warriorstickers · 1 year
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Cavernclan, Year 2, Greenleaf
-> Burntheart is wrapped around Cherryfreckle while she purrs, feeling ready to burst with love for their litter of three kits. 
-> Reedburr is yowling about ticks in their den
-> Despite enforced nest-rest, and a well wrapped wound, Antburrs wound is looking concerning to the Medicine cats. They discuss what to do if the wound infection spreads. 
-> Humans dig up the clan’s camp, digging to the cave with a machine. Noticing the cats, they attempt to grab as many as they can. They cat-nap Glowfish, Antburr (who was too slow to run and was being protected by Glowfish), Pearpaw and Leafkit. 
-> Burntheart managed to protect Cherryfreckle and their new kits, along with Reedburr.
-> Cherryfreckle is devastated at the loss of her adopted son Pearpaw, and holds her new kits close, paranoid that all of her kits will be stolen from her. 
-> Leafbite did his best to protect all of his kits, but his old injured leg slowed him down. How yowls with rage over losing Leafkit 
-> Rattleripple is devastated at losing Glowfish, and understands how her mentor must have felt when the clan was attacked before
-> Oatsky has lost both her kits now, and is furious. 
-> Goldstar decides he has to uproot his clan again, in order to keep them safe. While everyone is scared, he orders the clan onward. They go on a long trip, doing their best to care for the kits, and take what herbs and prey they can.
-> When the clan asks where they are going, Goldstar gets a stormy and determined look on his face, simply responding “Home.” 
-> Talondrift finds a cow feather, and decides to put it in her pelt, hoping to cheer herself and the kits up. 
-> Cherryfreckle is struggling after giving birth, especially with moving the kittens. Her delivery took a lot out of her, and the area has remained painful. Rattleripple worries it might be infected. 
-> Burntheart, while trying to help his mate and of their kits, plus the clan, twists his paw.
-> Struggling with the loss of both of her kits, Oatsky decides to distract herself by cuddling up to Viktorclaw. The big tom obliges happily.
-> The clan is struggling to care for themselves and all the little kits, while traveling and coping with their losses. Many are reminded of the past, and Goldstar seems in a vicious mood.  Rattleripple is feeling stretched very thin. 
-> Talondrift, Yarrowfur and Viktorclaw range out to try and find some food for the clan, while the clan rests. They manage to find a few mice to bring back. 
-> Some of the older cats recognize the direction Goldstar is leading them, and are filled with hope and fear. 
-> Specklepaw is made an apprentice to Talondrift. He wonders if a warrior path is right for him. He’s become rather cold, but it’s really that he doesn’t know how to express his feelings. 
-> Tinypaw becomes an apprentice to Yarrowfur. She’s charismatic, and makes her mentor feel hopeful
-> The new mentors take time to train their apprentices, as they journey. 
-> Cherryfreckle has to scold Fishkit for being naughty
-> Briarkit gets praised for being good
-> Reedburr and Goldstar discuss where they’re heading, with Reedburr asking if this is the right thing to do. 
-> Nettleberry, Oatsky and Fallingfur range out to hunt. Oaksky spots a rabbit ahead, behaving oddly, shaking. They think it will be easy prey, but it manages to evade them. 
// Cavernclan is on the move!
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cavernclan · 3 months
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Destroying angel
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saltclangen · 9 months
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Introducing Cavernclan, specifically Downystar! Not sure how this occurred, but it did!
Anyway, TarantulaShark cannon! I was not expecting that to happen, they both had a very small mutual crush, so it was a pleasant surprise that they got together.
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moonpool-system · 1 year
How it started: Boy I love Clan Generator I sure wonder if we'll end up with any Warrior cats fictives from this
How it's going: The leader now wants to slowly rebuild an iteration of his entire clan via soulbonds and tulpas
he's SO lucky our headspace forest is humongous /lh
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ectocs · 1 year
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On watch
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lionblaze03-02-art · 2 years
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Updated sprites (Moon 5)
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lionblaze03-2 · 2 years
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Realized not enough of my art is on here and since I actively need the reference for Jaspershine. Here goes!
This is older art, from 2021, but. My art's pretty consistent nowadays so that's fine! These are characters from Ancient Ties : Twisted Bonds! From left to right, Claygaze(ace/aro, also our mc) Berrybranch(demi), Jaspershine (gay and trans male), and my favorite old people couples, Sleetfall and Toadfang(sleet is pan and toad is gay) and Molestar and Shroudedgaze (who are both gay)
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kipxan · 9 months
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posting this here so i can decide on a color palette for moonchaser (dude who's very important to the lore of rustletwig's clans)
the first looks too bland for some starclan-sent hero but i just do not care for the second palette at all. but nothing else i mess with looks right (advice welcome) so it's probably gonna be one of these two
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warriorstickers · 1 year
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Cavernclan, Year 2, Newleaf -> Yarrowfur and Fallingfur have gotten Greencough
-> Oatsky’s mangled tail has become swollen and hot to the touch. Glowfish and Rattleripple do their best to control it
-> Oaknettle asks Glowfish for advice about a dream he had
-> Leafkit asks Reedburr where kits come from. 
-> Glowfish, Rattleripple and Viktorclaw go out herb hunting for blackberries. Glowfish heads into the brambles, and very nearly ends up tangled in the brambles.
-> Cherryfreckle finds out she is expecting kits from Glowfish. The two share a moment, and Cherryfreckle hurries to tell Burntheart and their adopted son Pearkit. The news spreads through camp, and everyone is very happy for the couple. Goldstar is especially pleased, as these will be full-blood Cavernclan kits. 
-> Antpaw is made a warrior with the name Antburr. She is pleased to share a suffix with the former Deputy. She is Clever. 
-> Pearkit is made Pearpaw, and apprenticed to Talonripple. He’s become a bold young tom now, and gets along well with his mentor. 
-> Reedburr gets a splinter
-> Oaksky batts the moss ball back at Specklekit as they’re playing. She debates having more kits. 
-> Glowfish and Burntheart go and collect new moss. She congratulates him on his impending litter.
-> Rattleripple goes out to find herbs after several days of being unable to go out due to a storm. The soggy tunnels and lack of fresh air had made them grumpy, and Yarrowfur tries to cheer them up.  Yarrowfur starts a water fight from a puddle splash, and the two have a short water battle, before continuing their work.
-> Cherryfreckle is feeling huge, and comments to her mate that this should be a big litter. That Glowfish thought maybe 4!
-> Oaknettle tripped and caught his claw on something
-> Oatsky’s tail is healed, but the scars are permanent
-> Leafkit has a stomachache
-> Antburr saves Pearpaw from a dog while out on patrol with him and Talondrift in Hayclan territory. Antburr is badly hurt in the attempt with a broken leg, but is commended by Goldstar for protecting her clanmate. He tells her she as good as has Cavernclan blood. 
-> Nettleberry is charmed to learn that Tinykit really admires her. 
-> Burntheart and Fallenfur go on a hunting patrol. They manage to catch some prey. 
-> Twoleg activity has been increasing in the area, and some rumbles have been felt in the ground by the warriors.
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cavernclan · 1 year
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This was the final straw for Ridgeflood,and so Cavernclan’s attacks occurred 3 moons early
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 1 day
Warriors - The Sundering of the Clans
It began with the three Clans:
OneClan, lead by Firststar and Firstflower.
TwoClan, lead by Secondstar and Secondflower.
ThreeClan, lead by Thirdstar and Thirdflower.
The first sundering saw the creation of DarkClan (the Avari). They preferred the shadow and stars. OneClan became SunClan, for their beauty was akin to its golden glow. TwoClan became RavenClan, for they were renowned for their intelligence. ThreeClan became RootClan, for their slowness (although they typically called themselves SongClan).
The second sundering divided RootClan once more, forming ForestClan, who stayed behind. (Some from ForestClan later continued west and became GreenClan.)
The third sundering broke RootClan further, and those that remained founded GrayClan).
After Furstar's death, RavenClan was fractured into three: FlameClan, lead by Flamestar - LionClan, lead by Lionstorm - and YellowClan, lead by Yellowpelt. Eaglefrost ran off and founded ValleyClan. Lightfur started CavernClan.
Later, the refugees from ValleyClan, CavernClan, and GrayClan came and made BayClan.
Avari - DarkClan
Vanyar - SunClan
Noldor - RavenClan
Teleri - RootClan/SongClan
Silvani - ForestClan
Laiquendi - GreenClan
Thindar - GrayClan
Fëanárions - FlameClan
Nolofinwions - LionClan
Arafinwions - YellowClan
Gondolin - ValleyClan
Nargothrond - CavernClan
Sirion - BayClan
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snowfiredraws · 1 month
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My design for a Warriors version of Barbara Gordon, Breezewhisper. She joined CavernClan, alongside her family, when Batstar became leader, and grew up alongside Featherpaw (later Nightwing). After a freak accident rendered her paralyzed from the flank down, she continued to be a determined warrior of CavernClan, and went onto unofficially mentor Silentblossom.
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crater-clan · 1 year
Ⓒⓡⓐⓣⓔⓡⓒⓛⓐⓝ Ⓖⓛⓞⓢⓢⓐⓡⓨ
The Outcrater - the land beyond the crater, ex. Outcrater Cat
The Mooncore - place where the clan meets with their ancestors, the radiated core of the bomb that went off hundreds of years ago, ONLY leaders and medicine cats approach this stone, over time cats gain mutations with every visit.
The Radiated - any creature that comes from beyond the crater and is visibily radiated, it is part of the code to avoid these creatures as they can cause a horrible death.
The Atom Pack - A pack of mutated dogs that test their luck within CraterClan's territory. They are viscious and are keen to remember the scent of any animal that crosses them.
The Split River - The river that runs all the way across the crater, this is where CavernClan collects water and moss. They also hunt from this river whenever it's not frozen over.
The Rock Tumble - The only safe exit from the crater, all other attempts to leave the crater usually ends in death due to all the sharp rocks and items from a long ago time.
The Edge - The cliff that the leaders of Craterclan use to call meetings.
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lionblaze03-02-art · 2 years
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Nothing happens in moon 7 so.. (Moon 8)
Brookstar is expecting kits!
Crowfeather and Squirrelflight take Daisybelly into their relationship.
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