#cazza nose beans
finsterhund · 1 year
Wait is parsley the plant where people say it goes to hell and back because of how fucking long it takes for the seeds to germinate or something because I'm being told I gotta soak them in water for 24 hours 😭
Thinking about putting these guys into a little plastic container or something. They don't need deep root system I think(?) Also being told they don't need direct sunlight.
I want to grow mint too but I am afraid fjgjyjrjfjrjejgjejtjejre don't want it murdering my runner beans.
The thing that really prevents me from wanting a herb garden is I don't really use most so I feel bad about that. I need to look up what the HoD black forest ham sandwich meme herb is and see about growing those lmaooo
Thinking about it now I should grow wildflowers too. I have seed mix from like six years ago I wonder if they're still viable.
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finsterhund · 1 year
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The dollar store had a whole bunch of seeds for super cheap so I just sorta got some on impulse.
Obviously less sentimental than my beloved runner beans but might try to have a small amount of success with what space I have available.
Anybody have a preference for what I should try first?
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finsterhund · 1 year
My baby beans absolutely fucking love this heat though. All the little sprouts are exploding in size. I think next paycheck I'll need to get larger pots and replant the indoor ones and bring the outdoor ones outside.
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finsterhund · 1 year
Baby beans update:
I now as of writing this have four confirmed scarlet runner plants. Got the fourth new sprout just today.
I had to prune a leaf off of my first and biggest and favourite because it got stuck to a pest trap on the window but it seems to be doing alright in spite of that. Has yet to start vining around supports despite me giving it one to try out already and attempting to coax it onto it. Maybe it's way too soon. I have multiple trellis styles for them to choose when they actually start wanting to anchor themselves.
Been on the hunt for plant rooting hormone with no success. I don't want to have to buy it off Amazon but looks like I might :( I want to get into propagating cuttings as it's more interesting to clone pieces of a plant than waiting for seeds to germinate (blame all the fucking parsley my roommate wanted me to grow for his rabbits. That shit is boring as fuck. Things still haven't sprouted. So much of my limited window space is dedicated to parsley. I can't wait until it sprouts so I can stick it on the patio and give sprouting real estate to something that doesn't go to hell and back before sprouting. Then when I finally get to go to a garden center I see they're selling already established parsley plants and for fucks sake... Oof... Should have just gotten one of those and tried to propagate it to grow it out more. I know for next time I guess)
I got a mysterious plant at the store. No clue what it is but my friends say elephant ear and I'm losing my mind at what are the chances!!! I hope it is because of that. No clue how to take care of it. The only words on it were the barcode that said "tropical" so I'm just winging it and hoping it likes what I do for it. Here's a photo if you think you can identify it
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This mysterious plant looked sad and alone and fucked up like me so I rescued it. Repotted it and it seems to be doing okay considering I have no idea its care requirements.
My neighbor who's been super nice gave me random bulbs and seeds so I've got tulips I think. Roommate wanted to learn how to plant things so I let him plant one of the bulbs and it seems to be doing alright. Thinking about putting them on the patio in these little hanging planters I got from the dollar store. Not a flower man to be honest (blame my allergies and the fact that flowering can kill a potted Venus flytrap) so I'm less interested in having them in my room. But what I do like is daffodils. I associate them with my grade 3 teacher and I'm pretty sure the school planted a whole bunch of them in his memory so when I saw daffodils I had to get them. They're doing pretty good in a terracotta pot I got for them. I've been pruning off flowers and leaves when they dry out and it's been shooting up new ones.
I'm trying to propagate a blackberry cutting without rooting hormone and there's buds sprouting but no visible roots yet. Oof. I heard raw honey is a good rooting hormone alternative and I have raw honey so maybe I'll try.
I desperately want to propagate cuttings from beloved trees of my childhood. Since cuttings are clones it's like literally having part of that tree with me. But I'm so far away I can't collect cuttings. That's why I called my mom last night but she doesn't understand or know how to do it and didn't want to do it so that's a bust. Apparently willow is really easy to propagate and also really easy to make a bonsai tree so my immediate thing I will beeline to if I ever get to go back there is the beloved willow tree. Willow is so good at propagation you can make a steeped tea out of fresh willow growth and use it to propagate other plants! So if I ever get my hands on a clone of my beloved childhood willow tree I'll be doing that with the cuttings.
My mom might if I'm lucky passively try to get me acorns from one of my favourite childhood parks though so this is something at least.
Someday I want to do grafting!!?! Which is like propagating cuttings but more like a dark arcane abomination magic. It's where you take a branch or something from one plant and surgery it onto another plant. And it lives!!?? Yeah. Turns out that's how you grow fruit trees that don't suck. That's why my childhood attempts at apple trees never bore fruit (hahahahahahahaha look I made a funny) because especially with things like apples and avocados the seed you grow doesn't necessarily result in a tree that has those fruit. It's weird as fuck tbh. So you have to graft from a plant that does. Apparently there's possibilities for certain abominations. Aka different fruits on different trees. I think that's extremely cool but fucked up. kinda like if you got an organ transplant and it brought with it skills or talents or interests of the person the organ came from.
I want to get cuttings of the fruit trees from the Spot house also. So many places so many plants.
Mom also said there are oak trees in grandma's garden. More reason I want to go back there. What must the garden be like now? What survived? Hnnnn
I want to live in the farmhouse and restore the garden so bad. I'm more of a greenhouse guy so maybe I'd convert it into a greenhouse. Would be better in the long run for retaining moisture and overwintering.
Truly feel like I'm in my magic rock special powers era right now. Apparently I'm too focused on my plants and that I should be patient and that I'm expecting them to grow too quickly so hopefully the novelty will wear off to some extent so I can be more casual.
I'm looking for good full spectrum grow lights to use as bulbs for my main bedroom light. So far I've only found those weird purple grow lights. If I had sun emulation as my bedroom lights that'd mean I could grow plants anywhere in my bedroom and also it would probably help me. I just gotta make sure that having grow lights on all the time isn't carcinogenic, you know? I wish I could find one of those lightbulb splitters that's also a timer so it would switch from the grow bulbs to a normal bulb after a certain point. That would be the dream. Having my lighting situation automated without stupid smart bulb phone app stuff that dies after a year *glares at my previous setup*
Having bulbs that are enough for plants as the main light source of my room and being able to put plants everywhere would be nice I think. Imagining sunflowers and runner beans just all over the place. I'm having difficulty figuring out how to put hanging pots into my window but if I was able to grow plants anywhere I could just screw hooks from the ceiling and do that instead.
I wish I had so much more space. Like if I had an entire room dedicated to being a greenhouse. I want bonsai trees so much. Apparently the conditions I keep my bedroom make it more ideal for bonsai than people's homes which is neat. I also heard that if you plant a bonsai tree properly even after years it will grow into a normal healthy tree. So I could have bonsai of rare endangered or otherwise desirable trees and then upon my death they could be used in reforesting efforts. Or just put at my gravesite instead of a body.
It's sunny today. Happy because it's good for my plants.
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finsterhund · 1 year
I can't really find information on the internet about at what point should a young pole bean plant start naturally climbing/wrapping around supports so I'm anxiously preparing for some trial and error.
Like do they need to be guided onto certain support systems? At what point do I need to put down the first stakes of the trellis and try to get the little shoot to wind around it. Everyone explains how to make trellises and I already know how to do that. I wanna know at what point should the plant be seeking them out. Obviously I want the base of the plants to be thick and strong to support the rest of the structure and have a good intake of water and nutrients so I don't want it to happen too early and I'm not going to like... when they're still thin and small... Manually wrap them around a post or shit like that.
Also don't know whether I should be trying to maximize the amount of width of vining growth either. Like how far out in directions other than up vines may grow. It appears to be in inconclusive if cutting runner beans back encourages more pod growth or not. Obviously I'd like maximum bean yield but I mostly just want my plants to be healthy and happy. Especially in the case of the two that will be staying in my window as these plants are technically perennial and that means if I don't have to worry about overwintering survival I have new permanent companions. For all I know I'm being way too serious about it and these guys are going to be insufferable little demons that strangle anything and everything they are able to grow towards but coming out of a serious loss I just don't want their lives to be senselessly cut short. Witnessing the incredible spectacle of water and sunlight being enough to get these bright little sources of dopamine to come out of cups full of dirt has done wonders on my will to live.
Going to wait about thirty days before trying to push them into climbing supports and obviously I'm checking them every fucking day because I'm their father and I've quickly become attached to the two successfully germinated beans so far.
Also runner beans can technically pollinate themselves but pollinators stimulating the flowers is still important for maximizing pod growth so I'll have to get these plants off if they're going to stay indoors and I want beans. 😭 Literally saw a YouTube video saying to just fucking take an electric toothbrush to the flowers and.... yeah... I swear to god. A different person said to finger the flowers. 🧐
I have no clue the amount of healthy active pollinators near our building but hopefully the plants outside will make do. The flowers are beloved by hummingbirds and I fucking love humming birds so here's hoping they'll come.
Part of me wants to get more plants but I have no clue what. These heirloom beans are of important significance to me that's why I got them. I can't exactly grow other personally significant plants to me like blackberries, oak trees, crab apples, etc, because I don't have space for trees and bushes. The poor things wouldn't thrive after a certain point.
I'm not emotionally ready for another Venus flytrap I think. Still miss Shadow 😢 I guess if I saw one for sale I'd consider but I'm not planning to seek one out just yet. Maybe I'll try to find one of those brilliant maroon morphs. Red dragons I think they're called. I might intentionally seek out a pitcher plant though. Always wanted one but haven't seen them for sale in person since I was like 8 or 9.
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finsterhund · 1 year
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today I bring you another update on the baby bean.
Leaves are open, ready for the sunlight. Healthy green baby.
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finsterhund · 1 year
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an update from “today” (I guess yesterday now as it’s 4AM lol)
this is the same baby bean from the day before. As you can see, now green and brighter. Little baby bean is growing fast. Did I ever mention these guys if unhindered can get to be twenty feet high? Yeah...
Another sprout from the first round has emerged but doesn’t look so good so no photos :( The people I got the beans from said to plant them 5 centimeters deep but that was too much. These guys have leaves out but were still a couple centimeters below the top with roots coming out the bottom of the starter pots.
My second round of bean hopefuls I only put the bean three centimeters deep.
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finsterhund · 1 year
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I think the first round of bean hopefuls were planted a week ago. 
Every day I tend to them I say “baby beans are dreaming” 
but now, baby bean is growing!
This little guy was in the starter pot closest to the Cazza cuddle clone 🥺
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finsterhund · 1 year
Bro "Envy" apples are fucking nothing.
They're not offensively disgusting like "red delicious" but they're pretty much over glorified slightly sweet water. Basically no flavour or unique texture other than a vaguely sweet juice.
Literally no seeds either. Absolutely appalled. What the fuck did they do to this apple variety!? Cruel and horrible. It still had a somewhat average core but no seed development. Did they just pick it too early? Do these taste different if they're left to mature on the tree longer? God I will have to buy more of these bland boring forgettable apples just to see. Curse my stupid six thousand apple seedlings project. But I can't find any information on rootstalk attributes of different common variety seeds so I gotta do my own damn research (that's the reason I'm doing this by the way. Because there are FOR SURE differences otherwise everyone would root scion cuttings rather than graft them. But it seems to be forbidden knowledge online.)
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