#cbbp 24
whatmakesyoulove · 6 months
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Welcome the 2024 (10th) Cate Blanchett Birthday Project!
Every year, for the past 10 years I’m collaborating Cate Blanchett fans together in order to make something special for her birthday. And I am super excited to say that we have made 9 successful birthday projects together which has ALL arrived to Cate.
Cate Blanchett has influenced me and many more people through the years and this project is my way to say: Thank You. This year the project will surround MUSIC.
I think that one of the most influential things we have in life is music. Music is a tool to connect ourselves and to express things we cannot do with words.
This year, we will share a song with Cate. A song that means a lot to us and we want to tell her something with.
All you need to do, is to pick a song and send ONE sentence about why you chose this particular song.
The song has inspired you to go for your dreams just the way Cate does.
The song can help you express your graduate to Cate
The song can show how her words made you think or feel differently about something - and made you act a new way.
Some important points:
Send one sentence about the song only.
It can be a song in your native language but make sure you do translate the name
The final project will be a playlist that is all dedicated to Cate & A card with your sentences about the songs you picked.
THE FINAL PROJECT WILL BE POSTED ONLINE: So don't get too personal. Everyone who wants to see the project, will be able to do so. 
How does it work?
Send an email with your Name, Age & Country
Mention in the email if you joined any of the past projects and if yes mention the year
Send your picked song (with a Youtube/ Spotify/ Apple-Music link to it) & your sentence.
Keep an appropriate language
Letting you know the project will be released ONLINE
All projects should arrive until MAY 1ST, 2024. Send them all to the following address: [email protected] (the same one from past years) If you have any questions you can ask me here on the  ask box / twitter / email .
Who can participate the project? - Everyone who wants to.
Can I send a picture of myself with a happy birthday poster? Not this time.
Can you guarantee Cate will receive the project? - sadly not, but we will try our best to make this work.
Our work at the past years:
2015 – A birthday video by fans - 24 participants 2016 – A birthday book – 138 participants 2017 – A birthday collage – 43 participants 2018 - The art as we see it -  40 participants 2019 – The big 50: A fan video – 61 participants 2020 - A motivation book - 42 participants 2021 - The fans sing - 34 participants 2022 -  Motivational quotes by Cate - 18 participants 2023 - A book of Inspiration - 64 participants
Please reblog this post so more people will be aware of our project The project Twitter/Tumblr tags: CBBP / CBBP24
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whatmakesyoulove · 2 years
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Welcome the 2023 (9th) Cate Blanchett Birthday Project!
Every year, for the past 9 years I’m collaborating Cate Blanchett fans together in order to make something special for her birthday. And I am super excited to say that we have made 8 successful birthday projects together which has ALL arrived to Cate.
Cate Blanchett has influenced me and many more people through the years and this project is my way to say: Thank You. This year the project will surround INSPIRATION.
Cate is a huge inspiration for all of us. Her thoughts and ideas inspire us and also the way she sees and acts to create a better world to live in. The projects she takes on herself, her work for UNHCR are just the tip of the iceberg. Cate’s words are not just important, but motivate us all to act for a change.
This year, we will tell Cate how she has inspired us to do things in our own life 
Each of you can tell a small story *by writing* about how Cate has inspired you:
How she inspired you to do something specific.
How she inspired you to move onto something.
How her words made you think or feel differently abut something - and made you act a new way.
Some important points:
Text limit is 200 words.
The final project will be a digital book
THE FINAL PROJECT WILL BE POSTED ONLINE: So don't get too personal. Everyone who wants to see the project, will be able to do so.  
How does it work?
Send an email with your Name, Age & Country
Mention in the email if you joined any of the past projects and if yes mention the year
Send your written text.
Keep an appropriate language
Letting you know the project will be released ONLINE
All projects should arrive until MAY 1ST, 2023. Send them all to the following address: [email protected] (the same one from past years) If you have any questions you can ask me here on the  ask box / twitter / email .
Taking part in the project this year + special thanks: Cate Blanchett Daily, Queen Cate, Cate Blanchett Fan
Who can participate the project? - Everyone who wants to.
Can I send a picture of myself with a happy birthday poster? You can include that. but it can’t be instead of the project itself.
Can you guarantee Cate will receive the project? - sadly not, but we will try our best to make this work.
Our work at the past years:
2015 – A birthday video by fans - 24 participants 2016 – A birthday book – 138 participants 2017 – A birthday collage – 43 participants 2018 - The art as we see it -  40 participants 2019 – The big 50: A fan video – 61 participants 2020 - A motivation book - 42 participants 2021 - The fans sing - 34 participants 2022 -  Motivational quotes by Cate - 18 participants
Please reblog this post so more people will be aware of our project The project Twitter/Tumblr tags: CBBP / CBBP23
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whatmakesyoulove · 4 years
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Welcome the 2021 (7th) Cate Blanchett Birthday Project!
Every year, for the past 7 years I’m trying to collaborate Cate Blanchett fans together in order to make something special for her birthday. And I am super excited to say that we have made 6 successful birthday projects together which has ALL arrived to Cate.
Cate Blanchett has influenced me and many more people through the years and this project is my way to say: Thank You. This year the project will surround CELEBRATING OURSELVES. 
Cate is a huge inspiration for all of us. She believes in celebrating ourselves as WHO WE ARE. If it’s as a woman, as a man, as a queer, as whoever we want to be, and this project is about that. It’s about being ourselves and celebrating us as who we are, because that’s where our true power lies. 
This year we will create a fan cover for the ultimate Cate song “You Don’t Own Me” This is how it will work:
The amazing Maya has created an amazing piano cover for us. It is right here.
I want you to listen to the cover and sing the song! If you’re not sure, you can listen to Erich’s great intro here.
Then videotape yourself covering the song. You can create two different videos of Audio & a video OR make it in one. It doesn’t really matter
The most important thing here is that the Audio needs to be AS CLEAN AS POSSIBLE. Meaning: I want to hear your singing voice only! The playback will be in your headphones but not for me to hear it.  
If you are a dancer or a performer this section is to you: You can dance/ perform to the piano cover and I will add that to our clip.
Some things to get out of the way:
I’m not singer and I’m not expecting you to be ones. It’s just you making something fun for Cate! :)
The song is not very difficult, so if there are certain parts you feel you are better at, feel free to sing only them. Anyways, I promise I’ll edit it the way we will hear your BEST parts
This is also the first time I’m doing something like that, so be supportive and have fun!
How does it work?
Send an email with your Name, Age & Country
Mention in the email if you joined any of the past projects and if yes mention the year
Send your Audio & video as one / two files
Make sure we hear only your singing voice in the recording (and not the piano cover. A great way to do that is to put headphones on and listen to the piano over there)
Keep an appropriate language
Letting you know the project will be released ONLINE
All projects should arrive until APRIL 15TH, 2021. Send them all to the following address: [email protected] (the same one from past years) If you have any questions you can ask me here on the  ask box / twitter / email .
Taking part in the project this year + special thanks: Cate Blanchett Daily, Queen Cate, Cate Blanchett Fan, Erich, Abbey and Maya.
Who can participate the project? - Everyone who wants to.
Can I send a picture of myself with a happy birthday poster? You can include that. but it can’t be instead of the project itself.
Can you guarantee Cate will receive the book? - sadly not, but we will try our best to make this work.
Our work at the past years:
2015 – A birthday video by fans - 24 participants 2016 – A birthday book – 138 participants 2017 – A birthday collage – 43 participants 2018 - The art as we see it -  40 participants 2019 – The big 50: A fan video – 61 participants 2020 - A motivation book - 42 participants
Please reblog this post so more people will be aware of our project The project Twitter/Tumblr tages: CBBP / CBBP21
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whatmakesyoulove · 5 years
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The Cate Blanchett Birthday Project: 2020
Can you believe it? It's the 6th year I'm going full time with the Cate Blanchett Birthday Project. For those of you who don't know CBBP is a project I organized back in 2015 in which I wished to gather all CB fans around the world in order to make something special for her birthday.
People were very skeptical and didn't believe Cate could ever get our project, not even talking about responding. I am more than proud to say Cate received ALL FIVE PROJECTS and she was an absolute angle giving us responds.
That's here as a note for you: If you can dream it, you can do it. Just believe and make it into reality.
Cate Blanchett influenced me and many more people through the years and this project is my way to say: Thank You.
A little bit about myself: My name is Eden, I am 22 years old and I'm from Israel. I currently study acting & dramatic arts here in Israel in order to become an actress. It's my second year in the academy and it's such an interesting, unique experience that teaches you a lot about yourself. I'm a huge believer in love and kindness and I think that together we can make an impact. Therefore, this project is super unique to me: I feel like we all collaborate around one specific goal in order to thank – with no wish of return. Just give.
This year the project will all be around self-motivation, feminism & success.
Cate Blanchett is a huge inspiration for us all: she teaches us to be brave, to love ourselves, to DO things, to do things with no regrets, to work hard and not to think about what other people say. These are only some minor examples of the things Cate loves sharing with the world.
This year we will make a MOTIVATION BOOK in which we will write:
Something Cate motivated you to do and how does the process go
Some aspects that changed or influenced the way you think thanks to Cate Blanchett (related to feminism)
A special thing you did or contributed to thanks to the motivation Cate Blanchett gave you
A story of success that happened to you thanks to the motivation Cate brought into your life
Important points:  
You can choose one aspect only
The story will be written UP TO 300 WORDS
You can (definitely) wish Cate a happy birthday but if you won't follow the theme of the project you won't be included!!
You can add a small video / photo related
The project will be released ONLINE
How does it work?
Send an email with your Name, Age & Country
Mention in the email if you joined any of the past projects and if yes mention the year
Write the aspect you wish to write about
Share your project part
Keep an appropriate language
protect copywrites
The project will be released ONLINE
All projects should arrive until APRIL 10TH, 2020. Send them all to the following address: [email protected] (the same one from past years) If you have any questions you can ask me here on the  ask box / twitter / email .
Taking part in the project this year + special thanks: Cate Blanchett Daily, Queen Cate, Cate Blanchett Fan, Nelly, Dani, Mari
Who can participate the project? - Everyone who wants to.
Can I send a picture of myself with a happy birthday poster? You can include that. but it can’t be instead of the project itself.
Can you guarantee Cate will receive the book? - sadly not, but we will try our best to make this work.
Our work at the past years:
2015 – A birthday video by fans - 24 participants 2016 – A birthday book – 138 participants 2017 – A birthday collage – 43 participants 2018 - The art as we see it -  40 participants  2019 – The big 50: A fan video – 61 participants
Please reblog this post so more people will be aware of our project The project Twitter/Tumblr tages: CBBP / CBBP20
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whatmakesyoulove · 7 years
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It's the Forth year in a row I'm making this project!  Welcome to the 4th year of the Cate Blanchett Birthday Project! Every year, we gather Cate fans together in order to give her something special and fans meaningful for her birthday. The project had been very successful and throughout the years, we have made huge stuff thanks to you! we also got some really special answers by Cate and her surroundings. Our work at the past years: 2015 – A birthday video by fans: 24 participants 2016 – A birthday book – 138 participants 2017 – A birthday collage – 43 participants Cate recived ALL THREE projects.     This year I wanted to expand the project and the amount of people involving, so earlier this month, I published a note for you to join and help expanding the project. If you still wanna participate, the details are in here.
This year the Theme is ART
Since Cate is a very creative person, I was thinking of something that will connect her and the fans: "The arts are what we stay alive for, what we work all week for, what we dream about, what connects us, and indeed, what some would say makes us human." Cate Blanchett
How are we going to do it?
You can bring everything related to any kind of art you know, but it needs to be YOUR OWN work.
You can write a poem
You can draw something
You can write a small story (max 500 words)
You can play an original music (max 5min)
You can sing an original song
You can make a song cover
You can take a very unique picture
Your work should contain:
Your Name, Age and Country
A small description (max 60 words)
Your work MUST be unique
Protect copyrights
All projects should arrive until APRIL 10TH, 2018. Send them all to the following adress: [email protected] (the same one from the past years lol) If you have any questions you can ask me here on the  ask box / twitter / email .
Taking part in the project this year + special thanks: Maria, Cate Blanchett Daily, Queen Cate, Cate Blanchett Fan, Nelly
Please reblog this post so more people will be aware to out project The project Twitter/Tumblr tages: CBBP / CBBP18
Who can participate the project? - Everyone who wants to.
Can I send a picture of myself with a happy birthday poster? You can include that. but it can’t be instead of the project itself.
Can you guarantee Cate will receive the book? - sadly not, but we will try our best to make this work.
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