#ccf warm up: get a job
thisapplepielife · 28 days
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Written for the @corrodedcoffinfest May warm-up round.
These Keys?
Prompt: Get a Job | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language, Off-Screen Recreational Weed Use | POV: Gareth | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: AU, Gareth Fakes It Until He Can Make It, Car Dealership, Gareth & Steve, Meet Ugly, Eddie Only Tortures Those He Loves Most
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Gareth is dozing at his desk, when a knock on his office door startles him awake, "Your two o'clock is here." 
Gareth didn't remember having a two o'clock, but he stands up and tries to smooth out his suit. It's two sizes too big, and something Eddie found for him at a thrift store. It's ugly, but works, for now. He's just working this job selling cars, saving some goddamn money, until the band can start playing full-time. Hopefully. That's the dream, anyway.
He's not very good at it, not like Eddie would be, but Eddie was a no-go with his hair that he refused to cut to be a corporate shill, or whatever he ranted about.
There's a guy standing in the showroom, waiting. Preppy and coiffed within an inch of his life. Great. 
But Gareth approaches him, because he looks like he has money. And money means the chance at a commission. So, Gareth tries to shake the cobwebs out of his brain.
"I'm Steve. We talked on the phone earlier," this guy says, and Gareth reaches out to shake his hand. He has no memory of this alleged conversation. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten so stoned with Eddie during his lunch break.
Rolling out of the van loose and faded after lunch, probably wasn't the best idea he's ever had. 
But he hates this job. He can't sell cars. He knows nothing about them. 
"What can I help you with, Steve?" Gareth asks, and Steve's just staring at him, definitely annoyed. What's his damn problem?
"As I said on the phone, my lease is up. I need to find out how much it will be to buy mine out, or lease something new."
"Cool. Cool. Totally, man. We can do that."
"How about this one?" Gareth asks, looking at a BMW he's never seen on the lot before. It's shiny. Really, really shiny. He runs his hand over the roof. "Pretty, right?"
"Uh, yeah," Steve says, but sounds less than enthused, crossing his arms over his chest, and it looks a little aggressive, "Well, how much? What's the mileage?"
Man, he's bitchy.
There's no sticker, but Gareth can find out how much they're asking. He'll just bullshit until then. 
"It's new on the lot," Gareth says, and tries to pull up on the handle, but it doesn't budge.
"Locked, huh?" Steve asks. "Maybe you need the keys?"
Gareth presses his face to the window, to see if he can see the odometer from here, but can't.
"Yeah, I'll get the keys. I'll be right back. Wait here."
"Sure, okay. I'll be waiting," Steve snaps, and Gareth strides off towards the dealership. 
When he comes back, with no keys, Steve is talking to Keith. Goddamnit. 
"Do you know where the keys to this car are?" Gareth asks Keith, interrupting.
Steve pulls a set of keys out of his pocket, "These keys?"
"Where'd you get those?" Gareth asks.
"It's my car, Gareth. This is the car I drove here. The one I've been leasing from you guys for the past two years. The one I told you about, on the phone."
Keith shakes his head, disappointed, and points Gareth back towards the showroom.
He's been dismissed, and his potential commission, gone. Probably his job. A lease would have made sure they wouldn't fire him. Fuck. He didn't know that was Steve's car. How could he have known? Steve could have said something, for fuck's sake. Prick.
And now Gareth just has to stand by watching as Steve goes over the paperwork on his new car. The one Gareth definitely isn't going to sell him. Keith made sure of it. 
Today's not his day. 
At least it's winding to a close, and when Eddie pulls up in the van, Gareth walks toward it, relieved to be done with Keith, Steve, and this job for another day.
But then he notices that Steve is following him. Which, weird. Surely he's not gonna kick his ass over a dumb mistake. He was just a little baked. That's all. 
Gareth pauses. And so does Steve. 
"What?" Gareth asks. 
"What, what?" Steve repeats. 
"Why are you following me?" Gareth asks.
"I'm not following you," Steve says, clearly following him.
"You are." 
"I'm not."
They're still arguing, this childish back and forth, when Eddie gets out and leans against the van. 
"Soooo, I see you've met," Eddie says.
And they both turn to look in his direction. 
"You know him?!" they both yell, in unison. 
And Eddie just cackles. 
"You set me up!" Gareth accuses, pointing at Eddie.
"Well, maybe. A little. But it was mainly Steve I was harassing." 
And then Gareth gets it. 
"This is your Steve?" Gareth asks, pointing at the preppy-looking motherfucker standing next to him.
Eddie nods, pleased with himself, clearly. 
"Eddie! You lost me my commission!"
Steve is rubbing his eyebrow, "Gareth. Shoulda realized. How common could that name be?"
He's muttering quietly and Gareth is scared they've broken him. 
Eddie must be pretty sure about this one, if he's already picking on him this goddamn hard. 
Steve snaps out of it, suddenly striding over towards Keith.
Gareth follows.
"Hey, Gareth was helping me first. He's the one I had the appointment with, so I'd like to finish this up with him. See it through."
"But, are you, I…" Keith splutters, not wanting to let this one go, obviously, and Gareth just grins and holds out his hand for the halfway filled-out lease. 
Keith hands it over, and Gareth leads Steve and Eddie back to his office.
Steve signs on the dotted line, and Gareth will be able to pay his rent for another month. And he hit his monthly bonus, right at the end of the month. Hot damn.
"Thanks, Steve," Gareth says, "Sorry we got off on the wrong foot."
Steve just lulls his head towards Eddie, "Now, we had a little help with that, didn't we?"
And Eddie just cackles, like the shitty troll he is.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @corrodedcoffinfest and follow along with the fun! 🦇
Notes: Inspiration for this one, was I saw this video a couple months ago, and had to track down the original on TikTok to share it here. But: Graham, Gareth. It made sense. (And I found there were updates to the Graham debacle!!)
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corrodedcoffinfest · 27 days
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Corroded Coffin Fest - May 15th - Masterlist
Big, big thanks to those who participated in this second warm-up round for Corroded Coffin Fest! Missed out? There'll be another chance on June 15th! Start working on your "Band on the Run" submissions now, if you'd like to join in on the fun!
Color-Coded Ratings Key: General, Teen, Mature, Explicit.
Here are all the submissions from yesterday's prompt:
Put 'em to work. First jobs, side hustles, etc. Surely they've had some other jobs besides being in the band. Tell us about them.
wasting company time by @steddieas-shegoes | Rating: T | CW: None | Tags: they're idiots and i love them, especially gareth, he is my most special boy
These Keys? by @thisapplepielife | Rating: T | CW: Language, Off-Screen Recreational Weed Use | POV: Gareth | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: AU, Gareth Fakes It Until He Can Make It, Car Dealership, Gareth & Steve, Meet Ugly, Eddie Only Tortures Those He Loves Most
What a way to make a livin' by @dreamwatch | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Gareth | Tags: they're idiots, first jobs, banter, angst free zone!
Corroded Coffin Boys at Work by @luciferssworld
Corroded Coffin Fest will be back on June 15th for the third and final warm-up round before the full event in July! 🦇
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closetcasefabray · 5 years
ccf rereads loso /6
chapter eleven: extreme u-hauling
i haven’t mentioned before but i should—i love the chapter titles
“Clarke, you’re back,” Monty gives her a genuine smile, nearly displacing the worry on his face for a split second. “With a lot of people.”
“Yeah,” Jasper says a little shakily. “A lot.” He stares at them worriedly but then forces his usual carefree grin. “Some of them are warrior women. Do you think they like nerds?”
Monty & Jasper would def say this when faced with an army of nonhostile grounders. another brief glimpse into character reactions i can see happening
“Goufas,” Clarke hears Anya hiss to Lexa.
“Shof op, Anya,” Lexa replies, not looking away from Clarke.
Clarke flushes at the hidden warmth of her stare, then turns to her side when someone grabs her arm. It’s Bellamy. “We need to talk,” he says to her in an undertone, and drags her into the drop ship, nearly bruising her arm. She manages to turn her head and give Lexa a reassuring look before they’re inside, and Lexa lets her hand slide off the hilt of her sword.
anya doesn’t outwardly roll her eyes but i bet she can tell lexa is smitten af & it’s weird & kinda gross & laughable if it weren’t for the dangers but also anya worries bc she remembers lexa after costia’s death & while she wishes brief moments of happiness for lexa she knows love is weakness for a commander
the looks between clarke & lexa are what i fucking miss so so much. i could watch two hours of them sharing looks like they did on horseback, lexa’s hint of a smile
also lol lexa reaching for her sword is so on point i laughed
“You’re an ass, Bellamy, but you don’t deserve what they’ll do to you.”
clarke is doing a great job of reminding everyone that the most barbaric place was the Ark. also that comment is to the point.
- making bellamy a teacher just reminds me of how much i hated then loved then hated bellamy again. his character could have been so much better.
“I guess if I let him go off alone he’ll just get in trouble.”
“Hey!” Bellamy says, giving her a half-smile in return. “I’m right here, O!”
Clarke lets herself slide down the wall to the floor, suddenly too tired to stand now that everything’s been dealt with.
She feels a smile tugging at her face, even as she smothers a huge yawn. This moment feels so nice, so warm. She has Lexa – Wells – Bellamy – Octavia – Jasper – Finn – Monty – all alive, all alive and happy, it’s too much. If she could just stay awake – keep her eyes open – hear more –
But her eyes slide shut and the siblings’ happy banter gradually fades away as sleep takes over.
this all just makes my heart smile.
chapter twelve: to see an old place with new eyes
All Clarke has seen in TonDC is violence: this is the first time she sees Indra’s village as it is. Just a village, a beautiful small village filled with Trikru going about their evening, teasing each other and swigging their drinks and training and flirting and enjoying themselves. Children run in the growing darkness, playing foolish games, sticks as swords. Their yells and giggles can be heard from far away.
It is wonderful, for Lexa to be able to see her world through Clarke’s eyes and for once find nothing to be ashamed of.
Lexa wonders if someday she will also get to see the best of Clarke’s world, the peaceful, friendly Ark that she sometimes suspects is a figment of Wanheda’s imagination.
this is so important. & p much. the peace clarke knew was from a privileged position. clarke knows that but yknow. cultural ignorance.
Lexa admires her Skai girl. So quick, so diplomatic, so wise. No wonder she had been able to match wits with Lexa, a seasoned Commander, after only weeks on the ground.
[wipes tears] so proud of my bbs
- indra’s quiet pride in lincoln is the sweetest thing
“Why, Commander, are you trying to get me drunk?” Clarke smiles, her lips only an inch from Lexa’s.
Lexa flushes. “Of course not, Clarke. That would be wrong. I do not encourage any of your people to drink to excess, given our day of walking tomorrow. I merely wish to give my gonas and your Skaikru a good night, allowing them to enjoy this new alliance…” She’s babbling, Lexa realises. She’s the Commander. She does not babble.
“Lexa,” Clarke says, pressing a soft kiss on the very corner of Lexa’s mouth. “Shof op, please.”
Clarke presses her lips more fully to Lexa’s, in a long, sweet kiss that utterly removes Lexa’s ability to talk, or indeed to think.
flirting ✅
“shut up & kiss me” ✅
heart explosions ✅
Clarke smiles, and kisses her again, then sighs and pulls away. “We shouldn’t stay here too long. It’s suspicious.”
“Yes,” Lexa pulls her in again and kisses her quickly, then steps back. “Come and see TonDC in peacetime, Clarke kom Skaikru. I think you will like it.”
hello, yes, i would like 38274 more quiet, secret kisses between, please.
also i love LOVE “we should stop” then kissing again moments
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jacewilliams1 · 5 years
Nine things I know about flying in Wisconsin
A beautiful state up north with a serious aviation addiction
Wisconsin is my adopted summer home state and the place where I do most of my fun flying. No, I’m not crazy; I head to Florida when snow, cold temps and ice fishing become the norm. Returning just before Memorial Day allows me the advantage of enjoying the best of both worlds. I like to say that I live in paradise… but in two widely disparate states. Flying makes the commute easy.
1. Wisconsin is more than cows, deer, corn…
Beyond wintry weather, most folks unfamiliar with Wisconsin likely think it’s filled with cows, deer, corn, cheese, a lot of beer, and possessed Green Bay Packers fans. Those descriptions all apply, but there is so much more Wisconsin has to offer. Its economy, ecology, geographical diversity and Midwestern values are largely underappreciated if not misunderstood. Aside from the larger cities of Milwaukee, Madison and Green Bay, Wisconsin is largely a rural state. Almost 95% of its airports are uncontrolled and only the three cities mentioned have Class C airspace over them.
2. You can divide Wisconsin into three areas
Geographically, the state can be divided into three different areas: the lowlands, the bluffs and the Lake Superior uplands. The lowlands start at the capital of Madison and extend eastward above the Illinois line to Lake Michigan and north up the shoreline to Green Bay and the stunning area of Door County. It includes the cities surrounding Lake Winnebago where Oshkosh is. The bluffs extend west from Madison and up the Mississippi River. The uplands – known locally as the Northwoods (locals say ‘nortwoods’ with a nasal twang) – is the sparsely populated recreational areas in the north. Wisconsin has 15,000 lakes and many of them are located in the northland.
3. Wisconsin takes great care of its airports
Wisconsin has many well-maintained, friendly airports for GA pilots.
Because winters can be severe, Wisconsinites have every reason to celebrate the warm months of the year in a wide variety of ways. As a result, aviators have a plethora of places to visit and opportunities to enjoy the state by air. Whatever your desires, activities abound and there’s usually an airport nearby that can service your needs. The Wisconsin DOT Bureau of Aeronautics takes its 132 airport network seriously and it shows. I know first-hand… I inhabit one. I hang out at the Wautoma airport (Y50) 35 miles due west of Oshkosh when I’m around. I like to say that if there was an airport in heaven, it would look like Wautoma. Because of its proximity to Ripon, many eastbound AirVenture airplanes stop there en route or when Oshkosh closes for any reason.
Recently talking with a main subcontractor to the State Bureau of Aeronautics, I learned that Wisconsin is one of 10 states which receive and manage block grants from the FAA Airport Improvement Program fund. As such, the federal government provides 90% of funding for new projects directly to the state, which then prioritizes needs, adds 5% while local entities provides the final 5%. I can tell you that they do a great job of helping all the airports in the state. Come see for yourself.
4. Most airports in Wisconsin are uncontrolled
Looking at a State Aeronautical chart, you have to work to find the 12 airports colored blue. Eight of those have commercial service while only three have Class C airspace above them. All of the rest are red. Owing to its rural nature, every airport has something of interest nearby, depending upon your interests.
5. Wisconsin is home of EAA
It would be heretical to not start the discussion with AirVenture. What can you say about an event that drew in 640,000 people to an airport in a town of 64,000 in 2019? While AirVenture is the pinnacle event that gets a lot of press, there’s a second side to the EAA the other 51 weeks of the year. With the crowds gone, EAA visitors can take their time in the EAA Museum. Programs abound weekly. Just this week, I attended an Aviation Adventure program with a group of F-117 Nighthawk pilots. The Poberezny estate guided tour shouldn’t be missed. EAA and FAA meet each winter in what I view as the most important give-and-take discussions involving GA. (Did you know that Harry Houdini considered nearby Appleton his home? There’s a museum at the Castle which has an exhibit dedicated to him.) 2019 was my 38th year in attendance at AirVenture and the primary reason I built my hangar nearby.
By the way, the nearby town of Iola hosts an automotive equivalent of AirVenture each summer in early July. 2019 was its 47th year – almost as long-running as AirVenture. The 300-acre Old Car Show grounds hosts about 2,500 show cars, 4,200 swap spaces, 1,000 car corral spaces and 1,600 RV campsites. If you’re a car person, you need to visit the Iola Old Car show. Get to the Iola airport four miles east and the CCF pilots will ensure you get to the show with a shuttle.
6. Wisconsin boasts the best $100 hamburger that $9 will buy at Central County Airport (68C)
Lunch at 68C is not to be missed.
Located 38nm NW of Oshkosh, this former potato field turned airport holds a Friday fly in lunch almost year around. The Central County Flyers (CCF) have a wonderful hangar filled with picnic tables and a real wood-burning fireplace where they provide lunch to “members only” (you can join for life for $10.) People fly in from hundreds of miles away to enjoy the aviation camaraderie, good food and airplane watching every week. A few years ago, it was renamed Paul Johns Field to honor a local resident/pilot who flew Boeing 314 Clippers on 221 crossings of the Pacific during WWII. This airport is a joy to behold; this is how GA ought to be everywhere. Its Friday fly in lunch menu is always announced in advance online. Sadly, Paul Johns passed away at 104 in 2018, but a showcase filled with his mementos is in the hangar. I got to know him quite well; he started flying in 1929. I’ve seen as many as 80 airplanes on the ground on a nice weather holiday weekend. EAA folks often fly in for lunch, as well. You won’t regret putting 68C on your itinerary if you’re nearby on Friday.
7. Wisconsin is for seaplanes
As I said, Wisconsin has 15,000 lakes. There are six public seaplane bases and seven private locations where prior permission is required. There are a few restrictions on the many other lakes but most are open to use… just check the WisDOT site first. I actually have a friend who fishes from his Lake Amphibian. The lakes are where many of Wisconsin’s resorts are located.
8. Not convinced yet? Here are more of my favorite places
Baraboo-Dells airport (KDLL)
Located along a scenic section of the Wisconsin River in an area of sandstone etched gorge formations, the Wisconsin Dells is a popular resort and water park destination for mid-westerners. Enjoy old tractors … especially steam tractors? Don’t miss the Badger Steam & Gas show held in early August just after Oshkosh. Want to do some gambling? Try the Ho-Chunk Gaming casino located adjacent to the airport … they’ll come pick you up. Did you know that there’s a circus museum dedicated to preserving the sights and story of railroad based circuses in Baraboo? Their Ringlingville displays show the historic winter headquarters of that circus.
Ashland airport (KASX) and Madeline Island airport (4R5)
If you enjoy fall foliage colors or want to see the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, autumn is the time of year to visit this area. The trip up over the Northwoods can be spectacular. Consisting of 21 islands accessible only by boat, taking the tour from Bayfield is the best way to see the islands and the six lighthouses that inhabit them. Madeline Island is not a part of the Lakeshore and is accessible via ferry or ice road once Lake Superior freezes over. In winter, you can visit the ice caves when it is determined that transiting by vehicle over the frozen lake is safe.
The Door County Peninsula above Green Bay (KSUE, 3D2 and 2P2)
Door County is a famous for its fall colors.
Door County is a peninsula jutting out of NE Wisconsin into Lake Michigan. It’s mostly a tourist/resort area and is serviced by three airports in addition to Green Bay (KGRB). In fall, this area is also a beautiful place to visit or spend a weekend. The Washington Island airport (2P2) is an especially interesting place. Just a flight around the area is breathtaking in fall. The National Railroad Museum is located in Green Bay, as is Lambeau Field near to the airport.
The Brodhead airport (C37) and EAA “Cheesehead” Chapter 431
Just before AirVenture, the EAA Chapter hosts the Hatz/Pietenpol fly in. Folks headed to Oshkosh often stop in en route. In September, they hold the Midwest Antique Airplane Club event, however, that event is open to members only. Great grass runway here.
Golfing at Wisconsin Rapids (KISW)
In the last couple of years, a new world class golf resort called Sand Valley has been built near Wisconsin Rapids. With two regulation courses, Sand Valley (named best new course in 2017) and Mammoth Dunes (named best new course in 2018) plus a 17 hole par three course named The Sand Box – the airport has been inundated with high-end jet traffic bringing serious golfers to the area. The airport manager told me this morning that last year they saw nearly 800 jets coming in. The airport has had a major runways overhaul and a new 15,000 ft sq hangar capable of hangaring G550s is under construction. If golf is your game, Wisconsin Rapids is your place. There are about 10 other courses nearby. Wisconsin Rapids is also in an area heavily covered with cranberry farming, as well.
Three Lakes Airport (40D)
If you like grass runways, a floatplane dock or a great restaurant right on the water, this is the place. The Sunset Grill is open June through Labor Day and seasonally otherwise. The restaurant is right across the street from the airport. Call ahead to make sure they’re open.
The large MOAs and restricted areas associated with Volk ANGB and Fort McCoy
Due west of Oshkosh, the Combat Readiness Training Center at Volk Field (ANG) and the nearby Fort McCoy Total Force Training Center (USA) are very active military bases often hosting major military exercises. The USAF occasionally holds safety meetings at Volk ANGB and allows civilians to fly in with prior permission (PPR). They have great static displays of airplanes. The 115th Fighter Wing flying F-16s (they’re transitioning to F-35s) from Madison’s Truax Field often uses the very large MOA and restricted airspace, as well. It’s not a good idea to transit the airspace under VFR without talking to the RAPCON on 135.25. The restricted area is a live fire area. If you have authority to enter, Fort McCoy has an absolutely wonderful Commemorative Display area of buildings and more.
9. Winters are fierce
Finally, a brief talk about pre-heating airplane engines. Owing to its extremely low winter temperatures, most airplanes based in Wisconsin spend their winters in hangars. And in those hangars, you will see every hand-built pre-heating contraption on the planet. Those that don’t have external pre-heating usually have permanently installed heaters on their engines. Include this in your planning. The EAA holds a winter ski plane fly in for a reason… extrapolate.
The post Nine things I know about flying in Wisconsin appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2019/10/nine-things-i-know-about-flying-in-wisconsin/
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mitchwerner9-blog · 7 years
Condenser Fan Blades
Then break the system down into parts and look for problems. By clicking on Sponsored Links you will leave The web site you will go to is not endorsed by ConsumerSearch. So I turn off the whole system waited for a few minutes, turn it back on and same results. You did not say whether the compressor was running, and the fan not running in the outside unit. A window air conditioning unit will generally suffice to keep a smaller home cool on warm spring and summer days. There are some match ups that will give you the rating. The high heat and pressure in an air conditioning system, not to mention the locations where they are typically housed in New York City outdoors, on rooftops, in crawl spaces can introduce any number of contaminants that can cause damage. In general, when you see a range, the lowest number of decibels is for the units with the smallest capacity that are paired with quiet components.
You can find out more about Panasonic air conditioners, and the other bands featured in this review, by clicking on their name in the ratings table above. Depending on the age of the unit there are several ways of doing this. I would suggest replacing the flame sensor. A freezing up of your outdoor condenser unit generally means the system is dangerously low on freon. Here is two common capacitors, the one on the left is a Dual Run Round Capacitor while the one on the right is Run Oval capacitor. When installed incorrectly, however, your air conditioner will run inefficiently, costing you extra money and headaches over the course of its lifetime. Ideal for areas of your house that may not be connected to the central heating and air system, such as a garage. It just died on us two days ago. Without ceiling fans the house will feel cold in winter and hot in summer in my experience. Bryant markets units that meet Energy Star requirements and makes others that it claims offer quiet operation. Quick test, put a light bulb old school bulb not a CCF or LED into the power socket powering the modem. In the heat of the summer, blown capacitors and fuses are a very common cause of air conditioner breakdowns. Usually you will replace a unit with the same size unit, your preferred brand. Your basic air conditioner will do its job of cooling down your house and filtering hot air outside. Remove the access panel in the side of the air handling unit, exposing the blower. Comfort Alert Copeland PerformanceAlert Copeland Scroll Digital Compressor Controller CoreSense Technology HVACR Fault Finder Software Kit KMC FlexStat Controller SecureStart. What are those three tubes seen welded or soldered to the hermetically sealed HVAC compressor can? Electricity Saving Tips For Homes And Offices. Could the condenser cause this? For five thousand more I could get a central ac system installed for the entire house! You cannot make a blanket statement that a heat pump will provide lower costs than a natural gas furnace without knowing the local energy rates! Trane vs American Standard Air Conditioning Repair Black Hammock FL - http://seminolehvac.com/ac-repair-black-hammock-fl/ - Conditioner Review Which is Best? For advice see Troubleshooting a FROZEN Evaporator Coil at HVAC Parts Outlet. Third, the added humidity can sometimes produce mold. HVAC systems can help purify air, reduce the risk of respiratory infections and protect immune system health by regulating temperature. If your thermostat is set to a reasonable temperature and your home is still uncomfortably warm, your air conditioner is not doing its job correctly. It comes with an easy-to-read LED display, and its feather touch controls provide precise temperature control for optimum cooling. They arc when making or breaking. General disclaimer: All third party trademarks, images and copyrights on this page are used for the purpose of comparative advertising, criticism or review. New unit with full factory warranty. Failure of the fan will result in no heating or cooling, and if it is not repaired soon, it can cause other components to fail. Might want to prepare to replace that contactor next year. The most common type of central air conditioning is the split system, which features a condenser outside the home, and a fan-and-coil system inside, connected by pipes carrying refrigerant.
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corrodedcoffinfest · 29 days
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Warm-Up May Prompt - Get a Job
Put 'em to work. First jobs, side hustles, etc. Surely they've had some other jobs besides being in the band. Tell us about them.
Get those submissions in by 11:59 PM EDT tonight!
Be sure to tag @corrodedcoffinfest and feel free to use the hashtag #corrodedcoffinfest.
This will blog will comment with a 🦇 when your fic has been checked for word count and queued for reblogging.
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