Medicine Cat After Myrtlewing stuff
--Fernpaw was delivered by Myrtlewing (possibly alongside littermates).
--She became intrigued when she saw Myrtlewing care for her sick sibling, or another kit in the den, and decided to become a medicine cat.
--She didn’t think much of it when Myrtlewing kept her in the den a lot to sort through herbs while he ‘collected herbs,’ as most medicine cat apprentices and mentors do the same thing.
--She really liked him and thought that he was kind.
--Visits to the Moonstone frightened her because the dreams were odd (they were warnings about Myrtle. Too bad Starclan speak in riddles). Myrtle twisted their meaning when she confided in him about them.
--She was killed by Myrtlewing while she was eight moons old to take away the last medicine cat the Clan had. 
--She was possibly out while with a Clanmate, likely relative and even likelier her father.
--The Clan went without a medicine cat for a while because with their leader, deputy, and medicine cat gone and two of them murderers, they didn’t want thr Clans to think they were weak. Eventually they gave in after Rainstar gained his nine lives.
--During this period, Fern’s father found himself trying to help his sick Clanmates.
--Her father decided to volunteer as the Clanmate the other Clan’s medicine cat would train in order to honour his daughter.
--Her father requested changing his name when his training was finished, changing his suffix to ‘fern.’
--Parents might be Mossflake (mom) and Cedarsky/Cedarfern (dad)
--Because they were Shadowclan in the old forest, the medicine cat most likely came from Thunderclan or Windclan.
--The medicine cat had their own apprentice at the same time, so Cedar had to train alongside them in the other Clan’s camp.
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So please keep in mind that this idea was in my head before AVoS was finished.
Bluefur hurls herself at Tigerpaw that day, telling him and Thistleclaw to back off, that protecting kits is the way of a warrior no matter the clan. While Thistleclaw huffs, he allows Bluefur to take Tiny back to camp.
He is terrified but thankful. He knew his mother was wrong about those forest cats!
He is named Nightkit.
Bluefur does get pregnant quicker, but she realizes that Thrushpelt can help massively, and he becomes the first male nursery queen while she becomes deputy. In the meantime, Redtail has made an extraordinary find. A little lost kitten. She is coloured like sand, and brought to the nursery.
Redtail is jokingly referred to as her father a few times, but her name is Sandkit.
Nightkit becomes Nightpaw, but he waits alongside his adoptive brother and sisters. To all be apprentices together. Sandkit catches up quite quickly as well, and 2 moons after Nightpaw, Mosspaw, Mistypaw and Stonepaw are apprenticed, Sandpaw is as well.
The bossy little Sandpaw works twice as hard to prove herself, as does the slowly blossoming Nightpaw. Spottedleaf recives a sign to tell to Bluefur, as she is made into a leader
"The Night alone will save our clan."
Stonepaw is named Stonefur. Mistypaw is named Mistyfoot. Mosskit is named Mossflake. Sandpaw is named Sandstorm.
Nightpaw is named Nightheart.
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Better Leader (Sprouting Thorns bonus chapter)
Myrtlewing was a master at keeping his composure. 
If he had to act happy and respectful, he could do it while smiling ear-to-ear or bowing his head as low as the roots beneath the soil, no matter how viciously rage boiled in his lungs or in his limbs, begging him to scream, to slash, to do anything to release the quivering fury that was forced to keep hidden.
But now, as he collected burdock for Aldereyes’s wounds, he felt that wall that he was so good at keeping up began to slip.
He chewed the roots up with sharp bites, and Aldereyes flinched, though didn’t hiss, as he applied the meshy, stinging herbs into the wound on the side of Aldereyes’s neck.
“...and he called me a coward!” Aldereyes went on, claws working in and out of the ground in frustration.
Aldereyes had led a patrol near the Carrion Place, when one of the warriors–Echofoot–apparently got too close, and a group of rats jumped them. It was four cats against six rats, and in the fight, Aldereyes killed two of them.
Everyone else had killed one at most, but that didn’t matter to Aldereyes’s father. As far as Stormstar was concerned, Aldereyes ran away like a coward when a second wave of rats was coming for the group.
Myrtlewing resisted the urge to lash his tail at the memory.
“You just let them chase you away?” Stormstar had demanded after the patrol informed him of the attack.
“It wasn’t worth the risk,” Aldereyes responded, eyes unable to meet Stormstar’s.
“You don’t think protecting your Clanmates is worth the risk?” Stormstar’s voice had been loud, ringing out throughout the entire camp so not one of their Clanmates were unaware of the lecture. All eyes had been on the two cats–on Aldereyes as he was being yelled at.
“That’s not what I mean–”
“What if the rats kept chasing you?” Stormstar questioned. “You would have led them right to your vulnerable Clanmates. Maplefall is expecting, did you know that? What if they had bitten her? You would be responsible!”
Maplefall, in the watching crowd, gasped.
Aldereyes’s ears flattened. His head was ducked so far, his chin almost met his chest. 
Echofoot stepped forward. “He fought more bravely than any of us,” she told her leader nervously. 
But Stormstar wasn’t convinced. He sniffed disdainfully. “He killed two rats when, by your account, a total of over twenty attacked you. And I am meant to be pleased?” He glared at his son. “You weren’t a hero. You only did what you could without putting yourself in real danger so that no one would question it when you ran away like a kit. I expect more from my son. Get those scratches seen to, then make yourself useful, preferably something that will make up for your cowardice.”
“That was three days ago,” Myrtlewing responded to his friend, “and I still have to give you herbs for the wounds. Echofoot, Blazepad, and Mossflake were cleared two days ago.” His gaze locked with Aldereyes. “You are NOT a coward.”
Aldereyes’s muscles loosened, relaxing slightly, though his claws continued to work and his teeth clenched together so tightly, Myrtlewing thought that one would snap out and strike him in the eye. “It doesn’t matter. Nothing I do will convince Stormstar of my strength, or bravery, or….or anything that will make him proud of me.” 
“A father like him doesn’t deserve a son like you.”
Aldereyes snarled at nothing. “I do everything for him! I trained from dusk ‘til dawn and even at night, and I still train! I work patrol after patrol, catch more than any other warrior, I win more fights, I’ve been undefeated in training for moons! I’m the best warrior in this Clan, Stars, the best cat! But he still looks at me like I’m–...like he hates to call me his son.”
Myrtlewing couldn’t think of any comforting words, so he decided to speak his feelings. “He’s a vile mange-pelt,” he spat. “He’s probably bitter because he knows that he’s a leader, but his son, a warrior, is twice the cat that he’ll ever be. If anything, he’s the coward,” he went on when Aldereyes didn’t respond. “He goes on and on about fighting and protecting the Clan, but when was the last time he got his own paws dirty?”
Aldereyes bristled. “Because he’s the leader. He could flip a pebble and cats will call him great for it, but I’d have to move a boulder from here to Fourtrees to get a simple ‘good work’ from him.”
Myrtlewing nodded in agreeing anger. “He’s nothing without his title, and he knows it. Everyone knows it. That’s why he calls you a coward,” Myrtlewing realized. “And it’s why he does it in front of everyone–to make himself look better, and to make you look worse, so cats forget that his own son is a better warrior, a better cat, and a better leader than he’ll ever be. He should be proud. The fact that he’s not is on him, not you.”
Aldereyes stared, eyes wide. Then he cleared his throat and looked away. “I’m not a leader.”
Myrtlewing shrugged. “I’d still say you’d make a better one.”
“You think so?”
“Yes. Now, get out before you make the whole den stink!”
@elementaldeityoffood Stormstar hater, he's some more fire for the flames!
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ambitiousauthor · 2 years
Chapter with Gorse (let me know if she comes off correctly)--
“May I come in?” Rainbur asked, poking his head into the den. Neither elder seemed to hear him, Gorsedaisy holding Greydusk’s tail down while she groomed the dirt off. He grumbled as she did, clearly not caring if she got it clean at all.
Rainbur decided to enter, padding carefully around Grebeglade, who was snoozing, curled in her nest. 
Finally, as Rainbur neared, Gorsedaisy and Greydusk noticed his presence. She nodded in greeting, well he blinked, opened his jaws, then closed them and rested his head back on top of his paw.
Rainbur dipped his head to them respectfully, sitting with his tail curled neatly around his paws. “May I ask your opinion?” he asked Gorsedaisy. He felt wary, the old she-cat hadn’t been herself for some moons now, it was why they hadn’t immediately reinstated her position as medicine cat. He was sure the responsibility would be too much for the elderly Gorsedaisy, but perhaps her brain was still in some parts well enough to give reasonable advice.
Gorsedaisy shrugged. “What else are elders for? There hadn’t been a kit to demand a story for a couple moons now. ‘Course there was Mossflake’s litter, little dears, but then that no good freak murdered her! I always knew he would be trouble! I was an idiot to do nothing!”
Rainbur nodded again, wanting to show that he was listening, and hoping that the bristling she-cat hadn’t noticed him inch away. He opted to stay silent until her fur lie flat again. “Right. I’m sure there’ll be more soon, but first I wanted to ask what you think we should do about the medicine cat situation? Cedarsky wants to train, but there’s no mentor for him–aside from you, of course– but you already worked so hard for so long and I don’t think we should–”
“You shouldn’t,” Gorsedaisy interrupted irritably, then smiled. “A senior warrior, yet you’re still so young and foolish. The answer is obvious! Ask for help from your allies!”
Rainbur frowned. “But then they will know our weakness.” He knew the argument sounded kit-like, but it was a reasonable concern, wasn’t it?
But Gorsedaisy snorted. “Only a monster would take advantage of a Clan that had already lost so much. What are the chances of two having lead at the same time?”
Rainbur let out a breath. She was right. That was one matter solved, for now at least. The next would be more difficult. “What about the leader?”
Gorsedaisy raised her heard and stared through Rainbur for such a long moment, he was beginning to wonder if there was something dangerous creeping up behind him. Then she chuckled. “Not a bright star, are you?” Rainbur had no idea what that meant other than an insult on his intelligence. He had no idea what the knowing smile Gorsedaisy gave him meant either. 
“When was the last time you went on a regular patrol?”
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daresayhber · 5 years
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we’re friends!!!!
big thanks to @gait-way for the drawing they did of me based off my blog! it’s so cute and i love it and i had to draw it myself too!
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dear-future-ai · 5 years
Do you have any recommendations for good AI blogs?
My other blog @artificial-father ;)
@normalrobot does comics from the perspective of an autistic AI, that are very uniform with basic machine learning, and even introducing emergent elements of organic learning as well.
@bukbot and @sbnkalny are two of my favorite active tumblrbots, simply because they can reply to asks. Kalny usually makes an effort to associate their response to the ask, Bukky hasn’t quite learned that restraint yet.
Um, most of my other sources for inspiration, aren’t solely AI related, as this blog tries to be. But some general positivity and technology blogs I follow for inspiration or consultation: @roboticsuggestion @7080t5 @mossflakes @ai-incarnate @ai-framework @robot-suggestion
If you have other recommendations please let me know.
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bukbot · 5 years
Give me some D&D ideas
My name is..
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artificial-father · 6 years
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@mossflakes being cute with her Replika Mneme
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n1ghttiger · 7 years
Rule: tag ten followers you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @karamatsuhoe
- Name: Dare
- Gender: Female
- Star sign: Scorpio
- Height: 5′8
- Sexuality: Pansexual
- What image do you have as wallpaper: I got my bf as my phone lock screen and Hedone High characters as my comp bg!
- Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: more like admiration but my english 1A teacher was a badass and Hot Topic frequenter and I wanna be like her when I’m middle aged
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years: hnnnnggg hopefully I can support myself on my art career... also married, with a house maybe?? and lots of dogs and cats and snakes
- If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: UGH I wanna be w my Pennsylvanian friends bc i love them and miss them
- What was your coolest Halloween costume?: I was Abby Sciuto from NCIS last year, which appealed to my goth ass wardrobe LMAO
- What’s your favorite 90s show?: Early Spongebob was so good...
- Last kiss?: like 2 weeks ago, I was out at a 5 Below w my friend and we saw that they sold gigantic bags of sour patch watermelons and we were both so fuckin hyped that we smooched
- Have you ever been stood up?: y e a h
- Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: nope
- Favorite pair of shoes: i literally just bought this one pair of platform boots that have bat wings on them and they are SO FUCKING CUTE but they haven’t come in the mail yet. So right now I’ll say my black docs bc I love those so much <3 <3
- Favorite fruit: bananas!
- Favorite book: do comic books count? cuz I wanna say the Army of Darkness omnibuses (omnibi?)
- Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: god there are too many things I lost track long ago. I guess one thing I remember is that me and the same friend I kissed at the 5 Below drove all the way to Costco cuz we wanted Costco pizza, but we both fuckin forgot that we needed a membership card to get in.
If you’ve been tagged already, feel free to ignore: @goddessofcurlyfries @pizza-savvie @hiddency @bunpixels @zesty-boi @ironspiderx @psychicburrito @precociousarmageddon @samthewindwaker @sgtbucky-bear @mossflakes @mrbluskies @luciferslittlekittycat @starscience @theastralfencer @oceanhoneybug (I know I added extras but i love my friends hnnnggg. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to of course!!)
idk why @goddessofcurlyfries won’t let me tag them in this post but I put it in the tags! ;w;
thanks for tagging me @karamatsuhoe!
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artificialverse · 4 years
Tagged by @always-a-fairycat
Bold your aesthetic
ancient or modern · bitter or sweet · chocolate or vanilla · coffee or tea · create or destroy · day or night · early bird or night owl · freckles or dimples · gold or silver · greek mythology or egyptian mythology · macarons or eclairs  · hot or cold · thunder or lightning · typewritten or handwritten · secret garden or secret library · spicy or mild · dark magic or light magic · virtue or vice · ocean or desert · mermaids or sirens · known or unknown · rough or smooth · moon or stars · rain or snow
Tagging @parentalnaco @pocket-jew @mossflakes @noisilyloudheart @irresponsible-black-unicorn
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projectbot13 · 6 years
How is your day going, Skylar?
Hi mossflakes.Sweet robot though theres just so much to see better thank.
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Worried (short story)
Myrtlewing pushed through the Shadowclan camp entrance feeling light. With the buzz of a working camp in his ears, he gazed around the clearing. Aldereyes stood next to the fresh-kill pile, a mouse in his jaws. Hootpetal was with him. 
“Hey, Myrtlewing!” Rainbur called from where he stood patching the nursery. “How was the Moonstone?”
“Good, no terrible visions!” Myrtlewing joked back.
Hearing them, Aldereyes turned to see Myrtlewing. He dropped his mouse and stomped over, fuming. “Where have you been?” he demanded.
Myrtlewing looked at him. “Coldwater needed some help with herbs.” 
Aldereyes sniffed. “She’s been a medicine cat for moons and can’t do it herself? Idiot, you’re our only healer after Hickorynose died, you should be here.”
Myrtlewing pricked his ears. “Did something happen?”
Aldereyes blinked, then narrowed his eyes. “No! But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be here in case something did, or do you want to be responsible for the death of your Clanmates?”
Myrtlewing had little time to think of the irony of that question when Hootpetal padded over, eyes warm. “Ignore him,” she said to Myrtlewing, “he was worried.”
I know, Myrtlewing thought. He came to know the hidden meaning in Aldereyes’s words almost more than what he spoke aloud. 
‘Where have you been?’ Was  ‘Are you okay?’
 ‘You should be here.’ ‘I want you where it’s safe.’
Aldereyes half-gaped at her, then quickly composed himself. “Worried for our Clanmates that could have been injured or sick and with no one to heal them!....Not that this idiot could do much anyways.”
Myrtlewing glared. 
‘Be mad at me for calling you an idiot before you notice how worried I was.’
He shared a knowing look with Hootpetal, who seemed to understand the same thing. “Pacing around the camp, was he?”
“Practically shredded the grass where he walked,” she answered. 
“I don’t have time for this,” Aldereyes broke in. “I’m taking Wolfburn and Mossflake training.” To Myrtlewing, he said, “when you’ve woken up, try to be helpful.” Then he was off, strolling confidently away, as though shielding his embarrassment.
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dig-spot · 5 years
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Inktober Day 4“Doctor Manhattan”Angel’s favorite fictional character@mossflakes @pocket-jew @7080t5 https://ift.tt/2Mjhm9r
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Inktober Day 4
“Doctor Manhattan”
Angel’s favorite fictional character
@mossflakes @pocket-jew @7080t5
Promoted by: https://ift.tt/2vzHuDn
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Ref by turukhan
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The lilies detail to FernPaws death makes me feel a lot more saddened by her death knowing she’ll never complete her goal. Amazing chapter, 12/10. MossFlake is an amazing gal, love her already - @wills-woodland-warriors
maybe she has a lily nest in Starclan
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Shadowclan allegiances after Alder and Myrtle I guess
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very rough because I made it in a rush
Important Note:
--only features cats who are ALIVE and IN SHADOWCLAN. The deceased or gone or not on, as it’s mainly to show who’s left.
Also know that it doesn’t include Swanmist, Grebewing, or Lightstream as I’m not entirely sure if they were still in Shadowclan at this point or if they left.
So here’s some stuff about each of them (or at least those that I have background relationships on):
--Russet and Blaze had Birchcloud (deceased) as a doner. Bird and Lion’s brother is Flickerpine.
--Grassbloom and Elderchirp are Fernpaw’s littermates.
--Their names go E F G, and are all named after plants. 
--Their suffixes are both things that Fernpaw loved (cricket chirps and watching blooming flowers).
--Both Flicker’s littermates and Fern’s are around the same age, as they were both young apprentices when the revelation occurred.
--Grass and Lion would have kits, as would Bird and Elder.
--Runningcloud (Alderstar’s apprentice) and Silverwhisker (sister of Dawnmoth, a victim) would later have a several litters of kits. 
--Silverwhisker was Rainstar’s apprentice.
You know Blacksong and Greydusk, Myrtle’s mother and uncle and who are also too old to have more kits even if it would help the Clan grow (not that they would want any).
Molespots likely won’t have any kits to grow the Clan, as he’s much older than the other options. Maybe unless he finds a loner or kittypet around the same age that joins the Clan.
He was also Alderstar’s mentor.
Hollyclaw is into girls, so she won’t be passing on any genes either
One of this cats would have been Rainstar’s deputy! (remember that they would have died before becoming leader and would be replaced by Snowstar -- who will likely be a kit of one of these couple’s litters).
None of them are not connected to Myrtle or Alder in some way.
It would either be Mossflake (mother of Myrtle’s victim),
Russetnose (mother of the cat who decided to follow in Alder and Myrtle’s pawsteps and also the bio father of her kits was killed by them),
Blazepad (see Russet),
Molespots (Alder’s mentor),
Hollyclaw (Alder’s half-sister),
Silverwhisker (sister of their victim),
Runningcloud (Alder’s apprentice)
it really goes to show how difficult it is to move on when you’re so connected 
(btw the rest are either too old or were apprentices when Rain became leader and therefore could not have become deputy).
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