#cecilia tag
queenaneria · 9 months
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I have been trying to emulate the official style for a long time and I think I kinda have the hang of it!!! I'm really proud so like. Here is my squid :3c
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bjursta · 1 year
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kinda got bored of haunting the narrative lol, hey guys
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ephemeral-darkness · 2 months
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My doll family has a new member!!! Meet Cecilia, she is a McLaren sculpt from Nymphetamine Customs. I won her at BJDcon and I am so over the moon!
She is a little daunting as I have never done a faceup from scratch before but I am really looking forward to painting her! I haven't started yet as I have just got my boyfriend into the hobby to and we agreed to paint our dolls together. (His first was a Fatemoons Willow boy for those who want to know!)
I also love how I had to stand her up so she could be in those pictures ;_;
Also yes, the dress is really big because it is for a standard 1/6 and she is slightly smaller...pretend you don't see the floating straps! I had nothing else to put her in
(Read more contains more photos as I have recently changed her face but wanted to show both sculpts)
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algoreithms · 3 months
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late night cecilia post because i'm brainrotting so fucking bad. she's the worst
+ slapshipping nonsense below the cut because i am a degenerate
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cupofcolors · 1 month
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killing (in minecraft)
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lucabyte · 3 months
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btw everyone heres a loop i doodled in response to some shit my friend pulled during their playthrough. shape of all time. to me.
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someforeignband · 1 month
🪱Wiggly Worm Wednesday!🪱
having thoughts about eddie and steve going to visit steve’s grandmother! (im spending the week with my nanna and am having thoughts)
It starts with this nebulous idea that Steve’s parents didn’t want to take care of Francesca’s mother after her husband died, so they moved Steve’s maternal grandmother to a 65+ community in Sun City, Arizona. Just like their son, they’d much rather ship off Franny’s mother instead of dealing with her needs. So, they leave sweet Cecilia in a massive 2,900 square foot condo in the Arizona desert, all by herself.
One afternoon in march, Steve gets a call from his Nonna. She explains she has had some plumbing issues and neither Franny, nor Richard is returning her calls. She complains that there’s palm fronds in her yard, and with the state of her back, she just can’t fix all of these things on her own.
“How do you feel about a trip to Arizona?” Steve would ask Eddie, after a two-and-a-half hour long conversation with his grandmother.
Thusly, a PanAm flight to Phoenix was booked. It was Eddie’s first time on a plane. Despite his nerves prior to getting on the flight, he has a marvelous time. Eddie discovers that he loves turbulence and puts his hands up and giggles the whole time.
Steve, to Eddie’s dismay, is the exact opposite. He squeezes the armrest the entire 3.5 hour flight. He can’t stand how relaxed Eddie is, not understanding how someone like Eddie could just be so calm.
Once they land, Steve tries to brief Eddie on his Nonna’s disposition. “She’s sort of a firecracker, Eddie. Very particular about pretty much everything. I’m sorry if she’s mean to you.”
Eddie tells him not to worry about it, assures him they’ll get through the weekend.
To Steve’s delight (and Eddie’s utter surprise), Nonna takes to Eddie like a fish to water. He can talk about the Bible with her. Wayne’s been pretty devout his whole life, so when Eddie makes a comment about her dish towel with Philippians 4:6-7 printed on it, Steve knows Eddie’s going to practically be family.
Cece is ecstatic to be able to show the boy pictures of Italia and tell him stories about her upbringing. She shows him pictures of Franny, pictures of her late husband, and her collection of photos of Steve’s baptism. It keeps Cece distracted, while Steve gets to work fixing her kitchen plumbing.
Steve can’t help but grin to himself like a madman as he tinkers with her pipes, listening to his Nonna and his boyfriend volley back and forth. Sharp as whips, the both of them, and god it was nice to watch Eddie get on with someone who was blood to him.
Steve didn’t have much family that bothered to be in his life.
It was nice.
And best of all— at least for Nonna— Eddie can eat her food. Eddie can seriously put it away. Steve stops after one helping of Parmigiana di Melanzane, but Eddie has two more servings, and saves room for dessert.
“Eat up, Edoardo,” Cece pats his cheek. “Too skinny, Stephano. You starving him?”
“Never, Nonna,” Steve laughs, shaking his head, watching Eddie shovel another spoonful into his mouth, grinning at Steve across the dining room table.
Despite the fact that they’ve been seeing each other for a few months, after dancing around each other for the better part of two years—Eddie’s feeling things about Steve fixing his grandmas plumbing, doing yard work, etc. The flush in Steve’s face, hands on his hips, complaining about the state of the yard: Eddie’s never felt more in love (and other tingly, warm sensations).
Further, Eddie watches Steve and Cece scream at each other in stilted Italian as she tries to pick up a scorpion and take it outside with her bare hands. Finally, after about forty-five seconds of screaming and the scorpion trying to wiggle away, Steve takes Eddie’s boot and smacks the thing with a scared squeal. It crunches under the sole and twitches a few times before dying on the salmon colored tile, guts splattered everywhere.
“You handled that well,” Eddie muses, once the whole ordeal is over, taking a dishcloth and floor cleaner, scrubbing at the thing’s guts.
“I couldn’t let her get stung. She’s seventy-nine!” Steve says, then shudders. “I never wanna do that again.”
Later that night, Eddie sips coffee out of a lumpy clay mug, a Stephano Original, while she and Steve play rummy. Catching eyes over the table, they smile at each other, knowingly. After a while, Eddie gets tired, slinking off to the office, where Cecilia had set him up with an air mattress.
Before Steve retires to the spare bedroom that night, his Nonna pulls him aside, wrapping him in a warm hug.
“Ti voglio,” She whispers, kissing his temple, smoothing his hair back.
“I love you too,” Steve answers quietly, thrown off by the unexpected display of affection.
“And,” She pauses, scrunching her dark eyebrows together, deciding exactly what to say. “I really like that boy, Stephano.”
Steve’s chest fills with warmth, not knowing exactly if she means what he hopes she means. But at that moment, he’ll take it.
“Me, too, Nonna.” He whispers, grinning at her. “Me, too.”
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hellspawnmotel · 1 year
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I finished wild arms yesterday! what a great game
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bigfootsmom · 6 months
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watched Immaculate yesterday
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crimeandpassion · 9 months
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some more saw warrior cats
other designs
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queenaneria · 9 months
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"That day you were born, when you looked at me...I knew it from the bottom of my heart - you would never be perfect."
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bjursta · 29 days
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flowerakatsuka · 18 days
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i finally drew some designs for devimega!kuroba!! they're a god posing as a human saint so they can bother karamatsu hehe.
[ more info under the cut! ]
kuroba was originally a mere plant spirit that looked over the chruch's garden, making sure it stayed vibrant and brimming with life. the garden had a frequent visitor and admirer, a young priest named karamatsu who was raised there. he would sing the praises of the garden's beautiful flowers, calling it a " little peice of heaven " and often escaping to it to avoid his duties. kuroba greatly appreciated his compliments and company, even if he wasn't aware of their presence. eventually, his praises reached the ears of the church's visitors and the garden became something that drew people there.
thanks to all of karamatsu's and the garden's visitors' praise over time, kuroba was able to ascend to godhood. of course, the first thing they did upon being giving immense power was assume a human disguise in the hopes of meeting the priest that they had grown fond of and getting closer. they were quickly taken in by the church after being found in the garden, but soon after joined the clergy after purifying the soil of a farmer's plot that hadn't yielded crops that year. now thought of as a saint, they're enjoying their days at the chruch alongside karamatsu. they're definitely closer, mostly out of necessity since he seems to attract evil spirits like a moth to a flame.
as a god, they have the ability to spontaneously grow different types of plants, purify soil, and revive recently deceased plants. they can also heal injuries, but really only minor ones as they're essentially applying their abilities to purify soil and restore dead plants to the wound. also, since their godhood was achieved mostly due to one person, their powers aren't exactly the most stable. usually, this manifests in their disguise slipping slightly when they've used a lot of power or if they're tired, ( like with their ears returning to their original appearance. )
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wakandas · 1 month
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chisme powers activate.
tag and dr cece reyes | directory
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peachewi · 1 year
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I've been playing the Story of Seasons (originally Harvest Moon!) A Wonderful Life remake and knew I had to draw some of my favorite bachelorettes ! ❤️💛💚
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derring-do · 2 months
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Cecilia Bartoli as Sesto and Alexandra Marcellier as Vitellia in La Clemenza di Tito (Salzburger Festspiele 2024)
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