#to pursure other things and leaving me in the dust
shippercat · 3 years
techno shows up on lore and the dsmp tag is now littered with c!techno critical rabts here and there
anddddddd its making me want to ramble again lolol
first of i see a lot of people saying the c!wilbur c!techno apology/talk is a soft retcon or that it doesnt make sense so just wanna say
they didnt retcon anything to make c!techno look good, it was canonical from the start that all the characters had terrible terrible communication issues and the manburg v pogtopia era had so much ulterior hidden motives for all the characters and the ones that didnt were just mostly confused, unsure and frazzled so they went with the flow
the blame wasnt solely on c!wilbur but he did definitely kept the whole 'i will and i mean I WILL blow up lmanburg no matter what' plan all to himself, so not just techno but everyone got bamboozled during tht day
one thing that bugged me is that the c!techno rants werent bringing up the fact that c!wilbur legitimately wanted to blow up lmanburg with everyone in it so that itll truly be an unfinished symphony with no one to pick it back up and instead they phrased it as if the first lmancrater was mostly from the withers when it wasnt cause the water flowing through the area minimized the wither explosions but the tnt underground definitely worked its magic
the lil murder spree after didnt result in canon deaths either so technically it really isnt as horrible as what people are making it out as
the 2nd lmancrater with doomsday though?? ye go off i do agree it was very excessive even as a revenge plan from being executed it was way too much destruction
people kept bringing the red festival up again too, yes techno had the power to refuse and could probably escape with tubbo ok but if im not mistaken at tht time didnt they have a plan or sth?? a signal from either tubbo or wilbur that was supposed to cue in said escape?? did nyall conveniently forget tommy wanting to save tubbo but being held back because wilbur said not yet. watching from each of the perspective you can clearly see the doubt and confusion from each person. in technos pov hes still a fairly new person, yes he was brought in to help pogtopia but he wasnt sure of what his position in this secret coup was at this time, their initial plan did not account for the sudden execution and since there werent any other signs from his allies (or i guess boss since idk he feels like a mercenary to me during this point :/) he succumbed to peer pressure and blew the podium sky high
meanwhile tommy being a very loyal protective person, who knew of the blade and was told techno is on their side, expected techno to do what he would do if tommy was in technos place (kill schlatt, free tubbo) but unfortunately tommys fierce loyalty does not exist in techno who again is still fairly new and lorewise have just begun to get to know both tommy and tubbo (he only has past connections with wilbur so he probs also mostly puts his trust and confidence in wilburs words)
tl:dr the real antagonist in the dsmp is and always will be the shitty communication skills the characters have be it in communicating their motives, feelings, agenda, etc etc
oh also for the whole prison thing
idk bout you but dream did save technos life and hes only sticking to his philosophy of an eye for an eye, p sure even if phil or niki refused to help he would still try to save the green teletubby
c!techno definitely is having a hard time garnering sympathy from a lot of dsmp fans mainly because he c!techno is very detached and doesnt form meaningful connections very easily (except ig phil and ranboo which is why emeraldduo and peerpressure duo are one of his most famous dsmp dynamics because it actually exists properly) while dsmp is rooted heavily in the bonds the characters make with each other especially regarding the s1 cast so seeing this character who seems to disregard everyone else will leave a sour taste in their mouth but as much as you hate it or love it, like what wilbur have said before on a reddit post, c!technos character is still consistent as lawful neutral (someone who does things mainly for their benefit/to further their personal goals with whatever is available to them without much care to whether or not its 'right' or 'wrong')
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I Make My Own Luck
The Arctic Circle. Frost clung to the Morrigan, and snow fell on her lashes. Her palm itched with anticipation as they docked. Haytham was silent, Shay helped her off, and the trio began the final leg of their journey accompanied only by the sound of snow crunching underfoot. “Are you sure, Master Kenway?” A crew member asked, eyeing (Y/N).
To which Haytham replied, “There’s no one else I would have at my side, sir.” His tone was not as annoyed as it usually was. Shifting through the snow was a tiring task as she had to bring her knee almost completely to her chest to get over the heaps. Haytham and Shay traveled with ease. Curse them and their long limbs. Keeping her wits about her, (Y/N) tested the range of her finger to her hidden blade in case the need arose, and repeated the tenets to herself as the mouth of the cave grew until it was large enough to swallow the Morrigan herself.
The opening stood before them, and it was Haytham who spoke. “We all know what must be done?” His eyes fell to her. “We do whatever we must to ensure the Assassins don’t get their hands any farther into the sites than they have. Agreed?” His eyes never left her, and it dawned to her that he was speaking to her. This was it. This was the moment where she would be turning against the Assassins. Joining the enemy.
“We do what we need to to protect the sites.” She nodded, and Haytham turned to face the caves. “After today, they will never be disturbed again.”
“After today, these sites will never be disturbed again.” Shay repeated, and they headed in. Towers of ice and walkways of glass reflected their stern faces as they hurried through. One walkway made her dizzy. A single path with death drops on both sides. Shay was behind her, Haytham in front, and she noticed him wavering. Not caring if he would stab her and throw her off the bridge, she slid her hand into his and lead the men across. Once on the other side, Haytham released her.
Running into a clearing, they found Achilles and Liam in the midst of conversation. “Shay was right.” Disbelief colored Achilles’s tone and they turned when the trio entered. Both men stared, and (Y/N) gulped as Achilles’s eyes landed on hers and he glared. Liam on the other hand was far worse. His eyes hardened once they found hers, and never left. It was like he was judging her, was hurt, and wanted her to know.
Before she could open her mouth to apologize, Shay called, “So you finally admit I was right?” Though his hands were relaxed by his side, she could see his fingers itching to use his Hidden Blade.
“Such arrogance.” Achilles growled, and Haytham took a step, his hand on the hilt of his sword so all would know his intentions. He did not come here for idle chat.
“Yes, we’ve been working on that.” He responded, stone faced though his tone was playful.
“So, you’ve sided with them.” Liam spat, eyeing Shay and then her. Those eyes once filled with such kindness now held venom. (Y/N) felt very small.
“The only side I have is for these sites.” She responded.
“What are you going to do, Liam? Shoot her in the back?” Shay growled and the men regarded each other. (Y/N) and Haytham inched closer, feeling Shay’s wrath.
“Shoot you? That was Chevalier.” Liam rose a brow, then quickly reached for his own gun. “I don’t miss.”
“Stop!” (Y/N) pushed Shay behind her. One hand pushing on his chest and the other outstretched to Liam who was being held back by Achilles. “That thing goes off, we all suffer.”
“You’d protect him?” The gun pointed at her wavered. For once, the room went silent. The only noise was the breathing of the party, and the crack and groan of the ice.
“Yes.” Puffs of vapor left her lips. Slowly, Liam lowered his gun, but continued to glare. “We all know the nature of these sites now. Let’s leave them be. If it’s a fight you desire, let’s begin it outside.”
“Stand down, Liam. We have the Manuscript. We’ll find the others.” Achilles was saying, and she intervened.
“About that.” She beckoned. “I need it back.”
“What?” Achilles was aghast, the offense coloring his face and tone. “You insubordinate little girl.”
“I��ll take it back, Achilles. Hide it where none may find it.” She could see the resolve abandoning him. Any thought that this might end peacefully began to ebb from her mind. “Must this always end in violence?”
Achilles seemed to think about it. Growing, he took the Manuscript from his pocket and held it out. Looking away as if the act disgusted him, he eyed the site. (Y/N) looked at Shay. His mouth was set in a hard line, and he shook his head. Placing a hand to keep her back, Shay strode up the steps, hand outstretched. Liam stepped down to give them room, and took his place beside (Y/N). She tried looking at him, but he wouldn’t look at her.
“Thank you, you don’t know-” Before Shay could finish, Achilles struck. Like a striking snake, Achilles whipped his pistol to Shay’s temple. (Y/N) wasn’t aware she’d screamed until Liam sprang to hold her back.
“Mentor!” Liam was just as shocked as her. Grunting to control her, he span around and crossed her arms around herself. 
“Liam, let me go!”
But he ignored her, staring at his best friend shaking under his Mentor. “Mentor! Don’t do this.” Liam’s arms were binding her, and fighting against him only made him tired. (Y/N) wilted.
“Never trust an Assassin.” Haytham growled, hand resting on his own gun. Calculating if he could get a shot before Achilles could, and wondering what that would do to the room they were in.
“I’ve wanted to do this a long time, Shay.” Achilles pressed the gun to his temple, making Shay flinch. His eyes never left hers. “After all you’ve done. It is a pleasure saying goodbye.”
“Close your eyes, (Y/N). Alright? Close your eyes.” Shay said softly, like they were the only people in the room. “It’ll be just fine, my love”
It would. (Y/N) couldn’t tear her eyes away from Shay’s. Her mind was moving too fast, jumping from idea to idea until it finally landed on...“You can’t read it without me, Mentor.” The room went silent. Achilles froze. “Trade me for Shay.” Liam tightened his hold on her, and even Haytham took a step between them. (Y/N) pried herself from Liam’s grip and moved Haytham over. “How will you find the other sites without me?” Achilles eyes were glued to hers, and she spoke only to him. If this was what would save Shay, then she’d do anything. “Can’t use Franklin’s machine, it’s broken. That means I’m your only way.” Sensing the Mentor contemplating this, (Y/N) disengaged her hidden blades, dropped her blade, and her guns. They clattered on the ice. Climbing the icy steps slowly, she kept her eyes on Achilles.
“No, no, Achilles.” Shay’s voice was raising the closer she got. But Achilles was no longer interested in him, and it showed. His words became frantic. “I swear to God if you take her, I will not stop until I hunt you down. Do you hear me?” Shay vowed, and Achilles kicked him down the steps where he landed in a pile at Liam’s feet. Helping him up and dusting him off, the pair rolled their shoulders and judged the scene. Standing together like this, she could see how they were trained the same. Shay was a bit more lithe than Liam, but the way they moved was similar.
“Little girl, do you know what I’ve lost because of you and your crusade? You’ve undone years of work, and the foothold the Assassins had is lost.” She’d reached him now, and his gun was pointed at her stomach. “Can’t think of a better way to fix that than with your help restoring the rest of the sites.” Grabbing the back of her neck, Achilles moved her farther past the hovering artifact and towards a smaller, secondary tunnel. (Y/N) complied. At least the guys would be safe.
“We’re leaving. Anyone follows us, she dies.”
“It’s fine. I’ll be fine.” She stared at the secondary tunnel. Her eyes went to Haytham, and the hand hovering over his gun faltered. Liam put a hand on Shay’s shoulder, holding him back, and (Y/N) prayed he wouldn’t do anything stupid. (Y/N) trembled and allowed Achilles to walk her out. 
The artifact grew nearer and nearer. Her plan coming together. When they were beside it, (Y/N) pretended to stumble on the ice. Achilles lowered his weapon to help her, and that’s when she kicked it. The artifact shattered on the floor.
The ice fortress began to quiver and shake, and the floor between her and the men fell apart. She heard someone calling her name, but she couldn’t tell which one yelled it. Achilles grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, but the shaking ground ruined his balance.
That was all she needed. Smashing her head backwards, she was rewarded with a crunch and managed to grab the Manuscript from his hand. Achilles took a step back and raised the gun. The ground shook again, and his balance left him. She ran.
This hall was smaller and reflected back her fear etched face. The echoing steps of Achilles behind her panicked her heart as it sounded like a hundred of them pursuing. Pushing forward and losing her footing on the shaking ground, she found the mouth of the cave. Picking herself up, she ran until her stomach pained and her heart felt it would explode. The Manuscript heavy in her hand, she saw a piece of ice descend slowly over the mouth.
I’m not going to make it. I’m not going to make it. This cave will be my tomb.
Diving and praying for luck, she slide through the opening with time to spare and rolled head over heels down the snow. Snow soaked her back and the sun above blinded her. In her state, her mind had no direction, so she rolled to all fours and crawled in any. Just far from the mouth of the cave. That’s all I need to do.
A grunting behind her alerted her of company, and she already knew who. Raising to her feet, she faced Achilles. Manic eyes, a foaming mouth, (Y/N) couldn’t recognize the man before her.
“There was a better way, Achilles, you just wouldn’t listen.”
“That Templar got into your head. If your ancestors could see you now, they’d thank me for what I have to do.” Achilles bounded for her, and she readied herself for a fight. He was stronger but she was faster. All she had to do was keep the Manuscript from him.
Circling one another, (Y/N) realized they were beside the Morrigan, she could see it in the distance. Achilles stood between her and home, and that thought returned fire within her. “I am so sick and tired of people like you perverting what Altair stood for. He would’ve wanted us to work to protect the people, and you would use his name to cause harm. You don’t deserve to wear the title of Assassin.” Her words striking a cord, Achilles rushed her. Allowing him, she side stepped and kept control. He was acting out of emotion, but that was shifting. Her footwork, her actions, were placed in fact. Rolling around his shoulder, she clipped the back of his head with her elbow, then kicked in his knee. “Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent.” Achilles fell into the snow, but turned to punch. Stepping back, she raised her fists. “Even if another sheds blood in your name, your hands are also stained.”
“High and mighty!” Achilles leapt, and she fell back into the snow. Allowing the momentum to let her roll, she slid him off her and crouched. Achilles was shaking the snow from his arms and legs, and struggled to stand. “Allow me to teach you that even the mighty fall.”
Spitting a mix of blood and spit from her mouth, (Y/N) wiped her lips with her sleeve. “Hide in plain sight. We Assassins protect the world from the shadows, Achilles. We do not shake it’s foundation to win a war not worth winning.” Achilles rushed her. Grabbing her waist, he punched her face. The first caught her skull and made her vision blur. The second caught her jaw and made her thoughts skip and eyes swim. Strong hands went to her neck, and she felt the pressure as he began to strangle her. Breathing cut off, (Y/N) struggled.
The additional weight caused her to sink deeper into the snow. It crept into her clothes and chilled her to the bone. She had to get out of here. Allowing him the hits and gritting through it, she wiggled until she freed a fist and punched Achilles in the manhood. He fell off her. (Y/N) staggered to her feet and kneed the old man in the face. Coughing, gasping, and spitting out blood, she drew her leg as far back as it could go before releasing her pent up frustrations on him. His head flew back, blood spattering over the snow.
Panting, he kept his head down and (Y/N) kept her distance. “Finally,” She coughed, the air burning her throat. This was no time to keep track of injuries. The fight wasn’t over yet. Achilles needed to stay down.
Unfortunately, her vision was blackening, and her eyes were losing focus. “Never compromise the Brotherhood.” She spat blood. Droplets colored the overturned ice. Her voice was a yell now, rebounding off the palace around them. It reminded her of home, reminded her of Masyaf. Reminded her of Altair, and all the evil done in his name. The thought alone ignited a fire deep within her heart, and tears streamed down her cheeks. “By your tutelage, you’ve poisoned the Brotherhood of the Colonial Rite. You’ve polluted everything we strive for! Killed many in the name of our creed! Turned brother against brother! And for what?” She spat, her head swimming. Faltering a step, she took a knee into the snow, allowing herself some rest. Achilles hadn’t moved. “Because of this, Achilles Davenport.” The crunching of snow sounded to their right, and Liam put his hands up. (Y/N) continued, undisturbed. Good for Liam to be here. She needed a witness. “I strip you of your title, your weapons, and vestments. Not even a novice, you are an Assassin no longer.”
"Liam, please, help me.” Achilles coughed, and (Y/N) looked at her friend. Her old friend. Liam was frozen. “We don’t know what Shay has told her. Don’t you see? We can turn this around!” Achilles rolled to his side. His face was beginning to bruise, and the blood sprayed from his mouth when he spoke. Red covered the snow so much so that one could read their paths in battle without needing to track their steps. He captured Liam’s eyes. Liam’s gaze shifted between her and Achilles, but lingered on his Mentor. “Everything we’ve lost will not have been in vain.” Liam pondered this and conviction entered his eyes. (Y/N) felt her eyes tear. She was going to die here today. Liam was nodding, and began to approach. Achilles, happy his student was understanding, relaxed and laid on his back, looking triumphant.
Liam approached slowly, stepping closer to her. (Y/N) tried taking a step back, but her legs gave out. Leaning against a shelf of ice, she tried to formulate a plan against Liam. 
And couldn’t. 
His gentle eyes were the first she saw when she came here. Liam was, and had always been, her friend. Fighting Achilles meant something. Achilles stood for the wrong he’d done the Brotherhood. Liam? He was an Assassin learning from his Mentor. He was a good guy. 
A sigh of defeat escaped her, and the blackness ringing her vision closed slightly. Liam took another step, and Achilles laughed. Liam said, “When I first joined our Brotherhood, Achilles, you told me it was our job to protect innocents. No matter the cost to ourselves. I think I’m beginning to understand now.” Liam’s eyes slanted, his expression darkening. “What’s one death if it saves the rest of the world?” Liam said, focusing his eyes on (Y/N). Achilles had his age working for her, but Liam was strong, fast, and had all his weapons. (Y/N) tensed herself for another fight, but the action alone weakened her. In steps, he would have her. One bound, and he’d be atop her.
“I am proud of you, my best student.” Achilles was looking at the ship when Liam winked at her, and returned his look to the Mentor.
“I suppose that’s why Shay thought I’d make the best distraction.”
A cry from above made her and Achilles look skyward. Liam pulled her into his arms, covering her head at he dove them away. Her face buried against his chest, and she felt the final crumb of her energy leave. He smelled like mint. Snow crunched on her face, leaving her skin raw. Grunts and shouts sounded behind them, and Liam held her up. A safe distance away, she allowed him to support her as they watched Shay wrestle with Achilles. Haytham pointed his gun at the man. Once properly beaten and on his knees, Achilles glared up at Shay. “You’ve become a monster Shay. Come to finish what you’ve started?”
“That may be so, but I wear that mantel proudly.” Shay placed his gun back to his hip. “But you’ve no students now. No Brotherhood. You’ve been ended in the way that matters.”
“Not to me.” Striding up, Haytham shot and everyone leapt backwards. A scream filled the valley. Achilles clutched his knee. Haytham seemed unaffected. “Remember what happened here.” Haytham growled and turned on his heel leaving Shay to stare at his old Mentor before following after his new one.
“How are you?” Liam asked her and she nodded. Exhaustion set in, the fight leaving her system, and the weight of the Manuscript. Not trusting her words, she nodded. Liam secured his hold on her and moved her away from Achilles line of sight. “Let’s get that head looked at, aye lass?”
Haytham looked over his shoulder to the broken Achilles and shrugged, again bored of the ordeal. His dark eyes flickered intensely up and down her state. “If anyone is going to end you, it’s me, and not before we’ve had our rematch.” He scoffed, returning his weapons and looking back to the Morrigan. “Are you well?” His tone was short, clipped.
Heart warming, (Y/N) smiled. “I’ll be fine.” She breathed, watching the corners of the Templar Grand Master’s mouth pull up. “Thank you Haytham.”
He looked back over all of them. His genuine smile turning into a smirk. “Assassins and Templars working together. Who would’ve thought?”
“I quite enjoyed it. Wouldn’t mind making it a habit.” Liam chuckled. Haytham didn’t frown.
“What will you do now?” She looked up at Liam, and he shrugged. His gaze went to his Mentor, laying motionless in the snow, and he flinched away.
“The Brotherhood is broken.” He responded, “Someone has to put it back together again. Correctly this time.” He paused, returning his gaze to her. “I’d say it would mean a lot to have my friend beside me while I do so, but,” he looked at Shay and extended a hand. Shay stared at it a moment before taking it with a boyish grin. “I suppose there are more sites that must be found and protected.”
“There are.” She said and Liam helped her into Shay’s arms. His arm secured her waist and she leaned against him. Her head thudding against his chest. “Might need help translating the Manuscript.”
“Depends. You gonna lose it again?” Shay wagged it in the air, fanning her face, before handing it over.
“How did you?” Grabbing it from his hands, she moved it from her outside pockets to her inside one. She’d have to make a bag or secret place for it later.
“Maybe this was a good thing.” Shay continued, and they looked at him like he was crazy. “I mean, Assassin and Templar relations can only get better.” His hold tightened.
“Is that what you two have been calling it?” Haytham asked. Liam, Shay, and (Y/N) stared at one another wide-eyed, until Liam exploded in a fit of laughter. Shay turned bright red and (Y/N) spluttered. “But you’re right,” Haytham continued, his smirk deepening. Finally interested in the conversation, Haytham was enjoying himself. “Perhaps between the four of us, this war can end.”
“I know it will. I, for one, have seen enough for one lifetime.” (Y/N) groaned and Shay rubbed her arm.
“Let’s get her back to the Morrigan. Can you walk, love?” Shay’s lips brushed against her ear. Shaking her head, Shay handed Liam his guns and lifted (Y/N). Carrying her to the ship, her eyes fluttered closed. The crunch of snow accompanied them back, and she could imagine what her guys looked like. 
"Have the Manor running by the time we come to visit.” She mumbled, listening to Shay breathe.
“May it be soon.” Liam paused. “Better get him to a doctor.” Oh yea, Achilles was still in the snow.
“Until we meet again, Liam.” There was a clap on Shay’s back.
“Wouldn’t that be your luck, Shay.”
“I make my own luck, Liam.” (Y/N) impersonating Shay caused both Liam and Haytham to laugh.
Shay pouted. “Yea yea, let’s get outta here before we freeze to death. Can’t have our new Brotherhood ending before it begins.”
“Til we meet again, Master Kenway.” Liam’s voice grew farther away, his footfalls growing distant.
“Not if I meet you first.” Haytham responded. The sound of their footfalls on dull board indicated that they’d reached the ship. “Here.” Haytham said softly. A door opened and then swiftly closed. They were probably in Shay’s room. “I’ll get some ice and make some packs. Tilt her head up like this.” Shay eased her to the bed, and she felt her head propped up. “Keep her awake. I’m grabbing medicine.”
“Thank you, Haytham.” The door closed, and Shay’s breathing hitched. Wavered. Halted. (Y/N) fought to crack open a lid then another. Tears trickled down Shay’s face, and he’d lowered his hands into his prayer hands. Mouth moving but no words being sound, (Y/N) waited until he was done. When his eyes opened and found hers, she smiled.
“Are you ok?” She asked, feeling like her head weighed a thousand pounds.
Shay’s tears began anew as he threw back his head, and his chuckle echoed off the walls. (Y/N) winced at the sound. “I’m-I’m sorry.” Shay said softly. Kissing her temple, she leaned against his chest again and he stroked her hair as they talked. “Just hate seeing you like this.”
“What choice did I have?” She asked, and he kissed her temple again. It made her feel better.
“I didn’t want you to make that choice.” Shay’s voice dropped to a whisper and, he cradled her in his arms. She felt her lids growing heavy. 
“You would’ve done the same thing.” She yawned, fighting the urge to close her eyes. Everything hurt. “I heard what you called me. Didn’t you think I’d feel the same?”
Shay’s fingers never stopped, neither did his kisses. “I lov-” 
The knocking cut his sentence short. Haytham arrived shortly after and instructed Shay on how to hold her. “How are you feeling, Mistress Cormac?” He smiled, a true, kind smile. (Y/N) almost didn’t recognize him. Maybe she had to get almost beat to death on a regular basis. “Take these, you’re going to be asleep for a while. These are for pain, but Shay is here and will ensure you get them so don’t worry yourself. This,” Haytham placed a cloth filled with snow on her eye, her cheek, and her head. The relief was instantaneous. Groaning a thank you, Shay gave her the medicine, some water, and her eyes went heavy. “Rest well.” Haytham told her, and she was out.
When she awoke, she felt....great. Bruises had begun to heal, and her head felt better. The stitches on her eyebrow were removed and left her with a scar. Shay was laying in the bed beside her, his nose buried in a book.
Humming and burying herself in the crook of his arm, (Y/N) kissed his ribs and was rewarded with a giggle. Hm, it appeared Shay was ticklish. Must abuse that knowledge in the future.
“Hey!” Shay giggled, shimmying away before looping his arms around her and pulling her near. “Maybe I liked you better when you were sleeping.”
“Hm.” She chuckled, wincing a little. Her ribs still hurt. Shay reached over and grabbed her some medicine and water. When those were downed, she relaxed against him, his arms still around her, and gazed at him. “How long was I asleep for?”
“Only a day.” Shay smiled, happy that she was more herself. His eyes were gentle and he liked the look of her in his arms. “We’re heading back to the Colonies.”
“What happens next?”
Shay sighed, lips pursed. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather rest? I could read to you.” But she was already shaking her head. Shay sighed again, defeated. “First, we’re dropping off Haytham. He has work there and asked if I’d help him.” Shay paused, cheeks growing red. “I declined.”
(Y/N) rose her brows. “Why?” After everything Shay went through to become a Templar, it didn’t make sense to just...leave. 
“Do I really need to say it?” Shay chuckled, growing redder. (Y/N)’s grin grew. She was beginning to understand, but she just wanted him to say it. “I-I suppose I found a better calling.” His eyes flickered down to hers before looking back to the ceiling. “With you.”
“Oh.” She laughed softly, pulling herself up to kiss his cheek. 
“I love you.” Shay said, like he’d practiced those words a thousand times and would say them thousands more.
“I love you too.” Suddenly, Shay pulled at her and their lips met. Lips soft, delicate, and passionate. (Y/N) rolled on top of Shay, and sat at his waist. 
“Good.” Shay whispered, tracing his fingers over her cheek when they pulled apart. Eyes watching her like she was art. “Otherwise it would be embarrassing. Me leaving the Templars, you still an Assassin.”
(Y/N) played with his hands, chewing on her bottom lip. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that anymore.”
“Oh?” Shay twisted their hands to his chest and kissed hers while waiting for an explanation.
“After everything that’s happened, I suppose I see the Assassins in a different way. They can be corrupted, and no one is there to keep them in check.”
“Except us.”
“Except us.” She repeated, “But we’re going to need more people.”
“Are you suggesting we go rogue?” Shay wiggled his brows. “Who are you and what have you done with my love?”
“Oh hush.” She lowered herself to his face. Their lips a breath apart. “Rogues. I like that name.”
“As do I.” Shay grinned, appreciating her nearness. “What other work would you like to discuss, Mistress Cormac? Or are you satisfied with the way the world is?”
“Momentarily.” (Y/N) grew serious. “Though there is one thing we need to discuss.” Shay’s smile dropped, and he looked concerned. Her grin grew and she wiggled her hips. 
His eyes darkening, cheeks growing red, Shay’s grin copied hers. “Are you sure?” 
Her response was kissing him passionately.
Liam had assured them Achilles would live out the rest of his days under his watchful eye. He also promised to revitalize the Brotherhood and train Assassins again. Haytham bid them farewell at the Colonies, bowing low to (Y/N).
“Until we meet again, Mistress Cormac.”
“Haytham, I told you to call me (Y/N).”
Haytham thought this over, his shark grin reappearing. Adjusting his stance, and his hat, he smirked. “The next time we met, I’d imagine that shall be your true title. Why would I want to learn your real name now?” 
The Colonies were a smudge in the horizon. “Where now?” The wheel was heavy in her hands, but Shay was standing right beside her. The power of the Morrigan could be felt at her fingertips, and she planted her feet firmly. Just like he’d told her.
“Anywhere you want.” Shay whispered into her ear, watching the sunset. Hm, bed sounded nice, but how could she say that without him making a joke of it? 
“You’re distracting the Captain.”
Shay rolled his eyes and stood straighter. Wouldn’t want to wreck the Morrigan by flirting. The crew wouldn’t like that too much. Still, the enjoyment of bothering her was too overwhelming. Shay kissed her neck and shoulders, lips gently touching the skin. His breath caressing her.  (Y/N) pouted over her shoulder, and Shay resumed hovering over her. It was like an angel was watching over her. “Shay!”
“Fine, fine, steer the ship.” Shay chuckled. “Where would you like to go?”
(Y/N) thought this over. “Somewhere sunny.”
“Somewhere sunny it is.” Shay stood beside her as she tried to give the wheel back. With a shake of his head, he pressed his body against her, his hands over hers as he turned the wheel. Shay’s voice was soft in her ear. “Didn’t the Great Altair marry a Templar?” (Y/N) found her throat suddenly very dry, so she nodded. Shay hummed. “Good to know.”
Their course adjusted, they sailing into the sunset.
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