#cccc primordial forces au
virgils-muse · 5 months
I’m gonna start talking more about my Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium Hellenic Mythos AU here more because it’s been rotating around my brain. I have a couple of different variations of it so here we go!
Primordial Force Ver: Heart is Selene, Mind is Helios, Soul is either Gaia or Eos, Whole is Chaos. Yes I know that Selene/Helios/Eos aren’t technically considered primordials (they’re considered titans) but Primordial Force sounds better than Titan Force. A solar eclipse is the equivalent to The Shot. Heart/Selene is envious of Mind/Helios because he can shine his own light, while Selene’s light is only a reflection of Helios’s. Mind/Helios is envious of Soul/Gaia/Eos because he can foster living organisms, while Helios is obviously uninhabitable. Soul/Gaia/Eos is envious of Heart/Selene because he wants to be the source of artistic inspiration and appreciated like Selene is. Furthermore, Soul is really pissed at Heart and Mind for the whole eclipse thing because it could’ve blinded some of the earth’s humans, which Soul holds very dear to him. He threatens them, saying if this continues, he’ll give their titles of “Sun/Moon deity” to Apollo and Artemis. More chaos ensues.
Trojan War Ver: Heart takes the place of Hector, Mind takes the place of Achilles, Soul takes the place of Helen, and Whole takes the place of Zeus. Rather than the war starting because of Helen getting kidnapped/running off to Troy (the myth varies depending on who you ask), the war starts because both the Trojans (Heart/Hector) and the Achaeans (Mind/Achilles) want Helen’s favor, as she’s a daughter of Zeus and therefore very powerful and influential. Neither Heart nor Mind started or wanted to be in the war, but by the gods will they finish it. The equivalent to The Shot in this au is Hector killing Patroclus disguised as Achilles. Despite the war that rages on, Soul/Helen is keen on not being controlled by either side, and will end things by force if not listened to. After all, her creator is the king of the gods.
Judgement of Paris Ver: Unlike the other ones, this one is not directly putting HMSW into a Greek myth, but rather taking inspo off a Greek myth and running with it. So therefore, this au takes place in modern times, unlike the other ones which are set in Ancient Greece/Troy. Paris (Whole) is forced to live his life constantly suffering from the brutal arguing of Aphrodite (Heart), Athena (Mind), and Hera (Soul). Each of the three are fighting for control over Paris’s psyche, each of them trying to push Paris into doing their bidding, trying to convince him with argument fueled by pathos/logos/ethos. Idk I haven’t thought this one through much.
Lmk if there’s already existing Hellenic Mythology aus bc I’m not aware of any but I’d love to see some if there are! Also you totally wanna send me asks about these aus
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cccc-aus · 5 months
Aaaah I just found this account while scrolling through the Chonny Jash au tag and I already love it.
I just went on a massive rant about my CCCC Hellenic (Greek) Mythos au(s) but I specifically wanna ramble about my Primordial Force au so here we go hehe
For those unfamiliar with Hellenic mythology, here are some key terms!
Selene: Pulls the moon across the sky during the night, and is also the personification of the moon. In this au, she's Heart.
Helios: Pulls the sun across the sky during the day, and is also the personification of the sun. In this au, he’s Mind.
Eos: Pulls the colors of dawn across the sky before the sun rises, and is also the personification of the dawn. In this au, she’s Soul. (In my original post, I debated between using Eos or Gaia for Soul, but I think I’ve settled on Eos.)
Chaos: Essentially what was before all the deities came about in Greek Mythos. In this au, it’s Whole.
In this au, the issues that ensue are, at their roots, caused by envy. Selene is envious of Helios because she only reflects his light, and has no light of her own. Helios is envious of Eos’s divine colors and the painting she makes the sky each morning. Eos is envious of Selene’s admiration by the mortal poets and artists, as she too wishes to be the source of artistic inspiration like the moon is. The Shot in this au is Selene eclipsing Helios. Like, literally. Selene draws her chariot carrying the moon in front of Helios’s chariot which is carrying the sun. In the process, the light that shines from the eclipse blinds Selene. Eos is infuriated, as it messed up everyone’s schedule, and even more so it caused some mortals (whom she is very fond of) down on earth to go blind. She threatens them, saying that if they don’t get their act together, she’s giving their titles as “Sun/moon deities” to Apollo and Artemis. More Chaos (pun intended) ensues when the very fabric of reality begins to break, and the only chaos begins to seep back into the cosmos as a result of Helios’s and Selene’s and Eos’s fighting.
Anyways, there’s my silly au, I also have two other Hellenic mythos related aus that are briefly explained in the post I linked above if you’re interested in this hehe
Intriguing! I’m not very well versed in… any kind of mythology, but that description’s certainly piqued my curiosity!
I like the sheer pettiness of these three gods, specifically Selene. Very fitting considering the three idiots we’re dealing with here. When writing, I personally find that gods are at their most entertaining when they’re pretty much just regular people with their own flaws and problems (since I’m writing something- SEVERAL somethings, technically- where that’s practically the whole plot) and you’ve pulled that idea off well! If ever you want to return, I’ll be more than happy to listen to your ideas once again. Anyone’s ideas, really, that’s what this blog is all about.
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virgils-muse · 5 months
Reblogs are much appreciated hehe
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virgils-muse · 4 months
I wanna promote my fic/au because I crave attention and validation. Anyways, reblogs are very much appreciated!
What is the au in question?: A Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium alternate universe where HMSW take the place of different Hellenic (Greek) gods called The Primordial Forces AU. I made this because I love CCCC and I’m also a Hellenic Polytheist who’s obsessed with Greco-Roman classic literature.
What’s the au about?: As I said previously, HMSW take the place of different Hellenic deities. Heart is Selene, the deity who pulls the moon with her chariot across the night sky. Mind is Helios, the deity who pulls the sun with her chariot across the day sky. Soul is Eos, the deity who opens the gates of dawn each morning. Whole is Chaos, essentially the personification of the fabric of the universe and the entropy that existed prior to the creation of anything. Of course, CCCC’s usual turmoil arises between the siblings, and when tensions reach their worst, Selene causes a solar eclipse (the equivalent of Heart shooting at Mind in this au). Eos, in an attempt to avenge the wrongs that his sibling have committed against eachother, goes to extreme lengths.
How many fics will you write for this au?: As of right now, I am planning on have three fics. The first one (and currently the only one that is up) recounts Selene’s perspective in a typical narrative format. The second one recounts Helios’s perspective in a play format. The third one will recount Eos’s perspective in an epic poem format. I may make more fics but as of right now that is the plan.
Why should I read these fics?: Although of course these fics do not accurately portray Hellenic Mythology, as that is obviously not the point of them, I can say that they’ve been crafted with great effort to reference actual mythology and beliefs of that time period. For example, in the opening of the first chapter of “The Selene Acoustic,” I used the format of actual Homeric prayer. I also reference the actual cult followings (or lack thereof) of these deities as well. And I don’t just use Percy Jackson or Madeleine Miller’s retellings as my source. I’ve read The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer, The Aeneid (which yes, I know it’s Roman not Greek) by Virgil, Theogony by Hesiod, Metamorphoses (yes again I know that’s Roman) by Ovid, The Three Theban Plays by Sophocles, The Oresteia by Aeschylus, Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides, as well as several essays and articles pertaining to these subjects. And I’m not saying this to brag or say “look at me I’m so smart”. I’m saying this because I want you to know that I’ve made this fic with such care and attention to detail. I do my research into these deities mythology, their worship, their epithets, their role in domestic life, their festivals, everything!
Anyways, here’s the link to “The Selene Acoustic” third chapter came out today, you should def read it if any of this stuff interests you.
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virgils-muse · 4 months
Ranting about my CCCC Hellenic Mythology Primordial Forces AU (specifically the fic I made and the fics I’m currently making for it)
The prayer in the intro of The Selene Acoustic fic is based off actual Homeric prayer! Homeric-style-pray can typically be divided into four parts: the first step is purifying urself, aka washing ur hands and all that jazz. It’s not shown in the fic bc. I forgot. The second part is calling upon the deity, typically recounting their parents (like how in the fic Selene is called upon as a child of Hyperion and Theia) and specific epithets or titles used to describe the deity (like in the fic how Selene is called gleaming radiant or pearl of the night and what not). The third part is the devotees reminding the deity of their relationship, like of the offerings they’ve made to them in the past. And finally, the plea/request.
I also reference the Muses in my fic, which for those who don’t know are deities that provide divine inspiration, typically for poets. It ties back to how throughout the centuries, the moon has been of poetic inspiration, for like ever.
The chapter two title is a song by Hozier lmao.
It’s tru that Artemis and Selene (and Hekate but she isn’t mentioned) were very closely associated in the ancient world, due to their ties with the moon and what not.
In The Helios Electric fic that is currently still in the works, I included a Chorus (which in this instance is a band of woodland nymphs). The Chorus is used to comment on the events that take place in the play, and push the story along. Like the link between the actor and the audience. This was featured a lot in ancient plays, and I was inspired to do this because I had just recently reread Iphigenia in Aulis lol.
Anyways that’s all byeeee
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virgils-muse · 4 months
So y’all know my Primordial Forces CCCC AU? The Selene’s/Heart’s perspective will be written as a regular story from his perspective. You know this already. Buuuuuut, Helios’s/Mind’s perspective will be written in play format, and Eos’s/Soul’s perspective will be written as an epic poem!!!
Helios’s perspective is kicking my ass bc I’m like 4 pages in and have less than a thousand words. It’s so discouraging but WE PUSH THROUGH 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
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virgils-muse · 4 months
Reblogs are very much appreciated!!
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virgils-muse · 4 months
Reblogs are much appreciated!
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virgils-muse · 5 months
So excited to get this CCCC primordial forces au fic done because WOOO I’m so happy with how it’s coming out. I know that if someone else made this fic and published it and then I found it, it would make me so happy. Like? Omg??
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