#cdramas are my salvation right now after some heavy disappointments
its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Word of Honor eps 1-10 (thoughts and feels!)
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Well, grab your glasses, fill them with your favorite drink and raise them up because this wonderful drama is doing God's gay work lmao Cheers!
I mean, who would've thought that the romance (there's no way I'm even gonna pretend and call it “bromance”) between a former and dying leader of a assassin's organization under the Emperor's orders AND the unstable (a gentle way to say crazy) but charismatic overlord of the sneaky and scary Ghost Valley, could end up being this sweet and kinda wholesome? I mean, I could easily name couples from other dramas that do not have as healthy of a dynamic as these two or the same level of understanding between them (they’re soulmates!)... Which is, you know, bit unexpected lol
On the other side, while the person they present to each other is true to them to some extent, is also in no way the people they are completely (or were, in ZZS’s case). You have one man that is trying to forget his past and trying to live peacefully for the remaining of his days, and the other who laughs at people who fight and kill each other for a piece of glass that he helped replicate, seemingly just for the laughs. This romance is INSANE and they’re most definitely not good people but I DON’T CARE, because I need them together and happily living in seclusion, just like they want. I’m rooting for them.
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No, but for real, I'm gonna start measuring the gayness in BL chinese adaptations in a scale from The Untamed (lowest) to Word of Honor(highest) now because holy Jesus! I never thought I'd see another chinese BL that would make me see The Untamed as a bromance (and still doesn't lol but it's easier to imagine now, in retrospective). Word of Honor basically went "hey let's try and see how much of this we can get away with, let's find our away around the system, put in there as many touches and hugs and loving looks without ever actually saying the words “I like you/I love you” and let's just hope for the best" and my goodness! Those crazy brilliant bastards! Those mad geniuses! They fucking did it!! And it's an amazing thing to see. It’s beautiful.
Anyway, I have to say, while the romance storyline has me in love with this drama, I struggle to keep up with all the Sects' drama and their schemes to get ahead of each other lol which was something I saw coming given that I didn't like that in the novel as well. And I realize I have to pay a bit more attention to that because otherwise I'm not gonna get the whole story they've written for my precious, gayest, craziest and blood-thirstiest male lead ever, our very own and dangerous Wen KeXing (who is being played delightfully by Gong Jun, it’s like this role was made for him).
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Difference with the novel
Yeah, I know I shouldn't obsess about this, but I can't help it. I mean, if we look at it broadly, they're basically telling the same story. Let's look deeply though and it's different, a more detailed one, I guess? The novel is very short (yet i haven't finished it and it doesn't help that I can't find it completely translated lol) and it's not that I don't like the changes, on the contrary, I'm glad and they had to because otherwise they couldn't tell a story that filled all 35 episodes. And it's good because this way they added more depth to the story and characters and we have more interactions with our OTP.
My biggest surprise about the differences with the source material is that they decided to tell/show right away that Wen KeXing is bad news and a little okay a lot coocoo bananas. Even past halfway of the novel, you still don't know the full story with him, despite his weird behaviour (although Zhou ZiShu suspects it). 
Another thing (but this is me being super picky) is that I preferred the way Cao Weining and A-Xiang met in the novel, but in the drama they made A-Xiang appear right away as the badass she is before the guy. It's still a "love at first sight" kind of meeting on his side, so it's okay. And we have KeXing older brother/parent protective side that it's not that shown in the novel. So you win some, you lose some lol.
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Them, drinking under the moonlight, being happy and starring lovingly at each other is most definitely not straight. There isn’t any heterosexual explanation for that.
Now I need to see ep 11 asap because I cannot handle my OTP fighting and going their separate ways (this doesn’t happen in the novel!). They need to reconcile soon! The fastest the do that, the fastest I can get over that final scene at the end of ep 10. Gong Jun was brilliant but damn! That was a bit scary.
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