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The whole family is here!!
Now, where did Elder get those scars? Maybe we'll see very shortly!
Refs by Turukhan and Renciel
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Trek In Shadows (Rainstar's Burden)
Rainbur expected that the journey ahead would be exceedingly difficult on his lungs. He and the rest of the patrol had just exited the territory, and already his breathing was becoming heavy and irregular. He scanned the undergrowth for any signs of Myrtlewing or Alderstar, or even Hootpetal, but there was nothing. Keeping his attention partly on the forest around him, he gazed upward, searching the branches above them. While his muzzle was in the air, he tasted the forests’ smells. All was clear.
Unless they hid their scent.
“Be on guard,” he told the patrol. As much as he wanted to return to the safety of the camp, this was a trek that had to be taken, sooner rather than later. “Russetnose, keep on eye on everything on the right. Any movements at all, even from the wind, tell me. And use your namesake. Smell the scents around us as much as you can without getting dizzy. Cedarsky, you keep an eye on the left and on anything that may pass over our heads. I’ll watch behind us.” 
The two nodded and did as told as they moved forward. Rainbur rubbernecked every tenth step. Any time he began to wonder what Myrtlewing or Alderstar would do if they caught the patrol, or about the kind of leader he would make, he switched his focus back on the territory around him and keeping the group safe. If his heart sped up–though it was impossible for it to pound any harder than it already was–he watched the shadows until he was sure that they held nothing more dangerous than a mouse. 
It wasn’t until the grass’s colour dulled to golden fronds and rocks dotted more and more of the ground did Rainbur realize that he just gave the patrol an order. It was expected, he was leading them and he had lead patrols before–but he didn’t even think about it! It had come out so easily, like he was telling them his name. Was it a show of the good leader he would make in spite of his own doubts, or had it always been so simple, and his nerves now were making him think that giving an order was a challenging feat?
Grass..Shadows..focus on that.
Shadows, shadows…big shadow, looming over him. Rainbur came to a sharp stop just outside of the Mothermouth cave. Jagged edges ringed the entrance, which was as black as a moonless night. The fur along Rainbur’s spine raised, expecting the head of a giant cat to bite down on his suddenly-very-fragile-feeling frame.
“Do we wait?” Cedarsky asked, breaking the silence that had lasted since Russetnose stopped the patrol to scrutinize a quivering bush which thankfully turned out to have a blackbird family eating inside of it. 
Rainbur knew that he was asking him, but how could he know? He looked up at the sky. The moon, almost full, shone brightly above. That’s what they wait for, isn’t it? The moon?
“Let’s head inside,” he decided, stepping forward without allowing himself to think too deeply about what he was walking to. 
“All of us?” Russetnose checked.
“We stay together,” Rainbur answered. He was afraid to enter the pitch-black tunnel on his own, but more than that, he was afraid of leaving two more of his Clanmates vulnerable.
Cedarsky and Russetnose apparently came to the same conclusion, as they put up no further argument, and padded after Rainbur.
The tunnel was suffocating. Everything was a shadow, which meant there was nothing he could push his attention towards to drown out his brain. Leader. He was going to be leader! He was going to be Rainstar. By the end of the day tomorrow, he would be back in the Shadowclan camp as the one solely responsible for them. He would be in charge of picking battles, of settling disputes around and within the Clan. He would be the one representing Shadowclan in front of an entire gathering, even the other four leaders. His breathing quickened. The next gathering was so soon. He would have to tell them everything, he would have to face scrutiny for not being a proper deputy–and in a way they would be right to scrutinize him! He hadn’t even been a deputy before, why on earth would Starclan think that he was ready to be a leader? But they had, so Rainbur had no other choice but to walk.
All too slowly and all too quickly, the space opened up. There was little light, which came from the stars twinkling through a hole in the cavern. It was mostly the fresh breeze of air that told them where they were.
“Is this the Moonstone?” Cedarsky asked in awe.
“Where?” Russetnose whispered. 
As if on cue, the moon set into place, and everything became far too bright.
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All ShadowClan Medicine Cats (in this blog and canon) And Their Quotes
[....] -> indicates unspecified gap
Unbolded = oc.
Pebble Heart
"No cat likes change, but change comes all the same."
I know what you are, you vile fox! I've known for a long time. The only reason I haven't killed you for the greater good is to ensure my place in Starclan. I'm seriously starting to doubt that choice now. [....] They will see reason. They will know that what I do, I do for them. If they don't, Starclan will. [....] I tried to warn him, you know. So many times, I told him that you would be the death of him and our Clanmates. Part of that may be true now, but rest assured, I will not let you hurt another of my Clanmates again."
"You're wrong. He's just a kit, but all you can see is a monster. He's not haunting you, no one is haunting you. You're just...you've been through too much, Gorsedaisy. I'm sorry. It's not your fault, but, I'm telling Cuckoostar that you should retire. [....] I hope one day you can find peace of mind. I miss the cat you used to be. [....] I hope you can forgive me one day."
"Ah, but–if your accusations were true, dear Gorsedaisy–how would attacking me fix anything? You plan to kill me, but can you be sure to make it so far before you are stopped and driven out? And with you in exile, how can you save our precious Clanmates? [....] Will they? The way I see it, you've lost your mind in their eyes ever since you refused me treatment for all my scrapes and bruises as a kit. Heck, maybe even before then, huh? You've jumped to growls and hisses over the smallest of problems, making big deals out of things that weren't there. Yet you think that after all of that, they will believe your side if you try to hurt me? Oh Gorsedaisy, perhaps you really have lost your mind. [....] I think we've established that you can't stop me."
"My name is Redscar. I am the medicine cat who told Flowerstar that StarClan had chosen her as our new leader. But you need to know something: I faked that sign. I picked the snowdrop, severed the blossom, placed the stalk where I could find it in the middle of the camp and announced to everyone that our ancestors had spoken. We needed a leader, and I found them one. Listen to StarClan, but do not let that deafen your own senses. I give you a life for trusting your own instincts as well. StarClan will guide you, but only you, as leader, can steer the paws of your Clanmates."
"Every battle is a loss."
"A long time ago, I was the ShadowClan medicine cat [...] My Clanmates and I did a great wrong to another Clan—a Clan that belonged in the forest as much as any of us, but was driven out through our selfishness and hard-heartedness. I knew what we did was wrong, and I have waited, my heart filled with dread, for the Clans to be punished."
"There's no reason to punish ShadowClan. What happened was too long ago. The medicine cat code will keep the Clans safe."
"Please say nothing about this. There is no need to spread alarm, not when the future is spread in mist even to StarClan. Promise me that you won't tell any of your Clanmates. Promise on the lives of your ancestors!"
"He's dead."
"Time to go home. It's so cold, I can't feel my paws."
"You could have easily defended yourself from this kind of injury, but you've been badly hurt because you couldn't bring yourself to fight. You know too much pain to inflict it on other cats. And that makes it impossible for you to be a warrior. It's time to face your destiny. You have to be a medicine cat."
"Sagewhisker had a prodigious memory for herbs and a gift for listening to StarClan, but her greatest strength lay in observing the cats around her."
"Thank you for bringing me to ThunderClan. Tell Bluestar I have always been grateful for the home she gave me. This is a good place to die. I only regret that I will miss watching you become what StarClan has destined you to be."
"In the meantime, I have to stay here. I'm ShadowClan's only medicine cat now...and if there's one thing we need with all this bloodshed, it's a medicine cat. So I'm not going to fight my leader. I'm going to stay here and take care of sick and injured ShadowClan cats. That's what I need to do. That's what Yellowfang would want me to do."
"We all make mistakes. Some have echoes that last forever."
"With this life I give you love. You have known so much, but still have much to give. Leadership without love will never be enough to draw your Clan from the shadows. Let your heart lead when your head does not know the way."
"I'll protect my Clan, whatever it takes."
"I can't leave. I have sworn to protect my Clanmates."
"As a medicine cat, I'll never understand a parent's feelings for their kits, but I have many cats that I care for, and worry about, and I'd do anything for them. Rootspring saved my life once, and I feel such a strong sense of duty and loyalty to him because of that. But what I feel even more is a sense that all of this—everything that's happened—is vital for the Clans' survival. All five of them. I could not turn my back, even if I wanted to."
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Medicine Cat After Myrtlewing stuff
--Fernpaw was delivered by Myrtlewing (possibly alongside littermates).
--She became intrigued when she saw Myrtlewing care for her sick sibling, or another kit in the den, and decided to become a medicine cat.
--She didn’t think much of it when Myrtlewing kept her in the den a lot to sort through herbs while he ‘collected herbs,’ as most medicine cat apprentices and mentors do the same thing.
--She really liked him and thought that he was kind.
--Visits to the Moonstone frightened her because the dreams were odd (they were warnings about Myrtle. Too bad Starclan speak in riddles). Myrtle twisted their meaning when she confided in him about them.
--She was killed by Myrtlewing while she was eight moons old to take away the last medicine cat the Clan had. 
--She was possibly out while with a Clanmate, likely relative and even likelier her father.
--The Clan went without a medicine cat for a while because with their leader, deputy, and medicine cat gone and two of them murderers, they didn’t want thr Clans to think they were weak. Eventually they gave in after Rainstar gained his nine lives.
--During this period, Fern’s father found himself trying to help his sick Clanmates.
--Her father decided to volunteer as the Clanmate the other Clan’s medicine cat would train in order to honour his daughter.
--Her father requested changing his name when his training was finished, changing his suffix to ‘fern.’
--Parents might be Mossflake (mom) and Cedarsky/Cedarfern (dad)
--Because they were Shadowclan in the old forest, the medicine cat most likely came from Thunderclan or Windclan.
--The medicine cat had their own apprentice at the same time, so Cedar had to train alongside them in the other Clan’s camp.
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Cedarsky/fern’s Background:
It came as no surprise to anyone that Cedarpaw became a fantastic hunter. After all, his pelt made for perfect camouflage in the shadows. As well, it made him a valuable fighter when battles took place in darkness. 
Because of his talent for hunting and fighting, he was popular among the apprentices, and was the crush for Mosspaw.
Mosspaw herself was shy and, in her eyes, weird, so it was quite a surprise for her when Cedarpaw returned her affections after several moons being oblivious.
Cedarpaw felt bad that Mosspaw was so surprised, and spent their courtship wanting to prove her worth to her. This often involved sneaking out at night with her for private training sessions, strengthening familiar movies and creating new ones just for her. It worked! Mosspaw's already great moves became even better, and she soon earned her warrior name alongside Cedarpaw's.
He would have earned it a couple moons prior, being older, but had purposefully messed up long enough to be able to be named and stand a vigil with his very soon to-be mate.
After some time together as warriors, they had their first litter, Elderkit, Grasskit, and the runt, Fernkit, who both parents were just as proud and just as devoted to. He had been overfilled with pride when they became apprentices--Fernpaw choosing to become a medicine cat apprentice--and overfilled with grief when Fernpaw died.
He tried to protect her, slashing at Myrtlewing, but he was too off-guard, too slow. 
He couldn't stand the look on Mossflake's face as she learned what had happened, or Elderpaw or Grasspaw. He never wanted to see any of them hurt ever again.
That is way he decided to become a medicine cat, to honour Fernpaw's legacy as well as to protect what he had left of his family.
He had to be trained by Windclan's medicine cat alongside Houndpaw. After it was complete, his name was changed at his request. He was now Cedarfern, so that his daughter could live on and save their Clanmates just as she had always wanted.
feels a bit clunky, but eh
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I know I mentioned this before but it’s so strange and funny how while Rainbur was freaking out, Cedarsky/fern was grieving, and the whole Clan was just a mess, Myrtlewing was chilling as a kittypet to two twolegs who had NO IDEA
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we’ll also be glimpsing the first instance of future-leader-Rainbur and future-medicine-cat-Cedarsky/fern’s relationship!
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Medicine Cat Legacy Line-Up
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From left to right:
Dapplefire (she-cat). She was Gorsedaisy's mentor.
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When she's not busy working, she will likely be found cleaning her fur. Every tuft has to be placed a certain way. That goes with the herbs as well--she was very particular with how everything was sorted.
Gorsedaisy (she-cat). She was Hickoryskip's mentor.
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Traumatized girl.
Hickoryskip (tom). He was Myrtlewing's mentor and victim.
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He loved his mentor and trusted her word, but as her mind slipped away so too did his trust in her. When she warned him of Myrtlewing, he wouldn't listen, believing instead to see the good in his apprentice. That faith would be his undoing, as when he began to choke, Myrtlewing didn't help.
Myrtlewing (tom). He was Fernpaw's mentor and murderer.
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He was a serial killer and used his position as a medicine cat to harm his Clanmates. He experimented on them as well, improperly placing twigs to see what would happen if their broken legs weren't properly set, testing what would happen if he fed them rotting herbs, and more.
Fernpaw (she-cat). She was Myrtlewing's apprentice.
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Everyone knew that she would become a medicine cat, as during play, she would 'heal' her fallen Clanmates.
She enjoyed everything that came with being a medicine cat apprentice. She sang, rhyming the herbs together as she sorted them.
She was worried for her mentor after Alderstar was exiled, after all the two were close. With her father, she searched for herbs to help. It was during this time that Myrtlewing struck out of nowhere, inflicting a wound that would shortly end her life.
Cedarsky/fern (tom). He was Redscar's mentor.
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After Fernpaw died and Myrtlewing revealed himself as a killer, Shadowclan was left with no medicine cat.
Cedarsky chose to take up the position in order to honour his daughter.
He was mentored by Windclan's medicine cat, Coldwater.
When he finished his training, he requested changing his suffix from sky to fern.
Redscar (tom). He was Bluefoot's mentor.
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He is a canon character. In his time as medicine cat, both his deputy and leader passed. It was up to Redscar to choose the Clan's leader, and he did so by (with permission from the deceased leader) faking a sign.
What wasn't seen in that story is how calm Redscar is when such drastic events are not occuring.
He tends to enjoy walks when searching for herbs, and finds what joy he can in everything he has to do.
He got his scar as an apprentice. Gorsedaisy's sanity had by that point greatly deteriorated. Having the 'Red' suffix, relating to a cat that had hurt Gorsedaisy, caused her to attack him. Being alone in the woods, Redpaw had to heal himself. At this time, he was a warrior apprentice. Cedarfern was impressed that he used the correct herbs on himself and applied them wonderfully, and suggested he change his position.
Bluefoot (tom).
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He found a mate in a loner that lived in the field near the Moonstone. He would visit her every Half-moon on his way to the Moonstone.
Redscar advised against their relationship, but Bluefoot had leverage against him, as he knew that Redscar faked a sign (Blue was a kit at that time).
Though both had leverage against the other, they for the most part got along quite well.
Unlike Redscar, Bluefoot disliked much of the chores that came with being a medicine cat. He only chose it so that he could see his littermates, who passed away when they were five moons old--shortly before Bluefoot became an apprentice and made the chose to live as a medicine cat.
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