#Chonny’s charming chaos compendium fic
virgils-muse · 4 months
I wanna promote my fic/au because I crave attention and validation. Anyways, reblogs are very much appreciated!
What is the au in question?: A Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium alternate universe where HMSW take the place of different Hellenic (Greek) gods called The Primordial Forces AU. I made this because I love CCCC and I’m also a Hellenic Polytheist who’s obsessed with Greco-Roman classic literature.
What’s the au about?: As I said previously, HMSW take the place of different Hellenic deities. Heart is Selene, the deity who pulls the moon with her chariot across the night sky. Mind is Helios, the deity who pulls the sun with her chariot across the day sky. Soul is Eos, the deity who opens the gates of dawn each morning. Whole is Chaos, essentially the personification of the fabric of the universe and the entropy that existed prior to the creation of anything. Of course, CCCC’s usual turmoil arises between the siblings, and when tensions reach their worst, Selene causes a solar eclipse (the equivalent of Heart shooting at Mind in this au). Eos, in an attempt to avenge the wrongs that his sibling have committed against eachother, goes to extreme lengths.
How many fics will you write for this au?: As of right now, I am planning on have three fics. The first one (and currently the only one that is up) recounts Selene’s perspective in a typical narrative format. The second one recounts Helios’s perspective in a play format. The third one will recount Eos’s perspective in an epic poem format. I may make more fics but as of right now that is the plan.
Why should I read these fics?: Although of course these fics do not accurately portray Hellenic Mythology, as that is obviously not the point of them, I can say that they’ve been crafted with great effort to reference actual mythology and beliefs of that time period. For example, in the opening of the first chapter of “The Selene Acoustic,” I used the format of actual Homeric prayer. I also reference the actual cult followings (or lack thereof) of these deities as well. And I don’t just use Percy Jackson or Madeleine Miller’s retellings as my source. I’ve read The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer, The Aeneid (which yes, I know it’s Roman not Greek) by Virgil, Theogony by Hesiod, Metamorphoses (yes again I know that’s Roman) by Ovid, The Three Theban Plays by Sophocles, The Oresteia by Aeschylus, Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides, as well as several essays and articles pertaining to these subjects. And I’m not saying this to brag or say “look at me I’m so smart”. I’m saying this because I want you to know that I’ve made this fic with such care and attention to detail. I do my research into these deities mythology, their worship, their epithets, their role in domestic life, their festivals, everything!
Anyways, here’s the link to “The Selene Acoustic” third chapter came out today, you should def read it if any of this stuff interests you.
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purpleleafsyt · 15 days
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The Star
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pinkcove · 6 months
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Soul and Darrell based on a fic called intro to cluckophony by cryptid_bard on ao3 :3
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gracebethartacc · 8 months
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say it with me everyone: Heart is not A Baby, Mind is not a Jackass, and Soul is not Crazy. (or alternatively Cool/Laid back 24/7)
They have layers like onions or however the quote goes idk
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socialc1imb · 6 months
“Let me go!” Mind shouted as he continued to struggle to pull his hand free. He was forced to tilt his head to the side, struggling to shield his eyes from the blinding glow of the trident.
“It will only take a few seconds, I’m trying !” Soul responded, tightening his grip around Mind’s wrist.
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From… you guessed it… the fic ever
Do NOT repost my art without asking/without credit.
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echoesofaheart · 4 months
consider. mind but his crown is also a halo
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utterentropy · 5 months
Atop the tall podium, rinsed in an iridescent, golden hue, a celestial rim washing down each corner; trimmed by a dusty silver, shivering with a pearly shine.
The audience, cornered in the nooks of their seats, twitched and bowed at the rancorous uproar.
"Guys…" A well-heighted man, head the shape and hue of a noble planet. "You both won, you don't have to–"
"[WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'CARRY', YOU TURKEY-BRAINED BODY ODOUR-FRAGRANTED PURPLE MASS OF DEPRESSED RODENTS?]" Mind tightly roared from the crease of his lips, whipping his brand new sun trophy onto the podium; a hard, metallic clatter snapping into the flooring. "[IF IT WEREN'T FOR ME, WE WOULDN'T EVEN HAVE INFORMATION OUT THERE ABOUT OUR RIGHTS TO THIS SEAT!]"
Words torn from mouth and crashing into each timorous ear surrounding the two, pronounced in a very ired, Australian tongue.
Arms furiously stretched and swung and feet stamped to enunciate visible outrage.
"Yeesh, Moon… I always thought our relationship was bad, but it seems like sun and moons across the universe can get so much worse…" Sun shivered, a quick tug on his coarse yet metallic collar, punctuated by a swift glance to his lunar counterpart. "Over where we're from, we have to deal with living in a giant animatronic mall and occasionally the works of cross-dimensional madness. But over there, it seems to me they really need to learn a lesson about getting along!"
"I could take them in a fight with a small dresser tied to my dominant hand." Moon stared, unblinking, body as stiff as a long rock.
The other contestants watched as the words were rocked and tossed in a staggering hatred.
At one point, Heart's wings had enlarged to mimic that of a threatened bird inflating its stance to appear larger; Mind's chest hummed with the overwork of his fans.
Suns and moons from all sorts of solar systems stationed across the multiverse watched in horror.
Two of them were those guys from Nimona, but I don't know dick about shit about Nimona so you gotta use your imagination for that one.
"Right right, you two have your trophy, just…" The celestial staff member disarmingly motioned their hands, gazing down at the two halves. "What are you going to do with your prize money?"
"(Oh, I'm probably gonna use it on an invasive wildflower and a seven hundred AUD life-sized Lopunny plush.)"
"[To pay off my severe prescription zolmitriptan debt that I'm four months behind on because I spent half my yearly salary on a car that I ended up crashing because of a migraine.]"
Happy tiny niche fandom winning against FNaF and Nimona for all who celebrate
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nova-they-exist-yup · 4 months
acting president
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dontpercievemeplease · 7 months
Jashers it’s happened.
Silly Writing with Silly Guys by Foxy is now on ao3!!!
No more having to deal with large google docs :)
Please show Foxy some love!!
Go read it’s so good!!!! They’re brothers your honor I swear-
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neon-merrick · 5 months
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bam more art
did my favourite dysfunctional trio
bonus alastor because he's in my brain sometimes. i definitely need to fix his teeth...
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starjashsprophecy · 3 months
CHAPTER WON: The Juneau Incident
Heart walk down the to the. Mind door he open. ANgry. >:(
“(wat is wrong with u!??!?!??)” Herttb said. Mind locked at him angry. “[ur 1 2 talk”] said Mnm. Heart walked over to mindD and punchs he. 
(AN: O_O) The stars were angry.
“[I hat u!!!!!!!!!!!]” >:[[ “[ur such a child.]” 
“( >:(”) Heart wished Mind was gone. Tgey would b able to functon so much better without he judging evilly insult s. Heart wished mind was DEAD. 
Heart was angry, and the stars were too. The angrgy starts twinkled angrily. Heart could tell theyis angry. “(At least IM not an emotion less monster!)” Heart said. “[you refuse to even listen 2 me! I pick up everythinmh u are too pathetic to carry.]” Mind’s tail lashed as he hissed.  “[i have to fix all ur mistakes. All the things you fail to be right about]”
Heart rolled his void eyes,, “ (You are intelligent, but u are not wise. U are logical but u er not correct.)”
”[Yeah. well my logic clearly states ur a burden. we would b so much better off if ur emotions weren’t clowning our life.”]
”(Ur logics wron! i wish you were DIED!!!!”) Heart gasped. He didnt’ mean to blurt that say out loud that.
Mind just giggled, and laughe d. “[youre just proving  how useless your emotions r. You and WE would be nothing without me constantly cleaning up all ur mistakes and problems”] Heartbt pushed his striped sleeve up and tge fishnets shirt sleve scrunched together. He broight his hand up to hit mind but he dodged it. “(WGAR)” Mimb grabbt his hand and btiesd it with his sharps teeths fangs.
Heart punched mdimd. Mind growled and hissed and pushed him away. Herrt fell to the floor. Thud!. 
“(Fuckf u”)Hearbt hated Mint he was men
He grabd his ankle and made him fall to the floor next to him. Mimd hit he head and ouched and HEart tok the oppsrunitiny to grab his hed and hit in on the ground! AGAIN! Mind unsheathd his sharp claws and scratched at Herbt until e was he is let go. Heart was bleeding and holded his arm that was bleedingsparkly blood.it matched the makup on his face that looked like blood and he spakrly blindfold that was right now in he nek. ……… hey wa it. ! Heat isn’t sparkly befor e (aN: before rfernc XD X3). … . what! 
Herbt was confused because he wasn’t sparkle before (an: b) but it locked cool . he was stars. “
(Ohmi gosh god!”)
Mimd didn’t car because Hert was still attaking him and heart remeemerd he was attacking hm and attacked Mind again. Mind locked more like stars also but not as much as heart did and he the room was stars sparkly to. Mimnds black ears locked mor elike wolf instead of cat they always is cat it was weirdand they looked like pain because of his many silver piersings and really cool detail earring but they were difrnt! What.! ?
He met Minds bright eyes t. Eyes of hatred and judgement.  Mind hatd Heart and Heart hat Mind and for ones som 1 was on he side becais the stars hatd Mind too. Heartb could tell because they were angy. Even tho they were angryg at both of theit fighting.
All heart feeled was violents. Towards himself but he didm’t want to hurt Whole that way so it was diretld at Mind insted always. But he was still hurting them evn if he lied to himself but he was too angry 2 think becuz Mind wouldn’t listen to him either so why should Heart give him the grace?!? 
 Tge angry stars formed a gun in Herbts hand! He locked down at it and barely saw the sparkl urple starduts metal before he aimd it and pull the trigger!
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themidnightwholistic · 4 months
I know I posted the Mind drawing, but I genuinely can't remember if tumblr has seen the others I made so uh.
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These are the character designs for act 1 ^_^
Kinda wondering now. Would you guys wanna see more art posts from me?? I never really thought my art was very "post worthy" or whatever idk, but if tumblr likes art, then I will post art :3
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purpleleafsyt · 5 months
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From my fic, Inclarity :>
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randaccidents · 5 months
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Juno was mad, he knew he'd been had So he shot at the Sun with a gun
The Heartless Juno Incident! The first in a string of incidents that starts off this AU! I was planning to release a fic with the artwork buuuuuuuuuut its not mentally working so have the art first :3
Heart painted the gun to look like a nerf gun before he used it, with the idea of "if you think I'm childish, I will use a childish weapon to defeat you". He missed, thankfully, although not by much, and broke their fragile balance. (and hush about the poor gun handling that's the point)
Mind is fine btw, just incredibly angry that he had been shot at by his sibling.
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gracebethartacc · 6 months
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Would you believe me if I said this was originally just gonna be two doodle pages ?
anyway Woe very fic/au specific scenario be upon ye (ft: @wacky-theater-kids)
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Pj brainstorming + joke I said while making this + yeah no this was literally what happened huh
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itsnotjustgibberish · 7 months
Wake up chat, Gibberish writing dropped!
Soul and Whole centric fic :] written with platonic intent for clarity
Warnings: General angst, unreality/depersonalization, mostly unhappy ending. Let me know if there’s anything else I should add; I’m not too experienced posting and tagging writing
^Can be read here, or below,
They always met at the beginning of the loops.
Soul knew the ‘Whole’ he met within the rainstorms wasn’t really Harmonia, or even fully real. Still, he would always take the time to sing their duets. It would always repeat the promise to revive Him. His hope would be renewed from the spring showers; hydrated so that it could hold on long enough to eventually blossom when the song regained its harmonies.
Whole was just a human being.
Soul had to remind himself of that. Over and over he reminded itself that Harmonia was not a god, not his god. He hated Soul’s reverence.
Except when he saw Him this time, it was difficult not to humble himself.
The voice of the silhouette always sounded familiar, even if He was rather blurry, but this meeting wasn’t during the beginning. Heart and Mind had already harmonized, and begun to work together. If anything, they might have already formed a Soulless-Harmonia.
So how could he come face-to-face with his Whole, now?
He had to be real. This wasn’t the beginning, he couldn’t be just a promise. He was a person, He was here. He was here with Soul. He was finally, truly meeting The Whole.
What the fuck.
The mechanisms behind his eyes began to spin out hundreds of different worries. Had it respected Him correctly? Would He be proud of The Soul’s work to reform? Would He be proud of Atlas himself..?
Soul felt his hands reach out to The Whole unthinkingly, but he did not fight it.
“{Whole?}” Despite the tone, it was no longer a question. His hands were solid against Soul’s. The touch was real. His body was real. Whole was real.
“Hello, Mr. Eclipse.”
“{How…}” He tore one hand away to cover his mouth as tears escaped his eyes. Whole squeezed the hand He still held for a moment, briefly attempting to offer comfort, before pulling His Soul into a hug instead.
“I don’t know.”
Soul leaned into the embrace, face pressing against His shoulder. The curls of His hair were an uncomfortable tickle as they brushed against him, but he could not care; it wasn’t an artificial feeling. Atlas clung on to His back, and the soft cloth of His shirt folded between his fingers. The pressure of His arms around it was like a weighted blanket keeping him free from harm. Whole did not have the same metallic coldness of Mind, nor the feverish scorching of Heart; He was a human being with a natural warmth, He was a real person. Whole was real.
Whole was real as He held the sobbing man, who’s hands shook as he clung on to Him tighter. Atlas’ nails would have drawn blood if the other’s clothes had been any thinner. Still, Whole refused to move away. Even as tears drenched His shirt, surely leaving some kind of stain, He stayed still as a comforting constant.
Suddenly yet hesitantly, Soul pulled his head away; his eyes were wide and terrified, as if he was worried the other might disappear when he let go. “{It took so fucking long for you to finally show up here. You haven’t always been able to, right?}” Soul sniffled. “{You haven’t– please tell me you haven’t left us forsaken intentionally–}” The words wobbled before splitting apart into another wave of sobs.
Atlas brought its eyes back up from the floor, tears blinked away. The terrifying thought of what His answer could be was replaced with a guilt worse than a thousand sliced nerves when its gaze met Whole’s; clouded with sadness.
“Do you think I would?” His voice lowered.
Soul felt all words leave him. He had upset Whole. They had only just met and he had already fucked up and hurt Him. What was wrong with him? What kind of vessel was he?
Whole silently hugged him again. Atlas let his arms fall to his sides; it didn’t deserve His comfort now. Of course He wouldn’t have meant to leave. He couldn’t have wanted to leave. Because what would that say about Soul? About all of them; that they were part of something so quick to push their own self away?
But He was here with him now as he cried until his head hurt. Whole eventually gave him an awkward pat on the head; which was met with Soul giggling through his sobs, wiping at his cheeks. He glanced up at the other to see him mirror the movement. Soul hadn’t noticed when Whole began crying, but there was something oddly comforting about seeing the tears on His face as well.
Whole backed away, eyes finally breaking from Soul’s to take in the room. Awe grew in The Whole’s face as He wandered around, with Atlas following right behind like a lost duckling. The impossible space of Soul’s bedroom was really the only structure in the psyche that hadn’t formed based around his house.
Harmonia looked back at Soul, and it seemed to set in that this was the place he had already spent hundreds of thousands of days in. Soul found the wonder charming, but the one wondering was not aware of that, and so he shifted his attention to avoid boring him.
“It’s rather dark in here, don’t you think?” He turned to the window, making his way over slow enough for The Eclipse to easily catch up if needed. Atlas watched a mix of sun and moon highlight His quintet-colored nails as Whole pressed the glass panes open, observing the clouds outside. “Perhaps we should cloudgaze? It’s certainly been a while.”
All the times he had spent laying beside ‘Whole’ to watch the rain clouds pass felt emptier now. It hurt, but maybe that was okay; he had the real Whole now, didn’t he? But the thought of watching the clouds together was terrifying. They would be tempting fate; disrespecting this current Parousia to return to a fake one. Soul reasoned with himself that the tears making another attempt at escape were just a remaining irritation of his eyes. It certainly could not be fear overtaking him again.
“Hey, Dawnlight,” Atlas nearly jumped as Harmonia’s hand suddenly appeared on his shoulder. “I’m sure it’s okay.”
“{What… What if somehow–}”
“It will be okay.”
“{But you appeared so quickly, what if you leave just as suddenly? How can I know you won’t get lost in the rain? How can I trust you not to abandon me again?}” He took a deep breath, and avoided His eyes for fear of having to see that pain-filled expression once more. “{I’m sorry, I don’t mean to blame you– you can’t be the one to blame for this– but I have never been this fucking terrified before.}”
“It may be partly cloudy, but the rains cannot reach us today.” He motioned outside, “Look at the clouds. They’re paler than a certain Akaryocyte, aren’t they?”
Soul couldn’t help but smile at the– probably unintentional– jab at Heart, and carefully crept up beside him. “{The clouds have no rain.}”
“The clouds have no rain.” He echoed.
“{You can’t get lost.}”
Whole patted his shoulder, again, rather awkwardly. “I’m here, aren’t I?"
“{You’re real, and you are here.}”
Soul guided the other through the patch where the roof turned to smog. After a short hike, the duo settled in a low altitude meadow of cloud; lying against the soft ground.
Whole hummed a tune that Soul quickly recognized; a zeroth track the trio had already sung. He grinned, looking up at all the variations in the puffs enclosing them from above.
“Isn’t it so very fascinating to see how the clouds will form differently from such simple changes in the environment?”
“Do you have a favorite cloud?”
“{I’ve always found interstellar ones really lovely.}”
He raised an eyebrow. “Those aren’t the ones I meant, silly.”
“{You should’ve specified water molecules. I bet you’d hate to find out my favorite color is technically a value.}” He laughed, and paused. “{…Your favorite color is still pink, right?}”
“{Do you dislike how we connect you to gold, then?}”
“Nah. I think it’s fun to see the symbolism you three have made. Besides, Atlas, don’t you think I would get sick of it if everything around me was constantly pink?”
Soul laughed again, and sat up. “{Fair enough.}”
He grabbed a clump of the cloud beneath him, and carefully began to shape it. Whole rolled onto His stomach, watching His third before looking back at the sky. Giggling to himself, Soul set the flower he had created atop His head, catching His eye before focusing on creating another. A few more flowers joined the first, as well as a sun and moon, before either of them broke the comfortable silence again.
“{What are you gonna say to Heart and Mind when you meet them?}” He asked.
Harmonia looked at him thoughtfully before eventually giving up on an answer with a shrug. He carefully sat up as to not let the clouds fall from his hair, and moved to sit beside Soul. It leaned against The Whole, and closed his eyes. His shoulder was solid and comfortable beneath his head, and so were the clouds holding them up.
“I’m not real.”
“{I…}” The vessel opened his eyes, trying to steady its breathing before looking at the void beside him.
“You know that, don’t you?”
“{…The lie was comforting.}”
“I know.”
Soul could barely see into His eyes anymore.
“You have to join them, Atlas.” The name once held so much tranquility, but now it felt like a toxin ripping apart each and every molecule of his being. The sweetness of it left a bitter aftertaste now; it was a horrid reminder that Soul could never be its own person to truly meet Whole. If the trio intertwined and formed Whole physically, Soul would no longer exist to see Him. If the trio became Whole by harmonizing and working together as individuals, the Harmonia he wanted so desperately to meet would never exist.
Soul would never meet Whole.
“{I can’t lose you.}”
”You won’t—“ Whole was cut off as the other yelled.
”{I know that! I know the three of us will form you again. I know you and I are intertwined; the real Whole was what we repaired along the way, or whatever cliché shit, but I can’t lose the presence here now. I can’t lose you!}”
Whether the wetness on his face was caused by tears or rain, Soul wasn’t sure, but it didn’t matter. It was already too late. It clutched its arms around himself, and sobbed harder when the only response was a cold zephyr carrying the smell of storms. He tried to dig his hands into the ground beneath him, desperately searching for something solid or something real, but the clouds only dissipated with the extra pressure. Soul brought its knees to his chest, and let his head fall forward as he cradled them.
Eventually he ran a sleeve across his face in a half-hearted attempt to clean it. Taking a heavy breath, Atlas looked back down at the empty space beside him, and forced his legs to stand and walk. The Eclipse spoke to the void one final time.
“{Stratocumulus.}” Was the only word to break the silence before he started the path back home to his other halves.
Soul would never meet Whole, but Harmonia was still waiting for him.
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