#cbs ghsots
AAAHHHHHHHH it's happening :'DDD
Peteee I want him to be here 😭❤️🥺
When was Sassapis ordained lol
Awww :')))
AAAHHHHHHH they're all there aahh :'DD
Lol hi Carol
Jay just like yep :) okay :)
Love him xD
I miss Pete though guys 😭
He deserves to be here he would love it xdd
Alberta there are closer chairs xD
Oh right lol wait she's on Isaac's side xD
Eh xD
Well at least they didn't have the until death or as long as you shall live part lol
I swear if we end on a cliffhanger of them not getting married I'm gonna lose it
Did the basement ghosts help the puritan lady because they were upset 😭
Y'alllll I knew it's the seeds you sowed but I'm stressed 😭 don't care they don't deserve it xd
Awww he wanted to come home :'))
As soon as that scene ended he really went ". . Nah I wanna go home, bye :)"
He doesn't look in good shape though o.o
Awww :')) 🥰🥰
LOL sir xD 💀
Awwww okay good he's here :'D
LOL Jay like "oh nice :D"
He's not still rough is he- okay no just talking about his entrance
Awkward I think that's Nigel's side lol
Ahh yeah that lol
I mean we can explain later and delay with the emotional consequences of it all xD
Nah okay it's chill lol
We're going ahead xD
Oop yep o.o
Ahh nice it is just leaving not being happy :'D
Awwww 😭😭🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺
AAAAHHHHHHHH y'all stop I love them and him so much 😭😭🥰🥺❤️
"Who's Donna??" XDD YEAH LOL
I mean we know but you know
Awww legally permissable kind :'D xD
LOL Carol o.o
AWWW :')))
Wait Isaac this better not be a realization but a reaffirmment
Just making sure xD
AWWW okay good :'DD 😭❤️
Thanks for coming in clutch and reassuring everything at the end Pete 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ the glue that holds everyone together for real <333
Aww yeah :') let's get them married <3
Although now I swear if they get interrupted by the ghost lady lol
It better happen later xD
AWW yeah :'))
Isaac I swear
Better say yes boy
I know you just got it reaffirmed so answer xD
Paused to save myself
Guys help
Guys help please
No guys please why would you do this to me xd
I think I'm talking to you guys guys help please 😭 xD
Making me go through this alone, not preparing me (I made that choice and I did not want to be prepared lol) xdd
Hold my hand guys 😭
Guys I SWEAR if you do not get married by the end of this episode
I just don't know about the likelihood of going back to the wedding again so I'm scared 😭😭😭
Like later in the episode I mean
Isaac I'm gonna kill you. I am gonna kill you. Just so you know.
Guys I can't take this. I can't take this
Sure have it be attempted revenge by the ghost lady 😭
Wait what if she's doing this o.o
Wasn't her power something funky? I don't remember if they said
Or also just like manipulating stuff somehow idk
Y'all I'm scaredddd
I need to unpause he's halfway through saying don't
Sick to my stomach
Guys help
Okay I'm doing it 😭
Jay XD
Wait no he must be seeing something else
Maybe something relating to the puritan lady?
Maybe he forgot something idk??
And as soon as he actually becomes an option Nigel decides he doesn't want him right 😌 right 😌
Guys I'm scared
Okay but an immediate reaction/other thing happening means a distraction so phew that's good that's easier
But hey Jay fits in for once xD
Jay I was counting on you 😭
SLFKFHS though xD
"Is this wedding voer yet" Jay 😭💀 XDDD
Real though lol
Me for real with this pain xD
Anyway you'll know when (well not anymore but yk) they start clapping lol xD
Explain the situation Sam o.o xD
Guys I don't deserve this
I don't
I'm going to kill you
"I really wanted this to work" BEATING YOU OVER THE HEAD WITH A STEEL PIPE.
And here I thought
That revelation
A good thing
I have been caught a fool
After all the pain I'm desensitized to it at this point 😭
Also I think I still believe they're gonna be together xdd
I just gotta make it through this lol
And then even if it doesn't end up okay at least I'll have made it through it xD
I wish I was in more shock like with Asher's death at least then I wouldn't be pausing so much 😭😭
Also I mean the pain of so many of my shows this season xd
Okay okay okay hoo I got this
Something missing
Better than someone else :'D
Also maybe you're just overthinking it 🥰🥰 right 🥰 right 🥰🥰
Yeah Isaac exactly 😭
Guys I'm sick to my stomach
I'm gonna die
I swear if this ends on a cliffhanger
I know I have like 4 minutes left but xd
Which when you think about it is like a quarter of the episode so :D I've still got plenty of time
Even if this would be the climax and that would probably be the falling action :')) I do not care :'))
Guys get me through this xdd
I need to talk less and need this scene to end because I decided to make it all one post when I thought it would be a good thing and this is so long now 😭 xd
The humor comforts me :'))) it'll be alright right guys :'))) right :'))
I hope y'all aren't reading this and shaking your head in pity 😭😭😭
I'm gonna die
And bring Isaac along with me guys
Sorry not sorry
At least leave don't leave me standing here watching this
I swear it better be that ghost lady
Girl did she step out to warm up or something and missed what happened 😭
Goirl o.o
Hetty and Trevor's faces xDD but also they're really sad faces 😭
Have you not noticed that Isaac is not standing here 😭
And walked past you to leave xd
Imagine if the episode ended on this lol
Although with the actual length image her just singing the entire of the song and everyone just sitting there in silence like 😐👁️👄👁️ for 3 and a half minutes XDDD
Y'all I'm hilarious
Anyway help me 😭
Girl I need you to stop singing
You have a lovely voice but stop
Okay at least we got to cut away
Okay I do not like this wrap up feeling that's starting in half of the word "Well" and one strike of strings :')))
I SWEARRR we better get a cliffhanger of it was all that ghost lady's doing
WAIT maybe she'll kidnap Nigel and the Isaac will realize he does feel that way about him o.o cliffhanger or not idk
Like takes him into the dirt and Isaac decides to go after him or something 😭
Wait that sounds so dramatic (take him into the dirt)
Nigel and Isaac Orpheus and Eurydice parallel/moment 👀
Okay anyway I actually need to watch now xD
If that doesn't happen I might write it though lol
I just know this girl has to come up SOMEHOW
So far Pete was the unexpected guest, at the actual wedding xD
I did not want to be here 😭
Y'all they broke up didn't they :'))
Pleeease tell me they just took a step back
I know they probably didn't but please I'll take anything I can get xdd
Aww Trevor :')) 🥺
He is the sweetest <33
Yeah I imagine 😭 xdd
Deserved Isaac I'm not even gonna lie
Kind and understanding how are we broken up or not 😭
Flower I'mma need you to stop talking right now
Hear me out
Chris is helping him grow
And we move on from this tyvm
Ik it's not about him anymore but idrc
Jay just on his phone xD boutta hear a wild sentence lol
Though they probably filled him in
Okay yeah today that's okay :')))
So how about it the future
There's no coming back from a conversation like this is there guys xd too serious to backtrack form
Okay yeah Hetty but also like he's kind of always known 😭❤️ at the same time
Guys I don't like this serious genuine wrap up music
Also like. I'm not saying settle or anything he there are only so many ghosts on this property xd
Okay yeah and that guy xD
Aww ayy yeah :D she got it right :')))!!!
Famously lol xDD
But yeah her too
XD yeah
Aww Sas and Isaac :'))
Ahh is Thor gonna do it too
Yep xd
Okay good glad we're being honest 😭
Kinda insensitive right now guys not gonna lie but congrats xDD
Also idk if it's gonna go well for the moment 😬
Awww Sam updating Jay :'))
Jay about to be like "?? isn't that kind of inconsiderate??" XD
Nah he'll probably congratulate them lol
And then we also have to be like "oh yeah and Isaac and Nigel (maybe) broke up" xD
Yeah big stuff going down xD 😭
Ayy the updates xD
Y'all are not gonna do this I swear 💀 xD
No offense but can we interrupt their wedding as well xD they literally just got out of a throuple they haven't even broken up with Nancy yet lol
Also Flower hasn't said that means she'll stay with him xD
I do not like Isaac's expression
AWWW yeah thank you Thor :')))
Also the way he said that just sounded so sweet and genuine :') 🥰🥰😭
Yeah Sas xD
They will I bet lol
Guys why xD
Isaac boutta be like "?? okay?? guys the frick???" XDD
"Yeha buddy good luck with that" SLFKDJS XDD
Jay having his world rocked right now like "who is this random guy you've mentioned??"
"He's very peripheral it doesn't matter" SLFJFHSKDJ AUVOEMSPEN??? XDDD
Well I mean he's getting married so it probably does xD
Please tell me this is before the wedding and we'll stop it
Agh gosh nope okay xD
Aww lol :)
Ope she's gonna mention the Puritan ghost lady and Sam is gonna know o.o
Yeeahh Patience her
OPE yeah 😳 she knows xd
This better set up a healing of their relationship xDD
It seems like it's just setting up a bad guy for next season though 😭😭
Ahh so Isaac is gonna get kidnapped
Maybe Nigel will go to save him and Isaac will realize how strong his love for him really is 👀?
Listen guys I really can't believe they'll leave them like this 😭 xdd
Also not them literally burying their gays 💀 xDD
Probably lol
I mean bc he's going into the dirt xD
Oh gosh Nancy xd
Why would you do this to me
Ahhh crap
We can't be compassionate a little bit and decide that since it didn't happen it doesn't matter xd?
I mean too late now really but you guys could at least feel bad and pull out of it while she kidnaps him lol
Wait this post is way too long one second o.o
4 notes · View notes
jmagnabo92 · 1 year
Fav Trevor gifs - Episode 1x1
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19 notes · View notes
jmagnabo92 · 1 year
Summary: The events of Alberta’s descendent through Trevor’s eyes & and the resulting aftermath of Hmoney’s coming out.
As Trevor and Hetty walk into his room to discuss the Nigel situation, he asks, "So, what's the play here, huh?  We're going to dig up dirt on Nigel?"
He knows it would be fun to find something to return fire against Nigel, especially since Nigel had been causing trouble since he moved in.
"The play is that we're going to give him exactly what he wants," Hetty states, in a tone that leaves no room for negotiation, which he would usually find hot.  "You're going to give him your room."
"But I don't want to do that."  Not to mention that giving into blackmail never works, but he doesn't say that.  Surely, Hetty already knows that.  "And who cares if he tells people?"
He certainly doesn't.  It's not like they could hide it forever anyway, and it'd be nice not to have to sneak out of his and Thor's room in the middle of the night or find excuses whenever someone wonders where they've been.
Hence, why he'd been suggesting that they just casually come out or not make such a big production of sneaking off once he started finding sneaking around tedious.
"Isn't it more exciting when it's hidden?"
He shrugs.  It definitely was fun at first, and it does make things more interesting around the mansion, but there were other ways to make it fun.  
"I mean, sure, but we can figure something out.  We can role-play."  He smiles and offers a specific role-play he'd been wanting to try.  "Maybe you're a mermaid and I'm the co-owner of a wholesale fruit and vegetable business."
"We're not doing Splash stop asking," Hetty says, shooting down his idea, again and walking passed him towards the door.  "Now, let's just go and talk to Nigel and get this whole thing over with."
Trevor frowns.  She really didn't want people to know that much?  It wasn't just a game?  
"Wait, I thought this was all just a bit that you did," Trevor states, stopping her from leaving and seeing the slightly confused look on her face.  "That you're embarrassed of being with me."  He laughs, hoping that he's wrong.  "I just thought it was playful... if a little mean... banter, but it's real?  You're that ashamed?"  
He's hoping that he's wrong, but as soon as the question left his mouth, he could see that he wasn't.  She really was embarrassed - it was real.  It wasn't just a game.
"Oh, how do I put this?" Hetty questions as if she hadn't just broken his heart with the idea that he'd been sleeping with someone that not only doesn't appear to care for him but is actively embarrassed of the very idea of being with him or of people knowing she was with him.  "I was a woman of extremely high status, and you got bombed at Mardi Gras with your Lehman brothers."
"Yeah, we did," he smiles at the memory.  Then frowns.  Wait a second.
"Also, the pants thing," Hetty states, annoying him further as she moves closer.  He notes that she looks down, and he can’t help thinking that she doesn’t mind the pants thing when they’re getting busy, or she can check him out.  It pisses him off, especially when she adds, "The pants thing is hard to get passed."
She knows that he struggles with not having pants, especially whenever Jay refers to him as no pants or the others refuse to listen to him because of it.  It was a low blow, especially since she knew now that it was due to being nice to Pinkus and saving him embarrassment.
He scoffs, upset.  "So, I'm not good enough for you?"
"Well, I mean, that's more harsh than I would have liked to have put it, but..."
He shakes his head.  Of course it was harsh, but it was obvious that is what she's saying.  He's not good enough for her. Well, he's worth more than being someone's embarrassing secret.
"Well, you don't have to be embarrassed anymore.  Because this is over," Trevor states, plainly gesturing between them.  
"What?" Hetty asks, genuinely surprised.
"No more hooking up, no more whatever this is," he states, plainly.  He was not going to keep pleasing her if she couldn't even handle their friends knowing that they're together because it's too embarrassing.  She could find someone else or do it herself.
Then he walks passed her towards the doorway.
"Oh, God, don't be so dramatic."
"I'm not kidding," Trevor states, as he stops in the doorway and turns back toward her.  "I was fine keeping it a secret when it was just 'cause it was hot, but this... this doesn't feel right."  He turns and begins walking away but stops to remind her just why he’s not wearing pants.  "And the pants thing was a hero move.”  Then he turns back around to leave, muttering, “Why does no one remember that?"
Turns out that Hetty Woodstone is quite the heartbreaker.
Trevor thought it was all a game, the idea that Hetty was embarrassed to be with him or more specifically, for others to know that they're together in whatever this is.  He should have realized that it wasn't a game for her when she asked him to say all those comments to Sam or when she seemed worried after what happened with Nigel, but to actually hear her say that she was embarrassed and humiliated to be with him had hurt him far more than he'd be willing to admit.  
It's why he hadn't hesitated to suggest that they could just come out or let Nigel tell the world.  Instead, he's feeling a lot more upset than he ever imagined.  It just sucked that Hetty didn't seem to have the same level of respect for him that he had for her.  He really was just a toy for her, a replacement washing machine and it hurts.
What hurts worse is that despite ending things - because there's no way in hell that he'd continue with her when she doesn't respect him - is that he still cares enough about her that when Nigel still threatened to tell everyone, he still gave up his room.  
He just couldn't stand the thought of hurting her like that, even if he was insanely hurt over the thought that she probably wouldn't give a damn.  Probably would expect him to do that.  
Thus, he lays morosely in his new room, hating every second of it, and wishing he could go back to that blissful moment before he knew that it wasn't just a game and Nigel wasn't just an ass that can't possibly understand not having power in the house.  
Why did that little British twerp have to ruin everything?
He's jerked out of his musings by Hetty.  She's probably the last person he wants to see next to that twerp.  What was she going to do now, rub more salt in the wound?
"Trevor, what are you doing in here?"
"Just hanging out in my new room," Trevor says, morosely.  He hates this room.  "This is the most time I've spent in the library since I found out Penn had Playboy on microfiche."
"Well, but..." Hetty starts, looking surprised.  "You switched with Nigel?"
Obviously, this is about that twerp.  God, he's starting to hate him.
Trevor shrugs as if it doesn't matter and sits up because he’s uncomfortably aware of how exposed he is when he’s laying down as he explains.  "Well, he said that he was still gonna tell everyone about you and I if I didn't give up my room."  He groans, still feeling stupid for even caring.  "And while I don't give a crap..." he sighs.  "I know you do..."
He doesn't have to explain that he did it for her because she gets it.
Hetty looks oddly touched and surprised.   "But ... you broke things off."  He nods because she looks like she's wondering if he's taking that back.  "Why, then, still do something selfless for me?"
Apparently, she still doesn't get who he really is.  The pants really are hard to get passed.
He sighs, deeply.  "Because, Hetty, that's just the kind of guy I am."  Unfortunately.  "The kind of guy you could've had if I wasn't such an embarrassment."
He words obviously have an affect on Hetty, but he doesn't want to hear a lame or empty apology right now – as if she even would - so, he lays back down and says, "Now, please leave.  My shirt's not long enough to cover my butt and I want to roll over."
The and you don't get to look at the goods anymore is implied so strongly that Hetty looks away, slightly embarrassed and leaves the room.  Good.
"Trevor, do you have a moment?" Hetty questions, some time later.  
Oh vey, why won't she leave him alone?  It's like breaking up or ending this whatever has made her suddenly want to be around him.
"Actually, Hetty..."
"Please.  I'd just like everyone to gather upstairs."
"Fine," he sighs.
He follows her upstairs to his old room, and notes that all of the ghosts are in the room, except the two of them.  Was that a snub on her part or had she anticipated that he would be difficult to get upstairs?  Deciding to assume the later for his piece of mind, he moves to the nearest side of the couch as everyone looks at Hetty since she gathered them there.
"First, I would like to thank you all for gathering.  I have an announcement to make."  Hetty pauses, chuckling nervously.  "This news will be shocking, so if any of you need to sit, please do so now."
As Pete sits, Trevor can't help being hopeful that this is what he wants it to be.  Has Hetty come around to telling everyone after all?
"Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?" Trevor questions.  At Hetty's slight nod, he asks, "Are you sure about this?"
"As sure as I'll ever be," Hetty responds, giving him a slight smile and gaining looks from some of the others in the room.  He returns the smile, happy that she's willing to do this, and that it means she's, at least, gotten over her embarrassment.  Well, that or she thinks he's worth it, which is a win for him.
"For the past three months, Trevor Lefkowitz and I have been engaged in amorous congress."
That was probably the most awkward to phrase it.  
Worse yet, no one seems to understand what she's saying since they’re all exchanging confused looks.
"Hetty's in Congress?" Flower asks, obviously confused.
"No, we've been scrumping," Hetty states, when no one seems to get it.
"Is that a dance," Alberta whispers.
This is the funniest coming out he’s ever seen.  
"Playing a game of nug-a-nug," Hetty tries.  Everyone is still looking very confused, and Trevor's struggling not to laugh.  "Must I be vulgar?"
He nods at her because clearly this isn't working, and she yells, "Fadoodling!"
They're still not getting it and it's no longer funny, so he goes up next to her and says, "Oh, for God's sakes, people! We've been doing it."
Everyone gasps, surprised.  Trevor can't help looking at Isaac, who's initial reaction was somewhat appalled, but it took less than five seconds for him to process as the others comment.
"Oh... I can't wait to find out who their third is," Flower says, excitedly.  
Trevor's not sure how to tell her that they don't have a third but is distracted by Sass.
"This is the stuff I should've known about.  You're slipping, Sass," he says to himself.
Done processing, Isaac does a small little wait gesture, before he does a little clap and says, “You finally found your stable boy.  Happy for you, Henrietta.”
Trevor smiles and then looks at Hetty, a little confused.  Isaac knows about Hetty’s interest in stable boys?  She shakes her head slightly as Nigel comes around from behind the others, obviously angry that the blackmail didn’t work.  
Hetty stops him.  “Enjoy the library, Nigel.  There’s a chessboard down there.  You may want to study it.”  He goes to leave, but she puts her hand on his shoulder.  “Because I just checkmated you.”
“Yes, I understood.  Thank you.”
“Good,” Hetty grins, then she looks at Trevor, obviously wondering if he’s proud of her, as she nudges him.  
He gives her a smile.  It didn’t erase this afternoon, but it did help quite a bit, so he smiles back at her.  Before he could suggest going somewhere to talk, Sass interrupts.
“Okay, we got to hear how this happened.”
Given what happened that afternoon, it was only fitting that he gets to tell the story.  So, ignoring Hetty as she rolls her eyes, he says, “Well, it all started on a very horny Hanukkah…”
“Oh, God…”
There were so many questions – particularly from Sass.  He wanted to know how they managed to keep it a secret and kept running through moments with them when it should’ve been obvious.
Isaac, on the other hand, finally interrupts Sass’ interrogation to ask, “What was that with Nigel?”
Trevor shares a look with Hetty, who explains, “He caught us last week and decided to try his hand at blackmail.”
“Blackmail?” Isaac asks, as Sass says, “NIGEL knew before me?  Damnit, I’m really slipping.”
“Hetty wanted to keep it a secret,” Trevor offers, leaving out why she wanted to keep it a secret – it still hurts to think about.  “So, Nigel asked to switch rooms, which I did, to keep quiet after he almost outed us to Sass –”
“Damnit!  Why did I believe you about the chocolate drawer?” Sass asks, clearly still annoyed.  “I should’ve stayed around and asked questions.”
“–and I decided that I didn’t care if everyone knew, thus the announcement.”
“But you did care enough to have Trevor cave?” Isaac questions.  At Hetty’s slight nod, “Why?  You could’ve just told me – it’s not like I didn’t already know, and I doubt that you were that concerned about anyone else’s reaction.  No offense.”
“Offense taken, man,” Sass retorts.
Not that Trevor’s paying attention.  He’s too confused by Isaac’s statement, and a look to Hetty says she is, too.
“Uh, Isaac, you seemed pretty surprised, so what do you mean – you already knew?” Trevor asks.  
Isaac chuckles.  “Hetty’s not exactly quiet.”
“But we were in the basement –” Trevor starts, thinking of how loud Hetty can get.
“Not what I meant,” Isaac says, putting his hand up to stop Trevor from continuing.  “I meant, leaving and coming back in the middle of the night.  I’m a light sleeper, you think I didn’t notice?”
“I was sneaky!  You should not have noticed,” Hetty says, obviously upset that Isaac had a figured it out because he’s probably the only one she was actually worried about.
Isaac just gives her a look.  “Obviously not because by the time you had him help get Freddie fired the second time, I was convinced.”
That was two weeks into their relationship.  
“Wait a second, but you looked very – extremely surprised,” Trevor states, and disgusted but he leaves that part out.
“Well, it’s just – I had my suspicions and it’s one thing to suspect and then have it confirmed with amorous congress, but then you said, ‘doing it’ and the image popped in my mind, and I needed a second to clear it.”
Trevor still feels confused by Isaac’s reaction, which Isaac picks up on.
“It’s like – you know you were trying to get your parents to have sex when they were here–”
Oh no.  He did not like where this was going.  
“– but it’s quite different to hope for or suspect than it is to hear for certain that they had sex and that most of the ghosts watched…”
“Including Hetty,” Sass adds, helpfully.  He gasps.  “Oh my god, you two were together when you decided to –”
“We don’t talk about it, okay?” Trevor says, cutting across Sass because he doesn’t want to be reminded of that event.  He hadn’t been able to look at Hetty like that for two days afterward.  
“I wanted to talk about it –”
“There’s not a lot of hard nos for me, but that is one of them, I didn’t need to know, and I don’t want to know.”
Sass is laughing at them.  “That is so weird.”
“Anyway, I get it now, Isaac.”
“I just don’t want the image in my head, that’s all,” Isaac states.  “However, I am happy for you both, but it appears that I need to talk to Nigel because the very idea that he tried to blackmail you both and that you decided to come out just to stop him –”
Trevor frowns.  Was that what this was?  Had she only done it because she wanted to win?  Was it not about him or his feelings at all?
“It wasn’t just that,” Hetty states with a glance at Trevor.  He’s not looking at her, so she grabs his hand to get his attention.  “It was time.  It was fun sneaking around, but we were always going to come out eventually.”
The conversation continued for a little while longer before they could get some time alone, but rather than go to the basement, they head out to the grounds for a walk.  They had some things to discuss that shouldn’t be distracted by sex, and they both know if they went to their room in the basement that they would be easily distracted.
Hetty is the first to speak once they’re a distance away from the mansion.
“I’m sorry that I was embarrassed by being with you,” she says, as she grabs his hand and gives it a squeeze.  “I should not have been.  In many ways, I still have some of that –”
“Yes.  I do and I shouldn’t.”
“I shouldn’t have been surprised.  You did call us peasants on Halloween, and you haven’t really changed that much in that regard since Sam arrived,” Trevor states.  “Unlike in other regards.”
He’s obviously talking about how much she’s changed since her dalliance with the washing machine and them getting together.  She seems to be open to exploring things with him sexually, but not changing things otherwise.  It just hurt that he was only good enough for sex to her.  Just that toy that she’d always been teasing him about.  
Replacement washing machine.
Despite coming out to the other ghosts, he can’t help wondering she does still feel that way.  Especially with the hint that she may have just been trying to top Nigel.
“Yes, well.  Honestly, I do believe that it is something that I need to work on.  Especially because you deserve so much more than that and the way I treated you today and I’m sorry.”
He can tell that she means it.  She does truly feel bad about the events of the day.  They turn and head towards the gazebo, still holding hands.
“You really mean that?” Trevor questions.  “It wasn’t just because you were trying to checkmate Nigel?”
“It wasn’t about Nigel.  That was just a bonus,” Hetty states.  “The truth is, after Elias’ vacation from Hell, I couldn’t help relating the two of you – in fact, despite learning about the hero move as you say, I’ve probably associated the two of you since you died.  Which is and has never been fair to you.”
Whether he wants to admit it or not, after meeting the man, he could see exactly why she would associate the two of them in her mind.  Even if he’s far different than Elias, there’s enough surface level similarities that he could understand.
“Although you’re far better than he is – and I hope he rots in hell forever –”
“So much for forgiveness,” Trevor laughs.  “Although he doesn’t deserve it and he never deserved you.”
“Thank you.”  Hetty smiles, slightly.  “Anyway, I – all this time, I knew you were different than your outward behavior would suggest, but I – I was just afraid to let things be more than they were – just benefits, as you would say.”
“And you wouldn’t want to risk telling everyone and being made a fool?”
“Yeah – yes.  Exactly, and despite your efforts for pillow talk and coming out, and the fact that it is quite clear that you respect me and my choices in this – whatever it is – I couldn’t shake that fear.”
“But you said that you were embarrassed by me.”
“And I was – I was embarrassed that I had feelings for someone who I didn’t think was capable of having feelings.”
“What?” Trevor asks, aghast as they reach the gazebo.  “You don’t think I have feelings for you?”
“You – you,” Hetty sighs.  “You’re always telling party stories about one-night stands and no attachment sex and here I was, and given how things started – I just assumed that I was a floozy to you, just like it was with Elias, and I – is this making any sense?”
Sadly, it was.  It made a lot of sense.  Except that she apparently had forgotten the chat during their fight about TV time and backrubs.  Which seems like forever ago now.
“Yes, it does make sense,” Trevor says, as they sit.  “But most of my stories are from college or just after college.  I thought the world was my oyster and your thirties were for finding the one and settling down.  Of course, I had a string of one-night stands, I wasn’t looking for something serious.  I thought I had plenty of time, but I’ve always been clear with my partners what I was and wasn’t looking for.”
It still hurts for him to realize that he’d only just started to settle down and look for someone to spend his life with only for him to die.  Why had he been so stupid?
“I thought – given our talk when we were fighting over TV time and backrubs that you knew that I wanted something serious if I could get it,” Trevor states, confused.  Sure, things had started fling-like, but he thought she knew…
“So, you meant what you said then, about what you wanted to be like?  You actually wanted a commitment?”
“I did – I do,” Trevor states.  “I mean, it might’ve taken you time to actually talk to me, but I don’t think you can deny that we’ve been rather committed here.”
Hetty chuckles and shakes her head.  “No, I definitely cannot.  Although to be fair, we don’t have many options.”
Trevor laughs.  “We don’t have to hook up either.  I’ve been perfectly fine for twenty years and you’ve been just fine since before you died since I doubt Elias cared about your pleasure at all.”
“He put me off the idea of it for a very long time,” Hetty states.  “Either way.  That’s where the problem lay.  If everyone were to think the same as I – that I was just another easy lay for you it would be embarrassing,” Hetty states.  She clears her throat before he can respond, and adds, “However.  You did something that I did not expect by saving me my embarrassment despite getting nothing out of it.  It showed me what I’ve already seen but couldn’t quite connect – if you know what I mean.”
“I do.”
“Thus, I realized that it was time and I know that it hurt you – and this conversation has probably hurt you, but I would like to … make things official,” Hetty states, clearly nervous, all of a sudden.
Trevor laughs, “Don’t you think you’re supposed to ask before you announced to everyone that we’re together?”
Hetty laughs.  “How else was I supposed to prove that I was not embarrassed by you anymore?  I had to do that first, I did not believe that you would have listened to me otherwise.”
“I wouldn’t have,” Trevor confirms.  “And I would like to be official, if you promise not to be my little heartbreaker anymore.”
“I think I can manage that,” Hetty confirms.
“Good,” he said before kissing her passionately.
So passionately that he forgets that they’re not in their room hiding from the world anymore, and only remembers when he hears: “What the damn hell?”
He and Hetty break apart to see Sam standing on the edge of the gazebo.  She looks quite freaked out.  He and Hetty glance at each other.  “Guess we missed someone?”
“Yes,” Hetty states.  “Uh, Samantha…”
“Hetty and I are officially dating,” Trevor states, plainly.  He wouldn’t be telling the Hanukkah story to Sam.  “It’s a long story, but –”
“We’ve been together for three months,” Hetty states.  “We’ve just been keeping it a secret.”
Sam stands there stunned for several seconds before saying, “Good for you,” and walking away.
Trevor looks at Hetty as she smiles at him, “Yeah, good for us.”
“Hell yeah, it is.”  He gives her a kiss, before saying, “Now, let's go celebrate.”
“Yes, let’s.”
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
It's A Twin Thing Ch 7
Trevor has the best birthday of his afterlife.
“So, tell me more about yourself,” Jeremy says, as he sits with Hetty a little off to the side from the computer where their parents are chatting with Trevor via Sam, who had wanted to be involved for some reason.  Of course he’s using his power to send messages to them, which helps.  
“Oh, um, I am Henrietta Woodstone.  I have lived at the Woodstone Estate for my entire life and afterlife.  I have been dead for a hundred and thirty years.  I was married with children in life, but my ex-husband who is rotting in hell means nothing to me –”
“I meant, personally.  What do you like to do?  What interests you?”
Hetty looks taken aback.  “Why ever would you want to know that?”
“How else am I going to get to know you?” Jeremy questions.  
“I thought you shared dreams with Trevor?  Would you not know about me through those dreams?”
Jeremy laughs.  “I only get vague ideas – I see the events and recreate them in drawings and paintings, but I rarely remember the conversations or information provided in them.  I just… remember the feelings.”
“The feelings?”
Jeremy hums.  “I remember how annoyed he was when you wouldn’t let him attend the dinner party.  I remember how delighted he was when your scheme to fool the house paid off.  And I remember how afraid and upset he was when you tried to send him to hell…”
“I did not mean it.  He was just an easy target to test on, we – we were not close then, and I would never…”
“Hetty, relax.  I know that he forgave you.  He wouldn’t be with you if he didn’t, which means, he doesn’t actually believe that you wanted to hurt him,” Jeremy states, plainly.  
While he and Trevor hadn’t discussed it, he knows his brother well enough to know that Trevor would never sleep with Hetty if he didn’t believe that Hetty didn’t truly want to harm him and had forgiven her for her attempt regardless of if she thought it would work or not.
Hetty relaxes.  “He was angry with me for a long time…”
“He had nightmares for a long time,” Jeremy admits.  “I know because I had them, too.  It’s one of those moments that was imprinted in my brain.”
Hetty looks down, clearly upset.
“But he forgave you when you proved that you had accepted him,” Jeremy states, causing her to look up confused.  “What happened with Ari,” he explains.  “You had seen a different side to him, you had been the one to bring him back downstairs to see what you all had planned, and when you apologized after that – for thinking the worst of him and for trying to send him to hell, even as a joke – he knew you meant it.  And he forgave you.”
Hetty nods.  “I believed him to be too much like Elias…”
“Because he puts up a front to protect himself…” Jeremy offers.  “Lying about his hero tendencies that backfired.”  She gives him a confused look and he laughs.  “Let’s just say that the night he died wasn’t the only time he did something that stupid with regard to his pants.”  She still looks confused, so he says, “He’s come home without pants several times – largely because after his stupid run of fun thing, he didn’t want anyone else to go through that.”
“Oh,” Hetty states.  “That is … perhaps he was destined to die without pants then.”
Jeremy laughs.  “I believe it.  It’s too bad that he didn’t believe in my ghosts’ stories.”
“Your ghosts’ stories?”
Jeremy hums.  “I always believed in ghosts, Trevor didn’t.  I used to make up stories about ghosts that lived in our house, at the school, at the mall… all the time.  It’s a shame I’m not a writer because I was extremely imaginative when it came to these stories, but I don’t really like writing, but I did draw them a lot.”  He clears his throat.  “Anyway, there were always common things about the ghosts – like the way you look when you died, which included clothes.  I always teased him that he should be more careful about walking around without clothes on because he could become a naked ghost.  Can you just imagine that?”
They both laugh.
“Are you mocking me over there?” Trevor asks, gaining their attention.
“No… what would give you that idea?” Jeremy offers, giving him a grin.  “I simply suggested that you have an issue with pants.”
“I do not have an issue with pants,” Trevor retorts.  “I just happened to die without them.”
“Because you had habit of coming home without pants on.”
“I did not – it wasn’t a habit.  It just happened sometimes.”
“Exactly how many times did you leave your pants somewhere and went home half-naked?” Sam asks.  “Wait, no, don’t answer that.  I don’t want to know.”
“I want to know,” Flower asks.  “I’m curious.”
“I knew you had a problem with pants,” Alberta says, excitedly.  “Your mother showed a picture of him without pants when they came to visit, and I asked him if he ever wore pants.”
“I was TWO!”
“And at thirty-two, you still didn’t wear pants,” Jeremy jokes. 
“I wore them – I just happened to take them off at a rather unfortunate time,” Trevor states.  
This causes everyone to laugh. 
“Why are talking about my pants anyway?”
“Oh, I was just explaining about my ghosts’ stories and how I always told you that your habit would bite you in the butt one day.”
Trevor sticks his tongue out at Jeremy.  “You’re the worst.”
“You’re supposed to be nice to me – it’s my birthday.”
“It’s my birthday, too, you know and you’re not being nice.”
“Technically, you’re the one that said that ghosts don’t celebrate their birthdays… so, does that really count?”
“You – you just – are you serious right now?”
“Of course I am – technically, I’m just using your own words –”
“ALRIGHT BOYS, PLAY NICE,” Esther yells through the computer.  
“Sorry, mom,” they say together. 
“I’ll stop being mean – for now,” Jeremy offers.
It’s the happiest birthday Trevor has had in a long time – and not just because ghosts don’t celebrate birthdays, but because he’s reunited with his family, and Hetty, whether she’s ready to admit it or not, actually has feelings for him.  After everything that’s happened – the uncertainty regarding their sexcapades and hiding – he was sure it would take a lot longer of being comfortable as a couple before she would even venture to think that something could be there, but apparently, not.  She hadn’t said it in so many words, but he could tell that her worry over losing him was on par with if she were to lose Isaac, and that meant something.  
He meant something.  He meant something to her.  
Such a great a feeling after their first coming out a few months back.
Now, he can feel better about his feelings for her.  Especially since his parents and brother appear to approve.
Plus, despite the differences in time and death, somehow, she managed to find things in common with his parents, and Jeremy had fun trying to mimic her so that they could get an idea of what she sounded like, but he was genuinely trying and terrible at it.  Jay, having been possessed by her, had a better idea of what Hetty’s voice is like and took over.  It was very entertaining because Jeremy would lean over to whisper what Hetty said to him and sometimes, Jay would pause as he tries to imagine her saying it before attempting it and then Hetty would criticize his efforts which would cause Jeremy to laugh.  Especially due to the fact that every so often, Jeremy would claim that Hetty said something totally ridiculous, and Jay wouldn’t realize that until he says it and Jeremy bursts out laughing.  
Jay would then mumble something about being annoyed by Lefkowitzes before asking what she actually said to give it another try.  It was a very fun afternoon, plus he got his own iPad to write to them.  One that Sam agreed she would try not to police what he did with it as long as he didn’t get into their website to mess with it or their bank accounts to spend their money – which, fair.  
He couldn’t imagine being happier. 
After they ended the call, Trevor and Jeremy had opted to go for a walk just the two of them.  
“So?  How’re you feeling?” Trevor asks.  “Because I’m feeling on top of the world.”
Jeremy grins at him.  “So much better.  Honestly, I – I didn’t know what to expect.  I knew you were here, that you weren’t alone, but I – I wasn’t expecting you to be so happy and at peace.  I thought I needed to come here to fix both of us… I thought that was the point of this twin thing…”
“Maybe a few years ago that would’ve been the case, and – don’t get me wrong, you helped me so much today – but yeah, I’m a lot happier than a dead guy has a right to be.”
“To be honest, I thought you would ascend if you were that happy – I didn’t want you to be upset and stuck because of me…”
“But I’m not either of those things, J.  I mean – sometimes there’s rough days when I wonder why I’m here, but a lot of days – especially lately, I almost forget I’m a ghost.  Like I’m on top of the world …”
“Like you’re on top of your tower with all the money in the world, with your wife and your favorite movie and everyone’s having fun?” Jeremy finishes.  “Your own dream come true.”
“Or at least as close to it as I can get.”
“You’re really that happy?”
“Probably the happiest I’ve ever been.”
“So, it won’t upset you if I’m the reason you’re stuck?” Jeremy asks, looking worried.
Trevor gives him a soft smile.  “No, it won’t – with the dreams and drawings, I kind of figured and to be honest, I am perfectly content right now to wait and see what happens.”  Then he gives him a look.  “And I don’t want you joining me anytime soon – in the afterlife.  Live your life to the fullest, J.  That’s what I want for you.  Not worrying about me or spending all of your time drawing my afterlife.”
“To be fair, your afterlife has made me a nearly famous artist,” Jeremy states with a smile.  
“I’m happy to hear that, but you know what I meant,” Trevor states, giving him a look.
"I know.”  He sighs.  “It’s been a long twenty years and I go through phases…”
“Hopefully being able to write to me and know that I really am doing just fine will help.”
“I think it will.”
Given his promise to Hetty, Trevor goes to find her after saying goodnight to Jeremy.  Although he expected her to be in their special room, as he goes to the stairs, he’s caught off guard by Flower stopping him.  
“Hey, Flower, I – um …”
“You can take our room,” Flower assures him.  “I’ll share with Thor tonight.”
“Thanks, I don’t want to kick you out…”
“You’re not, but before you do go into our room –” she stops and hugs him, tightly.  “– I know that you deserve to be sucked off, but I’m really glad you’re not.  I don’t know what I’d do without my best friend.”
Trevor smiles at her as they let go.  “Like I told Hetty, I’m not ready to leave, and I’m glad you’d miss me enough to want me to stay – even given what that really means.”
Flower simply smiles before skipping off to Trevor and Thor’s room.  
He looks after her for a second before he enters Hetty and Flower’s room.  
The second he does; he is accosted by Hetty with a kiss.  Like most of their kisses, it’s long and passionate and immediately makes him want to lead the way to the bed.  
“Someone’s eager,” Trevor states, panting slightly as they break apart for air.  “We have all night; we don’t have to rush.”
Hetty hums.  “Perhaps I believed that I could give you a birthday present, however, your birthday expires at midnight…”
Trevor glances at the clock in the room.  Thirty minutes to midnight.  
“A present?” Trevor questions.  “What kind of present?”
“The kind you’ve been asking for.”
“Splash?” Trevor asks, hopefully. 
Hetty grins.  “Anything for you, dearest.”
“One lucky ghost.”
“Make that two,” Hetty says before kissing him.  
The night was all theirs.
Trevor sighs, contentedly as Hetty cuddles into him.  Neither of them have to leave the room, they didn’t have to worry about being caught, it was nice.  Just the two of them, enjoying the night together without worry.
“Yes, Hetty?”
“There’s something I’ve been thinking about today…”
“Hetty, I told you – I’m here to stay,” Trevor assures her.  “I’m not going anywhere.”
“No, I – I know.  I am just … I never thought that I would feel as worried – attached to anyone other than Isaac…”
“It’s okay, Hetty.  I appreciate that you take a long time to warm up to people.”
“No, Trevor.  You do not understand.”
“What don’t I understand?”
“I – I want to tell you something, but I – I do not know if I can.”
Trevor looks at her, can see that same look in her eyes from earlier.  It’s clear to him that Hetty wants to say something … possibly about her feelings towards him, which were already obvious … well, sort of obvious.
“Hetty, you don’t have to say anything you can’t say,” Trevor states.  “When you’re ready for it, that’s when you should say it – not now, not because you’re still a little bit worried that I might ascend.  I told you – I’m not going anywhere.”
“I believe you, however…”
Trevor smiles at her.  “I know you care; you don’t have to say it.  I care about you, too.”
Hetty gives him a light kiss.  “Thank you for understanding.”
“Always.”  He gives her another kiss.  “And hey, something else good came out of today.”
“Yeah, now we don’t have to hide anymore,” Trevor states.  “And this time, it wasn’t because of some annoying little teapot.  Mind you, my brother’s usually better about keeping secrets, but…”
“It was time.  We were not as subtle as we thought, and I do not wish to hide anymore,” Hetty agrees.  “I had been considering it for some time.  Particularly since the almost banishment – the thought of losing you for a year…”
“We’ve both been rather attached – it was obvious,” Trevor states.  “And I think it’s good to stop hiding.”
“Me too.”
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