ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
[ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Hi hyung [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Do you want to go [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] To the cinema with me?
📩 sent after two minutes.
[ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Oh No, I didn't mean to send [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Please erase this from your phone!
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cclucky-blog1 · 7 years
* tkt → ljh
[ txt → (*´꒳`*) jooheonie ] WHERE ARE U THE NOODLES ARE BURNING WE ARE GOING TO DIE!!! [ txt → (*´꒳`*) jooheonie ] oh .. wrong person [ txt → (*´꒳`*) jooheonie ] hello jooheonie, how are you?? 
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ccjae-blog · 7 years
 @ccxjooheon  🍪
he's been lying in bed for what seems like a lifetime, buried under his blankets and waiting for the storm to pass. he's hated the sound of thunder for as long as he can remember, and especially the apprehensive feeling given the short moment of silence between a strike of lightning and its deafening sound as it rips through the sky. once he realizes that he's still trembling after thirty minutes, he figures he's not going to be able to fall asleep any time soon. he's got an important test tomorrow and his whole grade depends on it, but you know, no big deal if he fails and messes up his entire future.
he slips out of bed, completely oblivious to the fact that he usually prefers to sleep butt naked, and stumbles across the apartment and right into jooheon's room. he doesn't bother to knock. the lights are closed which means he's probably sleeping anyways and his intention isn't to wake him up but to simply sneak in his bed and find some peace. he doesn't know why but his best friend gives him this sort of warm feeling that he's never got with his parents. it feels homey and safe.
he finds the boy lying on his side with his back facing him, which jaehyun concludes is the best position for him to go for his usual bear hug. he's much taller than his friend and always assumes the role of the bigger spoon. it helps that jooheon doesn't mind it and goes along. except you know, this time it's skin against skin and the fabric of jooheon's pajama pants against... well, jaehyun's dick. if caught, he will just blame the thunderstorm commotion and he wouldn't be lying. he tugs lightly at the covers and exhales deeply through his nose once he realizes he won't be able to steal it from him. "joo-yah, i'm cold."
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ccxjeongguk · 7 years
eyes on the prize.
     to jeongguk, these events are always painfully easy. he pins the reason on it being humans competing — or, rather, those that aren’t as attuned to technology as he is competing. no one can hack like he can, and no one can play like he can.
     he knows what buttons do what by heart, knows what map has which turns and shortcuts, knows the locations of coins, knows the distribution terms of items whenever a question block is driven through.
     he plays like a machine, fingers gliding easily over buttons whenever needed; he drifts in perfect timing, and strategies such as these make his climb to the top — yes, you guessed it — easy.
     ( this is a small event, he knows, though the prize pool should be enough to attract true professional players. and yet, half of the people he’s been up against play like fools; they waste their boosts, they forget shortcuts and coins. he is, in every sense of the word, better. )
     it’s only when he gets to semi-finals that he experiences something considered a challenge, but he takes the win by a little more than a landslide (a lot more than a landslide if you ask him, but the commentators love making things sound dramatic — makes it more interesting, he supposes). the main trouble he found was the human’s knowledge of item distribution: the way she made her distance away from him just enough to get a blue shell or a bullet to the way she caught up every single time he got a bit of a lead. it was an enjoyable race, in all honesty, though it doesn’t stop the surge of confidence and self-centered pride.  
     he stands with a puffed out chest, a smirk of triumph as he waves off the girl (she wasn’t worth a handshake; she lost, after all). many find his attitude off-putting, though his style of play partnered with accuracy and precision causes his popularity among the small group to be higher than that of others.
     jeongguk waits for the other finalist to be announced, looking at the widescreen television until he sees the name “lee jooheon” — along with a picture of a dimple-faced, seemingly optimistic boy — appear. they meet on the stage, and he declines the handshake with a small backhanded smack of jooheon’s hand, the inviting smile on his face a harsh contradiction to his actions just to make it all seem playful.
     “maybe you’ll come in a close second, jooheon,” he says with a tone dripping of confidence yet muted to be in the range of teasing, omitting his own introduction completely; after all, the name “sombra” — if not already known — certainly will be after he takes the win.
     he takes a seat without another glance spared in the other’s direction, controller in his hands as he waits for the cue to slam his finger down on the gas button.
                    three… two… one… go!
     “buena suerte, perdedor.”
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ccxtaeyong · 7 years
“hey! knock it off!”
a light swat to the back of the head was enough to end the child’s determined battering of the old pac-man machine in the corner, his little friends’ encouraging shouts ceasing with it. he knew this kid, and his gang of pint-sized followers, with their stained star wars t-shirt and their horrible haircuts and their grubby little fingers leaving the machines sticky with the residue of food coloring and processed sugar. he knew the ringleader lived down the street from him and he knew they rode their shiny new bikes in the road and shouted and shrieked at each other obnoxiously until the streetlamps came on. they weren’t going to break another machine, not on his watch.
“hey, you can’t hit me!”
“knock it off, or i’ll throw your bikes into rush hour traffic.”
“you’re not the boss of me!” 
“actually, i am. you’re on my turf. it’s my job to be the boss of you. now get lost before i tell your mom you’re ditching study hall for video games.”
he watched them file out of the arcade in a begrudged clump, still sticking their dirty hands into a shared bucket of kettle corn as they went.
“rude little shi-”
a familiar voice interrupted his perturbed musings before he could earn himself another bored, fruitless lecture on bad language in the workplace. a greeting from a close friend whose face was a welcome sight after a long day of babysitting and handing out trading cards to nerds with too many tickets and wiping slushie grease off of joysticks.
he quirked his chin in a wordless greeting and, after wiping down the pac-man machine, started a game himself as he waited for jooheon to approach.
“i’m never having kids,” he told him flatly, narrowly dodging the orange ghost as he rounded a corner, a cherry in sight, “i hate them.”
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cctaehyung · 7 years
after having the recent discussion with jiho, ricky wasn’t sure what to think. though he feels that he should be happy for the younger girl to have found someone who made her smile, he couldn’t help but feel so much negative thoughts on this. sure, dating was a fun experience for most people. it was a time of experiencing new things and learning more about other people and yourself some more. ricky has had his experiences before with both guys and girls, so he knew how it went. though not all of them were relationships that lasted long, he wouldn’t say he wasn’t happy that they were in his life. 
so why was he so worried about it now? 
well, because, this boy was straight (or was in a heteroromantic relationship with a younger friend who he considers precious to him). growing up, he’s always had respect for women and he didn’t develop his asshole personality before realizing he wasn’t straight. but he has seen dramas and he’s had friends who had acted like such to other women. he even heard his father talk about it to his youngest sister once that if she ever met a boy, he’d had to go to meet him to make sure he was perfect for him. 
he was aware, as a guy himself, of the fact that some if not all boys were jerks whether they were aware of it or not. he knows what growing up feels like and he knows what certain people can do to others to break their hearts since he had done that before. finally, he’s never even met this guy. the only thing ricky knows about him is that he was jiho’s boyfriend and that he looked like the boy from the selfie jiho showed him. she’s said positive things about him, but he was unsure if he could believe them. after all, he needed to depend on his own experiences and opinions. 
and it’s the perfect opportunity to have his opinions now. while ricky is shopping for brighter clothes to add to his closet (sunggyu said it would make him seem more friendlier and that it was practically his homework to shop for such fashion), he spots the exact same face from the selfie that jiho had shown him. he was sure it was the same guy. he was about 98% sure, with the 2% being skeptical. nonetheless, he decides to try to even out both the certainty and the doubt by going up to the boy from behind him, bags of clothes on both hands to prevent him from tapping his shoulder. 
“hey,” he says, trying to catch the other’s attention. he tries to make it sound harsh enough so that he could seem as if he was assertive, but he doesn’t do it too much to make him seem like a strict principal from a private school. “are you jooheon?” congratulations, ricky. that was a perfect way to introduce yourself to someone. 
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ccnayeon-blog · 7 years
˙ ˖✶ meeting tides. ❜
( @ccxjooheon ).
it wasn’t often nayeon found herself wandering streets alone, her mind reeling from future plans and possibilities that seemed to come closer and closer to her with each new day. it was an exhilarating feeling, knowing her goals weren’t too out of reach at this point, but it still felt like something of a chore— compromise in this new era was inevitable, having to stay the route of human and trainee ( soon to be idol ).
if she had to, however, then she would do it with a plastic smile and eyes of fire.
it’s the turning of a random street lamp, its glow adding a little extra light as the sky slowly faded into the shaded evening, that brings her from her thoughts and she notices her feet have taken her far off from where she once was— a calm park nayeon would sometimes walk through with friends when given the time.
“i guess i come here too often,” her words come out softly, eyes wandering over others in the park ( couples, children, pets ) until she spots an empty bench. she shrugs as she makes her way to sit. only for a little while, i don’t want to be around them too long like this...
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laychipcc-blog · 7 years
Welcome Aboard Cadet!
Yixing was excited. He was so excited that he could barely focus and do the daily morning tasks required of him when opening the animal shelter. But he didn’t care. Today Yixing was finally going to get some help!
Since he started working at the shelter, it has mostly been just him. Everyone else had come and gone until it was just Yixing by himself. He didn’t really mind, seeing as how much he loves interacting with the animals. They didn’t require him to speak or have perfect Korean, all they wanted was his attention and affection. Of course, despite have so much love and affection for his boisterous crew of animals, Yixing is still just one man.
Working day to day from early morning to late night has been taking it’s toll on poor Yixing. He’s been growing more and more weary doing everything by himself. The other day he almost made the mistake of eating cat food because he was so exhausted. Luckily he caught himself just in time or that would have just been a disaster.
However today will be the first day that Yixing will have help. He had almost cried tears of happiness when he got a phone call saying that a volunteer would be working with him from now on. Finally someone to help him manage all these animals. That’s why he was ready and waiting behind the front desk, staring up at the clock hoping that time would go faster.
Just as the clock ticked down to 10 AM, the front door opened sounding off the little bell above the door. Yixing immediately whipped his head around a smile already on his face. “Hi! Are you the new volunteer?” Smooth Yixing, just bombard the person right off the bat.
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ccseokjin-blog · 7 years
;not what they seem
the first thought seokjin had when he found out about heroes and monsters and just magic in general was that he couldn’t be the only one. he could see magic yes, but that was about it. Yuuko says thats a power in itself and he supposes she could be right but the thought if there were any other regular humans, if he can be called that, who could see the things he sees. Busan is a big place yes, but with his involvement he surely could’ve encountered other people by now right? But his employer had always said that meetings can’t be forced and the day he finds others with the same ability would be inevitable. But Seokjin thinks otherwise, not with his shit luck. And speaking of shit luck, this is what brings him to his current predicament.  he’s just on his way from the shop when the monsters appear. the pedestrian crossing had just turned red but there were no cars passing by but he couldn’t possibly cross the street, not when there was this huge snake-like monster in the way. It doesn’t take too long either for a hero to appear, the telltale sounds and light emissions signalling their arrival.  At first Seokjin was always in awe about it but being so involved has left him quite jaded. He’s about to let out a long sigh of disdain and take the long way back when he notices that there’s someone else next to him. From the looks of it, they seem to be a regular human but a thought crosses his mind and he wonders.
“ what are the chances that we’d be charged with jaywalking at this hour?” he muses to the stranger. not that they can actually without putting their lives in danger but he’ll come up with something. hopefully. 
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