#cccc is just canon-typical [insert trigger here]
randaccidents · 6 months
Panphobia (unfinished)
Seeing @mine-sara-sp active reminded me that I have literally NEVER finished that companion fic for Was It Worth It. Frankly I don't think I can finish it? Hermitcraft s6 was really really long ago and I don't remember the events of that season anymore + I fell off of Hermitcraft due to school.
That doesn't mean I can't post what I did write 4 years ago for the redstone update dream! Quick sparknotes of my plans:
I didn't want Doc to be a generic "oh no he's violent and aggressive booo" thing, so I wrote him as becoming paranoid instead! Still allows him to be violent but adds a layer of psychological buildup and struggle
It was going to follow similar events to Was It Worth It and include Doc's reactions this time
This includes stuff like discovering the Stock Exchange had been gutted, and trying to mine more redstone, and having those events just fuel the paranoia more
Yes the paranoia is absolutely the excuse I have for fics where Doc attacks Grian
Since Was It Worth It deliberately became REALLY FOGGY about time towards the end, I was going to add a general timeline. I think? The idea was that it took a week for Doc to realize and then panic about Ren's disappearance, Xisuma would teleport them both and TFC (last to see Ren) to Ren's location, and then Ren takes a month? or two? to fully recover
Specifically Ren is the last to recover because he's a stubborn dog man and actually hid A LOT of redstone in his time mining across both spawn and 1.14 lands, and is additionally too stubborn to tell anyone where the redstone was (duty bound dog man please) so Doc has to deal with watching Grian and Scar recover while his man is still unconscious in bed. Not fun for him
ehhh I think that's most of what was planned before shit happened and I fell off? yeah it is ANGSTY
But all I managed to write was a very short beginning portion and I wanted to post it anyways so here you go!
Redstone update dream AU belongs to @mine-sara-sp, recommended to read Was It Worth It first (a lot worse in tws btw)
TWs: intrusive thoughts, paranoia
It started small, like everything did.
What if you misplaced the plans for the pillager farm?
That particular thought sent him into a flurry of limbs as he tore through his current home-hole. His thoughts whispered traitorous words, that he had left it on a ledge, the wind must've taken it, blew it into a lava lake, and he'd have to write his plans all over again. That he wouldn't remember the entirety of the design and that his plans were now ruined for good.
It was a great weight off his shoulders when he found the plans folded safely in his chest monster, right where he had left it.
Did you leave it there in the first place? Are you sure?
He sighed, picking up the piece of paper and unfolding it, revealing his grand plans.
It's so easy to tear paper with those claws of yours.
He decided it would be better to commit his plans into a book. Or maybe two or three. Just in case.
The whispers didn't stop there.
He's hiding something. He probably stole something of yours again.
He narrowed his one working eye, his other cybernetic one flashing red in his paranoia. Grian shuffled under his scrutiny, giving him a mischievous little grin. "What's up Doc?"
That shuffle, he's hiding something. It has nothing to do with how hard you are glaring at the prankster, red eye ominously hard.
“What’s up?” he rumbled lowly, the words echoing in his chest. “What’s up?”
The pesky bird held up his hands in surrender, taking a step back. He’s hiding something. “Woah, calm down, it’s just a greeting man! When were you so uptight? Well, not counting Area 77 and all that...”
He growled, cutting off the sky-loving man before he could ramble the day away. He would ramble the day away, wasting your time. “Why are you here.” The sentence was more a demand than a question, his patience worn thin from the whispering shadows around.
“C’mon man, can’t a hermit just want to check in on another hermit?”
(unfinished rest of fic)
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