fincrew · 1 year
Are you familiar with how credit reporting services like CTOS work? Here are the basics.
What Is CTOS?
Founded in 1992, CTOS is a Credit Reporting Agency (CRA) regulated by the Registrar of Credit Reporting Agencies, Ministry of Finance, and covered by the Credit Reporting Agencies Act 2010, which took effect in 2010. In addition to collecting information regarding the creditworthiness of individuals and businesses, CTOS also provides a portfolio of credit risk management services. Malaysian financial institutions, telecommunication companies, insurance companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, and legal firms use CTOS’s services extensively. In contrast to CCRIS, administered by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), CTOS is owned and managed by a Malaysian company and has been in business for over 20 years, collecting information from various official sources on individuals and companies.
CTOS Data are from the following sources:
Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) or Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM)
The Central Bank of Malaysia (CCRIS)
Online court listings and newspaper legal notices
Publications and gazettes of the government
Insolvency searches at the Malaysian Department of Insolvency (MDI) or the Malaysian Insolvency Agency (JIMA)
Data from the Registrar of Societies (ROS)
Contact details provided by creditors, litigators, and trade referees
Subjects voluntarily provide their information
They compiled information into an electronic database that makes assessing loan applications, trade, and business credits and making decisions easy, quick, and efficient for credit grantors and lenders. A CTOS Score report costs RM25.
What Is CTOS Not?
It is strictly forbidden for CTOS to block anyone. Ultimately, the company will provide its subscribers with credit information, and lenders or credit grantors will determine whether credit applications will be approved. In making these decisions, lenders consider their risk appetite and business policies and strategies. CTO offers no opinion or recommendation that influences these decisions. There is another misconception about CTOS regarding handling personal data by a private agency, which can be highly sensitive and potentially dangerous, especially if it ends up in the wrong hands. As mandated by the CRA Act 2010, the CTOS may collect and process information pertinent to credit evaluation. Users, however, have restricted access to this information.
Is CTOS Going To Update Its Database?
A CTOS database is regularly updated based on information from statutory bodies, subscribers, and publicly available sources such as newspaper articles, publications, and court filings. In addition, it accepts requests for information updates and provides sufficient proof and the appropriate documentation.
What Is The Retention Period Of The Records?
CRA Act 2010 allows CTOS to keep the record as a historical archive of your background and credit history for 24 months. However, after two years from the date of full repayment or settlement, it will not reflect in your CTOS report. CTOS can also help protect you from fraud and scams and provide you with your latest credit score! In CTOS SecureID, CTOS offers new fraud protection and credit monitoring services designed to combat the growing issue of identity theft, fraud, and scams and monitor the health of consumers’ credit. Upon finding your info on the dark web, the system will alert you and send you a notification. If you choose to protect yourself, you can change your passwords or close certain accounts, among other measures. You’ll also benefit from RM20,000 in takaful coverage for financial losses from fraudulent transactions.
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l0ggia · 2 years
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caracello · 1 year
ineed to rewatch next gen. Muy papa.
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shovson · 11 months
im always on that damn "i have to do this shit myself" grind. oouaagaagahh theres not a martian no name doja cat edit. okay i will fucking do it . ooouaushaagahhhh no russtappen drawings. opening clip studio rn. oowuwuauaaaa nobody giffing robscar. no me. owwaauuuguhghhhhhhhhhh wheres the dando content? well,-
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xbonecandyx · 2 years
POV:someone grabs ur ear
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!! GRJSBSJS I'VE BEEN GRABB 🥺🥺❤️ I'm so happy seeing such a cute fusion of my irl looks and my puppysona!!!
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ventcode · 2 years
yuep i am being fucked with
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nichellegerman · 20 hours
Social Media Ethics
The current state of social media ethics: what trends are happening in the industry? 
We are currently living in one of the most inflammatory times in the world.  Current trends include how to handle misinformation, making people take accountability with inflammatory language, how to include inclusion and diversity, how to address people who are unaware of their actions and behaviors (Freberg, 2021), the push for authenticity and security as it pertains to social media.  
What are two current cases related to social media ethics? 
Facebook has not escaped its fair share of ethical issues.  In 2020, they were accused of spreading falsehoods during the election and of selling its users' data.  Here are two current cases relating to social medica ethics: 
According to Lathan et al. (2023) Facebook has reached settlements with the Federal Trade Commission for documented cases of privacy abuses despite the CEO's claim that users knowingly choose to share their information and data with the platform.   
Additionally, Lauer (2021) discusses the ethical failures of Facebook where he states that Facebook is ground-zero for anti-vaccination and pandemic misinformation, with the 26-min conspiracy theory film “Plandemic” going viral on Facebook in April 2020 and garnering tens of millions of views. Facebook’s attempt to purge itself of anti-vaccination disinformation was easily thwarted when the groups guilty of proliferating this content removed the word “vaccine” from their names.  During 2020, there was a lot of misinformation as it pertains to Covid. 
These are just two cases that highlight privacy abuse and spreading misinformation within Facebook. 
Outline the current code of ethics for social media by a professional organization you would be interested in joining as part of their social media staff. 
I would love to work with the City of East Providence.  Below is a brief outline of the current code of ethics for social media for the City of East Providence.  According to the City of East Providence. (n.d.): 
Social Media Policy: City of East Providence 
I. Introduction 
Purpose and Introduction 
The city of East Providence has established social media guidelines to guarantee consistency and alignment with the mission.  These policies ensure uniformity, support their mission and protect the city’s character.  
II. Authorizations & Approvals 
Approval from the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or the City Manager is required before any city department can create, use, or deactivate a social media account. 
Only the CIO or the City Manager can approve employees to  manage, edit and post on the official social media accounts. 
Account Creation 
Employees need approval from the CIO, City Manager, and department head to create a social media account in the name of the City or any other city agency. 
III. Posting 
Approval Process 
Prior to posts going live, the City of East Providence sets up procedures to get posts approved. 
Posted Content 
All content must follow the social media guidelines set by the CIO and City Manager and should be relevant to the department’s mission, services, and goals. 
All social media pages should clearly show that they are managed by the City of East Providence and must link to the City’s official website on the main page of any social media site. 
IV. Content 
Don’t post anything that doesn’t directly support the mission, services, or objectives and avoid sharing or approving content that infringes on copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property. 
The City has the right to delete or remove any content that doesn’t follow this policy. 
Protected Information 
Don’t share confidential or “for official use only” information and avoid posting anything that could compromise the security of the internal systems. 
Public Safety 
Don’t post information about public safety events involving the Police, Fire Department, or Public Works. 
V. Behavior 
Professional Communication 
Keep all communication professional and avoid using inflammatory or inappropriate language. 
Respect Intellectual Property 
Always respect copyright, trademark, and intellectual property rights. 
VI. Violations 
What Happens if the Policy is Broken? 
There are procedures in place to address any violations of this policy. 
Reporting Issues 
If you spot a problem or have concerns about social media use, here’s how to report it. 
VII. Staying Current 
Review and Updates 
We review this policy regularly to ensure it stays current. 
Contact the CIO or City Manager if you have any questions or need more information 
Brands/professionals with strong social media ethical codes: what brands are utilizing proper social media ethical practices? 
Dove -  At Dove(n.d.) they recognized that the definition of beauty was skewed so they began a campaign to redefine the definition of beauty.  By using real stories, helping children build confidence in their bodies, creating safe and equitable spaces for Black women, providing support for postpartum mental health issues and providing support to male parents. They also have a mission to protect the environment.  The best thing about their website is that it includes articles, videos and testimonies from a diverse audience.  
TOMS-  According to TOMS (n.d.), TOMS displays strong ethical practices on social media by remaining transparent and letting the public know how their money is spent, they provide shoes, clean water and mental health support.   Their rating is a certified B which means they have and enforce a high standard of performance and accountability throughout their company.  
Ben & Jerry- This ice cream company out of Vermont is known for its activism, protection of human rights, environmental protection, restoration and regeneration, bringing awareness to racial injustices, fairtrade, climate change and LGBTQ+ rights.  Their views on wealth distribution are posted on their website and they are very transparent with how they make their ice cream.  According to Ben & Jerry (n.d.), they take their 3-part mission of product, economic and social a step further by breaking down to include the rights and dignity of refugees, democracy is in our hands, campaign finance reform and climate justice.  One of their latest endeavors is voting, discussions about women’s prisons and how to combat air pollution.  
Are there any professionals that you feel are practicing strong ethical behavior on social media? 
Bill Nye- Uses his platform to educate about science, critical thinking and misinformation.  He is an advocate for climate change and believes in evidence-based discussions in a positive manner. He also promotes diversity and believes in accuracy. (Nye, n.d.) 
Neil de Grasse Tyson -Also uses his platform to educate about science in simpler terms, he helps break it down so it’s easily understandable.  His engagement is always positive, thoughtful and he encourages open conversations with all.  I admire his strength when he corrects science information. Not only does he discuss science, he also delves into science literacy, exploration, extinction, spirituality, culture and politics. (Tyson, n.d.) 
Support your choice with evidence. What are some takeaways you can bring forth in your own practices?  
Again, I do not utilize social media unless it is necessary.  But I would just use common sense when utilizing social media when I must, takeaways include: having time limits, post with a purpose and be respectful as it’s my responsibility to not engage in cyberbullying and not to post deceptions.  The main thing I take away from Bill Nye and Neil de Grasse Tyson is their courage to  post things that people do not want to believe or listen to,  and they do it without fear.  So, when I do utilize social media, I will use critical thinking skills to courageously post the truth and stand by it. 
Key concepts and issues: what main concepts do you think are necessary to adhere to for your own personal conduct online?  
The main concepts I think are necessary to adhere to my own personal conduct online are: watching my tone, being responsible for my words, maintaining respect for myself and others, having peaceful conversations and not being antagonistic, not willingly posting items I know is false, keeping myself and others private information private, mindful of the language being used, not promoting falsehoods, review the information for accuracy prior to posting, checking sources of videos or information prior to posting, staying humble and showing others empathy.   Just because social media posts can be anonymous and you’re a person behind a keyboard, there still needs to be an understanding that anything posted reflects the person posting or sharing. (Freberg, 2021) 
What to do and what not to do: what main concepts do you feel strongly against and want to make sure you avoid on social media? (20 pts) 
The things I feel strongly against and avoid on social media are posting inflammatory racist or hate  language,  spreading misinformation, not checking sources prior to posting, sharing personal details that are not mine, oversharing any personal details, jumping to conclusions, being argumentative, ignoring comments, participating, or promoting  unnecessary drama, stealing content and passing it off as my own, having a fake online persona, being part of crowd mentality, sharing inappropriate content, pictures or videos, being a troll, posting things in anger, being extremely negative/posting negative things, manipulating posts for my own benefit, being a bully or spreading hate, and avoiding copyright infringement. (Freberg, 2021) 
Bullet point 5-10 core concepts that you will follow as a practicing social media professional. Include citations that you used 
Review my posts for accuracy and transparency 
Make sure it is known when I’m posting an opinion vs fact (Freberg, 2021) 
Remain anonymous and avoid posting anyone’s personal information 
Not posting any inflammatory racist, sexist or hurtful language 
Maintain respect for myself and others 
Checking sources of information prior to posting 
Respecting confidentiality 
Knowing how to respond to negative comments 
Abide by social media rules imposed by the platform 
Not being a troll 
Show empathy 
Try to mimic Ben & Jerry’s social media behavior 
Lathan, H. S., Kwan, A., Takats, C., Tanner, J. P., Wormer, R., Romero, D., & Jones, H. E. (2023). Ethical considerations and methodological uses of Facebook data in public health research: A systematic review. Social Science & Medicine, 322, 115807. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115807 
Lauer, D. (2021, June 5). Facebook’s ethical failures are not accidental; they are part of the business model. National Library of Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43681-021-00068-x 
City of East Providence. (n.d.). Social media policy. https://eastprovidenceri.qscend.com/filestorage/9177/9461/9463/14118/Social_Media_Policy_-_Final.pdf 
TOMS. (n.d.). Impact. TOMS. Retrieved September 18, 2024, from https://www.toms.com/en-us/impact 
Ben & Jerry's. (n.d.). Values. Retrieved September 18, 2024, from https://www.benjerry.com/values 
Dove. (n.d.). Help for parents: Social media. Retrieved September 18, 2024, from https://www.dove.com/us/en/dove-self-esteem-project/help-for-parents/social-media.html 
Nye, B. (n.d.). Media. Bill Nye. https://www.billnye.com/media 
Tyson, N. D. (n.d.). Quotes. Neil deGrasse Tyson. https://neildegrassetyson.com/quotes/ 
Freberg, K. (2021). Social media for strategic communication (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. https://reader2.yuzu.com/books/9781071826881 
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chisungie · 5 months
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vkryshchuk · 8 months
Social Media and my life
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Hello everyone, my name is Vitalii Kryshchuk, and this is my first blog in the course of studying Social Media for Strategic Communications.
To understand for myself whether I am a social media person, I need to first understand what it is.
The textbook I am studying defines social media as follows: 
"It can provide a personalized, online networked hub of information, dialogue, and relationship management. These new communication technology tools allow individual users and organizations to engage with, reach, persuade, and target key audiences more effectively across multiple platforms. Industry professionals, scholars, and social media users have contributed a number of different definitions and conceptualizations of the concept of social media. Some emphasize the role of social media as a toolkit that allows users to create and share content. Others focus on how social media extend Web 2.0 technologies to bring communities together."
Although this definition is quite long, I could hardly have written it better. I agree with the way the book presents it. In my opinion, social media is a place where you can share your life, find like-minded people, learn something new, or find clients. This combines Google, Facebook, and even various forums and blogs. Nowadays, social media is both a huge problem where teenagers waste their time and absorb unnecessary information, and a very useful tool for business, for learning, promoting different ideas, and finding like-minded people. Everyone is uniting on social media. 
I have accounts on a lot of social networks: Facebook, X, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram, Viber, Skype, Twitch, Discord, Reddit, etc. But I don't consider myself an active social media user. Earlier, when I worked as a graphic designer, I used to draw a lot of designs for social media pages for my clients. I even ran a channel on Telegram about graphic design. And even earlier, about 10 years ago, I was active on Instagram.
But now I'm older, different, and have much less time for it. If it's not difficult for me to design a beautiful post, come up with a text or find an idea. But I see less and less purpose for it. I can't be an Instagram or TikTok star, and I don't have a business to promote on social media. This is probably my biggest problem in this regard. But I also don't fully understand how to properly send information to the target audience. How often and what exactly should be published.
To solve this, I chose this class. I want to learn how to set up targeting, choose a target audience, and choose the right strategy for business development. I would not only like to be able to write text and make graphics for a social media page, but also to be able to promote it properly and make it popular. After all, if I want to sell something and I need to find a good targeting specialist, I will at least be able to understand what he does and know how to analyze the results of his work. Or at the very least, I will be able to help my wife, who is a photographer, promote her personal brand on social media.
So, there are a lot of problems that can be solved with the right approach to using social media. And I hope that at the end of this class I will change my approach to managing my page. At the very least, I have already written my first blog.
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davidc1027 · 8 months
David Campbell II
I would define social media as a platform or multiple platforms that exercise free speech to anyone. Social media has apps/websites like Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, and etc. Social media has become a part of a daily life because everyone uses it, anyone can express their opinion, anyone can find people that are similar to themselves, you can learn from a lot of other people, it has also brought people together and brought them apart. Social media has spread a lot of information to many people across the planet. Bringing awareness of different struggles other countries face. Also, allowing the influence of different countries to try different things that may fit you and your family.
As a social media user I don’t interact with people too much on any social media platform. I usually feel uncomfortable or extremely drained after commenting, or posting some thing on any type of platform. Especially when I was younger, I started to realize how emotionally draining Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter is. I believe I feel this way towards social media because my parents didn’t let me use social media until high school, so I wasn’t very dependent on it as my peers were, the only social media I used consistently was YouTube. Usually when I go on any platform, it’s just to watch some entertainment like comedy sketches, memes, sports highlights, news clips, and even food things like food reviewers, food science, and etc ,Commonly, from YouTube or TikTok.
I would say my strengths have to do with my ability to not get mad at anyone else’s opinion, no matter how much I disagree with them. Also, my resilience towards acting upon my feelings toward someone else.I became more open minded towards different people across the world, I learned how to cook different things, I’ve different things about my religion I wasn’t aware of because I became open minded. I’ve also learned empathy because social media shows the differences between people but also explains why they are different, which makes things better for me. Some challenges I do have while being on social media is becoming a sheep, meaning, just liking what everybody else likes because it has more hearts or likes to it even if I don’t like it. Also trying to decipher which posts that people make are strictly trying to make people mad or being serious.
What I want to learn out of this class, is programming to understand why people want to post certain things or express their opinions towards everything. Also, I want to learn how to post meaningfully and create an impact without trying to offend any group or person. I want to learn how to spread positive energy to everyone. The class could possibly teach me somethings about social media that could help me view and consume content without becoming drained or frustrated with everything around me. Possibly, showing me ways to communicate with different people and bringing me out of my comfort zone to engage with different people in my class, state, country, or even the world.
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fincrew · 2 years
Recently, our community message boards have been flush with requests from members on the most efficient ways to improve their CCRIS records. It is genuinely pertinent information because while CCRIS or CTOS can’t block you, the forms it provides financial institutions shape how you’re significantly perceived. So, if you want to improve your CCRIS quickly, here are some of the best ways.
Debt Consolidation And Automation Of Monthly Loan Installment
Debt consolidation is when an individual combines all their existing debts into a new personal loan. By consolidating your debt, you can more easily monitor your finances and plan appropriately. Once reduced, consider automating your repayments as well. That way, you’re less likely to miss an installment. Few things are more damaging to your CCRIS report than a history of missed payments.
Clear Overdue Loans First
You need to re-order your priorities and make settling any overdue loans a significant priority. Naturally, this means cutting back on buying new clothes or getting the latest gadgets, at least for a while. By channeling all of these resources and more toward clearing your overdue loans, you’re slowly yet effectively cleaning up your CCRIS report.
Consider Getting An Extra Source Of Income
Earning a little extra cash is never a bad thing. And, when you can put that cash towards clearing outstanding debt, that’s even better. The good news here is that thanks to technology and the Internet, you don’t even have to exert to get a side hustle that’ll bring you that much-needed infusion of extra funds. You need to access any growing freelance platforms like Fiverr or People Per Hour and see your services.
Find a Fast And Safe Online Personal Loans
Another great option worth considering here is getting a trustworthy personal loan online. Following this line of action might be especially worthwhile for you if you’re a private sector worker and want to clear a long overdue small loan on your CCRIS report as quickly as possible. As you’ll usually be able to easily find a wide range of providers offering small loans with a shorter repayment period on the Internet, you need to make that work for you. At the same time, you might feel like you can ignore an overdue debt if it’s a small loan amount but don’t. Even that small loan is enough to make some banks reject your application!
Learn Financial Discipline
Financial discipline ensures you never borrow more than you truly need and can afford to pay back. It ensures that you spend what you borrow in a manner that doesn’t bring you more short or long-term expenses. So, following this practice will always do you good.
Cleaning up your CCRIS report will take time and effort, but the sooner you get started, the faster you can see good results and access better credit.
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Çəkilişdən sonra diqqətimi çəkib bu məqam. #izləyən #rejissor #zaur #qasimli #və #izlənən #zaur #qasimli #zaurqasimli #çəkiliş #film #tarixi #filmi #azfilm #nnfilms #hacizeynalabdintagiyev #produktion #protuction #26 #28may #qatar #train #поесть #гаджизейналабдинтагиев #guardian #хранитель #wächter #მეურნეობა #опікуни #station #istasyon #stansiya #ccri #mosquee #moskba #28may #vagzal #zaurgasimli #gasimli #laməkan #lamekan #viral #capcut #veryfunnyvideo😂😁😁 #😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 #himayədarfilmi #himayedarfilmi -ndən #... #keshf #kesfet #generalreading #keşfetteyizzz
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violet-jessica19 · 2 years
Blog Assignment 1: What is Social Media?
What is Social Media
Social media is exactly what it sounds like. Simply put, it is media that is made public, in online forums for a variety of audiences to see. It is a way for people to remain social in a contactless way and remain creative with their image for their reputation online. Social media has become so much more than just finding friends online and staying up to date with the who and what. It is now the place for companies to market their brand, for news to share coverage, and for worldwide trends to spread across the masses. Social media has transformed itself through the years into this beautiful, yet terrifying monster it has become.
When I was in high school and had my first Myspace account, nobody realized that we were the generation that was going to see Top 8 come and go, with Mark Zuckerberg to basically brainwash us with Facebook. AIMing had long and gone, and we finally didn’t need to use dial-up anymore at our house to connect to the internet. Personally, as a social media user I miss the “good ol’ days” when you could actually just call someone and see what they were doing, but along with social media we have all developed a keen sense of social anxiety when it comes to making a phone call instead of just sending a text or a DM. Or the fun lingering feelings of insecurity that we have developed that our friend’s status or tweet might be about us. So, yes although social media has evolved, so has a tidal wave of mental health issues.
Growing up with the development of social media and seeing Instagram and Snapchat blossom, or pages like Tumblr and Twitter where you could express your creativity, I feel I have good rounded knowledge on the subject. Unfortunately, I feel the overtaking of social media is not always that positive. It’s harder for us to focus and go longer than a few hours without checking our phone, especially if you hear a notification buzz. I feel we now are too entrapped into our phones, that we tend to miss out on the beautiful things in nature and by being in the present.
Some strengths that social media has brought to the world is the amazingly great speed that we can retrieve content. There’s no more waiting, and if you can’t find what you are looking for the first time around, you most likely will be able to keep digging and come out victorious. Myself as a user, I wish I could keep up with all the trends, but as technology is nowadays there is not really a functional way to manage to keep up, unless you follow every blog, podcast, and news source. I tend to stick with my basic Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, and get my trending news and media through Google, Buzzfeed, or News Source on my phone. Everyone says to get into podcasts, but I just haven’t found that niche yet.
I am hoping with this class, I could find ways to better market material if I ever needed to in the future and how to be more presentable online without letting it take over your entire social life. Funny isn’t it, how our social life has now become a thing that you can find and look up online...
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troybeetlestone · 2 years
The current state of social media ethics:
what trends are happening in the industry? What are two current cases related to social media ethics? Outline the current code of ethics for social media by a professional organization you would be interesting in joining as part of their social media staff.
One trend of this year is the explosion of popularity with the platform TikTok. Facebook is still the number one social media site and 38% of people think that social media has a negative impact in 2022. A case of social media ethics, or lack of, is the personal information stealing and selling of big companies such as Facebook and TikTok. In terms of a positive out look on ethics there are sites such as LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Youtube. These companies are very straight forward about what they do and have not sold out their communities. On LinkedIn their code of ethics are “ To preserve your own trustworthiness and integrity as an Influencer, always state any relation - financial, personal, political or otherwise - to the subject or topic you are presenting. Bias, even if only perceived as such, discredits you and your content unless it is clearly stated.”
Brands/professionals with strong social media ethical codes: what brands are utilizing proper social media ethical practices? Are there any professionals that you feel practice strong ethical behavior on social media? Support your choice with evidence. What are some takeaways you can bring forth in your own practices?
As previously stated, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Youtube have high ethical standings in their operations. I would say that a professional who has a strong standing of ethics on social media is Gary Vaynerchuck, also known as Gary Vee. He seems to devote a lot of his time towards helping others build businesses. He also donates money to various charities. Some take aways that I have are the power of honesty, and the power of giving.
Key concepts and issues: what main concepts do you think are necessary to adhere to for your own personal conduct online?
Its important to be honest with your followers. Be kind to them and make sure your being honest.
What to do and what not to do: what main concepts do you feel strongly against and want to make sure you avoid on social media?
On my own professional pages, I stay away from political discussion. I know it can be a controversial topic and its something that I’d rather not address.
Bullet point 5-10 core concepts that you will follow as a practicing social media professional. Include citations that you used for sources/supports for this.
Gary Vee and his standing as an influencer is my source for these concepts.
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bucketkizuu · 1 year
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lunarlagomorph · 9 months
ive been emailing the ccri residency people for a month now trying to get them to set me to in-state and they havent responded to a single one of my emails. They have a mailbox i can send things to but like. its due in a week by the time it gets there theyll be like 2 late lol
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