#cause she's a special morph ball python
tiredambientthing · 2 years
hehehehe i get big kid money and get snek
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alphaimagine · 5 years
More dabi stuff? His SO dragging him to a pet store cause shes getting her first ever pet?
 With his hood pulled down over his eyes and a mask covering his mouth, Dabi could only hope no one would recognize him. It wasn’t the most elaborate of disguises, but it wasn’t as if he had much to work with in the first place. 
“I don’t get why I have to come with you.” he grumbles, eyes darting around as people passed by. 
“Because, I want you to help me decide on what I should get.” 
“Shouldn’t you have figured that out, before going?” he sighed, adjusting the mask over his mouth. It was far to hot to be warning it, and the residual heat of his quirk only made it more uncomfortable. 
“I know I don’t want a cat or a dog. My apartment won’t allow it.” she sighed. “So it needs to be something small.” 
“Get a pet rock.” she rolls her eyes, tugging at his sleeve and pulling him into the little pet store on the corner. It was nearly empty, save for a few people picking up food and toys. The low rumble of fish tanks, or the odd squawk of a bird the only sounds that greeted him. 
Immediately, Dabi was drawn over to a few large cages with glass windows. One had three little black kittens napping in a pile, the other a large, ornery looking tabby, and the last a mangy alley cat. 
“I like this one.” he jabs a finger in the direction of the last cat, who gave an angry hiss, fur rising up and teeth flashing. 
“I said no cats.” she whined, stopping to look at the info sheet pinned to the window. “They just rescued this one from off the streets anyway. He won’t be able to go home for a few weeks. Needs all his shots and stuff.” ignoring his protests, she drags him away. 
“I was thinking about a bird.” she chirps, stopping on the next isle over. More class windows and a large array of colorful fowls. 
“Small or large?” 
“Well, the little ones don’t like to be handled, so I guess it would need to be something like a parakeet.” she pauses, listening to the chipping for a moment. 
“But...they are a little loud. I wouldn’t want to get in trouble with my landlord...” 
“So no birds.” again, he’s dragged to another isle. 
“Fish are quiet!” she stops, eyeing a colorful school of guppies. “No one would ever know I have a fish in the house!” 
“Easy too, just need a bowl, right?” she shakes her head. 
“No. They need at least a ten gallon tank, a filter, food, maybe a heater and a lamp, I’d have to check the water to make sure it’s the right balance, possibly need some salt...” 
“For a fish?” Dabi makes a face, “To much work. Just go to the aquarium.” 
“And that crosses fish off the list.” a few feet down came the reptiles and amphibians, something Dabi was much more fond of. Lizards, turtles, snakes, frogs and more. 
“Get a snake. I like the ball pythons.” he crouched down, gazing at a beautiful python with a white and black pattern. 
“Yeah, hello, look at the price tag.” Dabi nearly chocked on his own spit. 
“What the fuck? That much for a snake?” 
“The price goes up based on how rare the morph is.” 
“Fine...what about a turtle. Pretty close to a rock.” again, she rolls her eyes. 
“They can live up to 40 years and they grow most of their lives. These guys might be small but they’re going to get way bigger. I don’t have the space for them.” 
“Are you sure you’re really ready for a pet?” he groans, watching her face slowly drop. 
“Yeah...maybe I’m not. Maybe I got a little to excited...I wasn’t allowed to have animals growing up, so when I moved into my own place I just reaaaaally wanted to have one.” she sighs, walking down the isle slowly. 
“Maybe we should just go home...” pausing, Dabi watches as she stops, turns and her full attention is given to something in a large black bin. 
“I know what I want!” she jerks her head up triumphantly, beaming. 
“What the fuck is in there?” he peeks in, frowning. The bin was filled with a dozen or so little white mice with bright red eyes, all scampering around each other. 
“Babe, I hate to break it to you, but those are feeder mice. They give those to other animals as food.”
“So? I’m sure I can still buy one! I just need a large tank, some litter, toys, food, a water bottle...I’m sure I can work it out!” he sighs, backing off as she finds an employee to help her. 
Standing at a distance to keep his identity hidden, he listens as the employee tries to talk her out of buying one. 
“We have much nicer mice for sale. These guys aren’t very pretty or special.” 
“No, no, I would really love to have one of these!” he snickers under his breath as she pulls her famous puppy dog eyes. 
“Very well.” the employee sighs. “I’ll help you get everything you’ll need.” as he walks away, Dabi comes up, slinging his arm over her shoulders. 
“So what made you want one of them so bad?”
“Well...I know snakes and stuff need to eat, but I kinda wanted to give one a second chance. Ya know? They’re meant to be food but...I want to give one a home. A chance to escape his fate.” she pauses, “I guess it reminds me of you and how important second chances are.”
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birdy-rps · 5 years
The camera shifts slightly ad her face comes into view. Checking the settings one more time she smiles and waves to the camera,
"Hi! Today we are going to go through the various creatures I own and how I got them! Now, while I own an aviary, many of the birds just visit momentarily and then return home either to their owner or they are relocated to a proper habitat after rehabilitation. I own around 9 different birds, 2 different reptiles, one amphibian, one arachnid and 5 mammals."
She turns the camera around, showing her walking to a door. The door opens to reveal what appears to be a animal paradise, different glass domes showcasing brilliant fauna from different ecosystems. The first dome she walks into appears to be a north American forest, and the camera shows her sliding a thick leather glove onto her hand.
"First up, let's meet Arthur. Arthur is a Male great horned owl, who used to be a pet until his owners got tired of him. Instead of bringing him straight to a place like mine, they just let him out into the wild, leaving him defenseless and vulnerable to predators. He had no idea how to hunt for himself and hardly flew around unless he wanted to perch."
She makes a whistle noise and theres a barely there sound of flapping as a large owl swoops from the trees and lands on her gloved hand. The owl settles himself and preens lightly under the view of the camera.
"He was given to me by someone who found him practically starving to death out in the woods. I taught him how to fly and how to hunt by using treats whenever he did it well, but since he had been a pet most his life he refuses to leave and thus cannot be rehabilitated. He's very friendly and behaves well around all age groups so he is one of my best models for photographs when I go to teach kids about animals"
Raising her hand and making another whistle noise, Arthur flies off into the trees. Moving to another patch of trees, She reaches into a bag at her side and pulls out a small piece of raw cubed beef, clutching it between her thumb and index within the large glove. She makes a high pitched scree noise and a more noticable flapping noise is heard from directly in front. A gyrfalcon swoops down and lands on her hand, quickly gobbling down the beef.
"This is Fawkes, my gyrfalcon. Hes about 8 years old, and came to me about a year and a half ago, suffering from an injured foot. He was given to me by a retired falconer and very quickly got used to being pampered because of his injury and prefers to stay in the aviary where he can stretch his wings whenever he pleases but still get attention."
Raising her hand like she did with Arthur, Fawkes flies off into the trees. Taking the large glove off, she flips the camera to face her again,
"Those were my north American birds, now on to my tropical species"
There's a jump cut and now Sarah is shown standing in an area of lush fauna, two different species of macaws on her shoulders. The one on her left shoulder is a scarlet macaw, the one on the right is a hyacinth macaw. Adjusting the microphone on the small headset, she introduces the pair,
"This is Bow, the scarlet macaw, and Beck, the hyacinth macaw. Both are around the same age, about 4 years old, and I got both from a rescue program after their habitats were destroyed due to logging companies. Both are very friendly and will attempt to take any buttons you happen to have on you, hence why I'm wearing a regular T shirt without buttons on it. They hang out here in the tropical dome with each other and anyone who happens to stop by, so they're never lonely"
The camera now shows her sitting on a low branch next to a toco toucan, the bird walking back and forth along the branch.
"This is Tulio, the toco toucan. He has been with me ever since he was a hatchling, his species being a very popular pet. He was the runt and was gifted to me by a very reliable avian breeder. He's very friendly and loves to eat fruit, and I often let those who pose with Tulio feed him a berry or two as a treat for good behavior."
Another jump cut and now she is standing holding a greater bird of paradise, the bird preening his feathers as he perched on her arm.
"This is Tico, the greater bird of paradise. He is about 3 years old, and loves being in the spotlight. I got him after he was injured in his habitat by some logging crew after he refused to leave. Since being brought to me, he has recovered fully but now thinks I am his mate and consistently performs a display to hopefully get me to accept his proposal."
She visibly sweatdrops as she mentions this before the scene changes to her opening the door to another dome, this one lacking very many trees and instead having tall Savannah grass. As soon as she closes the door, a pair of wings can be heard getting closer, and the moment she turns around, a large African crowned crane is standing in front of her.
"Oh! Hello Majesty, heheh. This is Majesty, my African crowned crane. She was gifted to me by a local zoo after she got involved in a pretty bad spat between her and another of their female cranes. She enjoys attention and pretty much demands the focus be on her at all times, and there has been one or two incidents of her pecking at someone who didnt give her the attention she wanted. Because of this, I rarely have her pose for photos, although she loves having her picture taken."
The scene cuts and now she has the camera pointed to a secretary bird, standing tall with his head feathers moving in the slight breeze. He steps toward the camera and pecks at it before Sarah moves the camera away, laughing softly,
"This is Jaques, my Male secretary bird. He has a habit of pecking at anything he can get his beak on, Haha. Despite that though, hes much more behaved than Majesty and thus I have more pictures of him. He tends to stand on people's shoulders if I have them crouch next to him. He was also given to me by a zoo as they needed more space for different animals they had received and had no where to put him. He enjoys being scratched under the beak and that's usually what he's asking for if he shoves his head in your hand."
The camera cuts again to show Sarah holding a large bearded vulture on her arm. He has bright orange pigment in his feathers.
"This is Steve, my bearded vulture, or lammergeier. Their diet is primarily bones, and they put pigment in their feathers to make them more intimidating. Steve prefers to be left alone and thus keeps to himself when I'm not around. I've had him for about 3 years now, after being injured by a trap someone had set. These fierce birds are captured and poisoned in acts of illegal persecution, and seldom make it out before the person who trapped them comes back to check their traps. And that's all of my personal avians!"
The view changes to being inside a fairly spacious room with terrariums lining the walls. She walks over to the closest one, opening it to show an African fat tailed gecko, carefully reaching her hand inside for the small reptile to crawl into her hand.
"This is Kiwi, my African fat tailed gecko. She's very friendly and her favorite place to sit is on people shoulders or head so she can get a good look around. Kiwi is an oreo morph, one of the rarer ones as this morph type is recessive. She likes to lick things and it feels very ticklish when she does, heheh. I've had her for about 2 years, and I got her for my birthday."
Placing Kiwi back into her tank, she moved down to another one, opening it and carefully removing a piebald python. The snake immediately slithered itself up to rest around her neck, causing Sarah to flip the camera view.
"This is Cookie, my piebald ball python, shes about 3 years old and was probably the best Christmas present I ever received! She enjoys curling around people's necks and she's extremely photogenic, she poses in just about every picture I've ever taken of her. And given how comfortable she is around my neck right now, I think itd be best if she stays there for the rest of the video."
There's a cut and the camera focuses on a black salamander with yellow spots, leisurely resting in a small pool of water.
"This is Mino, my black and yellow spotted salamander. I got him from my college professor who told me she couldnt take care of him anymore because of her new apartment having a strict no pets policy. He prefers to stay in his tank and it's best to not handle him because the oils from human hands could hurt him very badly. So most of the photos I have of him are of him in his tank."
The scene changes to show a large tarantula crawling on her hand. Sarah whispers softly into the microphone to avoid startling the arachnid,
"This is Luna, my rose haired tarantula. She is one of my oldest pets, being 13 years old. I've had her since I was in highschool and she's been with me through pretty much everything. She's very docile and is very okay with being handled but since she's so special to me I only let her take pictures with those I know personally."
Coming up to the last few minutes of the video, the camera shows two ferrets, a cat, and two dogs, playing next to a couch. Of the two ferrets, one is a dark eyed solid white and the other has a standard sable coat, and they seem to be playfully fighting over a toilet paper tube. The cat is a ragdoll and is leisurely resting in a patch of sun coming from the window. The smallest of. the two dogs is a pomsky, the larger being a albernese mountain dog.
"To end my video, I'm going to introduce you all to my five mammalian pets, Jinx and Greg the ferrets, Maria the ragdoll, Skye the pomsky and Kiba the albernese mountain dog. Out of the five, Maria is the oldest at 10 years old, Kiba coming in second at 5 years old. Jinx and Greg came from the same litter, both being 3 years old, Greg being the runt. And Skye is the youngest at 2 years old! I got all of them from reliable breeders and I cherish all of them dearly. And that concludes all my personal pets! Thank you for tuning in, see you next time!"
The video ends with a slideshow of various pictures of the animals with various people.
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