postmates placing an order for chocolate chip waffles for everyone and decided to make the eggs, sausage, toast, and bacon.
The man dropped the waffles off and I took them and set everything else up leaving the left overs for Aus and jack. I walked back into the room and jumped on Mitch smiling.
“Wake up you loser!” I said giggling
“Noooo its my off day!”
“Mitch it's like the afternoon you need to get up sooner or later. Plus I made you food sorta.”
“Oooo food I’m ready!”
“You still annoyed about Aus from last night?” I asked chuckling thinking that he probably forgot.
“Yeah he was being a little bitch who whines and I really don’t need him doing that all the time. It’s fucking annoying.” he said shaking his head beginning to eat the food.
“Well I don’t think that’s very nice of you to call him annoying. He was drunk and so were you so get over it.” I stated suddenly not feeling hungry. I heard him whisper a few words under his breath and decided I wasn’t here for his shit today. I texted Jack telling her to be ready in five minutes and I’d explain it in the car.
“I’m going out with Jack and Aus.” I said quietly walking back to his room finding my keys and clothes getting ready.
I sat in my car for a few minutes knowing she had just woke up and didn’t feel like waiting in their room for them to be ready which usually didn’t take too long. I started my car and put on one of Jack’s favorite bands, The Story So Far, seeing as she had to deal with me I might as well play music she likes.
“What’s going on? Mitch seemed upset.” Aus said
“He’s being a little bitch again and I thought we were over this. I just want to get away and let him calm down while we catch up a bit.”
“Where are we going though?” Jack asked confused seeing as she was still half asleep.
“How about the CN tower?” Aus stated smiling like a goof
“I hardly know how to get there but we can stop at Tim Horton’s quick and then Aus can drive my car?”
“Sounds good!” he said smiling from the backseat
“Good cause I can hardly drive I’m too upset.” I said chuckling slightly and driving to the Tim’s down the street.
Once we got to the CN tower Aus wanted to take 5 million picture of everything he saw that including trash and birds he’s never seen before. I felt a lot better being around them and almost forgot about Mitch. We all had a great time and they never made me feel left out which was nice considering that I really didn’t want to deal with that at the moment. Eventually we all decided to ask someone to take our picture having the CN tower behind us as well as individual shots.
“OOOO LIZ! Can you pretty please with a cherry on top take a picture of Jack and I! I haven't posted on Instagram in a hot minute and I need to show off my baby!” he said smiling as I nodded taking his phone taking a lot of different ones from different angles and everything.
Once we finished taking pictures and Aus got his creap we got back to my car ready to drive back.
“Ooo should I post the one of all three of us saying something like who needs a boy when you’ve got two best friends?” I asked smiling
“Liz is very petty. I like that. Jack where have you been hiding my twin from me?” Auston stated pouting
“Honestly I have no clue Aus, But yes I think that will set him in his place.” Jack said chuckling and going on Instagram as well.
“Ok I posted it!” I said giggling
“I should post these ones of Aus and I saying something like He’s mine. Does that sound good? Maybe I should say Crackhead finally explores Toronto?” she said while looking at the pictures.
“Hmm what about crackhead explores Toronto ft my baby?” I said as she nodded and continued to go ahead and post it while as well posting auston’s figuring out what he should caption it before deciding on a simple “she’s my crackhead”.
We all walked into the apartment laughing and continuing our conversation about how Aus needed more storage on his phone from all the pictures he took today. We didn’t even notice Mitch standing in the kitchen.
“Who needs a girlfriend when you can dump her!” he said chuckling and interrupting our conversation. “Yeah I’m real glad you enjoy being around but it really pisses me off that you can be such a bitch and leave me alone all day while you hang out with MY friends WITHOUT me.”
I looked at him and then back to Jack pleading for her to help me out and she obviously understood being sick of Marner’s shit.
“Hey. Right now I’d really appreciate if you’d fuck off. I know that you don’t like when Aus gets whiny but honestly you are ten times worse. You have no reason to be mad right now seeing as this is the only girlfriend you’ll be getting if you keep this up. Liz doesn’t need to deal with your shit and seeing as us being your friends you certainly don’t treat us like that. So in this case Mitch fuck off and don’t disrespect Aus and I again. That also goes for Liz since she’s the only one who will ever stick around even though she deserves better. Maybe if you weren’t a little shit you could have come with us today but yet you continue to act like a baby.” She stated
“I don’t like the way you treat Jack and Liz. You have the whole package right in front of you and still you fuck around and mess shit up. It’s getting annoying but for once Jack and I like your girlfriend. I don’t need you to disrespect me either I thought you were my best friend yet this isn’t how best friends should act. Yes, I am whiny and annoying but everyone is from time to time. You really need to drop this attitude like why the hell do you have it anyways?” Aus said awaiting Mitch’s answer.
“Because you’re taking her away from me! She’s the only good thing I have!”
“Oh shut the fuck up! You’re an NHL player for god sake. Do you know how many people would kill to be where you are?” I said before grabbing my coat shaking my head. “When you want to act like the Mitch I fell in love with and not this asshole version maybe i’ll reconsider it.” I said coldly and leaving slamming the door running down to the car and locking the door making sure that no one was following me.
“Get out.” I announced loudly looking him dead in the eye.
“Aus what the hell?” Mitch said
“I don’t like the way you treat my friends and my girlfriend. So i’ll give you one day to pack your shit and leave.”
“But-” he started before Jack cut him off
“Fuck you. Honestly I don’t want you near us or Liz so get out before things get worse.”
I watched him start to cry, a thing you don’t really see from Mitch Marner. He walked to his room or our new office that would be in use within two days.
“I hope she’s alright..Should I call her or let her go?” Jack asked
“Honestly maybe in a little bit. She’s driving back to her apartment now so I think maybe we should stop by tomorrow? Bring her a surprise?” I said smirking
“What do you have in mind then?” she asked chuckling
“Oh you’ll see.”
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