#cava prosseco and champange are basciall all the fucking same thing ur just not allowed to call something champagne if its not from
princemick-archive · 2 years
Omg please teach me about wine
actually I'd love to talk about wine pls what do u guys wanna know? ill like tell me basics but like pls ask away
so u got the basic most important info u ofc got red and white wine. then u got rose and sweet wine which by pretentious wine lovers isnt cosidered as real wine and then u have port and dessert wine. all these are made out of grapes.
all these grapes and different tho and if you're talking about wine u have two different ways of recogizing them
either ur talking the grape sort so for example chardonnay and verdejo which can also be a mixed so u can have like a sauvignon/verdejo wine which is two diff grapes in one bottle
and then u have regions for wines which for example is the rioja or the mersault region. you can have a chardonnay from the mersault region for example!!
and in those regions and in those grape sit gets complicated and deep but like so. the rioja region is traditionally for red wines because its a hot region in spain which means it gets a lot more direct sun and is so a lot more heavy in taste if you go to one of the specific regions lower and is a lot lighter in taste if you go higher in the mountains but they can all still be called a rioja. so you'll prob find a rioja tempranilo easily which are more heavy wines from the lower rioja region.
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