#cause ye id get a lil pissy too when someone encoraches on my place and my friends slowly leave me
shippercat · 3 years
techno shows up on lore and the dsmp tag is now littered with c!techno critical rabts here and there
anddddddd its making me want to ramble again lolol
first of i see a lot of people saying the c!wilbur c!techno apology/talk is a soft retcon or that it doesnt make sense so just wanna say
they didnt retcon anything to make c!techno look good, it was canonical from the start that all the characters had terrible terrible communication issues and the manburg v pogtopia era had so much ulterior hidden motives for all the characters and the ones that didnt were just mostly confused, unsure and frazzled so they went with the flow
the blame wasnt solely on c!wilbur but he did definitely kept the whole 'i will and i mean I WILL blow up lmanburg no matter what' plan all to himself, so not just techno but everyone got bamboozled during tht day
one thing that bugged me is that the c!techno rants werent bringing up the fact that c!wilbur legitimately wanted to blow up lmanburg with everyone in it so that itll truly be an unfinished symphony with no one to pick it back up and instead they phrased it as if the first lmancrater was mostly from the withers when it wasnt cause the water flowing through the area minimized the wither explosions but the tnt underground definitely worked its magic
the lil murder spree after didnt result in canon deaths either so technically it really isnt as horrible as what people are making it out as
the 2nd lmancrater with doomsday though?? ye go off i do agree it was very excessive even as a revenge plan from being executed it was way too much destruction
people kept bringing the red festival up again too, yes techno had the power to refuse and could probably escape with tubbo ok but if im not mistaken at tht time didnt they have a plan or sth?? a signal from either tubbo or wilbur that was supposed to cue in said escape?? did nyall conveniently forget tommy wanting to save tubbo but being held back because wilbur said not yet. watching from each of the perspective you can clearly see the doubt and confusion from each person. in technos pov hes still a fairly new person, yes he was brought in to help pogtopia but he wasnt sure of what his position in this secret coup was at this time, their initial plan did not account for the sudden execution and since there werent any other signs from his allies (or i guess boss since idk he feels like a mercenary to me during this point :/) he succumbed to peer pressure and blew the podium sky high
meanwhile tommy being a very loyal protective person, who knew of the blade and was told techno is on their side, expected techno to do what he would do if tommy was in technos place (kill schlatt, free tubbo) but unfortunately tommys fierce loyalty does not exist in techno who again is still fairly new and lorewise have just begun to get to know both tommy and tubbo (he only has past connections with wilbur so he probs also mostly puts his trust and confidence in wilburs words)
tl:dr the real antagonist in the dsmp is and always will be the shitty communication skills the characters have be it in communicating their motives, feelings, agenda, etc etc
oh also for the whole prison thing
idk bout you but dream did save technos life and hes only sticking to his philosophy of an eye for an eye, p sure even if phil or niki refused to help he would still try to save the green teletubby
c!techno definitely is having a hard time garnering sympathy from a lot of dsmp fans mainly because he c!techno is very detached and doesnt form meaningful connections very easily (except ig phil and ranboo which is why emeraldduo and peerpressure duo are one of his most famous dsmp dynamics because it actually exists properly) while dsmp is rooted heavily in the bonds the characters make with each other especially regarding the s1 cast so seeing this character who seems to disregard everyone else will leave a sour taste in their mouth but as much as you hate it or love it, like what wilbur have said before on a reddit post, c!technos character is still consistent as lawful neutral (someone who does things mainly for their benefit/to further their personal goals with whatever is available to them without much care to whether or not its 'right' or 'wrong')
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