#the Eos eclectic
virgils-muse · 4 months
So y’all know my Primordial Forces CCCC AU? The Selene’s/Heart’s perspective will be written as a regular story from his perspective. You know this already. Buuuuuut, Helios’s/Mind’s perspective will be written in play format, and Eos’s/Soul’s perspective will be written as an epic poem!!!
Helios’s perspective is kicking my ass bc I’m like 4 pages in and have less than a thousand words. It’s so discouraging but WE PUSH THROUGH 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
share some of your skk hcs
Its so weird that I have been sitting on this ask since yesterday and I can't think of any. Like when someone asks you about you favorite movie and you draw a blank. Lol.
Anyway hc time
Dazai doesnt have sh scars under his bandages. He wears them because he is touch repulsed. Very few people are allowed to touch him skin to skin and even then he needs to be the one to initiate the contact. (Feel like sh scars goes against his hates pain thing).
Dazai is not actually an orphan.
Chuuya's apartment is a mess. It went from being an unattended minimalistic nightmare in sb to a trinket filled eclectic disaster because following the death of the Flags Chuuya started hoarding everything anyone gave to him. A lot of the stuff in his apartment are things he took from the Flag's possessions.
Dazai and Chuuya used to give each other hair cuts. Dazai at one point cut too much off and gave Chuuya a bald spot and Chuuya retaliated by giving Dazai a terrible bowl cut.
Post sb Dazai was actually staying in Chuuya's apartment. Mostly on the couch but sometimes they'd share the bed on bad nights.
Dazai is a better cook than Chuuya but only if he wants to impress someone. Otherwise he's happy to eat chicken nuggets dipped in chocolate sauce.
Chuuya likes fancy food but can't really cook well. He has a habit of forgetting that he put food on the flame and crashes a lot out of exhaustion. Baby needs to rest.
Dazai has a fixed time when he breaks in just to turn the stove off.
Chuuya knows Dazai breaks into his house often cause Dazai shifts all his furniture by 1 mm and causes Chuuya to bang his toes and knees into everything.
Dazai once managed to convince everyone in Chuuya's building that the 22 year old Chuuya is actually a sad runaway child living all alone.
The little old lady across from Chuuya thinks Dazai is his doting husband cause they keep refering to eo as partner.
They have movie nights.
Dazai has ruined Titanic for Chuuya.
Dazai hates the fact that Chuuya is smarter than him when it comes to physics.
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pixiemage · 2 years
“selene” for the fic title game?
[For the Fake Fic Title ask game]
I don't know if this was a reference to something or just a name, but you gave me a heck of a lot of inspiration for this one! I won't ever write this concept myself, but my GOD do I hope someone else does.
~ ~ ~
Selene: the goddess and personification of the Moon; sister of the sun god Helios and the dawn goddess Eos.
When Pearl had first joined the server, she had anticipated a little chaos. What else could she expect from such an eclectic bunch, especially the people her brother had come to call his family? The Hermits were known for their ingenuity, their kindness, their creativity, and their mischief. It was a place Pearl felt she, too, would call home soon enough, a place full of deceptively powerful players that would appear like gods to those beyond their server's walls. It was a perfect fit. But it's hard to feel powerful when the thing you're supposed to hold dominion over refuses to listen to your call. With the moon's approach imminent and its bright face slowly filling the entirety of the night sky, Pearl can't help but look to the slowly dimming stars and wonder if Grian - if Helios - would have been able to stop the approaching calamity if it had been the sun coming to destroy the planet instead of the moon.
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todayintokyo · 5 years
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I took these photos in and near Mukōjima-Hyakkaen. It’s not a particularly pretty garden ― it looks like a patch of weeds when you walk in ― but it’s one of the most interesting ones in Tokyo. It’s the city’s only surviving Edo Period garden, and it showcases over 200 species of plants. If you want to know what’s in season, what the seven herbs of spring and autumn look like, what the Man'yōshū is waffling on about... this is where you go.
I’ll give you the names of the autumn plants in the photos, first Latin, then English, then Japanese. That purple flower is Tricyrtis hirta, hairy toad lily, hototogisu. The white one is Anemone hupehensis, Japanese  anemone, shūmeigiku. The pink one is Lespedeza, bush clover, hagi. Next to it is Lagenaria siceraria, calabash, hyōtan. Finally, various autumn vegetables, Tokyo Skytree seen from nearby Shirahige Jinja, and a Winnie-the-Pooh bike.
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witchy-energy · 2 years
It’s Been A While -- Path Update
It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here! 
I don’t think I’ve ever had a huge following on here, but I still get notes on some of my posts on occasion so I figure it’s worth me telling y’all what I’m up to, since I still lurk on witchblr for the information on occasion!
I best identify as an omnist pagan and eclectic witch. While my witchcraft practice is still very much in its baby stages due to my general lack of access to materials, I’ve grown a lot as a pagan who worships both the Hellenic and Norse Pantheons. Below the line, I detail how I began working with each of the gods that are now at the center of my religious practice.
Gods I Work With
Obviously it’s documented on my account that I worked with Apollo and Eos. They are both very special to me, but were mainly present to be accessible to me in the early days of my practice and they’re now not as present. At the moment, I work with three gods: two Greek, one Norse.
Hermes was the first to come through after I got back into my practice in college and felt I should reach out to him. I always say that he’s like an older brother who helps me keep my perspective and take care of myself. He’s told me directly that he’s here to help me keep conscious of my mental illnesses, and I can definitely see the effects thereof (I’m now on medication for my anxiety, and on my way to a diagnosis for ADHD). He mainly communicates to me via Lenormand cards, and he’s very direct and loves to call me a child, haha. He’s very important to me and I’m super glad with the relationship we have.
Lady Sif came into my practice as I reached out to her and started gaining interest in Norse paganism. She is the calming force: there to help me remember that my intrusive thoughts are intrusive and I’m allowed to be proud of what I create. My relationship with Lady Sif is largely UPG, because there aren’t a lot of us devotees out there, and the mythical information on her is supremely lacking. But I love her a lot and I’m so happy that she’s here for me. She communicates best through my opalite runes and through my candle (which I had made custom by my dear friend Kat, MorningstarWitchery on Etsy). My practice with Lady Sif is also somewhat in and of itself an offering to her husband, Thor, who agreed to keep my ex (who is an abusive jerk and the reason my pinned spell of cutting oneself off from abuse exists) away from me as reciprocity for my devotion.
Lady Hekate is the only one of my deities to come in without me reaching out. My friend works with her, so I’d done some research into her on his behalf, but they and I were both shook when she showed up in a deity confirmation reading and in readings of my own with a very strong mission for me. She is here to help me dig into my practice, do shadow work, and really focus on self-growth. That’s all I feel like I should tell you. We converse through tarot and I appreciate her presence very much, even if she has the most aggressive energy of the three.
That’s where I’m at so far! Thank you for reading this far if you have; it’s my goal to share more about my practice with Lady Sif in particular, since there’s so little information on her. If you have questions on any of this or parts of my practice I didn’t cover, I’ll answer to the best of my ability!
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faeryqueenwitch · 5 years
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⭐ In Wicca, the deities are gods or goddesses that we follow and worship. There are so many deities that you could follow and many ways that you can choose to see and worship them. There are no right or wrong choices here. It simply depends on what feels right to you- which deities you feel drawn to and also the path that you decide to take as a Witch. ⭐ Do not be put off Wicca because the idea of having a god or goddess doesn’t feel like your thing. Following deities is actually very simple. A lot of Wiccans don’t think of gods and goddesses as actual people, higher beings, someone that once existed or as all-knowing creators of everything. Instead, we view deities as personifications of nature. Each deity represents a different aspect of something that we experience on this earth, including the natural world; there is a god or goddess to represent every single aspect of the earth and all that comes with it. It becomes easier to connect with nature if we see aspects of it in human form, because we find it easier to understand and visualize looking up to, listening to and communicating with people. So, we see deities as just human forms of nature. For example, the Armenian deity Anahit is the goddess of fertility,healing,wisdom, and water, and we think of her as the personification of these elements and powers and the spiritual energies surrounding them. Of course, you can also believe in deities in the traditional way, as supernatural powers that keep whatever they represent and look after in balance; that’s just another way of believing in your deities. ⭐ Some witches might follow a group or pantheon of deities such as the Celtic, Norse or Egyptian gods and goddesses. It’s also a common idea that gods and goddesses from different pantheons represent similar things, so they are actually similar deities that have originated from and developed and adapted in different civilizations and cultures throughout the world. If you believe this train of thought and you are happy to potentially honour all of the deities, depending on which feels right for you at the time, you could be an eclectic witch , or you could just choose one group of deities to work with if you prefer and still follow this belief, but just choose one pantheon that suits you best and you feel drawn to. Some witches only worship one or two deities and others may choose to work with one god or goddess if the pull towards that one deity seems sufficient. Some witches follow the traditional Gardnerian teaching, believing there is only one god and one goddess- the god of the sun and the goddess of the moon. There are so many deities deities that you can follow from different cultures and countries. Don’t worry if it takes you a while to find which gods and goddesses feel right for you. You can worship deities from anywhere in the world, but there are a few common ones that you hear about frequently in Wicca. This doesn’t mean that you have to follow these ones, there are just a few of the options:
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Art By: elisa_tulli on instagram
Apollo- god of music,prophecy, truth, healing, the sun and light
Aphrodite- goddess of love, beauty, eternal youth and fertility
Ares- god of war
Artemis- goddess of the hunt, wild animals, chastity and childbirth
Asteria- goddess of falling stars and night-time prophecies
Athena- goddess of wisdom, strength, crafts and knowledge
Aura- goddess representing a gentle breeze
Demeter- goddess of the harvest
Eos- goddess of the dawn
Eros- god of love
Hecate- goddess of magick, witchcraft, ghosts and the night
Hades- god of the underworld
Helios- god of the sun
Hera- goddess of women, marriage and family
Hermes- god of trade, shepherds, travel and literature,particularly of poets, also the messenger of the gods
Nyx- goddess of the night
Persephone- goddess of the spring and queen of the underworld
Poseidon- god of the sea, earthquakes, floods and horses
Rhea- mother of gods and goddess of motherhood and female fertility
Selene- goddess of the moon
Styx- goddess of the river Styx which divides earth from the underworld
Thea- goddess of sight and divine light
Zeus- the god of the sky and the ruler of the Olympian gods
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Art By:  coucyi on tumblr
Apollo- god of light, music and healing
Aurora- goddess of the dawn
Bacchus- god of wine, farming and fertility
Ceres- goddess of the harvest and a mother’s love
Cupid- god of love
Diana- goddess of the hunt, nature and the moon
Juno- goddess of love and marriage
Jupiter- god of thunder and sky
Luna- goddess of the moon
Mars- god of war
Minerva- goddess of wisdom, war, commerce, crafts and poetry
Neptune- god of the sea
Pluto- god of the underworld
Proserpine- goddess of the underworld
Sol- god of the sun
Terra- goddess of the earth
Venus- goddess of love
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Art By:  yliade-illustrations
Amun- god of the sun, the air and life
Anubis- god of the dead
Bast- goddess of protection, cats and of the home
Bes- god of war, but also of the home
Hapi- god of water and fertility who brought the annual flooding to the Nile
Hathor- goddess of joy,love,motherhood,beauty and fertility
Horus- protector of Egypt
Isis- goddess of fertility and empowerment
Khensu- god of the moon
Maat- goddess of truth,justice,stability and harmony
Min- god of fertility and male sexuality
Mut- goddess, mother figure
Neith- goddess of war
Nut- goddess of the sky and the heavens
Osiris- god of the afterlife
Ptah- god of craftsmen and creation
Ra- god of the sun
Sekhmet- goddess of destruction,war and healing
Set- god of disorder, storms and war
Shu- god of dry air and the earth’s atmosphere
Taweret- goddess of childbirth
Tefnut- goddess of water, moisture and rain
Thoth- god of writing, science, magick and the moon
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Art By: by Raphael Lacoste
Aine Of Knockainey- goddess of love, crops, and farms
Airmid- goddess of medicinal plants and regeneration
Amaethon- god of agriculture and luck
Andraste- goddess of the moon and divination
Angus Og- god of youth, beauty and love
Anu- goddess of the moon,fertility,prosperity and comfort
Arawn- god of the underworld,revenge,war and terror
Artio- goddess of animals and fertility
Bel- god of representing sun and fire
Bendigeidfran- god of the arts,music,writing and prophecy
Branwen- goddess of love and beauty
Bres- god of the agriculture and fertility
Brigit/Brigid- goddess of fire,sun,hearth,fertility,crafts,inspiration, home and divination
Cailleach- goddess of the winter months
Ceridwen- goddess of poetic inspiration
Cernunnos- the horned god of nature, the underworld,wealth and physical love and masculine energy
The Dagda- god of protection,weather and knowledge and the father god of Ireland
Danu- goddess of water,wizards,magick and wisdom
Latobius- god of mountains and sky
Lugh- god of craftsmanship and light
Manannan- god of the sea
Maponus- god of music and poetry
Morrigan- goddess of war
Nuada- god of war
Rhiannon- goddess of horses
Taliesin- god of poets
Taranis- god of thunder and the wheel
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Art By:  nel314
Aegir- god of the sea
Balder- a gentle,pure and wise god
Bragi- god of poetry and eloquence
Eir- goddess of healing
Forseti- god of justice
Freyja- goddess of fertility, beauty and war
Frigg- goddess of love, fertility and motherhood
Gefion- goddess of fertility
Heimdall- god of light
Hel- ruler of the underworld
Lofn- goddess of marriages
Loki- the trickster of the Norse gods
Njord- god of the wind and sea
Odin- King of the Norse gods; god of poetry,war,death and wisdom
Sif- goddess of fertility
Sjofn- goddess of passion
Skadi- goddess of winter, the hunt and mountains
Thor- god of thunder
Ullr- god of archery and skiing
Var- goddess of marriage oaths
Vor-goddess who knows everything
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Art By:IrenHorrors
Dazbog- god of the sun
Jarilo- god of war,spring,fertility and harvest
Lada- goddess of love,marriage,summer,beauty and fertility
Morana- goddess of harvest,winter,death and witchcraft
Perun- god of thunder and lightning
Rod- the supreme god
Svarog- god of fire
Svetovid- god of war and fertility
Triglav- god of war
Veles- god of earth,forests,waters and the underworld
Vesna- goddess of spring,love and youth
Zaria- goddess of beauty
Ziva- goddess of love and fertility
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Art By:  meninfantasyart
Amaterasu- goddess of the sun and the universe
Benzaiten- goddess of literature, music, love and wealth
Ebisu- god of fisherman,luck,prosperity and crops
Fujin- god of the wind
Inari- goddess of prosperity,fertility,rice,tea,sake,agriculture and industry
Jizo- the guardian of children, childbirth,women and travelers
Kannon- goddess of mercy
Raijin- god of lightening, storms and thunder
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Art source: ArtStation.com  WeiSiem Lee
Anayaroli- god of harvest and wealth (the Temne of Sierra Leone)
Asa- god of protection and mercy (the Kamba of Kenya)
Asase Yaa- goddess of fertility (the Ashanti of West Africa)
Chiuta- god of rain (the Tumbuka in Malawi)
Inanna- goddess of sky,war and love (the Banyarwanda)
Jok- god of rain (Zaire and Uganda)
Mungo- god of rain (Giriama of Kenya)
Ngami- goddess of the moon
Ochumare- goddess of rainbows (the Yoruba)
Ogun- god of war and iron (the Nago and the Yoruba)
Olorun- creator god (the Yoruba)
Oshun- the goddess of love and fertility (the Yoruba)
Oya- goddess of storms (the Yoruba)
Rock-Sens- god of weather (the Serer of Gambia)
Ruhanga- creator god and god of fertility,disease and death (the Banyoro of Uganda)
Shango- god of thunder,war and magick (the Yoruba)
Yemaya- goddess of the seas and rivers (the Yoruba)
Yemoja- goddess of the river,women and children (the Yoruba)
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-Source: Wicca By Harmony Nice
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angstmongertina · 5 years
FFXIV Write Day 5: Smile
Day 5 of @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast‘s FFXIVWrite2019. I am... so sorry.
Prompt 5: Vault
The first thing that he noticed about her was her strength. Not in the physical sense, which was not to say that she lacked physical prowess, but there was something to be said for determination and honor. And in that, X’ondarya Mitnu was one of a kind.
The quarter of adventurers that arrived in his meeting room at Camp Dragonhead had the distinction of being unique from the start, a collection of outsiders who, reputations of Coerthan hospitality notwithstanding, seemed no less willing to assist with his troubles than they would any other petitioners, including his longtime friend. They made an eclectic bunch, with the two hyur and the lalafell, but it was the miqo’te who caught his attention.
She was not more outgoing than the others, was rather quiet in comparison to Eos or even Hishasha, but what she lacked in verbosity, she more than made up for in the depths of her gaze, a swirling mix of thoughts and emotions that seemed to show just as much as it concealed. While Thyra appeared irritated, or Eos and Hishasha were optimistic, she was stoic, hiding her true thoughts under a calm mask of civility and bright intelligence that only made her more intriguing.
And Twelve save him, when she finally smiled, a true smile of pleasure rather than the ones of formal politeness, warm enough that he completely forgot about the ever-prevalent Coerthan chill, it took his breath away.
There was nothing he wouldn’t do for that smile. When he heard the stories of refugees pouring into Mor Dhona, many able-bodied but lacking the basic supplies needed to get themselves off the ground, he found himself the next heartbeat calling in favors from everyone, from his men to Lord Francel and House Haillenarte to anyone else who might have something that could be spared. That it brought her and her smile back to Coerthas was only a bonus; just the knowledge that she and her Scions would receive the supplies, would be derive some benefit in his actions, was reward enough. And even so, she risked her life, put everything on the line to chase after Iceheart, offered everything for the well-being of Eorzea again and again.
They appeared at his door, wan and shivering, in the dead of night, and he was at her—their—side in an instant, ushering them in as quickly as he could. In that moment, he needed no explanation; when she met his gaze, its weight seemed to knock the air out of his lungs. There was no cheer in those eyes then, only grief and pain and horrible, unfathomable loss. But still she rallied, taking over where her more verbose friends faltered, petitioning and listening, all with the spectre of the Scions’ fall bearing down upon her.
And still, when he offered her what he could, a listening ear, a warm drink, she smiled. Small, broken, perhaps, but at him and all the more precious for the attempt.
For her, he would talk to his father, would petition aid, would speak from the heart as he would not, dared not, in years.
It had been many years since he’d looked forward to returning to Fortemps Manor. Between the ever-present memories of disapproval, the lingering unease with his family, and his own duties to Ishgard, his visits were few and far in-between. Except now, his returns were also met with her, with dramatic tales of adventure and cozy nights of conversation and, more than anything else, warmth even in the coldest Ishgardian nights, small and hesitant and dazzling for their rarity.
She knelt beside him on the cold stone, her hands wrapped around his. It should have been tight, too tight, but she was there and her eyes… No, that wasn’t right. Because she was alive and that, that was a victory for him and for Ishgard and for all of Eorzea. Because she was a hero, but more than that, she was herself and even though her lips trembled and cold wetness landed distantly on his face, her smile was still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
There was nothing he wouldn’t do for that smile. For her.
For her.
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sxrtis · 5 years
reading up on stuff and the literal canon for Oracle training is:
An Oracle's training is eclectic; in addition to meditation, Oracles in the modern era learn singing and dancing, martial arts for self-defense, along with swimming and running. They must undergo isolation and fasting as part of their spiritual training, and visit statues of previous Oracles in ancient ruins across Eos.
which means a. Luna is v athletic and b. my HC about her diet being restricted and butts is still accurate and stands lmfao.
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
More Song HCs!
@laststory1013 Your stuff is amazing ^^ is there a limit of submissions? lol 16 & Noctis~ pretty please
There’s no limit ^^ I’m so glad you like them! These are a lot of fun for me to write, too! I like to use them as a warmup before getting to requests for the day.
If you want to get a Song HC done, just send me a FFXV character and a number and I’ll write it! Original post found here!
Song: Bow Down
Artist: I Prevail
Ohhhhh boooy...you’re getting a full look into my…”eclectic” music tastes XD
I’m going to go see these guys in concert in a couple of weeks! Their last album, “Lifelines”, was one of my favorites. It was way more pop. This album, which is their newest, is much more what they want to make, more screamo. I haven’t had time to listen to this new album all the way to then end, yet. Sorry, just a plug for some awesome guys making cool rock music!
This is from Noctis’s point of view with the original ending of the game, before the Royal Edition was released. It’s short, but I was writing for emotion more than anything.
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Taglist: @idiotflowerex
“Was it all worth it?” Noctis asked the sky.
The world had been plunged into darkness, humanity was nearly wiped out, kingdoms were gone, Eos would never be the same.
All for what?
King Regis, Luna, Ravus, Ignis, Insomnia, all the other friends Noctis had made. What was their sacrifice for?
After ten long years, Noctis knew.
It was for the whims of the gods.
They were the ones who had ultimately done this.
They had given Ardyn his heinous powers.
Tortured him to the breaking point.
Given him this “destiny.”
They had created the starscourge.
A great darkness to block out the light of humanity.
Then they gave the responsibility of fixing it all to a young boy, before he was even born.
And even if they hadn’t created ever individual problem, they surely didn’t stop any of it.
What was it all? A game? A chess board where only human lives were at risk?
With arbitrary rules the gods made so that the game couldn’t be easy?
With the rage burning inside of him, no daemon could stand between Noctis and the throne.
He had trained for ten years for this moment.
Rage and power flowed through him.
His blood sparked with magic with every warp.
But it was a rage at for the loss of mercy.
Every daemon that fell had been a human.
A human with hopes, dreams, a family.
Now they were a thoughtless, hungry, disgusting creatures.
Noctis had wept at the sight of so many daemons, at one point.
Now he was angry.
Angry that no one remembered who they had been.
Not even them.
With every daemon he fell, a promise filled his mind.
“I will free you.”
He was angry that his home, a light in the night, Insomnia, was now all but forgotten.
Destroyed just to make him move forward.
Just to provide a stage for this game.
A wicked smile burned brighter than Ifrit’s flames when the King got to face him.
Finally, someone he could take his anger out on.
A god he could personally smite.
To prove what he had learned.
His rage didn’t diminish until he finally faced Ardyn.
The man the god’s wanted Noctis to blame.
But Noctis knew, Ardyn had been as much a pawn in their games as he was.
Yes, a willing pawn of sorts, but still just a game piece.
Noctis fought with all of his heart,
Not with rage or pity,
But with empathy.
“Let one of us be free, today.” He told himself.
As Noctis took his seat on the throne, he knew what must be done.
Bahamut’s words still burned in his mind: “You will have power greater than all the gods’.”
“Yes…” Noctis thought, raising his father’s sword.
“And when this is over, you will have no power over this world.”
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acradaunt · 6 years
EON Playthrough - Week 3
Have to take back what I said about not getting my fill of the sixth stratum. Its associated mini-dungeon gave me more than enough of the region's sliding floor puzzles. Etrian Odyssey definitely slips into puzzle-game territory at certain points, usually regarding avoiding FOEs, but this is possibly the most complex it's ever gotten. Think I spent like two hours just boring holes into the DS's screen trying to figure the sliding-tile puzzles out.
About them, I've thus far liked the mini-dungeons a decent amount. They usually show up a short while after finishing their associated dungeon, and basically act as an optional bonus floor with one extra-hard enemy showing up in random encounters. While I could certainly do with some enemy setups just being like six normal enemies instead of the new guy ALWAYS being in the encounters, it's still reasonable enough. Since they all have bosses so far, it's a way for the game to put in optional bosses during the main game, instead of backloading literally a dozen of them all at once at the lvl 70 mark. Or 99, as the case may now be.
But forget about all that. So I got the ability to subclass far, far sooner than I expected. I heard frequently that it wasn't unlocked until extremely late in the game. I got it when my highest level person was 45. I was expecting around 55-60, since it only follows suit after getting veteran skills at 20 and masters at 40. Yes, that would be stupidly late in any other EO game, but since I also know the level cap is 130, not 99, I also expect to be fighting the 'story' final boss at around 90 instead of ~65.
So yeah, rather than talk about my 'main' party this week, (they're doing fine; stratum 7 was quite enjoyable actually, and 8 was tremendously short but had some tricky encounters; the general immunity to pierce attacks saw Olga take a break for Stella, of all people; she still performed poorly, but better than Olga was faring), let's talk about the more eclectic things I've come up with for subclassing. You've got a whopping 60 slots for characters, so of course I've got ideas for all of them. Lots are fairly predictable, so again, eclectic ideas.
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Kahna the Landsknecht / Harbinger - I mentioned before finding Coral, my Shield-oriented Landsknecht, to underperform at Linking due to her only average speed. And that's fine, for her. But for Kahna, the hardcore Linker, I needed something more. Nightseeker and others with Speed Up seemed obvious options, but Harb struck a better chord for me. Sure, Miasma's speed bonus is time-limited, but it provides a little extra defense, AND the Lands' Shield skills count as debuffs as far as it's concerned, so it can reactivate Miasma Armour. So yeah, it seems those Shield Breaks are inescapable, haha. Looking back, perhaps Shogun's bonus for multi-hits would be better for Linking, but ah well. Better to guarantee that speed than have better Links at the cost of being so slow the others all went first. And yes, she has seen some use, unlike the rest, hence the higher levels. For random battles, Links are generally better than Breaks, and being a Landsknecht makes it trivially easy for her and Coral to swap gear. For some inexplicable reason, I'm currently avoiding getting my levels too high. I feel bad when I enter a new area, and the game thinks I should bust up the FOEs here and now. Though they're finally back to being red on arrival, so I dunno anymore. Terminal Alt-itis, I suppose.
Rana the Medic / Pugilist - Monks were the Medics of EOIII, but they were supposed to have pretty different feel to them. Honestly, the fists skills didn't quite pan out in my experience, but I still like their design, even (especially?) if it's more than a little familiar-looking. I've gone at length about the virtues of Medics, and while Pugilists don't do much damage, even less-so from the back, running their binds is more productive than spamming Star Drop again and again. Resonance (does more damage the longer between uses) adds a big-damage option for when there's a safe turn later in the fight. So Rana can heal, bind, debuff, and maybe even do okay damage. Pretty anything-goes, if you ask me.
Tasha the Hero / Gunner - I wasn't very fond of Dragoons at first, but upon playing around with them, their brand of defense kind of grew on me. I see lots of parallels between them and Heros, even if it's not straightforward. Gunmount's two turns of defense and an attack got turned into Physical Shield's defense then a turn-end attack, their unusual adeptness with ranged attacks is innately gun-like, and, um, Afterimages resemble Bunkers if you blind yourself hard enough. Anyway, there's not a lot to this beyond the obvious. A burly shielder with hugely devastating gun attacks for when the coast is clear. Iris is of a similar spice as Protector / Imperial, but this is admittedly a little more versatile, if a less effective guardian.
Keith the Gunner / Landsknecht - On the other end of Dragoon was Buster Cannon, taking a full three turns to properly set up and wanting point-blank range. Gunner's Charged attacks are as close as Nexus comes, but why not take it a step further? Rather than be unbearably slow, a Landy's Vanguard makes them act first, and stronger too. So they can get multiple big bangs off in a few turns, safer and faster than Act Quick could ever hope for. Plus, they get their shield back this way!
Tate the Arcanist / Harbinger - I fumbled between every variation of these two, Medic, and even Survivalist before deciding this fits my Brouni the best. Incidentally, Odette the Hexer is the reverse of this. I always wanted Tate to use Scythes in EOV, since Botanists had access to them, but it never proved practical; Coral's Chains requiring pierce damage to proc pretty much demanded her to use a bow. Which was fine, too. Especially with that endgame bow doing mass Defense-downs. So Arcanist fits with both her steady healing but moreso her Smokes. Auto Chaos Smoke saved my butt SOOO often in EOV's brutal 6th stratum. Harb gives her the Scythe she never managed before, and a debuff or two are back, and who knows, any magical Scythe skills are gonna to preeetty good damage in her hands. And guess what the second WOE just happened to drop?
Stella the Zodiac / Protector - Sounds like a terrible idea on paper, like Stella might take more hits to her incredibly vulnerable face. But that there was the main thought. Her face. Next to dying randomly, a mage's biggest problem is getting binded and being useless for 2-5 turns. So, by giving her hands something to do, she can at least protect others while damage reduction. It's not exactly a Runemaster's Runes, but hey, it's still a form of defense, so it still gets some points for faithfulness. Shields also give her something to do against the numerous enemies who just shrug off elemental damage.
Camus the Protector / Highlander - Perhaps an obvious one, but still sounds brutal on paper. Shield Flare counters any damage he takes for two turns. Bloodlust means he'll counter any time he takes damage. Put 'em together with Taunt, and that's a big owie for anyone who messes with him. Highlander comes with all the physical passives for keeping him alive longer, too.
Melody the Ninja / Sovereign - Even as weakened as Ninja's Clones are, Sovereign's relative independence of its skills makes it an ideal pick. Get those buffs out there at record speed, and those Elemental Arms come cheaper, can be restored faster, and still hit reasonably hard, as Ninjas have pretty decent Int.
Myst the Pugilist / Nightseeker - I always find it fascinating to try and make characters for whom basic attacks aren't just viable, but actually better than skills under normal circumstances. Pugilist / Nightseeker grants 4-8 basic attacks, and with Elemental Arms on, that's nothing to scoff at. To say nothing of its ability to activate Links or War Might...
...Okay, that should be plenty. Obviously, I've got no limit to characters, but lots are pretty predictable or unremarkable combos. Ninja/Ronin, Nightseeker/WarMagus, Sovereign/Medic, Shogun/Highlander, Imperial/Zodiac, Protector/Gunner, Ninja/Pugilist, and so on and so forth. You get the idea.
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thedarklordmegatron · 6 years
Gilgardyn Week: Day 7
Prompt: Ardyn brings Gilgamesh out into the modern-day world.
Rating: General - there are mentions of period typical homophobia fyi.
@gilgardynweek2018 - Also Available on AO3
The idea had come about as any thought of Ardyn’s often did, over a shared bottle of wine and some Lucian cheese he had managed to ‘procure’ that morning. They were sitting on the canyon’s edge, backs pressed up against the rocky outcrop behind them, watching the sunset whilst Ardyn complained about corrupt scientists and awful Emperors who presumed themselves to be gods. 
“The man truly believes that he can wield the power of the Crystal!” Ardyn said in disbelief, throwing one hand in the air, his other holding an aged, wine-filled goblet. Shaking his head he muttered something intelligible, draining the remainders of his wine.
“I would be inclined to let the man obtain the Crystal and the ring, if only to see the look upon his face when the Six refuse to grant him their power.” Gilgamesh hummed “Though perhaps that would do little to prevent his mad delusions.” His words prompted an almost manic laugh from his partner. 
Grinning Ardyn looked over at him “My dear Gilgamesh, you have not witnessed the punishment those not of royal blood receive when they try to harness the power of the Lucii.”
“Punishment?” He enquired.
“Should someone they deem ‘unworthy’ put the Ring on, they will quite literally burn.” Smirking Ardyn swung one leg up onto the ledge, leaving the other to hand precariously over the edge. “Eos knows how many ‘unworthy’ souls I have seen burn over the years. One would think that someone would have been smart enough to make the warning public, it would at least prevent multiple assassination attempts I’m sure.”
“And you cannot be that person?” 
“Of course not,” Ardyn chuckled, winking at the other man “That would ruin my fun. Besides, who am I to stop mortals from trying to better themselves?” Gilgamesh rolled his eyes, drinking the last of his wine. He had never and likely would never, understand how Ardyn’s mind worked, it was far .easier just to leave him be. 
“If you detest Aldercapt as much as you imply, then why do you remain in his service? You are resourceful, it would not take you long to establish yourself elsewhere.”  Ardyn looked at him thoughtfully as he tapped his fingers on the rim of his goblet. 
“I am not as anonymous as I would have liked to be.” He admitted “Twas not my intention to be in the public eye when I joined the Imperial ranks, I just needed access to their scientists, but of course nothing ever goes according to plan.” The sun had set over the horizon by the time they had finished talking, the only light being that coming from the natural glow of the Crag itself. “I must ask,” He continued after several minutes as he moved to close the gap between himself and Gilgamesh, lifting his arm to cuddle into his side. “In the two millennia you have been down here, have you ever once left?”
Shifting around, Gilgamesh tightened his grip on Ardyn’s shoulders. “I have not. I could not bring myself to live in a world without you. It was far easier to hide away down here and test those who came looking for me.”
“You sentimental old fool.” Ardyn said fondly, wrapping his own arm around Gilgamesh’s waist and squeezing gently. 
“Indeed.” The two fell silent for a brief moment before Ardyn spoke up once more. 
“I do believe it is time we get you reacquainted with the world beyond this canyon.” He said firmly “We still have several years before dear Noctis will be old enough to fulfil the prophecy, which gives us plenty of time to explore the luxuries this world has to offer.” 
“You have an ulterior motive” Gilgamesh responded.
“Of course I do!” Ardyn laughed “But it is a pleasant one, I promise.” 
Blinking slowly, Gilgamesh observed the outfit Ardyn had laid out before him. A pair of ‘jeans’, a strange top that looked similar to one of the knitted blankets Ardyn had brought during one of his earlier visits, and some simple black boots. It was hardly something he would have chosen for himself, but according to the other man, whom for the first time in the months he had been visiting, was dressed in something other than his usual ten layers. 
“This is ridiculous.” He sighed before reluctantly reaching out to pick up the ‘jeans’. “This is utterly absurd. How can anyone be expected to wear such...useless clothing? There is no flexibility to these and they provide no protection." Glaring at the offending clothing Gilgamesh turned them around, poking his fingers through the tears on the knee. "No. I am not wearing these."
“Darling,” Ardyn purred, sidling behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist. “You possess a lot of gifts but a taste in fashion is not among them.” Oh he was one to talk. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course I do." The red-haired man moved to stand before him, taking hold of his wrists.
"Then trust me when I say you will look most handsome in these garments. "Besides, you cannot possibly wander into Insomnia looking as though you have just walked out of a history book, it will attract for too much unwanted attention."
With a heavy sigh, and having resigned himself to his fate, Gilgamesh nudged Ardyn aside.  “I cannot dress myself when you are hanging onto me.”
“What can I say? I have a weakness for a man with muscles.” There was a small voice in the pack of Gilgamesh's head that wondered if these 'jeans' would be strong enough to strangle a man with.
Gilgamesh had of course, known that the Insomnia of the present day would be nothing like the small and relatively inconsequential city they had left behind. What he could not have predicted was quite how much it had changed. His memories of a small city filled with shacks built by the inhabitants was long gone, in it’s stead stood buildings of greater magnitude than he could have even his dreams could have conceived. 
“By the Six...” Gilgamesh muttered in awe, stopping in the middle of the bustling city to simply take it all in. The people, an eclectic mix of cultures, were nothing like those they had once served; very few interacted with one another, bar obvious friends or families, their gazes instead focused on small rectangular items in their hands. The sprawling roads, no longer formed of rough stones and dirt, cut through the lines of buildings with ease,  the vehicles that travelled upon them equally as foreign as the land they explored. 
Looking around his eyes landed upon the vast expanse of businesses, their glass windows containing a variety of bright and luxurious-looking products; something one would never have seen in their times - very few could afford to feed themselves regularly, let alone spend money on material goods. It was a city of opulence, of that he was sure.  
Beside him Ardyn stood with his hands tucked into the pockets of his obscenely bright ‘cardigan’, his hair tied back into a loose bun and a pair of what he called ‘glasses’ upon his face. 
“Magnificent is she not?” He queried “Whilst I might not have any positive feelings about those in charge, I find that one cannot feel anything but awe when faced with their creation. Am I loathed to admit it, but the Mystic’s descendants have done a splendid job.”
“I-” Gilgamesh shook his head in disbelief “It does not seem real. It is so...”
“Different?” Ardyn supplied, looking at him with a quirked eyebrow.
“No. I do no believe there is an adequate word to describe my thoughts.” He reasoned. 
“Perhaps it is something that does not need to be described through mortal words,” Ardyn began, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear “But is instead something that must be experienced in order to comprehend the full magnitude of it all.”
Chuckling Gilgamesh nodded “Of that I believe we are both in agreement.”
“There is one other thing I enjoy about these modern times.” Opening his mouth to reply, Gilgamesh was immediately silenced as Ardyn linked their arms together, intertwining their fingers. Paralysed and eyes wide with terror, the Shield looked around, waiting for someone to notice, for someone to cry out in disgust; yet nothing happened. People passed by without a word, very few even sparing them a glance. No one cared. There was no judgement, no guards rushing to arrest them. Just...nothing. 
A hand upon his face gently encouraged him to turn to Ardyn “Relax,” He said gently, a warm smile upon his face. “Crepera legalised such relationships centuries ago. We no longer have to hide in the shadows Gil.” Ardyn’s thumb gently caressed his cheek. “They cannot touch us.” He whispered before pulling Gilgamesh into a chaste kiss. Laughing giddily Gilgamesh swept him up into his arms, spinning him once prior to setting him back on his feet and pulling him into yet another kiss. 
“We are free.” He laughed against Ardyn’s lips.
“Indeed we are.” Was the joyful reply “There is one other thing I should like to introduce you to.” 
“I cannot think of anything that could top this revelation.” Gilgamesh shot back with a bright smile “But if you believe it to be worth my time, then I shall endeavour to enjoy it.”
“You shall not regret it, I promise.” Ardyn replied, freeing himself from Gilgamesh’s to take hold of his hand. Pulling gently he encouraged the man to follow him. “Now, allow me to introduce you to the life-giving gift that is a Salted Caramel Mocha.” 
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starlightsorcerer · 6 years
jar alternatives!
because we as witches use far too many jars. why not switch things up? 🍯⚱️🍷
budget friendly!:
- glass or plastic soda bottles! 🍾those with a colour to them can be used for colour correspondence, too. bonus is that they're recyclable!
- takeaway containers! 🍜 not too pretty, but very functional, and you know how they just accumulate? plus, they come in any number of shapes and sizes.
- old pill bottles. 💊 they're not transparent, and they're pretty commonplace and won't attract questions, so they're good for closet witches.
- plastic sandwich bags. 🍞just. they're good.
- old lip balm containers. 💄 I have a hollowed out Chapstick full of rosemary, and an old EOS container with a protection / self love spell in it. no one questions them. just be careful when people ask to borrow lip balm!
- you can sew fabric sachets from old t-shirts you don't want ! 👕
- old pencil cases and jewelry boxes also work well for closet witches ! 📿💍✏️✒️
- hollow out a capsicum.🍅this is especially good if you want to bury it. same goes for apples and oranges.
- paper or origami boxes. 🎁 small and perfect. paper is biodegradable, and you can easily use scrap paper from work or school.
- tissue boxes. 🗳 Or even just tissues lol. pretty self explanatory: they're biodegradable and boxes.
- egg shells!! little bottles.
just for a change:
- vases ⚱️subtle and pretty.
- tea cups ☕️GET that cozy, eclectic aesthetic.
- tea pots 🍵 because you probably have too many, I know I do
- flower pots 🌺 terrific for green witches with pots that look pretty, but aren't functional
- organza bags 💰 shit's just cute y'all.
- paint pots 🎨A++ For art witches !
- cleaned nail polish bottles 💅good for glamours especially!
- coin purses👛good for spells you need to carry, since it won't shatter and it's subtle.
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we-eternal-rp · 2 years
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—  ☄  EOS ! aka. elin 'linna’ opal stolt, 24, (yandeh sallah FC)       is looking for her non-biological brother/sister. 
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linna and this muse are not biologically or legally (adoption, fostering, etc) related in any way, however they refer to each other as siblings regardless of the difference in appearance or ethnicity. that’s key! they grew up on the travelling shows and circus routes, which were very communal and sharing and wholesome. linna’s mother raised her and she’s an only child, so they would know linna’s mum as well, they had sleepovers and adventures together, protected each other, this muse would have a trade from that job line. they are suuuuper close, they have always stayed in touch and visited each other when they worked at different shows, like daily communication, and linna’s mum would have seen them as a ‘child of hers’ as well. this is all just wholesomeness siblings, minus legal or biological labels!
suggested fcs: samuel larsen, luka sabbat, dominic fike, dev patel, dylan arnold, chance perdomo, nijiro murakami, evan mock   //  josefine frida pettersen, anya chalotra, cemre baysel, dianna agron (pink-haired), samantha logan, lily rabe, aurora perrineau, lizeth selene
key connection details.
suggested fcs: samuel larsen, luka sabbat, dominic fike, dev patel, dylan arnold, chance perdomo, nijiro murakami, evan mock   //  josefine frida pettersen, anya chalotra, cemre baysel, dianna agron (pink-haired), samantha logan, lily rabe, aurora perrineau, lizeth selene
disallowed fcs: none specifically
suggested/requested ethnicity: strong preference for any FCOC
deity suggestions: any
gender preference: none
wc name: UPT
wc age: 20-34 bracket, unless it’s a suggested FC above
key features: this character must have some alternative, grungey, earthy, spiritual, eclectic or mystical vibe.
how long have they known each other?: at any point from 20 years ago (linna would have been 4) to the minimum of 7 years ago (linna would have been around 15/16)
connection description.
canon details this wc would know about linna: pretty much everything! and also everything in her intro post, they would know her mum, know her skills and hobbies and quirks, and more or less the exact same on their side.
hc’s for this wc: they grew up together on the travelling circus and show circuits and communities, they would have a trade of some sort in that realm (linna is a mystic/fortune teller), they are not biologically related at all but refer to each other as siblings or brother/sister. though their communities were close and wholesome, these two were thick as thieves. we can create endless HC for this depending on how long the canon TL is for their knowing each other.
do you require the applicant to contact you before applying?: as long as you read linna’s intro post, not needed, but hmu if you have qs! (@rcsyfingers)
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ALGP Eclectic Travel Photography
Countries I have Visited: Aruba, Austria, Canada, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong (China), Italy, Japan, Monaco, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, United States (my home), Vatican City, Vietnam and I want to visit more!"
2021 Photography Equipment:
Apple iPad Pro (12.9-inch) 5th generation
Apple iPad Air (3rd generation)
Apple iPhone 11
Cannon EOS Digital Rebel XSi / Cannon EF 70 - 300mm lens
Panasonic DC-FZ80
GoPro Hero3+
Many Apps and lots of photography equipment.
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jakecarson90 · 2 years
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⁣ Canon EOS 250D ⁣ Taken on 19/04/2022.⁣ ⁣ Situated some 40km northwest of Matera is Irsina, which sits atop a high hill overlooking the patchwork of farmland and olive groves as far as the eye can see.⁣ ⁣ A hidden gem in the Basilicata region, Irsina has a rich history going back over 2,000 years.⁣ ⁣ The old town is a maze of small streets lined with an eclectic mix of white-washed houses, which you'd associate with neighbouring Puglia, and the light brown-coloured stone that is more characteristic in Basilicata.⁣ ⁣ 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲:⁣ ⁣ 🚌 You can reach Irsina by getting on a bus from Matera with the company 'Autolinee Smaldone', Monday to Saturday.⁣ ______________________________________⁣ ⁣ #Irsina #BorghItalia #BorghiPiùBelli #UnoDeiBorghiPiùBellidItalia #BorghiPiùBellidItalia #Italia #Italy #Basilicata #VisitBasilicata #VisitItaly #BorghiItaliani #TuristiPerCaso #BasilicataTuristica #TurismoInterno #ILikeItaly #TreasureItaly #Kings_Villages #Alluring_Villages #Divine_Villages #VillagesMyPassion #AmazingShots_Italy #DiscoverItaly #ExploreItaly #BrowsingItaly #CharmingItaly #Loves_United_Borghi #Borghi_Mania__ #BorghiAutentici #BorghiRitrovati #Click_Borghi (at Irsina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdJspPBKcx2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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MOBI Talks Newark 
Hosted by MOBI, DaShawn Usher London Ivan Miles
Co-Sponsored by Rutgers NJMS Research with a Heart & Project WOW
Art Donation by Rafael Cuello, co-founder of ArtFrontGalleries Catering curated and executed by Eclectic Affairs, LLC/Eclectic Catering Newark Museum Manager of Public Programs, Sou L Eo Photos taken by Tehsuan Glover and Viviana Salgado from the Studio Creative Group
Speakers: Joseph Williams HARMONICA SUNBEAM Kevin Edward Taylor Tj Ward
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